on THe RIgHts oF fREe ADvErTIsiNG For THe LaDY iN cONnecTiON wiTh The FiNAnCIal DiffiCUltiEs of thE WOman.

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Members of the CDC's advisory committee 🇺🇸 on vaccines bought BigFarm with giblets, these Dr. Menge receive money from vaccine manufacturers.

Relationships include: sharing a vaccine patent; ownership of shares in the company producing the vaccine; payment for research; receiving money to monitor vaccine trials by the manufacturer; financing of academic departments.

We have been confident in the safety and efficacy of vaccines for more than fifty years, but these seemingly unshakable assumptions directly contradict government statistics, medical research, reports from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as authoritative research by scientists from around the world.

For example, a September 2002 report by the U.S. Court of Auditors (GAO) to Congress stated that the severity of adverse reactions to the anthrax vaccine was significantly higher than advertised.

In a randomized study conducted on 1253 pilots and flight crew members (on duty and in reserve), the GAO found that 84 percent experienced minor reactions and at least 24 percent experienced multiple "systemic" reactions, with the latter more than 100 times the manufacturer's estimate.

It is becoming increasingly clear that it is very difficult for the CDC to objectively investigate what is happening to our children because of ideological and financial conflicts of interest.

Thus, we must understand that the approval of the government does not give any guarantee of security.

There is not enough data to support routine vaccination of healthy individuals of any age.

Paul Frame, MD,

«Journal of Family Practice».

The problem of infant vaccination is one of the most important social, economic and spiritual problems of our time.

For more than a hundred years, it has been talked about in medical schools as an absolutely reliable tool. Both the public and the government perceived it as an established scientific principle, and not as, in the words of Dr. Creighton, a historian of epidemic diseases, "ridiculous prejudice."

"Sometime in the future, we will learn that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines," said certified physician Gailein Lanktot. Richard Moskowitz, a chartered physician, said: "Vaccines have become sacred symbols of our faith in biotechnology in the sense that :

1) their effectiveness and safety are considered self-evident and do not require further evidence;

2) they are applied automatically to everyone, by force, if necessary, but always in the name of the public good;

3) it is a ritual initiation of our loyalty and involvement in the health care system as a whole. They praise our right and power as a civilization to manipulate biological processes for profit without undue concern or even an explicit perception of the overall health of the population that is being vaccinated."

4)In fact, it is assumed that every civilized person on the planet vaccinates his children, and informed people, whose numbers are growing, who prefer not to do so for some very good reasons, are despised and ignored.

5) The intense psychological pressure and fear that parents feel about vaccinating their children is not an accident, but the result of well-planned, well-funded marketing campaigns.

6) It is known that not so many years ago, four out of five doctors recommended a certain brand of cigarettes.

7) Fifty years ago, doctors smoked and found nothing wrong with their patients doing the same.

Of course, some activists warned about the dangers of smoking cigarettes, but doctors expressed their opinions, rejecting such allegations, because they were never taught in medical schools that smoking cigarettes is dangerous. Doctors didn't have the opposite view because their brainwashed by smart marketing.

Today, the same thing is happening with regard to vaccination, but the big difference is that harm is done to children, the smallest, most vulnerable creatures, who have absolutely no chance of protecting themselves.

In this book, scientist after scientist and researcher after researcher will give you reasons to open your eyes to the nightmare that occurs in pediatric offices around the world.

The fact is that over the past few decades, the propaganda of vaccination has been scientifically introduced into the public consciousness by thousands of media materials.

Introduced, so to speak, directly into the collective unconscious of humanity. Many basic thoughts and attitudes are consciously formed and reinforced by people and organizations dedicated to this task.

Many important topics are deliberately fixed in the public consciousness as a generally accepted opinion. People think the same thing mostly on a wide variety of issues because companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on media marketing over the years to convince them of it.

Very few people pay attention to the process of manipulation to which they are subjected, carried out not by supercomputers, but by mega-corporations and the people who run them. But still, some break through the clouds of ignorance and blindness, and many doctors categorically declare:

 There is no evidence that vaccines can prevent any disease. On the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence that they cause serious side effects.

 Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

 For example, asthma, which is an autoimmune disease, an allergic condition that tops the list of chronic respiratory diseases found in children in Western societies today, is believed to be caused at least in part by vaccinations.

 In a 1997 study published in the journal Science, it is reported: “The prevalence of asthma in Western societies has grown steadily this century, with the number of cases having doubled over the past 20 years.

 Asthma currently affects one in seven children in the UK, and in the United States, asthma is associated with a third of pediatric primary care visits.

 In 1995, the CDC reported that between 1982 and 1992, the incidence of asthma increased by 52 percent for those between the ages of five and 34, and the death rate for asthma increased by 42 percent.

 In the 1997 issue of the journal Epidemiology, New Zealand researchers hypothesized that "it is theoretically possible that vaccination can contribute to the development of allergic diseases."

 Of the 1,265 New Zealanders born in 1977, twenty-three were vaccinated as children, and none of them had childhood asthma. Among 1,242 people who were vaccinated against polio and DPT, 23 percent subsequently experienced asthmatic attacks, 23 percent consulted about asthma, and 30 percent consulted about other allergic conditions.

 The researchers concluded, "The results presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that certain components of childhood vaccination may increase the risk of childhood asthma."

 If this is true, expect your doctor or local medical commission to insist that your child is better off getting asthma for life than having childhood infectious disease.

 The Austin-based American statesman advocates mass mandatory vaccination of children, like most media in the developed world, although divisions are already beginning to emerge.

 They still do not hesitate to inform the public: "The general benefit of compulsory immunization of children is beyond doubt." So, an American from Austin is pushing for a new law in Texas "requiring" children to be vaccinated before going to school.

 “Of course, some children suffer from vaccine side effects, but these are rarely serious. Serious side effects from immunizations range from one in a thousand to one in a million, according to the CDC.

 Vaccination has saved thousands of lives and there is "little evidence" that it causes serious illness or death. "

 The controversy manifests itself in the admission that there is "some" evidence, but the bottom line of such reports in authoritative newspapers, including the New York Times, is to justify a massive campaign to poison newborn babies from the very first day of life.

 There is a lot of information in the media describing the benefits of vaccination, but questions about it are rarely raised by the mainstream media.

 However, for any other health or consumer issue, the generally accepted view is that children benefit most when parents listen to all points of view on controversial issues.

 Vaccine advocates acknowledge that there are indeed reactions to all vaccines, but argue that they are "only" temporary and incidental. Medical associations manipulate our hearts, our collective care for our children, and use our innate care for them against us.

 Bertrand Russell said: “I saw the world sinking deeper into madness. I've seen cruelty, persecution and superstition grow by leaps and bounds. "

 On the following pages, you will see ample evidence that this madness and cruelty is aimed at newborns from the first moments of life.

 You will read on these pages the testimony of many doctors and other medical professionals, adding up to a picture that can only be ignored by indifferent and criminally ignorant people.

 The worst possible nightmare of parents is coming true, they are tricked into thinking that they are doing something good for their children through vaccinations, when in fact their children are suffering.

 Horror has befallen many families, but just as many deny the Holocaust more than fifty years ago, doctors, nurses, health officials, newspapers and television deny that anything is happening at all. Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., summed it up very well when he said: “Vaccine manufacturers, CDC,

 The FDA and various medical associations have failed miserably in their duty to protect our children.

 Rather than acknowledging their role in the huge, catastrophic rise in autism, these organizations have resorted to denial and confusion. They could lose their credibility and billions of dollars of liability will soon reach the courts. ”

 When Elizabeth received her first DPT / OPV vaccine at 2 months of age, she was a smiling, happy child. I still remember the shrill cry after vaccination, which lasted for several hours.

She screamed like a wounded animal calling for help. Her temperature dropped, and redness appeared in her eyes. I discussed this with her pediatrician, who informed me that I am an overly anxious mom because I am not young and this is my first child, and Elizabeth has a normal reaction.

 Her second vaccination was at the age of 4 months. At this time Elizabeth was already sitting; she moved things from hand to hand and moved by rolling. In the second half of the day after the second vaccination, she had her first attack, although then I did not know what it was. She was lying on the floor in front of me.

 I can still see her little left leg shaking for a few seconds. I called the pediatrician who told me it was normal, a sign of an immature nervous system. “Stop worrying!” The office told me.

 Over the next 2-3 weeks, I continued to observe these attacks, accompanied by a decrease in performance. One day she sat down in her high chair, unable to sit any longer. She could no longer use her left hand. We thought she was showing a preference for using the hand, unaware that the handle did not develop for many months later.

 One Saturday night, I was holding her hand as she began to tremble. She had a fever and I couldn't stop shaking. I knew that no matter what the pediatrician told me, something was wrong.

 We took Elizabeth to the emergency room. They told us to stop worrying, she has a small virus. When she got worse that evening, I took her to another hospital, where I was told that she may have had a focal epileptic seizure. We were advised to go home and not worry, and call the pediatrician on Monday.

 We returned home, and on the same day our lovely baby had a generalized seizure and stopped breathing. Since then, life has never been the same.

 There is no longer any doubt that health officials are hiding a big lie in an effort to circumvent the growing stream of evidence that threatens the very foundations of medical science and practice.

 Obviously, medicine cannot afford to let the public ever know the truth about vaccinations because there is too much at stake for them.

 The key question is why so many people deny, are reluctant to accept the clear evidence that we are risking the life and health of our children when we bring them to the doctor for vaccinations.

 This is difficult because if you admit to yourself that this is happening, you have a moral obligation to demand a full investigation and change in general medical procedures; but it brings us face to face with a powerful and ruthless political medical money machine that is neither democratic nor open to truth other than its own.

 It is a daunting prospect that challenges the basic notions on which so much depends. But what is the alternative, if we cannot find people with courage and a desire for truth, - to allow children around the world to risk their health?

 Christine Colebeck, a bereaved woman, wrote: “When I first started educating parents about the dangers of vaccines, I was horrified to realize that many parents not only don't know the facts, but prefer to remain ignorant.

 They don't want to waste time educating themselves before making a choice, and this ignorance can cost them the most precious gift they have. "

 Can you imagine the economic and political importance of discovering that immunization kills thousands of babies?

 Dr. Douglas, MD.

 Either there is an unprecedented increase in the number of people committing infanticide, or vaccinations in early childhood are causing not only an alarming number of deaths, but also an epidemic of various disorders that have no other explanation.

 Today, many children die between two and four weeks of age within a few days of being vaccinated against hepatitis B, as well as some other vaccinations that are given in the first days and months of a child's life.

 My daughter Laila Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998, at the age of five weeks, about 15 hours after the second hepatitis B shot. When I last held her in my arms,

 Laila was a lively, cheerful five-week-old child. When she gazed into my eyes with all the innocence and surprise of a newborn baby, I could not imagine that she would die that night. She had never been sick before she was given an injection for hepatitis B.

During the last feed that night, she was extremely agitated, noisy and irritable, and then suddenly fell asleep and stopped breathing. An autopsy ruled out choking, a New York medical examiner ruled out death from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

 But the New York medical examiner (Dr. Persechino) forgot to mention in the autopsy report about Layla's swollen brain and the hepatitis B vaccine. was swollen.

 Pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes on this conversation are as follows: "The brain swelled ... not yet sure of the reason ... could not understand how a recombinant vaccine could cause problems."

 Mikhail Belkin,

 Certificate to Congress 1999

 The CDC files contain 32,731 reports of possible reactions after hepatitis B injections accumulated since 1991, including 10,915 emergency room visits, 685 life-threatening reactions, 3,700 hospitalizations, 1,200 disabilities, and 618 deaths.

 The hepatitis B vaccine seems to be much more dangerous than the traditional vaccine because it is inoculated into cells in the body that are foreign to its genetic code.

 Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.

 Recombinant hepatitis B vaccines contain polypeptide sequences similar to those found in human brain tissue, such as myelin.

 It is known that viral polypeptides can induce autoimmune diseases similar to multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are many ways of attack that vaccines can use to harm young children.

 Some are obvious, such as the introduction of toxic nerve poisons used as preservatives, while others, such as invasive and destabilizing protein structures, take longer to do their dirty work.

 Vaccine manufacturing is a giant industry, and paying for vaccinations and doctor visits is big business for pediatricians, family doctors, and veterinarians.

 In the case of hepatitis B vaccines, we see something particularly frightening. We are witnessing the madness where doctors and nurses allow themselves to be deceived into giving dangerous injections for no reason at all.

 Children could also be vaccinated against car accidents they could get into, since adult hepatitis B is not an infectious childhood disease, but in 1991 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended vaccinating all newborns before leaving hospital.

 Spread through infection of body fluids, primarily blood, it is most common in high-risk adults such as intravenous drug users, prisoners, people with multiple sex partners, people undergoing blood transfusions, and healthcare workers who come into contact. with contaminated blood.

 A smart and conscientious doctor may well NOT recommend hepatitis B vaccine, especially for newborns, unless the baby is at particular risk from an infected mother or home contact or environment where the disease is common.

 Jane Orient, MD,

 Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

 Doctors reported only 10,000 cases of hepatitis B in the United States in 1997 and only 306 cases in children under 14 years of age.

 Only infants born to mothers infected with hepatitis B are at risk.

 In 1996, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported just 54 cases in the 0 to 1 year age group.

 There were 3.9 million babies born that year, so the incidence of hepatitis B in the 0 to 1 year age group was only 0.001 percent.

 In 1996 alone, the Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reporting System (VAERS) had 1,080 reported adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine in the 0 to 1 year age group, of which 47 deaths.

 One wonders if the CDC was influenced by the fact that Merck, the maker of the hepatitis B vaccine, makes about $ 1 billion a year from selling it.

 You need to seriously consider, knowing the fact that the central nervous system of the newborn is especially susceptible to toxic effects, why children line up for the vaccine that they do not need.

 “Yesterday we buried our 34-day-old daughter, she died while I was breastfeeding her. I noticed that she was bleeding from her mouth while feeding. My daughter died in my arms and there was nothing I could do to save her. During the funeral, it occurred to me that she had been vaccinated against hepatitis B about a day before she died. "

 Almost every newborn American child is now welcomed into the world with an injection of a sexually transmitted disease vaccine for which the child is not at risk.

 Initially, the CDC tried to inject teenagers and get drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals and promiscuous heterosexuals to get vaccinated, but it was difficult to get them to come to the clinic for all three vaccines.

 So, in essence, the CDC said, "Well, we have an incapable audience of newborns, so let's take the risk and get them vaccinated."

 And while the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) opposes the universal immunization campaign against hepatitis B, the CDC insists on vaccinating all newborns and young children against hepatitis B on the grounds that they may act irresponsibly later in life, although the vaccine manufacturers themselves do not know how long the immunity caused by the vaccine will last. AAPS is a nationwide physicians' organization dedicated to protecting the sacred relationship between patient and physician.

 AAPS income consists almost exclusively of membership fees. They do not receive any government funding, grants from foundations, or income from vaccine manufacturers.

 While the CDC and FDA staffs are staffed with people heavily involved in the vaccine industry. The conflict of interest speaks for itself, and the price is a river of endless suffering.

 The question of the need to use the hepatitis B vaccine is a source of insolent arrogance on the part of not only pharmaceutical companies, but also medical workers and medical institutions in general.

 The information provided to parents about this vaccine is a pathetic parody and in no way meets the requirements for full disclosure.

Medical manipulations around this issue are obvious. When CDC medical officials say, "Infection is far more likely to cause serious illness than vaccination," they are deliberately playing on the medical ignorance of the layman.

 Dr. Jane Orient testified before Congress that, "While literally this may be true, it is seriously misleading if the risk of getting sick is nearly zero (which is true for most American newborns)."

 And to top it all off the medical frenzy, the 1996 product instructions from Merck & Co. states: "The duration of the protective effect [of the vaccine] in healthy vaccinates is currently unknown, the need for repeated doses has not yet been determined."

 Not only do babies not need to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, but even if they are vaccinated, there is no guarantee that vaccination at birth will protect them in their teens or twenties.

 Information provided to parents about this vaccine often does not meet the full disclosure requirement. For example, it could indicate that:

 For most children, the risk of a serious reaction to the vaccine may be 100 times higher than the risk of contracting hepatitis B. Overall, the incidence of hepatitis B in the United States currently stands at about 4 cases per 100,000.

 The risk for most young children is much less; Hepatitis B is largely prevalent only in high-risk groups associated with the profession, sexual promiscuity or drug abuse.

 Jane Orient, MD.

 This is a truly sad practice for humanity, because it puts its own children at risk, and it is very sad that most people will not become impartial and carefully analyze all available information, preferring to remain in the dark and thereby doom an unknown number of newborns to death or serious harm.

 Infanticide is perhaps the most violent and destructive manifestation of chauvinist prejudice that has pervaded "patriarchal" societies for millennia, and now it seems that medical science has taken over the reins of terror.

 When federal health officials and pediatricians refrain from warning the public of the risks for fear that parents will stop vaccinating their children, they use their position to participate in killing thousands of babies and causing harm and illegal harm to hundreds of thousands of others.

 Parents should be aware that doctors and healthcare professionals would rather accuse them of shaking their own children to death (shake infantile syndrome), accuse them of killing their own children, than take any responsibility for "not knowing" the fact that vaccines kill children.

 In the New Zealand Medical Journal on May 24, 1996, J. Bartelow Klassen, a registered physician and former researcher at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), reported that following a massive campaign of hepatitis B vaccination in children six weeks of age and older, In New Zealand, from 1988 to 1991, the number of cases of juvenile diabetes increased by 60 percent.

 In Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, October 22, 1997, Klassen demonstrated that in Finland, the incidence of diabetes in children under five increased by 147 percent after the introduction of three new vaccines in the 1970s, and after the addition of the MMR and Hib vaccines in the 1980s, the incidence of diabetes in children aged 5 to 9 increased by 40 percent.

 He concluded: "The increase in CD-1 [juvenile diabetes] in different age groups correlated with the number of vaccines administered."

 My data shows that the research used in support of vaccination is so imperfect that it is impossible to tell if immunization brings net benefits to anyone or society at large.

 John B. Klassen, MD.

 Despite the fact that dozens of doctors, academics and independent researchers have identified serious flaws in the theory and practice of immunization, the medical environment is still not interested in seeing or comprehending the horror of this entire campaign, terrorizing the family.

 Nurses, pediatricians, and parents are almost unaware of the alarming messages and findings that have accumulated over the decades as there are powerful forces and financial interests to keep vaccination alive.

 “The medical profession is a large professional union. Thanks to this trade union movement, we have gained tremendous power, which is growing every year. People cannot be born without us; they cannot die without us, ”said Dr. Allinson back in 1883.

 I am very proud to be a doctor.

 I would not change places with anyone in the world.

 But I am also afraid for the future of my profession.

 Harold I. Buttrem, MD.

 They may be drunk with their own strength and are no longer aware of realities that violate the very principles of compassionate medicine and health care.

 Today, something has changed, and very few doctors listen to the parents of autistic children and other children affected by vaccinations, including SIDS, and if they do, very few believe what their parents tell them.

 There was a time when doctors took the time to listen to their patients and, just as important, took the information they were given very seriously.

 They believed in what their eyes were telling them and made diagnoses based on their observations and questions.

 Now, without diagnostic tests, they feel incredibly insecure, afraid to trust their own feelings in part because of the negligence lawsuits, but even more out of fear of accepting anything that is contrary to the formal line of the AMA, FDA and CDC.

 They can literally kill children with injectable poisons, but few can show the courage to stop while the main medical organizations insist that it is as safe as apple pie.

 Vaccines have become symbols of our belief in biotechnology. Their efficacy and safety are considered obvious and do not require further proof.

 Dr. Richard Moskowitz.

 With this attitude, children can be rushed to a hospital emergency department a few hours after vaccination, but most doctors will not make the simple logical connection that the vaccine was the cause of the emergency.

 Even if the child dies soon, because doctors and nurses do not understand it, because they do not want to understand it, because they know that, having understood this, they themselves will face a system that can revoke their licenses or complicate their life in various ways ...

 After reading this introduction and this entire book, one can only wonder at the statements of the central institutions, such as:

 Because vaccines are given to people who are not sick, they meet the highest safety standards. As a result, they are one of the safest things we put into our bodies.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

How can the word "safe" be defined? "If safety is defined as 'no negative effects', then vaccines are unsafe. All vaccines have possible side effects," the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia said in a statement.

It is interesting to note the contradiction emanating from this anti-vaccination institution. Like most medical institutions, they insist that these side effects are mild and rare. "Light and rare" is the slogan of the community of doctors and vaccine manufacturers.

Light and rare, light and rare, light and rare, if you say it enough times, maybe you will believe it.

The fact is that the vast majority of us have fallen for this hook, and the sad fact is that many thousands of families have paid the price in the form of immense suffering, agony and death.

"I recently took my two-month-old daughter to the hospital to get her first injections of DTP, OPV and Hib vaccine. When we got home from the clinic, her crying turned into a shrill scream.

She was inconsolable and I was desperate. A few hours later, she finally screamed in fatigue. The next morning I woke up to hear my husband screaming that our baby was dead."

It becomes difficult to trust doctors when we remember how they wanted to remove the tonsils from each child. Today, mothers must wonder why doctors are now insisting that they stay put.

Once doctors prescribed antibiotics for the slightest sore throat, and now patients who are stuck on them are considered the cause of the emergence of new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

A new drug, promoted today as a life-savingr, is often recalled from the market tomorrow because of the murder of those who took it.

Today, vaccines are considered safe, tomorrow they will be considered as the most dangerous substances known to mankind.

Over the past 30 years, the increase in the number of vaccinations has coincided with an increase in the number of childhood cancers, cancer has become the No. 1 disease from which children under the age of 14 die.

Vaccination against childhood infectious diseases is one of the most sacred cows of modern medicine and, in the words of Dr. Campbell, a professor of family medicine in New Zealand, "any doctor who questions its safety is either reckless or very brave."

DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21. 


Ethiopian state terrorist, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Director General of the World Health Organization, who is waiting for criminal charges of genocide in his homeland, Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus for some reason completely removed all covid restrictions and in erotic dance neglects not only gloves, but also a mask. It's also good that 🩲 didn't take off my panties. 

 Satanists in life and reality show us not only their underwear 🩲, coke and how to properly inhale this coke, as well as advertising injections and their sign 666. 


Erotic striptease 🎭 from Ethiopia without Lady Gaga. 

             Friendly family 

They've been lying around the clock for over a year and a half. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they're lying anyway.

On the rights of free advertising for the Lady in connection with the financial difficulties of the woman. 

DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21. 



DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21 👆 


They've been lying around the clock for over a year and a half. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they're lying anyway.

🚩BBC, Dec. 1, 2020: No plans for a "vaccine passport" - Michael Gove says Covid immunity passports are "not in the plans."

🚩BBC, 5 September 2021: COVID19, Vaccine Passports will be available in England this month.

Vaccination and Reproduction

🚩"Reproductive health clinics report after the injection that male sperm and female eggs are almost dead." (c)WebinarVds

🚩"Over the past 20 years, sperm count has decreased by 40%. Will we see another blow to male fertility due to the ACE2 receptor in the testes and untested gene drugs that produce spike protein toxins targeting ACE2?" (c)Dr. R. Hodkinson, former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians/Surgeons of Ottawa.

🚩"In short, the bottom line is this: we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now, we thought spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew that spike protein itself is a toxin and a pathogenic protein. So when we vaccinate people, we inadvertently inject them with a toxin. In some people, it goes into circulation, and when it happens, it can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system [blood clots, heart attacks, intestinal bleeding, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, is observed in breast milk, which has been observed to cause intestinal bleeding in infants]. My question is, because of the accumulation of spike protein, especially in the ovaries, do we make some of them infertile?" (c)Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, University of Guelph 5/28/2021

Is it really worth the plebs in the west to risk introducing this unknown compound offered free of charge by the world's worst governments to protect against the disease with a 99.8% chance of a full recovery? 

Hansen, IDID 2021. The first case of post-post-post examination in a vaccinated patient. He died of a COVID19 breakthrough/aspiration, interestingly, mRNA was detected everywhere after 25 days! As for the consequences-pdf


False mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna are not traditional and are not vaccines at all. Since there is no separate COVID-19 virus in nature, no one has singled it out. These are experimental injections with very dangerous contents to everything else use RNA messenger in order to force the body to produce proteins-spikes. Not the whole virus, but only part of it. 

Countless side effects, tens of thousands of official deaths, useless and futile condemnation of the widespread violation of national administrations for violating the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Agreements on the Non-Proliferation of Bacteriological Weapons. All that our Grandfathers fought for in the Second World War, many of them laid down their lives. Now, after 75 years, there is a widespread violation of Nuremberg. 

It's time to start a new war. 

The war is not against nation-states, not against the peoples of nation-states, but against governments, whether out of boredom, out of addiction to sin or for any other reason who have fallen into the service of perverts. War against the possessed and finished scoundrels who arranged this world Hell. 

A war against those obsessed with their own personal madness and end in their fixation on the sum of everyone's personal madness.

In addition to plans to kill the national population of different countries of the world with poison in syringes, called vaccines and repeatedly voiced by a friend of the king of pedophilia Epstein Gates, the ideologist of the perversions of neo Marx Klaus Rothschild (Schwab) in 2015 talked about their plans to use pranks to change our DNA and make us inhuman, not belonging to themselves, slaves obeying his orders. 

Just imagine, Friends, the level of their madness. They are extremely dangerous to society. Given the resources and assets they possess, there is only one way to rid Humanity of them – physical elimination. Their elimination, well, or a people's war followed by an international investigation and tribunal.

We have very little time left...

We have many documents and doing Analytics in the framework of the special operation corona 🤴 call everything by its proper names. No one can ever be forced to call white black and vice versa to call black white or rainbow. Based on this simple and clear postulate, we say: false COVID 19 is a special operation corona 🤴 19 named by us so in the spring of 2020. These are also quiet national coups d'état and biological terrorism of unprecedented scales in the countryside. In support of this statement, we attach our materials below ⬇️ and are ready for any discussions, including the testimony under oath in civilian courts of various territorial jurisdictions of the United States 🇺🇸, US military field courts 🇺🇸 and the international tribunal in The Hague. 




















































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