In our sad time of 2020-2021, we have witnessed an unprecedented conspiracy of elites and the implementation of soft coups d'état under the false flag of false pandemics and false climate change ... Unfortunately, the level of education of the average person has fallen and continues to fall rapidly. It is easier for the ignorant population to govern, but when the general level falls, the so-called elect also begin to degrade and as we see they have embarked on all the grave State crimes.

As a result, this policy will return the world 🗺 back to the Middle Ages, with elements of more advanced and advanced technologies, unless of course the national population survives and everything does not collapse earlier in connection with the demographic catastrophe and many other risks surrounding and lurking unreasonable, gullible humanity at every step.

Our common home world is blazing. So now it's not about the education or bullinity of the human mass...

The topic of the article is about a good old all-planetary scam with the so-called global warming, caused, allegedly, by human activity, primarily CO2 emissions.

The most loyal adherents of this lie are most often: feminists, vegans, representatives of non-traditional orientation, "animal advocates" and other puppets of globalizers, mentally unstable, easily influenced by authorities and the media beings. If of course it is frivolous to say that a person is a bipedal devoid of feathers, then so be it - people are people.

But any little sane person who is able to think a little, analyze and reason logically, understands the lies and absurdity of the statements of the adherents of global warming, allegedly caused by our joint activities and primarily production, as well as cattle breeding and emissions during the operation of cars ...

No matter what you are told, you are almost always told a lie or not the whole truth.

It does not matter what this or that speaker says - it is always only about money.

The climate on Earth is changing. In Eastern Europe, winters, which were 35 – 40 years ago snowy and frosty, have become soft and snowless. Summer has become dry and hot. In Western Europe, on the contrary, winters have become snowy, with crackling frosts. Even Spain is falling asleep with snow, precious vineyards are freezing. The glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica are melting and retreating. The Arctic Ocean, to the delight of Russian sailors and the Russian government, is being opened from the ice. Young people with posters bang on the pans, demanding to save polar bears. There has been no rain in Africa for 6 years, and Kilimanjaro and Kenya have freed themselves from their snow caps that fed entire countries, including the Great Nile...

Remember Paris and the large-scale meeting of 175 countries signatories of the Paris Agreement within the framework of the UN Communism Convention on Climate Change, which regulates measures to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 2020. The agreement was prepared to replace the Kyoto Protocol during the Climate Conference in Paris and adopted on December 12, 2015, and signed on April 22, 2016.

Trump then withdrew the signature on behalf of the United States, which George W. Bush hastened to put at the time, to whom we, and not only we, have accumulated many questions from which this Dodge is rushing, hiding and does not want to answer questions. 

The official goal of the agreement is to "intensify implementation" of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in particular, to keep the growth of the global average temperature "much below" 2 ° C and "make efforts" to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ° C.

The essence of a false business idea: humanity in the process of its existence and provision of needs saturates the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. This is a greenhouse gas, it delays infrared rays, preventing them from dissipating in space. As a result, the climate of the planet becomes warmer. If you do not reduce greenhouse emissions, the glaciers will melt, the oceans will rise by 8-9 meters, flooding part of the continents, the remaining land will fall unbearable heat and the living will envy the dead.

What to do?

Solution: At the international level, a number of protocols are signed, in particular the Kyoto, Paris, which limit CO2 emissions to quotas, and reduction commitments.

Those entities that have surplus quotas can sell these quotas to those entities that burn so much that they do not have enough of their QUOTAS for CO2 emissions. And an international fund is being created to finance the fight against CO2 on our planet.

In particular, allocating grants to the right scientists - for the relevant science. 

In this case, Al Gore (former Vice President of the United States in 1993 – 2001, the central liar environmentalist and character in the fight against CO2, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for this false struggle) increased his personal fortune from $ 2 million to $ 100 million.

The volume of trade in CO2 quotas by 2010 reached $ 120 billion, and continues to grow vigorously. At the moment, they are talking about a trillion dollars, and most likely about a few that are involved before 2020 ...

And what does science say?

Those scientists who receive grants for the fight against CO2, of course, argue that the greenhouse effect is caused by CO2, and this is a threat to all mankind. But scientists who do not count on these grants - declare a pseudoscientific scam.

Jototan Moldavanov: "Global warming and the ozone hole are science-like myths": 

"For many years, the former president of the US Academy of Sciences, Frederick Seitz, drew attention to the fact that all theories of global warming and ozone holes are far-fetched and do not correspond to reality that these are anti-scientific theories. 17,000 American scientists signed the petition. They agree with Seitz and believe that the agreement and the trends behind it are a genuine threat to humanity and a heavy blow to its future."

As a result of a well-organized international political disinformation campaign, the world's leading countries signed the Kyoto Protocol, calling for a reduction in emissions of so-called "greenhouse gases", and above all the main one – carbon dioxide. This protocol proceeds from the scientifically erroneous assumption that these gases allegedly lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect and a significant warming of the Earth's climate. 

And let someone prove to us at the blackboard with chalk in his hands, as the great Einstein did the opposite. And until you even come to the board and take the chalk, shut up your false mouths 👄 like Bush, Gore, you too old man close your mouth and listen to all here, freaks from one garage of fig racers. 

Let's start with a simple question, the truth of a simple question is not for you, but for those who at least understand something except the memorized phrases of expensive parrots: is there a greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere, and what gases cause it? 

Answer: The greenhouse effect exists. It is associated with the property of some gases, in particular: water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) to absorb infrared (thermal) radiation emanating from the relatively warm surface of the planet, preventing it from dissipating into a relatively cold space. 

What greenhouse gases are present in the atmosphere in significant quantities?

The answer is H2O (about 1 percent) and CO2 (about 0.04 percent). 

So: water vapor is 25 times more than carbon dioxide. 

And no one disputes that the greenhouse effect is created mainly by water vapor. 

Why, then, was CO2 the greenhouse hero of the Kyoto Protocol, not H2O?

There is no clear physical explanation for this political phenomenon.

But there is a clear economic explanation.

Trying to declare a global fight against water vapor emissions would look like a complete lie and idiocy, and even propaganda on TV would not help. It is known that from the surface of the oceans evaporates about a cubic kilometer of water per minute. That's a billion tons. This is how it is transmitted in the form of heat of evaporation of 2.26 * 10 ^ 12 MJ (mega-joules) of energy: 1000 times more than the energy consumption of the entire human civilization in the same minute. An attempt by the UN climate shop to regulate H2O emissions would be commented on by Aesop's famous phrase: "Drink the sea, Xanthos." A global economic scam with H2O emission quotas would not have worked. 

Another thing is the regulation of CO2 emissions. The carbon cycle in nature is not as widely covered in textbooks and non-fiction as the water cycle. And so, you can feed these rotten canned food 🥫 mass audience under the guise of pseudoscientific argumentation.

something like this:

💲Industry burns coal and hydrocarbon fossil fuels, and combustion products emit 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.

💲Decause of these emissions, CO2 concentrations rose from 0.02 to 0.04 percent.

💲This has increased the greenhouse effect. As a result, the average temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.74 degrees Celsius since the beginning of the XX century (i.e. during the period from the beginning of the intensive burning of fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas).

💲If you do not reduce CO2 emissions, the temperature can rise significantly (by several degrees) by the end of the XXI century. 

💲Next charge the movie 🍿 and everyone watches thrillers about the thermal apocalypse with floods and fires. And we also arrange man-made fires in the forests of California and somewhere else, plus we release water from dams and make underwater and underground explosions. All that we have been seeing for the last two or three months. All this is a plan Comrades Communist Commissars with a Mauser.

Let's look at this and ask everyone: and before our civilization - why there were global warming after ice ages that happened on planet Earth with some regularity for a billion years? And a more local question in addition: why did there be small warming after small glaciations in the already historical period, but before the machine civilization? 

Famous example: In the tenth century, the Vikings, traveling from Iceland to the west, discovered Greenland and Newfoundland. These were territories with a moderately warm climate, and grapes even grew in Newfoundland. Currently, both are tundra and glaciers. But the X century fell on warming (historians call it the "medieval climatic optimum"). And warming has done without industrial CO2 emissions (!!!) 

For many adequate and honest scientists and healthy people on the head of the input is obvious. However, the question of the role of CO2 requires additional remarks. Although all prehistoric warming occurred without human intervention, the concentration of CO2 then increased. This is evidenced by geological samples. And to this there is a well-founded scientific theory, according to which the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is not the cause, but the consequence of warming. The warming itself is due to completely different factors (!!!) 

There is a powerful regular factor: the flow of radiant energy from the Sun. It, according to a complex periodic law, depends on the factors: 

1) Solar activity (long-period fluctuations in the intensity of the glow), of which can be called the cycles of Hleisberg, Suess, and Hallstat (the duration of which, respectively: about 100, about 200, and about 2300 years); 

2) The orbital position of the Earth - periodic changes in the distance between the Sun and the Earth, and changes in the angles of illumination due to the Lunisternal precession (Milankovitch cycles with periods of 10 thousand years, 26 thousand years, and 93 thousand years). 

There are irregular factors – super-volcanic eruptions and the fall of large asteroids. They cause emissions of fine dust, which remains in the upper atmosphere for a long time and shield sunlight. This mechanism on a relatively small time scale worked in 1816 (the so-called year without summer) after the eruption of Tambor. 

By the way, a few years ago, one volcano Pinatubo in the Philippines in a few days emitted into the atmosphere as much carbon dioxide as all of humanity for all the time of its existence!)

These factors really determine the Earth's climate, in particular the average temperature. Now let's see what happens to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The world's oceans are a kind of bottle into which 1.35 billion cubic kilometers of mineralized water are poured (or, in units of mass: 1.35 billion gigatonnes). And a number of gases are dissolved in water. 

In particular, the mass of CO2 dissolved in the ocean exceeds 100 thousand gigatonnes. 

The mass of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 2 thousand gigatonnes (50 - 60 times less than in the ocean).

During periods of constancy of the average temperature on the planet, the equilibrium of atmospheric CO2 and CO2 dissolved in the ocean is established. 

With global cooling, the equilibrium shifts towards dissolved CO2.

With global warming, the equilibrium shifts towards atmospheric CO2.

So gentlemen environmentalists, doctors 🥼, vaccinators, virologists and other squad of suicides and murderers without a license: the increase in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 you observe is a consequence, and not at all the cause of global warming. We can say that this ADDITION of CO2 will enhance the greenhouse effect, creating a secondary factor of global warming. But such a contribution is very insignificant in comparison with the primary factor (an increase in the flow of radiant energy from the Sun). If we discuss the secondary factor of the greenhouse effect, then we need to consider the contribution not of CO2, but of H2O - the predominant greenhouse gas (see above). With increasing temperature, the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere increases, which means that it retains a large proportion of thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. The "water" greenhouse process has a downside, but more on that later. 

Let's return to our sheep 🐏 in the form of CO2, and assess the scale of the technogenic (anthropogenic) factor in the cycle of this gas.

So: the atmosphere contains 2,000 gigatonnes of CO2, and that amount makes a full cycle in about 4 years. 500 gigatonnes of CO2 per year enters the atmosphere through the processes of isolation from the ocean, and the processes of decomposition of organic matter in the biosphere. The same amount - 500 gigatonnes of CO2 per year - binds in the process of photosynthesis. 

The industry (as mentioned above) emits 30 gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.

When these 30 gigatonnes are indicated after 500 gigatonnes of the biological cycle, such a "contribution of the "anthropogenic factor" to carbon emission no longer looks impressive.

However, as also mentioned above, CO2 is not the cause of global warming anyway. 

That's how ladies and gentlemen, all donkeys are boring. Your greenhouse farce CO2 cringed like shagreen snake skin 🐍, and there is no intrigue of a bitch. 

Any teacher of the 6th grade of geography in high school will tell you, if you still have a geography teacher, that by geological standards, the East European Plain and the whole of Europe were previously almost completely covered by a glacier, the two "languages" of which approached Kiev and Kharkov. Then the glaciers melted and retreated far to the north, and the new plains were inhabited by forests and animals, followed by people in these places. Only he called this grace period for some reason "interglacial", a short period of heat in a long ice age, called "Quaternarian". Before that, there was ... also an ice age, called the "Tertiary" age. 

We live in an awesome and relatively prosperous warm climate. And if it were not for you, with your UN 🇺🇳 and Ethiopians, WHO terrorists and Bulgarian revolutionaries in the international hospital 🏥, a.m. the international bank 🏦, then we would definitely have lived a better and calmer life. Perhaps this is a short period of 1,000,000,000 years, after which glaciation will come again, but let us live this million years without your terrorist communist undertakings. You are the real Judas and the creators of chaos.

For example, about 330 million years ago, after a long ice age, global warming occurred. The average temperature of the Earth rose to 20 Celsius (5 degrees higher than today). CO2 began to flow from the ocean into the atmosphere, and its concentration increased from 0.02 percent to 0.4 percent (10 times higher than today). Due to increased evaporation from the surface of the oceans, the concentration of "greenhouse" H2O in the atmosphere has increased. The band of tropical climate has expanded. Plants, due to their high temperature, humidity, and high concentration of CO2, quickly produced biomass through photosynthesis. This is how CO2 was utilized, which then, in the course of geological processes, turned from biomass into coal, oil and natural gas. All in all: a celebration of life 30 million years or so long. No global flood or thermal apocalypse. Then, due to a change in the solar factor, a new glaciation came. 

And what if the solar factor had not changed at the end of the Carboniferous period? Maybe, in this case, the greenhouse effect of H2O and CO2, nevertheless, would lead to climate catastrophe? 

Answer: no 👎 

30 million years is more than enough for a catastrophe to occur, if it were possible at all under the greenhouse scenario. But environmental apologists for the false ideas of the Kyoto Protocol threaten us all with disaster by the end of the twenty-first century (!!!). 

What millions of years? 

The impossibility of such a catastrophe scenario is associated with the previously noted feature of the "water" greenhouse process. It has a downside. Although, in the lower atmosphere, H2O works like a greenhouse gas, contributing to warming, in the upper atmosphere (in particular, in the very cold stratosphere) its role is changing. Water vapor forms clouds of small ice crystals with high light reflection. These clouds shield sunlight more effectively even than microparticles of volcanic ash (see The eruption of Tambor, "a year without sun"). With a high concentration of H2O in the lower layers of the atmosphere, there is a transfer to the upper layers, and the area of such clouds grows - screens that reduce the luminous flux to the surface. A kind of natural climate control with negative feedback, characteristic of our unfortunate, from your aggressive attacks and the actions of the planet. 

In the final balance, even if humanity, against the background of warming, quickly burns all available reserves of fossil fuels, and the CO2 content in the atmosphere rises to the late Paleozoic level, it still will not lead to disaster. So the false monetary mission in the form of the theory on which the Kyoto Protocol relies is pseudoscientific on all sides. 

In addition, this protocol relies on false measurement data. 

So, ladies and gentlemen:

"Climategate" - a hacker discovery of some guys who hacked the server of the Center for Climate Studies of the University of East Anglia, and found an interesting correspondence of the director of the "Climatic Research Unit", CRU. It showed that the justifications for the Kyoto Protocol contained falsifications about climate for about 20 years. 

By the way, pay attention to my dear musketeers, the French economy provides itself with 80 percent energy at the expense of nuclear power plants...

But, we do not hear from anyone and do not see any calls "Long live the peaceful atom" from the commissions working on the Kyoto-Paris theme of combating the greenhouse effect. We don't hear any of this, just as we don't hear anything about stories about the Paris Commune today.  

But from international environmental organizations there are constant calls for the curtailment of nuclear energy. Illogical, on the one hand. On the other hand, it means that it's not about the fake CO2 threat, but the monetary and stock effect. Or rather, that some administrations, for example, France 🇫🇷, according to globalists, are too energy independent and they want to fix this. 

The sponsors of the anti-CO2 project, as well as the sponsors of the anti-nuclear project, are transnational corporations, in particular those that produce hydrocarbon fuel. 

2. Of course, there are technogenic environmental problems on Earth. That this particular CO2 problem is fictional does not negate the real problems. 

For example:

➕Flution of the world's oceans with petroleum products and plastic waste. 

➕Local pollution of fossil mining regions.

➕Destruction of local ecosystems during logging and soil cultivation.

➕Ecologically dangerous methods of mass production of seafood.

➕By the way, Greenpeace (green peasy) and pseudo-green - Protestants solve "global problems" by lobbying for the same Kyoto solutions.

💲If the Kyoto Committee's work were aimed at creating environmentally sound technologies, it would deserve universal recognition. But attempts to impose on humanity projects to combat the natural process of climate warming, replacing it with the "greenhouse effect of industrial gases", have nothing to do with understanding the problem. Neither the Kyoto Protocol nor the decisions of subsequent conferences disclose the real situation in the ratio of natural and anthropogenic inputs of carbon dioxide - the most mobile component of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. The opinions and conclusions of scientists are ignored, including data on the carbon cycle, natural flows, producers and consumers.

The question is banal unprofessionalism! And this is on professional ecologists, it is generally unclear who, like Greta. Who can answer the question about the competence of these public figures? No one. Even they can't answer very simple questions themselves. 

They do not need scientific education to solve the tasks at all.

Intention to restrain the growth of the industry of developing countries by

introduction of quotas for industrial emissions Obviously. 

There are no other explanations. And this category refers to unfair competition.

And also perfectly explains the replication of the next pseudoscientific horrors about the "catastrophic consequences of global warming."

But back in the 60s it was proved that in some epochs the atmosphere of the planet could receive not billions of tons of CO2, but seven orders of magnitude more! But for some reason, there are thousands of publications on the topic of "rising sea levels by 70-120 m, leading to the flooding of many island states and coastal areas, the death of a significant part of the animal and plant world, the transformation of entire regions into a desert."

As some experts, and mainly American, conclude, "the latter circumstance can contribute to the emergence of conflict situations in the struggle for drinking water resources" (of course, only UN peacekeepers 🇺🇳 occupying the expensive quarter of New York, led by oval celestials, and Rockefeller, who can shoot pictures in UN buildings 🇺🇳 at will, can prevent them. And also in this communist paradise of the UN, 🇺🇳 can hang quietly on the wall. flat earth 

Rockefeller took "Guernik" Picasso from the UN 🇺🇳 

The tapestry depicting the bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica on April 26, 1937 by Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, commissioned by Nelson Rockefeller in 1955 and woven by the French workshop of Jacqueline de la Bom Durrbach, who had been hanging in front of the UN Security Council hall since 1984 to remind diplomats of the dangers of war, returned to its owner Nelson Rockefeller Jr.

 Neither the UN nor the Rockefeller Foundation have yet made any comments, but there is an opinion that the picture has become less relevant and it is time to start a new war ...

But that's not all: "the melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice will cause a change in the structure and direction of ocean currents, and the cooling of the Gulf Stream will lead to a decrease in the average annual temperature in North America and Europe by 15 ° C."

But in fact, over the past 1.6 million years, the climate at least twice (7-3 thousand and 120-130 thousand years ago) was warmer than the current one by 2-3 ° C. Very hot climatic conditions existed on the planet in the Carboniferous, in the Upper Temeric era. And characteristically, with global warming, the Arctic and Antarctic glaciations did not decrease, but grew (while the level of the World Ocean was probably decreasing). But then, thanks to the increased concentration of CO2, the forest conquered the Arctic (as evidenced by the coal deposits in Svalbard) and even antarctica.

Or maybe this is just evidence of a change in the axis of rotation of the Earth, as some researchers suggest?

And for the last 3 billion years, the position of the Earth's axis has not changed. Fluctuations, of course, could be (due to the same cosmogenic factors). But insignificant. Try to change the position of the axis of the top. And the Earth is a "top" of such mass!

Coal seams are not the only evidence of irretrievable accumulation of CO2. There are also limestones of the Carboniferous and Cretaceous periods. The fact is that an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the marine environment contributes to the growth of biomass of heat-loving carbonate-producing organisms, mainly the simplest. Periods of cooling are associated with a decrease in the amount of CO2 consumed and, accordingly, a decrease in the production of calcium carbonate, which precipitates mainly in the form of skeletal remnants of foraminifera (order of the simplest class of roots). At the same time, siliceous organisms begin to grow (and then be deposited in precipitation).

Actually, we observe today that warming led to the fact that in the late 90s the taiga moved to the tundra, but in recent years this process has faded. So, the greenhouse effect is reduced. Hence, we can assume that the next decade will not be so hot. 

True competent climatologists say the same thing. The results of a study of atmospheric mobility conducted by Vazirifa Martazanova, a leading researcher at the Meteorological Research Institute, show that the warming has ended.

We enter some cold substable within a large Holocene interglacial!

By the way, it seems that many have already forgotten how at the beginning of the XVIII century there was a small ice age associated with a decrease in the energy of the Sun by 2 - 3% ...

In the history of mankind, there have been repeated cold snaps and warming. But the catastrophe for mankind invariably turned out to be precisely the cooling.

The climatic catastrophe of 536 drove a stake into the coffin of the Roman Empire. The famine of 1315-1317 and the subsequent plague of 1348 turned Europe into a cemetery.

The fact that the catastrophe is exactly cold, a person who knows what cold is perfectly intuitively feels. In George R.R. Martin, for example, humanity is threatened by the Long Winter. Not the Long Summer. To be able to sell the increase in precipitation and the extension of the growing season - warming, as a Terrible Danger - it is necessary to be able to lie so 🤥!

We state with all certainty that there are no serious studies revealing the complexity of the problem and at least indicating the impossibility of its unambiguous solution. They simply no one ordered a slow group of independent scientists and all issues are out of sight of public control and false media, since science 🧫 for journalists it is boring, there is no "fried" giving to earn on the number of viewers. We've turned the world into an Instagram joke. 

"Look it's new," a person might say, but it was once, it was here before we showed up.

Then, what was a long time ago, people do not remember, what is happening now, people will not remember, and later other people will not remember what was done before them. More precisely, it will no longer be people in the usual sense of the silver 20th century, where at least there was honor, some of the elites and their Word of the Gentleman. 


Well, dear kids in expensive dresses and pants ...

     📹 Gangs of New York - Ending

Today we are going through phase X, after which the history of mankind will change dramatically And officially... By and large, we have two options: everything will be bad or there will be a complete catastrophe. The choice is quite small, between bad and terribly disgusting... And there is no other way now. Today, watching the hellish behavior and actions of oval criminals, we are moving into a new phase - the war between the world population - and state biological terrorists in the administrations of the nation-states of the world. 

And this will be the end of a familiar and more understandable picture of the world. For 2020-2021, we saw a lot of things that until now were hard to believe. Huxley's most fantastic ideas turned out to be a pale shadow of that brave new wonderful world that is presented to us by specific individuals of criminals, as part of the criminal puppet governments of nation-states. The world will not be the same, this is their stated thesis and it is being implemented by leaps and bounds.

We are already remembering the past with longing and nostalgia and even 2020 will seem fabulously good compared to the dark ages, what awaits humanity ...

A new Middle Ages is coming! Coronaafera special operation cover to justify the total world crisis and an attempt to reformat the existing order of things. The era of obscurantist, devastation, degradation of knowledge, decline, collapse of states, the collapse of the European Union, religious, national, territorial, as well as wars for resources and many other charms in the absence of law and order ... In general, chaos and anarchy await us. And only from you the population and part of the elites who have not yet survived from the mind depends on your personal survival and the lives of loved ones ... ! 

Disruption of supply chains and attempt to stop production facilities with the help of the Internet and other provocations, sabotage and attacks.

It's not a futuristic scenario. This is the future of degenerates unable to defend themselves.

Mr. CHecK 🧾

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