COVID-19 first detected in deer: cases recorded in wild white-tailed deer in Ohio, the US Department of Agriculture said.

COVID-19 first detected in deer: cases recorded in wild white-tailed deer in Ohio, the US Department of Agriculture said.

Ᏽrᥲᥒɗρᥲ's Bᥱɗᴛiⲙᥱ 𐍃ᴛ᧐riᥱs

The old man lived with his old woman

At the blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout.

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman spun her yarn.

Once he threw a nedovo into the sea -

A seical came with one tina.

He threw the ned the current another time -

A sein came with sea grass.

For the third time he threw a nedovo -

Came the sele with one fish,

With not just a fish - gold.

How the goldfish pray!

In a voice he says in a human voice:

"Let me go, elder, into the sea!

Dear for myself, I will pay off:

I'll take a break from what you want."

The old man was surprised, frightened:

He fished for thirty years and three years.

And I hadn't heard the fish talk.

He let go of the gold fish.

And he said a kind word to her:

"God is with you, goldfish!

I don't need your ransom;

Step yourself into the blue sea,

Walk there in the vast. "

The old man turned to the old woman,

He told her a great miracle:

"I caught a fish today,

Goldfish, not simple;

In our opinion, the fish spoke,

Home in the sea blue begged,

At a high price I paid off:

Paid off as much as I want

I didn't dare to take a ransom from her;

So let her into the blue sea."

The old woman took the old woman:

"Fool you, simpleton!

You couldn't take a ransom from a fish!

At least you would take a trough from it,

Ours is completely split."

Here he went to the blue sea;

Sees - the sea played out slightly.

He began to click the goldfish.

A fish came to him and asked;

"What do you need, senile?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

"Have mercy, Empress fish,

My old woman scolded me,

Does not give the old man rest:

She needs a new trough;

Ours is completely split."

The goldfish answers:

"Do not grieve, go with God.

There will be a new trough for you."

The old man turned to the old woman,

The old woman has a new trough.

Even more Pushcha swears:

"Fool you, simpleton!

Begged, fool, trough!

Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough?

Turn around, fool, you to the fish;

Bow to her, beg for a hut."

Here he went to the blue sea.

(Clouded blue sea).

He began to click the goldfish.

A fish came to him, asked:

"What do you need, senile?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

"Have mercy, Empress fish!

Even more pushcha old woman swears,

Does not give the old man rest:

The grumpy woman asks for the hut."

The goldfish answers:

"Do not grieve, go unduly with God,

So be it: you will have a hut."

He went to his dugout,

And there is no trace of the dugout;

In front of him is a hut with a light,

With a brick, whitewashed pipe,

With oak, tight gates.

The old woman sits under the box,

On what the light is her husband scolds:

"Fool you, straight simpleton!

Begged, simpleton, hut!

Turn around, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a black peasant woman,

I want to be a pillar noblewoman."

The old man went to the blue sea

(The blue sea is restless).

He began to click the goldfish.

A fish came to him, asked:

"What do you need, senile?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

"Have mercy, Empress fish!

Pushcha the former old woman was fooled,

Does not give the old man rest:

She doesn't want to be a peasant woman.

She wants to be a pillar noblewoman."

The goldfish answers:

"Do not grieve, go with God."

The old man turned to the old woman,

What does he see? High tower.

On the porch stands his old woman

In an expensive sable soul,

Brocade on the top of the kitka,

Pearls loaded my neck,

On the hands of gold rings,

There are red boots on his feet.

Before her diligent servants;

She beats them, drags them by the chuprun.

The old man says to his old woman:

"Hello, lady-sudarynya noblewoman!

Tea, now your soul is satisfied."

An old woman shouted at him,

She sent him to serve in the stables.

Here's a week, another passes,

Even more pushcha the old woman was fooled;

Again to the fish the old man sends:

"Turn around, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman.

And I want to be a free queen."

The old man was frightened, he prayed:

"What have you, Baba, eaten?

You can't t set foot or speak.

You will make fun of the whole kingdom."

Angry Pushcha old woman,

She hit her husband on the cheek.

"How dare you, man, argue with me,

With me, a noblewoman?

Go to the sea, they say to you with honor;

If you don't go, they will lead reluctantly."

The old man went to the sea

(The blue sea turned black).

He began to click the goldfish.

A fish came to him, asked:

"What do you need, senile?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

"Have mercy, Empress fish!

Again, my old woman rebels:

She doesn't want to be a noblewoman,

She wants to be a free queen."

The goldfish answers:

"Do not grieve, go with God!

Good! will be an old woman queen!"

The old man turned to the old woman,

So what? before him the royal chambers,

In the chambers he sees his old woman,

At the table she sits as queen,

Serve her boyars and nobles,

Pour her overseas wines;

She eats the carrot printed;

Around her stands a formidable guard,

On the shoulders of the axes hold.

As the old man saw, he was frightened!

At the feet he bowed to the old woman,

He said: "Hello, terrible queen!

Well, now your sweetheart is satisfied?"

The old woman didn't look at him,

Only with eyes to drive him away ordered.

Boyars and nobles ran up,

The old man was pushed in.

And in the doorway, the guard ran up,

Axes almost chopped,

And the people laughed at him:

"Give it to you, old ignorant!

Henceforth, ignorant, science:

Don't get into your sleigh!"

Here's a week, another passes,

Even more Pushcha the old woman was fooled:

He sends courtiers for her husband.

They found the old man, brought him to her.

The old woman says to the old man:

"Turn around, bow to the fish.

I don't want to be a free queen,

I want to be the mistress of the sea,

To live in the okiyan-sea,

To serve me goldfish

And I would have it on my packages."

The old man did not dare to contradict,

I didn't dare to say a word across.

Here he goes to the blue sea,

Sees a black storm on the sea:

So the angry waves swelled,

So they walk, so howo and how.

He began to click the goldfish.

A fish came to him, asked:

"What do you need, senile?"

The old man replies to her with a bow:

"Have mercy, Empress fish!

What should I do with the damn baba?

She doesn't want to be a queen,

Wants to be the mistress of the sea:

To live in the okiyan-sea,

That you yourself serve her

And she would have it on the packages."

The fish didn't say anything,

Only tail on the water splashed

And went into the deep sea.

For a long time by the sea he waited for an answer,

I couldn't wait, I turned to the old woman

Look: again in front of him dugout;

On the threshold sits his old woman,

And in before her is a broken trough.

Autumn on a rainy gray day

Skipped through the city of Deer

He was flying over the roaring pavement.

Red forest, launched by an arrow

Come back, Forest Deer,

My desire!

Take me away, Deer,

To his country deer,

Where pine trees burst into the sky,

Where the past lives and the non-fable,

Take me there, Forest Deer.

He ran, and strong horns.

Clouds and clouds touched.

And it seemed as if above him.

The sky was turning blue.

Come back, Forest Deer,

My desire!

Umchi me Deer

To his country deer,

Where pine trees burst into the sky,

Where the past lives and the non-fable,

Take me there, Forest Deer.

They say there are no miracles in the world,

And the rains washed away the Deer trail.

Only I know he will come to me!

If you believe the fairy tale will come to life .....

Covid hoax. The virus is not isolated! Global deception of mankind in order to establish world tyranny under the rule of transnational corporations controlled by China!

Stanford, Cornell and five other University of California labs "found C19 bogus and sued the CDC (Centers for Disease Control in the U.S.) for Covid fraud." 

Rob Oswald, Ph.D. in Virology and Immunology, Cornell University: 

"We are dealing with another strain of influenza, as every year, C19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe that China and the globalists orchestrated this hoax with COVID (the flu disguised as a new virus) to introduce global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this conspiracy also included massive election fraud. 

"I have a doctorate in virology and immunology. I work in a clinical lab and have tested 1500 "suspected" positive C19 samples collected here in California. When my lab team and I tested with Koch postulates and observed using SEM (scanning electron microscope), we did not detect Covid in any of the 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were Influenza B, but no cases of Covid, and we did not use a fake PCR test. 

"We then sent the remaining samples to Stanford, Cornell, and several labs at the University of California, and they found the same results as us, no COVID. They found flu A and B. Then we all went to the CDC and asked for viable COVID samples, to which the CDC replied that they could not provide because they did not have any samples. 

"As a result of all our research and laboratory work, we came to the firm conclusion that C19 was fictional and fake. The flu was called Covid, and most of the 225,000 deaths died from comorbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema, etc., and then they contracted the flu, which further weakened their immune system, and they died. I haven't yet found a single viable C19 sample to work with. 

"We, at the seven universities that conducted laboratory tests on these 1500 samples, are now suing the CDC for C19 fraud. The CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated, and purified C19 sample. If they can't or don't want to send us a viable sample, I say C19 doesn't exist, that's fiction. Four scientific papers describing genomic extracts of the C19 virus have never been successful in purifying and isolating the samples. All four articles written about C19 describe only small fragments of RNA that were only 37 to 40 base pairs long, which is not a virus. The viral genome typically consists of 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. 

"In a situation as horrific as we are seeing with Covid, it must be everywhere, why has no one in any laboratory in the world ever cleaned up and isolated this virus completely? That's because they've never found a virus, all they've ever found are small fragments of RNA that have never been identified as a virus."


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