ⓜⓐⓖⓐⓩⓘⓝⓔ 📓 '' ⒷⒶⓉⓉⓁⒺⒻⒾⒺⓁⒹ ''



Finally, you have untied the hands of the military! 

Kicked: After the FDA, despite side-by-side deaths, deaths and so on, approved Pfizer's mRKN shot, the Pentagon officially authorizes COVID19 vaccination for all U.S. military personnel. 

On Monday, August 23, 2021, following news that Pfizer's mRNA shot had received full approval from state federal regulators, the Pentagon announced that they were prescribing a COVID-19 abs vaccination. for all U.S. military personnel.

The Pentagon is "ready to issue updated guidance requiring all military personnel to be vaccinated," spokesman John Kirby said, adding that "a timetable for the completion of vaccination will be provided in the coming days."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said earlier this month that the Department of Defense will authorize covid vaccines after FDA approval or by mid-September, whichever comes first. As we can see, Friends, earlier came the approval of the FDA.

And all this happens against the background of the fact that Israel, which used Pfizer, is ready to close again, the CDC informant claims that 45,000 Americans have already died from deadly vaccines, amid unanswered questions "Why are reports of VAERS death removed from the server?" and "Why is it almost impossible for doctors to submit VAERS reports on the death of patients from the vaccine?". ☠️

... Israel is already receiving the results of extensive "vaccination" of the plebs – between 70% and 90% of those who died of Covid had both vaccines.


Experts came to the conclusion that it was a criminal "euthanasia", which was clearly "pre-planned". They assume that this fall/winter, the vaccinated will begin to get sick and die en masse, and the media will be ready to blame the unvaccinated.

It's the dark Winter 🥶 of Marx's Schwab and Gref." That's where it was meant.  

Video 1


Sti Peters also talks about it. 

Video 2


🚩1: 16 - 1 photo - red blood cells accumulated as coins (Rouleaux effect)

 🚩1: 41 - 2 photo - metal structure

 🚩2: 10 - 3 photo - tubular construction

 🚩2:30 - Rouleaux effect




The conclusion from all this is quite banal, the goal 🎯 the US army and withdraw it from legal capacity. And the culture of behavior of VIP celebrities in the United States 🇺🇸 will cost the country and everything more than someone can imagine. The price will be not only in financial resources; will have to pay with the lives of many who listen to this frenzied and obsessed with mammon people. 

"Dear Goy, we, that is, those whom you are accustomed to rightly and correctly call the "global kahal" will continue to pump your sniffing something about us and our goals tribe unknown to you poisons every 6-9 months. 

Forget about proper nutrition and exercise, it can kill you if you already have our mRNA prank, kindly provided to us by BigPharma. We warned you about this in the media. Keep in mind. 

Sincerely yours, quasi-communism, organized by quasi-Trotskyists, led by neo-Marx, psycho-non-philosopher Rothschild by his mother, Klaus Schwab. "

🇮🇳 🤡 🇺🇸 🤡🇷🇺 🤡 🇩🇪 🤡 🇫🇷 to 🤡 🇮🇱 🤡 🤶 Shwab (Rothschild on his mother's side) is the Indian yogi Sadhguru-Gref. 

Indian yogi Sadhguru (real name Jaggi Vasudev) spoke to businessmen in Davos, gave advice at the SPIEF and mentored Herman Gref and is friends with the non-philosopher who composed his clumsy capital "The Great Reset", Swab (Rothschild on his mother's side). 

This Indian guy is the founder of the Isha Foundation, a charitable organization that has special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. Feel the scope.

He is a motivational coach at major ivy League corporations and universities. 

In Google, he read about the development of consciousness, at the head office of the World Banka he talked about global well-being, in Davos (Swabian WEF) he taught to apply ancient wisdom in solving modern issues, and at the plenary session of SPIEF 2018, where he came at the personal invitation of the main "teacher and teacher" of the country, the chief distancer, the head of Sberbank, who forgave citizens Soviet savings, German Gref, the guy in the turban explained how to adjust to the future. 

That is, Friends, to global structures, including the UN, whose recommendations we implement, he explained what, when and how to do, and what to turn our World into, and he explained to Russia how to adapt to what global structures will do with the World.

"Religion, countries are the fragile things that humanity has created, and this will collapse in the world of technology. Even the most ancient civilizations thought how to free people. Now this idea will become ubiquitous – technology will develop and people will be free. The state, religion or something else will cease to control us. With the development of technology comes a great world. The idea of national borders will also become meaningless. This will be the future of the whole world - not knowing what country you are in," Sadhguru said.

Meanwhile, Friends, the enthusiasm of the head of the bank "Uralsib" Nikolai Tsvetkov Advaita-Vedanta and other "mystical practices based on Hinduism", the introduction of such "spiritual trainings" and other muini and esoteric, obscurantist shnyags for employees led one of the largest banks in Russia to monstrous losses, and as a result, the sale for a symbolic 1 ruble. 

But history, as usual, does not teach anyone. Sber and Gref now lie in about the same frame and are in about the same position. 

But private companies are one thing, and the state bank of Russia is another, the money in which is the money of ordinary Russians, who are by no means Hindus. 

Perhaps it will come to you now why Sber became a partner of both Swab terrorist cyber exercises and other terrorist acts on the territory of the United States 🇺🇸 and Western countries of the US allies 🇺🇸 

By allies, we do not mean local terrorists: Harris , Merkel, Macron, Netanyahu, Johnson … — and pocha pochabotina - blevotina decided to do without elections and remain in power until death. 

Everyone has heard of the exercises and preparations for "unexpected" cyberattacks around the world? 

Until now, the world somehow lived without massive hacker attacks, but after cyber-exercises, which were held at least twice, they fell on the world one after another ... as with Covid and Event 201, as soon as we went through the exercises, covid came to visit us, against which the exercises were held.

Most of all, the United States allegedly suffered from the K.-attacks. That is, the states became the main testing ground where cyber rehearsals were held. Although "suffered" is too loud a word, if we refer it to the global kahal. Since attacked am. companies have long compensated for the damage. Supply chains, which according to the plans of the global kahal, going in the narrative of creating hunger with the aim of total reformatting of the food preferences of Mankind, would have to be violated / abolished, were violated / abolished. The goal is to break supply chains, achieved, but there is no damage as such.

Omitting the details of the global reformat of the eating behavior of People, we recall only that meat in the very near future, if everything goes as it goes, will become a delicacy, and the protein consumed by man will be synthetic and it will be extracted from insects that your sick Gates plans to make all of Humanity eat. In short, the war is going according to plan. 

Now let's move on to the Cyberpolygon site itself and try to draw conclusions from the information that is there. The cyber exercise was held on July 9. 

"200 teams from 48 countries have registered for the training. The information published on this page is not complete, as some participants have chosen to remain anonymous," reads the kibeuths held that year and July 9 this year.

Companies from 48 countries conducted cyber attack exercises under the roof of the most influential globalist organization, the SwabIAN WEF, apparently voluntarily draining their holes and vulnerabilities in this way. 

Interestingly, one of the leading roles, so to speak, was shown by Russian companies. Almost a third of the companies participating in the exercise are located in Russia and the CIS countries: NTV, Sberbank, Tinkoff, Ozone, TASS and others.

So, the information partners of the Swab cyber exercise were Russian and only Russian companies: 

🏴 ☠️ TASS is the leading state news agency of Russia, which is an active and respected member of the following global and regional organizations: World Media Summit (WMS); World Congress of News Agencies (NAWC); European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA); Organizations of news agencies in ATOR (OANA); Black Sea National Information Association of Agencies (BSANNA); Council of Heads of State News Agencies of the CIS (CIS Information Council); and the Association of National News Agencies of the CIS Member States (ANIA);

🏴 ☠️ NTV, one of Russia's leading federal broadcasting channels/companies and Russia's largest private television company, is the first Russian TV channel to use 5G technology. 

Simple participants who did not become anonymous and applied for participation in the Swabian event openly, were:

🏴 ☠️ Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Orenburg Region is the executive body of the executive power of the Orenburg Region for the management of information technologies.

🏴 ☠️ Sber - Sber Ecosystem provides a wide range of services to meet the daily needs of individual customers and enterprises, which is based on Sberbank, Russia's largest bank and the world's leading financial institution, which accounts for almost a third of the total assets of the Russian banking sector;

🏴 ☠️ Tinkoff - An online financial ecosystem focused on the needs of customers - individuals and legal entities, which actively uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, the core of which is Tinkoff Bank, one of the world's largest digital banks with more than 13 million customers;

🏴 ☠️Mail.ru Group is the largest Internet business in Russia by daily audience, owning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the five most popular email services in the world, Mail.ru, the international gaming brand MY. GAMES. Mail.ru Group, engaged in the promotion in Russia, as well as Sber with the head gref, online education;

🏴 ☠️ MTS is a leading telecommunications group in Russia, serving more than 86 million mobile subscribers in Russia, Armenia and Belarus and about 9 million subscribers in Russia, which also goes beyond its traditional infrastructure business and offers innovative offerings, including digital, financial, banking services, the Internet of Things (this requires a 5G standard), cloud computing, information security, system integration and e-commerce;

🏴 ☠️ Home Credit Bank - The organization specializes in retail banking in Russia and Kazakhstan, with a base of 39.7 million people. 

🏴 ☠️ UZCERT - The leading state institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of cybersecurity;

🏴 ☠️ Tengri Laboratory - System integrator from Kazakhstan, created for the implementation of IT projects in the field of smart cities, big data processing, artificial intelligence, security and video analytics, actively cooperating with IBM, the autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev University", Kazakhtelecom, BTS Digital, Transtelecom and other participants of the IT market;

🏴 ☠️ Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market - a state body that provides a sufficient level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of financial services; 

🏴 ☠️BKK.KZ - Bank CenterCredit, founded in 1988, is one of the first commercial banks in Kazakhstan.

So, only 13 Russian and near-Russian companies took part in the cyber polygon on July 9 and 20 companies from different countries, which indicates more than a significant participation of Putin's Russia in this terrorist event, organized by the talking neo-Markx eugenicist-transhumanist Klaus 🤶 Schwab.

And these are only purely Russian companies and companies from the CIS, and if you look at the structure of other joint-stock companies in the United States and the world! For sane people, even a taxi driver, this is enough to start suspecting/thinking: "... and there is no confrontation between the West and Russia, Russia and the globalist Satanists, there is a conspiracy of the Russian authorities and the global kahal, and they all work together, but against US, against the Peoples of the world! 

              Fucking ubok . 

            What do you say? 

One Big Pedophilia Club continues to make grandmothers. 

The Virgin Orbit of billionaire, a very close friend of Epstein's peophile korl, Richard Branson, ousts the deal, which is valued at $3.2 billion and includes an investment from Boeing Co (BA. N). Small satellite launch service provider deal with NextGen Acquisition Corp. II (NGCA. O) also includes a private equity investment (PIPE) of $100 million. Among other investors, Boeing and AE Industrial Partners participated in the PIPE round. Shares of NextGen rose 2.4% in the premarket.

Firefly, U.S.-New Zealand startup Rocket Lab and Branson's Virgin Orbit are considered leaders in a new generation of firms building miniature launch systems to capitalize on the exponential growth of compact satellites expected in the coming years.


Disruption of supply chains and attempt to stop production facilities with the help of the Internet and other provocations, sabotage and attacks. 

Do you see the thread of the tangle and where does it go from the above actions...? 


🇨🇳 ☠️ Gates Foundation partnered with a "socialist" internet group leading a Chinese propaganda operation to lie COVID19 long before the advent of false covid.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is partnering with a self-proclaimed "socialist" internet foundation run by a branch of the CCP leading its digital campaign to censor facts and spread fraudulent information about Covid. The two foundations signed a memorandum of understanding back in 2015, promising to collaborate in areas such as "public health.’’


At the February 2018 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the close link between graphene and 5G technology was one of the main sources of appeal. 


Both of them were presented as miracles of a new era, so it's only natural that at some point they will join forces to create truly remarkable abilities. 

Meanwhile, today reality is screaming at us about graphene. Sometimes she will show us this in Melania's dress, then in the coloring of covid Russian hospitals, then on the Joker's shirt, then the forum of neo-Marx, this psycho-under-philosopher Schwab (Rothschild by mother), the WEF will put his crystal lattice on the screensaver of cyber-exercises in which the darkness of Russian companies participated, including Grefov's Sber, who has not yet paid off citizens on secular debts, but nevertheless spends profits on payments to top managers and on the most savage kind of advertising, more like nonsense.

From a Patent Application in Chinese for a recombinant vaccine against #COVID19 that uses GRAPHENE OXIDE as a carrier:

"Filing Date of Application No. 202011031367 .1 by the applicant (Shanghai National Research Institute of Nanotechnology and Applications, Address No. 468 Jianchuan Road, Minghan District, Shanghai, 201109) with the State Intellectual Property Administration of the People's Republic of China and shanghai East Asia Patent & Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. September 27, 2020. The name of the inventor of the vaccine Cui Daxian Gao Liang Hui Tian Jing

Name of the invention - Recombination of nanocoronovirus vaccine using graphene oxide as a carrier.

Based on the graphene oxide material, a new vaccine technology platform for skeletonized CpG molecules and recombinant proteins was developed.

The new nanocoronavirus vaccine was produced by combining recombinant proteins from the RBD region of the SAR-CoV-2 adhesion protein that can

The invention relates to the field of nanomaterials and biomedicine. The vaccine, in particular, includes the core of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. Development of recombinant nanovasculars. Graphene oxide on the skeleton binds carnosine, CpG and COVID-19... For the prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus... A coronavirus vaccine characterized by a coronavirus containing graphene oxide, carnosine, CpG and the novel coronavirus...

Lyophilized graphene oxide powder was added to the phosphate buffer, sonicated. Add EDC and NHS to activate the graphene oxide solution, remove excess EDC/sulfonyl NHS in the reaction solution by ultrafiltration, adjust the pH of the reaction solution to neutral...

.. Recombinant proteins of carnosine, CpG and receptor binding regions were added to the reaction solution and incubated with activated graphene oxide. Excess unbound protein was removed from the reaction solution, sterilized, put aside.

The method of preparation according to claim 3, differs in that the duration of ultrasound is 2-3 hours ...

[0001] The present invention relates to the field of nanomaterials and biomedicine and relates to the development of a platform for the development of vaccines. Specifically, the development of a nuclear recombinant nanovaccine against the coronavirus 2019-nCoV. 

[0003] The vaccine is an absolute weapon for the elimination of major infectious diseases, vaccines for other treatments have the lowest cost...".


The Russians have decorated their covid 😷 concentration camps in the style of graphene, in general, everything is logical - graphene was invented by Russian scientists. 

In this case, the area is 136,120,354 km2.

Considered these two and all the claims against them 😂

- People who live by the sea do not feel this beauty, walk past it, as if by photo wallpapers.

- You - I respect, I - you respect, we are with you - dear people!



- The era was creepy, just creepy. The mood was vile and the atmosphere was nasty. But, nevertheless, crocodiles 🐊 in the Nile swam! 

- Who knocks, who whistles, who smacks, who calls, who fucks - together you get education. 

The population of the Earth is the total number of people living on our planet. Today, 7.83 billion people live on Earth. It took humanity more than 200,000 years to reach a population of 1 billion (around 1800) and only about 200 years for that number to grow to 7 billion.




The Russians have decorated their covid 😷 concentration camps in the style of graphene, in general, everything is logical - graphene was invented by Russian scientists. 

The White House administration and their immediate plans.


Nashville, Tennessee. This institution is state property. Attention is drawn to high fences with barbed wire and twisted inwards barbed tops. 

The population of the Earth is the total number of people living on our planet. Today, 7.83 billion people live on Earth. It took humanity more than 200,000 years to reach a population of 1 billion (around 1800) and only about 200 years for that number to grow to 7 billion.


Famous plagiarism. Nothing new except the chosen technologists. 


"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 


       Lend Delivery - Liz 2-0 💰 ⬇️


Normandy landings, fr. Débarquement de Normandie, or Operation Neptune, fr. Opération Neptune was a naval amphibious operation conducted on 6 June 1944 in Normandy during World War II by the United States, Great Britain, Canada and their allies against Germany. It was the first part of the strategic operation "Overlord", which provided for the liberation of the allies of north-western France.


United States dwight D. Eisenhower

United States Omar Bradley

United Kingdom Bernard Montgomery

United Kingdom Trafford Lee-Mallory

United Kingdom Arthur William Tedder

United Kingdom Miles Dempsey

United Kingdom Bertram Ramsay

Nazi Germany Erwin Rommel

Nazi Germany Gerd von Rundstedt

Nazi Germany Friedrich Dollmann

Nazi Germany Hans von Zahlmut

Nazi Germany Leo von Schweppenburg

Nazi Germany Wilhelm Falley †

Forces of the parties

21st Army Group

1st Canadian Army

British 2nd Army

U.S. 1st Army

156 thousand people, 

11 590 aircraft, 

6969 ships and vessels[1]

Wehrmacht Command West:

Army Group B

7th Army 


3rd Air Fleet

10 thousand people (at the beginning)

380 thousand people (at the end)


4413 dead and missing

5836 wounded and captured

Total: 10,249 people[1][1][2]

127 combat aircraft

3,000 to 4,000[1] dead, wounded and missing (estimated)

Commons Logo Media Files on Commons

The Allied operation began on June 6, 1944 (D-Day) with the landing of 156,000 soldiers on the Normandy coast and was carried out in two main phases. The first phase was an airborne operation to land 24,000 British, American, Canadian and French paratroopers after midnight. The second phase consisted of a naval amphibious operation that began at 6:30 a.m. and a series of disinformation operations codenamed "Glimmer" and "Taxable" to mislead the Germans about the real direction of the invasion.[3]

The landing took place on an 80 km wide stretch of coast between the mouth of the Orne River and the commune of Özwil, which was divided into 5 main invasion sectors: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juneau and Sword.

The invasion of the units on the French coast occurred with varying degrees of success. If on most of the bridgeheads the achievements of the allies were significant, and the landing during the landing on the enemy shore from the first minutes was able to seize the initiative and create bridgeheads, then on the Omaha section, 8 km wide, the situation got out of control. Faced with organized resistance of German troops, the Americans from the first minutes of the operation suffered serious losses and almost lost the ability to turn the situation in their favor. The commander of the U.S. 1st Army, General Omar Bradley, was on the verge of canceling further landings in the area and withdrawing troops. From the outset, the success of Operation Neptune was threatened. However, the paratroopers were able to break through the coastal defensive positions of the Germans and create separate pockets of resistance.

The overall German reaction to the landing of enemy troops throughout the Normandy coast was sluggish and poorly organized. Moreover, in the conditions of absolute dominance in the air of the Allied aviation, due to the sabotage actions of the Resistance and detachments of British commandos, the Wehrmacht troops at the stage of advancing reserves to the borders suffered serious losses. As a result, the Germans could not take advantage of the opportunity to immediately drop the landing in the sea.

By the end of D-Day, 5 infantry, 3 airborne divisions and a tank brigade had been landed in the British and American sectors. They managed to capture the coastline with a depth of 3 to 5 km, however, not on the entire front. The bridgeheads were completely liberated from the enemy only on June 7. The landing of the sea in Normandy was the largest[4][5] in world history amphibious operation for the simultaneous landing by sea of 156 thousand military[6], with the support of 195,700 sailors[7] and with the simultaneous involvement of almost 7 thousand combat and transport vessels of all types and types[6].

AUdREy hepbUrn And The infORmaTIon ASsAUlT bRIgaDE. 

bRIgAdIEr Mr. COlOnEL🃏 X.

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