In a word , ROMANCE 😝

Rent, purchase, places are limited by this publication, as the phone ☎️ red, it burns 🔥 from orders. 

Photos of Stalin's concentration camps banned in the USSR.

The Russians who sent us this material say this topic was forbidden almost all the years of the existence of the USSR - in Stalin's times they were silent about it. They are silent today. No one said that all the "successes" of Stalin's economy were based on the slave forced labor of people whom the state sent to camps for decades for minor or even unexecuted offenses - like a joke told aloud or an "wrong" thought about the Leader of the Peoples.

There is a map of 🗺 shock new buildings of the first five-year plans of the USSR - this map exactly coincides with the map of Stalin's concentration camps of the Gulag. They were silent about this and are silent now - telling tales about "millions of Komsomol volunteers" who go to distant northern places to die there with a pickaxe in their hands. Until 1956, for the truth about Stalin's concentration camps could be sent to the same camp, and after 1956 (when the cult of Stalin's personality was debunked), this became an inconvenient truth, which the scoops tried in every possible way to hide - but periodically here and there in the places of the "Stalinist five-year plans" people find mountains of frozen skeletons with the remains of camp numbers on decayed telogreikas. No one took these graves into account in those years, and no one investigates them because of the unspoken ban and even repression even now.

Photographs of the Gulag concentration camps are few - only occasionally people with cameras managed to get there. Of course, they did not shoot the horror - photographing only what was allowed, but still - each such photo is now in its weight in gold. Today a selection kindly provided to us by Russian partisans about the Gulag, which were banned in the USSR.

Prisoners of the Gulag on the construction of the White Sea Canal. Photo from 1932. All Stalin's "economic miracles" were made by the hardest manual labor of the camp slaves - in legal terms, the USSR rolled back in the days of two thousand years ago - except that in the USSR slaves were not captive barbarians, but their own citizens. Only according to official data, 12800 people died during the construction of the White Sea Canal, unofficial sources call much higher figures.

Work on the construction of the Transpolar Highway - another crazy project of the USSR, now a ghost road - for every few kilometers of which there is one abandoned Stalinist concentration camp, and for every ten subways - one corpse. The work was carried out without design and estimate documentation by the forces of 300,000 prisoners of the Gulag, tens of thousands of whom died - mainly at the so-called "Construction 501" and "Construction 503". There are still no exact data on the dead people - in modern Russia it is not interesting for anyone, it is much more interesting to scold the Pindos and wear flowers to the monuments of Stalin.

Winter works of prisoners.

Summer work of prisoners in quarries. 

Prisoners at the construction of the Yun-Yaga mine, 1937.

Construction of one of the camp barracks. As a rule, the barracks were built by the prisoners themselves from wood, and inside they practically did not differ from similar barracks in Nazi concentration camps, like Sacksenhausen - inside there were the same long rows of wooden binges, on which sometimes two or three people slept.

Let's recall and add from our editorial office about the Nazi camps. 

Not far from the German city of Oranienburg during the Second World War was the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. It was one of the first Nazi concentration camps, founded in 1936 - all other camps were created following the example of Sacksenhausen. In the period of 30-40 years, more than 100,000 people died here.

The Nazis sent to Sachsenhausen all the "undesirable elements" - Jews, homosexuals, political opponents of Nazism, as well as prisoners of war. On April 22, 1945, the concentration camp was liberated - at that time there were still about 3,000 prisoners in the camp.

Until 1950, Sachsenhausen functioned as a special camp of the NKVD, and in 1956 the GDR government established a memorial complex on the site of Sachsenhausen, where you can see with your own eyes the life of the Nazi concentration camp.

The entrance to the concentration camp was once guarded by such a checkpoint. At the top of the roof is a small turret with a clock, facing the former SS barracks that were outside the camp.

Around the camp in the postwar years managed to grow a pine forest. On the paving stones at the gate you can find pine cones.

The heavy metal gates bear the famous Nazi propaganda slogan - "Arbeit maht frei" (work makes you free) - this was the first thing that the prisoners of the camp saw when entering the territory. There are several versions of why this was done; It seems to me a plausible version that the inscription was created to falsely reassure the prisoners and give hope. The heavy metal gates bear the famous Nazi propaganda slogan - "Arbeit maht frei" (work makes you free) - this was the first thing that the prisoners of the camp saw when entering the territory. There are several versions of why this was done; It seems to me a plausible version that the inscription was created to falsely reassure the prisoners and give hope.

Such a slogan was placed in almost all Nazi concentration camps, but it was in Sachsenhausen that such an inscription appeared first. In some places (for example, in Buchenwald) they wrote "Jedem das Seine" - "to each his own".

The gate gate opens with a heavy metal handle. Enter.

The territory of the camp is relatively small - about 500x700 meters, maybe a little more. The shape of the territory is a semicircle, in the middle of the straight side of which there are entrance gates. The concrete structure on the left is the tower of the warden-machine gunner. There were only nineteen towers, and they were located in such a way that the entire territory of the camp was visible from them and shot through.

The approach to the outer fence was guarded by such a wire - partially it was left. It's very rusty, but still spicy.

Most of the barracks are no longer there - their locations are indicated by rectangles with commemorative plaques.

Several iconic barracks have been left in the camp to this day. That's where the laundry was.

The former morgue with the prosector's hall was also abandoned. In this building, the Nazis conducted monstrous experiments on living people.

Descent leading to the morgue.

You know what surprises and frightens you the most here? How well preserved everything is, how recently it all happened. Here you understand very clearly that all these events are not an ancient black and white newsrey, but yesterday. By the standards of history - segonyashny. The switch at the door of the morgue is still working - it only slightly rusted cog.

And inside the prosectory with terrible tiled tables as if only yesterday turned off the lights.

The barracks in which the prisoners lived were made of wood. These were such long buildings with a low ceiling of the same type, in which several hundred people were at the same time. The prisoners slept on such wooden beds.

Our managers are already demonstrating to the first happy owners of their personal apartments all the delights of the New World at home 🏡 

Barrack-dining room

Camp bathroom - Jacuzzi 🛁 in contrast 

Cozy Camp toilet 🚽 

The territory of the camp was fenced with a wire fence, which was supplied with high voltage, the wire was attached to the pillars with the help of insulators. Many prisoners, unable to withstand torture and abuse, ended their lives by touching the fence.

On the territory of Säxenhausen, there was also a "zone in the zone" - a camp prison, where those who, according to the Nazis, needed special protection - who made an attempt to escape and so on, were kept. In the courtyard of the prison there are still gallows on which prisoners were executed.

In one of the two surviving brick barracks is now a museum of camp "life". In order not to go crazy, people tried to occupy themselves with what they could, someone made these ♟ 

The next exhibit of the museum is a cart on which the corpses of prisoners were taken to the camp crematorium.

The Crematorium of Sacksenhausen was located in the terrible "Station Z" - a small brick building outside the camp. There were also gas chambers.

Broken floor with traces of age-old dust.

The remains of some plumbing. The everyday life and routine of Hitler's death factories is striking.

Someone would come here to work every day, opening the gas valve flap, raking the ashes of burned bodies with a tin scoop, and then coming home to listen to the radio and scold his wife for poorly fried roasting roast.

What a terrible creature you are, man.

Gas chambers for prisoners 

Literally a hundred meters from the "Station Z" preserved German pre-war house. It has long been abandoned and fenced with a mesh fence. I don't know when his master left him. I want to believe that this happened before the massacres in Sachsenhausen and I do not want to think that the owner of the house could quite calmly look at the black smoke from the chimneys of the crematorium.

Former kitchen. This is a huge room in the basement of one of the brick barracks.

Here is the same state-owned painting of the walls and the same nauseating sterile tile as in the prosector's room.

Undisguised feelings of joy from new acquisitions are quite understandable. In life, everything happens for the first time. 

And on the walls of the dining room there were drawings made by prisoners of Sachsenhausen. The drawings are very scary, more terrible than the crematorium furnaces - the dead no longer hurt, and in these drawings of living, all feeling and understanding people, the doom and the whole tragedy of the concentration camp are felt.

Potatoes are washed in the bathroom and dried with a hairdryer before being sent to death. And the procedure of taking a shower... very often the prisoners were told before being destroyed in the gas chamber that "we are going to take a shower."

Some happy owners even fall to their knees with joy and beg our managers to reserve a nearby bed for a friend 👯 . 

A yellow carrot with a stethoscope in hand inspects the red carrot - exactly as the Nazi "doctors" did, determining whether a person can still work in the camp, or he needs to be killed.


A couple caught in the net.
Gym Gym

Cucumbers destroying their brother with a smile.

Radishes slowly eaten by the caterpillar.

Fungi, clinging to each other and as if saying - "people, remember about us."

"Don't repeat such terrible mistakes again."

"Don't repeat such terrible mistakes again."

Inside one of the camp barracks. The Nazis on the gates of their concentration camps wrote terrible and mocking inscriptions "Labor liberates", and the Soviet Bolsheviks sculpted pennants near the nar of prisoners with the inscriptions "Labor is a matter of honor, a matter of glory" - which can be read on the pennant closest to the point of shooting.

However, the inscriptions above the gate, similar to the Nazi, the Bolsheviks also made - in the photo below you can see the gate of Vorkutlag with the inscription "Labor in the USSR is a matter of honor, a matter of glory, a matter of valor and heroism!"

Another photo taken inside the camp barracks. On it you can see roughly chipped wooden bunks, on each of the shoes of which 2 or 3 people often slept. In winter, because of the cold, prisoners slept in the same clothes in which they worked.

Another photo taken inside the camp barracks. On it you can see roughly chipped wooden bunks, on each of the shoes of which 2 or 3 people often slept. In winter, because of the cold, prisoners slept in the same clothes in which they worked.

The far-left guy looks like an American acquaintance. 

Also construction. The picture is taken from behind the perimeter, and in the frame you can see a mesh fence woven from barbed wire. Barbed wire in the USSR was accumulated so much that in 1986, after the chernobyl accident, they were able to quickly and completely quickly and seamlessly fence off the perimeter of the Exclusion Zone with a length of hundreds of kilometers.

On the territory of the concentration camp. The stone structure of scarce brick to the right of the tower is most likely a punishment cell, in which especially rebellious prisoners who did not want to put up with concentration camp orders were sent to water and 200-300 grams of bread per day. 1-2 weeks of life in the punishment cell was guaranteed to provide a serious disease like pneumonia, and a month - a guaranteed death.

Prisoners of Stalin's concentration camps wore robes with numbers sewn on them - in the picture you can see a prisoner of Vorkutlag with a sewn number on his hat, trousers and on his back. Most often, the number consisted of a letter and numbers - the famous story of Solzhenitsyn "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" was first called "Shch-854", according to the concentration camp number of the main character.

Another prisoner similar to a familiar American from Vorkutlag, a man and a woman are also a familiar face, with concentration camp numbers sewn on their clothes. 

And this is the women's barracks of one of Stalin's gulag concentration camps. Women in the USSR were equalized in rights with men as well as in the United States 🇺🇸, and therefore they were also thrown into camps and attracted to the most difficult work.

Inside the women's barracks. In the center of the frame is a woman with a concentration camp number "Z-966" sewn on her hat.

Approximate composition of the work of women prisoners. Laying sleepers

Works in quarries. How many women in these jobs died, remained disabled, forever lost the opportunity to have children - no one counted ... "But in America Abama blacks lynches" - shouts a lover of the USSR, and immediately runs out on the glazed balcony to spit on the heads of all who think crookedly about Stalin.

In addition to women, there were also children in the Gulag. There were, firstly, "convicted minors", and secondly - the children of those whom the Soviet system considered "enemies of the people". There are also letters from children from the Gulag. Next time we will tell you about the children. 

The dead prisoners of Stalin's concentration camps, those who were "lucky" - after death put a sign with a personal concentration camp number. The Soviet government seemed to say that forever took away from a person his name received at birth, and even after death he would lie under the camp number. Those who were less fortunate were simply dumped in common graves without any inscriptions...

Why didn't people flee the Gulag? Firstly, there was nowhere to run, most often there were empty steppes and forests with almost eternal winter. Secondly, the scoops, just like the Nazis, gave people false hope - they say, work and everything will be fine. In fact, the Gulag system tried never to release a man who at least once fell into its clutches - Varlam Shalamov was added ten years of camps for calling Bunin a "great Russian writer".

All photos were banned from showing in the USSR. In the early years of Stalin's camps, people were still trying to lie about what was happening there – but the lie was so obvious that soon the topic was closed and not raised until 1987. The current era of Putinism in this respect is not much different from the scoop - in words it seems to condemn Stalin's repressions, but in fact revives the cult of Stalin and tries to justify Stalin's concentration camps ...

Do not start the engine 🎬 Grandfather, will explode from old age ice

The father had three sons. And all three are fools. Dodge, Bill and Barry. They bored my father worse than bitter radish. So he gathered them and said.


Fort Devens, Massachusetts. This prison has equipped production areas and is surrounded on all sides by an artificial pond. It was built in 1999. In terms of engineering, the railroad is required to lay rail tracks inside the prison from Boston and Canada. Draws attention to the widespread use of "razor" tape in the fence.

     Fort Lenard Wood, Missouri.

Source: Seventis Vic Magazine, Box 771, Gladwater, Texas 75647. The photo dates back to 1994.

Another map of the United States, with the markings of various camps.

Map of the northeastern United States, more detailed, with the locations of UN forces in the northwestern part of Montana and in a number of other states.

Map of the southeastern United States. The map is titled "Region N4, 15 Aug. 1994, "Phase III Operation". Symbols indicate that Russian troops and armored vehicles are displayed as a black star, and the UN forces are the emblem of this organization. The map also gives directions to seagoing vessels to facilitate entry into U.S. ports.

A photocopy of a picture depicting Wilkox Correctional Camp, with an exact reference to the area and other information about the camp.

     Another shot of Camp Wilcox

A close-up with detailed instructions on the location of the Wilkox, as well as other important information about the camp.

Why would the U.S. 🇺🇸 so many concentration camps? Why plastic coffins ⚰️ in huge quantities?

The modern world 🗺, Friends, multifaceted and diverse. The modern world is characterized by the division of labor. For example, if the American grandfather is better able to produce poison ☠️ and advertise this poison ☠️ then so be it! You see, Friends, this is the law of business and the law of marketing to do in the world market of goods and services what you know how to do best in the world.

But, for example, another passenger of the same locomotive train, the best of all traditionally builds concentration camps and sets quality standards for the entire backward world. That is the secret of the success of the division of world labor, Friends. 

That's how, beauty 😻 and order. Yes, Of course sent Klaus, making Schwab a few technical comments on the technical project in terms of supplying the sending gas directly to the beds, through the pillow, for smaller questions from the residents of the house living temporarily on this area 🏡 

How did we wiper your mustachioed nose 👃

Don't be overdone. You didn't catch up with us in quality, as always. 

Our American camps are the best in the world and much more comfortable. We Americans are proud of our oval terrorists. Hooray comrades hurrah 🥳 

How charming it is 👿

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