Because the Fauci flu in any of its "variant" forms has not yet been properly isolated, the Food and Drug Administration has instead used common cold/flu viruses to perform PCR – tests – meaning that anyone who tests "positive" for Chinese microbes is actually just testing positive for seasonal flu and other SARS.

The World Bank provided a total of about $21 billion in fiscal year 2020 and intends to allocate up to $160 billion to combat the effects of the spread of the novel coronavirus by June 30, 2021.

This Treaty is sealed with blood, with our blood. It should never be announced or recorded, for if it is known, the awareness of this by people will cause us the wrath of the Original Creator, and then we will go to where we came from and where we will remain until the end of eternity. "

Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars”, Manual Tehnic SW7905.1

The project is part of a discipline called "Operational Research", which developed during World War II with the aim of attacking enemy populations using methods of social engineering and psychological warfare.

        Nᴀᴩᴏlᴇᴏn frᴏʍ ᴛhᴇ lᴀwn

New York's new governor, Katie Hokul, said Wednesday on MSNBC that her administration will be more transparent than the authorities of her predecessor, Andrew Quinomo. After that, some American media accused Ouomo of announcing underestimated data on deaths from COVID-19.

The Associated Press claims that Ouomo, in his daily briefings, did not report on the deaths that the state reported to the CDC medical regulator, but only reported deaths confirmed by laboratory and recorded in the New York State system, which only takes into account data from hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities. That is, the figures announced by Kumomo did not take into account people who died at home, in hospices, in prisons, homes for people with disabilities, as well as the deceased in whom the coronavirus was not laboratory confirmed.

At the latest briefing on Monday, Ouomo said a total of 43,404 people have died from the coronavirus in the state.

On Wednesday, at her first briefing, Hokul gave the figure of 55,395 people - this is just all the data submitted by the authorities of New York to the CDC regulator. At the same time, according to Hokul, the total number of deaths registered only by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities is 43,415 people.

 Thank you very much. Please, colleagues.

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

On August 27, 2021, the WHO, run by the puppet of pedophile Epstein's friend Semite Gates, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is waiting for a criminal charge of genocide in his homeland (no joke), published technical specifications and guidelines for the introduction of a prototype of a single identity card, NWO passport, vaccination passport. 

          Careful, heavy video. 

Market in China. And these communist bastards offer their social rating model for the civilized world, and David Rockefeller in his Lockstep praises them. Oh your friends David.

Arson, Sonoma County, California.

On Monday night, 8 different wildfires were burning in the Healdsburg area. It's a scene on Healdsburg Avenue, north of the city.

You can imagine Guys, it's Tin! If they are not arrested, they will soon 🔜 people on the counter.


They found masson shelter, a prison for children and sacrifices.

The exact location is unknown, but it looks like the territory of the United States.


The cartoon promotes a new implanted "smart label" that "brings a New (World) Order into my life." The sign allows you to control people like drones.


We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.”

It was never about real immunity (vitality) and never about a real viral threat. (The viral theory itself is a fiction.)

According to our latest data, the planning and development of this PLANDEMIA began more than 20 years ago! This is also confirmed by all the numerous Patents for Covid-19 that existed before the so-called "outbreak". 


Pieter Bruegel Jr., "Payment of Debts"

Control of food production and distribution.

Rent, purchase, places are limited by this publication, as the phone ☎️ red, it burns 🔥 from orders. 

        In a word , ROMANCE 😝

Another significant milestone is the date of commencement of work on a covid vaccine.

📕2019 WUHAN UNIVERSITY. Universal LANA functions in the pathogenesis of KSHV- 103 410 dollars.

Doctor, we rang the bell and the patient was drooling. Oh, it's wonderful. 

          Hello retiree Ouomo. 

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

Lightweight corpses that were carried with one hand in 

New York in the spring of 2020.

The latest voluminous materials of the Editorial Board on the stages of the special operation Corona 👑 19 including the criminal component of the story since 1917 

The Progressive Weather Billionaires Foundation and the Ivy League Think Tank fund underground terrorists."

Former Weather Underground member David Gilbert may be ready to escape from prison thanks to former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.), but progressive supporters have long supported his terrorist wife, who has run the Criminal Justice Reform Think Tank at Columbia University for the past seven years.


The scale of what happened in a short time (only a year and a half) amazes our imagination with the speed of destruction of the world. This is proof of the complete degradation of state institutions, dehumanization and destruction of the consciousness of people, subtle human souls and bodies. 

As our favorite boss says, if a man is an idiot, it's going to be a long time.

Kamala and I are going to sit down as a couple. 

Make no mistake, this vaccination campaign is a war crime of the highest order, and death is the only punishment that will stop these criminals.

Of course, now that the world army has finally woken up, the campaign will fail. 

The White House administration and their immediate plans.


The more monstrous you lie, the sooner you will be believed. Ordinary people are more likely to believe big lies than small ones. It corresponds to their primitive soul. They know that in small things they themselves are able to lie, but they are very much ashamed to lie. A big lie just won't even occur to them. That is why the masses cannot imagine that others would be capable of too monstrous lies.

         Ꭻᴏsᴇᴩh Ꮐᴏᴇʙʙᴇls

We are at the finish line, Friends, now you can look at the official work of 🧑 🎨 one of the main biological terrorists of the Ethiopian WHO.

Unique document with graphs that clearly reflect the findings of 45 serious scientific studies that showed the dangers of vaccination: Source: PDF document (46 pages)

If someone seems not enough for the urgent convening of an international tribunal for war crimes and genocide of the civilian population of the world, with exorbitant harm to the business of billions of bloody dollars, under the false intention to treat vaccination 💉, then familiarization with another book that contains information about 1200 such studies will definitely speed up the process of decision-making and arrest of the main defendants and this is also done for sure. 

            - Y᧐ᥙr 𑀝rᥱɗ᧐ ? 

          - Aᥣᥕᥲys ♋️♐️🗺💓

With you international Friends of Hanuriki worked Creative Workshop Madame X & Mr. Joker 🃏 & Phantomas X 

Ꮃᴇ hᴀvᴇ nᴏ ᴛiʍᴇ ᴛᴏ dᴇᴀl wiᴛh ᴛhᴇ ᴛrᴏᴏᴩs. Ꮃᴇ ᴀrᴇ ʙusy wiᴛh ᴛhᴇ Nᴇw Ꮲrᴏjᴇᴄᴛ 💃💏🕺🏼in ᴇvᴇry ʙᴏdy.

On August 3, 1977, the 95th session of the U.S. Congress opened hearings on allegations of abuse related to the CIA's TOP-SECRET Consciousness Control Research Program, called MK ULTRA. On February 8, 1988, MK ULTRA victim Kathy O'Brien was secretly rescued from the slavery of consciousness by intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their attempts to achieve justice for seven years were halted by THE NATIONAL SECURITY. "Trans-Formation of America" exposes the truth of this criminal abuse of the unconstitutional "National Security Act" of 1947.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 

Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetotoxic. The image below shows a liposomal capsid containing graphene oxide in the Pfizer "vaccine." Liposome delivers graphene oxide to certain organs, glands and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes. Also, graphene is obtained by the nervous system, heart and brain.

Also found in the Pfizer injection was Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite whose several variants are lethal and which is one of the many causes of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. It is not known if this was a random ingredient or if it was specifically added and will be present in all Pfizer "vaccines".

The honorary editor of India's National Journal of Medicine agreed with the commission's report, writing that it was "an obvious case of Indians being used as guinea pigs".


It passed like a caravel on green waves,

A cool downpour after a hot day.

I looked around to see if she looked around.

To see if I looked back.

I remember something I sang to her about eyelashes,

And in her ear whispered a I,

Only suddenly it took off like a bird,

Either a girl or a vision.

And I looked into the starry sky for a long time,

And the next day I was sick all day.

I was looking for it, but to no avail,

Whether it's a girl, or a vision...

Maharaja is an Indian prince; the highest title available to a Hindu, historically corresponds to the title of emperor.

Weakening public health systems of states

 In addition to promoting unsafe products to poorer countries, the Gates Foundation actually hinders improvements in public health systems and access to health care. Changes in the social and economic determinants of health are giving way to more lucrative, technology-driven solutions such as vaccines.

Who suppers a girl, she dances 💃! There are several more options, for example, who the girl has dinner, he leads to the rooms ...

            Home , Part 1 


It passed like a caravel on green waves,

A cool downpour after a hot day.

I looked around to see if she looked around.

To see if I looked back.

It passed like a caravel on the waves,

A cool downpour after a hot day.

I looked around to see if she looked around.

To see if I looked back.

I live now and quietly and foldingly,

But in the evening, bypassing the lead,

I look in the crowd for her eyes greedily,

Either girls or visions.

You're like her, like a sister,

But of course not she, unfortunately,

And I'll go home and let me dream.

Whether it's a girl, or a vision....


And the phrase belongs not to the main character, but to the episodic. The hero in the restaurant comes to the table and invites a stranger to the dance, A Chinese man sits next to her, these are his words...

Husband's phrase: - Several times I danced, and now all my life feeds ...

Coronaviruses (Coronaviridae) are a family of viruses that combines medium-sized RNA-containing pleomorphic viruses, on the surface of which there are characteristic fringed villi. Initially, the viruses belonging to this family were classified as myxoviruses, but the results of subsequent studies gave grounds (1968) to separate them into an independent taxonomic group. The generic division of the Coronavirus family has not been determined.

Electronogram of cytoplasm of W1-38 cells infected with human coronavirus, strain 229 E: synthesized sickle-shaped structures (1) and budding virions (2) of coronaviruses are visible in the region of large vacuoles (K. McIntosh, 1974).

In 1976, they knew how to treat the virus, but now they do not know? But they invented incredible lies and a new way to stolen national state budgets, as well as in parallel a new kind of destruction of large masses of people without the use of atomic and hydrogen bombs, in the style and paradigm of the most mass murderer in the history of the world Bill Gates.

Article in the newspaper from the USSR "Arsenal", date 1976 from the archives of Russian partisans, they sent us . 

Soviet communist newspapers wrote about the mysterious corona 👑 virus 45 years ago. 

Life sentences and the death penalty are guaranteed to many. The general plan is fully disclosed and only the organizational aspects for the detention / neutralization / elimination of the criminals of bioterrorism remain.

            Our arguments 

           First count violation

Geneva Protocol and Biological Weapons Convention 

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Trump was born in 1946 in New York to Fred Crist Trump and Mary Ann MacLeod.

Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB back in 1987 in Soviet Leningrad and has been actively working for Moscow ever since. Indeed, Trump first visited Moscow in 1987, and the KGB of the USSR made a very great effort to this, first putting under this red body Ivan Zelnichkov from Prague, and later the little daughter Ivanka. But preparations for Trump's recruitment began long before that, and the decisive role in this was played by the then head of the Kgb First Main Directorate responsible for foreign intelligence, Vladimir Kryuchkov. Kryuchkov's entire career was connected with intelligence. A few days later, as Yuri Andropov became chairman of the Soviet State Security Committee in 1967, Kryuchkov was appointed his assistant and head of the KGB Secretariat. After 7 years, Kryuchkov headed the entire foreign intelligence of the Soviet Union. In 1988, when Trump, as suggested in the United States, was already recruited, Kryuchkov became chairman of the KGB. In 1984, when Andropov died, Kryuchkov took the initiative to master new methods of recruiting agents in capitalist countries. Previously, Soviet intelligence officers focused on supporters of leftist views and sympathizers of the USSR, but by the mid-1980s there were already few, and they usually did not occupy prominent posts.

Donald Trump with his Czech wife Ivana Zelnichkova in Peterhof. 1987 

Covid-19 is a 100% special operation. It's a 100% lie and a false pandemic. These are 100% false poisonous ☠️ drugs called vaccines. This special operation has been actively prepared for the last 8 years to create a futuristic world where there will be no nation-states, familiar to almost all countries of market relations based on labor and competition. It is difficult for us even to write on this topic, it is easier to say this is the most perfect nonsense of mentally unhealed marasmatics. There are no more than 100 of them as the main conspirators and state criminals. And in general, there are already tens, even hundreds of thousands of criminals around the world. All for their beloved NWO (War Communism).

The history of the creation of the New World Order

In a rush to foil a conspiracy of silence regarding this as yet unconfirmed aspect of the effects of the fake coronavirus, and in the hope of persuading people to take their health more seriously and to follow personal hygiene rules with particular care, we present to you the findings of one recent study 2019-nCoV, which states that the virus can reduce/destroy male fertility, despite the cure, and despite the mild symptoms, and which we, for the convenience of the reader, will present as a selective quote from the report on the virus and its effects on the body:

"... the expression of protein and ACE2 mRNA in the testicles is the highest in the entire body. Moreover, both cells, intestinal ducts, and Leydig cells showed high levels of ACE2 expression. These results indicate that testicular cells are potential targets for 2019 -nCoV... because of the potential pathogenicity of the virus for testicular tissues, clinicians (doctors) should pay attention to the risk of testicular damage in patients during hospitalization and subsequent clinical follow-up, especially when assessing and appropriate intervention in the fertility of young patients.

           Musical 🎶 Pause

        BON APPETIT 😋 

𑀝ɦεϝ Ϻɾ. Ϻεʈɾσρσɭʝʂ Β .

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