FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine? I wonder how and on what grounds? 

The FDA manipulates and engages in the substitution of concepts in the document. The vaccine did not receive a license, its emergency use was extended indefinitely. As proof, we suggest that you carefully study the FDA document, especially pages 11, 12 and 13. 

For example, on page 12 of the FDA document: "All descriptive printed materials, advertisements, and promotional materials relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should clearly and clearly indicate that:

This product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been approved for emergency use by the FDA under the EUA to prevent COVID-19 for individuals aged 12 years and older; and• Emergency use of this product is permitted only for the duration of circumstances justifying an emergency permit and use of a medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act, unless the announcement is terminated or authorization revoked earlier."


The scheme, designed for three injections, was developed and described by who back in 1972.

Experiments on animals made it possible to understand how to create biological weapons in the form of "vaccines", so that:

1). The first vaccination completely incapacitates the human immune system, that is, immunodeficiency (in fact, AIDS) is created.

2). The second vaccination of the body is loaded with a deadly virus.

3). The third vaccination is spurred on by immunity to create cytokine (anaphylactic) shock and an explosive course of the disease.

The relevant who memorandums were discovered by Patrick Jordan, and accuse the WHO of the fact that the WHO has long purposefully created a three-lane deadly vaccine scheme of global genocide.

The memorandums are called: 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No. 2 Memordanda #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology.

Here are the full memorandums:



The last WHO memorandum describes the three-stage scheme back in 1972. This is critical evidence of the long-existing genocidal tendencies of the "World Health Organization"

It is really important that such injections can be separated in time for months, or even years, the body with a suppressed immune system for quite a long time does not give signs of the disease (up to 10 years).


Memorandums of the World Health Organization (WHO) from 1972, which explain a lot, that is, "explain how to turn a vaccine into a means of murder." "These key memorandums, which were discovered by American researcher Patrick Jordan, indicate that the WHO deliberately created a killer vaccine. Patrick Jordan exposed the unfolding plan to exterminate huge numbers of people through the development of viruses and vaccines. He said there are vaccines that turn off human immunity.

The WHO memorandums are called 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No. 2 Memordanda #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology. Patrick Jordan's research reveals a three-vaccination system developed by the Khazarocrats. "Animal experiments technically outline the ability to create biological weapons in the form of vaccines."

This is a deadly three-pin vaccine scheme for global genocide.

The first vaccination turns off the white blood cells (immune system). It completely incapacitates the human immune system, that is, immunodeficiency is created (in fact, AIDS).

The second vaccination is loaded with a deadly virus, that is, the second injection brings viruses. At this stage, viruses are carried through the body, but the subject does not feel sick because the immune system does not fight them.

The third vaccine again turns on the immune system. It spurs immunity to create an explosive course of the disease. The launch of the immune system provokes a powerful attack on viruses, which kills a person. This effect is known as a cytokine storm, where the immune system is so shaken that it sends too many antibodies to infected areas. Thus, the body kills itself.

According to experts, this is critical evidence of long-existing genocidal tendencies of the World Health Organization (more precisely, health care), which should be held accountable for this activity. These memories are evidence of a long-planned killing of people by weakening their immune systems."

As part of this plan, hysteria was provoked in 2009 with the A/H1N1 swine flu pandemic.

One of the main manufacturers of vaccines against swine flu is the company Baxter International (USA). She is also a member of the WHO Advisory Committee on Vaccination Policy, along with other companies Novartis, GSK and Sanofi Pasteur.

The company Baxter International (USA) became famous at one time for the fact that "by oversight" sent to European laboratories the avian influenza virus, which was then mixed with the seasonal influenza virus, forming a much more dangerous mixture.

David Icke, in his article "Not as terrible as the flu as its vaccine," writes: "Baxter today is one of the main suppliers of the swine flu vaccine, which governments around the world impose on the population without more or less serious safety testing. The vaccine at full speed overcame the barriers of sanitary inspections, which were limited at best to tests lasting less than one week."

The London Times reported: "According to information from the European Medicines Agency. Clinical tests will continue simultaneously with the start of the general mass vaccination of the population."

According to Ike, in fact, there is no need for "tests", except to calm public opinion. The organizers of vaccination are well aware of the composition of the vaccine and its effect. Moreover, a special document declares pharmaceutical companies in advance to be out of court in cases of death or irreparable damage to the health of vaccinated.

Baxter International executives said they would be supplying swine flu vaccine worldwide. Profit is fantastic, but the main thing here is not so much money as the implementation of a long-developed plan to reduce the population of the planet.

However, on September 26, 2009, a video message from the Spanish nun Teresa Forcades appeared on the world network. In it, the doctor of medicine, a former doctor, voicing the point of view of many doctors, cites scientific facts and anomalous events that have taken place over the past few months and relate to the A/H1N1 virus, and draws conclusions that force us to look at the current world situation with the pandemic from a new point of view.

For each fact or event cited, Teresa refers to official sources of both prestigious scientific communities and international organizations, where all the facts and events she cites can be double-checked.

Pending patent application No. US 2009/0060950 A1 states: “In some preferred embodiments, the vaccine contains several antigens ... selected from, in particular, one or more subtypes of human influenza H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2, H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7, swine flu subtypes H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2, canine or equine influenza subtypes H7N7, H3N8, or chicken flu subtypes H5N1, H7N2, H1N5, H13N6, H7N6 H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2, H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 ".

 The patent was published in March 2009, a month before the virus hit Mexico, but the patent application was filed seven months before the "new" subtype was even known. Amazing insight.

 In late 2009, New York State began compulsory influenza vaccinations. Before vaccination, they were given to sign a paper, which listed possible serious complications, up to sudden death. The person was obliged to sign this document so that he was familiar with the likely consequences and would not have any complaints. It was not possible to sit out at home either: there were mobile vaccination teams. All employees of New York hospitals who refused to carry out compulsory vaccinations from December 1 were ordered to be fired. This is such a "kingdom of freedom and democracy"

Joseph Moshe, a microbiologist associated with the Mossad, while in the United States, made an official statement that the American company Baxter (its Ukrainian branch) is engaged in the production of weapons of mass destruction in the form of a vaccine. According to him, this vaccine, which is produced in Ukraine, is not a vaccine at all, but a biological weapon created by genetic changes that causes illness and death.

Professor Moshe was invited to a live radio show, where he said: "In Ukraine, there are not only secret dungeons of the CIA, but also the laboratory of the biocompany Baxter, which allegedly produces vaccines, but in fact biological weapons, which are passed off as a vaccine."

He said that "the vaccine contains additives that kill the immune system (i.e., artificially cause AIDS syndrome). The virus itself is reproduced from the Spanish flu virus of 1918.

Back in 2005, specialists of the Rockefeller-controlled American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a short article in Reuters. Here's what it said. "We were able to reconstruct the virus and conduct a number of experiments to study its properties," said Terence Tampi, a spokesman for the Center. Fragments of lung tissue of people who died from the "Spanish flu" in 1918 were used as a sample - this material was taken during the exhumation in 1998 of the most preserved bodies - in permafrost conditions in Alaska.

With the help of modern genetic technologies, the causative agent of the "Spanish flu" was recreated and studied. In its antigenic characteristics, it differed significantly from other pandemic viruses in 1958 and 1967. The results of the research were published in the journals Nature and Science.

Following these publications, biosecurity experts expressed their grave concern about the re-creation of the deadly virus. So, bacteriologist Richard Ebright from Rutgers University (New Jersey), said: "We have every reason to fear. Tampi and his team obtained a virus that is arguably the most effective biological weapon that has ever existed, and described a way to create it."

In the same 2005, from one publication it turns out that the research was also conducted through the Pentagon, at the Institute of Pathology at the US Air Force. This became known from Dr. Jeffrey Tobenberger, who took part in the research, who reported that he and his colleagues had reconstructed the Spanish flu virus.

Thus, they admitted that they deliberately extracted from oblivion and recreated the Spanish flu virus, dormant in the permafrost for 80 years. After all, it is known that bacteriologists have been fighting for several decades over the task of how to isolate the protein of the Spanish flu virus. Why was it necessary to recreate the "park of the Spanish flu period"? Experiments on the reconstruction of the virus have been going on for 10 years, starting in 1998. That is, the leakage of the virus arose after the experiments. This means that someone has deliberately spread this virus, turning it into a biological weapon.

According to doctors, a characteristic picture of the disease that broke out in Ukraine in the autumn of 2009 is plague-type hemorrhagic pneumonia and death within 2-3 days.

This conclusion is confirmed in the article "Epidemic of the common plague in Ukraine". The fact is that there are several types of plague and pneumonic plague is just characterized by hemorrhagic pneumonia.

It's not swine flu. But they wanted to blame it on him.

Baxter has its representative office not only in Ukraine, but also in Moscow. It is located on Rozanova Street, 10/1. 

By the way, regarding the Khazar leadership of all these epidemic processes in order to reduce the population, the Israeli Haaretz wrote with reference to the largest daily newspaper De Telegraf, which published an interview with the Dutch journalist Desiree Rover. In her interview, Rover said in part: "The global conspiracy can be traced to the descendants of the Khazars, the Caucasian people, who were Jews. In fact, these Khazars have another god — Lucifer, Satan, and khazar leaders— the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Brzezinskis, and the Kissingers — are managers under Satan." 

Part of the plan of these "managers" is the total chipping of the population to establish total control over each person in the conditions of the new world order - Global Khazaria with the Antichrist at the head.

Chipping through vaccination

How can you clean everyone and everyone? Very simply - with the help of vaccination, by the introduction of nanovaccines containing nanochips.

The fabricated large-scale influenza pandemic is an excellent occasion for global vaccination with nanovaccines.

D. Dorst, a microbiologist from South Wales, writes: "The fear that propaganda creates about deadly diseases and how vaccines can prevent them is another lie to convince the masses that vaccines are effective." Dorst expresses serious concern that "one day vaccines will begin to do what they are actually designed to do — that is, to control the population on a global scale."

For the first time about nanotechnology said Nobel laureate Richard Feyman, almost 50 years ago predicted that man will be able to construct the material world, manipulating atoms and molecules, like bolts and nuts. The very concept of "nanotechnology" (from the ancient Greek word "nano" - means one billionth of something) was introduced in 1974 by the Japanese Nore Taniguchi to describe the process of building new objects and materials using manipulation of individual atoms. In fact, this was the beginning of the third scientific and technological revolution. At the same time, scientists for the first time were able to create a new world, a new matter based on artificial regulation.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently announced a new research strategy aimed at studying how manufactured nanomaterials can harm human health and the environment.

In December 2000, the former head of Finland's Health Department, Rauni-Lina Luukanen-Kilde, stated that it was now technically possible to introduce a microchip to every newborn, which would then function as a monitoring device within a person for the rest of their lives. Such plans are secretly discussed in the United States (

They have only plans, and we already have a reality that no one even hides. And, most importantly, our population, which through chipization can be turned into a controlled herd, no one is going to warn about the possible consequences of this whole enterprise.

The world behind the scenes among the main goals of establishing global domination through the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 implied total chipping and mandatory collection of biometric data from the American population and the legislative consolidation of this norm of total control over the individual.

Euphoria about all these nanoparticles is not shared by everyone. For example, a number of scientists believe that when nanoparticles get inside the nuclei of cells, toxicity is observed, in particular, DNA damage and deviations in chromosome sets (and this already concerns the gene pool of the nation and can be considered as a gene weapon). In addition, exposure to silver nanoparticles leads to the accumulation of blood in different parts of the body, thus causing swelling and necrosis.

- Watson, the fool should already be clear from the beginning. 

In the upper level, everyone plays silence and even the victims are also silent.


Vaccination as a biological weapon in that it acts 4 mya in different ways:

1) Vaccination is valid

immediately, by infection with deadly diseases; 

2) Dramatically reduces

immunity due to the presence in vaccines of many of the strongest immunosuppressants; 

3) And if not

less a person will heal - cancer due to vaccination of cancer DNA is provided to him.

4) Genetic

Vaccination factor! Now the methods of modification of the human are being tested.

genome by DNA, introduced into the human body through vaccinations. That is, Vaccination

- this is the method of homogeneous HumanIfication - directly


Watson, and how they are 

are they going to distinguish between Jews and goys? Apparently the lower level of the Jews will be donated!

  Biden's grandfather's entire Jewish army

10 prominent Jews were appointed to key positions. This is Ronald Klein (head of administration); Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State); Janet Yellen (Secretary of the Treasury); Merrick Garland (attorney general); Alejandro Mallorcas (Minister of Homeland Security) and Avril Haynes (Director of National Intelligence).

 Below Wendy Sherman (Deputy Secretary of State); Eric Lander (Science and Technology Advisor); Ann Neuberger (Deputy National Security Adviser); and David Cohen (Deputy Director of the CIA).

 Plus Douglas Emhoff is the Jewish husband of Vice President Kamala Harris.

 This is "a wonderful statement about the place of Jews in our society," Jason Isaacson, chief policy and political officer at the American Jewish Committee in Washington, told Forward. Amid the rise of anti-Semitism and its role in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, Isaacson added: the fact that so many well-known Jews will serve at the highest levels of the administration, “and no one sees this as a problem, says a lot about how far American society has come. ".

  * * *

 Who is who in President Biden's Jewish army

 Ronald Klein: White House chief of staff

 Klein, 59, who was born and raised in Indianapolis, told The New York Times in 2007 that when he married his wife Monica Medina, they agreed that their three children would grow up in Jewish tradition, but also celebrate Christmas.

 A Harvard Law School graduate, Klein first served as chief of staff for former Vice President Al Gore and then chief of staff for Biden during his first term as Vice President. In 2014, he was appointed Ebola Coordinator under President Barack Obama.

 Klein played a key role in developing Biden's plan to fight the coronavirus during the presidential campaign.

 Anthony Blinken: Secretary of State

 Blinken was born in New York, but at the age of 9 he moved to Paris with his mother and stepfather Samuel Pizar, a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust.

 Blinken's father, Donald Blinken, was the US ambassador to Hungary under former President Bill Clinton. His uncle Alan was at the same time ambassador to Belgium. Blinken's great-grandfather, Meir Blinken, was a Yiddish writer in the early 1900s.

 As a graduate of Harvard, Blinken first received public office on the Clinton National Security Council. He was named senior director of strategic planning and later became the president's speechwriter. During the Bush administration, Blinken was the staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

 During Obama's first term, Blinken served as Vice President Biden's national security adviser.

 In 2014, he became Deputy to then Secretary of State John Kerry. In recent years, Blinken has served as a senior foreign policy adviser and was also in charge of liaising with Jewish and pro-Israel organizations during the 2020 Biden campaign.

 In the near future, Blinken will begin work on preparations for negotiations with Iran on the "nuclear deal" and the promotion of peace in the Middle East. At a Senate hearing, he said the US would consult with Israel before reopening the deal.

 In a campaign interview with Jewish Insider, Blinken hailed the recent "Abraham Accords" between Israel and several Arab countries, but indicated that the Biden administration will also focus on reviving the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. True, at the hearings in the Senate, he explained that he did not see any chances for a solution to the conflict in the foreseeable future.

 Janet Yellen: Treasury Secretary

 Born and raised in a Polish-Jewish family in Brooklyn, 74-year-old Yellen will go down in history as the first woman to head the Treasury.

 Prior to joining the Federal Reserve, Yellen taught economics at Harvard. In 1994, Clinton named Yellen a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. In 1997, she became chairman of the Clinton Council of Economic Advisers, and in 2010, under Obama, she was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve.

 Yellen was one of those Trump vilified in a 2016 campaign ad denouncing the influence of "those who control the levers of power in Washington." The video also mentioned George Soros and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. The campaign was criticized for using anti-Semitic stereotypes.

 In the Treasury Department, Yellen's tasks include, inter alia, reviving the economy affected by the pandemic and leading the sanctions regime against Russia, China, Iran and other countries.

 Merrick Garland: attorney general

 Garland, 68, grew up in the Jewish suburb of Chicago, his father and mother were Protestants whose immigrant parents fled Russia to escape anti-Semitism and persecution in the early 1900s.

 "As a longtime civil servant who is also the grandson of immigrants fleeing anti-Semitism in Russia, Merrick Garland will bring a critical eye to the US attorney general's office," said Jonathan Greenblatt, director general of the Anti-Defamation League. He added that he looks forward to seeing Garland address the many challenges the country faces, "including an increase in hate crimes and domestic extremism."

 Alejandro Mallorcas: Minister of Homeland Security

 Majorcas was born in Havana (Cuba). He will become the first person born outside the United States to head the nation's main public safety agency. His father was of Sephardic descent and his mother fled Romania to Cuba due to Nazi persecution in the early 1940s. The Majorcas family immigrated to the United States in 1960 after the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro's rise to power.

 For most of the 1990s, Mallorcas worked as a federal prosecutor in California and dealt with employee crime cases. President Clinton named him Los Angeles attorney in 1998.

 In the prosecutor's office, Mallorcas dealt with hate crimes and other acts of intolerance and discrimination. During Obama's presidency, Mallorcas served as director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service and then as Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.

 In 2020, Mallorcas joined the board of HIAS, a distinguished organization for aid to Jewish refugees. Its CEO, Mark Hetfield, said Mallorcas' personal and family immigration history "means he has no illusions about where the threats to our country are coming from."

 Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League, who worked with Mallorcas in the Obama administration, described him as "a man of the highest integrity" who has worked closely with Jewish organizations for many years "to improve the security of Jewish communities."

 Avril Haynes: Director of National Intelligence

 After graduating from the University of Chicago and the Georgetown University Law Center, Haynes worked at the Hague Conference on Private International Law and then as Assistant Judge Danny Julian Boggs at the US Court of Appeals. She joined the State Department in 2003 and also served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Biden was its chairman.

 In 2010, Haynes moved to the White House as Deputy Assistant to President Obama and Deputy National Security Adviser. She later worked as deputy director of the CIA and later replaced Blinken as deputy national security adviser.

 Haynes was among the authors of a letter circulated last year urging the Democratic National Committee to adopt sharper language on Israel and the settlements in the 2020 party platform.

 Like Yellen, Haynes became the first woman to take office.

 Wendy Sherman: Deputy Secretary of State

 71-year-old Sherman will also become the first woman in this position.

 She was the Obama administration's lead negotiator on the 2015 "nuclear deal" with Iran and is likely to play a prominent role in the Biden administration's negotiations with the JCPOA signatories and in possible negotiations with Tehran.

 Rachel Levine: Deputy Minister of Health

 Levine, 64, became the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Senate-approved position. Until now, she served as the head of the Pennsylvania health system.

 Eric Lander: Director, Science and Technology Policy Office

 The Brooklyn-born, 63-year-old Lander was appointed in 2008 to co-chair Obama's group of science and technology advisors - prominent experts outside the federal government. He is currently the director of the Eli and Edith Brod Institute at MIT and teaches at Harvard.

 Biden has promoted the status of the new director of the Science and Technology Policy Office to cabinet level. Lander is expected to be an important adviser to the president on the coronavirus pandemic as well as climate change.

 Anne Neuberger: Deputy National Security Advisor for Cybersecurity

 Born and raised in Brooklyn's ultra-Orthodox borough of Borough Park, Neuberger, 45, will be responsible for coordinating the federal government's cybersecurity efforts, a priority for the Biden administration. Neuberger joined the National Security Agency in 2009 and has served as the agency's director of cybersecurity for the past two years.

 Her parents, George and Renne Karfunkel, were among the passengers on an Air France plane hijacked by terrorists and rescued by Israeli special forces at Entebbe Airport, Uganda in 1976. In a 2018 interview, Neuberger said she is very happy that young women in the Jewish community regard her as a role model.

 David Cohen: Deputy Director of the CIA

 Cohen, 58, grew up in Boston and graduated from Yale University. In 2015, Cohen became the second-ranking Jew in the intelligence hierarchy. He previously worked in the Treasury Department as Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and later as Deputy Minister for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

 Douglas Ehmhoff: husband of the vice president

 On January 20, 56-year-old Emhoff made history as the spouse of the Vice President of the United States. Ehmhoff teaches law at Georgetown University and is likely to play an important role in administration.

A doctor whose son is in autism from vaccination, that is, mentally not complete,

through the court requested government documents on vaccination. And it turned out,

that 30 years ago, experts knew that:

1) The experts knew that

vaccines don't work and won't work!

2) What vaccines cause

these are the same diseases that are supposed to be prevented!

3) Knew that vaccines

dangerous for children;

4) Continued to lie to the people; 

5) And worked hard,

so that knowledge of the dangers and dangers of vaccination does not become known to people. 

Trust the experts from the monitor!

Especially anonymous!

Keep believing that

health workers are on guard of health and protect you from diseases. Firstly

Watson, neither the doctors nor the sisters know anything at all about what they are promoting.

and administered with vaccines. They were brought from above, and now from abroad, these ampoules.

And do they know what's in those ampoules? - No of course not! This is

if you take people at their word that all people strive for good deeds. But, it turns out,

that is not! Part of the people, "chosen" - "chowsen"

people", the other "super-chosen", and everyone else in the back of the way!

This article states that "educated parents

can save their children, or allow their children to be killed with vaccines that

are a deadly cocktail of deadly

viruses and bacteria, heavy metals, mercury, fecal material (shit), genes

other animal species, fragments of cancer DNA, formalin, polysorbate 80 (sterilizing

reproductive system) - and many other most powerful of the known immunodepressants

and poisons!"

Now to spend your

a child through a full schedule of vaccinations is to doom your child to not very much

delayed disability and death.

60 Lab Studies

Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child


strokes on the rise among young people

- Back in October, a report published in the journal of the American Academy

of Neurology (AAN) found that between the years of 1993 and 2005, the stroke

rate among individuals under the age of 55 increased by more than 44 percent".

.. Dr.

Andrew Moulden, a Canadian doctor, actually discovered back in 2001 that vaccines

can induce microvascular strokes in some people, though none of the journals

or medical organizations he submitted his research to would publish these shocking

findings. As it turns out, vaccines cause the body's natural immune system to

hyper-react to the injection of foreign particle material, which prompts a massive

release of white blood cells. And these white blood cells, which are too large

to enter the bloodstream, surround capillaries and actually clog and collapse

them, leading to what are essentially micro-strokes.


started vaccinating boys against cervical cancer!

As you can see, Watson, im 

How to justify the need to once again sting children with carcinogens and immunosuppressants!

They know full well that GDLB will think boys have a cervix.

Well, since the authorities vaccinate, then there is! Soon they will start vaccinating children against canine


In this regard, in the highest

The behavior of the first persons of the states looks unpleasant. 

"U.S. virologists

intentionally engineer super-deadly pandemic flu virus 🦠

- Dolboyoby in the very name of the influenza virus "INFLUENZ"

"INFLUENCE, influence" - it is already called that it is artificial. In the 19th

they didn't get sick with the flu. There was no such disease. 


children have 5 times more morbidity than unvaccinated!"

That is, in vaccinated

children immunity for some reason 5 times weaker!

Nowadays 50 times of your

the child from birth will be pricked with the strongest imunodepresants and broth from

cancer cells, because

all vaccines are cultured

on cancer cells.

That is, cancer DNA is grafted

from birth. And they succeeded! Even 100 years ago, people had cancer.

a very rare disease!

And "vaccination"-

it's a looking glass word that doesn't speak to the physicality of the process. Simple word

"VACCINATION" - expresses the essence. 

  VACCINATION 💉 against what?

    VACCINATION 💉 against what?

Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus USA recognized that in 8 years 100 million Americans were vaccinated with polio virus - infected with CANCER!

The saddest and funniest thing about this case, Watson, is that the specialist knows: vaccinations cannot be NOT infected with cancer, because vaccinations are grown on cancerous tissue cultures! 

Before the onset of the 100-year-old vaccines, people hardly died of cancer!

The extremely toxic component squalene MF59, which caused "Gulf Syndrome" in the U.S. military, is now being added to flu vaccines: Highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant that caused Gulf War syndrome in military servicemennow being added to some civilian flu vaccines

"The Ministry of

Vaccinations the United States recognized that in the United States for the last 8 years infected with cancer through vaccinations

100 million people and then deleted this information:

At least 70

infants across five developing nations have died shortly after receiving a World

Health Organization- (WHO) and GAVI-backed pentavalent 5-in-1 vaccine that combines

the Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (or DPT) shot with the Hepatitis-B and H

influenza-b (or Hib) vaccines.

- as you can see, Watson, the man is just born - and he immediately Tony 

one hundred injections in the ass, and if it does not die immediately from anaphylactics and loss of immunity,

then from cancer then will die for sure!

Officially: "Medicines"

approved by the U.S. Department of Drugs (FDA) kill more than 100 thousand

people annually:

Oh that sweet word "MEDICINE"! Keep going

believe the advertising of drugs on TV to two companies 📺!

Chinese scientists have proved,

that the H7N9 avian influenza virus strain is a biological weapon developed

in American laboratories in Wisconsin and the Dutch laboratory of the Medical Center

Erasmus in the Netherlands.

"Japan refused

from the papilloma of the viral vaccine due to the fact that, as it turned out, it causes


- Watson, that's what the effect was needed! Fools to breed is enough! Pits

there are already escalators to dig.

Have you heard anything?

about the invention of an "edible vaccine"?-

So this is to confirm what the Department is about.

for 10 years. So here's its inventor.

and the engineer said the main problem was overpopulation and his vaccine.

can destroy 25% of the world's population easily and without strain! Of course,

- Goy. Otherwise, the Jews would have immediately torn his head off for such words. Professor,

inventor and genetic engineer responds to overpopulation questions by quipping:

“Has anybody seen ‘Contagion’? That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering

to create a better virus”During a discussion panel in Arizona State University’s

Biotech department that took place on February 2, 2012, the inventor of genetically

engineered edible vaccines joked about wiping out 25% of the population with

a genetically engineered virus.

For example, the New York Times published a huge

a laudatory article about a vaccine developer.

- Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, who was the chief

vaccine boss of the American concern "Murk".

Here it is - a typical civilian:

And nowhere in the article is there any mention of this video, where Hilleman himself is open.

Recognizes that vaccines contain viruses of cancer, AIDS, SV40, etc 

Here's the movie . Was here ⬇️ YouTube, Facebook, Instagram is one gang of criminals. Already deleted 🎞 movie


Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America - "Concern Murk Infects America"

And Holmes 🕵️ accentuates: 

they don't say anything at all, Holmes passes them! 

Technically, they

grow vaccines on a nutrient medium in which the main component is

cancerous tissues - crayfish, sarcoma, which they take from morgues from dead people.

And if they grow vaccines on cancer.

they implant cancerOUS DNA in children! And what else will you explain,

that "Skyroquetization" is a sharp rise

cancer over the past 60 years is exactly the intensification of vaccinations?! 

Vaccination is a vaccination

children of cancer cells and the guarantee that children will get cancer in the future"

Why do they need our children now? Vaccination now

- This is a method of dealing with population overdraft!

People! Have you heard anything?

about SARS ?

You're behind in life. This is

acute pulmonary and colds, which appeared here literally in the last

decade and is characterized by a much higher mortality rate than influenza. That's it. 

wiki article.

We will sing to the sounds of the piano 🎹 🎶

"SARS was

clearly a genetically created bioweapon. It had spliced elements of human, cow

and mouse viruses which is not possible in nature".

Modern entertainment of communists - morons ⬇️

The "golden" pistol of 🔫 Muammar Gaddafi actually turned out to be just gilded gold leaf on top, like domes on temples. The toy 🧸 colonel became a trophy of the Libyan rebels during the capture of the dictator and the massacre of him in 2011.

It is still kept as a souvenir by one of the participants of those events, Mohammed Albibie.

The shooting of Elena and Nicolae CeausescuFree showed the Romanian television liberated from the Communists. Already at the X Congress of the Communist Party in 1969, delegates in a single impulse jumped up from their seats and chanted: "Ceausescu is the people!"

In 1989, Iliescu led a protest in Romania against the totalitarian regime of Ceausescu. Footage of the shooting of two subjects hated by the people and a pseudo-court went around the world. You can howl as much as you like that the court was illegal and did not comply with all legal norms and aspects. You know, my dear dictatorships are jurists. You can't play laws in just one goal. Such a game is downloaded exactly as it can be seen above. By the way, this is 0.666% of world history. 

          "The Monkey dictator"

  Do you recognize anyone in this monkey?

Additional voluminous and professional Materials on the topic of biological attack on the world 🗺 biological blackmail of the world's population in order to dismantle national states, transition to communist and fascist dictatorships of governance, with the actual abolition of national Constitutions of different countries of the world ⬇️

Stylish additional accessory to the wardrobe autumn 2021 

Milla Jovovich is still at the Cannes Film Festival. But he's already coming to us. 

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