We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.”

Gaston Berger

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”

The world crime "behind the scenes" has drawn up a plan for "sustainable development" for the XXI century, called Agenda21 (Agenda for the 21st century), which should culminate in the construction of a new way of life on the planet and the reformatting of its ecosystem: on the surface, the whole complex of principles stands "for all good against all bad", but in fact leads to total control of all life of the planet by a group of "chosen" according to the scenarios of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. In accordance with this plan for the transformation of the planet, various strategic and tactical steps have been developed for its implementation, which are being implemented in stages and to the extent possible. Thus, today there is a concept of the future, born in the depths of the most odious groups of supranational coordination and governance and, then, carried out through the UN institutions, thus legitimized and became a guide to action. 

This masterpiece of terrorist concept has been subscribed to by 179 countries and, accordingly, all bear the burden of participation in its implementation and implementation. 

Agenda21 page on the UN website:

Sustainable development is an action plan and is being implemented worldwide to inventory and control all the land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information and all human beings in the world. Keywords – INVENTORY AND CONTROL.

Nothing was opposed to the Agenda for the 21st century (that is, no major structure or state voiced or took responsibility for offering the peoples of the world any alternative idea of human development based on a comprehensive analysis of the situation, except, perhaps, some popular initiatives).

Since we live within the framework of the implementation of the concept of the future according to the theses of Agenda21, it makes sense to consider the events taking place in the world from the point of view of its gradual materialization. To do this, it is worth recalling its main provisions.

In the autumn of 1983, the United Nations, at the 38th session of the General Assembly, adopted a resolution establishing a commission to "propose long-term environmental strategies to achieve sustainable development until the year 2000 and beyond". Gro Harlem Brundtland, who served several times as Prime Minister of Norway and was Vice-President of the Socialist International (sometimes called the "cradle of globalism"), was appointed chairman of the commission. In his foreword to the 400-page report "Our Common Future"

prepared by a group that became known as the Brundtland Commission 

Gro Harlem Brundtland, first head of the commission.

Whose grandmother is 👵 Children 👶, take your grandmother home and provide her with some kind of necessary thing, for example, knitting 🧶 warm clothes, socks 🧦 🧦 

After all, it was this unknown un-elected grandmother who wrote the "Global Agenda for Change", which became the basis of what was proposed to be formulated by the World Commission on Environment and Development. At the same time, the term "sustainable development" first appeared. The Bruntland Commission from Canada also included 👴 grandfather Maurice Strong (MauriceStrong-

Maurice Strong having received the Four Freedoms Award for Freedom from Want in 2010.

Grandchildren, why don't you follow your grandfather and leave one unattended on the street? He is clearly lost in space, oh between us melting ice 🧊 

The Agenda for the 21st Century was directly articulated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. The party was organized by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and longtime representative of the vanguard of the Rothschild and Rockefellers. Strong was a member of the Club of Rome and his man on environmental issues at the Round Table, which includes the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Together with the Agenda, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development was adopted at the same time.

If you clear Agenda21 of the beautiful shell and analyze its essence taking into account where (from whom) the initiative comes from, it becomes more or less clear that its goals boil down to the following:

📕The end of national sovereignty: all states are only agents of solutions of supranational institutions (for example, created under the auspices of the UN)

📕Universal planning and management of all resources: ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, salt and fresh water, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology, food distribution, etc. is introduced.

📕the state should determine the role of all business and financial resources in accordance with supranational legal acts.

📕The potential possibility under discussion is the renunciation of private property.

📕complete restructuring of the "cell of society" – the family.

📕Children are brought up by the state.

📕People are assigned what their job will be.

📕Significant restrictions on all social movements.

📕 Establishment of settlement zones for people.

📕 clearing of land from human habitation (revival of wildlife), mass forced relocation of people to specially created for this zone.

📕 systematic decline in the level of education.

📕Mass global depopulation, including due to all of the above.

In principle, Agenda21 is the creation of a post-democratic, post-industrial society.

The leitmotif for the agenda for the 21st century was the topic of ecology: planet Earth must be saved from humanity, which predatory consumes its non-renewable resources, exceeds the limits of the use of renewable resources, too much nasty and spoils the climate. The fact that the elite itself had the maximum gesheft all the way and took an active part in building those barbaric economic structures that led the planet to today's deplorable state remains outside the brackets.

Now, for the sake of a bright future, genetically modified products and carcinogenic "mercury" energy-saving lamps are being introduced, harmful not only to humans, but also to the environment, which suggests that the goal of Agenda21 is primarily the power and total domination of a small elite group over the rest of humanity, and ecology is a good excuse.

Since the desired way of life for humanity in the 21st century was formulated by a rather small group of people, whom some psychologists characterize as sociopaths, devoid of a sense of empathy with a prevailing reticular ("reptilian") brain, the implementation of their plans may not seem quite sympathetic to the rest of humanity.

Central to the 21st Century Agenda is a dramatic population decline. "Tablets of Georgia" called the optimal figure - 500 000 000 people 

Now the human population exceeds 7 billion. Such a number of people does not improve the quality of life of the elite, they are difficult to manage and they require resources. The tasks of management of the world's population force to expand the very group of elitists and managers, which leads to an increase in contradictions, the struggle of ambitions and a drop in the quality of management in the very "behind-the-scenes" and its closest servants, which we are now to a certain extent observing. Therefore, the tasks of population reduction are the cornerstones, priorities and are solved through a set of measures - such as bloody local conflicts, family destruction, vaccinations and medicines leading to infertility, harmful food additives and preservatives, epidemics, deterioration of the quality of life, hunger, propaganda of homosexuality and sex that does not lead to procreation, genetically modified food, romanticization of suicide, narcotization, the creation of an appropriate psychological climate ("in captivity do not reproduce"), the design of the organization of densely populated urban enclaves and the creation of an aggressive environment in them; poverty, feeding ethno-cultural contradictions, the displacement of people from the earth and so on – there are many ways. For those who will be allowed to survive – complete control over consciousness and the brain, up to the creation of an artificial "induced" reality, unconditional obedience to the system, "cyborgization" and chipping, control of the sphere of upbringing and education (+ juvenile justice), strict regulation of fertility and social status, the creation of enclaves for living and zones forbidden for people to stay in them, total control of water, food and its production, and so on.

Aaron Russo in an interview with Alex Jones said that Nicholas Rockefeller shared with him plans to reduce the population: "We talked a lot about what," Russo recalled. "On the decrease in the population of the Earth ... In a way, I agreed with him, the planet is really overpopulated, but personally I have no right to decide who to live and who to die... Rockefeller explained: "The main goal is to control the whole society ... To make sure that bankers and elites rule the world." 

The Melinda Gates Foundation, former newlywed accomplices from Microsoft have the main purpose of their activities budget enrichment, enormous power and population reduction.

To realize that the population of the earth is too large, in recent years, humanity has been helped by the following musicians who wrote songs with the words "toomanypeople" (too many people):

PaulMcCartney, PetShopBoys, PhilCollins, TheLeaves, UnkleBob, BobbyGoldsboro, SomaHoliday, GlenHansard, Dinahlee, JerryFuller, AlanPrice, WetWetWet, PrincessChelsea, Placebo, DJEmerson, PercyThrillsThrillington, CristianCorrotea

In principle, a lot has already been done to advance the "Sustainable Development" Agenda. Bill bought up farmland and Klaus 🤶 congratulates 437 Agent Bill on this momentous occasion. Imagine how many of them have already fallen into this abyss of conspiracy. Artificial food 🍱, water 💦 from the purified gates shit and other worms 🐛 from Klaus Schwab, as well as ambiguous and anti-people National laws, all work and operate in line with the developed programs and regulations of Agenda21.

Ecofascism, and de facto agricultural terrorism to ruin farmers.

AlexanderKing& BertrandSchneider, Thefirstglobalrevolution: areport/ bytheCounciloftheClubofRome(NewYork: PantheonBooks, c1991 :

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. . . Therealenemy, then, ishumanityitself.

About climate change, anthropogenic lies, false global warming and everything else is so great that we will not repeat all this terrorist nonsense. And the main author of these terrorist works is the closest ally of another budget Alphonse Bill Clinton - another budget Alphonse Al Gore. It only makes sense to simply note that this false idea and its phenomenal promotion among the world community significantly promoted Agenda21, contributed to the adoption of a number of laws, taxes and quotas beneficial to the globalists, and helped Gore to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to him as a fighter against global warming, and his documentary "Inconvenient Truth" to earn an Oscar.

El Gore gives a lecture on anthropogenic global warming in the animated series "South Park".

Our Lego materials do not force to refute this nonsense of the herd of budget Alphonsus on the figures:

In this case, the area is 136,120,354 km2.

Considered these two and all the claims against them 😂



            💉8 DOSES💉 


Budget Alphonses and their Agenda21 plan provides for the division of the world into zones. Plans to create vast wildlife areas free of human settlements involve the destruction of cities and towns and the relocation of people from there to several urban and industrial enclaves scattered around the world. High-speed trains should replace cars and make it impossible for people to appear in certain areas of the planet. 

Builder and main terrorist Barry announced his program to build high-speed rail, with the published plans for the passage of tracks coincide with the planned settlement zones in the United States. Cameron unveiled a similar program for Britain. 

Grandfather Alphonse continued to build a highway with his tongue, everyone remembers his Mega plans to build in the desert for camels 🐪 roads.

For example, you can consider two maps of the United States to understand how the plan this country should look by the middle of the XXI century. On the first map, red indicates the territories free from human presence, yellow - buffer zones of extremely limited access and strict control over human activity on them, the rest of the land can be used by people according to regulated purposes, some areas are assigned to Indian reservations. The second map shows the megaregions into which America is planned to be divided.

Figure 1: The demand in Agenda 21 for a massive cull of the population can be understood when you see how much of America is designated for no human activity.

In case anyone doesn't know, it's the UN ambassador 🇺🇳 in the workplace 👇

Figure 2: The Rockefeller-funded America 2050 map of America and Canada divided into megaregions.

These maps indirectly testify: the US nation-state 🇺🇸 is supposed to destroy All we have today is a complex terrorist plan. All the points are connected and formed exactly as it is, since it has long been planned.

If you look at the processes in dynamics, you can clearly see: America is quarreling from the inside all the last time. At the same time, the territory of America itself and various groups within the country are used to destroy the United States 🇺🇸. And globalization occurs according to different scenarios. The rejection of the unipolar world does not negate the desire of the terrorists behind the scenes to have full power over it. In principle, "behind the scenes" does not care what form of control will be, they are important control itself. Moreover, "take the mail, telephone, telegraph" when intending to intercept control is easier if they are concentrated in one place, which always poses a certain danger than when they are scattered around the cities of the villages. There are no superpowers that are economically, politically and militarily able to say no to this global conspiracy for the human world they are building, with the aim of establishing a world diktat. Only national peoples, their association with honest national military, can stop this process of destroying the world in front of the sinister face of the establishment of world totalitarian power of the dictatorship of crime.


In general terms and briefly, due to the limitation of the volume of material placement: 

Friends, perhaps one of you or your friends and acquaintances has a question: - Where do patients with the virus come from if the epidemic 😷 is 100% fake? 

1) This attack on the world has long been prepared and in 2015 a certain Richard Rothschild registers 19 COVID-19 patents in the Netherlands 😷

2) In 2017, the International Bank of 🏦 (world hospital 🏥) and its Bulgarian communist - Marxist - a pathetic semblance of a revolutionary and one of the persons of the criminal conspiracy, the chief doctor of the 👩 ⚕️ of this criminal world hospital, Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva, begins deliveries to the countries of the world of false COVID19 tests.

3) Since the receipt of false COVID-19 tests in various countries of the world, the national Ministry of Health of the countries of the world and the leadership of the countries of the world (administrations, presidents, prime ministers and other conspirators) begin an active phase of preparation for the beginning of the special operation scheduled for the end of 2019 and 2020, the crown 👑 19 and secretly under great secrecy with a single control center of the special operation begin production for these false COVID19 tests of the same false and dangerous injections of death. which for the population they would later call a vaccine. De facto, this is not a vaccine - IT'S 100% FALSE 🤥 

American traces of 👣 of three documents 

4) With the Russians we were even luckier. The guys sent us a screenshot of the original Russian documents. These astronauts 🧑 🚀 sleepwalkers registered a COVID test 5 days before China announced 🇨🇳. And in 10 days, they applied. Could that be 🤔? 

Certificate of Russians, pay attention to the date of registration of the PCR test.

In Russia, the registration of the PCR test began 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases! This is possible 🤔 

Here is the document 📄. This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests on the well-known fashionable body virus 🦠 virus. Please note that on 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the Russian manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020. Let's turn to the chronology of events of the world. 

On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan sent a sample of bronchoalvelary lavan fluid (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus. And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a novel coronavirus that had not previously been detected among the human population. On 30 January 2020, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the WHO declared an emergency of international health importance (which is not uncommon for the Ethiopian terrorist WHO and his friend Beale to do). 

Handsome, what to say? 

Let's put it this way: 

On February 26, TASS, a russian state-authorized news agency (the Russians tell us this is an analogue of Chinese Xin Hua and North Korean television) reports that Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine. This was reported to journalists not just by a doctor from the hospital 🏥, but by the whole Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova. Here are her words: 

- "We Have a Strain. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China. 

STOP 🛑 Madame Arbidol, February 26 You received a strain in Russia, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days before? How can this be Madame? In honor of what such an Anschluss occurred? After all, the test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed, but it must be tested, undergo clinical trials. But at that time there were no accelerated registration procedures. And what to register if there are tests, but there is no virus. After all, the first patient you have in Russia will appear only on March 2, 2020. Your super researchers from the Federal State Educational Institution "CSP" managed to not only come up with your PCR test for 21 days from the start without the presence of any virus, but also to prepare a whole package of documents for a new medical device. We know you for many decades can not even create a remote from TV, and here is a test for a completely new virus. Maybe someone helped Madame Arbidol? 

And after all this cheap performance of the provincial circus tent, are you trying to convince us of the presence of a terrible virus killer? 

You want to convince us that with such criminal shoals of the Russian testing system that test something that has not yet appeared in the country, there really is a virus 🦠. Where is the guarantee that they then tested something real? A real, proven PCR test with such false manipulations can not be exactly. Only a false theoretical model. You Russians decided to play cards with us 🃏 a throwing fool but we were not going to play cards 💳, especially a fool. We play a grandmaster game of chess ♟. For us you are novice chess players with a children's 3rd category in chess. In general, you are still small huesos in order to deceive us Mongols 😂, the discovery of Russian partisans of this document is one of the most important evidence in recent times. 

        Is it really funny 😝 David? 

We continue our comedy 🍿 

Friends, we hope you have stocked up on popcorn 🍿 

5) National administrations, together with the national Ministry of Health, put the right people at the head of some medical departments who, according to the plan of the special operation, will issue a diagnosis 🩺 COVID-19 😷. Of course, we cannot know for all the countries of the world. But in the U.S., 🇺🇸 is the Dominion, a private company to which Speaker Nancy Palosi and Hillary Clinton are related, as well as Barry Obama. Here's this company :

6) That this is an informational, false, biological, terrorist attack on the world of 🗺 we have no doubt and all our previous materials say just that. We are accustomed to answer for our words and are ready to answer to any investigative bodies of the United States 🇺🇸 including in court. This is a terrorist operation to reformat the nation-states of the world and the United States in particular into other paradigms of total control, the reduction of the world's population, and de facto plans to exterminate the US population and the earth and establish a New World Order by the methods of war communism with elements of medical fascism. This is a war of the 5th generation against its own population and the State. 

7) Period . 

No, Of course this can not be without preparation. Point in the fourth paragraph and move on to point five.

We're funny too, Roni! 

And yet, Roni, we are very sad to watch your wretched terrorist receivers. 

BOMBSHELLMarines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.”

You can ask us here 👇 about the fine details and materials of the special operation corona 👑 and generally have a good time in a good company of specialists 😊😎


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