Ecological Madonna 2X1 

The girl, of course, accidentally happened to be in the place of the passage of the famous pimp and he, of course, also quite accidentally turned his eyes to this perfection from ecology stroked the ecology with his pimp dlan. 

Oh God, what a hell and terrible 😣 pussy this world has turned into 🗺. Morons of all stripes and in all theatrical costumes and fields occupied the crumbling rotten proscenium of the Management of the degraded world, the majority of elite groups and the population including ...

The great expert Greta Thunberg suggested that everyone switch to a plant-based diet. The call of this sheer-witted granddaughter of Soros is nothing more than a paid order for this talking head grett. In fact, this is a plan of supporters of NWO in the form of war communism with elements of medical fascism to redraw nation-states into a single communist space of morons and disrupt the functions of the food industry.

In the Apocalypse of John the Theologian there is a mention of the great famine under the world king Antichrist. There are already many publications about the Antichrist project itself on the site, this one will be like an additional module. With the seal of the beast-chips figured out, the mouthpiece of globalism Klaus Schwab has already confirmed in an interview - they plan to implement, now it is no longer the fantasies of conspiracy theorists. But it turned out how this hunger is prepared by the globalists in the publication on the portal "Tomorrow". I'll summarize it here. For the globalists, everything is going according to plan. It is no coincidence that now farmers annual GMO seeds are literally imposed. Why they need it, clearly stated in the article Why the elite to reduce the population. Extra people and made-up overpopulation.

Let's draw a parallel between the past and the present, because today the world is under the real real threat of an even greater scale of tragedy as in the late 1930s.Then, on the eve of the Second World War, when a camp was formed, which included countries that are now generally called fascist, although then there were different versions of fascism: German National Socialism, Japanese militarism, Italian fascism, Romania had their own versions, Hungary, Bulgaria and the USSR - there were many such states.

For all the economic and political differences, fascist countries had common characteristics: a significant strengthening of the role of the state in managing the economy, the creation of complex state-corporate structures and the elimination of traditional forms of democracy. Moreover, for a sufficiently large part of the population of these countries, the transition from classical bourgeois democracy to what Hitler, Mussolini and other adherents of fascism painted by them was perceived, rather, as a positive fact. This bloc decided to subjugate the rest of the world and war became inevitable. We know this war from the history of fascism. Our ancestors experienced what brings the world a "new order" in reality, and not in propaganda actions such as the 1936 Olympics in Germany.

By the way, before the Second World War, the Roman Catholic Church supported the fascists and now Pope Francis has entered into an alliance with the globalists. Photo we appeared just below the ⬇️, work with the material is at the speed of sound. But a hundred years ago, even Catholic priests could be understood, communism loomed on the horizon with the abolition of the church, they chose from the worst evils, and now it became clear that the pope was just a Freemason and a Satanist (an adept of modern Luciferianism).

Today, a group of very influential capitalists (which, among others, includes Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the leadership of the IMF and the World Bank), together with "progressive" philosophers, have raised the question of transferring humanity to the rails of war communism and pure fascism. With a deep reading of what they write, you see 100% parallels with the very "new order" of the 30s of the last century, only taking into account the past almost a hundred years of development, especially in the field of information technology.

They say that the national must be destroyed, that it is necessary to decisively get rid of the "dark religious remnants"." Instead of nation-states, large and ultra-large corporations should lead everything, which will subordinate all other business formats to their interests. And any resistance to this will be broken in a cruel and quick way.

They believe that this lie in the form of their own invented and orchestrated epidemic of false coronavirus has created the conditions for such a reset, and until the transformation is completed, their planned lies of the epidemic will last until 2028. We see the documents, other names come to replace them and it will be infinite. Like all fascists, supporters of the new order demand strict control over the population. Now it is brazen, with the help of the police and through electronics, the system of digital slavery.

The proposal of the cloppy Greta ordered for the planned national coups d'état under the guise of a kind of reset. Adherents of communism - fascism also want to change the food industry. They require the abandonment of the use of cattle, the transition first to soybean, and then completely to artificial meat grown in bioreactors. Further, for the vast majority of people will follow the rejection of milk, eggs, coffee and so on. In fact, it is said about creating a system in which people will eat just "food". These are really mentally ill people. 

The delusions of these crazy morons and their agricultural terror will lead to scarcity and famine. And what they have outlined in the future and plan today will lead to a very big jump in prices for natural food, it will cost insane money, and artificial will also become very expensive. Prices for products in relation to income will increase significantly.

It is no longer enough for terrorists to simply keep millards of people in poverty, appropriating most of the goods to themselves, they want to deprive them of everything, considering, for example, that it is too fat for ordinary people to get good food - poison yourself with worms 🪱 from Schwab and water from bill's purified shit, with chemical additives.

[A hostile attack on the agricultural environment, including infrastructures and other processes around the world, the synchronicity of actions can not be seen only blind and deaf. The process of causing significant damage to national territories is in full swing to fulfill the planned agenda of crazy officials of the State Bioterrorists to establish a New International Totalitarian Order.

World hunger cannot be caused at the touch of a button. A complex of terrorist actions is necessary: fires, floods, slaughter of ⛏ livestock, destruction of crops, destruction of the fields of sowing of crops, accidents and so on. ]

In every family, there is a concept of inevitable expenses: the cost of a roof over your head, heat, clothes and food - something that a person can not do without. The middle class is those people who today spend no more than a third of their real income on food. Therefore, they have the opportunity to travel with the remaining money, buy household appliances and so on. And terrorists want to force people to spend more on the inevitable expenses, because their task is to destroy the small and middle class, thereby erasing the segment of the population that could question the eternity of the created world order. In addition to the sharp rise in the price of food, there is also pressure on the middle class through the labor market - with the help of robotization.

Today, virtually all world agriculture is focused on the cultivation of cattle. Grain production is rather a secondary action to animal husbandry. Accordingly, if you start to destroy cattle, which, as inclusive capitalists say, "extremely pollutes the environment and is generally extremely dangerous" (they compose tales about the fact that cows fart and from this the ozone layer is destroyed and global warming occurs), then the technological chains of agriculture are instantly unbalanced. After that, prices will soar so that a real famine can begin, and not locally, but on the scale of Europe and Asia.

The existing world system is three-class in its structure: there is a class of the rich and the class of the poor, and between them there is a rather large middle class, which includes scientists, engineers, a considerable proportion of workers and farmers, and many others. These are the same independent producers that for the past 150 years have been the basis of existing state systems. The ideologists of inclusive capitalism want to move to a two-class system: on the one hand, an extremely thin layer of the upper elite, on the other hand, a colossal, absolutely disenfranchised human mass that ensures the well-being of the former, who, of course, will have both beef and sturgeon.

At this rate, we are destroying the world of the world and may soon lose everything, we will come to the complete enslavement of man: no one, for example, will be able to move away from his settlement beyond a few miles. People will be deprived of cars because neo Marx Klaus Schwab opposes private transport. We will get a new order — much tougher than that of Hitler and the USSR. Because they didn't have digital tracking systems and satellite controls.

In such a situation, Soros's talking granddaughter Greta is used as an adept of war communism and fascism. Note that her first statements coincide with the basics of these well-known basic concepts. The terms were thrown in two years before the start of the false coronavirus pandemic (biological information attack). Now, through it, a new stuffing is being made into the public consciousness, which after a while they want to turn into a totalitarian regime. At the same time, they will again say that the rejection of animal food is necessary solely for the sake of solving environmental problems.

In addition to food, housing will also become very expensive, and housing is planned only to be rented. There will be no private property. The widespread transition to "green" energy is an increase in the cost of heat at times. They directly write that there will be quotas for water, electricity, heat. Quotas, of course, for the bottom layer.

This is the world for which we are being prepared. And Greta is just a tester, she must give out certain thoughts that will then "walk" through society: if there is no critical response to them, pressure begins in this direction. Thunberg, by the way, is not the only "cassandra" here...

Inclusive communists take advantage of their pseudo coronavirus attack, universal fear, try to seize the initiative through this fear and through hints to the elites that, they say, the ruling layer will be narrow, but specifically you can enter it if you follow all our instructions. Now they have managed to seize peace and initiative.

If we imagine that the new world order will win, then we will get a society in which there is a very high percentage of disenfranchised people with low life expectancy, and there is a narrow layer of long-lived representatives of the elite. For the vast majority of the population, social elevators will be almost completely absent, and a system of strict control will be established. Such a structure is stable and can exist for more than one decade.

The beginning of its existence will be marked by a colossal food catastrophe. Probably, the new order will be able to exist for 60 years, which, by historical standards, is not at all long, and then will collapse into a colossal catastrophe, such as the ancient one. Therefore, in eternity, in which they will trample a person's face with a boot, you can definitely not believe and not be afraid of it. It's not an eternal system. But the real danger.

And in the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s, and now we are talking about the fight against fascism. Today, the word fascism and communism is in the zone of political impossibility for pronunciation by ear, so they called it the phrase "inclusive capitalism". It is worth recalling that even then not everyone called themselves fascists. 

The words were different and the content was the same.


The Holodomor is the most effective weapon of the elites in order to reformat humanity.

Food is the most necessary need, it is needed every day throughout life. It is food that is the most effective tool for influencing a person in order to implement various geopolitical and social projects. With the help of controlled famine, political and military tasks were solved, fortresses were taken, states were conquered, entire civilizations were destroyed. This tool of manipulating people has not disappeared over time, but on the contrary - has become more perfect, subtle and effective. And if earlier it was used openly, and the famine itself was a legal weapon, then in modern tolerant reality, when propaganda assures people that the technological process excludes any manifestation of food shortage on Earth, the use of controlled hunger is in every way hidden and disguised, creating the illusion of its naturalness. Which, in turn, raises a huge question about the declared goals of the technocratic development of civilization and the scientific and technological revolution.

Now any information about the state of food security of the planet is carefully dosed. The press covers only certain manifestations of hunger in different countries, which cannot provide information not only about the general condition, but also mask the goals and methods of manipulating food. The most globalist structure, the UN, periodically issues reports on this topic, which, however, not only do not show the overall picture of hunger, but also hide the goals of its creation.

In March 2017, Dominic Birgon, Director of the Emergency Unit at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), announced that

more than 100 million people worldwide face acute malnutrition and are at risk of dying of hunger, and the number of people at risk will continue to rise, costing millions of lives. The latest figures from the UN report showed that 102 million people were on the brink of hunger last year, nearly 30 percent above 80 million in 2015.

Birgon attributed this growth to deepening humanitarian crises in Yemen, South Sudan, Nigeria and Somalia, where conflicts and severe drought have led to a drop in food production.

Earlier, the UN World Food Programme said more than 20 million people – more than the population of Romania or Florida – are at risk of dying of starvation within six months in four different regions. Wars in Yemen, Nigeria and South Sudan have devastated populations, and drought in East Africa has destroyed agricultural economies and left millions in poverty. Famine has been officially declared in two districts of South Sudan as a result of the prolonged civil war and the ongoing economic crisis. In northeastern Nigeria, a seven-year uprising by Boko Haram militants has displaced some 1.8 million people, forcing many to flee their farms.

The WFP report states that the world is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945. The current situation is worse than even the most devastating famine in Ethiopia in 1984, when more than a third of the population died, all livestock fell, and people ate land mixed with dirty water. Now in the region already 800 thousand young children are on the verge of death from hunger. The daily death rate from hunger reached two children per 10,000.

But the most serious situation is now in Yemen. According to a report by the UN World Food Organization, starvation in Yemen threatens more than 17 million people and shows an increase of 20% every 9 months. Nearly 7 million more people are in a state of emergency – one step away from hunger under the five-point integrated food security classification (IPC), according to which the international standard is from 10.2 million people at the peak of the crisis. These figures reflect a 21% increase in hunger in the poorest states in the Arab world since June 2016.

The destruction of people by starvation in these countries is carried out in a complex combination with other methods. According to a report by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, airstrikes by the Saudi-led international coalition in Yemen in 2016 resulted in the death of 502 and the wounding of 838 children. The total number of children killed worldwide reached 15,500. The publication Global Research claims that the United States and Saudi Arabia are waging a chemical and bacteriological war against Yemen, which led to a catastrophic cholera epidemic. Filed by Middle East Eye, the most susceptible to the disease are 200 thousand children who are on the verge of starvation. In total, more than 1 million starving children live in the areas of the cholera epidemic. Children under the age of 15 now account for about 44% of new cases and 32% of cholera deaths.

A similar situation with hunger is developing in other parts of the world - in Asia, South America, Africa, in the Far East. Conflict situations are created everywhere, which eventually develop into mass starvation. Analysis of the overall picture shows the consistency and purposefulness of such actions.


Who and, most importantly, why is it necessary to create an artificial hunger? Quite frankly and directly the answer to these questions is given in the article "Does Massive Failure of Winter Wheat Crop Signal Amos's End-of-Days Famine?"

In all countries, the grain harvest is falling. In the U.S. and Canada, this decline is 38% per year, creating a catastrophic deficit in the world. The harvest in the United States is now the lowest in 108 years, this also applies to Canada and Europe.

The famous Kabbalist from Jerusalem, Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri, explains the coming Holodomor in the world in the last times before the arrival of the Mashiach, calling it a necessary stage in the messianic process and a divine goal. The rabbi explained that hunger and thirst will invariably drive people to Israel to unite them on the eve of the meeting of the Mashiach (in the Orthodox tradition – the Antichrist).

"They will come for food, fleeing from hunger, and they will learn that physical life is not as important as spiritual life. When people come to us, they will find that what they really lack is a special light of the Torah coming only from Israel."

Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Trugman, director of the Chadash Torah Institute, also sees universal hunger as a necessary step in the process of moving towards the redemption of the whole world.

"These difficulties open the way to the world for communication with Israel. This is Israel's clear positioning to redeem the world and become a light to the nations. We know from the prophets that at the end of days the whole world will gather in Israel to dispel the darkness. Whether God is deliberately directing this situation, or whether the misallocation of resources is an action by the people, the end result will be the same – the nations of the world will become closer to Israel."


How can people, according to Trugman, quickly create a general famine on earth? In early August, the Spanish newspaper El Pais published an article "El cierre de uno de estos pasos puede desatar el hambre", in which the report of the British analytical center Chatham House entitled "Chokepoints and Vulnerabilities in Global Food Trade" was cited. The report shows the 14 geographic locations and infrastructure of the world on which world food security rests. The authors of the report show how the closure of the Railways of the Black Sea, ports on the Black Sea, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, Gibraltar, Aden, Hormuz, Malacca and other straits, the Suez and Panama Canals can create food shortages in various parts of the world. The authors describe the risks of overlapping these "bottlenecks" due to conflicts, wars or clashes. Threats also carry political decisions to restrict transit or create barriers to exports.


Apple trees and apples are iconic symbols of many agricultural states of America, but today the future of these trees is in question. Something inexplicable is killing apple trees across the U.S. and this epidemic has already reached the level of bubonic plague. And the worst thing is that scientists do not know the cause of this mysterious disease.

The first reports of this disease came from Pennsylvania back in 2013, where dwarf apple seedlings began to die en masse. The problem was called RAD (Rapid Apple Decline – that is, "rapid fall of apples") or SAD (Sudden Apple Decline – that is, "sudden fall of apples").

RAD usually begins on a single tree branch. In the spring, when the leaves are just beginning to grow, they twist and become yellowish-red while they are still small. Gradually, all this spreads to the entire tree and the apple tree rapidly loses its bark until it dies. And then the disease spreads from tree to tree, like an infection, until it kills the entire garden.

Technically, something similar was observed in the gardens back in the 1980s, but photos of those events do not go to any comparison with the epidemic that began in 2013.

In the spring of 2019, North Carolina farmers who inspected their apple orchards were amazed – about 80% of apple trees are already infected and, in the most optimistic case, they will be able to collect another – the last and small harvest.

Apples are one of the most valuable and most abundant fruit crops on the continent, yielding a combined annual income of about $4 billion. Naturally, this mysterious disease threatens entire agricultural sectors.

What causes this disease? Biologists are at a loss.

The first suspects were viruses, fungi, bacteria, worms and even insect pests. When all of them were excluded, suspicion fell on new pesticides or some fertilizers. All these chemicals have been consistently tested on laboratory apple trees, but to no avail.

The last suspect was new gardening technologies based on the extreme density of garden trees. So, if earlier the norm for the garden was considered to be planting about 250 trees per hectare, then modern gardens with high density can have 1200 or more trees per hectare. As a result, tightly packed trees have to compete for food and humidity, which can harm trees. But this theory has not been confirmed.

Now scientists are just shoulders and talk about the "stress of trees" due to "a number of environmental factors." However, science does not explain what this "stress of trees" is, and frustrated farmers cross their fingers, hoping for a miracle and already preemptively calculate nightmarish losses.

Although the article is devoted to the problems of farmers in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, in fact it is global and has far-reaching consequences.

So, around the world, insects, in particular bees, are dying out, which cause problems with pollination and the complete disappearance of some crops.

The migration of species began. For example, in Europe, worms and insects characteristic of the countries of South Asia appear, which threatens to destroy the entire ecosystem.

To this you can add all sorts of 4G and 5G - towers of "promising" mobile communication, around which even the weeds dry up.

GMOs are another problem in this series. And in all countries there is not a very noticeable, but confident struggle with people who dared to grow seeds on their own.

Finally, the weather and other "climate disasters" – including the disappearance of fresh water in some regions.

All this together will gradually lead the world to obvious consequences. The fact that apple trees will begin to die out first in the United States, and then throughout the world, there will be no hunger for the Earth. But everything goes gradually. Today apple trees, tomorrow grapes, the day after tomorrow wheat will begin to die out in May. How it will end sooner or later and so it is clear. And the emerging famine in the world is definitely artificial and traces of this mysterious RAD should be sought in secret headquarters and biological laboratories of globalist terrorists.

U.S. Gov't Paying Farmers to **DESTROY** Crops in Ground; Threaten to cut-off Farm Subsidies if they refuse

The United States Department of Agriculture is INTENTIONALLY creating a FOOD SHORTAGE. They are sending "Destruction Letters" to American farmers telling them they have "X" number of days to DESTROY THEIR CROPS IN THE GROUND, for which they will be paid 1.5 times the crop value, or face losing farm subsidies which will Bankrupt the farm! 

We covered this story months ago (HERE), but few people believed it. Now, we've got several more videos from several more farmers showing the USDA Destruction letters, and confirming that government is actually paying farmers to destroy crops in the ground.

Even worse, they are also telling businesses to . . . ready for this . . . DUMP any oil supplies/reserves onto roads or into the ground . . . . throw it away, under the excuse that they must do so to help stabilize oil prices. If they fail or refuse to throw away the oil they own, they risk tens of thousands of dollars in fines!

Below, several of these videos have been edited together to show as one clip for 6 minutes or so.

Take a look at what our tax money is being used to do: Create food shortages, and raise oil prices.

By controlling food, they will have absolute control over people. Complain? They cut off your food. Cut off your fuel. Vote against them, same thing.

Our own public servants, whose jobs exist to serve us, are using our money to cut off our food supplies!

The compilation video below shows:

Video of farmers destroying crops and paid by govt to do so.

Video of farmers dumping oil to "stabilize the oil market."

Video of containers arriving in port and workers being told to just let them sit. PRODUCT and PARTS SHORTAGES!

Farmer talks about EO 14008 and how govt is buying farming land to NOT grow crops and create mass starvation by "Tackling the Climate Crisis At Home and Abroad."

Watch for yourselves as our own government prepares to intentionally starve us:

What the government is doing has to be stopped. Either we step up NOW and put an end to what's going on, or the government will have such control over our food supplies that they will be able to put an end to us.

Today is Thursday, August 26 and that leaves FIVE (5) calendar days to this month. As regular site visitors and radio show listeners know, once a month - during the final week of the month - this site has to reach out to readers and listeners for financial support to keep the lights on. 

Your support helps pay for radio air time, six inbound listener call-in lines, outbound fiber optics to carry the show to the radio stations and on the net, web site hosting, data-transfer charges, music licensing and more. 

It costs about $5000 a month to keep all this operational and I cannot do it without YOUR financial help. Please donate right now with a credit or debit card!


Neo Marx Klaus Schwab has long warned everyone: 

"We all know, but we still don't pay enough attention to the dreaded scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack that could shut up electricity, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis will be seen as a small upset in this regard compared to a larger cyberattack." 

On August 3, 1977, the 95th session of the U.S. Congress opened hearings on allegations of abuse related to the CIA's TOP-SECRET Consciousness Control Research Program, called MK ULTRA. On February 8, 1988, MK ULTRA victim Kathy O'Brien was secretly rescued from the slavery of consciousness by intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their attempts to achieve justice for seven years were halted by THE NATIONAL SECURITY. "Trans-Formation of America" exposes the truth of this criminal abuse of the unconstitutional "National Security Act" of 1947.

Nora Bernard was the first Aboriginal Canadian who decided to sue the Catholic Church for crimes committed in the boarding school where she spent her childhood. Bernard was killed in December 2007 before she could testify. Her murder remained unsolved.


Thus, this cheerful old man 👴 at the world gathering of criminal fascists in Davos warns that the world can wait for a catastrophic cyber attack. 

Maybe it was worth listening to law enforcement agencies for a long time what is happening there on this fascist uniform for twenty years past? This fascist doctor announced the current pandemic back in 2017 for 3 years. 

What will become the cities of the world if in mid-December - January they are de-energized for a couple of weeks, or even months? 

The brain refuses to believe in the possibility of such a scenario, but who would have believed a year and a half ago that what happened to us now is possible? 

Klaus Schwab only voices the plan warns in the future of the very near future, from two to several months. 

"The World Economic Forum is working with the Biden administration to ensure that most people survive the coming food shortages. Citizens who have documents about vaccinations will regularly receive packages of protein products of plant origin. " 

It was clear to us what they were cooking six months ago. And today we record that these old farts carry out a man-made catastrophe that will lead to mass starvation and pestilence of the population from accidents, fires, explosions, hurricanes and other sabotage. An energy collapse may well occur. And heating will only be those who agree to introduce Poison ☠️ from Bill and Big Pharma. They are working towards world hunger and are ready to supply food on strict terms to the population of nation-states. 

One "command post exercise" on the "cyber attack" has already taken place on July 8, 2020. This pioneering light was called Cyber Polygon - 2020, 120 organizations from 29 countries took part, including Very representative Russian companies and state corporations. 

In the conditions of the planned catastrophe, sitting near the fireplace in a wood-heated 🪵 house may work out until spring, but then without work and food can not survive. 

But the world in the majority lives in city apartments ... And in the cities in the winter can be a real disaster ... 

The only salvation for the population is to protect themselves and their country from the arbitrariness of the criminal pack of terrorists is to take to the streets of their cities together. 

In such an environment, a war with a chance to win and freedom of choice is better than global slavery and death from a false vaccination in a couple of years from poison for the majority of the population.

Men, if there are any, right now unite with friends on the ground, discuss possible situations and their response.

And PRAY TO GOD your God! - especially those who have not had time for it yet. These "Egyptian executions" rose on us precisely for the unrepentant sins of everyone ... 

The Plan of Famine (German: Der Hungerplan, also the Bakke Plan German: der Backe-Plan) was the name of the plan of the political and military leadership of the Third Reich, the purpose of which was to force the inhabitants of the occupied territories of the USSR to starve until 20-30 million people died of starvation. The food seized to create famine was supposed to be transferred to the German occupation forces and the population of Germany.

           The Famine Plan

    Herbert Bakke

Germany during the First World War experienced a shortage of raw materials and food. During World War II, she found herself in a similar situation. Despite the fact that large funds were invested in agriculture, the products produced were not enough to feed the country.

On February 14, 1940, the State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Herbert Bakke, at the General Council for the Four-Year Plan, announced that such a situation endangered the German food industry and could lead to its collapse, as in 1918 [1]. Bakke was of the opinion that the problem with nutrition could be solved at the expense of the Soviet Union. But since the calculations made by the Department of Agriculture showed that there were no surpluses in the USSR, a special strategy was developed in order to obtain the maximum amount of food from the villages and simultaneously activate the National Socialist policy of extermination. According to Christian Gerlakh, the economic strategy in the East was an instrument of mass extermination of the civilian population.

As evidence of the existence of such a strategy, there are a number of documents from the state and party planning headquarters, as well as recordings of speeches in the ministry. The most important evidence of the existence of the famine plan is the minutes of the meeting of the secretaries of state. The document, which reflects the intentions of a number of senior army officials and senior officers, refers to a note that was drafted as part of one of the meetings:

"The war can be continued only if the Wehrmacht in the third year of the war is fully provided with food from Russia" ("Der Krieg ist nur weiter zu führen, wenn die gesamte Wehrmacht im 3. Kriegsjahr aus Rußland ernährt wird.»).

"At the same time, of course, tens of millions of people will starve to death if we take from the country everything necessary for us" ("Hierbei werden zweifellos zig Millionen Menschen verhungern, wenn von uns das für uns Notwendige aus dem Lande herausgeholt wird.") [2].

Ukraine's grain wealth was particularly important for Germany's self-sufficiency, but Ukraine did not produce enough grain to solve Germany's food problems.[3]

Exporting agricultural products from Ukraine in order to provide the Reich with food, the German leadership also called for:

destruction of the excess population (Jews, population in large Ukrainian cities);

extreme reduction of rations that are allocated to Ukrainians in other cities;

reducing the cost of feeding the rural population.

During the discussion of the plan, Bakke noted that the number of "excess population" in Russia reaches 20-30 million. If this population is deprived of food, the saved food can be used to feed the German army and the German population. The plan assumed that the urban population of the USSR, which had increased during the years of industrialization, would be deprived of food supplies. A high mortality rate among the population of the Soviet Union was assumed, tens of millions of deaths were expected during the first year of the German occupation. Famine was to become an integral part of the occupation campaign.

   Implementation and results of the plan

Bakke's "12 Commandments" on the behavior of the Germans in the East and the treatment of Russians[4]. In particular, the 11th commandment says: "The Russian people have become accustomed for hundreds of years to poverty, hunger and unpretentiousness. His stomach is stretchable, so do not allow any fake pity..."[4]

The famine plan led to the mass death of civilians and Soviet prisoners of war, who received almost no food. For example, Jews were forbidden to purchase eggs, butter, milk, meat, vegetables. The so-called "portion" for Jews in Minsk and other cities within the control of the central army group was no more than 420 kilocalories per day. Tens of thousands of Jews died of starvation and its consequences during the winter of 1941-1942.[5] In total, as a result of the implementation of the plan in the occupied territory, 4.2 million Soviet citizens died of starvation[6].

Soviet prisoners of war in mauthausen concentration camp

Soviet prisoners of war in 1941 were set a rate of nutrition of about 900 kcal per day, which is almost half the necessary for survival [7]. Such a norm led to irreversible dystrophy and death of a person from hunger for several months. Thus, the camps for Soviet prisoners of war in the first half of the war were the same extermination camps as the camps for the Jews. In total, more than three million Soviet prisoners of war died in German camps, primarily from starvation, of which 2 million died before February 1942, during the first 8 months of the war[8].

Although the famine plan was developed for the Soviet Union, it was also used in occupied Poland. Raoul Hilberg estimates that more than half a million Polish Jews died in the ghetto due to starvation.

By mid-1941 in Poland, the German population received 2613 kilocalories per day, poles - 699 kilocalories and Jews in the ghetto - 184 kilocalories [9]. The Jewish diet was 7.5% of the daily food requirement, the Polish diet - 26%. The Poles had some opportunities to get food on their own, for Jews in the ghetto it was much more difficult. Only the diet allocated to the Germans contained a sufficient amount of calories[10].

In early 1943, hans Frank, the German governor of occupied Poland, estimated that some three million Poles faced starvation as a result of putting the plan into action. In August, Warsaw was completely cut off from grain supplies.

Western Europe was third on the German food list, although it never suffered from exterminating famine like the East. Food came to Germany from France and other occupied countries in the West.

However, the famine plan was not fully implemented.[3] The Germans lacked the human resources to fully enforce the "food blockade" of Soviet cities, and they were unable to confiscate all food for their own purposes.

At the end of 1943, the plan led to the stabilization of the food supply system of the German population. In the autumn of 1943, for the first time since the beginning of the war, food rations for German citizens, which had previously been reduced several times, were again increased.

In 1942-43, occupied Europe supplied Germany with more than one-fifth of its grain, a quarter of its fats produced, and 30 percent of its meat.

Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diaries about the plan of famine. He points out that the basic principle of the plan is that "before there is famine in Germany, a number of other peoples will starve." And Hermann Göring stated that "if someone is destined to die of starvation, it will be others, not Germans" and "... no matter how many of them die, the main thing is that not a single German dies of starvation" [source not specified 863 days].

The children of the devil have committed a diversion with the coronavirus and have now announced a sharp climate change and cataclysms prepared by them, which, first of all, should hit the food production on earth, and therefore lead to total world hunger. 

This reason, like the coronavirus, will be used by devil worshippers in order to introduce and aggravate digital control over all mankind. Whoever has the soul-destroying mark of the Antichrist, i.e. agrees to enter and has already entered his digital kingdom, will receive food. He who has reason, let him understand!

And of course all this ignorance from the 16th century simply had to end with what we see today. This is a pattern of attitude to good and evil, knowledge, communication, and lifestyle, attitude to oneself in the end.

Conducting a large-scale military anti-terrorist special operation to detain and neutralize state biological terrorists is almost the only way to restore the legality and direct effect of the violated articles of the Constitutions of the nation-states of the world. And this is the direct military duty of national units and their military oath to protect the country and the Constitution. So far, we have not seen them perform their direct direct official military duties. Although they receive a fairly good monetary reward for military service from the federal budgets of national states, and the budget is formed and filled with taxes paid by small and medium-sized businesses and ordinary citizens including. The circle has closed. 

headQUarters AnTiTerRor IN ThE proCess of work. mR. tREasUrEr.

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