On the green surface of the sea,

Across the plain of the ocean

Ships and captains,

Having conquered the expanse of latitudes,

The world is divided by miles,

Life far divided into watches,

Keep the course according to freight to the port, to the port ....………..

Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever

Everyone wants to live, not everyone deserves this life taking into account their behavior. 

Jeff Bezos, and Milner and his wife confirmed their participation in the financing of the startup. Altos can be compared to Larry Page's Calico Labs, but sometimes, as is usually the case with Google, nothing is really known about the project, and then it is closed (or it turns out that it was just another messenger). 

The startup is registered in the US and the UK, but wants to create several more of its institutes: in San Diego, Cambridge, Japan, recruiting a staff of scientists who are promised generous money and permissiveness in research.

Among the outstanding scientists who joined the project, there are enough people for the real version of the Umbrella Corporation:

Juan Carlos Ispisua Belmonte, a Spanish biologist who wanted to grow human organs in monkeys for transplantation to humans and predicted that human life expectancy could be extended by 50 years.

Japanese Xinya Yamanaka (Nobel Prize winner in 2012), who, using four proteins, taught cells to return to a primitive state with the properties of embryonic stem cells. By the way, in 2016, one of the laboratories applied this method to entire live mice, achieving signs of age change. True, not everything is as good as it seems - some mice developed ugly embryonic tumors, while others were still undergoing rejuvenation (still far from the working version).

Initially, Milner's interest was purely philanthropic, but after meeting with scientists, this topic greatly fascinated him, so much so that he gave several researchers a three-year grant of $ 1 million a year. The advisory board includes Yamanaka and Jennifer Doudna, who won the Nobel Prize in 2020 for her discovery of CRISPR gene editing technology.

To date, no such launch has led to any human-tested treatments, but the researchers say it's an "emerging field with unique promise." Maybe people just aren't told about the results.

Rich psychopaths at public expense 🧾 would like to be rich for another couple of hundred years and are ready to invest in such delusional startups. You will finish playing very quickly this time, the limits on your savagery are exhausted. 

The song 🎶 Bezous dedicated to his own yacht in the bay in anticipation of an accident and intercepted by our scouts. Scouts declassified and their valiant faces and bodies we show the public today for the first time at the end of our material.

Text of the Infinite Demon 

I ask you, stay with me, you must understand me,

You know what I need - you only need you, only you alone.

I want the years in spite of, we are also close.

We were also close two hundred years later.


I didn't dream of happiness like that, I didn't know about it.

Even the whole world together with you - I guess it's small.

I am grateful to my fate, for the love that has been given to us.

I know I will need you - there is always only you, only you alone.

I want the years in spite of, we are also close.

We were also close two hundred years later.......

Yes, but dragged the guy really into the far distance .... I wonder who he decided to take ....? 

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

In a rush to foil a conspiracy of silence regarding this as yet unconfirmed aspect of the effects of the fake coronavirus, and in the hope of persuading people to take their health more seriously and to follow personal hygiene rules with particular care, we present to you the findings of one recent study 2019-nCoV, which states that the virus can reduce/destroy male fertility, despite the cure, and despite the mild symptoms, and which we, for the convenience of the reader, will present as a selective quote from the report on the virus and its effects on the body:

"... the expression of protein and ACE2 mRNA in the testicles is the highest in the entire body. Moreover, both cells, intestinal ducts, and Leydig cells showed high levels of ACE2 expression. These results indicate that testicular cells are potential targets for 2019 -nCoV... because of the potential pathogenicity of the virus for testicular tissues, clinicians (doctors) should pay attention to the risk of testicular damage in patients during hospitalization and subsequent clinical follow-up, especially when assessing and appropriate intervention in the fertility of young patients.

both Gates and Bezos come from the outstanding families of the Deep State

Sailor given from birth

Two loves: land and sea.

He can't live without them,

He is happy and proud of them.

Two loves - to the land and the sea

In it live inseparably,

And the border between them is the port, the port..........

Information on yachts and the Suez Canal will become even more interesting if you rewind the time a little and look at the previous geolocations of the Murdoch yacht Vertigo and its trail.

Ethiopian from the WHO is only a technical terrorist and uses in its terrorist activities the treaties concluded in 2012-2015 with nation-states. U.S. President Barack Obama is a friend of the youth of Bill, Hillary and the Bush family. De facto took this dark-to-black pidaras ragged in his insidious project. The project is simple – enslaving the U.S. population 🇺🇸 and the world and seizing power. They hide their motives, they cultivate in the plebs through the medical agenda an unrealistic sense of false devotion to the global kahal. 

All this is as old as the world of 🗺 and once was, and now this former was previously elevated to a degree. 

We are really on the edge of the abyss and it is time for the world to choose a side so that the side does not make this choice for us. There are a lot of beautiful things in the showcase, but there is nothing in the room. The facade of the building is beautiful from afar, but this facade is built by the masters of Hollywood, inside the room is empty.

The Black Swan 🦢 who landed the other day in Tiananmen Square, is the Omen (omen) of another "Black Swan" who could thrail the globalists' plans or accelerate. It depends only on you and me and our mood as the determinant of aspiration.

In the area where the plane was flying, there are none of the 22 airports that could serve aircraft (helicopters only). The nearest runway near the visible landing site is the Russian-Perseus Aerodrome (3 km ice), the runway closest to Princess Elizabeth station, which has a length of 1420 m.

Although there may be something else nearby that can receive planes. From Antarctica everything is clear, he flew to the penguins, while all.

Igor Kesaev, yacht Sky. At the end of 2017, the publication Superyachtfan reported that the co-owner of the distribution group "Megapolis" and retail DIXY Group, billionaire Igor Kesaev has a 50-meter yacht Sky worth about $ 40 million.

And the owner of this yacht 🛥 Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev.

Public Health Ambassador Advocacy. The Knock on the Door Project to Increase COVID19 Vaccine Intake

Evergreen Line, whose tanker recently successfully broke supply chains, helping the countries breaking their own anti-cancer blockades to organize the coming famine, and which is not written about by the company, distracting people from reality, is owned by the Swedish company Greencarrier, The CEO of which is Johan Jemdal, who worked in top management ericsson, the first company to launch commercial 5G networks on four continents (70 percent of the leading service providers evaluated in the global tests of public networks 4G, use radio communication and base bandwidth Ericsson, which are the key to 5G performance), as well as in the global telecommunications company and the flagship Investor AB, owned by the Venberg family.

Igor Kesaev is the owner and president of Megapolis Group. In his piggy bank - retail chains "Dixie," "Victoria" and "friendly" attached "Red-White", the tower in "Bridge City" "Mercury" as well as stakes in the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the MIC. I don't think they'd be trusted by a businessman on the street.

        Graphene oxide and 5G

Masks on the respiratory system from the virus are football gates 🥅 for

Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts.

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag.

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

The name that Barry Soetro chose for himself is not all right as much as his wife Michelle Obama's name, which has already been taken apart. 

Barry chose the name "Barack Obama" for his scholarship. And it's no accident. The phrase "Barack" in Hebrew means "light from the sky" or, if you like, a fallen angel, Satan.

The name of the former U.S. leader, Barack (ררק B'rq) - translates as "lightning", and the surname of ex-President Obama (O'BAM -מגן עדן) translates from Hebrew "from the sky."

Thus, we get a line from Luke 10: 18 in the name of the first black president of the United States: "I saw Satan falling from the sky (O'Bama) like lightning ("Barak")."

Whether you believe in the Apocalypse or not, it's not the point. The most important thing to understand is that elites who seek to subjugate the whole world believe in it, and who, if one concludes that strange messages are encoded in the names of some of their representatives, encourage him in every way: 

-Barack Obama - "lightning, "fallen" - AP. Luke (10:18)

-Michael LaVaughn Robinson - 666 - Revelation of John the Theologian

Strange, to say the least, coincidences. Can't you find it?

What is the "PANDEMIC SPARS 2025-2028" simulator?

The "SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028" simulation details the new coronavirus epidemic. 

32 years ago, the Chinese military conducted a military operation to disperse students who were rallying in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. According to the Chinese authorities, no more than 200 protesters were killed during the events. Various international organizations talked about a thousand, and even about 7 thousand victims.

On June 4, 1989, the culmination of events in Tan'anmen Square in Beijing took place. The Chinese, who advocated the liberalization of the regime, among whom were dominated by students who came out to protest on April 15, were harshly dispersed by the military with the use of tanks.

According to various estimates, as a result of the military action of the authorities, from 200 to 1,000 peaceful demonstrators were killed.

In the 1980s, China experienced significant changes. The policy of Maoism, the theoretical direction of communism created by the leader of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the People's Republic of China (PRC), Mao Zedong in the 1960s and 1970s, led to a number of serious consequences: the country suffered a famine, the economy was unbalanced.

After Mao's death in 1976, the CCP leadership culminated in a struggle between left-wing radicals and pragmatists led by Deng Xiaoping.

Two years later, the group finally took power into its own hands, launching large-scale economic reforms. China has sought to interest foreign investors and attract technology, offering in return cheap labor in an almost unlimited amount. Over time, the system has improved. There were "open ports" with considerable economic freedom. There were also special "zones of technical and economic development" (ZTER), which were supposed to attract high-tech technologies to the country.

China's economic successes were stunning: only in Shenzhen for the 1980-1990s, industrial production grew 200 times, the population - almost 1000 times. But economic liberalization, according to part of Chinese society, should have led to political liberalization. The "starting force", as often happens in such situations, was the youth, basically, students.

The mass exit to the streets of the Chinese was prompted by the news of the death of the former general secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu Yakoban on April 15 due to a heart attack. Two years earlier, he had been fired for calls for "rapid reform" and an almost undisguised contempt for "Maoist excesses." A popular party functionary was accused of pandering to "bourgeois liberalization", and Deng Xiaoping at the same time blamed him for student protests under democratic slogans at the turn of 1986-1987.

The rebellious Chinese youth pinned their hopes on the new general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Zhao Ziyang, whom the Western press called "the Chinese Gorbachev".

The Secretary General was really reformist not only in relation to the economy, but also to politics. Under him, a certain "softening of morals" in political life began, and cautious critical articles about the improvement of the political system began to appear in the media.

Since April 27, on the main Beijing square, at the gates of the Forbidden City of the Chinese emperors, a tent city was laid out, which existed until the beginning of June. Some demonstrators went on a hunger strike. The authorities for some time did not take any measures to clean the square, but on May 20 martial law was introduced in the capital of the PRC. On June 3, the assault on Tiananmen began. The first wave was repulsed. On the barricades, soldiers were greeted with "Molotov cocktails", stones, attacked them with metal sticks.

As a result, Deng Xiaoping decided to enter Beijing to restore order army units. On the night of June 4, tanks, armored persons and bulldozers arrived at Tiananmen Square. At half past midnight, the Beijing municipality and the emergency headquarters issued an emergency notice demanding that all students and other citizens leave Tiananmen Square.

We suggest starting with persons who do not have the status of immunity.

There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'état and all of the above.

March of the Aviators - Higher, higher and higher. 🎶 Song is 🎵 singed by the choir, you can at lunchtime the whole team 🥁 🪘🎺 

1 Verse :

We were born to make a fairy tale come to life,

To overcome space and space,

The mind gave us steel hands-wings,

And instead of a heart - a fiery motor.


Higher, higher, and higher

We strive for the flight of our birds,

And every propeller breathes

The tranquility of our borders.

2 Verse:

Throwing up his apparatus obedient,

Or creating an unprecedented flight,

We are aware of how the air fleet is getting stronger,

Our world's first proletarian fleet!


Our keen eye pierces every atom,

Our every nerve is dressed with determination;

And, trust us, for every ultimatum.

The Air Fleet will be able to give an answer.


Higher, higher, and higher

We strive for the flight of our birds,

And every propeller breathes

The tranquility of our borders.

We will give notes 🎼 a little 🤏 later seeing the readiness of the whole team for choral throat singing. 

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