We are at the finish line, Friends, now you can look at the official work of 🧑 🎨 one of the main biological terrorists of the Ethiopian WHO.

This is a single passport for citizens of nation-states that are not provided for by terrorists in the new magical world of war communism.

The document for all citizens of the world according to the plan of biological terrorists WHO will enter into force and finally complete the construction of the New World Order (medical fascism and war communism).

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

On August 27, 2021, the WHO, run by the puppet of pedophile Epstein's friend Semite Gates, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is waiting for a criminal charge of genocide in his homeland (no joke), published technical specifications and guidelines for the introduction of a prototype of a single identity card, NWO passport, vaccination passport. 

"In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the concept of digital documentation of #COVID19 certificates (DDCC) is proposed as a mechanism by which human health data related to COVID-19 can be documented digitally using an electronic certificate.

A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person's current vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used to continue treatment or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care. The resulting artifact of this approach is called the COVID-19 Certificate Digital Documentation: Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS).

This document is written for the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic; thus, the approach is designed to take into account the development of science and the urgent needs of countries in this rapidly changing context; for that reason, the document had been issued as an interim guide. Ultimately, this approach may be extended to account for vaccination status to protect against other diseases.

This document is part of a series of guidance documents (see Figure 1) on digital documentation.

Data of interest related to COVID-19: vaccination status, laboratory test results, and history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The World Health Organization has developed this guidance and related technical specifications in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of partners and experts to support WHO Member States in adopting compatible standards for registration of vaccination status. 

Thus, the audience for this document is Member States and their implementing partners who wish to introduce digitally signed vaccination records.

Member States will need to create or use an internal PKI that can be used to issue and validate DDCC:VS. An existing PKI structure can be used, provided that it meets the requirements set out in this document."

CERTIFICATE : A document confirming the fact. In the context of the vaccination certificate, it indicates that a person has been given a vaccine.

CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (CA): In the context of a public key infrastructure, it is an organization that issues digital certificates.

DATA CONTROLLER: A natural or legal person who independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. The Data Controller is primarily responsible for the protection of personal data 💀

[File: WHO-2019-nCoV-Digital Vaccination Certificate - Covid Passport, pdf]

The latest data from the Ministry of Health of England once again demonstrate the false face of biological terrorists and their plans to destroy the national population and the population of the world including. They demonstrate the risks of death for people under the age of 50 due to completely vaccinated with the elixir of terrorists.

Public Health periodically releases a report on variants of false covid in the United Kingdom, and their latest report was published on August 20 and covered data on cases, hospitalizations and deaths due to the Delta variant from February 1 to August 15, 2021.

Table 5 of the report shows that during this time period, there were 178,240 suspected confirmed cases of the Delta variant in the unvaccinated group of individuals under 50 and 40,544 confirmed cases of the Delta variant in the fully vaccinated group of individuals under 50.

The report also shows that over the same time period, 1840 unvaccinated people under the age of 50 sought emergency care, resulting in them being hospitalized, while 246 fully vaccinated people under the age of 50 went to the erry, resulting in patients being hospitalized.

The report also shows that 72 unvaccinated people under the age of 50 died of covid between Feb. 1 and August 15, 2021, while 27 fully vaccinated people under the age of 50 died of Covid during the same period.

At first glance, these numbers may make you believe that false mRNA injections work, but when you analyze the number of deaths compared to the number of hospitalizations and cases in each group, they tell a completely different story.

Of the 178,240 suspected confirmed cases of Delta's Covid-19 variant, 72 have died in the unvaccinated group of people under 50. This represents 0.04% of all deaths among unvaccinated persons under 50 years of age. However, of the 40,544 confirmed cases of the delta variant in the fully vaccinated group of individuals under 50, there were 13 deaths. This represents 0.06% of all cases of completely false vaccinated persons under the age of 50 resulting in death.

This means that the relative risk of dying from false covid if a person is under 50 and fully vaccinated and then infected with Covid-19 increases by 50%. Not the 95% risk reduction claimed by the manufacturers of the false vaccine, the government, and the "scientists" it hires. But in fact, the risk of death for those who are unlucky enough to be in the hospital is even greater.

Of the 1840 unvaccinated people under the age of 50 who sought emergency care and were hospitalized, 72 died. This represents 3.9% of all hospitalizations among unvaccinated under the age of 50 that resulted in death. We start from the false tests of 2015 and so we say absolutely to everyone :- the diagnosis of 🩺 covid 😷 is a 100% lie from the first letter A to the last letter of any national alphabet. 

Of the 246 fully vaccinated people under the age of 50 who sought emergency care, resulting in patients being hospitalized, 27 died. This corresponds to 11% of all hospitalizations of fully vaccinated persons under the age of 50 that led to death.

This means that the relative risk of death from Covid-19 if a person under the age of 50 is fully vaccinated and then hospitalized with Covid-19 increases by 182%.

Do you understand what is the secret of the special operation corona 🤴 

To point: "The CIA OWNS anyone who has any weight/significance in the mainstream media"

- former CIA Director William Colby (January 4, 1920 – April 27, 1996)

            🇺🇸 State Terrorists . 

          🇺🇸 State Terrorists . 

🇺🇸 A Chicago resident says a Cook County judge stripped her of her parental rights after learning she wasn't vaccinated against COVID19. 

A Chicago court reportedly restricted a mother's parental rights by requiring her to be vaccinated against Covid-19 if she wants to see her 11-year-old son in person. The woman said she planned to appeal the decision.

The unusual decision was made on August 10 during a hearing on child support via Zoom. Firlit, who has been divorced for seven years, shares custody of her son with her ex-husband. The trial took an unexpected turn after Judge James Shapiro asked her if she had received a shot from Covid-19.

Firlit said she hadn't been vaccinated yet, explaining that she was hesitting because she had suffered from adverse reactions to vaccines in the past.

At the moment, Firlit is limited to talking to his son on the phone and video calls. But she says she will appeal the judge's decision.

           🇺🇸 State Terrorists . 

Not to buy, not to sell, not to LIVE: Take care of children 👶 

A shocking 9News Australia report uncovered a shocking case – the recent and unnecessary deaths of 4 newborns who were left to die after being denied access to the hospital and, accordingly, to surgery to save their lives due to incredibly strict and blunt kinds of locks that have nothing to do with medicine and saving lives. 

The now deceased newborns were 'cared for' at a hospital in the Australian city of Adelaide. Unfortunately, the heart surgery they needed was not available to them (everyone). 

I wonder what doctors who have not saved four lives of people who have just come to us in our crazy World think about this, and how they now live.🤬

This Time magazine cover is far from new - it dates back to 1997. 

It reads: "The death of privacy. You have no secrets. At an ATM, on the Internet, even walking down the street, your every movement is monitored. What can you do about it?"

The symbol with one eye tells us that the message on the cover is, in fact, an elite-sponsored warning, predictive programming that tells people where society is heading.

Almost 20 years later, this cover is more relevant than ever.

In Lithuania, a screen of correspondence goes through social networks. A man from the city of Touarage warns his friends that one of the doctors told him that there is an instruction from the Ministry of Health that children in schools will be driven to assembly halls, phones will be seized and vaccinated without the consent of their parents.


This T-shirt, sold in Brazil, caused a storm of indignation, because, in fact, a call for child abuse was written on it. The phrase "Vem ni mim que to facim" can be translated as "Come to me, it's easy to get me". The T-shirt was sewn by a company owned by TV star Luciano Haque. The entertainment industry is sick not only in the United States, but all over the world.

🏳️‍🌈 The teacher urged the children to swear an oath to the LGBT flag, because there was no other one in the class. The American woman removed the national flag at the beginning of the pandemic, because she felt uncomfortable. But when the students voiced the oath of allegiance, one of the students asked where to look if there was no flag in the audience. 

The teacher was not at a loss and offered to swear an oath to the LGBT flag that hung on the wall

         Kings of 🤴 Pedophilia 

 We have sewn you comfortable spacious suits 

The spiral shape of the logo is a symbol of the movement of "boylavers", pedophiles - lovers of boys. 

The symbolism of pedophiles around the world is absolutely identical and varies from a spiral triangle to a spiral square. 

⚠️ The spiral direction is always clockwise. 

Or is the world much more populated by chance than we sometimes think? 

Stephen Klein is a photographer who has worked with stars like Britney Spears, Madonna and Lady Gaga (he made a video filled with illuminati symbolism "Alejandro") – so he's all about the "agenda."

Klein did a photo shoot for the magazine W. It was about the dehumanization and promotion of transhumanism using strange lustful images.

The model is going to kiss the robot. Should anyone tell her that this robot is dead and won't kiss her back? She doesn't seem to understand the difference between a human and a robot.

Lara Stone (blinded by her puppet status) kisses the knee of her robot lord. They really want us to think that robots are sexy, fashionable, and most importantly, excellent.

Ex-head of French vaccination: Covid policy is 'completely stupid' and 'unethical'

⚠️💉Existups from an interview with one of the most knowledgeable and influential doctors in France, who values his reputation and name, Professor Christian Perronne.

✅ I was involved in managing several epidemics and pandemics with different governments, and when I saw how the epidemic was managed from February to March 2020, I was amazed. I saw that it was utter mad. That's why I spoke in the media, but now I'm censored in the media.

✅ So, it's clear that genetic material is being injected into your body. And we shouldn't call it a "vaccine" because it's a LIE! Not just us, but many scientists say it's a genetic injection. That's why they prefer to call it a "prick" [rather than a vaccine].

✅ It's a shame. It's a scandal. Scientifically, it's a fraud, and politically it's a crime. The Indian Bar Association is now suing [WHO's chief scientist in India] for all its policies that have killed more than three million people worldwide.

✅ more than a million reported side effects, and the number of deaths is about 1400, so this is a VERY significant damage from "vaccination".

✅ In the past with other, but already real vaccines, there were crises and problems with some side effects; but neither for myself nor among friends and family, I have never seen such serious side effects as I do now. I even know of two deaths around me: the mother of my friend and the guy who was a cousin of another friend of mine who died of the "vaccine."

✅ So, many, many side effects are not reported. If a stroke happens, they say, "Oh no, it's not a vaccine; it's [just] a blow; this person was old, so a stroke is normal. He had to die."

✅ And if we look at comparing the mortality rate in others, we find that in vaccinated children it may be close. As we know, children do not develop the disease [Covid-19] to a high degree, and very few children have had severe cases, and the mortality rate [Covid] among children is generally close to zero. We now know that the risk of death and serious problems is much higher if you are vaccinated than if you are not vaccinated [as a child].

✅ These are very serious adverse reactions, and yet the media continue to LIE and tell us, "The vaccine is safe, effective, and the benefits far outweigh the risks, so we must continue to vaccinate people!"!

✅ It's just propaganda. The vaccine doesn't really work. It kills 42% of those cases, but if you put that into a random population, it means it kills all the time, it kills 100% of the time. Essentially, it triggers the aging process and cancer, and it's just the beginning. I think that's [just] the beginning of what we're going to see in the end.

✅ They're lying to us. They say it's safe; no, it's not safe, it kills people. It kills people. It doesn't protect against options; does not protect against transmissibility; it does not protect against disease.

✅ One of the main [phenomena] reported is a magnetic test at the vaccination site: it sticks. Humans measured, and an electromagnetic field was designed.

✅ People have dug into this and discovered that there are lipid nanoparticles that are produced by a company called Acuitas Therapeutics [from Canada] that provides them to Pfizer/BioNTech [and] Moderna.

✅ And then there's graphene oxide. Essentially, everything about this injection is poisonous: not just messenger RNA and these spike proteins that cause inflammation and that can be integrated into [your] DNA, but also graphene oxide. So, it's clear that from all points of view, it's poison.

✅ I'm all for isolating patients with only symptoms, but the restrictions imposed in many, many countries around the world are completely stupid. You will not stop the epidemic with isolation and masks on the street! This has been demonstrated in Denmark in randomized trials involving mask-wearers and non-maskers. The mask is ineffective.

Additional materials on the topic of special operation Corona 👑 21

The interview will be given in full later.

They: You can't go to a concert or a football match if you don't accept it.

Me: I don't care.

They: You can't go to a big shopping mall.

Me: I will survive

She: You can't drink in a bar

Me: I can drink water, tea and juices at home

They: You can't go to nightclubs.

Me: I don't go anywhere at night anyway.

They: We will inform your employer

Me: I'm self-employed

You: You can't stay in the city anymore

Me: I prefer to live in nature

They: You can't go to McDonald's or Burger King.

Me: Yes, it's disgusting anyway.

They: You can't eat in restaurants

Me: I order something to take away or cook at home (preferably)

They: You can't go shopping in big grocery stores.

Me: I can grow my own products and continue to shop from local farmers.

They: You can't be a part of society

Me: I've already figured it out

They: Your children will not be able to go to school

Me: I'll teach them at home

They: You will be on your own

Me: I am surrounded by my family, my like-minded people and all the people who come to the same conclusion all over the world.

They: You can't decide for yourself

Me: I just did it

They: Then what can we seduce you with?!!

I: Nothing!!!

If they don't have what you want, they don't have the power. And then the power comes to the people.


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