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Bioterrorism is a type of terrorism, which consists in the use by a government, organization or individual of biological weapons against the population [1]. In this case, microorganisms or toxic compounds produced by microbes act as weapons [2].

Biological weapons are used to cause illness or death in people, and to destroy livestock and crops. Like any other form of terrorism, bioterrorism is usually aimed at wreaking havoc or achieving political goals. [1]


That's all, Friends, de facto these are sincere confessions of state bioterrorism, treason, state scam with the aim of illegally changing national Constitutions, political, economic, cultural, spiritual and national codes of nations and backgammon of the world, to establish a mythical New World Order - senile utopia and insanity of a number of the first persons of the world, including the White House administration and personally Joe Bidon. 

The FDA document acknowledges that the "covid" PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples to calibrate the test, effectively acknowledging that it is testing something else.

The document, published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), openly acknowledges that the infamous PCR test for Covid was not designed with real samples of the Chinese virus, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus, that is, a common SARS.

Because the Fauci flu in any of its "variant" forms has not yet been properly isolated, the Food and Drug Administration has instead used common cold/flu viruses to perform PCR – tests – meaning that anyone who tests "positive" for Chinese microbes is actually just testing positive for seasonal flu and other SARS.

The World Bank provided a total of about $21 billion in fiscal year 2020 and intends to allocate up to $160 billion to combat the effects of the spread of the novel coronavirus by June 30, 2021.

Back during the WHO Eugenics Council in 2009, Henry Kissinger declared, "As soon as the herd accepts mandatory compulsory vaccination, the game will be over!" 

Therefore, to stop this mad thing in order to save humanity and the planet can only unite the efforts of all countries in the urgent organization of the new Nuremberg Tribunal. There is nowhere to retreat.

For general information, we inform you that for "technocratic invaders" vaccinated people do not pose a danger, because they do not pose a danger to the "technocratic invaders". they are already with a suppressed will and an altered genome, you can do whatever you want with them. Vaccination transfers people from human status to the status of a lawless two-spoke animal. With him, you can continue to conduct experiments, inject all sorts of vaccines, control and control consciousness. "Those who agree to the vaccine will be owned as a commodity by corporations and will lose their freedom forever! Warning from Dr. Carrie Madei: If something synthetic in your body is patented and is part of your genome, then by law you become the property of the patent owner for this synthetic product!" 

Based on this, a person can become someone's personal property with a commodity QR code assigned to him, loses his status, all rights, property, etc.

Therefore, for a destructive system, the real threat is unvaccinated humanity, because it is it, manifesting its power of Spirit and will, that is able to give a serious rebuff to the "uninvited guests", to protect not only itself, all vaccinated, but also life itself on the planet.

In violation of the Nuremberg Code, vaccination stations have been created everywhere in the world, the vaccination experiment is carried out by persons who do not have scientific qualifications, in some cases not even doctors. Who and what introduces to the population in shopping centers and other dubious institutions? People are forced to take part in a global medical experiment, and how cattle are driven for vaccination. Although even cattle are vaccinated with greater caution, choosing a vaccination.

A mechanism was purposefully launched to artificially fan panic around the false COVID-19 and deliberately intimidate the world's population to implement the ID2020 agenda, which includes forced vaccination, population reduction and full digital control over everyone – on the way to the One World Order and global financial hegemony. As well as to obtain fabulous financial profits for a certain circle of people involved in transnational corruption "Alliance ID2020" (created by global financial funds and transnational corporations led by Bill Gates), which have a powerful influence on the WHO and the UN.

Initially, all information on the false COVID-19 through the media is falsified in order to stir up fear, suppress the will through house arrest and mask regime for subsequent mandatory vaccination of people. False COVID-19 special operation in order to be a reason for mass vaccination. 

Participants in a trial of false vaccines with unknown contents from an unknown virus are deliberately misled as part of informed consent, without listing serious side effects, without indicating that they are participants in the experiment and for the first time in human history, all vaccines against false COVID-19 permanently alter a person's DNA, in which genetic damage is irreversible. The vaccinated person is not given any guarantees. Vaccine manufacturers and physicians who carry out vaccination completely relieve themselves of responsibility, shifting it to the person himself.

In most cases, the subjects do not have enough knowledge to understand the essence of the experiment, to make an informed decision, but go for vaccination thanks to powerful agitation through the media, on which billions are spent. Many people are vaccinated so that restrictions are lifted from them, someone to get imposed benefits, someone not to lose their job and not be left without means of subsistence, someone not to get sick, someone for flights, etc. But, restrictions are not lifted from them, the pressure increases, masks and gloves are forced to wear, they also get sick and die. 

Already known facts - vaccinated pilots of British Airlines die of heart attacks and strokes, and airlines do not want to take them on flights. The meaning of false vaccination? In addition, administrations around the world are launching a revaccination program, according to which all vaccinated citizens will be forced to be vaccinated every six months.  Most subjects naively believe that a vaccine will save them from the disease, not realizing that vaccines against false COVID-19 are not intended to cure an unknown disease. Illiterate doctors, in order not to lose their jobs and instead of professionally studying the issue, are themselves vaccinated and offered to their patients, assuring them that vaccination against coronavirus is the only salvation from the disease. In the course of the "epidemic" remove from office qualified specialists, destroy businesses.

People are being forced, without good reason, to do false PCR tests from 2016 for false COVID-19 that no one can isolate, antibody tests, making a lot of money from all this and contributing to the impoverishment of the world's population. Back in 2015, Richard Rothschild, along with a Dutch government organization, patented "The system and method of testing for COVID-19 and millions of KITS were sold in 2017 and 2018. There are known facts when COVID-19 was detected in test kits. The Rockefeller Foundation's report "Scenario for the Future of Technology and International Development," published in May 2010, accurately describes today's events. The Rockefeller Foundation's Operation Lockstep: "Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a prison state." At the solemn ceremonies of the Olympics in London in 2012. the scenario of today's pandemic was shown. Isn't that why it's already around London, as well as around the world?

The genocide of the world's population is openly and brazenly taking place and a monstrous medical experiment is being conducted on millions of people around the world, far superior to that carried out by Nazi doctors.

Purposefully hides information about all side effects. Honest scientists and doctors around the world are not allowed to open discussions on the mainstream media Medical scientists from around the world are sounding the alarm that RNA-based vaccines can cause more diseases than covid-19 disease itself and that vaccinated are doomed to many diseases, and premature death. At the same time, they pose a real threat to the unvaccinated, being a carrier of infection, further spreading the disease. The famous Dr. Vernon Coleman responsibly declares that Covid vaccines are weapons of mass destruction of the human race and by all means trying to convey the truth to people. He has gathered enough evidence that vaccines are dangerous, cause many side effects, and doctors make the mistake of assuring people otherwise. A well-known American doctor, Dr. Richard Fleming, who conducted several presentations and interviews. Thanks to him and his international network of doctors, they became aware that the COVID-19 Vaccines Moderna and Pfazer will lead within 1.5 to 2 years to the life-threatening Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and if no action is taken, millions of people will die within a short period of time (1.5-2 years). He calls for the immediate closure of vaccination programs. Fleming also insists that the coronavirus was produced artificially and calls for a new Nuremberg tribunal over the creators of these biological weapons and their customers. Medical scientists warn that the people behind the pandemic know what could happen, they plan to put all the blame for the deaths on new false versions of Covid-19, such as Delta, Alpha, Omega, Beta and so on throughout the dictionary until 2028. Science is purposefully suppressed for political and financial gain. The false COVID-19 unleashed transnational corruption on a massive scale around the world.

The goal of the COVID-19 program is to increase the mortality and incidence of many other diseases caused by lifestyle changes, reducing traditional treatment methods, since the population in most cases does not receive qualified care for other diseases. According to WHO recommendations, strains are being changed in order to further produce vaccines.

Wearing masks also contributes immensely to the increase in the statistics of patients with pneumonia and heart failure. And if you take an endlessly false test of false covid from this gigantic mass of people, it's an endless merry-go-round 🎠 will never end. And severe patients with pneumonia and heart failure will be identified as seriously ill with false Covid.

 Many public figures openly call for the punishment of the unvaccinated. 

 Vaccination has been aggressively imposed from TV screens and billboards around the world for a long time. Artists, journalists, announcers, presenters of programs do not leave the screens, constantly advertise the vaccine as a good product, receiving fees for it. Everyone is given the installation only on positive advertising of the vaccine. The information is hushed up that at present the people of Israel were one of the first to undergo mass mandatory vaccination, from which mortality and morbidity have increased significantly. And the public organization "People of Truth" were forced to file a lawsuit in the International Criminal Court against the Government of Israel for violating the Nuremberg Code.

The check 🧾 on the false COVID-19 and the ultimate goals.   

It all started with the deliberate intimidation of the population of the planet with the aim of forced submission and obedience by suppressing the will through the mask regime, as supposedly one of the main measures to contain the coronavirus. This one-and-a-half-year antisocial measure has already led to the loss of health of millions of people, to human degradation, panic, aggression, suspiciousness, phobias, rapidly reducing the immunity of both an individual and the whole society. The long wearing of masks had its impact on the majority of the world's population, thereby depriving many of the strength and will to resist. No mask protects against viruses, and doctors all over the world know this! There was a mass suppression of the psyche and enslavement! Dutifully wearing masks, people do not protect themselves from the disease, but voluntarily agree to accept the imposed regime.

The mask regime is a global crime against humanity, with the aim of forced submission and submission for subsequent enslavement and destruction through mandatory vaccination and chipping, and not one of the main measures to contain the coronavirus.

People do not even think about the harm that the total wearing of masks causes to the person himself and Mother Earth. With a decomposition period of more than 400 years, such objects represent a real environmental bomb that has long-term negative consequences for our Earth. According to the UN, global sales of disposable masks alone increased from $800 million in 2019 to $166 billion in 2020 and more in 2021. The situation of the problem of lack of clean water in the world is deteriorating every day due to the total mask regime and vaccination. Used masks turn into biological weapons, and massively pollute the waters of the oceans, kill marine animals and fish. Taken drugs and vaccines (proven by scientists) are 50% excreted in the urine and enter the wastewater, where they retain their medicinal qualities for a long time, changing the structure of clean water and polluting groundwater. Thus, an acute water crisis is purposefully created, especially in cities and diseases spread even more, which is very beneficial to pharmaceutical giants. While the whole world is distracted by the "pandemic", global organizations have been created to control the water balance of all countries of the world. The World Bank with multinational companies through the false Covid-19 pandemic is already openly affecting water consumption and climate change. On October 27, 2020, in Switzerland, the Water Resources Group, which includes transnational giants Nestlé, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola under the leadership of the World Bank, created the 50L Home Coalition (50L home coalition). The newly created coalition, instead of cleansing the planet and protecting Mother Earth, plans to increase the efficiency of water use in its own interests, i.e. actually privatize all the water of the planet, making it a commodity. Under the guise of water conservation (50 liters per capita per day) and care for the environment, in fact, humanity is not only deprived of access to water. including clean, but also want to take full control of people through the water.

The owners of TNCs and TNBs with the help of the "green" movement, limited water consumption and a false pandemic (which is used for the most severe terror and restriction of human rights and freedoms) declare to humanity "ecological fascism" and their task in a short time to subjube all nation-states, as it was played out during the false pandemic. Through the WHO dictates the rules to all countries on the basis of agreements concluded by the WHO with each country back in 2014, and the financial system of all countries is completely dependent on the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements. They control the cross-border and internal movement of capital, lending to organizations, companies, assigning them a credit rating, offshore, where assets lie, etc. And as now the WHO recommendations have become essentially binding on national countries, so the proposals of the 50L Home Water Resources Group want to make it mandatory to drive humanity step by step into a "digital concentration camp" and completely seize all water resources.

The main result of the lie of COVID-19: under the guise of false concern for people's health through the mask-glove regime and vaccination, in fact, there is a "reset" of all mankind, and war is declared on all people of the planet, in the form of "ecological fascism", the main purpose of which is to turn people into controlled cyborgs, with subsequent destruction, for the complete seizure of resources and the Planet itself.

There is only one way out of this situation: the arrest of all the defendants in the special operation; WHO management, national officials and other destructive organizations, including the UN leadership. But at the first stage, it is necessary that the living system of self-government be fully engaged. The future depends on each person, everyone must show his will and not accept the diabolical system. No one shall obey any criminal Decrees, Decrees and orders on compulsory vaccination and mask-glove regime from anyone. All fines are illegal and refundable. Do not be afraid to be left without a salary, they will return everything and still add, add even more. Know that there is a cosmic law on the right of free choice and personal responsibility. People who voluntarily chose to lie vaccination have made their choice and this is their right. Let's hope they're doing well. But they should all know that according to the Nuremberg Code: everyone should have the freedom at any time to stop the experiment 🧪 Get out of this diabolical experiment and demand a broad discussion of mainstream media professionals to solve problems. Don't get QR codes! Even if the whole team agrees to vaccination, and one is against, the power will be behind him. And also do not adapt.Show your will for each injustice. The power of a living person is much higher than artificial intelligence. No one can force you to vaccinate, revaccinate against false COVID-19 and other vaccines without your voluntary consent!

Little Korean bastard and future war criminal Kim Jong-un and his first teacher, 1990s

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