We suggest that everyone stop using any phrases with the word globalist. This is no longer relevant today. 

- And what to use? 


What is the New World Order (NWO) today is known to every conspiracy theorist and eschatologist, and eschatologists also know that the time for the realization of ancient prophecies has already come. 

The plans of the NWO are also known, at least in general terms - the ideas of the NWO are being promoted everywhere, although they have not been published openly.

Anyway, that's what everyone thought before. But, as it turned out, and as Amnon Yitzchak, one of Israel's most famous rabbis, discovered, plans to build a new and beautiful brave world are already spelled out in UN documents in plain text.

Before me is a UN document called the "new world order", the implementation of which is designed for the period from 2021 to 2030.

- Establishment of a one-world government

– non-cash single world currency

- Central/United World Bank

- United World Army

- Abolition of national sovereignties

– abolition of private property

- Abolition of the institution of the family

– reduction of the world's population

– control over population growth and density

– mandatory multiple vaccination

– universal basic income

– abolition of salaries

– implantation of a microchip in the human body for the ability to make purchases, payments, travel and to control the movement of a person

– implementation of social rating (as in China)

– countless electronic devices will be connected to 5G systems

– the government will take over the right to raise children

– private schools, universities and other educational institutions will go to the state

– abolition of private vehicles

– abolition of all private enterprises

– in air transportation, the number of passengers will be limited to a minimum

– concentration of people in special zones (suburbs)

– abolition of irrigation systems

– abolition of private enterprises in the agricultural sector, including a ban on the ownership of animals

– cancellation of private housing

– restriction of land use

– a ban on all natural (non-synthetic) treatments

– a ban on all non-traditional methods of treatment (naturopathy)

– ban on all types of fossil fuels

That's the content of the document. Whoever has ears, let him hear. Even the Egyptian pharaoh was more pitiful than this satanic system. I don't believe my eyes what is written in this document. However, take a deep breath and do not despair, for all the reins of power are in God's hands.

If I, or any of the readers, had read this plan 10 or more years ago and considered the possibility of its implementation as a scenario 2100 or even much later, it is very difficult to accomplish the tasks listed above.

However, judging by the dynamics of terrorists and their lies about the COVID-19 pandemic, everything is being implemented right before our eyes. Small businesses, farmers after lockouts barely stand on their feet, another quarantine that is planning a freak, will definitely kill a lot of people.

The states are stuck with money to the Bulgarian terrorist sitting in an international pharmacy (bank 🏦), it will remain to abolish the State and issue a passport to an international fascist pharmacy.

The process has begun. If earlier on the globe it was possible to designate the flags of the country where there are no protests and disorder, now only the beloved Antarctica 🇦🇶 Jeffrey Epstein and apparently Barry and Bill ...

These two freaks are busy solving the disposal of the world's population. Including through digital identification of people. In 2017, Gates created the ID2020 partnership, which involves the UN and its specialized bodies, NGOs, business structures (Microsoft, Accenture, Cisco Systems, Pricewaterhouse Coopers). Their task by 2030 is to conduct a full digital identification of the world's population. From the ID2020 documents, you learn that the program makes a special bet on the digital fixation of a person at birth (in maternity hospitals) and during mass vaccinations during false pandemics painted until 2028.

There is another area of activity of Bill, which is rarely mentioned. The Fund actively participates in actions to oust cash from circulation. After all, as long as there is cash, there are holes in the design of the electronic concentration camp through which the "campers" can escape. Accumulating money in cash and dealing with cash can escape the eyes of Big Brother. If all the money becomes cashless, control over people will be complete. And those concentration camp dwellers who will not live and think as Big Brother requires can be disconnected from non-cash money with obvious consequences for such "dissidents".

In 2012, the Bill Foundation initiated the BTCA Better Than Cash Alliance. The alliance's stated mission is to "accelerate the transition from cash to digital payments around the world." The headquarters of the alliance is not located anywhere, but in the building of the UN Secretariat in New York, on the 26th floor of the famous tower. The executive director of the alliance is a lady from Australia Ruth Goodwin-Groen. Partners in the alliance are very solid, today there are 75 of them.

First, these are international intergovernmental organizations: 

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF); 

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); 

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); United Nations Secretariat; 

World Food Programme and a number of others.

Second, international financial institutions: the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Inter-American Development Bank. 

The same group could include the World Savings Banks Institute, which is an international banking association. It has 109 members in 92 countries, including about 7,000 savings and retail banks with a network of 209,000 branches and branches around the world.

Thirdly, international non-governmental organizations. Most of them are based in the U.S., usually in Washington or New York: the Clinton Family's 🇺🇸 Development Initiative; 

Women's World Banking; 

Catholic Relief Services and more 

Fourth, private companies: Gap inc. (USA); Grupo Bimbo (Mexico); H&M (Sweden); Inditex (Spain); Marks & Spencer (UK); Mastercard (USA); Visa (USA); The Coca-Cola Company (USA); Unilever (Great Britain). Here the World Cocoa Foundation (World Cocoa Foundation) is an alliance of about a hundred companies, including such large producers as Nestlé and Mars, Inc.

Fifthly, Governments: 

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Fiji, Jordan, Kenya, India, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uruguay, Vietnam. A total of 25 states. Every year the list of Member States grows new. In the above list, all countries are developing, but in BTCA the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are invisibly present.

In 2018, the book of the famous German economist and journalist Norbert Hering "Wondrous New Money" (roll call with the dystopia of Aldous Huxley "Oh, Brave New World") was published. The book reveals the role of the BTCA alliance in organizing campaigns against cash at the level of the UN, other international organizations, individual states. The main engine of the campaign is the Bill Gates Foundation. The alliance directs its efforts to the countries of the third world. It is easier to organize a "cashless paradise" there than in the countries of the "rich north". 

In economically developed countries, there is a banking infrastructure that has developed over many decades and even centuries, focused on working with cash. Many developing countries, especially the poorest, do not have such infrastructure. There you can quickly and cost-effectively establish a system of non-cash money circulation, distributing mobile phones to the natives and giving them how to use special applications for making cash payments. The West as a whole is more conservative and wary of the idea of creating a cashless paradise. In Europe, for example, Germans are very attached to cash. The same Norbert Hering filed a lawsuit in court, challenging the rules of the German authorities, according to which payments of citizens of the country to government agencies, including payment of taxes, can be made only with the help of non-cash money. 

Seth Mason wrote an article about BTCA's sinister plans in 2015, in which he convincingly showed that this alliance is building a society in the spirit of George Orwell's dystopia "1984". He compares the organizers of the alliance with the conspirators who gathered on Jekyll Island in Georgia back in 1910. This story is described in detail in many books. Then a group of influential bankers at a secret meeting discussed plans to create a Central Bank in the United States. A little over three years later, it appeared under the name of the US Federal Reserve. It was a real revolutionary coup that made the American people slaves to a small handful of bankers – shareholders of the US Federal Reserve. Conceived by Bill Gates and his accomplices, who founded the BTCA alliance, will have equally tragic consequences. And not just for America, but for the world: 

"Their real plan is financial suppression and government surveillance ... A number of financial institutions, including Citibank, Visa and Mastercard, vigorously support BTCA for obvious reasons. In a cashless world, these organizations will not only make a profit at the initial stage by selling electronic payment devices and charging for each transaction, but also at the final stage, forcing everyone and everyone to contribute earnings and cash into their bins."

But the 2016 publication, the name of the author is Don Quijones, a Spanish journalist and writer. The article is titled "Why Billionaire Philanthropist Bill Gates Is Crazy About Abolishing Cash in India." Describes the monetary reform carried out in India in November 2016. Few people know that one of its inspirers was Bill Gates. The essence of the reform is as follows: Prime Minister Modi decided to withdraw from circulation banknotes of 500 and 1000 rupees (approximately corresponds to 500 and 1000 rubles), which accounted for almost 90% of the cash supply. It was decided to do it at lightning fast, in a few hours. The Prime Minister wanted to overcome the shadow economy and force all citizens to switch to non-cash money and non-cash payments. This action created financial and economic chaos in the country. The level of consumption has decreased significantly. In a province dominated by small businesses operating mostly with cash, the economy has stentened. And as if by chance on the eve of the reform, Bill Gates was in India, where he held meetings with high-ranking officials. The author of the article believes that Gates explained to them how to carry out the reform. When the blitz operation was completed, the American billionaire was quick to express satisfaction: "The whole world will refuse cash, but it is very difficult to predict the exact time of these events for any particular country ... All the pieces come together... I think that in a few years India will become the most digital economy..." he told the Indian Prime Minister. And after the reform of 2016, the Central Bank and commercial banks of India began an active "digitization" of many of their operations, in connection with which they needed the help of Microsoft (initially also the exclusive brainchild of Bill Gates).

As for the BTCA alliance, Don Kihones gives it this characterization: 

"The list of BTCA members reads like the 'Who's Who' of the most influential corporations and institutions in the world. These include Coca Cola, Visa and Mastercard, the Citi Bank Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Savings Bank Institute representing 7,000 retail and savings banks around the world, the Ford Foundation, the Clinton Development Initiative, and an amazing alphabet soup from organizations within the United Nations... The BTCA member states are of the greatest importance, as they will eventually shape or even circumvent laws and traditional practices in their countries in order to "accelerate the transition from cash to electronic payments." At the moment, 18 governments are members of the BTCA, all of which represent developing countries, that is, the most important testing laboratory for the cashless economy."

Bill Gates and other fighters for a "bright cashless future" see Third World countries as a testing ground; having worked out the appropriate technologies on it, they will begin to finish off the countries of the "rich north".

The BTCA alliance works closely with The G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). This is a platform where representatives of the "twenty" meet to discuss financial issues. In the autumn of 2020, the next G20 summit will be held in Riyadh. One of the key issues in Riyadh is digital currencies. The BTCA Alliance through the GPFI influences the preparation of the agenda and decisions of the summit. 

The construction of the world electronic concentration camp continues.

Back in the spring of 2020, the United Nations portal notified the planet of the beginning of a new world order called "Heppitalism", allegedly replacing capitalism and socialism. True, we caught them and arranged a big shuher, the criminals quickly 💨 removed this ugliness from the eyes of 👁, but this is a separate story ... So friends, then they say the site sent us the project of the New Reich. After all, the Reich also considered his credo not to help his neighbor and not "freedom, equality and fraternity", but "happiness, well-being and freedom". Moreover, the criteria for both happiness and freedom with well-being will be calculated by the "right citizens" from the "selected countries" on the basis of, among other things, the level of digitalization and the quality of the introduction of "freedoms" and "values".

A bunch of crazy Satanist oligarchs who call themselves neocons used the UN platform (the vast majority of international platforms have long been their fiefdom) to announce a revolution and the beginning of a "New World Order" that surpassed all the most terrible scenarios of dystopias of the 20th century. Its authors have called the current era the "world of happiness" or "Heppitalism", with which they are going to replace socialism, capitalism and all sorts of "boring" traditional values. This "wonderful news" was reported on the official website of the project. 

What is remarkable, the UN office 🇺🇳 in the spring of 2020 even stopped hiding that they immediately switched to the language of the 😛😂 bolsheviks. The revolution demands, commissars in leather dreams, yes, here are the affairs of our world ...

It would seem that what a wonderful initiative is to make all people on the planet happy. Moreover, they are talking almost about the revolution, on which the oligarchs will voluntarily spend $ 30 trillion. There are also the words of former French President Sarkozy:

"A great revolution awaits us. Crisis not only gives us the freedom to imagine different models, a different future, a different world. He obliges us to do that."

True, this great husband abolished a bunch of social norms, which caused mass protests and flew out of the Elysee Palace, but this is so - he said it beautifully.

No specifics about the future of "happiness" on the site could not be found: only links to the festival of happiness, where you will be advised to listen to the WHO more, do yoga and walk during the pandemic, as well as to one UN meeting, where 17 global goals were outlined, and a rating of "right happy" countries. This project also has a very mediocre attitude to the economy. That is, a whole bunch of program articles are devoted to the fact that finances in the world are distributed incorrectly, many people live in poverty and starve, which means that it is necessary that the rich share money with the poor and all live happily. And as it should be - there is no report. Apparently, all the oligarchs of the world, as soon as they get acquainted with this program, will immediately give all their money to the poor. Ridiculous logic at the level of underage fans who sincerely believed that if they gathered 100 thousand then everything would be oborus. 

However, getting acquainted with the doctrine, and most importantly the criteria of "happiness" further, we understand: the oligarchs will still invest part of the money in this project in order to get instead of peoples a stupid thoughtless herd, ready only for the consumption of lower needs from Maslow's pyramid, which means that it does not prevent them from getting rich further as much as they want. This is the main, although not advertised, point of the economic program. But on the website of "Heppitalism", which publishes the materials of one of the two founders of this pseudo-religion, Luis Gallardo, it becomes clear where the world is pulled by the global elite. 

What is remarkable, the UN office 🇺🇳 in the spring of 2020 even stopped hiding that they immediately switched to the language of the 😛😂 bolsheviks. The revolution demands, commissars in leather dreams, yes, here are the affairs of our world ...

So here it is – the New World Order from the UN. A mixture of the mysticism of communism, quantum physics and some breakthrough or, as it says, "subversive technologies" (greetings from transhumanism), which will be supervised by the "best minds" (who will appoint and pay the best minds - tactfully silent) in the name of innovation. After all, "innovation", it turns out, is happiness. All funds remain in the hands of the elite, which through its people will create a "brave new world". By the way, there Gallardo smothers traditional schools to smithereens, declaring that education in "totalitarian countries" makes children unhappy. Here, where instead of discipline freedom, there children are joyful and happy. True, in this place began to laugh one and a half billion Chinese, who, thanks to the largely Soviet approach to discipline at school, came out on top in the world ranking in all areas. And private schools for the rich have always been distinguished by discipline. But for the "happy" knowledge is not a criterion, much more important is a cheerful fool without a profession and chances to change the "right children" bosses in important positions.

And here we come to the main thing – to the criteria of a "happy society" as the basis for the existence of "Heppitalism". 

On their basis, the American Institute of Public Opinion Gallup and knocks up statistics - in which country happiness is more, and where there is not enough and it urgently needs to be brought. With the help of "disruptive technology", of course. So, in addition to the level of GDP, it includes life expectancy, the presence of civil liberties (especially regarding citizens with sexual disabilities), a sense of security and confidence in the future, stability, job security, the level of corruption, the level of digitalization, as well as indirect indicators of the state of society - such as the level of trust, generosity and generosity. Things like having children, the percentage of complete families, apparently, are not fortunate. As a result, for example, the United States under Barry Obama was in third place in the world ranking, and two years later under Dhoni fell as much as 19.

The secret of happiness from UN functionaries is simple: Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state loved this institution and paid it generously, and Trump spit on them from a high tower precisely because the institute was drowning against him in the elections. For understanding: in 2016, before the election of Trump, the portal of disclosure of budget expenditures of the US Government contains information on the transfer of funds to the account of gallup through the "national studies" in the public domain. The amount of each contract exceeds 150 thousand dollars. The funds were transferred from the well-known American government Board of Governors (BBG), which in early October commissioned a study of the Russian elites in Oxford. In August of this year, BBG allocated $177,000 for polls in Côte d'Ivoire and $178,000 for a national telephone survey in Iran. In July, $209,000 was spent on a fifty-minute "national poll" in Kenya and $186,000 on a similar study in Afghanistan. In June of this year, the Broadcasting Board of Governors allocated $211,000 for a similar study in Uzbekistan. Also, studies were conducted in Kazakhstan, Laos, Egypt and the DPRK, spending on each of them varies from 125 to 200 thousand dollars. Funds for Russia were allocated in April. The goal is the same - "national study", the amount of the contract exceeds $ 216 thousand In addition, a quarter of a million dollars were separately allocated for a "global survey of public opinion" around the world.

Since then, funding from the State Department has fallen dramatically, and with it happiness in the United States has also collapsed. By the way, in the same 2016, the institute honestly worked out the "money for Russia", publishing a rating of approval of world leaders - the United States, Germany, the European Union, China and Russia, which caused laughter in the circles of scientists. 

No less interesting are the examples that theorists of "Heppitalism" cite countries of "hasty happiness". In their opinion, it is worth considering the experience of building a "happiness society" in Bhutan and the UAE. For reference, Bhutan is one of the poorest countries in the world. The population is only 741 thousand people. The percentage of the population aged 15 and over who can read and write short, simple statements about their daily lives in 2017 there was, according to the UN, 66.56%. That is, 33.5% of the adult population not only did not have a normal education, but did not know how to write. As of 2009, the majority of Bhutanese had access to drinking water (83%). The most common disease was diarrhea (2892 per 10,000 people). In 2009, there were 31 hospitals in all of Bhutan. But the government measured a country's success not by GDP, but by the "gross national happiness" index. It is a key element of the local economy, which is consistent with Buddhist values (the only officially permitted religion in the country). Happiness is watched by a king whose portrait hangs in shops, houses and public places. The locals of the king are obliged to love. Due to the weak economy, the caring king for the happiness of the population allowed polygamy and polygamy. How the Bhutanese relate to this is a separate question, if you like it, then let them live like this, but to cite them as an example to the Japanese, Chinese, Russians and Europeans is a very strong fan of Eastern practices.

With the example of the United Arab Emirates, where they also decided to measure the level of happiness of the population using digital control, it is even more interesting. There, the local government decided to check its decrees on the number of smiles on the streets, setting up cameras and emotion readers. Now imagine this moronism across the continent 🗺 

Now let's bring it all together. In fact, we have a plan to change the world paradigm of human development, which offers us all the world criminal political and financial elite of globalists from the same fascist Davos. It was there that the crisis of liberalism and the increase in the popularity of leftist ideas were noted. But socialism is as dangerous to global elites as Eurosceptic conservatism. As a result, this bastard mutant of war communism and fascist official was born, built on occultism and certain Eastern practices (which in Christianity is actually called Satanism) and pseudoscientic conclusions. And this World Order is aimed at retaining power by obsessing the population - it is offered the "charms" of the lower level of Maslow without a chance to look up, searches and failures, dreams of the high, scientific discoveries and the path to God. And to ensure that everyone walks in formation and smiles, cameras and "curators" from American institutions, who are paid by "customers", will follow.

How to qualify this action? World conspiracy ? But a conspiracy is when everything is done by a small group of people and secretly, here everything is accessible and as open as possible. This is just a treaty between criminals, moreover, published under the auspices of the UN. In the United States, the defendants are known: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Obama, Harris, Clintons, Gates, Soros, and a lot of criminal usleps from Russia, the "happiness society" is defended by a fan of digitalization, occult movements, yogis, "progressive education and further down the text - German Oskarovich Gref, the mental grandson of Klaus 🤶 Schwab and the brother of a yogi Hindu. 

By the way, the site of the New World Order earned at full strength exactly in the spring of 2020. "After reviewing the history of the site through the WaybackMachine portal, we came to the conclusion that the active phase of the launch of the Internet project happened in May 2020. Until now, although the domain functioned, but the information on it was laid out in minimal volumes. In other words, the implementation began in the above period. 

So, friends, we congratulate everyone – the New 4th Reich announced its victorious resurrection and the beginning of a new era with drum marches 🥁 and zig-zig of the outstretched arm forward and happiness on faces. After all, according to the plans, we are all now obliged to be "happy".

One of the billionaires buys the islands, and not a full-time jerk at Harvard University for a lawyer (expelled in the second year), a self-taught programmer Bill Gates became the de facto owner-monopolist of the UN unit (agency) - the World Health Organization headquartered in Geneva. Over the past decade, the world's second-richest man has become the leading sponsor of the WHO, second only to the U.S. government in terms of funding, but surpassing the U.K. and all other nations. Bill Gates' generosity gave him enormous influence on the work of the organization. Since 2000, the Gates Foundation has invested more than $2.4 billion in WHO. And here are a few specific, unhappy examples of how Gates uses his influence.

Promising to eradicate polio in India, the "philanthropist" took control of the National Advisory Council of India (NCC) and instructed to administer 50 vaccines to children instead of 5 for each child under 5 years of age. According to a study of India's polio vaccination program, 491,000 children have been paralyzed in the country in 17 years. Also in 2017, the WHO reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion was not a consequence of the spread of the disease, but mainly a vaccine strain. This means that children lost their health from Gates vaccines. In 2017, the Indian government canceled Gates' vaccination regime and kicked his cronies out of the NCC, after which the number of cases of polio paralysis plummeted.

The same story of the polio "epidemic" occurred in the Congo, the Philippines and Afghanistan. Gates vaccinations were also to blame for childhood deaths and paralysis.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded trials of experimental vaccines against the human papillomavirus. The experiment was set on 23,000 young girls in remote provinces of India. Approximately 1200 of them began to suffer severe side effects, including autoimmune diseases and infertility. Seven girls died.

During the investigation, facts of interference in the judicial process, bribery of officials, intimidation of girls and other abominations of this freak were recorded. The case was in the Supreme Court of the country.

Earlier in 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a study of an experimental malaria vaccine that killed 151 African children and had serious adverse effects, including paralysis and febrile seizures in 1,048 of the 5,049 children tested.

During the campaign to force meningitis vaccination of African children in sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 500 children developed paralysis. At the time, South African newspapers complained, "We are guinea pigs for vaccine manufacturers." Professor Patrick Bond called Gates' philanthropic practices "ruthless and immoral." In 2010, Gates gave the WHO $10 billion, while promising to reduce the population in public speeches in the name of saving the climate – in particular, with the help of new vaccines.

After the release of this scandalous information in 2014, the Association of Catholic Physicians of Kenya accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of Kenyan women through a sham tetanus vaccination campaign. Subsequently, independent laboratories identified chemicals for sterilizing women in each vaccine tested.

After some denial of the allegations, the WHO has finally admitted that it has been developing vaccines for infertility for more than a decade. Similar allegations against WHO came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study found that the popular WHO DTP vaccine killed more Africans than the disease against which children are vaccinated. Vaccinated girls suffered 10 times more often than vaccinated girls. Gates and WHO still refuse to recall this deadly vaccine, which is imposed on millions of African children every year.

Public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of redirecting who's work from tidying clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development to imposing deadly childhood vaccination. At the same time, the scammer uses his power and money to try to silence anyone who reveals the truth about his dangerous experiments with childhood vaccines. In 2020, 30 health organizations from around the world wrote an open letter to the WHO executive board, protesting against making the Gates Foundation an official partner of the agency for the above reasons.

Bill Gates and the GAVI Alliance

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also a founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and vaccine pharmaceutical corporations. The goal of GAVI is to vaccinate every newborn baby in developing countries. It sounds noble, but the problem is that the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught hiding the dangerous consequences (insecurity due to untested or even proven harmful) vaccines for unsuspecting populations in poor countries.

And here are some interesting projects engaged in today GAVI - information from the resource

"NEC (Japanese high-tech corporation) and Simprints (an international technology for biometric identification of the world's population with the assignment of a personal ID to everyone) are joining forces with GAVI to expand the scale of vaccination using biometrics. These companies signed a memorandum to develop a system for scanning children's fingerprints immediately after vaccination."

GAVI has identified more than 20 million children worldwide who are not receiving a baseline course of vaccines and intends to use biometrics to increase immunization coverage. But at the same time, she is very restless that "only half of children aged 5 years in the South African zone receive birth registration, which means that they do not have official identification." This allegedly prevents all children from being provided with the necessary vaccines in time.

And what are they going to do to rectify the situation? Give every South African child aged 1-5 years a fingerprint-based digital biometric ID associated with their complete health history. It is also mentioned that Simprints recently won the World Bank Award for developing a digital identity service.

"Simprints' mission is to change the basic way we fight global poverty, build technology to radically increase transparency and efficiency in global development, and make sure that every vaccine, every dollar, every social good reaches those people who need them," said Simprints co-founder Toby Norman.

The run-in of this concept started in Bangladesh and Tanzania in early 2020. If it is recognized as successful, the child's digital identification will forever be attached to his vaccination card.

In fact, behind the beautiful words about the fight against poverty and the protection of health hides a painfully familiar to us regime of self-isolation, tracking of citizens, electronic passes, passports, straps on the legs and other heresy. The essence is total accounting and control of biological facilities, assigning everyone a digital ID and in the load - mandatory vaccination. The issues of voluntariness have not been discussed by the ideologists of this topic for a long time, moreover, this agenda has become part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which directly postulate the transformation of the world and humanity until 2030. In this context, another serious global project has been launched under the auspices of the UN and with the dominant support of the same Bill Gates – ID2020, which we will talk about a little later.

Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Rockefeller Foundation

The foundation of another completed "philanthropist" - Rockefeller since 1920 funded research on eugenics in Germany at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich, including during the Third Reich. Studies praised the forced sterilization of the population in Hitler's Germany and Nazi ideas of "racial purity." It was John Rockefeller III, a lifelong proponent of eugenics, who, beginning in 1950, used the money of his tax-exempt Foundation to initiate a neo-Mortusian population reduction movement through his private Population Council in New York. The idea of using a vaccine for birth control in the Third World, as you can see, first arose not from the founder of Microsoft.

David Rockefeller, a croniesman of a gate fanatic Gates, has used funds from the Rockefeller Foundation in WHO vaccination activities since 1972. In the early 90s, WHO, under its auspices, oversaw mass tetanus vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

In Africa, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with GMO biotechnology creator the Rockefeller Foundation, also funded a project called the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), which is led by former UN chief Kofi Annan. Taking the reins as head of AGRA in June 2007, Annan expressed "gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and everyone else who supports our African campaign." AGRA's Board of Directors is dominated by people from both of these funds.

The AGRA project also actively involves multinational corporations Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta and other major giants of GMO agribusiness, using the project as a hidden channel for the distribution of their patented GMO seeds in many African countries under the deceptive label of "biotechnology" – the politically correct definition of genetic engineering. The person from the Gates Foundation responsible for working with AGRA is Dr. Robert Horsch, a Monsanto veteran who has worked on the GMO topic for 25 years, who was previously part of a team that developed modified technologies that are resistant to the herbicide roundup. His job, according to a number of reports, is to use Gates' money to push GMOs into Africa.

As a result, to date, South Africa is the only African country that at the legislative level allowed the planting of genetically modified crops. In 2003, Burkina Faso authorized GMO testing. In 2005, biosecurity legislation was drafted in Kofi Annan's homeland of Ghana, and key officials expressed their intention to continue research into GMO crops. AGRA is now being used to build networks of agro-dealers across Africa (with no mention of GMO seeds and herbicides in the first phase) in order to subsequently create the infrastructure for the mass spread of GMOs on the continent.

Bill Gates and ID2020

Microsoft Corporation (like the Rockefeller Foundation) is a founding partner of the global digital identity project ID2020. It appeared on the basis of an officialLY published UN document entitled "Technical Report of the Statistical Commission of the UN Office for the Development Process of the Indicator System for achieving the goals and objectives of the post-2015 development agenda". There are many interesting things in this report, but today we will turn to paragraph 16.9, thanks to which ID2020 was born - the prototype of a digital identity identification system. The project is part of the UN initiative "Sustainable Development Goals 2030" (2030 Sustainable Development Goals), according to which until 2030 it is planned to provide all people on the planet with a digital ID. In the project (or rather, as it is called by the developers themselves, "partnership"), in addition to the UN structures, Microsoft, Accenture, the above-mentioned GAVI Alliance of Vaccinators and the Rockefeller Foundation participate.

The authors of the project postulate that a universal digital ID will help people without documents, as well as allow refugees from different countries to access education and health care in the host country. The ID document will contain all information about the person, including his place of work and education, as well as biometric data confirming his identity, fingerprints and an iris scan. All this information will allegedly be stored using blockchain technology, that is, in encrypted form in a distributed database. The authors claim that only the owner of the passport will be able to give the right to view or make changes to information about himself.

It doesn't explicitly say a word about what format this very identifier should have. Developers on the site note at length that the device must be portable, accompany the identified throughout life and capable of recording / rewriting information. Obviously, we are talking about the format of an electronic chip - just do not directly say whether it will be an ID card or a device implanted in the body.

And of course, there is no question of any security of personal information about people collected in a worldwide database. The tasks of the creators of this system are fundamentally different. Which ones? Patience – we will tell you more below.

"The ability to confirm who you are is a fundamental and universal human right. We live in the digital age, so we need a reliable way to verify identity in the physical world and online.

For more than a billion people around the world, access to basic rights and services is difficult, if not impossible, due to the lack of verified identification. With a "good" digital identity, people will be able to enjoy the benefits created by a number of government agencies and institutions in order to gain access to a variety of services, while maintaining privacy and control over personal information, "lobbyists of a single digital identifier tell us a bright future.

"Good" digital ID is too important not to get the right to it" - such a slogan the world's digitalizers put in the "header" of their theses. However, we decided to be consistent and checked all the international covenants adopted on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. As you might expect, there is not a word about the mandatory human right to digital or any identification in general – whether it is identification by an individual state or a global structure. There are many guaranteed fundamental civil and political rights, and they are really significant: the inadmissibility of torture, degrading treatment, medical or other experiences, the right of everyone to freedom and personal inviolability, to legal and judicial protection, etc. But there is no basic, recognized by the UN right to identity. And this is an example of the typical manipulation of the lobbyists of the electronic concentration camp.

Currently, ID2020 is being tested in two countries at once - Thailand and Indonesia, and in the first case it is tested on residents of a refugee camp from Myanmar. Although the partnership was launched recently, we have a chance to see the visible results of its activities in the next couple of years - it is painfully cheerful positive feedback about what is happening is given by employees of the participating organizations. However, these reviews, oddly enough, are intended only for "their own". For the outside world, ID2020 is accompanied by an amazing silence.

However, we are meticulous people, and we are well aware that already now at the world level – while for the poorest and most deprived of rights – there is a run-in of the working protocol of the "blockchain for everyone" – a system that, due to the basic principles of its work, being introduced into our lives, will make the concept of "personal information" an anachronism. First, without raising much noise, it will be tested on residents of Asia and Africa, then just as quietly make amendments to international law that legalize this system, well, and then "suddenly" it turns out that without an identifier in ID2020 (or in a similar system) you will not be able to get on a plane or train.

The ID2020 program postulates the creation of a worldwide database that will store all key personal information about the inhabitants of the Earth and will clearly go beyond national governments in scale. These are the contours of the supranational system of the world e-state and world government.

In 2019, at the annual summit in New York, held in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), as well as with new partners in government and academia, the ID2020 alliance spoke about a new digital identity program. The programme uses immunization as an opportunity to establish a digital identity identifier. 

Next, a direct quote from the resource

"We are implementing a forward-thinking approach to digital identity that gives people the ability to control their personal information while building existing systems and programs," said Anir Chowdhury, a policy adviser at a2i.

"The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the development of digital identity systems has far-reaching implications for people's access to services and livelihoods, and we are committed to implementing this approach."

Much clearer than the clear Lady and Gentlemen - you explain everything literally on your fingers. In the future, according to the announced by the World Bank, OECD, UN and other offices, the globalist terrorist "digital transformation" of all states, governments and society, 100% of the interaction of a citizen with government agencies and commercial structures will take place in digital form. 

What does the phrase of a politician from Bangladesh mean in this context? 

Re-read it again: "The development of digital identification systems has far-reaching implications for people's access to services and livelihoods."

It's as simple as that – a person without a digital ID will soon not be able to access any service and livelihood. You can refuse as much as you like, but everything happens strictly according to the Revelation of John the Theologian ("And he will do that all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will be inscribed on their right hand or on their forehead, and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name").

Let's return to the above-mentioned project ID2020 and GAVI under the conditional name "digital biometric identification through vaccination". GAVI CEO Sett Berkeley said that 89% of children and adolescents without identity cards live in countries where the organization operates. Therefore, GAVI is enthusiastic about the potential impact of this program not only in Bangladesh but also in other countries eligible for the partnership.

"Digital ID is already being implemented everywhere today and we are aware of the importance of quick action to close the identification gap. It is time for a bold commitment to ensure a rapid and responsible response. We and our ID2020 partners, both present and future, are ready to take on this challenge," confirms ID2020 Executive Director Dakota Grüner.

According to a statement from ID2020, a couple of the first pilot programs launched in 2019 in partnership with iRespond and Everest have made progress. According to the report, the iRespond program has improved the continuity of care for more than 3,000 refugees receiving treatment for chronic diseases at the International Rescue Committee in Thailand, while Everest has helped provide access to critical energy subsidies and a range of additional services with secure and user-centric digital IDs.

An article published by ID2020 in 2018 called the vaccines "the perfect way to present digital identity to the world – especially children." The article, titled "Immunization: An Entry Point for Digital Identification," states:

"As immunization is carried out in infancy, providing children with a digital child health card will give them unique portable digital identification at an early age. And as children grow up, their digital child health card can be used to access secondary services, such as primary school, or to simplify the process of obtaining alternative credentials. In fact, the child's health card becomes the first step in establishing a legal, universally recognized personality. " 

That's why they need our children 👶 

In short, according to the world's digitists, who are represented off the scenes by Bill, vaccinations are the perfect opportunity to enter a lifetime digital identifier (personal number) in the form of a microchip that will store each person's medical history. The same identifier will be used to provide (or deny – in its absence!) access to fundamental rights and services.

According to ID2020, by digitizing childhood vaccination processes in Bangladesh, the program will provide infants and children with a portable biometric digital identifier either at the time of birth registration or during immunization, while supporting three common goals:

"Improvements in crVS (Demographic and Social Statistics) coverage and process,

Increased vaccination and social justice,

Ultimately, supporting access to rights and services throughout life (🥁 )".

The material also describes in detail the technical process of issuing a biometric identity card:

"Information is required on biometric scanners capable of capturing parents' biometric fingerprint data during Phase 1 in order to also effectively record biometrics of infants in Phase II. Scanners can be connected via cable or Bluetooth. Scanners must have a minimum FBI FAP30 certification, be portable, reliable, and have a resolution of at least 500 pixels per inch. Please specify the type of port on the scanner(s), e.g. micro USB, USB C or other."

What can I say? 

So clumsy and disgustingly blatantly the builders of the new world communism substitute concepts, calling the assignment of a single digital ID (lifetime personal number) in the world identification system "a fundamental human right". Never in my life has any person or community on earth defended such a right with arms in its hands against dictators, nor has secular humanists – liberals, let alone religious people or conservatives – ever declared anything like this. Everyone today should understand that the insane adherents of population reduction and total control over the survivors are the last to restless about Thai refugees or beggars from Bangladesh, dreaming of giving them an excellent education and medicine. For them, they are just problematic generators for the production of CO2 and methane, which need to be "optimized". We are witnessing a eugenic digital experiment on a global scale.

Bill and the Digital Vaccination Certificate

Our protagonist interpreter communicating with Internet users said: to determine who received the COVID-19 vaccine developed through the infusions of his fund, it is necessary to use personal digital vaccination certificates. And these certificates will also be used to determine who can continue to work and move around the world amid the coronavirus threat.

On March 18, 2020, Gates attended the AMA (Ask Me Anything) conference on Reddit titled "I Am Bill Gates, as co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he answered questions about the pandemic.

A Reddit user named RemoteControlledUser asked a question:

"What changes will we have to make to business schedules to support our economy while ensuring social distancing?"

Bill's answer:

"The question of which businesses should continue to operate is a complex one. Of course, this is primarily the supply of food and the health care system. We still need water, electricity and internet. Supply chains for important things need to be preserved. Countries are still figuring out what to do next.

We'll end up with some digital certificates showing who has recently recovered or been tested, or when they've received the vaccine that we're going to have."

And here again at one point converge mandatory biometric identification of citizens, vaccination and the application of readable special marks on the human body. Bill Gates has long funded research into a form of vaccine identification such as quantum dot tattoos. On the website of the project developer M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) you can find the following information:

"The invisible 'tattoo' accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of tiny quantum dots – tiny semiconductor crystals that reflect infrared light. The sample, like the vaccine, is delivered to the skin using high-tech soluble microneedles made from a mixture of polymers and sugar.

M.I.T. engineers have developed a way to store medical information under the skin using a quantum dot dye that is delivered along with the vaccine. Paint, invisible to the naked eye, can be read later with a specially adapted smartphone.

Tracking vaccination remains a major challenge in developing countries, and even in many developed countries, documents are lost and parents forget about their child's condition. In addition, many parents oppose vaccinating their children and buy medical certificates. The only way to control forced immunization (!!!) is to apply a special code to the child's skin, which has already been tested on pigs and rats (!!!).

The study, led by M.I.T. bioengineers Robert Langer, Una Jaklenek and their colleagues, uses a patch along with tiny needles called microhedra to ensure effective vaccination without an injection. Microneedles are embedded in a patch-like device that is worn on the skin; it does not require a qualified nurse or technician. Vaccines supplied with microneedles do not need to be refrigerated, which reduces both cost and complexity of delivery. Under the skin are implanted so-called "quantum dots" – tiny semiconductor crystals that reflect light and were originally developed to mark cells during research. "

So we see that transhumanist innovators – biological terrorists liken people to laboratory pigs and rats – we and our children want to be labeled similarly after forced vaccination. A scientific publication on the topic of the quantum identifier of vaccinations claims that this work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and appeared only "thanks to a direct request from Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates." Mark Prauschnitz, one of the authors of the microneedle technology, says his work may cause "some privacy concerns," but he does not consider them significant. Well, of course, this database of vaccinated and labeling system is needed not for the majority of citizens, but for the developers of the initiative, so they have long cared about privacy.

Back to Bill and his answer in the key that "digital certificates" of vaccinations will be used to determine who has had COVID-19, who has recovered from it, who has recently been tested for it and who has received the vaccine, opens a giant Pandora's box. It seems to describe the near future of mankind: the inevitable mass vaccination campaign aimed at eradicating COVID-19 will be the perfect opportunity to introduce a digital identifier for every inhabitant of the Earth. This system will store a huge amount of information about a person (including vaccination history) and will be used to provide access to rights and services. Although Gates did not go into details, let's assume from the research he funded that "digital certificates" could be associated with biometric data or a quantum dot tattoo.

Bill, did you hold the Covid 😷 from 2015? 

The introduction of a false totalitarian electronic system is unacceptable on the basis of national criminal codes and national Constitutions of States. This is not supported by the world's population, and not only conservatives, but many liberals. This is not supported by all the "people of good will", who do not intend to give away the rights and freedoms won in the centuries-old struggle.

How the leaders of states, members of national governments, local governing "elites" behave we see. They embarked on the criminal path of violating national Constitutions. They did not defend the national sovereignties, rights and freedoms of their peoples, they became accomplices in this crime and the monstrous plan directly voiced by many talking heads of terrorists and Bill Gates in particular, as well as by communist fascist accomplices of the criminal UN.

So, a lot of people lived, danced. And in one fine moment, in an instant, they squandered all their lives, all past achievements, all their reputations were flushed down the toilet 🚽. If we talk about this degenerate Bill and similar talking heads of politicians at all levels, then as in principle and in essence, without having a medical education, medical license and competences, contrary to the numerous testimonies of doctors, including Nobel laureates and former heads of pharma. companies, masses of other honored people, perhaps testify to the epidemic and other false components of this criminal world performance of the premiere, becoming a de facto advertising agent, a biased singer, a man serving the criminal global kahal.

You are a real evil spirit. Have you put hundreds of millions of people around the world into sinful temptation by harming the health of hundreds of millions and even billions of people around the world with your categorical lies and propaganda of poison shots, in the form of false experimental vaccines against false covid? Lies 🤥 Lies 🤥 and Once Again lie 🤥 

The world went blind from the lack of elementary knowledge and conscience. 

Thus began the Bush dynasty.

mR. coLOnEL 🃏

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