The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System collects data on adverse reactions and deaths after vaccination.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System collects data on adverse reactions and deaths after vaccination.

According to the latest report of 13/08/2021, a total of 571,830 cases of side effects with the administration of vaccines were registered.

By age group:

0-17 years:

🏴 ☠️ 21 deaths

🏴 ☠️ 200 life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 71 disability

18 - 29 years:

🏴 ☠️ 108 - deaths

🏴 ☠️ 726 - life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 919 - disability

30 - 49 years:

🏴 ☠️ 447 - deaths

🏴 ☠️ 2,565 - life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 3,395 - disability

50 - 64 years:

🏴 ☠️ 1,141 - deaths

🏴 ☠️ 2,676 - life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 3 015 - disability

65+ years

🏴 ☠️ 6,203 - deaths

🏴 ☠️ 3,599 - life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 2,923 - Disability

Age of no installation (data from the report)

🏴 ☠️ 4,872 - deaths

🏴 ☠️ 3,373 - life-threatening conditions

🏴 ☠️ 5,721 - Disability

General data for the vaccination period:

🏴 ☠️ years - 12791

🏴 ☠️ threatening conditions for life - 13140

🏴 ☠️ invalidity - 16044

🏴 ☠️ hospital in the hospital - 51242

🏴 ☠️ anaphylactic shock - 5282

🏴 ☠️ paralich Bella - 4461

myocardial 🏴 ☠️ infarction - 5590

🏴 ☠️ heavy forms of allergic reactions - 24305

🏴 ☠️ shingles - 6784


(data for 2021)

Important: VAERS is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Only 1-10% of cases are registered through VAERS, i.e. in reality there are 10 or 100 times more.

Volleyball player Francesca Marcon: "I have pericarditis because of the vaccine"

"I had and still have post-vaccination pericarditis, who will pay for all this?" The complaint on Instagram comes from volleyball player Francesca Marcon..

Is there any form of compensation for those who have suffered harm to health after vaccination 💉? Not yet. But it will necessarily be personal for each war criminal his own.

Terrorists in the Oval Office and next to them on the territory of the United States are seeking sausage and the elimination of the US state 🇺🇸 

Today, another insider message in the style of "news from the fields" was published on the, from which it follows that by winter we are waiting for the shutdown of all businesses and industry around the world. The reason is the lack of qualified personnel. 

"I currently work for a company that selects and promotes HR directors. Part of their job is figuring out the "pain points" of employees so that they can later use that information against those employees to encourage them to either perform well or fire them. And as it turns out, the main pain point now for all employees, across the country is the rejection of the miracle injection. " 

"And if earlier the presence of a "pain point" of an employee was considered a find and an achievement, now this is the biggest problem of HR-directors - people are fired in droves, sometimes almost the entire company is fired at the same time. And when employees are fired, business owners fire the HR director who has become unnecessary. And now they're sobbing on the phone every day." 

"Medical institutions and schools suffer the most. Those who remain hang 2-3 bets, explaining to them that this is a temporary phenomenon, but they can not find anyone. People get for one, but they don't want to work for three and also run. I was talking to the nursing home administrator the other day. You won't believe it: the HR director takes out the pots and wipes his asses because he's now the youngest in the institution and there's no one else to do it." 

In general, the territory of the United States 🇺🇸 has already been captured by biological state terrorists. 

And in general, terrible categorically refuses to use thrombin, despite the threats. The real figures of the are now about 30%, the cherished figure is at least 50%, but they do not reach it. And if they do not reach, then anctic passports will be meaningless. Perhaps we now need as a union to keep the line until they are arrested and all plans fall apart.

And now we read what the local press of the city of Houston writes:

Nurse Jennifer Bridges of Houston Methodist Hospital is nash nor a prophet, yet she knew what would happen next when her principal called her in June to inquire about her vaccination status. Bridges, a 39-year-old registered nurse, said "absolute no" when asked if she had been vaccinated or if she intended to be vaccinated. After the answer, she was fired on the spot. 

"We all knew we were going to get fired," Bridges, 39, told CBS News. "We all knew that if we didn't give an injection, we would be thrown out the same day. Bridges was not the first or the last, but one of more than 150 hospital workers fired by Houston Methodist Hospital.

However, as it turned out, Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs Bridges, and another 150 of their dismissed colleagues were not as easy to replace as their bosses thought. Two months after the dismissal of unvaccinated hospital staff, Houston Methodist Hospital became one of the other hospitals in the city experiencing an acute shortage of staff.

Thus, the insider's report is fully confirmed by the situation with hospitals in Houston. It is unlikely that in other US cities in hospitals the situation is different, and what is the situation in hospitals - this is it everywhere.

Australia. Melbourne. Clashes with police

Police say 218 people have been arrested and six officers have been hospitalised following violent protests against isolation in Melbourne on Saturday.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny reports that about 200,000 people died in a week after vaccination

U.S. State Terrorists 🇺🇸 War Criminals 

U.S. University Introduces Fines and Restrictions on Wi-Fi Use for Unvaccinated Students

Students at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut will be fined up to $2,275 and will lose internet access if they do not comply with the university's Covid-19 vaccination policy.

The New Haven County Private University for the Humanities announced the new sanctions on Aug. 16 in an email sent to about 600 students who have not yet provided evidence of Covid-19 vaccination or requested exemption from it.

According to an email obtained by The Epoch Times, Quinnipiac students had to submit their vaccination records by Aug. 1. Those who do not comply with the new requirements by Sept. 14 will be fined $100 a week, with an increase of $25 every two weeks, to a maximum of $200 per week. They will also not be able to use the campus network and Wi-Fi.

The university warned that students could be fined up to $2,275 per fall semester. 

The fines apply to those who do not vaccinate, as well as to released students who miss the weekly Covid-19 test. For each missed test, a fine of $ 100 is imposed.

Students who received one dose before Aug. 25 will not be fined, provided they are fully vaccinated by Sept. 14, university officials said. 

But they still have to participate in weekly tests for two weeks after the second dose and provide a negative result before returning to campus.

"We wouldn't want to take these measures, but protecting the health of our Quinnipiac university community by enforcing vaccination requirements is the only way to lift most coronavirus-related restrictions and safely return to school and personal life," Tom Ellett, a board member, said in an email sent to students. "We thank you for your attention to these important health protocols."

Quinnipiac is not the first educational institution in the U.S. to use funds to enforce vaccination policies. Rhodes College, a private liberal arts college with more than 2,000 students in Memphis, Tennessee, announced in June that students must be vaccinated or pay a mandatory screening fee of $1,500.

"Upon returning to campus, unvaccinated students will be charged a health and safety fee of $1500 per semester to cover the costs of mandatory testing," the letter to the Rhodes community said.

Similarly, West Virginia Wesleyan College, a private liberal arts college in West Virginia, announced earlier this month that it would fine all unvaccinated students $750. 

These students are also required to wear masks while indoors, undergo weekly testing, and maintain physical distance. Any student diagnosed with Covid-19 who cannot leave campus will have to pay another $250 fine.

Based on the official version of liars, where many procedures are done, there the mortality rate will be low, and where we do not, there will be a high mortality rate. And all of a sudden, it's the other way around. There is feedback between these indicators. There is such a correlation coefficient, it measures the strength of the connection. 

It is 0.4 here. 

We counted the average for the group with a low percentage of procedures and a high percentage of procedures, and the difference was twofold. In those countries where many procedures have been carried out, there is a mortality rate from a new disease twice as high. The more false injections of procedures - the higher the mortality rate, this is statistics. Everything is based on official data 

Approximately the same picture for all countries 

Refute these figures?! 

But the numbers can not be refuted! 

We built some graphs. First of all, the share of the vaccinated population and the Covid mortality rate in 2021 per 1 million inhabitants were linked. As you can see, this connection is elusive - the point cloud is distributed throughout the graph. 

But that's the most important thing. There is no reduction in pseudo-Covid mortality with an increase in the percentage of vaccinated. Moreover, if you describe the point cloud with a linear dependence, it will be tilted to the right upwards and described by approximately the following function: 210 + 7x, where x is the percentage of vaccinated. That is, where zero residents are vaccinated, 210 people out of a million died from covid in 2021, and where 100% - 910 people. The difference is 4.5 times! Naturally, this is an average of 180 countries. True, the correlation coefficient of such dependence is low - only 0.4, but it does not matter. Importantly, there is no decrease in mortality with increasing vaccination. We will be told that a new "delta strain" has emerged, and yet it is a global statistical fact that cannot be stinned off.

Your Chinese-American-Russian lie started in December, somewhere in January, but around the new year it began everywhere, so we adopted the starting point of January 1. For the analysis, almost 180 countries were taken, for which there are data on the total number of false cases due to false tests (the task of the special operation is false Rothschild tests) and those who died on false death certificates on January 1 and August 16 of this year, as well as data on the percentage of the vaccinated population without division into "fully vaccinated" and "partially vaccinated". The first vaccination is also a false vaccination, besides, the difference between the proportion of "fully vaccinated" and "only one dose" is small.

The link between a false vaccine and death from pseudo-Covid. This graph shows a false mortality rate of 1 million. Residents from 01.01.2021 

You will be able to write off what is happening on your favorite lie: died, because "not yet had time to develop immunity." Lies would have at least some explanatory value if in countries with increasing vaccination the incidence process faded. But it's exactly the opposite. In many countries where 60% of the population or more are falsely vaccinated, there is a large increase in morbidity, followed by a growing mortality rate (Israel, the United States, many European countries). In addition, in many countries, after the start of false vaccination in the spring, a huge increase in the incidence began, including in those countries where there were no deaths from covid before the start of vaccination (almost). And all this because of the lies of tests and doctors bought and intimidated by you. For example, in Mongolia, Vietnam, Fiji, Malaysia, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, seychelles and other countries. They didn't (almost) die of false covid for a year, but began to die immediately after the introduction of your poison called "vaccination." And in large numbers. There are dozens of such countries, including those where more than half of the population is vaccinated. More people have died in them since the start of covid vaccination than before. And this cannot be 🚫 attributed to "have not yet had time to be vaccinated twice", too rapid growth in morbidity and mortality in the last month or two.

In the second graph, we showed the relationship between the proportion of the vaccinated population and the number of Covid cases in 2021. It is more noticeable that with the growth of vaccination, the incidence is higher. These data are described by a line like this: 6000 + 600x, where x is the percentage of vaccinated. That is, where zero residents are vaccinated who have contracted your false tests in 2021 about 6 thousand per 1 million, and where everyone is vaccinated, about 66 thousand. Moreover, the correlation coefficient is 0.6, i.e. the relationship is more pronounced. This is a striking fact that is also ignored. He completely refutes the fact that with the growth of vaccination, your false disease will be defeated. In fact, you infect people with hundreds of millions and they will get sick, they die and they will die even more. Because this is your plan for a special operation. 

The link between false vaccination 💉 and pseudo-covid 😷. Cases of false covid per 1 million inhabitants since 01.01.2021 

We look at ourselves in the mirror from the side of professionals morons. 

A cluster of points in the lower left corner of both charts. These are countries where there are very few people vaccinated, sick and died from covid.

We installed two more dependencies additionally. 

The first is how Covid mortality has changed in 2021 compared to 2020 due to the proportion of vaccinated people. The second is how the incidence of Covid has changed in 2021. We do not cite these graphs, because a number of countries on them stand out very much from the general point cloud, so that most of the points are grouped at the very bottom of the chart. What kind of countries are these? 

These are the accidents in which the false Covid mortality rate has increased hundreds of times 🏴 ☠️ For example, if there were isolated deaths last year or none at all, and this year there are already hundreds and thousands of cases. There are six countries where covid mortality is three to four digits high. In another 21 countries, the mortality rate increased from 10 to 100 times. In most countries - several times. There are only 36 countries where mortality has decreased. 

And there is no connection with vaccination either - the points are distributed throughout the schedule. That is, that there are few vaccinated, that a lot - all the same. Does this mean that the decrease or increase in mortality is caused by some other causes, but not vaccination? Or are you hiding the statistics lying? 

Here are the countries with the highest increase in Covid mortality in this format: the increase in mortality, the number of deaths in 2021 and 2020, the percentage of vaccinated. This year, a correction factor of 1.3 was introduced, since only 7.5 months have passed, and last year the mortality rate for 10 months has passed. Naturally, these people have not yet died, but for comparison this is a necessary mathematical technique, especially since the accumulated mortality rate is growing everywhere by definition. Here are these countries (where there were no deaths, the increase is taken to be equal to the number of deaths in 2021, multiplied by 1.3):

Cambodia – 2233 (1718/0), 54%;

Mongolia – 1148 (883/1), 68%;

Fiji – 254 (392/2), 57%;

Vietnam – 227 (6106/35), 13%

Thailand – 163 (7910/63), 25%;

Taiwan – 151 (814/7), 38%;

Seychelles – 127 (98/0), 74%;

Botswana – 62 (2001/42), 10%;

Uruguay – 42 (5823/181), 75%;

Sri Lanka – 39 (6059/204), 55%;

Cuba – 35 (3942/146), 42%;

Malaysia – 34 (12313/471), 53%.

As it is easy to see, the percentage of vaccinated is very different - from 10% to 75%. Same for all countries.

And the same with the change in morbidity. In six countries, it has grown more than 100 times (with a vaccinated share of 25%, 57%, 23%, 54%, 13%, 68%). Another 18 — from 10 to 100. In most countries, it has grown to 10 times. The incidence decreased only in 23 countries, including China, the accumulated number became even less than it was (the statistics were corrected after the fact). And just like with mortality, there is no connection with vaccination. It did not lead to a decrease in the incidence in those countries where it was carried out quickly and massively.

On the list of countries with the largest increase in the number of false covid cases in 2021 compared to 2020, many of the above countries. However, among European countries, the incidence has increased significantly. Here's a list of them:

Estonia – 5 times, 52%;

Greece – 4 times, 56%;

Latvia – 3 times, 43%;

Monaco – 3 times, 67%;

Finland - 3 times, 69%;

Norway - 2.5 times, 69%;

Sweden – 2 times, 66%;

Great Britain – 2 times, 70%;

Hungary – 2 times, 59%.

Only in five European countries has the incidence of false disease decreased in 2021, and even then slightly, and among them dwarf Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. So in Europe, where the special operation - false vaccination was fast, the results were monstrous. And you too cannot attribute this to the fact that you "have not yet had time", since in the last month or two in almost all countries morbidity and mortality have not gone into rapid growth even where more than 60-70% have been vaccinated. After all, it is stated that the vaccinated almost can not get sick and die. So all the growth is unvaccinated? 

It's your fascist fart who likes to fuck in the screen, fucking Irish zamorysh. 

No, there is no such data, but data for Israel show that vaccinated people get to hospitals with almost the same probability as unvaccinated. By the way, the Russians sent us data on St. Petersburg. They're the same. Maybe it's really all about your new sexuality strain "delta"? But then why inject vaccines that were developed before its introduction in 2016?

Thus, world statistics convincingly prove to us that false vaccination as part of the transition to NWO does not and will not lead to a decrease in mortality from false covid, nor to a decrease in morbidity. Rather, by Winter 🥶 this will lead to hunger of part of the world's population. And about the fact that in countries with a large proportion of vaccinated things happen the same or even worse, you are still at large, you are silent.

We record a rise in the incidence every few months. Since this is the Rockefeller plan, we all keep a good track of and are aware of these infoboxes. The current wave is either the third, or the fourth, or already the fifth (for different countries in different ways).

Daily number of new covid cases worldwide for all time

Yes, criminals in power and criminals in business producing poison will continue to convince us that the false vaccinated more easily tolerate the false disease put to them from the ceiling (false tests) and in general they do not die. We're sick of listening to you, the fascist u.S. 🇺🇸. You bitches fucked all professionals with your lies about the stories of the unfortunate people you deceived and the extras of the actors "who were in hospitals diagnosed with covid 😷." 

But how can you explain all this to investigators? How can you explain this global data asshole cheap . 

How will you explain this to investigators ⬇️

The State Terrorists Workshop is preparing a new information ground to justify the crime of the century with the appearance of a large number of newborn children with deviations. 

False publications began to appear that alleged climate change would cause the imminent birth of an increasing number of children with disabilities. 

It turns out that the heat, it turns out, affects the cells of the fetus. That is, the appearance of a large number of children with disabilities will now be to blame for the heat, and not the false "vaccine" 💉👇 old and his two heifers: black and red 👩

Abnormally high temperatures negatively affect the development of the child in the womb.

Climate change can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb, as a result, soon more and more children will be born with certain deviations.

This was stated by false scientists from New York University. The liars analyzed 11-year data in eight states and identified a rather disturbing trend. 

They found that the number of children with congenital abnormalities increases every year.

False scientists have established: heat can affect the internal organs of the embryo. Especially it negatively affects the heart of the 😂

To test their guesses, false scientists conducted experiments on animals. They showed that too high air temperature provokes the destruction of embryonic cells😂

In particular, this destructive process is active during the first 13 weeks.

Also, false scientists believe that climate change disrupts the sexual balance at birth. Thus, the risk of death of female embryos becomes much higher than embryos with a Y chromosome.

 How are you state biological terrorists of the Oval Office and Tv Studios of New York will explain this to investigators tomorrow ⬇️

Now when you are told "VACCINATE" from the oval cockpit, we write a statement to the police and the courts of the SGA. 

And we refer to the official website of registration, WHERE THERE IS A FALSE 3RD PHASE OF THE EXPERIMENT 🏴 ☠️

Official source of registration with information about the drug. Something that is not said in the news. All information is on the during the current year 5 "vaccines" were registered. They clearly state that these are GMOs. 

They clearly say that there is a stage 3 of false tests.

Johnson & Johnson "vaccine"

💉 Jansen J-J:

"Vaccine" Oxford, AstraZeneca


- Astrazeneca injection registration: 5/31/21

"Vaccine" developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca.


💉 Kovishield reg. 22.02.21

"Vaccine" CoronaVac

💉 Koronovak register: 09.03.21

"Vaccine" BioNTech, Pfizer

💉 Byirnati by Pfizer reg.22.02.21

Injection Of Komirnati from Pfizer reg.22.02.21

Information on the registration of the drug Moderna in Ukraine in search and analysis. At the moment there is information about the composition ! 

HERE'S THE LORD'S EVIDENCE Attorneys and investigators 🕵️ the U.S. 🇺🇸 

Here's the instruction with of. Pfizer registration site. Note page 8. It's about test subjects. taken 44 thousand, divided in half. One half of the placebo is administered and monitored. Others injection impose. So the tests (as it says 2/3 of the phase) are taking place right now on volunteers who sign up for an injection. They are not told that this is an experience, they are offered a "voluntary" dose. And then (in the instructions) they tell you that you would report the side items to your doctor (the one who injected). 

Thus, information about the experiment is collected.$file/UA185920101_9836.pdf

🏴 ☠️ Orthor official source of registration with information about the drug. Something that is not said in the news. All information is available on the

Derzhavnyi reestr likarskih zasobiv Ukrainy. The Department of Regulatory And Health of Ukraine, the Department of Regulatory And Social Affairs in the Sphere of Education and Production of health care systems.

On this site, during the current year, 5 "vaccines" were registered. They clearly state that these are GMOs. They clearly say that there is a stage 3 of the tests.🏴 ☠️

Investigators will have to translate from the language of Ukraine made by guinea pigs by your efforts even before taking office, together with the clown 🤡 

You're a good job budget Alphonse terrorists. 

All purchases of vaccines are carried out from the budget.

Declared 42 million Ukrainians, and in fact 18. 

This is money laundering through banks 🏦 the US and India.

Plus, for each vaccinated, the government of Ukraine receives $ 4

WE HAVE EVIDENCE OF OFFICIAL SOURCES Each item we record in detail documents for international investigators and the international tribunal.


Read the screenshots. It's a bomb 💥 for everyone. That's why no one talks about deaths from "vaccines", it's forbidden by the treaty !

Composition of the "VACCINE" Pfizer ⬇️


The University of Almeria (Spain) conducted an analysis of the Pfizer vaccine, which now also covers its tracks and rebrands to the new name COMIRNATY.

In general, the assumption was confirmed and graphene oxide is present in ampoules, (people know as: graphene fibers, this is a compound of graphene oxide in fibers, nanofloins, those in masks, "margelon disease") 

Further investigations, together with international lawyers and investigators, will follow very soon 🔜 

Composition of "Vaccine" Moderna ⬇️

💉The moderna vaccine is taken from the Information Bulletin for Recipients and Care Professionals dated June 24, 2021 on the website of the ⬇️

🧪The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine contains the following ingredients: matrix ribonucleic acid (mRNA), lipids (SM-102, polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000, dimyrostoylglycerin [DMG], cholesterol and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3. -phosphocholine [DSPC]), tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride, acetic acid, sodium acetate, and


This business will end, we will finish it. 

People agree to restrictions so that everything ends sooner. And that is why the crime of the century continues!

Just say NO to everyone! To each in his life and his own situations.

Professor Bhakdi warns of the dangers of COVID vaccines: If you make this vaccine to your child, you will commit a crime!

Sucharit Bakdi, MD in Microbiology and Epidemiology, Professor Emeritus at gutenberg University Mainz, Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene (1991 - 2012) USA, Germany

Statistics of vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19) by country as of 08.21.


 Moderna, Pfizer / BioNTech

 Vaccinated - total number of people who received at least one dose of vaccine

 Fully vaccinated - the total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol

 According to:

French lawlessness of the corrupt baby Napoleon. Supermarket hires bouncer to check COVID passports

A dark criminal without identification marks and documents does not allow people without sheep passports to the store.

After a woman persistently tries to break into the grocery store, the "bouncer" begins to roughly push her. Another man tries to separate the conflicting parties.

Quite an impressive dossier on the special operation, the crown 👑 19 with part of specific crimes and specific defendants. The first document 📄 the Lockstep plan from david Rockefeller's tablet is dated 1989. The case is a huge number of documents and evidence indicating a long preparation for a biological attack and blackmail of the world's population ⬇️. And the historical, ideological part refers to the beginning of the century and it is also represented in our materials. Most of the material presented below is professional material and it is complex enough for an untrained reader to understand. Hopefully someone will still be able to understand.

Here Felicia Atkins must understand exactly, we see deep and full of reflection eyes and equally subtle feelings 1958 


For normal decent and healthy brains 🧠 people, and our Sunday humor 😂

In the seventeenth year of the pandemic, life began to bounce back. Protests against mandatory weekly vaccination have subsided; cameras installed in each apartment made it possible to ensure compliance with the mask-glove regime of the house, and QR code scanners in the entrances finally deprived the unvaccinated of the opportunity to go outside. It seemed like a little more and the virus would be defeated.

That all changed when who's director, the ageless Tedros Ghebreyesus, who won the Nobel Prize for successfully fighting the pandemic, announced the emergence of a new strain. Which one is the thousandth? Two thousand-seventh? No one has ever thought, and there is no need: there will be a vaccination not once a week, but two - is there a big difference?

But the brave Ethiopian this time was determined. As it turns out, neither vaccinations, nor lockdowns, nor masks, nor tests provide 100% protection against the virus. So, it's time for more effective measures. Studies have shown that the probability of infection from a buried or cremated corpse is zero. Here it is, the end of the pandemic!

Of course, there was no question of any shootings. The head of the WHO was referring exclusively to voluntary death.

The first to respond to the call were in America. Speaking on the black house lawn, U.S. President Fatima Abdelhamid al-Raisi called voluntary euthanasia of white, male, and cisgender populations an important step in the fight against white supremacy, misogyny and transphobia. Within half an hour, the tag EuthanasiaSavesLives went to the top of Twitter, which immediately banned 300 million users for spreading fakes about the dangers of euthanasia. Facebook was not far behind: in each post, banners happily reported that euthanasia drugs are undergoing many tests for safety and effectiveness, and their use is carefully monitored.

Russia also did not stand aside. The great leader, cloned back in 2034, in his televised address called for understanding the difficult decision, recalling the victory over the Tatar-Mongols and Teutonics. For the convenience of citizens, registration for euthanasia has become available on public services; to sweeten the pill, a car was drawn among the sign-ups, and a QR code issued after recording allowed you to visit restaurants and cafes until the appointed date. The mayor of Moscow signed a decree on the mandatory euthanasia of 60% of cultural and tourism workers, but after 17 years of closed borders and the absence of concerts, they do not seem to be much upset by this.

Other countries have taken similar measures. It cannot be said that mass euthanasia was met with unanimous approval: anti-euthanasiaists, of course, tried to resist, but the ubiquitous censorship in social networks and administrative measures had the proper effect: in a matter of weeks, everyone was euthanized except politicians, doctors, pharmaceutical industry workers and basic enterprises. The coronavirus has begun to recede.

In the ninth circle of hell, Lucifer resurfaced his subordinates for excessive zeal. "Crazy? Who asked you to suggest "universal" euthanasia? 7 billion souls in 3 weeks – where will I take so many boilers? Want to have a pandemic in hell? Send it back immediately!"

The dead who climbed out of the graves quickly finished off the survivors. The coronavirus was destroyed: 8 billion dead, but absolutely healthy zombies lived on the planet.

Angela Michelle . Angie Harmon is a lifeguard ⛑ the island of Malibu. She could not save the days of the island of 🏝 and she went on to save the Nights of the island 🏝 Malibu 😂

𐌑r. 𐋏ᥱᥲrᴛᏵᥙᥲrɗ.

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