Plans of globalists. Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak reads a UN document 🇺🇳

Consequences of vaccination 💉

Fraud of the Ministry of Health of Israel with medical statistics

We thank Marina R. for linking to Chaim Yativa's Facebook post.

But, since Hebrew turns all the links, besides, he could not give all the tables there, then on his advice we went to the Hakim website and read the article in full with all its illustrations ⬇️.

The methods of distortion of the Ministry of Health expose and confirm the terrible picture of the "vaccinated".

Tuesday, 9 Elula 5741 8/17/2021 Version 1.1

Have you ever wondered why the Ministry of Health does not publish data on the mortality of the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated – a figure that it should have boasted about in any unvaccinated forum?

We will reveal here the methods of distorting the data of the experts of the Ministry of Health in order to present a false picture that the percentage of victims of the corona among the unvaccinated is much greater than among the vaccinated. We will present all the evidence from the data of the Ministry of Health itself and nothing more.

1. A game with the definition of "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated".

The first method of distortion is a game that determines who is considered "unvaccinated." As we will see below, the Ministry of Health has at least 3 definitions of who is considered "unvaccinated".

On July 30, the Ministry of Health published a series of presentations in which it convinced the members of the advisory committee of the need for a third vaccine.

In one of the files there is a presentation on methodology. The next slide shows how the effectiveness of a vaccine is measured.

The methods of distortion of the Ministry of Health expose and confirm the terrible picture of the "vaccinated".

In this slide, the definition of "vaccinated" refers to a person who has received two doses and has passed seven days after the second dose. People who die from the corona or from the vaccine itself between the first dose and up to 7 days after the second dose are not counted at all. Also, those who have recovered and have been vaccinated with one dose are not taken into account.

These are not a few figures at all, and it should be mentioned here that we have proved with Dr. Harve Seligman that between the first and second dose and next week, the administered corona will kill 20-40 times more than the mortality rate among the unvaccinated, especially among the young. Cm. Dr. Harve Seligman, summarizing our findings in this regard:

The second definition of who is considered "vaccinated" by experts of the Ministry of Health is those who have been sick and recovered and have been vaccinated with one dose and have passed 7 days after the same dose.

Partially vaccinated are those who pass between the first and second dose and another seven days. 

Those who have not received a single dose have not been vaccinated.

Who are the "bad students" who have not recovered, but have only been vaccinated with one dose and have not come to be vaccinated with a second dose? In what group does the Ministry of Health place them? And what about those who received a placebo and do not even know about it, and who they are, only the Ministry of Health knows? What about those who recovered and were vaccinated with a single dose and injured before 7 days of injection?

These are all undetermined patients, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and allowing the Ministry of Health to reduce the number of vaccine victims and categorize them, according to the picture it wants to present by shifting the incidence from a vaccination camp to an unvaccinated camp. By transferring them to the unvaccinated group when they become infected/die from the corona, the Ministry of Health may present a false impression of a high incidence rate among the unvaccinated.

The following is the third definition of "unvaccinated" as it appears in the database of the Ministry of Health. This game of definitions allows Ministry of Health experts to omit data as they see fit in the eyes of advisory committee members and the public, while always having the option to pull the rabbit out of the hat.

But the scam doesn't end there.

2. Concealment of mortality data among vaccinated people.

The second significant way to distort the situation is to hide the mortality from the administration of at least one injection compared to the completely unvaccinated group.

As can be seen from the situational service of the Ministry of Health:

Only data on severe patients with a difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients (in accordance with the previous method of distortion) are presented, but mortality data are consolidated and do not show mortality separately for "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated". You can be sure that if this data were in favor of Pfizer, the Ministry of Health would hasten to present it with a loud cry on every site and at every stage.

We revealed the reason for this a few months ago. The "vaccine" does seem to produce antibodies that reduce the infection, but to it and to its spike, at the same time it destroys the immune system, and for this "vaccinated" are less infected initially, but if they are infected, they are 15 times more likely to die than "unvaccinated", regardless of time:

That is, once the amount of antibodies disappears, they will be 15 times more vulnerable than unvaccinated to any disease, including the corona, in addition to the ADE phenomenon, and this was probably the reason for the Health Department's hysteria to urgently administer a third dose of vaccinated without waiting for FDA approval.

But of course, the third injection also takes a liter of his carcass and causes even more mortality among the vaccinated, as happened with the first dose, and therefore an increase in mortality and morbidity since they started vaccination with the third dose in early July, as seen. on the chart here. 

And now let's move on to the figures to prove everything said here by the data of the Ministry of Health itself.

Dr. Harve Seligman prepared graphs based on data from the Department of Health's control room on August 12.

COVID19 cases by age group, vaccinated and unvaccinated 12BIII2021

Percentage of vaccinated according to age group, from confirmed COVID19 cases (black bars) and for the entire population (white columns).

This graph shows that as of August 12, the number of vaccinated is relatively proportional to their number in the population, i.e. they do not have an advantage over the unvaccinated, but, unfortunately, they already suffer from high mortality, which occurs a few days after the administration of doses, as well as side effects of Pfizer and Moderna. Heart attacks, strokes and other problems, on top of all this due to their weakened immune systems, corona infection will lead to a much higher mortality rate than in the unvaccinated, as we will see below, that is, we can say that the "vaccinated" come out bald from there and there.

Additional graphs provided by Dr. Seligman show that analysis of data from the Department of Health's control room from July to August 12 shows that the percentage of critically ill patients among the vaccinated is increasing at a faster rate than among the unvaccinated. Seligman concludes that vaccination does not prevent severe cases and, even worse, contributes to serious diseases ...

And now let's move on to the data on the mortality of the vaccinated, which the Ministry of Health is trying its best to hide.

Data on mortality from July to mid-August will be provided by a number of sources in the Ministry of Health.

The first of the database of the Ministry of Health

For good reasons, the Ministry of Health has a useless file in which we find another and absurd division into the unvaccinated and the vaccinated. File title "Corona-related deaths and hospitalizations after vaccination"

The file settings are described in detail below:

The Ministry of Health believes that a person who died on the day of vaccination is unvaccinated.

A person who dies on the day of vaccination with the second dose is considered vaccinated only with the first dose.

If less than five vaccinated people died in a given week, the exact number will not be displayed, but will be less than five, which negates any possibility of obtaining statistics on the mortality of the vaccinated, but at the same time one statistic can be obtained from this table:

In the first week of August, 44 of the 47 vaccinated people who received the second and possibly third dose died unusually. According to the table, another 15 to 21 "unvaccinated" died, but oddly enough, none of the vaccinated died from a single dose at all, which is statistically impossible when almost half a million people in Israel were vaccinated with only one dose. The conclusion is that those who were vaccinated with only one dose and who did not come to demand a second dose were transferred by the Ministry of Health to the unvaccinated column, which was misleading and distorting the data, as presented in the first method of distortion given above.

We'll move on to another source in the Ministry of Health, a presentation documenting the mortality rate of the vaccinated, and this time in July.

This slide shows that from July 1 to July 26, 34 patients died due to the Corona, including 25 vaccinated and 9 "unvaccinated." But in this presentation, the definition of who is vaccinated and who is "unvaccinated" does not appear at all, so we have here a clear example of how sages from the Ministry of Health can confuse professors and members of the public to convince them of something by changing who is vaccinated or not as needed.

We emphasize that this presentation was prepared in order to convince high-ranking guests to start promoting the third vaccine.

We will also emphasize that in practice, the Ministry of Health began vaccination with a third dose as early as July without the approval of any party and thus created an artificial morbidity caused in the days after vaccination, which it could then present in presentations to convince of the need for a third dose, cynically and paradoxically.

And now, as the icing on the cake, a post by Dr. Chaim Sadovsky, who reports on Facebook that he contacted a worthy source in the Ministry of Health, who gave him real data on the mortality of the vaccinated and unvaccinated, and at that time without distortion and without manipulation described above.

The table shows that mortality among vaccinated individuals is abnormal on any scale and even catastrophic, as we saw in our articles for February-May last year, and hence the great efforts of senior officials of the Ministry of Health to distort the data, as described above.

Dr. Seligman checked the data in a separate article attached to them:

Note that there are no "unvaccinated" deaths on July 9, and there are only 3 of them and why? Because it's all about determining who isn't vaccinated? After all, we have presented three different definitions above of how the Ministry of Health uses the term "unvaccinated".

And now the million dollar question, but why? Why would senior officials in the Ministry of Health and an entire government use an entire nation and put it in a dangerous place bordering on genocide, not just here but around the world. Over the past month, a lot has been published in the mainstream media, but it's not just about money.

What was difficult to say out loud six months ago, today we can say out loud that none other than Dr. Vladimir Zelenko did in his testimony recently in court:

Dr. Zelenko said it clearly: this is a malicious program of population reduction, depopulation, genocide. Third, this time a biological and hidden world war waged by elites who have decided they are allowed to determine how many people should exist on earth. Unfortunately, the leaders of the State of Israel are no different from other leaders who betrayed their people in this biological war. The Jewish Agency's position with the Nazis during the Holocaust will not be surprising, others have nothing to recommend but to start reading the materials on the Hakim website, and start from here, because we warned and warned about everything.

And in the building of the Temple, we will soon be comforted.

Chaim Yativ

Thanks to Dr. Harve Seligman for the tables and help.

Our adult readers after +18 know our passion ❤️ 🔥 to the memories of past gone but beautiful moments of detailing and reconstructing events. We will not change our preferences to remember different events and moments and today ⚠️ ⬇️

Nuremberg and the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 what do these geographically different locations have in common? A common history, namely, the Nuremberg Process has become a precedent for international law. The Nuremberg Process was a unique event in history.

Secret documents show that Moderna sent her poison COVID19 to the University of North Carolina a few weeks before the "pandemic."

Potential candidates for the coronavirus vaccine were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days before the official appearance of the "pandemic" kovid. All these signatures were made before the new coronavirus was announced. It was not until 31 December 2019 that WHO and its hamita Gebreisus became aware of an alleged cluster of cases of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China.

On October 1, 1946, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg sentenced Nazi criminals to try those who wage war and commit war crimes in the course of them. For the first time such a process took place after the end of the First World War. On 23 May 1921, the trial of 45 German nationals accused of war crimes began in Leipzig. But the Leipzig Tribunal dealt only with the perpetrators, as the names of the German generals and admirals who gave orders for which their subordinates went to trial were removed from the list. From this point of view, the Nuremberg Trials, conducted by the International Military Tribunal from 20 November 1945 to 1 October 1946, was unprecedented. For the first time in the dock were the first persons of the whole state, accused of committing war crimes and genocide (by the way, the word itself was also openly heard for the first time in Nuremberg). All this gives the right to call the Nuremberg Tribunal the main court of the twentieth century, which put the actual point in the history of the Second World War and sent to the gallows its main culprits. We have become more humane and we are likely to live to see long sentences, possibly the death penalty, in some US states. It's probably a humane injection. What a magnificent artistic parallel comes through the oil canvas cute girl 👧

The Taliban are using biometrics to identify U.S. collaborators in Afghanistan.

During its military presence in Afghanistan, the U.S. Army created a huge database of biometric data — more than 25 million records for local residents.

The U.S. military positioned the collection of biometrics as "efforts to track terrorists."

The collection was put on stream, digitized by several thousand people a day. Fingerprints, iris, identifying biographical information, occupation and much more were entered into the database.

What happened now is that the Taliban have hijacked U.S. military biometric devices, and are now using a database compiled by the Americans to identify Afghans who helped coalition forces.

This whole situation once again emphasizes the importance of avoiding the delivery of biometrics. Even a well-intentioned database can and will be used against you.

As Albert Fox Kahn said:

"The bleak future of science fiction has arrived. 

Biometric data is the only way companies and governments can keep track of us. You can change your name, social security number, but you can't change your biometrics. The more we normalize these tactics, the harder it will be to run away from them. I'm very afraid of what our future will be."

And as Richard Matthew Stallman said:

"the only secure database is the one that was never assembled"

Amazon buys users' biometrics for $ 10.

Last year, Amazon unveiled its new Amazon One biometric palm print scanners, so shoppers can pay for items at some stores by waving palm prints over one of those scanners.

Amazon has since extended its biometric scanning technology to its stores. 

The retail and cloud giant says its palm scanning equipment captures both the smallest characteristics of your palm and subcutaneous features such as vein patterns.

This information is then stored in the cloud and used to verify your identity when you are in one of its stores. Amazon also says it stores palm data indefinitely and may use this information to target ads, collect browsing history and purchases.

And now, in order to motivate everyone to pass biometrics: Evil Corporation will pay you $ 10 if you register your palm prints in its stores and link them to your Amazon account

Albert Fox Kahn, executive director of the New York-based Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, commented on the event:

"The bleak future of science fiction has arrived. It's terrible that Amazon is asking people to sell their bodies, but it's even worse that people are doing it at such a low price."

"Biometric data is the only way companies and governments can keep track of us. You can change your name, social security number, but you can't change your palm print. The more we normalize these tactics, the harder it will be to run away from them. If we don't draw a line in the sand here, I'm very afraid of what our future will be."

An Amazon spokesperson declined to comment.

Epic has sent out an unedited antitrust complaint against Google, which exposes many of the hidden insidiousness of the evil corporation.

From the materials appearing in the antitrust case epic against Google, it became known a lot about the activities of the evil corporation:

⚠️ Google has a secret initiative, originally called "Project Hug," which aims to "secret deals with more than 20 leading game developers and pay out hundreds of millions of dollars" to encourage apps to be stored on the Play Store alone. 

Among those who agreed to sell their users mentioned Activision Blizzard

⚠️ Start starting in 2019, Google launched a secret "Premier Device Program" that gave Android phone makers a share of search revenue. In return, manufacturers agreed to ship their devices without pre-installed third-party app stores. 

Among those who agreed to sell their users mentioned Motorola, LG, Oppo, Vivo and OnePlus

⚠️ After the epic vs. Google conflict arose, the evil corporation repeatedly made attempts to buy out the entire Epic company.

⚠️ Google paid the carrier to prevent them from competing with the Android market.

⚠️ From Google's internal reports, it follows that the biggest fear of the corporation is the placement of alternative app stores on users' devices. This will result in a loss of revenue of $ 6 billion.💰

All this history once again exposes the weaknesses of this monster, which the free community must strike. 

The evil corporation trembles with fear in its internal reports, fearing that users will use alternatives. That's what you need to do to win.

⚠️ Nehossess to completely abandon the Play Store, use a free F-droid or, in extreme cases, the Aurora Store if you can't live without a number of apps.

⚠️ To be completely abandoned by the Google search engine, fortunately there are many free alternatives in the world.

⚠️ Use smartphones and tablets only from those manufacturers that allow you to free them from the factory tracking firmware, with replacement with free operating systems.

⚠️ Many applications resist and do not want to work in free systems without the presence of libraries of the evil corporation. To get around this, you need to use MicroG.

⚠️ Block Google analytics scripts on websites during Internet walks.

⚠️ Dee google drive, documents, spreadsheets, and more.

⚠️ I certainly spread propaganda and mobilize their loved ones to resist corporations of evil.This is what they fear most♨️〽️⚠️

Additional voluminous and professional Materials on the topic of biological attack on the world 🗺 biological blackmail of the world's population in order to dismantle national states, transition to communist and fascist dictatorships of governance, with the actual abolition of national Constitutions of different countries of the world ⬇️

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