obviouS IncReDibLe

Everyone remembers the start date of what was called the three guys in black "Covid Pandemic." 

Another significant milestone is the date of commencement of work on a covid vaccine.

📕2019 WUHAN UNIVERSITY. Universal LANA functions in the pathogenesis of KSHV- 103 410 dollars.

LANA is a large, multifunctional nuclear protein that is localized in point foci in the nucleus (Komatsu et al ... In addition, LANA binds the viral genome to the chromosomes of the host cell, which allows the KSHV genome to effectively "bind" to the mechanism of segregation of cellular chromosomes.

📕2019 PURDUE UNIVERSITY (USA). Rapid development of a vaccine candidate against the Wuhan coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) using the T4 bacteriophage nanoparticle platform.-646,229,000

🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏 a 3557-page pdf document, "Allergy and Infectious Disease Research," which states that the Purdue Institute was allocated more than half a million dollars to develop a COVID19 vaccine candidate in 2019, when there was no official covid pandemic yet.🐏 🐏🐏 🐏🐏🐏


☠️💉🇺🇸Lzhe Covid found "73 times as many vaccination-related deaths..."

The table shows the average annual vaccination-related deaths (U.S.) over the past 32 years, according to the U.S. VAERS system, up to August 13, 2021.


In the last few months to August 2021, there were 73 times more vaccination-related deaths than the average for the 12 months of the 1990s. 

If it were not for the plans of the global kahal, such vaccination would have been stopped when exceeded by two times, and then "at 73" and silence, everything is fine, go and 🐏🐏🐏🐏 prick.

Suphenous accounting

In December 2019, Robert S. Langer and his team developed and patented a method by which transdermal patches can be used to label people with invisible ink to store medical and other information subcutaneously. 

This was presented as a boon for "developing countries", where lack of infrastructure means lack of medical documentation. [62] [63] 

The technology uses a "quantum dot dye" that comes with, in this case along with the vaccine, a patch with microneeds. 

the research was funded by the bill and the Gates Foundation and the Koch Foundation, an institute for integrative cancer research.

How it will look approximately in life, we have already shown - an invisible QR code on the forehead (forehead), hand.

The digital apartheid app was created by the Rockefeller Foundation, which created Lockstep.

The Commons Project is a nonprofit community foundation created with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation to create platforms and services that will tightly regulate your life after Covid. This initiative is part of the World Economic Forum, which implements the agenda of the "Great Reset" rothschild (Schwab by father). The Commons Project website describes its role as follows:

The Commons Project is a nonprofit community foundation created with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation to create digital services that put people first.

The Commons project fills the void between technology companies, government agencies, and traditional nonprofits that create and operate the digital services that make up public infrastructure in the digital age.

The Commons project includes three apps for COVID.

1. General health

2. COVIDcheck check

3. CommonPass

According to the founder and executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Rothschild (Schwab by his father), the forum is guided by the goal of positioning "private corporations as trustees of society" to "solve social and environmental problems."

In July, Rothschild (Schwab) published a 195-page book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, in which he urged industry leaders and decision-makers to "make effective use of the pandemic" and not let the crisis go to waste.

TIME magazine (owned by Marc Benioff, a WEF board member and architect of the Great Reset) recently collaborated with the WEF to highlight the "Great Reset" and present "a look at how the pandemic provides a unique opportunity to change our way of life."

The Great Reset must be comprehensive. Wef partner organizations include major players in data collection, telecommunications, arms manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the food industry. Supervising data collection, telecommunications, arms manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the food industry, including C/X-controls the World.

One of the leading figures in the establishment of NWO besides Klaus Rothschild (Schwab by his father) is Peter Schwartz, a futurist, one of the writers of the script "Operation Lockstep", which predicted covid with terrifying accuracy. He is another NWO architect.

+ Consultant on science fiction films from Hollywood (Minority Report)

+ WEF Moderator

+ Works for Marc Benioff (architect Vel.Per. Gr3at Res3t)

He openly advocates for the abolition of privacy in our "global village", which will have "much more electronic interaction ... our digital footprint will be everywhere." This is the key concept of Great Res3t. 

Schwartz was involved in a Deloitte/Salesforce collaboration in scenario planning for "A World Remade by COVID-19," through the Global Business Network. 

He also co-authored with Doug Randall the Pentagon's script "Abrupt Climate Change and Its Implications for the National Security of the United States."

He has also worked as a consultant in several science fiction films, including "Minority Report," "Deep Impact" and others, which speaks to the level of experts building the New World Order. 

He serves on the board of directors of the Long Time Foundation, the boards of directors of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and the Asian Internet Coalition (AIC).

In 2007, Schwartz moderated a forum titled "The Impact of Web 2.0 and New Social Networking Models" as part of the World Economic Forum in Davos. 

He also participates in research at the Innovation and Enterprise Council of Singapore and was appointed International Officer of the Prime Minister's Office in 2014. He was also inducted into the Futurists Hall of Fame by the Professional Futurists Association in 2012.

Interestingly, Peter "Nostradamus" Schwartz escaped to an extremely isolated island, where it is always summer, sea and sun, and where there are no lockdowns.

"I do think it's a big problem, but I also think the truth is that – for safety reasons, for convenience reasons, and now for health reasons [because of covid] – gradually we're going to come to terms with a lot more surveillance. And at the end of the day, we won't be too bothered by that, because – in fact, for most people in most situations – there will be more good than harm," Schwartz says of total surveillance and surveillance. But for 99% of people 99% of the time, this would mean that you won't need to show your ticket to get to BART; this means that you do not need to place an order in the supermarket; this means that when someone steals your child's bike, it will be visible. Oh, and these unhealthy people will be discovered before I get on the plane.

My guess is that we'll end up in a world with much stronger electronic interaction. There's a lot more digital technology in that regard, and our digital footprint will be everywhere.

... We are now in a global village where the truth is that you can know everything about everyone. You can see my hot tub at Google Earth. (Thankfully, I wasn't there when they took the last picture.) We are really moving into this world of the global village, and we have to anticipate that everyone knows everything. And I think it's going to be a new reality...

For most of us, this is the deepest crisis (Covid) we've ever experienced. And it's not going to end soon. The economy will struggle; we're going to see more disease, more deaths, and so on. I don't want to embellish that in any way.

But crises in the right sense of the word can bring about remarkable change. This one invites you to rethink... I hope that if we sit here and talk in a year, a lot will happen. We will have new political leadership at the national level, and we will have a kind of unifying response for the country, not a dividing one.

It's going to be a very different world, but I think - in general - rather for the better. Many of us are rethinking and reinventing. For me, that's the positive side. Every crisis invites you to this. To get out of this with new tools, new opportunities..."


💉🇺🇸🇮🇱 Israeli Prime Minister Bibika, who seems to be unsure of the state of affairs in the country, due to insufficient jewish deaths, despite one of the most extensive coverage of false vaccinations in the world, Israel shows records for the rate of false infection with false covid among the poor, intimidated media and a box of plebs (according to various sources, of. or semi-of. offices and ministries, 60-90% of heavy false vaccinations are vaccinated, 60-90% of deaths 🇮🇱in the country among the completely false vaccinated), in fact, admitted that the story of the false vaccination of the Israeli people with mRNA injections from BigPharma was a complete lie and tuff. However, for obvious reasons, he did not declare it in plain text, and said a little differently, but in fact and meaning the same. 

According to him, twice vaccinated people are not protected in any way and are at risk. He urged everyone to "urgently" get a third vaccination. 

🇺🇸Terrorists in the United States are even more creative: 

A swindler of oval morons there, aka a friend of Gates, who had a close friendship with a eugenicist, slave trader, certified king of pedophilia Epstein, with whom they collected sperm on his island as part of their eugenic experiments, the head of the CDC Fauci says that if most Americans get the vaccine, covid will be under control by spring 2022.

Mass terrorist Madry affected not only people, but also entire departments, ministries and other supervisory agencies. 

The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends the first Covid vaccine as protection against tropical storms 😂

By the way, in the letter of the FDA approving the Pfizer mRNA injection for the plebs, several key future dates for the completion of the study were indicated, after which the mRNA injection would cease to be experimental, but then it was canceled until the next, that is, until yesterday's approval. To put it bluntly, the FDA is entangled in its own wildest lies.

The FDA has approved the first COVID19 vaccine, which is actually still being tested. Here's an excerpt from the FDA document:


📕Contest Protocol: 31 August 2021; 

📕Reporting of the monitoring report: 31 October 2022; 

📕Reportional Report Submission: October 31, 2023; 

📕Doctoral end: June ⚠️ 30, 2025❗️

📕Reports of the final report: 31 October 2025

Also on page 12 of the same FDA document: 

"All descriptive printed materials, advertisements and promotional materials relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should clearly and explicitly state that:

📕This product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA but has been approved for emergency use by the FDA under the EUA to prevent Covid for individuals aged 12 years and older; and

📕Extrained use of this product is permitted only for the duration of the circumstances justifying the emergency authorization and use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act, unless the announcement is terminated or the authorization is revoked earlier."

Japan suspends use of 1.63 million doses of Moderna vaccine after Vaccination Centers found some "foreign materials" inside this poison Inside

Today, Thursday, the Japanese Ministry of Health said it had received reports from several vaccination centers that some of the unused doses of Moderna's Covid vaccine had been found that contained foreign materials.

Japanese drug maker Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., which is responsible for selling and distributing the Moderna vaccine in Japan, said it was suspending the use of 1.63 million doses as a precautionary measure. According to the ministry, Moderna has vowed to launch an investigation into the matter, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co has requested an emergency study by a U.S. biotech firm, while urging medical institutions and other organizations not to use any doses of the poison.

The metropolitan government said about 9100 people may have received infected mRNA injections at two vaccination sites it manages. Among other prefectures, Osaka counted about 50,000 such pesters, Hyogo counted 41,500 and Aichi counted 28,000. Some workplace vaccination companies have been forced to suspend their programs.

All Nippon Airways Co., which has provided employees and their families with about 4700 doses, decided to suspend its program on Thursday and Friday.

Toyota Motor Corp. and East Japan Railway Co. are among the companies that received potentially contaminated doses, but said they would continue their programs using other stockpiles.

"Foreign substances" were confirmed at eight vaccination sites in five prefectures - Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Gifu and Aichi. The composition of a foreign body several millimeters in size is not determined.

The "little black materials" reported to the ministry could have been metal shards, one of its senior officials said.

During the special operation, the crown 👑 can be said with all certainty and accuracy: very many in the course of this crime became State criminals, someone an accomplice, and on someone's conscience not one life and not two ... many lives, a lot. 

The White House administration 🏡 the U.S. has clearly lost touch with reality and warned parents and health care providers of an expected outbreak of polio-like acute flaming myelitis (AFM) in the next four months. 

They know what their vaccines are made of and what it threatens people. The only question is whether this is what they expect - this is an accidental side event or is it one of the goals of vaccination with mRNA injections, which many doctors and scientists refuse to call a vaccine, preferring to call a course of two injections of mRNA therapy or gene therapy, which is a fact and most accurately conveys the meanings. 

The video is not doctors or orderlies. These are brave policemen from the homeland of the Irishman Joe, or rather Northern Ireland 🇮🇪. Militants in "chemical" suits, they are the ones who are pulling people out of their homes, whose crime was only that they violated or refused to sit locked up at home after returning from vacation. 


Just imagine what will happen all over the world, when there will not be a single vaccine that can be called experimental, when everything will be removed from the list of tests, when the global kahal will have free hands, which, although still a little, but restrains the law and the Constitution of us. Countries. 

Until now, people, that is, you and I, will be promised EVERYTHING that he wants and wants, including vaccination only voluntary, full-time education, savory flavored with any payments that have not been made before, but could be done, and many others, depending on the country. 

Autumn will show a lot. Observe, listen and record...

The debate over forced vaccination is heating up and moving along the classics of the special operations genre into the military phase. Though there's no more blunt argument than this. 

Do not want to be vaccinated, well done, do not get vaccinated, strengthen your own immunity.

Well done, you are protected, you, according to all sorts of politicians, are afraid of nothing. 

They say from morning to morning they say de unvaccinated spread the infection. And the pricked have nothing to fear.

One of the most fraudulent reports of the current campaign is the forcible imposition of poison.

It's time to open people's eyes. Here is just a small list of some of the more recent studies regarding natural immunity:

✅ New York University, May 3, 2021 


✅Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, May 24, 2021, published in the journal Nature 


✅Cleveland Clinic, June 19, 2021 


✅Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle/Emory University, Washington, July 14, 2021, published in the Journal of Cellular Medicine)


✅ University of California, Irvine, July 21, 2021


✅ University of California, San Francisco, May 12, 2021 


✅ Israeli Researchers, August 22, 2021


✅ Irish researchers published in the journal Wiley Review, May 18, 2021 


✅ Cornell University, Doha, Qatar, published in The Lancet, April 27, 2021


✅ Israeli Researchers, April 24, 2021 


✅ French researchers, May 11, 2021


✅ 12 Duke NUS School of Medicine, Singapore, published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine 


✅ Korean researchers published in the journal Nature Communications on June 30, 2021


✅ Rockefeller University, July 29, 2021 


✅ Researchers from Madrid and Mount Sinai, New York, March 22, 2021 


You see the lies of BigPharma and its functionaries, as well as their paid, unscrupulous puppets who have no right to be called doctors, scientific journalists and so on, about natural immunity, perhaps the most easily verifiable lie of all.

💉 🇺🇸OVAL PUNISHERS ON THE MARCH 🥁 and every six months, the end of motivational and incentive incentives and the beginning of a punitive campaign to inject a syringe 💉 under the guise of vaccination.

The Candon Medical Administration plans to make booster injections mandatory not in a year, as planned at first, not in 8 months, as planned a little later, but six months after the conduct of two mRNA injections.

U.S. health regulators plan to approve the practice for adults for three injections of COVID19 used in the U.S.— those produced by Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE, Moderna Inc and Johnson & Johnson. 

Meanwhile, Delta Air Lines will introduce a monthly fee of $200 for unvaccinated mRNA injections. 

Yesterday, Wednesday (Aug. 25), Delta Air Lines rolled its policy to a more punitive approach, saying their unvaccinated "slaves" would now pay a monthly health insurance supplement of $200 and possibly be stripped of sick leave for missed work.

These steps set a clue in the approach of companies to ensure total false vaccination. If earlier, many employers used incentives, pranks, cash bonuses, lotteries and so on to motivate the plebs to vaccinate, now it's the turn of the whip. 

A monthly fee of $200 for unvaccinated workers included in Delta's health plan "will be necessary to address the financial risk that the decision not to vaccinate creates for our company," Delta executive Ed Bastian wrote wednesday to his employees. 

Wednesday can be seen as the beginning of BigPharma's communist punitive campaign, designed to tax people from all sides to go for mRNA injections and sign up to do them every six months until every six months.



📕Tenten complaints of ill-treatment by U.S. military academy leaders who discriminate against cadets who refuse the vaccine COVID19.

📕Pentagon orders all active-duty service members to be vaccinated to select the infamous Pfizer mRNA shot of COVID19.

📕A high school teacher in Washington, D.C., is under investigation. The reason is a public statement about her desire for the death of all unvaccinated people.

📕On American analyst believes that passports for vaccination will cause economic collapse in the United States.

📕Imaginable, Friends, for a sober person to say this, but Biden did it and warned Americans about social distancing during the hurricane.

📕Scientists from washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (USA) have discovered a super-duper antibody that can neutralize all known mutations of the coronavirus.

📕The CEO of Pfizer says there will likely be a vaccine-resistant version of Covid, but at the same time, that his pharmaceutical company will easily be able to create a new drug, also an mRNA injection, aimed at a specific variant. He's only going to need three months. Will continue to prick, Friends. This is our new reality. 

📕In Oregon, the plebs must now wear masks on the street, even if they are vaccinated. Order of their polumny guber. 

📕Poland has decided to build a fence along its border with Belarus and intends to double the number of troops.

📕Thanks to Joe Biden, the Taliban now have more than 200 military aircraft and Afghanistan is now the 26th country in the world in terms of "airplane" power.

📕Thalabi representative in an interview with Al-Arabiya: "All the weapons left by American troops are our wealth."

📕Ded Biden is again running off the podium, ignoring a reporter asking how many Americans are left in Afghanistan. Grandfather Biden's escapes are becoming a good new tradition of the Oval Menopause administration and their unhealthy (under)president. Interesting tradition, unusual... 

Terrorists mark U.S. military personnel 🇺🇸 


Mississippi orders anyone who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 to isolate at home for 10 days or be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

On Friday (August 20), the Mississippi Department of Health issued such a warning (pdf)


where Dr. Thomas Dobbs prescribes that any person "infected with COVID-19 should remain in a home or other appropriate living space for 10 days from the onset of the disease."

This is despite the fact that many countries are showing the opposite results after isolations and lockdowns. For example, in one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, which introduces lockdowns on and without, where people are already making themselves a third mRNA injection, booster, in addition to revaccination, in Israel, the number of deaths from COVID19 as the lockdowns and restrictions of the plebs tighten, it breaks records, and in one day almost 10,000 cases of covid are reported. 

From August 20, "Green Passes" are required in Israel. The pass is issued to people who have received two doses of the vaccine or have recovered. But now, Friends, children who are not eligible for vaccination must also have a pass. This demand is the last— and most draconian — step in the Israeli government's fight against the rapidly spreading delta option.

On Tuesday, Israel's health ministry reported nearly 10,000 new cases, the second-highest number since Jan. 18. About 6.63 percent of those surveyed tested positive on Monday, a record high in the fourth wave. Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate the majority of its population, and by March, most Israelis already thought they had left Covid as a nightmare. However, now Israel has shown the true, and not declared in the box and in the media, the results of vaccination with mRNA injections from BigPharma. 60-90% of severe and fatalities occur in fully vaccinated and there is already talk in ministries that people who have received not two, but three mRNA injections should be considered fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, returning to Israel's main ally, the states, it must be said that there is good news there that will give parents a break. According to the NIH director, approval of a "vaccine" against Covid for children under the age of 12 is unlikely in the U.S. before the end of 2021. One of the U.S. government's leading public health experts predicted this Tuesday, contradicting a faster deadline proposed by other Biden administration officials, including swindler Fauci.

Vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna are currently studying the safety and efficacy of their mRNA injections in young children and infants. There were still such parents who decided to give their children for a reward to experiments for the sake of the future of mankind, as they believe, and, if you look at reality, and not at the words of biased people, companies and the media, for the sake of BigParma's profit and the implementation of the "Great Reset", "Fourth Industry. revolutions", which, according to their announcer, head and creator of the WEF Rothschild (Schwab by his father), without covid have no chance, and which will give life and finally establish the New World Order. 

The infamous Pfizer is expected to present the results of its trials for children ages 5 to 11 to the Food and Drug Administration next month.

However, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, suggested that the approval could take much longer.

"To be honest, I don't see approval for children 5 to 11 years old until the end of 2021," Dr. Collins told NPR, with Gates' friend Anthony F disagreed.

On Tuesday, the scammer Fauci said that the Pfizer puffer could provide FDA approval for children under the age of 12 this fall, and they say de he does not understand why you need to wait so long.

Pfizer is now working on a customized booster aimed at the Delta variant.

On the warm-up go ...


Pfizer CEO (expected $26 billion in vaccine revenue) Albert Burla, who once said his body doesn't need his company's vaccine, told NBC news Monday (Aug. 23) that the company is working on a specialized vaccine targeting the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2.

"We are producing a specialized vaccine for delta. I'm pretty sure we won't need it because the booster shot of the current vaccine is very, very, very effective against Delta," said Pfizer CEO Albert Burla, who has so far championed the need for a booster shot, referring to the fact that immunity received "fully" vaccinated begins to weaken in just a few months.

Meanwhile, Friends, Japan is turning to "cocktails with antibodies" as a "new weapon" against covid. 

Japan's top officials are now pushing treatment with a so-called "cocktail of antibodies," which they hope will help the nation fight Covid after expanding the drug beyond hospitals. 

A mixture of monoclonal antibodies kazirivimab and imdevimab, intravenous therapy has been shown in clinical trials abroad, is highly effective in preventing patients from developing severe symptoms of COVID-19. Its effectiveness in reducing the risk of hospitalization or death by 70% has raised hopes that it can prevent hospitals from overcrowding with COVID patients who require urgent medical attention.

The question now is whether the therapy could be further extended to outpatients or to those who are told to isolate at home, as some medical experts say policy needs to be changed amid growing reports that those denied hospitalization are dying at home.

By the way, going back to lockdowns and lockdowns, and the Philippines admitted that they didn't work.

The Philippine Department of Health reported a record 18,332 cases of covid on Monday (August 23) and acknowledged the transmission of the Delta variant in the capital region.

Meanwhile, so far, more than 13 million people have been under strict lockdown measures for weeks, which have been eased for 10 days from Aug. 21 to allow more businesses to operate.

"Widespread lockdowns or restrictions are no longer in place in the country," health ministry spokeswoman Maria Rosario Vergeire said. "It would be more effective if restrictions were relaxed a bit and if the lockdowns were more targeted."

Referring to Australia, where the NWO is fully established, except for the connection of vaccination passports with means of payment, the CEO of a private hospital in Sydney said that he was forced to ask doctors and nurses to stop coming to work because they are useless.

Last week, the NSW Department of Health asked hospitals to stop performing non-urgent routine surgeries. It was noted that the measure is not aimed at killing people, organizing their suffering and increasing the mortality rate in the country, but stated that this is all in order to allegedly free up personnel and resources, leaving hundreds of beds free.

Dr Harry Pannu, CEO of the 85-bed Arcadia Pittwater Private Hospital in Warrivud, on Sydney's northern beaches, said he expects there will be almost no patients at his rehabilitation centre by the first week of September after nearby major hospitals stop non-urgent surgeries.

According to him, the hospital is currently facing the possibility that it will need to lay off 300 of its employees, 80% of whom are doctors, nurses and other medical workers.

💉🇺🇸Patrick Lynch, president of New York City's largest police charity, said in a statement: 

"If the city council tries to impose a vaccine obligation, we will take legal action to protect our members' right to make these purely personal medical decisions on their own."

The New York Post

💉😳 Do not buy, do not sell.., do not LIVE.

"Marines will lose their pensions, training assistance and access to benefits if they refuse to be vaccinated against COVID19," according to an internal email researched by the guys at The Washington Free Beacon.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the main sponsor of the UK Medical and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA is the English analogue of the American FDA), the Fund also owns major stakes in Pfizer and BioNTech, whose vaccine has already been removed from the list of experimental in the United States.

And while the MHRA has not yet legalised mRNA injection, it has extended emergency permits for Pfizer and BioNTech mRNA injections in the UK and allowed children as young as 12 to inject it. 

At the time, MHRA Chief Executive Officer Dr. June Rain said the MHRA "carefully reviewed data from clinical trials in children aged 12 to 15 years and concluded that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective for this age group and that the benefits outweigh any risk." There is a question 🙋 whether Dr. June Rein and MHRA read the results of one extremely short and small study (link below). 

If that were the case, they would see that 86% of the children in the study experienced an adverse reaction ranging from mild to extremely severe.

Only 1127 children took part in the trial, but only 1097 children completed the trial, with 30 of them no longer participating after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer injection. However, the results do not indicate why 30 children did not continue the study.

The information is publicly available and is contained in the FDA Fact Sheet, which can be viewed here (see page 25, Table 5).


There was never any doubt that the MHRA would issue an emergency permit for the use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in children, given that a close friend of the pedophilia king eugenicist Epstein, prince Andrew of England, a certain Mr. Bill Gates owns shares of Pfizer and BioNTech and is the main sponsor of the MHRA.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bought Pfizer shares back in 2002, and in September 2020, Bill Gates boosted his stock value by announcing in an interview with CNBC that he considered Pfizer's mRNA shot to be the leader in the vaccine race:

"The only vaccine that, if all goes perfectly, could get a license for use in emergencies by the end of October is Pfizer."

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also "coincidentally" bought $55 million worth of BioNTech stock in September 2019, shortly before the "pandemic." In 2017, the MHRA received a £980,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to "collaborate" with the foundation. However, the Freedom of Information request that the MHRA responded to in May 2021 found that the current level of grant funding received from the Gates Foundation is already $3 million and covers a "number of projects."


Can we believe this gang and the impartiality of the MHRA when there is a conflict of interest, because the main sponsor is also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which also owns shares of Pfizer and BioNTech?

🇮🇱💉Insider reports 200,000 victims of the Pfizer vaccine.

While israel's prime minister (Uncle Bibi has planted a guy with the face of an idiot child) says that twice vaccinated people are at risk and urges everyone to get a third vaccine urgently, which is nothing new, Dr. Tenpenny reports a terrible thing: "I just spoke to an as yet unnamed informant who is an employee of Pfizer. He called and, shedding tears, said: "I have documents showing that approximately 200,000 people died within just one week or just 🤏 fewer after receiving one of the vaccinations."

Club of Terrorist Idiots.

"There comes a time when you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up."

Perhaps this is again just a huge coincidence, which provided a huge unexpected profit to the Rothschilds, who love money and make it always and in everything, regardless of who may suffer for their profit, but still…

The disappearance of four members of a patent company traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes prominent billionaire Jacob Rothschild the sole owner of an important patent.

The ARM Freescale Semiconductor 'KL-03 microcontroller is a new improvised version of the old KL-02 microcontroller. 

The U.S. technology company, whose 20 senior employees were aboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, launched a new electronic warfare device for military radar systems just days before the Boeing 777 went missing.

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technologies for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which the firm says are "autonomous semiconductors that perform special computing functions in electronic systems."

Why did so many Freescale employees travel together? What was their job?

Were they on the mission, and if so, what was that mission? Could these employees be the cause of the disappearance of this aircraft? Could the plane then be hijacked and these people kidnapped?

Did these employees have valuable information, did they have any valuable cargo with them?

Did they know the secrets of the company and the technology?

With all the power of modern technology, why can't you find this aircraft?

Where is this plane, where are these people?"

"The 20 Freescale employees, among the 239 people flying on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to improve the efficiency of the company's chip manufacturing in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur," said Mitch Hawse, vice president of global communications and investor relations. It's definitely a loss for the company."

Freescale's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, which manufactures and tests integrated circuits (ICs), is based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Based on information obtained from the Freescale website, the company began operations in 1972 on an eight-hectare site and is specifically designed for the production and testing of microprocessors, digital signal processors and integrated RF circuits.

Freshly baked materials of special operation Corona 🤴 19






What coincidences, of course, we willingly believe in it. Isn't it, Lady and Gentlemen?

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