Ꮃᴇ ᴄᴏnnᴇᴄᴛ ᴛhᴇ dᴏᴛs ᴀnd vᴇry sᴩᴇᴄifiᴄᴀlly ᴩᴏinᴛ ᴛhᴇ fingᴇr ᴀᴛ sᴩᴇᴄifiᴄ dᴇfᴇndᴀnᴛs in ᴛhᴇ ᴄriʍinᴀl ᴄᴀsᴇ ᴏf inᴛᴇrnᴀᴛiᴏnᴀl ʙiᴏlᴏgiᴄᴀl infᴏrʍᴀᴛiᴏn ᴛᴇrrᴏrisʍ.

Medical Test kits (382200) imports by country in 2017 Additional Product information: Diagnostic reagents based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) nucleic acid test. Category: Medical Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic TestingThe data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19 ????????

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 

We have already given this material, Friends, in a large block about terrorists. But they decided to spend this masterpiece of the state world conspiracy from the Ethiopian terrorist WHO terrorist. When this terrorist organization finishes its molecular biological attacks and enters the world throne of the New World Order, which is indicated by the date of 2030, they will issue to all peoples and teach a single citizenship and a single identity card - a PASSPORT. National passports with coats of arms Certainly not provided by terrorists, as well as the nation-states themselves are not provided for in their plans.

On August 27, 2021, the WHO, run by the puppet of pedophile Epstein's friend Semite Gates, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is waiting for a criminal charge of genocide in his homeland (no joke), published technical specifications and guidelines for the introduction of a prototype of a single identity card, NWO passport, vaccination passport. 

"In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the concept of digital documentation of #COVID19 certificates (DDCC) is proposed as a mechanism by which human health data related to COVID-19 can be documented digitally using an electronic certificate.

A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person's current vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used to continue treatment or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care. The resulting artifact of this approach is called the COVID-19 Certificate Digital Documentation: Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS).

This document is written for the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic; thus, the approach is designed to take into account the development of science and the urgent needs of countries in this rapidly changing context; for that reason, the document had been issued as an interim guide. Ultimately, this approach may be extended to account for vaccination status to protect against other diseases.

This document is part of a series of guidance documents (see Figure 1) on digital documentation.

Data of interest related to COVID-19: vaccination status, laboratory test results, and history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The World Health Organization has developed this guidance and related technical specifications in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of partners and experts to support WHO Member States in adopting compatible standards for registration of vaccination status. 

Thus, the audience for this document is Member States and their implementing partners who wish to introduce digitally signed vaccination records.

Member States will need to create or use an internal PKI that can be used to issue and validate DDCC:VS. An existing PKI structure can be used, provided that it meets the requirements set out in this document."

CERTIFICATE: A document confirming the fact. In the context of the vaccination certificate, it indicates that a person has been given a vaccine.

CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (CA): In the context of a public key infrastructure, it is an organization that issues digital certificates.

DATA CONTROLLER: A natural or legal person who independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. The Data Controller is primarily responsible for the protection of personal data. 

🐏 Digital Documentation for the World Ram Herd – COVID-19 Certificate: Vaccination Status – Specifications and Implementation Guide, August 27, 2021.

A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person's current vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used to continue treatment or as evidence of vaccination for purposes other than medical care.

💉🇺🇸FDee and Drug Administration, known to the reader as the FDA, deceived America with its unclear "approval" of the Pfizer vaccine. The largest law firm confirms this fact. 

When the FDA announced on August 23 that it had fully approved the first mRNA shot from Covid Pfizer under the Comirnaty brand, the mainstream Pfgflf media immediately began reporting it as almost the end of the pandemic, while many of the world's media stupidly copied their articles. Then Joe Biden rushed out of his anti-covid bunker and told companies they should "strengthen" mandatory vaccines for their employees.

Each other king of pedophilia Epstein Gates swindler Fauci, about whom the Nobel laureate and creator of PCR ites Mullis spoke very unpleasantly, told the national media of America that he expects that the approval of the Pfizer vaccine will cause a number of new "mandates". There is only one problem. The Food and Drug Administration "approved" another Pfizer vaccine.

Some experts looked under the facade of the building and checked the facts of what the FDA actually did, and not what the false media and the old man's administration said.

On Aug. 27 in Orlando, Florida, Liberty Counsel, arguably the most respected Christian law firm in the states, issued a press release confirming the deception.

The FDA swallowed the bait, announcing that it had approved its "first COVID19 vaccine" to promote claims to the "vaccine" and protect pharmaceutical company Pfizer from legal liability. However, there is currently no fully licensed covid vaccine on the U.S. market. 

While this is confusing and probably intentional, the "approval" briefly describes the current state of Pfizer-BioNTech injections and is such that:

All existing Pfizer [vaccine] vials (hundreds of millions) remain under the Federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (meaning that people have the "ability to take or refuse them");

The third or "booster" injection of Pfizer is identical to the above and remains limited to the EUA for certain people;

BioNTech has received FDA approval for people age 16 and older called Comirnaty, but there are no available doses of Comirnaty in the United States;

In other words, there is currently no FDA-approved covid injection in the United States. All Covid vaccinations in the U.S. are still subject to the EUA, and so people have the "choice to accept or reject" them;

Not only that, even if a new terrorist miracle suddenly happens and false covid vaccination is fully approved by the FDA and the mRNA shot becomes available in the U.S. market, U.S. citizens will be protected by federal and state law from being forced to receive these false killer vaccines based on their knowledge, sincere religious beliefs, or rights of conscience. Such a plan of deception will no longer pass and it will work not only in the US 🇺🇸 but also around the world.

Communist censorship of oval fascist criminals on the march of 🥁 

American filmmaker, producer, screenwriter and actor ("She Needs It," "Do it right!", "Malcolm X," "25th Hour," "Not Caught Is Not a Thief," "Chirak" and "Black Klansman"), who heads his own production company, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee removes all information that contradicts the official 9/11 narrative from his documentary after the New York Times explains that you can't question things like 9/11, the election of Joe Biden or the official Covid narrative.

Very soon, Friends, there will be no place anywhere, including the Internet, where you can, without fear of consequences, say what you think and describe what is happening and what you see. The EU and its parliament, as you probably already read in Steba today, are also taking "censorship" initiatives.


Trump and Clinton claim descent from John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster and son of King Edward III of England.

Clinton claims to be related to her 18th great-grandfather through the Rodham family on his father's side, while Trump is connected to her through his mother Mary Ann MacLeod, who was born in Scotland.

According to, the ancestry of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump dates back to John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his third wife Catherine Swinford. John of Gaunt was one of the sons of King Edward III.

King Edward III of England is part of the Plantagen family tree and is a descendant of King John Luckland Plantagenth, meaning that even the new president of the United States is not much different from the two when it comes to origins and ancestors.

MostAnne d'Avignon was conducting a genealogical study of her ancestry when she decided to change course and try to decipher the genealogy of the presidents of the United States.

In her thorough research, which involved more than 500,000 names in history, her goal was to find the ancestors of all U.S. presidents and find out if there is a "presidential Adam" who connects them all. To everyone's surprise, she found that 42 of the 43 U.S. presidents date back to one person: John Luckland Plantagenth, King of England (r. 1199–1216).

If you are familiar with theories about the Illuminati or the families of the ruling elite, Friends, or as we all used to call it, the global Kahal, who are trying to rule the world, then it may not be a big surprise to you to discover that ALL the presidents of the United States (except one), including the Bushes, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and even the first Negro in this position, Barack Obama, are cousins, and they are all descendants of King John of England.

The only president who is pure from this kinship is the 8th President of the states, Martin Van Buren. As for the rest, they are not only descendants of King John of England, but also distant relatives of Elizabeth, the Queen of England and the British royal family.

That's what we have girls and boys, it's hard to digest this, but still have to sit down and eat it, Friends)

Afghanistan. Ether TV. The Taliban "culturally" asked the news anchor to tell the plebs that there was no need to be afraid of their group's militants.

While TV announces that the Taliban are good, the Taliban openly mock the United States. 

Islamists with the help of helicopters abandoned by the Americans hang "traitors" on helicopters in Kandahar, Afghanistan. 

A huge number of armored vehicles left to the Taliban by American troops and the Afghan army in Kandahar this afternoon.

The Taliban held a victory parade over the United States in the city.

Ever secret about Covid is coming out: the WHO through the IMF and other Fin. institutions are pressuring countries to continue to destroy their economies and exacerbate the chaos that already exists.

Due to Covid, huge loans are allocated to states by the World Bank, imf and so on, but the conditions associated with these loans are enslaving, and are never communicated by governments to their citizens and are not described in the media. However, a recent case in Belarus has exposed the conditions put forward by these agencies to provide covid-related loans. The Belarusian president said the World Bank's coronavirus assistance provided conditions for the imposition of extreme lockdown measures to simulate the coronavirus's response to Italy's response and even to changes in economic policy that he rejected as "unacceptable."

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said this, speaking about external lending during a meeting to discuss measures to support the real sector of the economy from the banking system.

Alexander Lukashenko asked the participants of the meeting how things are going with the provision of external credit assistance to Belarus.

"What are the requirements of our partners? It was announced that they could provide Belarus with $940 million in so-called rapid financing. How are you doing here?" the head of state asked, at the same time stressing that additional conditions that do not relate to the financial part are also unacceptable for the country, "We hear demands, for example, to simulate our response to covid as in Italy. I do not want the Italian situation to be repeated in Belarus. We have our own country and our own situation."

According to the President, the World Bank has shown interest in the practice of responding to the coronavirus in Belarus.

"He is willing to fund us ten times more than he originally proposed, in appreciation for the effective fight against this virus. The World Bank even asked the Ministry of Health to share its experience. Meanwhile, the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, curfews. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone's tune," the president said.

The president of Belarus is not the first to resist pressure from global agencies amid the panic crisis they broadcast to advance the globalist agenda.

Earlier in the shocking event, the President of Madagascar made a sensational statement that the WHO offered him a bribe of $ 20 million for the "poisoning" of a COVID-19 medicine used in the country called "COVID-19 Organics", made from artemisia. Madagascar asked to cover this shop of scammers and called on all countries to withdraw from the WHO.

Tanzania's president kicked WHO representatives out of the country after Koza and papaya samples tested positive for COVID. A few days after the Tanzanian incident, Burundi also declared the WHO coronavirus team persona non-grant for "interference in internal affairs." The intercepted report also found that Bill Gates offered a $10 million bribe for a forced coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria. After that, in the Italian Parliament, the Italian politician demanded the arrest of Bill Gates, and revealed the agenda of Bill Gates in India and Africa, as well as plans to combat the human race with the help of the ID2020 digital identification program, which combines an immune passport, a means of payment (Visa, Mastercard), and which is already being tested in Africa.

Hopefully now you understand why motorcycle deaths are labeled as Covid, how 60 to 80% of covid deaths in the West have taken place in nursing homes, and that the World Bank, the IMF and the like are just banks changing in the World Reserve Temple, making the depopulation that Gates and former IMF chief Lagarde raved about, and economic disaster around the world.

Think, Friends, over the simple fact that at the time of 9/11 only 6 countries in the world did not have "their" Central Bank controlled by the Rothschilds - Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan and South Korea, and that it is there now wars, for the exclusion. SC, which has secured itself as a JON.

"We give you a loan, but you have to block your country and break the entire economy. Then we confiscate all your assets after your economy is destroyed..." - this is what the pressure of the IMF, WHO and so on looks like. The whole idea of the IMF and the World Bank is to trap countries in endless debts and be able to extort them.

Also, Friends, consider the possibility that the IMF does not want to get the money back, that they want to seize the collateral. It's a natural fraud of all bankers: to borrow air that costs them nothing, to create conditions under which repayment is impossible, and then to collect from all solid assets pledged as collateral. This has worked for centuries and will continue to work.

This fake pandemic was created by an international criminal banking/corporate syndicate as a mechanism to expand global control and undermine Christian Western civilization and nations. The UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, Fed and almost all central banks, Google, YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter and MSM are just some of the subversive tools used to create a satanic Orwellian world.

Remember Julian Assange's plea when he was dragged in chains: "... you have to resist!"

The purpose of their program is control, their means are diverse, but always aimed at weakening everyone and everything. Removing ourselves from the economy deprives us of the opportunity to participate in it and to build on it.

Not to organize and not to use the accumulated wealth of the Country to fight them, to live in our cozy bunker, to count the reserves of gold and ammunition - this is exactly what they need. Understand, this is what a digression looks like. Like all lies, they tell us that our retreat is a buzz and it is our exaltation and self-affirmation.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 

In a normal legal world, the gallows would work around the clock...

⚠️Famous World Singer

Mariah Carey Gets A FAKE Vaccination.

This itself lights the fake scandal that most Western famous Celebraties and World Politicians are getting fake vaccination.


Pederasts outlaw, outside of covid rules: Australian police violated lockdown and isolation rules to hold an office party of pederasts, also called LGBT people in the media.

While Australians were told they shouldn't even talk to each other under lockdown rules, police in Sydney threw a corporate party to celebrate some kind of pederast celebration. 

Mount Druitt Police Command posted images on Facebook that show more than a dozen of their officers gathered in close proximity to each other to celebrate a pederasty festival called "Wear It Purple Day."

"Mount Druitt is located in the city of Blacktown (LGA), an area with one of the highest rates of covid cases since the sydney delta outbreak began in mid-June," the Daily Mail reported.

Incidentally, Australian grandparents have also recently been instructed by the so-called health authorities not to meet with their grandchildren under any circumstances.

There is no doubt, Friends, that if the grandmothers and dudushki decided to meet with the grandchildren under the auspices of the celebration of "pederasty", which is apparently more important than stopping the pandemic, then everything would be fine. You have to be a complete idiot to keep thinking that Covid restrictions are a health story even after that.

The establishment of the NWO consists of several aspects, including the establishment as new norms not only of complete control over the surviving plebs, but also of pederasty and pedophilia. Not even five years will pass, Friends, as you will see all this with your own eyes as the norm.

We understand Grandpa 👴 what kind of trip 🧳 you are going to go. But on this rusty drandulet you can barely get to the suburbs. 
Tough detention of a woman who did not wear a mask on the street in the fascist Australia NWO city of 🌆 Sydney. Lockdown declared there

In Minsk, meanwhile, the elderly dictator Lukashenka teaches the second novice very ancient dictator Biden to carry out the evacuation ...

This wonderful news 📰 in 2021 visit us every minute without days off and holidays. Communist World Revolution Does not sleep 🛌 not a minute. Terrorist commissioners work without knowing sleep. 

In times of universal deception, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell 

Colonel Edward Mundell House, who in the early 20th century predicted the creation of a "straw man" in the United States, also understood this. His speech is very real proof that the current social, financial and legal system is collapsing consciously, that they are not collapsing themselves, and that this process is designed to enslave humanity. In a private conversation with Woodrow Wilson (President of the United States 1913 - 1921), Colonel Edward Mundell House predicted the plans of the bankers to enslave, in particular, the American people:

"Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that is, you and your children) in a national system designed to track people, and which will operate under the ancient bail system. With this methodology, we can get people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as payment for our fiat paper currency.

Every American will be forced to register or suffer, unable to work and earn a living for themselves and their loved ones. They will be our movable property (property) and we will forever own a security interest over them, acting through a non-professional secured transactions trader. Americans, unknowingly or unwittingly giving us a bill of lading (birth certificate), will be declared bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their promise.

As a result, they will be deprived of all their rights and acquire commercial value designed to bring profit to Us, and they will not learn anything, because no one in a million will ever be able to unravel our plans, and if by chance one or two guess about it, then we have a plausible refutation in our arsenal. After all, this is the only logical way to finance the government using floating collateral and debts to registrants in the form of benefits and preferences.

This will inevitably bring us huge profits that exceed our wildest expectations, and will make every American a voluntary contributor to this fraud, which we will call "social insurance." Without even realizing it, every American will unconsciously serve us, albeit reluctantly. The people will become helpless and without any hope of redemption, and we will use the high office (presidency) of our fictitious corporation (USA) to foment this conspiracy against America. "

HAMMER BREAKING HAWAII Attorneys for Hawaii Sue: COVID Vaccines (ALL mRNA Vaccines) Nearly 45,000 killed within 3 days Hawaii attorney Michael Green Fils is a class action lawsuit all over the place that says the vaccine killed 45,000 people nationwide in just 72 hours. 

Michael Green has filed a class action lawsuit against 1200 first aid workers against the governor's vaccination orders, and thousands more are expected to join them.

A group of lawyers filed a lawsuit against the state of Hawaii on behalf of 1200 first responders, protesting the state's order to vaccinate government employees.

"Tests we've seen with doctors across the country show that nearly 45,000 people who received these vaccinations died within 72 hours," attorney Michael Green said at a news conference Thursday.

State biological terrorists on march 🥁 


"People in power lie. People in power will abuse any power we give to them . . . it is a product of a pharmaceutical biosafety program that will enslave the entire human race."

Material on the topic of the terrorist biological special operation 👑 and the attack of the crown of the 👑 on the world 🗺 people below ⬇️ in a very large volume. For the unprepared reader, this material on the study can drag on for years. We cannot guarantee anyone in a quick understanding of this material, especially any of the well-known readers.

This was said in Paris before 😆

C’est la vie . Such is life. C'est is, la is an article that says the next noun is feminine. Well, as you may have guessed, "Vie" is life. As it is! 

Freedom is not exchanged or sold in the bazaar.

Freedom doesn't come from someone. 

Freedom is not earned. It is mined in battles, as it was the entire history of nation-states and the World. 

You are the freedom of 🗽 

Freedom 🗽 IS YOU, Freedom 🗽 Form of Your Being! 

𑀡η ʈɦε 𑀝ɾεαʈʝѵε Ŵσɾӄʂɦσρ εѵεɾγʈɦʝηɠ ʝʂ ʈɦε ʂαϻε. 𑀝ɾεαʈσɾʂ αɾε ʂʝɭεηʈ αηɗ ʈɦʝηӄ, ʈɦʝηӄ αηɗ ʂʝɭεηʈ. Ŵαʝʈʝηɠ ϝσɾ ʈɾμϝϝɭεʂ ϝɾσϻ ʈɦε ϝαɾϻ ʈσ ϸε ʂεɾѵεɗ.

𐌑r. Trᥱᥲsᥙrᥱr & 𐌑ᥲɗ 𐌑ᥲ᥊

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