Ꮀᴏr ᴀ liᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ʙᴇliᴇvᴇd, iᴛ ʍusᴛ ʙᴇ ᴛᴇrrifying.

The more monstrous you lie, the sooner you will be believed. Ordinary people are more likely to believe big lies than small ones. It corresponds to their primitive soul. They know that in small things they themselves are able to lie, but they are very much ashamed to lie. A big lie just won't even occur to them. That is why the masses cannot imagine that others would be capable of too monstrous lies.

Ꭻᴏsᴇᴩh Ꮐᴏᴇʙʙᴇls

We are at the finish line, Friends, now you can look at the official work of 🧑 🎨 one of the main biological terrorists of the Ethiopian WHO.

This is a single passport for citizens of nation-states that are not provided for by terrorists in the new magical world of war communism.

The document for all citizens of the world according to the plan of biological terrorists WHO will enter into force and finally complete the construction of the New World Order (medical fascism and war communism).

This event is scheduled for the date of 2030, on the prototype of a single identity card, for a single world PASSPORT.

On August 27, 2021, the WHO, run by the puppet of pedophile Epstein's friend Semite Gates, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is waiting for a criminal charge of genocide in his homeland (no joke), published technical specifications and guidelines for the introduction of a prototype of a single identity card, NWO passport, vaccination passport. 

"In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the concept of digital documentation of #COVID19 certificates (DDCC) is proposed as a mechanism by which human health data related to COVID-19 can be documented digitally using an electronic certificate.

A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person's current vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used to continue treatment or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care. The resulting artifact of this approach is called the COVID-19 Certificate Digital Documentation: Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS).

This document is written for the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic; thus, the approach is designed to take into account the development of science and the urgent needs of countries in this rapidly changing context; for that reason, the document had been issued as an interim guide. Ultimately, this approach may be extended to account for vaccination status to protect against other diseases.

This document is part of a series of guidance documents (see Figure 1) on digital documentation.

Data of interest related to COVID-19: vaccination status, laboratory test results, and history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The World Health Organization has developed this guidance and related technical specifications in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of partners and experts to support WHO Member States in adopting compatible standards for registration of vaccination status. 

Thus, the audience for this document is Member States and their implementing partners who wish to introduce digitally signed vaccination records.

Member States will need to create or use an internal PKI that can be used to issue and validate DDCC:VS. An existing PKI structure can be used, provided that it meets the requirements set out in this document."

CERTIFICATE : A document confirming the fact. In the context of the vaccination certificate, it indicates that a person has been given a vaccine.

CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY (CA): In the context of a public key infrastructure, it is an organization that issues digital certificates.

DATA CONTROLLER: A natural or legal person who independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. The Data Controller is primarily responsible for the protection of personal data 💀


The conspiracy is being disrupted and information about the side products of the false Covid vaccine 💉 against the false COVID19 is breaking into the light of 💡 

Dr. Polyakova, med. the director of the Kent hospital said the "incidence rate after vaccination is unprecedented" among NHS staff, confirming that some suffer from neurological symptoms that "have a huge impact on the work of the health service".

The doctor, who has handled the hospital's medical management for the past three years, says she is struggling with the "inability to report" adverse reactions to covid vaccines among NHS staff, and has explained that young and healthy people are disappearing from work for years to come. a few weeks after receiving a dose of the experimental vaccine Pfizer or AstraZeneca, and said that the staff is simply afraid to talk about sideburns because of the threat of dismissal, the forces they will contradict the adopted in the Ministry of health narrative.

"Some even need medical attention," Dr. Polyakova said, "entire teams are being taken out to get the vaccine together."

Asked about mandatory covid vaccination for NHS staff, Dr Polyakova said:

"Mandatory vaccination in this case is stupid, unethical and irresponsible when it comes to protecting our employees and public health. We are in the voluntary phase of vaccination and staff are advised to take an unlicensed product that directly affects their health.

I have direct experience that employees have contracted COVID after being vaccinated and have probably infected someone else. It is clearly stated that these vaccines do not have immunity and do not stop transmission. So why are we doing this? There is no data on longitudinal safety and these products are only licensed in emergency cases."

As confirmed by Dr. Polyakova, mRNA injections of the infamous Pfizer and AstraZeneca are licensed for use only in emergency cases, which means that the vaccine manufacturer, in this case Pfizer or AstraZeneca, is not responsible for any injuries, deaths or harmful consequences that may occur to the recipient of their product. The medical director compared coercion and mandatory experimental vaccination for NHS staff to Nazi dystopia...

"The flu is a massive annual killer, it floods the health care system, it kills young people, old people with comorbidities [like covid], and yet people can choose if they have this vaccine (which has been in use for a long time). And you can list a number of other examples of vaccines that are not mandatory but protect against more serious illnesses [than flu-like covid with a coefficient of survival of more than 99.9%, unless you are 70+ years old].

The coercion and mandatory treatment of our employees, members of the public, especially when treatment is still in the experimental phase, are in the realm of totalitarian Nazi dystopia and go far beyond our ethical values as guardians of health.

I will never humiliate myself and agree that we must abandon our liberal principles and international position on bodily sovereignty, free informed choice, and human rights, and support the unprecedented coercion of professionals, patients, and people to experimental treatment with limited safety data. These and related policies pose a greater danger to our society than anything else we have faced over the past year.

What happened to "my body, my choice?" What happened to the scientific and open debate? If I don't prescribe an antibiotic to a patient who doesn't need it because he's healthy, can I prescribe him an antibiotic? Or is he a negative antibiotic? Isn't it time for people to really think about what's happening to us and where it's taking us?"

Subversive activity everywhere around us, subconscious sexualization of objects, disfiguring Children.

They 👑 need 🤴 our CHILDREN 👶

Scam Fauci: "I think mandatory vaccines for children in school is a good idea."

There are two types of truths in the Secret Societies: one for the masses and one for the initiated.

American authors Michael Hoffman and his mentor James Shelby Downard were the first to talk about "Alchemical processing of mankind with the help of public psychodrama." According to these occult scholars, the main goal of medieval alchemists and initiated secret societies that continue their tradition was not the transmutation of metal, but the transformation of humanity. The pursuit of gold was merely a cover for a vast social program that included the abolition of the monarchy, the destruction of the church, and the reorganization of the world according not to natural law but to the will of man.

The correctness of the interpretation is confirmed by Manley P. Hall, a Freemason and occultist, who in his book "Adherents of the Western Esoteric Tradition" wrote the following:

"The alchemical tradition contains all the elements of a worldwide program of education and reform. It takes only a superficial acquaintance with the philosophy and literature of alchemy to feel the scale of this hidden project. If it were simply the science of the transformation of metals, the Masters of this art would not need to leave Christendom and seek refuge in Islam."

The stages of the alchemical process are always the same: the definition of a dissolving agent that can disrupt the natural order of things, dissolve the existing material into primary matter (prima materia) and, once this point is reached, transform or reorganize into a new type of order, as the alchemist desires. The role of mercury in the transformation of metals in the transformation of mankind was assigned to symbols and emblems. According to Hoffman, symbols speak to the subconscious through what he called the language of twilight, defined as:

"the once universal system of subconscious communication used in Egypt, Babylon, the Indian subcontinent and among the Aztecs, consisting of numbers, archetypal words and symbols, which in our time are sometimes used in modern advertising, as well as in some films and music."

These claims are supported by the initiates themselves:

"The true purpose of the creators of gold was gradually and cautiously revealed, although some caution was still needed. The mysticism of alchemy – its Kabbalistic associations, its involvement in esoteric astrology and its connection with the scholarship of ancient peoples and distant countries – made it possible to become obvious. The secret tradition in alchemy, with its divine science of human rebirth and redemption, was marked through the expanded use of symbols and emblems."

Once we understand that the ultimate goal of secret societies and their initiates is to replace God, and that the method used to achieve this goal is an alchemical solution and the folding-decay of the world created by God and its reconstruction according to the will of man, a number of current trends and historical events begin to take on a completely new meaning. 

M. P. Hall openly stated that the main purpose of the work of alchemists is on a social level. Symbols that are supposed to address our subconscious mind directly are used to process our thoughts, and we are not even aware of the process. That's why Hoffman explicitly states:

"Alchemical processing of people is performed with the help of props of time and space: what happens ritually in a number of significant places can "distort" reality (...) How is reality distorted? By placing ritual props in ceremonial places. These places exist both in consciousness and in physical space."

This need to place certain symbols in time and space creates the possibility of identifying certain patterns in ritual work"If we observe ritual work, we must look for appropriate coincidences (coincidences that matter)."

Physically, the creation and destruction of primary material was first achieved in July 1945, when the first atomic bomb was detonated at the Trinity test site at 33 degrees north latitude in New Mexico. The choice of the name Trinity for the nuclear explosion of alchemical significance, its location in New Mexico at the end of Hornada del Muerto (Journey of a Dead Man) and the symbolism of 33-degree latitude intrigued both Downar and Hoffman, who revealed the same unusual patterns in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Coincidences surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas prompted Downard and Hoffman to co-author an essay titled "Assassination of King 33." The unusual essay reveals such coincidences as: location – again on the parallel of 33 degrees, date-22 November, 22+11=33, masonic history of Daley Plaza and the composition of the Warren Commission, which investigated the events, the unusual meaning of the names of Kennedy, Jack Ruby, etc. Why should the assassination of the president be important from the point of view of alchemy? Because, according to Hoffman, "killing the king" is an ancient ritual used for renewal, for "greening the Earth." As unusual as this claim may sound to the uninitiated reader, the "ritual of killing the king" and its use in ancient societies have been studied by scholars of impeccable repute, such as Sir James Fraser, the leading nineteenth-century British anthropologist, and Renegirar, the eminent professor of inst. Johns Hopkins and Stanford and an immortal member of the French Academy. 

The date chosen for the experiment also played an important role. The first atomic explosion was programmed to coincide with Tisha Bav, a Jewish holiday commemorating the destruction of Solomon's Temple, as well as the second Jewish temple destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. First programmed between July 18 and 21 (in 1945, Tisha Bav fell on July 19),[9] the explosion finally occurred on July 16 at the specific request of President Truman to coincide with the start of the Potsdam Conference, at which the US president hoped to impress Stalin with the power of the new American weapons.

Add to this the fact that Oppenheimer was a direct descendant of Rabbi Judas Lowe of Prague, the creator of the Golem, and that John Donne was a poet with a "comprehensive knowledge of general alchemical theory" whose "numbers refer to philosophical, occult, and mystical doctrines associated with alchemical practices and theories," and you begin to better understand the forces at work and semiotics of the 1945 nuclear explosion and in general what and why the representatives of the global kahals are engaged.

If we touch on the most pressing agenda in this context and consider the occult meaning of the term COVID, it is assumed that COVID19 is an abbreviation derived from the coronavirus disease, and the year of its first registration is 2019. However, if we investigate COVID according to mirroring, with the aforementioned Dolly/Ylod/οלוד algorithm?

COVID is a DIVOC transcribed in Hebrew as דיבוק, which means "Possession of an evil spirit." The word is translated into English as dybbuk, b and v are represented by the same Hebrew character, Bet is ב).

Experts are waiting for mass deaths of vaccinated and believe that they will become carriers of viruses. On August 9, the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of Infection in the field of infectious diseases, covering microbiology, epidemiology and clinical practice, published a peer-reviewed study that revealed the facts to the world. Immune cells after vaccination themselves become infected and carry, according to experts, the "virus".  

According to the article, antibodies will be a Trojan horse that gives an artificial virus entry into all cells throughout the body. We will see mass illness and death among the vaccinated. The journal provides the latest information for doctors specializing in infectious diseases. Infectious disease specialists consider it a "must read" every month.

Usa 🇺🇸, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System collects data on adverse reactions and deaths after vaccination.

Data released Aug. 27 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between December 14, 2020 and August 20, 2021, a total of 623,343 adverse complications were reported in VAERS, including 13,627 deaths — 559 more than the data released last week.


Data released Aug. 27 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between December 14, 2020 and August 20, 2021, a total of 623,343 adverse complications were reported in VAERS, including 13,627 deaths — 559 more than the data released last week.

Over the same time period, there were 84,466 reports of serious injuries, including fatalities, up 3,416 from the previous week.

Excluding "foreign reports" filed with VAERS, between December 14, 2020 and August 20, 2021, 488,318 side effects were reported in the U.S., including 6,128 deaths and 38,765 serious injuries. From December 14, 2020 to August 20. 2021

Of the 6,128 deaths in the U.S. reported as of Aug. 20, 13 percent occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 18 percent occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 32 percent occurred among people who developed symptoms within 48 hours of vaccination.

As of August 20, 360.3 million doses of COVID vaccine had been administered in the U.S., including: 203 million doses of Pfizer, 143 million doses of Moderna, and 14 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

From the VAERS data release of 8/20/2021

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS), the primary state-funded system for reporting adverse reactions to vaccines in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS publishes all vaccination reports received on that date, usually about a week before the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further study before causation can be confirmed.

A total of 17,518 adverse events, including 1,047 serious and 18 reported deaths. Two of the 18 deaths were suicides. The most recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS ID 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on June 18, when he fainted on the football field due to gastric tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS ID 1 505250) who died of a heart attack after taking the first dose of Pfizer.

Other deaths include two 13-year-old boys (VAERS ID 1406840 and 1431289) who died two days after the Pfizer vaccination, a 13-year-old boy who died after being vaccinated moderna (VAERS ID 1463061), and three 15-year-olds. seniors (VAERS ID 1187918, 1382906 and 1242573), five 16-year-olds (VAERS ID 1420630, 1466009, 1225942, 1475434 and 1386841) and three 17-year-olds (VAERS ID 1199455, 1388042 and 1420762).

There are 2,609 reports of anaphylaxis among children aged 12 to 17 years, with 99% of cases related to the Pfizer vaccine.

444 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart), of which 438 cases were associated with the Pfizer vaccine.

89 reports of bleeding disorders, all of which are attributed to Pfizer.

Overall VAERS U.S. data for this week of December 14, 2020 to August 20, 2021 for all age groups combined shows:

21% of deaths were related to heart disease.

54% of the deaths were men, 43% were women, and the rest of the death reports do not indicate the gender of the deceased.

The median age of death was 73.1.

As of Aug. 20, 3,190 pregnant women have reported side effects associated with COVID vaccines, including 982 reports of miscarriages or premature birth.

Of the 2,640 reported cases of Bell's palsy, 50% were related to Pfizer vaccination, 43% to Moderna and 7% to J&J.

530 reports of Guyin-Barré syndrome, of which 39% of cases are attributed to Pfizer, 34% to Moderna and 26% to J&J.

132,694 reports of anaphylaxis, 43% of cases attributed to the Pfizer vaccine, 49% to Moderna and 8% to J&J.

8,528 reports of bleeding disorders. Of those, 3,633 were attributed to Pfizer, 3,101 to Moderna and 1,746 to J&J.

2,162 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, 1,364 cases attributed to Pfizer, 714 cases to Moderna and 78 cases to the J&J COVID vaccine.

A BBC radio host has died of complications with the COVID vaccine, the coroner has confirmed as a result of complications from her first dose of the COVID vaccine AstraZeneca, coroner Karen Dilkes has concluded.

Lisa Shaw, 44, received her first dose of AstraZeneca on April 29, and on May 13 she was taken by ambulance to North Durham University Hospital after suffering a headache for several days. She was transferred to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, where she underwent a number of procedures, including trepanation of the skull, to reduce the strain on the brain. She died on May 21.

According to the BBC, pathologist Tuomo Polvikoski told Coroner Shaw that she was healthy before being vaccinated. When asked about the underlying cause of fatal blood clotting in her brain, Polvikoski said clinical evidence "strongly supports the theory that it was indeed caused by the vaccine."

The FDA pretends to fully endorse the Pfizer vaccine, the agency has been criticized for it for lack of data and scientific debate.

But we see from the documents that the false vaccine 💉 has long-term prospects for human trials. No one approved of it in the documents, and we have been listening to terrorists in language for a year and a half:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Aug. 23 fully approved the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine for people 16 and older, barring public discussion or a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss the ????????

The letter of approval of the FDA is puzzling, raises questions

According to Advocacy for Children's Health, chairman Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in the fine print of the claim that the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine was approved Monday, there are two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine may be mandatory and whether Pfizer can be held responsible for the injuries.

Kennedy and Dr. Meryl Nass, who accused the FDA of using "bait and switching" to the public, said the FDA acknowledged that while Pfizer has "insufficient stockpiles" of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine, there is a "significant amount" of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine produced under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) still available for use.

The FDA has ruled that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA must remain unlicensed, but that it can be used "interchangeably" (p. 2, footnote 8) with the new licensed Comirnaty product.

Second, the FDA said the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing EUA Pfizer vaccine are "legally different," but said their differences do not "affect safety or efficacy." (Which in Russian means that Pfizer-BioNTech, that the "new" Pfizer Comirnaty is the same crap poured from one barrel, only with different stickers, killing the immune system - the health of the vaccinated - M.L.)

D. F. Kennedy Jr. and Nass stated that the EUA products are experimental under U.S. law. Both the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations stipulate that no one can force a person to participate in this experiment.

Under 21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III), "permission to use medical devices in emergencies," denying someone a job or education because of refusing to participate in an experiment would be subject to impairment.

At least for now, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability protection. Kennedy and Nass said brand-name vials that say "Comirnaty" on the label fall under the same product liability laws as other U.S. products, adding that "Pfizer is unlikely to allow any American to take the Comirnaty vaccine as long as they can somehow create immunity for that product."

On Thursday, Senator Ron Johnson (Rhode Wisconsin) wrote a letter to the FDA expressing similar concerns and questions about the agency's approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

In his letter, Johnson asked acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodruff why the FDA did not grant a full license for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is already in use and available in the U.S., and how the agency would ensure vaccination under the mandate and receive an FDA-approved version.

As COVID rises among fully vaccinated, the CDC cannot properly track infections.

As reported by The Defender on August 24, the latest CDC data shows that as of Aug. 16, 9,716 cases of infection leading to hospitalization or death are underestimated.

172 days in a row, CDC ignores "Defender" requests

According to the CDC's website, "The CDC tracks any death report to request more information and learn more about what happened and determine whether the death was a vaccine result or not."

On March 8, The Defender approached the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have repeatedly tried to get answers to our questions by phone and e-mail.

Despite repeated phone and email conversations with many people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we sent. It's been 172 days since we sent our first email to the CDC asking for information.

Soon 🔜 will begin to answer in the mode of confrontation with the investigator: question - answer - question - answer. It is not for you not to ignore letters, this is a different situation for you, pigeons 🕊 you are ours, someone else's Health. 


Whistleblower from R.V.Hospital in Barrie, Ont. 

I have decided to make a public post since I have nothing to lose now. I work at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Ontario as a housekeeper and just heard today that an announcement will be made Tuesday for all hospitals and Healthcare workers to be vaccinated. I have alot to say. Whether you believe me or not is not my problem.

I work on the "Covid" floor. We are the "Regional Pandemic Response Unit " so I know what is happening and I will be fighting this.

When the pandemic started, I'll admit I was worried. My floor was filling up, covid cases like crazy until I noticed that EVERYONE was Asymptomatic. We even had 2 old age homes come in that were on "outbreak" but still they were Asymptomatic. This is when I started questioning it.

Then our hospital built a " Regional Pandemic Response Unit" tent out front so I applied for the position. I was under the understanding that it was going to be used for covid but I was wrong. Apparently the ventilation wasn't good enough. The tent was put up for 2 months already when the government told us we had to use it since we were not because nothing was actually happening. So I started in the tent November 2020. I was then advised that the tent will be for the overflow of the regions hospitals if they are overwhelmed. That never happened.

Our hospital had to find a way to direct patients into it so we can show it's being used. They ended up sending people who were going home in a few days there to use beds. There are 70 beds and I never had any more than 16 used. During this time 2 old age homes had outbreaks but again, all Asymptomatic. Us and Orillia cleaned up their homes and sent them back to the homes. Now mind you we were only at 8 deaths until February 2021.

I like to be busy so I requested to go back to my "Covid" floor. I returned in April 2021. Before I got back there the vaccine was being rolled out. In February Roberta Place had an outbreak but they were all dying in our hospital , but they were also 70% vaccinated. When I returned April 2021 I saw the carnage. The first patient I saw my age (I am 40) arrived. She was horribly sick. I would talk to her every day even though she could not respond. A couple of weeks went by and I came back on the Monday and she was sitting up perfectly fine. Patients like to talk while we are in their room so she proceeded to tell me that before she dropped, her and her mother had gotten the vaccine 2 days prior. Her mother died and she survived.

We also had a dear lady who had a heart attack and stroke, surely she was dying and they marked her "Covid"

We had a man from India who had been here for 2 months working under water on pipelines. He came up form the bottom too fast and oxinated his blood, marked Delta Variant.

Every time I am in a "Covid" room I ask "did you not get your vaccine in time" and I kid you not 90% of them have had atleast 1 shot.

On the news they were saying that Hospitals were so overwhelmed that they had to send them to us. That was not the case. They were sent to us because we are the REGIONAL PANDEMIC RESPONSE UNIT! Other hospitals were not overwhelmed, that was just the plan from day one.

I can't express enough that you are being lied to. I am going to fight this and I have already started.

Thank you and keep fighting.

I have so much more to say but I have said enough.

Mike Rothschild: "There is still no confirmation of RDS's death, but I saw the first mention of it on the Q channel on Telegram."

Rothschild is pushing people to Q on Telegram, even though news of Robert David Steele's death had been circulating on Twitter long before that. 

Fake News media do the same thing. 

They all push people towards their assets in their "truth" movement by pretending to slander them. You all know how Carlson Fox News "fights" CNN, how Republicans "fight" Democrats, how Austin Steinbart "fights" Q-accounts, and Trump fights Biden. 

"Good cop, bad cop" has always been a win-win tactic, especially when it comes to the masses.

The illusion of choice - movement to the keepers of information - We have all the information and the deepest dives into your rabbit hole.

You can't have people discover deeper truths. Therefore, they need to be kept on a short leash, exposed just in case at the exit from the labyrinth of lies gate gatelor Trump. 

It's strange that Q is almost nowhere to be discussed. 

The question is why Rothschild will revive the memory of Q and what will follow.

You don't know, Karlsson FoxNews ? 

🇮🇱🇺🇸A season Mossad agent shares the process of labeling and vilification of "anti-Semites" in the United States, talking about how the global kahal gets rid of a journalist when it cannot be physically disposed of. 

The process is not much different from how the reputation of scientists who value good name and reputation and decided to tell the truth about Covid, including Nobel laureates, former heads of farms, is merged. companies and many others who were previously considered authorities.

"Label them. He's an anti-Semite because that's how we talk about him. And that's the only stain you can't wash away. Now, as a Jew, I am ashamed to tell you all this. But it's a fact," says former Mossad agent Viktor Ostrozhvsky.

And although, in fact, criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic, in the United States it is enough to criticize Israel so that an "anti-Semite" sticks to you. It's a pity that the ex-Mossad agent didn't tell us how to get rid of a Mossad agent we can't destroy yet.


There will not be another day to stand.

You either stand tomorrow or you will condemn all future generations to a live a life on their knees.

When my time comes, I will face the creator knowing I did all I could.

May you all find the courage to stand on your feet tomorrow - Tuesday 31st August beginning 9am.

Strength and love to you all and may your conscience be your guide.

Karen Brewer 


Chris Mazzie

𐌑r. 𑀝᧐ᥣ᧐ᥒᥱᥣ X

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