Prᴏᴛᴏᴄᴏls ᴏf ᴛhᴇ Sᴀgᴇ


Graphene is the lightest metal in the world released in big people and cities in 2004 in Britain, the invention of Russian scientists. By the way, Electrolyte is also an amplifier conductor of current - microwaves from Antennas 5 G.

With graphene, it is easier to control Zombie Man.

5 G Antennas on Fassad Building is not the Internet for Morons is the same Internet as they are Morons. 

5 G is a psychotronic weapon and with the help of electromagnetic radiation signal 🚨 affects the brain of Sheep. 

And remember, there is no Virus. A virus in the brain of Morons. This is the common SARS flu and about 2 million people die almost every year before, and 500,000,000 are infected. The rams forgot that there is SARS flu and what its symptoms are and how they treated it before. Therefore, the Rams will die like Flies with the help of the treatment of the Ethiopian protocol from the WHO. 

Poisoned as Cockroaches Dichlorvos from the Air and Earth - Chemical Pneumonitis. And we've been recording all of this for a very long time. 

1) type of vaccine 💉

Graphene + C-Protein – This vaccine will kill Sheep from October until 2025.

The first dose is Graphene, the second dose is C-Protein (a labor-created virus)

Graphene will activate C-Protein 

These Sheep will die like Flies First Dose-Graphene destroy their Divine Immune System 

And the second dose of SBemokVirus is activated with the help of 5 G microwaves and the Goya immune system will destroy itself.

Autumn on Zombie Yashik Shepherd's Dogs as media will gawk like uncut Wolves Cattle that Unvaccinated People spread the virus and virus Mutated and the World Cemetery is crowded.

In fact, it is the Vaccinated Rams who will lie in the Herd cemeteries. But still Zombie Yashik will do his own and these Rams will gawk instead of dogs on People like us - they say that we are to blame for everything. Bread is not given to us because of you Herd from hunger Will die. 

2) type of vaccine 💉

With Chip and Graphene -

Goy becomes a receiver - transmitter walking Blintus.

Chip and Graphene - will cause physical discomfort, mental disorder, hallucinations - communication with Demons and Death 💀 

Shepherds need this type of Vaccine for the Blue Beam Blue Ray Project.

These Sheep will believe that the Antichrist UFO Fallen Angels Gods and flew us to Save and so on.

That's going to be around 2024-2025. Invasion of UFO arrival 🛸 from a friend of Hillary at the state level about it will still be information. And this will be after the War in the Scoop Countries as usual and after the Coronation of Moshiach as the One World Ruler. 

3) type of vaccine 💉

With Chip Graphene and Nimrod DNA.

About Nimrod's DNA, we know that Nimrod's head was Izyali in 2003 in Iraq in the Embalmed Flask. And the Vaccine was tested in 2005 on the Religious Muslims of the East, Dr. 👨 Aibolit Bill already told us about this.

Gilgamesh - Nimrod king of Babylon from where all the rulers of the World came from those times to our times they rule the World Blood Creatures so-called Reptilian Invaders descendants of the Fallen Angel Samael son of Eve - kill cain. As Cabalist Michael Laitman said, the world is ruled by the Babylonians.

These Vaccinated Sheep with Nimrod DNA, Chip and Graphene are all basically War Slaves of the System, in a word a piece of Meat who they have been and will always be, and will not know that they were Meat in the Luciferian Satanist Games. Gavvah Works to the fullest with the help of the Luciferian Religions of the Talmudacs.

These Sheep will live until 2026.

Sheep change the DNA of God to the DNA of the so-called Devil's Demon. They will be soulless cold, de facto Ripths - Killers. They will drive citizens by order of their Shepherds. They are no longer Human and there is no salvation for them and their DNA will not be changed to the DNA of the Fallen Angels.

These Demons will fight against God around 2026 after the arrival of the Fallen Angels UFO along with the devil.

There is a program in the New World Order like the Covenant of the One Heaven and the Book from Trump's anus QAnon - War Armagedon Capture by Force the Millennial Kingdom of God on Earth. So think.


Now most of the false vaccines are SBeok. 

Validity 6 months so every half a year refueling. 

And really big they plan to play from 2023. 

The more Doses Cattle get, the less chance he has of not being saved. 

And Separate information for the Type of Awakened who say that there is a Selection of the Chaff from Zen. Remember there is a Book of Life in Any Religion. 

Awakened in the Kovychkas, they say that it is impossible to inform and save the Sheep. Let them die, there they are and the Road. 

But know that the less we are, the less chance of saving this Planet, US and CHILDREN. 

The more of us the more chances there are. 

Now there is a Full Move on the Planet change of the Gene Pool of the Creator. 

Nature GMO vegetation, Weather, etc., change from the Initial Creation. 

They have to change the Gene Pool of the Avatar of the Creator of Man and all the Victory will be for Them. They will be able to prove that there is nothing Divine on this Planet and they have nothing to catch here. And according to the Creator's Agreement with the Dark, there will be a transfer on the Legal Basis to the Dark. 

Their Ship Nibiru at the pier and waiting for his Hour or rather the opening of the Dome and light Watch the process of the end of the Treaty. 

Therefore, these Dark Ones are in a hurry with the process and we clearly see it. 

If the righteous, having rejected the truth, does evil, when I put a barrier in his way, he will perish. For his sins, he will perish, and his previous good deeds will not help him. And if you did not warn him against sin, then We will ask you for his death.

But, if you warn them, and they do not change and do not stop doing evil, then they will die because of their sins. But if you warned them, you saved your life.

Many Rulers and so-called illiterate Presidents do not know what is happening at all, they are also Pawns for the implementation of the plans of the Dark Ones.

          I hope you've got it. 

An Irish boy in a Molotov cocktail gas mask participates in the Battle of Bogside, Derry, Northern Ireland, 1969.

We go to buy new jeans 👖 Kim Kardashian, these are completely torn. We had enough New Jeans for 8 hours and they were torn again and we went to buy again. Terrible this year 1993 was, Kim just ruined us on his pants. 

Only when everyone was able to give, seventeen years collected .

ⲙʀ. ⲙ૦ⲛ੮ɑⲛɑ ⲭ

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