πŸ…£πŸ…—πŸ…” πŸ…žπŸ…‘πŸ…₯πŸ…˜πŸ…žπŸ…€πŸ…’ πŸ…˜πŸ…πŸ…’πŸ…‘πŸ…”πŸ…“πŸ…˜πŸ…‘πŸ…›πŸ…” πŸ…£πŸ…žπŸ…“πŸ…πŸ…¨

What kind of education do you have: higher? Are you PhD candidates?Β 

Code of World Government :

"The illusion will be so great, so all-encompassing, that it will be safely hidden from their perception. Those who see the essence of the illusion will be considered crazy.

We ourselves will divide into several fronts so that they do not see the connection between us.

We will act as if there is nothing in common between us to maintain the illusion of separation.

We will carry out our goals drop by drop, so as not to arouse suspicion.

It will also not allow them to see the whole picture of the changes taking place at once.

We will always have an advantage over them, for we know the mysteries of the Absolute.

We will always work together, and we will remain bound by the bonds of blood and mystery.Β 

Whoever says will die.

We will shorten their life expectancy by pretending to do the opposite.

We will discreetly use our knowledge and technology so that they never see what is really happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives, adding them to water, food, and air.

Everywhere they will be surrounded by poisonous substances.

From the effects of soft metals, they will lose their minds.

With many of our factions, we promise to find antidotes for them, but in fact we will give them even more poison.

They will take poisons inside, and absorb through the skin, from which their minds will become clouded, and the reproductive system will be disrupted.

From this their children will be born dead, but we will hide this information.

Poisons will be contained in everything that surrounds them, in food, drink, air and clothing.

We will have to use the most skillful ways of hiding poisons, for they are insightful.

We will teach them to rejoice in poisons, accompanying them with beautiful images and melodies.

Those they look up to will help us in our cause.Β 

We use them to promote our poisons.

They'll see our products used in movies and get used to them and never know their true impact.

We will inject poisons into the blood of their newborn children, convincing them that this will help their health.

We will start the impact from a very young age, when the child's mind is still young, and offer children what they love most – sweets.

When their teeth collapse, we will fill the cavities with metals that will kill their minds and steal their future.

When their ability to learn deteriorates, we will create medications that will exacerbate their ailments, as well as cause new ones, from which we will come up with other medicines.

With the help of our power, we will make them malleable and weak compared to us.

They will be overcome by fears and depressions, they will become slow and grumpy, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poisons.

We will focus their attention on money and material goods so that they can never find a connection with their inner essence.

We will distract them with thoughts of sex, external pleasures and games, so that they can never reunite with the One.

Their minds will belong to us, and they will do as we tell them.

If they refuse, we will introduce into their lives technologies to adjust consciousness.Β 

If they refuse, we will introduce into their lives technologies to adjust consciousness. Fear will become our weapon.

We will establish governments for them, and we will divide these governments into opposing camps, infiltrating each camp.Β 

So we're going to own all fronts.

We will always hide our goal, and implement it.

They will work for us, and their work will serve our prosperity.

Our families will never mix with their families.

Our blood must always remain pure, for this is the way.

We will make them kill each other when we need it.

We use dogma and religion to separate them from Unity.

We will manage all aspects of their lives and tell them how and what they should think about.

We will guide them so gently and imperceptibly that they feel that they are directing themselves.

We will incite them to enmity with each other, through the influence of our factions.

If a glimpse of light appears among them, we will turn it out, ridiculing or destroying it, at our discretion. Since in this world we are deprived of the opportunity to create ourselves, we will use their creations, and the best of them will deprive the main essence, presenting a skillful fake that we have corrected in order to use it for our own purposes.

We will make them erring each other's hearts and killing their children.

To do this, we will take hatred as an ally, and anger will become our friend.

Hatred will blind them completely, and they will never see that we as rulers come out of their conflicts as winners.

They will be busy destroying each other.

They will bathe in blood, and kill their neighbors for as long as we need.

We will greatly benefit from this, for they will not see us because they cannot see.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and deaths.

We will continue this again and again until our goal is achieved.

We will continue to sow fear and hatred through images and sounds.

We will use all the necessary tools to complete our goal.

The tools will be created by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide from them the Divine Truth that we are all One.

They don't have to know !

They don't have to know that color is an illusion; they should always think they are not equal to each other.

Drop by drop, step by step, we will move towards our goal.

We will seize their wealth, land and resources to establish complete control over them.

We will trick them into passing laws that will deprive them of even the modicum of freedom they have.

We will establish a monetary system that will enslave them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

If they unite, we will accuse them of crimes, and present to the world another story, for all means of informing will belong to us.

We will use information tools to manage the flow of information and their biases.

If they rebel against us, we will wipe them out like insects, for they are even smaller than insects.

They will be helpless to do anything because they will have no weapons.

We will hire some of them to carry out our plans, promise them eternal life, which they will not receive, for they are not us.

These hired will be called "initiates" and we will make them believe by leading them through false initiation rituals into the higher realms.

The members of these groups will consider themselves equal to us, and will never know the truth.

They must never know the truth, for then they will turn against us.

For even though the work of the "initiates" will be rewarded with earthly riches and high ranks, they will still not be able to become immortal and join us, will never receive light and will not be able to go to the stars.

They will not be able to reach higher spheres, for killing their own kind will not allow them to move on to the bright worlds.

They don't have to know about it either.

The truth will be hidden right in front of their eyes, so close that they will not be able to recognize it until it is too late.

Oh yes, the illusion of freedom will be so vast that they will never know they are our slaves.

When everything is prepared, the reality we create for them will take over them.

This reality will become their dungeon.

They will live in self-deception.

When our goal is achieved, a new era of governance will begin.

Their minds will be shackled by the beliefs we have established for them for many thousands of years.

But if they ever find out that they are equal to us, then we will perish. THEY SHOULD NEVER KNOW.

If they find out that together they can defeat us, they will take these steps.

They must never know what we have done, otherwise we will have nowhere to hide, for as soon as the veil falls, they will see who we are.

By our deeds, they will know who we are and will persecute us, and no refuge will give us salvation.

This is the Secret Treaty, according to which we will live in our present and future lives, for this reality will extend to the lives of many generations.

This Treaty is sealed with blood, with our blood. It should never be announced or recorded, for if it is known, the awareness of this by people will cause us the wrath of the Original Creator, and then we will go to where we came from and where we will remain until the end of eternity. "

Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars”, Manual Tehnic SW7905.1

The project is part of a discipline called "Operational Research", which developed during World War II with the aim of attacking enemy populations using methods of social engineering and psychological warfare.

According to this document, the "international elite" in 1954 decided to start a "silent war" against the American people, with the aim of transferring funds from the hands of "numerous and irresponsible" to the hands of "a few responsible and valuable."

The law of natural selection says that a nation or people that does not use its mind is not much better than animals that have no mind. People like animals are only a burden and a roast (sic) according to their own choices and consent.

The goal is to establish an economy that is "fully predictable and manageable." The masses will be "inspired, and they will be given the task (to put on a clamp) from a very young age..."

In order to achieve this, "the family must be broken down through the growing involvement of parents in activities that will completely absorb them, while children will be placed in state-run centers (these children will be made orphans due to the constant absence of parents).

This goal is achieved by the "silent weapon" used in the environment and in school - propaganda and social engineering.

"Society cannot see these weapons, and therefore cannot think about what is being attacked and the action of these weapons."

"If quiet weapons are used gradually, society gets used to it ... until the pressure becomes very strong, and then society gives up... So, silent weapons are a kind of biological warfare,.. which attacks sources of natural and social energy and decisive physical, emotional and mental moments..."

Here, however, there is no mention of the fact that a quiet weapon is feminism, which promotes lesbian love, although it presents itself as an advocate for women.

The document also says that the father should be "domesticated". The press interprets that he is a "henpecked" and that he "must accept the conditions and comply,.. or his sex life will be brought down... to zero." A woman is first of all controlled by emotions, and only then by logic... to open his eyes wide to see [his own child] fed – a tool of a rich man or a cheap source of slave power.

In conclusion, the author says: "this recent unassessed school, father, mother, son and daughter - become working cattle ..."Β

Bohemian Grove World Government.Β 

Meeting of participants of Bohemian Grove 2012.

The legend of the Satanists is in the grove of one!

They're driving you to hell to hell, and you're going to hell!

Satan's servants gathered in the grove.

There they prayed to the stuffed otter.

Then they burned the mould in the fire.

And they copulated in the crotch!

There were only men there.

"Elite" of countries - peoples of the whole earth!

Who can manage your herd.

Hooves, tail, horns to tear you off.

You love Satan's elite.

You vote for them.

So that they would put you all in hell.

Christ Jesus did not obey once you.

They are all together, separately all of you!

You know your trough, your neighbor– no?

And gather if you suddenly two suckers?

So you will come up like fierce two enemies!


It's easy to bring herds to hell!

They go obediently themselves once there!

Jump in, everyone is happy to run to the slaughter!

On an Orthodox holiday like, on the filmed!

"So, there I saw something directly from the Visions of the medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch - Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with a high priest in silver clothes with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain, a giant stone owl. And world leaders and bankers participated in all this. It was utter mad. " β€” Alex Jones, describing the ritual of sacrifice in Bohemian Grove in 2000

Will you hide your heads in the sands and cowardly remain silent?

Satan in the hands of yourself and all your children to give ?

Bohemian Grove is an 11 kmΒ² location located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California. Owned by a private men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club, it is located in San Francisco. Every year in July, since 1899, the most influential people of the world come here to hold a two-week summer marathon.


FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine? I wonder how and on what grounds?Β 

The FDA manipulates and engages in the substitution of concepts in the document. The vaccine did not receive a license, its emergency use was extended indefinitely. As proof, we suggest that you carefully study the FDA document, especially pages 11, 12 and 13.Β

For example, on page 12 of the FDA document: "All descriptive printed materials, advertisements, and promotional materials relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine should clearly and clearly indicate that:

Biological State Terrorists. They are called the elite, preparing the destruction of humanity. We in our materials only bring Sharpness to the eyes of πŸ‘€.

Maniacs, senile marasmatics and schizophrenics have taken over the world and want to destroy you soon!Β 

Most of you do not know how the maniacal belief that the world's population is a cancer that destroys the planet and must be destroyed has spread among the world's elite over decades.

This is stated from many tribunes by openly leading terrorists and international organizations.Β 

Have you ever wondered why with such a speed (a year and a half) spreads what is called the virus 🦠? 

The population of the world ordered ! It's time to open your eyes to save your life, family, relatives and friends, business and real estate 🏑, your business and the right to live the same human life. 

Or maybe the "world elite" is not mentally ill?

Or maybe a deal with the devil, she made a long time ago?

And she received from the devil for that this power on Earth?

To rob, to corrupt, and to send to hell to Satan?Β 

Of course, you don't care about yourself, your wives and children!

You don't want to think about it and you don't want to discuss it!

You yourself make unworthy of this life all at times!

Are you worthy of perdition and will they put all of you on the toilet?

Closed psychotronic program psychotropic program to control the consciousness of a special people - a slave.Β 

If you behave like cowardly slaves? Talk about what happened for hours, and then - silence? Are you all biological robots, or zombies, programmed for a certain wave? Are you completely deprived of free will? Bad things! What kind of people are you – the bearer of power? What saint? What kind of Rome are you from? IΒ 

We are disappointed! You're not who you claimed to be! So who are you? Name it! Declare yourself at least someone! Reveal your glory, and the beauty of your mysterious souls! Maybe you at least go to the Instagram account, thereby hinting that you are still alive, and are able to understand what is written or said? Do at least something: potential fighters for peace πŸ—Ί freedom, health and happiness of the people!Β 

Cal dull : do you at least wither?

Or always like – keep quiet?

And you'll sit quietly?

How is the mouse 🐁 under the brooms?

You have become animals eating their own young, with a pink satisfied face and a cowardly gut in the form of a desire to talk about the life of the earth and your own children and their future.Β 

Kylie and I at the premiere of the film in Sydney, 1989 A good time was the last part of the 20th century.Β 

MR. PHilOsopHEr πŸƒ Π₯

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