Preparation for the International Tribunal. 

Preparation for the International Tribunal. 

wHEn thE cOurTS of 👩 ⚖️ 👨 ⚖️ ARe siLenT

Life sentences and the death penalty are guaranteed to many. The general plan is fully disclosed and only the organizational aspects for the detention / neutralization / elimination of the criminals of bioterrorism remain.

             Our arguments 

     First count violation 

Geneva Protocol and Biological Weapons Convention

The contract with Israel 🇮🇱. It's a biological weapons test product.

The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC) was the first international disarmament treaty to prohibit the production of an entire class of weapons. Its signing was the result of many years of efforts by the international community to create a legal framework complementary to the Geneva Protocol (1925).

Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological Weapons

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction

Date of signing

April 10, 1972

Place of signing

London, Moscow and Washington

Entry into force

March 26, 1975

 • conditions

ratification by 22 States


Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish and French

Participation of States in the Biological Weapons Convention

   Signatories and ratifiers


   Unrecognized States complying with the terms of the BTWC

   Signatories only


The BTWC was opened for signature on 10 April 1972 and entered into force on 26 March 1975, when 22 States deposited their instruments of ratification with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Currently, its parties are 163 states that have understied not to develop, produce or stockpile biological weapons (BO). However, the absence of a verification mechanism has limited the effectiveness of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention. (Note: By July 2008, another 13 states had signed the BTWC but had not yet ratified it.)

The United States ratified the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972, but refused in 2001 to adopt a protocol to it providing for mutual control mechanisms, as a result of which it is not possible to verify Washington's compliance with the BTWC through international legal means.

The area covered by the BTWC is specified in its first article:

(1) microbiological or other biological agents or toxins, of whatever origin or method of production thereof, of such species and in such quantities as are not intended for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes;

(2) Weapons, equipment or means of delivery intended for the use of such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflicts. [1]

Main provisions of the Convention Edit

States Parties undertake:

Article I: Under no circumstances should biological weapons be acquired or stockpiled.

Article II: Destroy or divert to peaceful purposes anything related to biological weapons.

Article III: Not to transfer, assist in any way, encourage or comerviate anyone to acquire or accumulate BO.

Article IV: Adopt the necessary changes to its legislation.

Article V: Consult with each other with a view to resolving all matters relating to the implementation of the provisions of the BTWC.

Article VI: Cooperate in any investigations concerning complaints by other BTWC parties lodged with the UN Security Council.

Article VII: To provide assistance to States that may be at risk as a result of a violation of the Convention.

Article VIII: To carry out all of the above for the purpose of peaceful use of scientific developments in the field of bacteriology.

Information state biological blackmail of the population of national countries and the world.

               Biological terrorism

         Unconstitutional actions

Additional charges. The articles of the accusation are with a multi-vector international group of experts in the process of formulating .

Personalization of some of the defendants.

Joe Biden's fake vaccination 💉 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 Kamala Harris 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 Nancy Palosi 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 Michelle Obama 👇

The composition of the liquid called the vaccine is hidden by the manufacturer with a location in the United States and hidden by the US authorities 🇺🇸 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 all VIP vaccinated officials 

Israeli Minister of 👇

Fake syringes 💉 for VIP vaccinated officials 👇

Fake vaccine 💉 on a computer two days 👇

Fake vaccine 💉 with the substitution of a similar doppelganger Bill Gates 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 Prime Minister - monster of Israel Netanyahu 👇

Fake vaccine 💉 German 👇 minister

Hundreds of testimonies were recorded and they are present in the case materials.

🇺🇸Old Pelosi and her husband chop cabbage.

Speaker Pelosi and her husband purchased up to $10,000,000 worth of Microsoft options just weeks before the Pentagon announced a $22 billion contract with the tech giant for AR headsets. Yes, so simply this grandmother will not leave her money place. He will stand until the end, because after leaving she will be imprisoned for insider trading, for corruption.

Mom and Mom's Loving Son 

            Nuremberg 2:0 

We will repeat this procedure every 70 years. We will not get tired, you will not even find our wet dreams. 

Australia announces the beginning of the "New World Order"

Disturbing footage from Australia shows new South Wales' health minister announcing the start of a "New World Order" while the government is again blocking the country because of the Crown.

Commenting on concerns about the quarantine, Secretary Brad Hazzard said:

"That's the way it is. He argued that citizens had to accept the New World Order.

Italian neurosurgeon who operated on a vaccination victim: "I have never seen this before"

An Italian neurosurgeon who operated on an 18-year-old girl who died after being vaccinated against COVID claims he has never seen such an inflamed brain.

Camilla Canepa, 18, from Italy, received the vaccine from AstraZeneca on May 25. On June 3, she went to the emergency room. 

She suffered from headaches and photophobia, which means she can't tolerate light in her eyes. Doctors could not find anything abnormal on the CT scan, after which Camilla was allowed to go home.

On June 5, she was again admitted to the emergency room. Thrombosis was visible for the second time. She was transferred to the San Martino Hospital in Genoa. Gianluigi Zona, director of the Department of Neurology and Neurotraumatology, was amazed when he saw images of Camilla's brain.

"I am not a virologist, an epidemiologist or a forensic pathologist, but it was clear to me that we were dealing with something abnormal," Zona told Italian media. It was decided to open the skull to relieve the pressure.

Then the brain began to bleed, which Zone said she had never seen before. All of his venous sinuses were blocked, another phenomenon he had never observed in his long career. 

"The venous sinus is a river in the center of the valley where all sorts of streams flow," Zona says. "When a dam is built in the middle, the river swells and water cannot drain through tributaries, leading to increased pressure."

An investigation was launched into her strange death. After the death of Camilla and several other people, the Italian authorities decided to stop the distribution of AstraZeneca drugs to people under 60 years old.

Heart problems due to mRNA vaccines will kill most vaccinated

Charles Hoffe, MD, reports in his latest update, July 6, 2021, on alarming results in his patients. He says mRNA vaccines clog thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who have taken the "vaccine." 

Most of them will die of heart failure within a few years. Introduced spike proteins, which are intended for mass production in the body of the vaccinated, are the cause of blood clotting.

"We now know that only 25 percent of the vaccine injected into someone's hand actually stays in your hand. The remaining 75 percent is absorbed by the lymphatic system and literally released into the bloodstream, absorbing these tiny packets of information RNA. 

These bags are designed to be absorbed into your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels – the capillary network – the smallest blood vessels through which blood flow slows down and genes are released. 

Your body then gets to work, reading and producing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins. Each gene can produce a lot of spike proteins. The body then recognizes that these are foreign bodies and produces antibodies against them so that you are protected from COVID. It's an idea."

But there's a problem here. In the case of coronavirus, this spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words, it becomes part of the cell wall surrounding the virus. But it's not about the virus. It's in your cells. Thus, it becomes part of the cell wall of the endothelium of your vessels.

This means that the cells lining the blood vessels, which need to be smooth for the blood to flow smoothly, now have these little thin pieces sticking out.

"So the formation of blood clots is absolutely inevitable, because platelets circulate in the arteries, and the purpose of platelets is to identify damaged blood vessels and stop bleeding. 

So when a platelet passes through a capillary, it suddenly encounters all these spikes, and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots form that block that blood vessel."

Thus, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels, so it's guaranteed. Dr. Suharid Bakti says the way to prove this is to do a blood test called a blood test for a D-dimer.

"The blood clots that we hear about and that the media claim are very rare are large blood clots that cause a stroke, and they can be seen on a CT scan, MRI. 

The clots I'm talking about are microscopic and not scannable. So they can only be detected with a D-dimer test." Dr. Hoffe explains that he conducted D-dimer tests on his "vaccinated" mRNA patients and found that 62 percent of them had microscopic blood clots.

"These people have no idea they have microscopic blood clots. The most frustrating thing is that some parts of the body, such as the brain and spinal cord, heart and lungs, cannot be repaired. When these tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are irreversibly damaged."

That's because the blood vessels in their lungs are now clogged. This, in turn, causes the heart to work harder to withstand the much greater resistance needed to pass blood through the lungs.

This is called pulmonary arterial hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because blood simply cannot pass through them properly. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few years. "These injections are causing tremendous damage, and the worst is yet to come."

Referees: from left to right: Harold L. Sebring, Walter B. Beals, Johnson T. Crawford, Victor Swiringen

The trial began on November 9, 1946.

      Miss Danka's Senior Shooter .

A little-known technology is the application of a barcode using a laser of information on the molecules of a living cell. In the mid-80s. in periodicals there were articles about the successful experiment of American scientists - recording information on living cells.

Consequently, a chip can be not only an electronic device created in the traditional way, but also a set of living cells in the body with information printed on them. It's a new generation chip.

The capabilities of this chip are incomparably large, compared to a conventional chip:

1. The new chip can be made by applying a laser tattoo to the skin of a person or animal. This chip does not need to be powered by an extraneous energy source, because it consists of living cells that function naturally. 

2. When applied by bar coding, for example, this chip is not visible to the eyes, but is recognized by the scanner.

3. When applying a barcode to a person's forehead or hand, an individual algorithm of brain functions is defined through skin receptors, identification and connection to the world computer "beast" through a system of satellites in earth orbit.

4. An individual algorithm of brain functions is the most important information from all biometric data about a person, recorded on a machine-readable strip in his passport and entering the database of the "beast", as a result of which the brain establishes a direct high-frequency "radio communication", although "radio" in this case the term is very conditional.

5. Unlike a conventional chip implanted in the human body, it is useless to cut the shape off the skin to get rid of control. After removing the usual chip, you can get rid of the connection with the controlling electronic device of the tracking center (so do escaped prisoners), and the removal of the laser tattoo does not destroy the connection between a person and a computer, and the tag itself is no longer needed.

The satellites have powerful energy sources that provide the ability to transmit a high-frequency signal over any distance.

Even under President R. Reagan, satellites with nuclear power plants on board were launched in the United States. Exposure to any part of the brain or to the entire human brain by electromagnetic radiation through a system of satellites gives a wide range of possibilities.

In the above experiments of the 60s, 70s, the following results were achieved: the possibility of introducing a person into a state of stress, melancholy, hearing radio broadcasts of local radio stations by the brain, and not through a radio receiver, suggesting certain actions, repeating texts unknown to him in unknown languages, bringing the subject to suicide.

At the same time, the person himself and his relatives were told that all this hallucinations are a consequence of mental illness.

It is also possible to bring a person to the highest degree of euphoria by directly stimulating the part of the brain that controls the release of dopamine in the body - a substance that in its relaxing and anesthetic properties is 50 times superior to morphine.

These technologies can be used to control the worship of the Antichrist – for example, it is possible to cause euphoria among peoples when he appears on TV.

The theme of Thomas Hitter's patent published by the media – "Applying a barcode to the human body" is just one of many variants of satanic technology of printing humanity. Technology that is in constant development.

Mind control methods are rarely given in the description of patents and constitute the know-how of the invention.

But the range of possibilities of these methods is revealed by the developers of laser tattoos in a documentary film released on the Discovery Channel.

There is a film 🎥 and it shows how, according to the new nanotechnology, an electronic barcode tag was applied to the right forearm of KFOR soldiers before sending them to Serbia.

It was reported that after applying the barcode of the soldier can be detected from a satellite even deep underground, diagnosed in case of injury at a distance and affect metabolic processes at the cellular level, stopping bleeding, for example.

Acceleration of the process of regeneration (restoration) of damaged cells is provided by certain parts of the brain that control metabolic processes in cells.

It is impossible to achieve accelerated regeneration of damaged cells at a distance if you do not directly affect the corresponding parts of the brain from a satellite, once connecting to this brain (in the film it was noted that medical care can be provided to the wounded, even if he is surrounded).

Thus, from the information provided, it follows that the brain acts as a receiver-transmitter or, in fact, is a bio-processor, and the soldier (or any person who is marked with a barcode as a connecting device, modem) - a controlled cyborg.

Applying a barcode with a laser when scanning an image of a human face for the production of biometric documents is the most convenient way for the authorities to quietly, quickly, and painlessly solve the problem of printing the population, which can then be controlled as a meekly herd. They really want to have a no-comfortable question. 

Laser tattooing has been tested at Disneyland for 15 years. Those people who stayed there for a few days were offered a choice of a permanent card or a laser tattoo on their arm. Thus, it was tested how people would react to this and whether they would get used to it over time. The same international preliminary questionnaires about where people want to wear a tattoo: 

F = Forehead or H = Hand are already prepared.

In 1974 (!), Washington State University professor Dr. R. Keith Farrell invented a laser gun that can be used to apply numbers to fish. The gun performs the operation in less than a second. When asked if the gun could be used to tattoo people, he said, "Yes, of course, the gun can be used for that purpose. The laser beam is impossible to feel, the number is not visible with a simple glance, the tattoo is constant, like your fingerprints. "

In October 1980 (!), an issue of Advertising Age magazine, the teleResearch Item Movement, Inc. (TRIM), was published, in which an entire page was devoted to advertising a computer scanner for supermarkets.

A photo of a man with a UPC (Universal Product Code) number printed on his forehead was inserted into the advertisement. 

Dr. Ray Brubaker wrote in his book Is the Antichrist Now Here? ("Is the Antichrist here?"): "In Cincinnati, Ohio, an experiment was conducted where a number was printed on the hands of supermarket customers that was read by a supermarket scanner. When making purchases, the system transmitted information directly to the bank of the buyer who made the purchase, and his funds were automatically debited from the account. "

A full-page illustration that appeared in the 1993 london Daily Mail showed European housewives shopping by bringing their hands to a computer scanner at the checkout.

When injected with poison and after simple procedures, the guy has a barcode in his body. These are the plans to bind the body to electronic money and everything in general. This is a real modern slave with a barcode, determining the individual algorithm of brain functions through skin receptors, identifying and subsequently connecting to the world computer "beast" through a system of satellites in orbit of the earth.


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