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Joe Biden swore allegiance to the New World Order in a 1992 article.

An article written by the great commander Joe Biden in 1992 shows how he swore allegiance to the New World Order system.

In the Wall Street Journal, titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order," Biden, then a senator from Delaware, explained his plans to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations and create a one-world government by "breathing life into the UN Charter."

Most Americans, myself included, reject 1930s-style isolationism. They expect to see a strong hand of American leadership in world affairs, and they know that economic retreat will bring nothing but a lower standard of living," Biden wrote.

"They also understand that many security threats — the proliferation of high-tech weapons, environmental degradation, overpopulation, drug trafficking, migration — require global solutions."

Joe Biden in 1992: How I Learned to Love the New World Order

Possible fruits of the continuation of the activities of this Grandfather from the Future of Disorder. 


However, reality has surpassed the most terrifying predictions of visionaries. Having staged a putsch and seized power, the Bolsheviks, as it turned out, did not even think to fulfill their obligations. And their leader Ulyanov-Lenin, who promised the people a "great future", gave rise not only to an unprecedented wave of popular hatred ("The concept of dictatorship means nothing but unlimited, no laws, no absolute rules not constrained, directly on the violence of the power based on violence"), but literally from the first days of usurpation of power made a bet on the top of the party: at a time when the Chekists took away the last chicken from the unfortunate peasants. , party bonzes were given palaces and estates of the Russian aristocracy.

The State Eagle (German: Der Reichsadler) is a coat of arms that was the official state symbol of the Third Reich (since 1943 - Greater German).

            State Eagle

The Neuordnung of Europe (german: Neuordnung, "New Order") was a political system that the regime of Nazi Germany wanted to establish in the territories it occupied. In fact, its creation was started long before the Second World War, but publicly neuordnung was presented only in 1941 by Adolf Hitler at a speech at the Berlin Sports Palace:

"I am convinced that 1941 will be a historic year for the Great Perestroika of Europe!"

Original text (German)

Das Jahr 1941 wird, dessen bin ich überzeugt, das geschichtliche Jahr einer großen Neuordnung Europas sein! [1]

Such ideas led to the creation of a pan-German racial state, organized in accordance with the principles of Nazism to ensure the conditions for the domination of the "higher" Aryan race, the large-scale territorial expansion of the lands of Central and Eastern Europe by settling them by German settlers, the persecution and mass extermination of Jews, Slavs (especially Poles and Russians), Roma and other representatives of various ethnic and social groups recognized as "unworthy of life", as well as the extermination, alienation or enslavement of most of the Slavic peoples. The Nazi regime's desire for aggressive territorial expansionism is one of the most important causes of World War II.

Historians still disagree about the ultimate goal of such a policy: some believe that the Nazis would have limited themselves to domination in Europe, others argue that its conquest would serve only as a springboard for the further conquest of the world and the establishment of a single world government under the banner of the Reich. [2]

"The Fuehrer expressed his unshakable conviction that the Reich would be the master of all Europe. More than once we will have to enter the battle, but these battles will undoubtedly lead us to the most remarkable victories. From them the path to world domination is literally inevitable. The one who owns Europe will take the reins of power over the whole world. »

- Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, 8 May 1943[3]

Origin of the term

Initially, the term "Neuordnung" had a slightly different and more limited meaning than it does now. It is usually translated as "new order", but the most accurate translation is something similar to "reorganization" or "restructuring"; it points to the specific desire of the Nazis to redraw the political map of Europe, thereby changing the geopolitical structures that existed at that time. With the same meaning, the term has been used in the past and continues to be used today to describe similar global changes in the world order (such as the Peace of Westphalia, the Congress of Vienna, and the Allied victory). The full expression used by the ruling ranks sounds like German. die Neuordnung Europas ("The New Structure of Europe"), and "Neuordnung" is simply an abbreviation of it.

The White House administration and their immediate plans.


Nashville, Tennessee. This institution is state property. Attention is drawn to high fences with barbed wire and twisted inwards barbed tops. 

Fort Devens, Massachusetts. This prison has equipped production areas and is surrounded on all sides by an artificial pond. It was built in 1999. In terms of engineering, the railroad is required to lay rail tracks inside the prison from Boston and Canada. Draws attention to the widespread use of "razor" tape in the fence.





Obviously, everyone needs to continue to use discernment and critical thinking, but some things are becoming too obvious to ignore, and they need to be talked about if there is a desire to have a chance for any life in the future. 

The apology of socialism. Take away and divide. 


Biden began communicating with Americans with a "simple and basic" statement: "If you are vaccinated, you will not be hospitalized, you will not die." 






Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty? 

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.


We have not yet been able to establish a documentary connection between this photo 🤳 

On December 17, 1917, in his address to the Cadets, Trotsky declared the beginning of the stage of mass terror against the enemies of the revolution in a harsh form:


Leon Trotsky's great-granddaughter Nora Dolores Volkova-Bronstein, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.


As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children had neurological symptoms similar to those seen in livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2017, parental anxiety about the lawsuit had intensified to the point where lawsuits had begun. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis after being vaccinated with Corovax sued the federal government, demanding that the protection of BigPharma, which protects the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing the vaccine, be lifted.


... While the FDA, CDC, and other agencies have been busy exploring possible links between Corovax and reported neurological side effects, their efforts have been consistently undermined by epidemiological analyses conducted by various nongovernmental individuals and groups. 

"I could have been quiet," Barry said. - The vow of silence is a great thing. I've been silent for 3 years now. At least A word to whom I said.


"Well done, Barry," said the house 🏡. - I'll turn to you.


In addition to vaccination, sterilization, there were other proposed measures to reduce the birth rate. 


- "Kissinger Report" on Population Control.



Classification: G06K9/00; G11B27/031; G11B27/10; G16H40/63; H04N5/76;

Publication number: US-2020376305-A1 Patent family: US-2020376305-A1



Emmanuel Ratier's Faits & Documents investigation into global economic, social and financial changes.


Oval biological virologists terrorists from the lawn of the White House commented on the call of another WHO vaccation terrorists to suspend revaccination















BOMBSHELLMarines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.”







SS soldiers escort Jews arrested during Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Windows), leading them through Baden-Baden. Germany, November 10, 1938.

Yes Girl, that's right. We are waiting for the New World Analysis of the Flights of Fascists - Communists in a Dream and in Reality, 1945-2021. 

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