It was never about real immunity (vitality) and never about a real viral threat. (The viral theory itself is a fiction.)

According to our latest data, the planning and development of this PLANDEMIA began more than 20 years ago! This is also confirmed by all the numerous Patents for Covid-19 that existed before the so-called "outbreak". 

First stage : 

Phase 1 was about creating a fake pandemic exclusively in the media, while neither excess mortality nor intensive care units showed any upward trend in 2020. There has been no normal flu since 2020, everything has counted as Covid-19. It was a pandemic of fake numbers.


After this period of fear, everyone was offered vaccination as a voluntary solution, and now almost imposed – even for children who have never been exposed to health risks and are still not in danger to this day.

In a true pandemic, free sausages and hamburgers are not needed.

Slow poisoning

With consent to vaccination, poisoning occurs with graphene oxide, which makes up 99% of the ingredients of all these vaccines. These nanoparticles are organized in the body and form crystal structures that can be induced and amplified by electromagnetic radiation. This graphene oxide causes all the symptoms such as blood clots, heart attacks and strokes caused by Covid-19. So it's not a VIRUS, it's a banal murder with the help of poisoning the body. 

Graphene oxide was stuffed into the population many years ago, for example, when vaccinated against influenza and in food. Many people, even those who have not been vaccinated, have become magnetized.

Graphene oxide also causes the formation of SPIKE proteins.

The body begins to slowly break down graphene oxide, so the population is gradually accustomed to the need to carry out several "revaccinations" every year. But all this was planned in advance.

The active ingredient in mRNA is found in vaccines only in very small amounts and in fact only causes the destruction of our DNA. This shortens the DNA strand. That's it.

There is not, and has not been, an attempt to create any immune defense. Instead, the former person becomes the property of the patent owner.

Why are there no new vaccines?

In fact, the first vaccination destroys a person's own immune system by 15%, the second - even by 35%. The third revaccination planned now will be fatal for many! Either directly or due to the effect that the body suddenly recognizes its own cells as an enemy the next time it becomes infected with a known pathogen and intends to destroy them (autoimmune reaction).

Now there is indeed excess mortality. But not from a virus that was not and is not. It's a plan — people are dying from the side effects of graphene oxide poisoning, and members of the global conspiracy, including the mainstream media, blame the virus for new reasons for further vaccinations.

Motivating new mutational variants of the virus. But new vaccines are not being developed, instead they inject their old poison a second and third time. It makes no scientific sense.

Israel 🇮🇱 

Israel has the highest vaccination coverage in the world with the first and second vaccinations. All of them are supposed to be protected. The so-called fourth wave actually began first in those who were injected, they received a positive result, became seriously ill or died. In fact, the goal is fulfilled - vaccination kills and they need even greater victims of many zeros at the end. 


1) These injections do not protect against infection; 

2) They also do not protect against infecting others; 

3) Another hundred thousandth lie that the infection in the vaccinated is milder. The proof is the number of deaths of vaccinated persons in Israel.

The vaccinator appeals to his vaccinated patients with an urgent appeal - he himself developed thrombosis after vaccination. 

Björn Kahun, a Stuttgart doctor, posted an urgent appeal on Facebook addressed to the patients he vaccinated: "Vaccination just fails miserably ... it's SHIT !!!!! I'm sick of it. I'm not sorry because I was vaccinated with a clear conscience. Even myself! "

The last fresh material with a huge amount of materials on the topic of special operation corona 👑 inside the 👇📕

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