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Part 1.


Pieter Bruegel Jr., "Payment of Debts"

Control of food production and distribution.

The division of the world into zones and the liberation of land involves the destruction of small and medium-sized farms and the further monopolization of food production. This process is gaining momentum.

In this case, several goals are pursued. People are deprived of the opportunity to produce their own food and fall into "food slavery" and complete dependence on corporations. The latter get a monopoly on the price, distribution and quality of food, that is, again in fact, to control the right to life.

The relocation of people from the land to specially designated enclaves nullifies their ability to feed themselves and the result of this survive.

In America, under the pretext of concern for the quality of nutrition of the population, a law was introduced prohibiting citizens from growing vegetables and fruits for their own consumption on their own land plots without obtaining a sanitary license for them.

Dr. Richard Day talked about the plans announced in the late 60s: "Raising your own food will be banned under the pretext that it is unsafe, and the state and corporations will control all food production.

Food production and distribution will be monitored so that no one is supplying food to fugitives from the system."

So the plot of the novel "The Hunger Games" - TheHungerGames - can become a reality.

The topic of bioengineering and biotechnology, genetically modified products and their impact on the physical, mental health of people and their fertility is widely discussed.

The problem of allowing GMOs into European markets, which emerged from the bowels of the super-secret TTIP agreement, has become one of the stumbling block in discussing the advisability of signing it - "you are what you eat." Nevertheless, the growth of the "biotechnological" harvest continues:

Control and espionage of the population, ways to combat "thought crimes".

The tasks of forming a person of the future, worthy to live in a new society according to the plans of the Agenda of the 21st century, can be divided into three directions:

📕psychoemotional: upbringing, education, building the right paradigm and worldview, laying information processing algorithms in a person, propaganda, manipulation of the emotional sphere and other brainwashing (spiritual level)

📕ability to influence consciousness by influencing the processes within the body associated with the perception of reality and interaction with it at the level of chemistry, biochemistry, electromagnetic radiation, etc. - through the manipulation of the physical parameters of the body (physical level)

📕prodealation of transhumanism

The whole system of education and upbringing is sharpened so that a person absorbs a number of simple truths and follows them:

Truth comes from authority.

Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat.

Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded.

Failure to comply with the rules is punishable.

Be conformist intellectually and socially.

The system assumes that you have to pay for being programmed.

Total control over the creation of a person of the future requires feedback, so it is necessary to create and implement not only tools for influencing society, but also feedback that allows you to monitor the process.

And as always, Zbigniew Brzezinski, so that conspiracy theorists do not eat their bread in vain, told everyone in advance the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth about the potential technical possibilities of monitoring and influencing a person. Back in 1970, Brzezinski in his work "Between Two Eras: America's Role in the Technotronic Era" drew a sign of today:

"The technocratic era involves the gradual emergence of an increasingly controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite that was not limited by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to provide almost constant monitoring of each person and collect up-to-date data about him, including even the most personal information. These files can be instantly extracted for use by the control system."

"Speaking of a future in just a few decades, an experimenter in the field of intelligence control argued: "I foresee a time when we will have the means and, therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all people through ecological and biochemical manipulation of the brain ...."In addition, using the fruits of brain research and human behavior for strategic and political purposes may be possible and tempting."

Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in war issues, wrote that precisely timed, artificially excited electronic strikes "can lead to a pattern of oscillations that will cause relatively high levels of their power over some regions of the Earth. ...

Thus, it would be possible to develop a system that would seriously impair the quality of the brains of very large groups of the population in certain regions for a long period. No matter how disturbing the idea that the environment can be used to control behavior for the sake of certain national advantages, it is very likely that the technology that allows such use will develop over the next few decades."

"A traditionally democratic American society, because of its fascination with technical efficiency, can turn into an extremely controlled society, and its humane and individualistic qualities will thus be lost."

Ibidem... "weather modification techniques can be used to produce long periods of drought or storm in order to weaken the nation's capabilities and force it to accept the demands of a competitor" (citation to GordonJ. F. MacDonald, “Space,” in TowardtheYears2018, p. 34).

Brzezinski and David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission, which, as mentioned above, influenced the spirit and letter of Agenda21.

[  The Trilateral Commission arose out of the Bilderbergers Bilderbergers when one of its core members, David Rockefeller of Esso or Standard Oil, came into conflict with one of his fellows over whether to include Japan in the club. After reading the 1970 book Between Two Ages, David Rockefeller lured the writer, Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski to the Bilderberg Club. So, aside from Columbia University, he became Chairman and Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Brzezinski, who later inspired Jimmy Carter's new foreign and national security policy, is still a recognized political guru, as all liberal media say today. Using the same principles of collectivist thinking, goals and premises as when creating the Council on Foreign Relations, CMO (Council on Foreign Relations or CFR), Rockefeller funded and created the New York-based Trilateral Commission, led by Zbigniew Brzezinski as its intellectual architect. as described by Brzezinski in his book. ]

Electromagnetic fields corresponding to the electromagnetic activity of the brain can affect the human psyche. Canadian neuronal specialist Michael Persinger noted: "For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated a secondary, virtual, dense and complex environment – an electromagnetic soup – that essentially interacts with the human nervous system." 

Former CIA Director David Petraeus announced that the government could use household appliances for espionage purposes. Through microprocessors built into every household appliance, smart meter, cell phone, etc., the CIA considers it possible and remotely intercepts and gains access to weakly protected citizens' services and e-mail, phone calls, text messages, chat 💬 and even ordinary conversation in the privacy of an honest home 🏡:

"The objects of attention will be identified, identified, monitored, and remotely monitored using technologies such as radio frequency identification [RFIDchips], sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy batteries – all of which will be connected to the next-generation Internet using low-cost, high-power computers... the latter are now moving towards cloud technologies, in many areas more and more towards supercomputers, and eventually heading toward quantum computers."

Petraeus confirmed that people can be watched through their televisions.

David Icke claims that all devices, equipment and gadgets that have the prefix "smart" have a dual purpose and are able to collect and transmit information about the life of its owner to the "competent authorities". "Smart" is a word that indicates that the development belongs to the means of implementing Agenda21 and the possibility of total surveillance, submitted in the form of advanced technologies.

More on all this in an interview with Alex Jones


Around the world, at the level of states and communes, Agenda21 involves the development of programs that adapt local situations, circumstances, customs and culture to the embodiment of the whole grandiose totalitarian idea.

Among the ways of psychological processing of the population for the sake of implementing Agenda21, various local organizations were created, whose emergence should have looked like the result of an initiative on the part of a concerned public on the ground. At the UN, they have been called "local governments for sustainability." 

Usually, the population is either very poor or completely unaware of the activities of these groups that promote "sustainable development", but in the plans and reports of management structures of different levels it is usually easy to find indications of compliance with the requirements of Agenda 21.

In line with the totalitarian agenda21 plan, the promotion of the appointment of technical specialists to various positions with the gradual abolition of elections and related democratic procedures under the pretext of effective governance.

This is clearly seen in the bureaucratic structures of Europe: in principle, the EU is governed by persons whom no one has ever elected there.

We look at the world of 🗺 and events in the world through the prism of the goals and plans of the Agenda of the 21st century and see in the kaleidoscope of news changes, despite all their imaginary diversity, a clear line on its implementation of the plan. 

The opposition to Agenda21 presupposes an alternative concept that can convince and inspire the majority of the world's population to resist the plans of a narrow criminal group of elites de facto carrying out national state crimes and coups d'état, seeking to finally usurp national power and governance on our planet as a whole.

For example, the globalist fascist Aarthur Koestler (Arthur Koestler) in 1967 - we can secretly make people mutate through chemicals in food and water - The book "Ghost in the machine" (Ghost in the machine) Page 334-335

Chemicals can control a person's behavior (control the brain and basic activities), which is more advanced than the previous idea of managing the environment. This is part of what Aldous Huxley (another Globalism singer standing in the same cohort as Bertrand Russley) called the "Final Revolution."


The Agenda for the Twenty-first Century, or "the UN Comprehensive Plan of Action for the Twenty-first Century, Governments and Social Groups in All Areas Where People Have an Impact on the Environment", was adopted by more than 178 countries at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992.

The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was established in December 1992 to ensure the effectiveness of follow-up actions taken by the United Nations and to monitor and report on the implementation of agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels.

It was agreed that the five-year review of the implementation of the plan would take place in 1997 at a special meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

Full implementation was discussed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 26 August to 4 September 2002.

In line with the assumptions of Agenda 21, a sustainable development plan should be based on the integration of economic, social and political environmental protection in order to reduce consumption, restore biodiversity, reduce social participation and change people's lifestyles.

As Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Earth Summit, stated in 1992:

"It is clear that the current lifestyle and lifestyle of the rich middle class, including high levels of meat consumption, large amounts of processed food, use of fossil fuels, air conditioning at home and work, country houses for single-family homes, are not balanced. It is necessary to change the way of life to one that will be adapted to consumption patterns that are harmless to the environment."

2030 Agenda or Modernization of the Plan

The officially named 2030 Agenda is a project, as evidenced by its full title " Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development " - aimed at "transforming" the world.

This program was created as a continuation of the so-called, not fully achieved by 2015 Millennium Development Goal, which was established in 2000.

It was adopted in September 2015 at the famous UN session in New York, which was attended by Pope Francis himself.

The 2030 Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 related targets that should be monitored using appropriate indicators.

Their assumptions also fit well with the deeply controversial agenda for the twenty-first century and even contain much of the same content.

As you can read in the document:

"This agenda extends to all peoples without ignoring anyone. It is a plan of action to eradicate poverty in all its forms throughout the world, irreversibly and once and for all. It seeks peace and prosperity and partnerships, and the essence of the Agenda is people and our planet. Integrated, interconnected

and the indivisible seventeen Sustainable Development Goals are goals for all peoples. They illustrate the scale, universality and human ambition expressed in the new Agenda."

This sounds nice, but skeptics believe that under the words of the high word, the plan to introduce strict governance in the direction of global control and global surveillance is really hidden.

Agenda 21/2030 and illuminati plan

The original plan of Agenda 21 and the subsequent draft are based on assumptions made in 1776 by Johann Adam Weischaupt, the founder of the Association of Portholes, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild asked him to create an organization to get a global government.

The abolition of all orderly governments, the abolition of private property, the abolition of inheritance, the abolition of patriotism, the abolition of family values, the abolition of religion and the creation of a world government are the first 7 of Weishep's 25 points.

The United Nations, in turn, is an infinitely corrupt body founded by the Rockefeller family responsible for ensuring a new and centralized global order.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati government is to gain power over the entire planet and subjugate to them a limited number of people who will remain living slaves.

Agenda 21 focused on climate change and the environment, but the 2030 Agenda goes far beyond this area.

The 2030 Agenda addresses broader issues such as the economy, agriculture, education, gender equality, health and many other issues that are important to all of humanity.

In fact, there are very few human actions that are not covered by the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda.

And all this because the Illuminati want there to be one world government, one global economic system and one world religion, a plan that is being implemented no later than 2030!

Unlimited control over your life

The effective implementation of Agenda 20 and Agenda 2030 requires a profound reorientation of human society to all that the world has ever experienced.

It also involves major changes in the priorities of both Governments and individuals, as well as a reduction in human and financial resources:

"Agenda TWENTY-first century proposes a number of actions to be performed by every person on Earth [...], it requires concrete changes in the activities of all people [...] The effective implementation of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all people."

The 21/2030 Agenda aims to take control of your life. The activity of this plan can be observed for a long time around the world:

📕constant changes in government only to create confusion among citizens;

📕scredes the role of the competencies of schools and teachers;

📕 encouragement of homosexuality and planned parenthood;


📕ogrom immigration aimed at destroying national identity;

📕propaganda of drugs - alcohol and drug abuse;

📕earth of all forms of social religious activity and the desire for empty churches;

📕absurd changes in legal systems;

📕 increase in the prices of fuel, food and other items in stores;

📕 media propaganda and content control;

📕anthropogenic pandemics;

📕 campaigns for dangerous vaccinations;

📕insuction of toxic substances into cosmetics and food;

📕 encouragement of divorce, facilitation of the abolition of marriages and the collapse of families.

And soon also:

📕exoration of the right to private property, e.g. "Private ownership of land is also the main instrument for the accumulation and concentration of wealth and thus contributes to social injustice";

📕pronunion of entry into the forest;

📕 Restriction of Civil Liberties: "Individual rights must give way

common rights";

📕 limiting the number of children you can have;

📕 determining the amount of water that can be used and the amount of garbage or waste that can be disposed of;

📕insered to participate in social projects;

📕mass population movement;

📕destruction of unsustainable elements of biodiversity: 

"Ski slopes, grazing, plowing, construction fences, industry, houses, sidewalks

and resinous roads, dams and reservoirs, high-voltage lines, buildings and systems that are not of the right importance to the environment."

Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2030 are the secret plan of action of the New World Order, which is to reduce the population to a "sustainable" level, that is, in their representation of balance with "nature" and through absolute control over the population and the reproduction of new generations.

This plan aims to implement the activities of one world government, one world religion, one world army, the world bank, the world currency and the microdistributed population.

The goal of 🎯 the destruction of 90% of the world's population in order to control all aspects of the human condition and activity and manage everything and everywhere - from the cradle to the grave.



🎯complex of joint coordinated and coordinated measures of entities engaged in the fight against terrorism, and the forces and means involved in this activity to prevent, detect, suppress and disclose acts of terrorism, ensure the security of individuals or other objects that may be subject to terrorist encroachments, neutralize terrorists and minimize the consequences of terrorist acts.


🎯complex of special, operational-combat, military and other measures, with the use of military equipment, weapons and special means carried out by state bodies and aimed at suppressing a terrorist act, ensuring the interests of the state, the security of individuals, neutralizing terrorists, explosive devices, as well as minimizing the consequences of a terrorist act. Anti-terrorist operations also include security measures to ensure the security of National Critical Facilities. 

🚩Anti-terrorist operations and international humanitarian law

🚩National structures to establish a national Administrative and Legal Regime of the anti-terrorist operation. 


🎯Anti-terrorist operation carried out by the armed forces, special services, law enforcement agencies and other structures involved in the fight against terrorism interested in preserving national Constitutions and the world order adopted by international laws.

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