Donald Trump, the history of his origin of this animal, the real name and who is he by nationality and in general who is he? 

Donald Trump, the history of his origin of this animal, the real name and who is he by nationality and in general who is he? 

Locks are completely useless, but carry other non-such risks, including an increase in deaths from other causes. A new study confirms that The re-discovery of Texas "100%" had no discernible effect on cases or deaths from kovid #COVID19

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Trump was born in 1946 in New York to Fred Crist Trump and Mary Ann MacLeod.

Descent from the father

His father, Fred (Frederick) Trump, was engaged in business in the field of real estate and charity, and became a businessman in adolescence, 15 years old.

Fred Trump

At this time, he took a loan of $ 800 from the bank, invested this money in the construction of the house, and later sold the house for $ 7,000. Having received the first profit, I decided not to stop at what I had achieved and again invest them in the business. So there was a family business "Elizabeth Trump & Son". But since Fred was a minor, the head of their company was his mother (Frederick's father was gone by this time).

Donald's grandfather Friedrich Trump

In general, the history of this family began in 1885, at a time when Donald Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Trump, a young man of 16 years old, born into a family of winemakers in the German town of Kallstadt, to avoid conscription into the imperial army, fled overseas, leaving a short note.

According to another version, this trip was planned at a family council, and Frederick went to New York to his sister, who had moved there a year earlier with her fiancé.

Having saved up some money in the field of hairdressing, Friedrich became a restaurateur.

Donald Trump

And during the gold rush, he realized that gold miners need somewhere to eat, sleep, want to have fun ...

And he opened a brothel hotel with rooms for prostitutes. There lived girls who were not burdened with morality. It was a good investment of money 💵 

He changed his surname to a more euphonious one, pronounced in the English manner - Trump. And this name is now familiar to the whole world...

Although the real, generic surname of Trump is the surname Trump, which began to be pronounced in the English manner.

Elizabeth Crist, Donald Trump's grandmother, was also born in Kallstadt, Germany. And her family lived not far from the Trump family and was also engaged in viticulture.

She met Frederick Trump in 1901, when he came to his homeland. Frederick married a girl, and the family had three children, the middle of which, Fred, later became the father of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump

Descent from the mother

Mary Ann MacLeod was born in the Scottish village of Tong on the Isle of Lewis in 1912. She was the tenth child of Malcolm MacLeod and Mary MacLeod (born Smith).

The family owned a small farm, in addition, the father of the family was engaged in fishing and worked as an officer for discipline control (in the field of school education).

At school, Mary Ann learned English and was considered one of the best students.

In 1930, Mary Ann MacLeod sailed for America. Several of her sisters already lived there. Deciding to stay there, the girl got a job as a maid.

Later, at a dance party, she met Fred Trump, who by that time had already become an enviable groom. Their acquaintance ended in marriage.

Mary Ann McLeod

The family had four children, the third of whom is Donald Trump, the future 45th President of the United States.

Mary was engaged in the upbringing of children, accompanied her husband on business trips and was actively engaged in charity.

Origin of the surname Trump

One of the distant ancestors of Donald Trump, who lived at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, was called Hanns Drumpf. Over time, the sound and spelling of the surname changed in Trump.

There are several versions of the origin of the surname. So, most likely, it could come from the word Drum - drum, or from the word Trumpf (trump card).

Nationality of Donald Trump

If you liked it, read another one of my articles.

By nationality, Donald Trump is 50% German, and on the maternal side there are Scottish and English roots (since the maiden name of his mother's grandmother is Smith, and this is one of the common English surnames).

Putin and Trump (whose real name is Drumpf) are both henchmen of the most extremist wing of the Hebraic mafia - Chabad. Trump has nothing to do with "American conservatism", just as Putin has nothing to do with "Russian patriotism", and even more so they both have nothing to do with the fight against "liberalism".

Donald Trump-Soviet Intelligence Officer

Few people know that the 45th President of the United States is actually a Soviet intelligence officer.It was in 1945 that the USSR defeated Nazi Germany, his presidency became a traditional gift to the Russian government by this famous date, the real name of the intelligence officer Denis Ryzhiy.His name is very suitable for his appearance. 

The pseudonym of the scout - Donald Trump received from the fact that he was born not in New York but in Rostov-on-Don, as a child he perfectly played on the viola the most favorite song from the movie "Dueña" In the world lived a senior not old Trumps trumpampam. 

His Cossack father Ivan Ryzhiy killed his grandfather with a shovel and later emigrated with his money to the United States. 

Recruited by Lenin himself when visiting the Mausoleum, still a schoolboy, Denis began to actively cooperate with the authorities.And learned all the wisdom of Soviet intelligence. With honors graduated from the Suvorov Moscow school and the higher school of the KGB.Soon he was invited by his dying father a millionaire in the United States.Where he began his operational activities. 

How not disgusted it was for him to live in decaying capitalism, but his homeland needs to help.His business he started for millions of his father from the Commodore hotel., thereby hinting to the government that he had long wanted to get the military rank of captain.As soon as the five-star hotel came into operation, Donald Trump received the rank of KGB captain. It was Donald Trump who became the prototype of Leonid Gaidai's film "On Deribasovskaya good weather on Brighton Beach are raining".Only on the income of one of the many Trump businesses from the largest casino in the world Taj Mahal worth $ 1 million, the whole USSR was for many years provided with disposable syringes and enemas.So that the enema could be inserted into every Soviet citizen. Entrepreneur and tycoon Donald Trump has become one of the most respected people of decaying capitalism and honorably fulfilled the task entrusted to him. 

Smart intelligence officer made his way to the Senate and began to actively promote laws that undermine the US economy 

The newly-minted politician is accustomed to speak openly, Because of this feature, he gained fame as a truth-teller, often banged his shoe on the table at meetings of the Republican Party, and told his colleagues in the party comrade. 

In the early nineties, Trump began to rapidly lose his money, the football team New Jersey Generals which consisted entirely of Russian football players.Only a Russian intelligence officer who loved his country could invite Russian people to play football AND pay them millions of dollars for their work.By pure chance, the team was fully staffed with relatives of members of the CPSU Central Committee. who ran across the field, in T-shirts with the inscription "Let's make up and overtake America." and the anthem of the team was the song "Don't think about seconds from high" 

For many years of stay in a foreign land, Donald Trump has done a lot for his country. 

In 2007, Trump had his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which the businessman received as one of the creators and main producer of the animated series The Simpsons He voiced and created Homer Simpson, the head of the family of the average American family.Homer shines with his stupidity he is lazy, heavily drinking and overweight.The cartoon sows many stereotypes in the life of the average American. Showing the world what americans are lazy and stupid shorter propaganda went to the fullest undermining the enemy ideology from within. More than once we have seen government delegations from Russia lay flowers to Donald Trump's star on the Aleia of Glory. 

Russian intelligence officer eliminated the medical program thanks to which almost 20 million Americans received medical care 

Deprived of government support, these segments of the American population will watch the Simpsons swell and gradually degrade. 

From the latest orders, Donald Trump gives the command to create a multi-kilometer wall on the border with Mexico, i.e. the construction of a real iron curtain begins. After the collapse of the United States, he will actively build communism and introduce state farms and collective farms, so to speak, to build socialism with a human face, introducing five-year plans in the national economy of individual states and carrying out reforms of housing and communal services (housing and communal services). In short, we are witnessing the last years of a united America. Absolutely under the control of the current elderly morons in the oval office and in the circus under the dome, the name of the Senate will come kirdyk will be all like in the USSR. For cold winters, US citizens 🇺🇸 should already buy felt boots and food in reserve, dig basements of storage. Humanitarian aid will come apparently from India and Africa, thanks to the gypsy Kamala. The rest of the Brooklyn Jew will bring from Israel, there will still soon 🔜 be a deserted desert 🌵 🐪 

And the hour is not far off when Alaska will return back to its historical homeland to Putin. The country of Putin's soviets is wide, there are many forests of fields and rivers in it...

Epstein's plane flew to Antarctica on July 23, 2020. The flight of "Lolita Express" to the area of the mysterious continent was recorded on July 23:

Epstein in Antarctica visiting penguins in October 2020. 

In 1986, at a dinner party at the co-owner of the cosmetics company Leonard Lauder, Trump suddenly accidentally spoke with the daughter of the ambassador, who praised the wretched architectural design of Trump Tower - a 58-story skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in New York, where the blockbuster "The Dark Knight: Rise of the Legend" would later be filmed. "Word for word, and I have already talked about the construction of a luxury hotel opposite the Kremlin," recalled the fraudster Trump, who soon met the Soviet ambassador Dubinn himself, and in 1987 arrived for recruitment in Moscow through intourist.

Donald Trump with his Czech wife Ivana Zelnichkova in Peterhof. 1987 

This cheap fairy tale for amateurs looks like this — and 

and so, 1986, March. 

      Palace Square Leningrad 1987 

     Walk along the Neva River, 1987

Soviet diplomat Yuri Dubinin is going to come to New York. He had just been appointed Permanent Representative of the USSR to the United Nations. By the way, in May of the same year, Yuri Vladimirovich will receive another position - the ambassador of the USSR to the United States. Then, in March 1986, the eldest daughter of Dubinin, Natalia, was going to leave New York. She is also a diplomat, an employee of the Soviet diplomatic mission. But because of her father's new appointment, she was ordered to return to Moscow: the principles of combating nepotism in state bodies did not allow relatives to work in one foreign country. Even seeing each other there was, to put it mildly, undesirable. But literally on the eve of the planned departure, Natalia's daughter fell ill. The grueling 15-hour flight was allowed to be postponed. - I met my dad and offered him to show New York, - recalls Natalia Dubinina, - After all, I had already lived there for a long time, and he came for the first time in his life. And the first point in the tour was the "Trump tower" ("Trump Tower") on Fifth Avenue. According to Natalia, her father was so amazed by what he saw that he immediately decided to personally get acquainted with the creator of an unprecedented architectural masterpiece. - This building was the first thing that my father saw in New York, - says Dubinina, - He had never seen anything like it at all, it was a revolution in architecture and approach. Opposite stood the twin towers and the Empire State Building. But that wasn't it. Then there was no Dubai or Hong Kong. Therefore, emotionally for my father, what I saw was a real shock. The Soviet diplomat was so amazed by the sight of the skyscraper that he decided at all costs to personally get acquainted with its creator. To do this, it remained only to enter the building and ride in the elevator, which the Dubinin family did. True, this was a real deviation from the protocol. After all, for diplomats at that time, as now and in general always all their lives, there were lists of people from the business elite on whom it is worth spending time. Trump was nowhere near that list.

Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB back in 1987 in Soviet Leningrad and has been actively working for Moscow ever since. Indeed, Trump first visited Moscow in 1987, and the KGB of the USSR made a very great effort to this, first putting under this red body Ivan Zelnichkov from Prague, and later the little daughter Ivanka. But preparations for Trump's recruitment began long before that, and the decisive role in this was played by the then head of the Kgb First Main Directorate responsible for foreign intelligence, Vladimir Kryuchkov. Kryuchkov's entire career was connected with intelligence. A few days later, as Yuri Andropov became chairman of the Soviet State Security Committee in 1967, Kryuchkov was appointed his assistant and head of the KGB Secretariat. After 7 years, Kryuchkov headed the entire foreign intelligence of the Soviet Union. In 1988, when Trump, as suggested in the United States, was already recruited, Kryuchkov became chairman of the KGB. In 1984, when Andropov died, Kryuchkov took the initiative to master new methods of recruiting agents in capitalist countries. Previously, Soviet intelligence officers focused on supporters of leftist views and sympathizers of the USSR, but by the mid-1980s there were already few, and they usually did not occupy prominent posts. 

In February 1984, Kryuchkov sent a secret note to the stations, which was ordered to be destroyed immediately after reading. This was told in his memoirs by Oleg Gordievsky, who then worked in Denmark, who later became a defector and handed over secret documents to British intelligence. Kryuchkov set the task of recruiting business representatives and people in the highest echelons of power, who were not only to supply Moscow with valuable information, but also to actively influence the foreign policy of their states. And Kryuchkov advised to try to recruit people so that they did not know about it. Former CIA Director John Brennan said earlier, speaking about the kgb's working methods at the time, "people who follow the path of treason don't even realize they're going down that path until it's too late." Kryuchkov developed detailed instructions on how to make foreign figures work for the USSR. The meeting of the businessman with the KGB officer in the framework of the official visit was designated as "official contact". If it was seen that a person was disposed to communicate, he became the "subject of deep study", they began to collect dossiers on him. By April 1985, the KGB had detailed descriptions of all prominent Western politicians and businessmen. In addition to information about marital status and material well-being, there was information about character traits, manner of communication. There were also such items as the likelihood of taking a particular public position, including becoming president or prime minister. Stored in Moscow and information about the financial fraud of trump, other violations of the law, relations with women. With this information, the KGB manipulated people, threatening to make personal secrets public. Special agents from countries friendly to the Soviet Union were also used for recruitment abroad. In the United States, Czechoslovak officers showed themselves well after the events in Prague in 1968 and the occupation of the territory of Czechoslovakia, Hungarian officers after the Soviet occupation in 1956. He was not as visible as the envoys of the USSR. In this regard, the biography of the Czech Ivana Zelničkova is remarkable. In the early 1970s, she ran from sports camps in the Italian Alps on skis ⛷ Austria (described to her personally in her own book), and then climbed to live in Canada. First in Toronto, then in Montreal. A few years later, she finds herself in New York and also accidentally meets on the street in front of a restaurant with an ownerless and lonely man Dhoni. All this is certainly one coincidence, as well as the coincidence of the lack of a corner case in socialist Czechoslovakia for escaping across the border. And this was a very tough criminal article for the Communists. But by a strange coincidence, the Czech police did not even initiate criminal proceedings about the escape of their own skier from the Czechoslovakian national ski team. In 1977, she married Donald Trump. As it became known from the documents declassified in 2016 by the Czech special services, from the very moment of marriage, the Trumps were closely watched by Czechoslovak agents, and the special services in Prague read all the letters that Ivana Trump sent to her father, engineer Milos Zelnicek, who, in turn, was still a secret informant of the special services. When Ivana and Donald visited the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, they were "patronized" by intelligence officers. 

In the 90s, Trump flew to Moscow more than five times. Dark affairs in Moscow casinos 🎰, girls 👧 - Moscow currency prostitutes worked for the KGB - FSB, otherwise no one would have allowed them to come close to the hotels where foreign citizens lived. All rooms of the hotels were equipped with special equipment for video and audio recording. A KGB officer had their own rooms in such hotels where they changed each other in shifts all 365 days a year. Surveillance was unprecedented for any Western intelligence ace. This is possible only in a total mode where the special services are not subject to any restrictions in anything, including the financial side of the matter. 

And of course the Moscow government, Trump at a meeting with Vice Mayor Resin (Deputy Luzhkov) in 1995.

In the second half of the 1980s, under Gorbachev, the KGB was clearly focused on recruiting young and ambitious foreigners. Upon arrival in Moscow, they were generously greeted, provided with fixed cars. For them, everything was free, even chic parties with KGB prostitutes girls, including in closed vip saunas.Once again, if someone missed or did not understand, all hotel rooms and villas for recreation were 100% viewed around the clock. Soviet General Rezun even wrote about it. That's how compromising material was collected even on students from Africa. They studied at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples. The KGB planned that after graduating from Moscow in the past, poor students would take senior positions in their countries, and they could be reminded of police protocols, speculation and other revelers in the Soviet capital. 

On July 4, 1987, Donald Trump and his wife Ivana arrived in Moscow. They went around about 15 hotels, but in the end they were accommodated in the same room of the National Hotel opposite the Kremlin, in which Vladimir Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya spent the night. "I was impressed by the desire of Soviet officials to make a deal," Trump would later tell reporters. After Moscow, the Trump couple visited Leningrad where they went through the formalities of recruitment. A whole column of KGB cars of the USSR will move to Leningrad to ensure the safety of recruitment. The mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, a former professor and KGB agent personally with his wife Lyudmila Narusova took part in the recruitment of Trump. Putin in 1990 will become the right hand of Anatoly Sobchak. Later, Sobchak will be removed as an unnecessary witness. Immediately after returning to the United States in 1987, Trump said that he was determined to engage in politics and his affairs went uphill. Casino 🎰 Taj Mahal was financed by the KGB through criminal authorities Vyacheslav Ivankov (Jap) and Taiwanchik - Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov. 
𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.

The capitalist madness is that by 2020, all the inhabitants of the planet will go crazy. Some of us tend to think that today's world is one huge madhouse where sane people are enslaved by the unsaged.

On June 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a patent application for the invention of the Pirbrait Institute (Surrey), England, Surrey. 
№ 10.130.701

"a live attenuated coronavirus containing a variant of the res atlas gene encoding polyproteins containing a mutation in one or more non-structural proteins (s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." And on November 20, 2018, this patent was granted to the Pirbrait Institute for a ready-made "invention." 
"The military are "stupid, stupid animals that should be used as pawns in foreign policy." (Henry Kissinger, quote from The Last Days)

"Depopulation should be the highest foreign policy priority for the third world, because the U.S. economy will need large and growing volumes of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries." (Henry Kissinger, National Security Memorandum 200, dated April 24, 1974)

ADIB President Igor Ballo and Dhoni at the opening of Beverly Hills in Moscow. 

Igor Ballo, a Russian criminal businessman, former president of the Moscow Association of Gambling Figures, was in charge of the casino 🎰 Igor Ballo created the Moscow Association of Gambling Workers.

Fraudster and KGB resident Doni Trump and Igor Yuryevich Ballo at the opening of the Moscow Casino 🎰 Beverly Hills owner of the American Ranger. De facto it is a former casino 🎰 Firebird 🦅. Ballo came to the gambling business in 1988.In 1991 he opened the first ruble casino in the USSR. In 1992, he created the Association of Gambling Business Figures, bringing together all Russian and American crime.

The firebird in the address of Kudrinskaya Square, later when the owner became the American Ranger den was called the big name "Beverly Hills". This is one of the most elite party places of moscow crime. 

Russian artists of domestic and world show business performed here under the roof of Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taivanchik) 

With many foreign stars who have visited Moscow, Igor is connected by warm financial friendship and close relations. He appeared in society with a black Gray Jones, then in the company of Chris Rea or Julio, then with the mayor of Los Angeles, then with Dhoni Corleone himself. 

What do Firebird/Beverly Hills and Shangrie La have in common? 

Igor Ballo and Chuck Norris in the moscow city hall before the opening of the Beverly Hills casino. Interestingly, in the United States, before opening a casino, 🎰 also visit the mayor's office of the city of 🌆 

And photographed with the mayors of Russian cities? 

Madame Jones, what do you do in Moscow and who paid for your luxury trip? 

The ranger, in order to look more representative and smarter than he really is, took to Moscow for solidity, well, or as a roof (security) of the US civil servant 🇺🇸 the mayor of Los Angeles.

Chuck Noris, accompanied by Igor Ballo in the Moscow City Hall, met with Vice Mayor Valery Chances and the 🎰 from the Moscow City Hall Ordzhonikidze (grandson of the famous Soviet Bolshevik terrorist).

Chuck and Ballo in the Moscow City Hall at a meeting with Vice Mayor Valery Chances share grandmothers 🤑 

Chuck and the state Moscow Dealer Inspector Svetlana, she part-time makes a to bed 🛌 and FSB/KGB officer. Sveta is a multidisciplinary specialist in the debauchery and seduction of American children. 

One of them was owned by Chuck Norris and Donald Trump sometimes appeared in the institution while traveling around Moscow. 

No less popular place of crime in Moscow was the casino "Shangri La".

It was founded by entrepreneur Mikhail Rudyak in the early 1990s. He and his partners (the founders of the caro company), received the cinema "Russia" on Pushkin Square in management. There they opened a restaurant "Utopia" with a casino and a disco. All the managers were from Las Vegas and were led by Michael Bottomcher himself. 

In 1999, Caro's company decided to deal exclusively with film distribution and the casino almost completely passed to Bottcher. He immediately renamed it Shangri La. Obviously, in honor of the fairy-tale country of James Hilton.

In 1998, a ticket to the institution bit for $ 200 just for the entrance. For Moscow, which survived the default in 1998, it was decent money. But the people and especially the Moscow fleas fell into the institution with a rampart, by the morning it all paid off. Everyone dreamed of meeting a star or at least a rich daddy. In the casino really often appeared Russian stars of show business. there was Alla Pugacheva old from Soviet times a close friend of the criminal authority Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik). Alla sang for the leaders of the Moscow organized crime groups.

Even after the closure of casinos in Russia, Shangri La worked underground until 2011. There was roulette and one-armed bandits machines. So far, the next redistribution and the security forces have not squeezed it all and closed.

The owner of Shangri La (and also factories and steamships) Mikhail Rudyak died suddenly, at the age of 47. Together with his mistress, actress Evgenia Kryukova, he went to rest in Portugal. On the plane, the businessman had a bad headache ... on the advice of a doctor, he was given analgin. And after landing, at the airport, he fell into a coma ... he was with a mistress, and to connect the ventilator you needed the consent of his wife or relatives. In trouble, he took them all to the United States. And while they got through, time was lost. Alas, even in the presence of a bunch of bubbles to save lives is not always possible ...

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik)

Alimzhan Tursunovich Tokhtakhunov.

Taiwanchik in his youth

I wonder where the FBI is looking for him? He lived for many years one floor above Donald Trump and often visited Dhoni.' house. And in Moscow, this criminal type lives opposite the American embassy on the garden ring. Interesting are these American guys from the FBI. That demolished housing from the things of Jeffrey Epstein, then something else they can not find ...

Tokhtakhunov also lives in the village of Peredelkino. For more than 40 years he was friends with Vyacheslav Ivankov, a famous thief in law named Jap. Jap at one time appointed Taiwanchik overseer in Western Europe. 

Alik lived in Paris and attended receptions at the Russian embassy. This is Taiwanchik whom the FBI cannot find. Later, when Nikolai Afanasyevsky became Russia's ambassador to France, Alik even began to appear at the ambassador's residence on Rue Grenelle in Paris. He does not like the nickname "Taiwanchik" and therefore always asks to call himself simply Alik.

 Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov was an exotic figure even against the background of the unusually colorful Russian colony in Paris. That there is only one presenting him with the Order of St. Vladimir. The action took place in the luxurious George V hotel in the heart of the French capital. Correctly presenting him with the Order of St. Constantine the Great. The action took place in the luxurious Prince of Wales Hotel. The mystery is what kind of order it was, the commander of which was some Scottish baron, and the cavaliers were Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov and Joseph Kobzon.

 By the way, it was then, at this strange award, that the future Olympic champion Marina Anisina and the ice hockey star and close friend Pavel Bure were with Alik. Famous athletes talked very respectfully with this person, pronounced toasts in his honor. And Bure even thanked Alik for the help he gave him at the dawn of his sports career. By the way, Alik is the godfather of Pasha Bure's child.

 Who is Taiwanchik

 Alimzhan Tursunovich Tokhtakhunov? , Uzbek by nationality, was born on January 1, 1949 in the capital of the Uzbek SSR - Tashkent. In narrower circles the Tokhtakhuns are known as Taiwanchik.

 In Tashkent, Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov studied in the same class with the future famous businessman, the aluminum king Lev Cherny. Subsequently Tokhtakhunov introduced Cherny to Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), Otari Kvantrishvili (21st century association)

 The first time Tokhtakhunov was tried in Moscow back in 1972. The second time he received a sentence in Sochi. In the late 1980s, Tokhtakhunov left the USSR and settled in Paris. Vyacheslav Ivankov appointed Taiwanchik as "overseer" in Europe. Yaponchik, while still at large, regularly discussed current events with Tokhtakhunov by phone. In 1994, information appeared that Tokhtakhunov was killed in Paris.

 Tokhtakhunov is known for lobbying the interests of enterprises that are part of the "Association XXI Century", which is headed by sports philanthropist Anzor Kikilashvili. Tokhtakhunov accepted antiques and cultural values ​​exported abroad for sale, violating German tax laws, and sold television, radio, video equipment, computers to Soviet citizens from the Western Group of Forces duty-free. In addition, there is information about Taiwanchik's participation in the sale of oil products supplied by the association's enterprises to the Western Group of Forces. One of the illegal oil deals was carried out jointly with the leader of the Lyubertsy group Aksenov (Aksen) and Merianashvili (Tengiz). According to operational information, Tokhtakhunov is a co-owner of many large Western companies, including a part of the shares of the German pharmaceutical company Bayer.

 Tokhtakhunov has a lot of real estate in Europe. He owns four villas in different parts of Italy and a two-story apartment in the center of Paris.

 Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov has many friends in the former USSR, mainly from show business and sports: Iosif Kobzon, Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur, Oleg Blokhin, Vyacheslav Koloskov, Alexander Tarkhanov and Yuri Semin. He has few friends from the criminal environment: Evgeny Vasin (Dzhem) died in jail, Vyacheslav Sliva died of brain cancer in the wild, Andrei Isaev (Painted), Rudolf Aganov (Rudik) and Sergei Boytsov (Fighter) were shot, and Vyacheslav Ivankov ( Yaponchik) is serving time in the United States.

 Seeker of Europe

Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov and Iosif Kobzon

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

All we can comment on personally for you in this article below. No comment on the


Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American media personality and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

Former Slavic President Trump's son-in-law has ties to former Soviet Union, these are the Great Pages of Russian History 


Ethiopian Soviet terrorist 

It is unlikely that someone from the TV studio, the CDC, WHO officials, especially its director Ethiopian - a Marxist - a terrorist, and maybe other high-rise buildings and not very high-rise houses 🏡, not to mention mediocre

Тhᴇ hᴇᴀrᴛ ᴏf ᴛᴇrrᴏrisᴛ vᴀudᴇvillᴇ wiᴛh ʍusiᴄ frᴏʍ Кlᴀus' hᴀrʍᴏniᴄᴀ ᴀnd Еᴛhiᴏᴩiᴀn ᴀᴄᴄᴏrdiᴏn Тhᴇᴏdᴏrᴇ

        Whᴏ ᴀrᴇ WНО ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs? 


family doctor, will be able to give you citizens to answer the question: "Who came up with the theory of "collective immunity", which today served as the basis for justifying the campaign on mass vaccination 💉, and de facto to cover up a large-scale special operation of lies and biological blackmail of the world's population

   Special Folder of the 📁 Chekist

       The same MUNNHAUSEN 

🇨🇳 ☠️ Gates Foundation partnered with a "socialist" internet group leading a Chinese propaganda operation to lie COVID19 long before the advent of false covid.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is partnering with a self-proclaimed "socialist" internet foundation run by a branch of the CCP leading its digital campaign to censor facts and spread fraudulent information about Covid.

Do you have portrait specialists, including psychological portraits of the heads of sensitive departments?

А smаrt fасe is nоt а sign оf intelligenсe, gentlemen. 


All issues are under control in our main operational headquarters for the international anti-terrorist operation, the crown 👑 


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