Cyber Polygon 2020-2021 ist ein Angriff auf die Welt durch den Neo-Marx-Nazi Klaus Schwab und die russischen Nutznießer des Projekts. Daten.
On the event's recently updated website, a simulation called "Cyber Polygon 2021," the site ominously warns nation-states and the world of 🗺 that, given the digitalization trends largely driven by the COVID-19 crisis:
"one vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system like a domino effect," adding that "a safe approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come."
This strange exercise comes months after the WEF, an "international public-private partnership organization" that saturates the world's richest elite with its openly communist, Marxist, Nazi ideas and members, officially announced its move towards the "Great Reset," which includes a coordinated transition to the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" of the global economy, in which the population of nation-states becomes increasingly inappropriate. This revolution, and de facto coups d'état, represent a serious legislative and legal problem for all members of this Marxist circle. The vision of wef member organizations what will happen to the masses of people left without work due to the growing automation and digitalization of workplaces is unacceptable.
New digitally based economies that are in partnership with or managed by central banks are a utopia and a key part of the WEF's Great Reset. Such systems, according to the WEF plan, a de facto private club, should be part of the answer to the question of controlling the masses of the newly unemployed. These digital monopolies, not just financial services, will allow those who control them to "disconnect" a person from money and access to services if that person does not comply with certain laws established by the same Marxist circle, their prescriptions and regulations. A striking example of this is China with its "social rating" system.
Marx's WEF actively promotes and creates such systems and has more recently come to call its preferred model "stakeholder capitalism." Alcause the new Marx of the 21st century was touted as a more "inclusive" form of capitalism, "stakeholder capitalism" essentially merges the public and private sectors, trying to sell the world a new value system similar to Mussolini's corporatist style of fascism than anything more progressive:
We will follow in the footsteps of corporate fascism, as it is time for everyone to realize that today's broadcast of ideas to the US population 🇺🇸 and the world from the mouth of the Oval Office administration is pure fascism! And everything that is happening before our eyes for 9 months in a row is a completely inadequate behavior of the administration of the oval office. For this understanding, we will make some digression into history.
The fascist doctrine of Benito Mussolini (described by him in his book "The Doctrine of Fascism"), brought to the fore the idea of a corporate (we decipher the concept of corporation: corp oration means a dead body) state - the state as the power of corporations (and this is very important to understand - fascism is the power of corporations or dead bodies).
Mussolini wrote, "Fascism is not only a system of government, it is also, and above all, a system of thought."

So, fascism is a radical political movement praising corporate military power (and today's corporations already have their own well-equipped personal armies to protect their base interests from the population.
and the use of the police power of the State to suppress opposition to corporations, the open terrorist dictatorship of corporations, the denial of democracy and human rights by corporations; corporate regime based on totalitarian-corporate statehood and one-party system (two parties can also play the role of one performing the same covenants); the establishment of corporate violence and terror to suppress political opponents and all forms of dissent; justification of the superiority and exclusivity of one nation (that is, corporation), proclamation by virtue of this dominant nation (corporation) of intolerance and discrimination against other "alien", "hostile" nations and national minorities.
That is, as a result, the fascist corporate regime is always the collapse of the country (material, political, economic, since the sovereignty of states for corporatists does not mean absolutely nothing - war, famine, incalculable human sacrifices.
Now let's turn to what happened in the United States in 1913 and what consequences it entailed in relation to the country and the people.
Through persistent assertions that only a private foreign banking cartel will be able to cope with the task of managing the economy and the government, US President Woodrow Wilson (recall that we have before us a former professor of unfounded political "sciences" who was put in this post to fulfill the precepts of the international banking cartel that paid for his presidential campaign) creates a private Central Bank (or rather a private corporate machine for printing money) called The Federal Reserve System
which becomes a fiscal (that is, managerial and administrative) agent of the United States (recall that the private banking corporation of the Fed is exempt from paying taxes). Wilson begins to promote the quacker Keynesian economy
which advocates a constant increase in government spending and taxes (ostensibly) to stimulate economic growth (in fact, the endless creation of artificial demand (the chimera of social prosperity in the debt economy of the
due to the endless cultivation of public debt and outright theft. the purchasing power of the population's money (due to the uncontrolled printing of unsecured dollars that are distributed to the population in the form of "loans") without any accountability to this population
The Fed immediately took up the matter (and continues it to this day
making it its duty and financing the military expenditures of the American government (or rather driving the US population into debt through a scarce (arbitrarily printed money) government) for the First World War and for intervention ...
Violent "activity" of the FRS was in vain. In 1919, the rate of circulation of dollars begins to drop sharply (when the rate of circulation of money in the system falls, this means that the economy shrinks, investments become highly speculative, production productivity decreases, wages fall, banks stop lending as their profitability ceases be effective (by the way, since 1997, the US economy has been undergoing an absolutely identical process
in the US financial system (this will continue until 1929, and in 1930- m, the velocity of circulation will become negative and will be negative up to bringing (the Fed allocated one third of the entire printed dollar supply for this "operation" in 1933 to Hitler's power) and a huge mass of freshly printed and worthless dollars begins to pump up speculative financial bubbles that begin to explode from 1930 throughout the US economy (this will continue for three years).
Paid by the FRS, the US Congress transfers the US Treasury to the ownership of the FRS. Wilson's Keynesian Economics Leads to the Depression of 1920-1921
Taxes for the population were brought to 73%, GDP fell by 17% (it is debt that slows down the growth of GDP, investments, and wages of citizens), unemployment in the United States rose to 12%, government spending and loans (that is, arbitrarily printed money under which there is no collateral and which allows the Fed to create debt which gives this private banking corporation the ability to suck up the economy) issued by (created by Wilson) the private banking corporation Fed. These loans will play their black role in the collapse of the stock exchange in 1929 (recall today's Quantitative Easing (QE) along with this 3and realize that the Fed's methods of bringing the stock exchange to collapse have not changed ).
A Council on Foreign Relations has been set up to oversee the media. The first Director was the banker Paul Warburg (during the First World War, Paul Warburg's brother was the head of the Imperial Intelligence Service of Kaiser Germany). Warburg wrote the Federal Reserve Act in which he became the first Governor. Paul Warburg was an agent of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
The company UNITED STATES CORPORATION (note that capital letters mean that it is a corporation
was created by a fiscal agent (the office of this fiscal agent was located in the building of the FRS, that is, the fiscal agent is the FRS) in Florida. This company (constantly "borrows" (according to the corporate financing mechanism) from the whole world through the issue of Treasury Bonds (we will remind corporations issue shares and bonds) for its comfortable existence (and waging wars against those from whom it borrowed) and is not at all going to return the borrowed due to non-payment debt) was created without the permission of the US Congress and without the permission of the American people
By the late 1920s, these international private bankers cleared the US Treasury, bankrupted UNITED STATES CORPORATION, and caused the Great Depression in the United States. (due to printing) currency. Thus, the specially sentenced companies were "infected" with toxic buy-ups of shares. Institutions have begun deliberately infecting targeted companies with toxic financial instruments such as derivatives, swaps, options, MBSs, CDOs, and SIVs, which are guaranteed to bring the global economy to a complete collapse. -09-30 / biotech-bloodbath-sends-stocks-longest-losing-streak-lehman-credit-crashes-most-4-ye) and dollars in turnover (one third of the entire money supply of the FRS was given to Hitler for the rise of Nazi Germany and the organization of World War II thus ensuring the arrival of the Great Depression of the 1930s).
In the United States, a State of Emergency is declared and the President (who is actually the CEO) receives emergency powers not permitted by the US Constitution. On behalf of the private banking corporation FRS, Rooseveldt confiscates all gold from the US population and forces the US population to use only dollars that are IOUs of the private banking corporation FRS. In the same year, US citizens and property were illegally placed as collateral in a private banker's Trust Fund (is it now clear what the national debt per capita means?
In the same year, in the state of Delaware, a private corporation, the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, is created for illegal tax collection. This is a separate corporation that is not a division of the US Treasury (today this illegal corporation has become insolent to such an extent that it began to extend its "internal" corporate laws to all countries of the world under the threat of asset confiscation for disobedience
So, the United States is a private corporation (and what is the power of corporations was frankly voiced by Benya Mussolini) located in America (... this is the meaning - ... of America) in which the President of the United States (and this has been going on for 82 years) has dictatorial and emergency powers, and is a senior official (Chief Executive Officer or CEO, that is, his replacement does not nullify the corporation and its claims to world domination) of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Moreover, in today's understanding, the United States is the parent corporation that manages a franchise network of corporations under such names as STATE OF OHIO, STATE OF COLORADO (that is, the vulnerability of such a system in its interdependence), and so on (corporations are cities, villages, settlements, in each state plus a corporation (since 1871, that is, the government turned into a corporation and America simply disappeared as a state) Washington DC (before which there were already eight capitals in the country
and eight presidents, but for some reason the first is traditionally considered to be the protégé of the elite, George Washington (the first President is homosexual (although there were as many as six) who stated that the story begins with him) who was a 33rd degree Mason
by the way, here it is worth remembering the hiding (he was considered a traitor to the British crown) Freemason Benya Franklin (also a homosexual ) who was the Grand Master of Pennsylvania, attended the club of British Satanists Hellfire, and at the same time was the Grand Master of the Parisian Lodge of Nine Sisters, which is entrusted with organizing wars and revolutions around the world (this lodge is still operating, its main bank is Societe Generale and it has a lot of branches in today's Russia (banking services are provided through Rosbank, Deltacredit and Rusfinance Bank) Revolution (i.e. Masonic homosexual coup). In England Benya tracked down the author of the anonymous pamphlets, Thomas Payne, and sent him to America with a cover letter. There, in November 1774, Benny Franklin's personal physician received him, and five months later the American Revolution, or rather the Masonic coup, began. Specifically, the American coup was inspired by Payne's book called Common Sense.

"Common sense" ?

Moreover, it is generally accepted that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, but in fact Thomas Jefferson was a member of the Freemason Editorial Committee of the Second Continental Congress (there was also a homosek Benya Franklin) who presented the Declaration written by Paine to the President (and Mason) of the Continental Congress John Hancock. That is, calling a spade a spade, the Declaration of Independence was written for Freemasons and has nothing to do with the population of the United States) which was built on the latitude of Rome, is an independent territory and does not belong to any of the 50 corporations-STATES, in Washington there are the main representative offices of all three branches of "federal (that is, corporate) power", including the residence of the President of the United States in the White House, dozens of embassies, the headquarters of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization of American States, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Pan American Health Organization, and so on, Washington O.C. is governed by a municipal council of 13 (that is, 12 + 1) people headed by the mayor, the motto of the city (or rather the corporation): Latin: Justitia Omnibus (English Justice for All, Justice (naturally corporate) for all)). The laws of these corporations have replaced the legal laws of the country and are inherently corporate rules that become laws with the consent of the people. This "consent" provides for the signing of a contract (the birth of a child, obtaining a loan, obtaining a driver's license, and so on). The accumulation of all this deception was made possible by the refusal of ordinary Americans to realize, know, or understand that it is this duplicitous conspiracy of private corporations, deceived the American people as the American Government and American Government Agencies
that is a fascist alliance of these private corporations (the U.S. is actually a UNION OF CORPORATIONS OF AMERICA because each state, government, and central bank are private corporations that have their own depositors and owners. Here's an interesting example of one corporation moving away from serving another
that is only meant to cut wool from the American people (and in the name of the American people from other nations). We watch and read the rest ourselves...
📹 District of Columbia Act of 1871 & The UNITED STATES Inc,
📹 CORPORATE FASCISM - The Destruction of America's Middle Class
📹 5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News 📰
📹 American Corporations: Workers Pay Taxes, Not US!!!
📹 Bush Military Official: The Empire's Ship is Sinking
📹 Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL)
The red brown substance of England is absolutely identical to the American one.
Corporate robbery continues in the oil market

First, September 11 was staged as a prelude (deliberate undermining of the World Trade
20 years ago – September 11, 2001 there was an event that had a huge impact on world politics and the privacy and freedom of US citizens 🇺🇸 and the world as a whole.
A brazen change in the rules in the world has in general both meanings. The fact is that the Western economy is debt (that is, everything is based on debts and the Fed is actively engaged in pumping up credit money bubbles around the circle in order to blow them up at the point of non-payable debt by raising the credit rate (or lowering it to a negative or, more simply, the value of its fantasists, who joined the Bulgarian revolutionaries - Marxists from the IMF (Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva) trading with 2017 PCR tests COVID19 like a hamburger 🍔 mcDonald's. The new world hospital has untied its hands and finances the bribery of officials around the world improving the situation of bankrupts in dollars by increasing (already unpaid) and it is dollar debts (by the way, US banks are currently doing just that. Naturally, increasing dollar debts create an even greater demand among debtors for dollars necessary to pay these dollar debts and 100% dependence of new injections of the dollar 💵. Excessive demand gives speculative bankers the opportunity to raise the price of dollars in local currency, which undoubtedly creates serious pressure on national economies with all the ensuing consequences. The more debt the more frantic the demand from debtors for constantly sweet candies 🍭 $ and the worse the welfare of ordinary citizens of nation-states. What the impoverishment of the population leads to is quite understandable, so these issues need to be worked on today.
And corporations openly broadcast through pocket media show warnings to the ordinary population who were previously dubbed anti-waxer terrorists and this is not fiction, it is enough to recall the head of the Club of Rome Aurelio Peccei who openly called humanity an enemy of the system built by usurers and on which electromagnetic weapons are already openly tested!
And if we are in the material looking for a connection between the cyber exercises of Sberbank of the Russian Federation and neo Marx Schwab, then the head of the Russian Sberbank (the main owners are the state of the Russian Federation and the private Central Bank of Russia), then Mr. German Gref goes for loans very successfully in which he openly admits himself, then what is it all called?
Another example: the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Alfa-Bank" Peter Aven is also not far behind, he arrived in Washington, not so long ago, to present the award of the expert center named after (the same) Woodrow Wilson
What's that called? The Russian Central Bank (which is a private bank printing money for Russia) is engaged in cyber exercises through the private Central Bank prescribed to it from the Swiss Basel, which at one time was created by the Nazis, and is the Central Bank of all private Central Banks of which there are at least 90 pieces. This is their quantitative easing program, yes, the one that has already been scrolled several times by the US Federal Reserve (as well as the ECB, the Bank of Japan, and so on) and which has dealt a catastrophic blow to the US economy.
"... Speculators walkers in the United States 🇺🇸 increased currency trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange in two years five times, to 100 trillion rubles per quarter, which seriously affected the ruble exchange rate, the volume of currency speculation increased fivefold over these two years and reached an astronomical amount of 100 trillion rubles per quarter. There is reason to believe that the private Central Bank of Russia plays in close conjunction with the US Federal Reserve one game.
"40% of them (speculators) come to Russia from America (that is, the private Russian Central Bank by its actions allows American speculators to work. The share of Russian speculators is about 10%. In general, the share of foreigners in the financial market of the Russian Federation is about 75% (that is, in the foreign exchange market of the Moscow Exchange there is an unprecedented gangster robbery of the economy through currency fraud. Russian bankers for the sake of these international speculators staged destabilization (that is, we are talking about theft from the population of Russia with the filing of a private Central Bank of Russia. And what is the situation in Europe? What is the national Klondike on the Moscow Stock Exchange, there you can, without risking anything, get 80% of the profit, manipulating the exchange rate (ruble), and the total amount of these revenues exceeds $ 50 billion obtained through manipulation of the ruble exchange rate.
The economy is not a real sector, the economy of money bubbles has come out of control of the national administrations of the world and usurers-globalists are accelerating the unwinding of the war against humanity ...

We return to our fascist Rams 🐏🐏🐏 and again see the fascist doctrine of Benito described by him in the book "The Doctrine of Fascism". Benito highlighted the idea of the corporate state – the state as the power of corporations and this is very important to understand Friends! Fascism is the power of corporations or dead bodies. Mussolini wrote, "Fascism is not only a system of government, it is also, and above all, a system of thought."
However, in order to introduce this new and radically different system, the current corrupt system of financial criminal elites must somehow collapse completely, and its replacement must be successfully sold to the masses as something better than its predecessor. The only way to do everything in one smear is electronic money 💵 and debt write-off! When the most powerful people in the world, such as the fascist Marxists of the WEF, want radical change, we see mega crises – be it war, plague, epidemic or economic collapse – that allow the system to be "reset" that is often accompanied by a massive movement of wealth upwards, into the hands of an already poor "elite".
In recent decades, such events have often been preceded by simulations that were conducted intensively and quickly even before the very event they were supposed to "prevent" occurred. Recent examples include the 2020 U.S. election and COVID-19.
"Event 201" at Rockefeller Plaza New York was hosted by the WEF in October 2019 and simulated a new coronavirus pandemic that is spreading around the world and causing major disruptions to the global economy — just weeks before the first case of COVID-19 appeared.
Five years ago, the Royal Institution published The Russian Challenge, an analysis of Russian foreign policy in 2000-2015 and recommendations for the “collective West”. The report reflected the pronounced anti-Russian orientation of all the activities of the Royal Institute.
Who are you, Dr. Schwab?
"Circus caller, grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, whose heart has nothing to share with the world"

European Management Forum, 1975 Schwab – far right
There is no doubt that Klaus Schwab was involved in their smuggling of nuclear weapons components to South Africa, but escaped punishment. Therefore, he is afraid to even mention his father's name.
Soon after Klaus's birth, the persecution of Jews intensified in Germany, and his mother was forced to leave the country. On December 9, 1938, Emma Schwab emigrated to the United States under the name Gisela Schwab, leaving an infant named Klaus. Her fate is unknown.

Cyber Polygon 2021 is just the latest such simulation sponsored by the World Economic Forum. The current agenda of the forum and its past experience of conducting "prophetic" simulations require careful study of this event.

We understood your hint to Bratelo Barry
The CDC made this fact public to the world in a multi-page document titled "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" dated December 1, 2020.
CDC tells us: " Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer..."
Cyber Polygon 2021 was preceded by Cyber Polygon 2020, a similar simulation sponsored by the WEF that took place last July, where speakers warned of an impending deadly "pandemic" of cyberattacks that will mainly target two sectors of the economy:
health and finance 🌴
Cyber Polygon 2020 has been officially described as "international online learning to enhance global cyber resilience." It was attended by many of the world's largest technology companies and international authorities, from IBM to Interpol. There are many amazing participants at the event, some of whom have traditionally been contrary to Western imperial interests. For example, the person chosen to open the Cyber Polygon 2020 event was the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, and its main organizer was BI. ZONE, a subsidiary of Sberbank, controlled by the Russian government. This suggests that the oft-used theme of "Russian hacker" is coming to an end or will soon be replaced by another boogeyman more appropriate in light of current political realities – the Kremlin.

Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus (Amh. ቴዎድሮስ አድሓኖም ገብረኢየሱስ; 3 March 1965, Asmara, Ethiopia) is an Ethiopian statesman, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012–2016), Director-General of the World Health Organization (since 2017).
Member of the de facto Marxist Leninist Bolshevik Party of Ethiopia, Tigray Liberation Popular Front. A province of Ethiopia with a compact residence of Ethiopian Jews.
And only some particularly gifted and intelligent understood what was what and what followed, the criminals prepared carefully and for a long time for the upcoming attack, they also organized it.
"The system and method of testing for COVID-19.

— Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi[1]
Tapa del libro Adiós Europa, de Gerd Honsik, donde describe el "Plan Kalergi"
In addition to Mishustin, the event "Cyber Polygon 2020" was attended by WEF Executive Director Klaus Schwab and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
This event should be repeated annually and in many ways similar to the "Event 201" of 2019. Instead of preparing for a potential medical pandemic, Cyber Polygon 2020 focuses on preparing for a "cyber pandemic" that mainstream media outlets like the New Yorker claim "has already begun." Given the wef's recent modeling, powerful billionaire business owners and bankers seem willing to bask in this dangerous fire and use both physical and digital pandemics to reform our nation-states and societies according to their own plans and interests.
The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.
The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists.

A smart face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this facial expression 👑 19 🩸
"Circus caller, grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, whose heart has nothing to share with the world"

Neo Marx, the American ideologue of medical Nazism, Schwab Klaus, has a bust of Lenin in his office. Perhaps bronze, possibly gold. Everything is possible for the ideology of man-man.
- You know what, Lou, you're certainly an authoritative thief, but why are you with Him?
She sees what a long-legged 🦵 🦵 not that we ...
Did he see how happy he was? And you're with him...
What will he think now?
- And what should he think? He will be jealous.
What about ? Who is he? Engineer rocket private. Well, what kind of life does he have? In the morning to work, in the evening from work, at home wife, children snotty. Well, 🎭 goes to the theater, well, he will go to the island. Mortal longing!
And us? We are Stage Copd Thieves, we are Lady of Fortune! Stole, drank in prison. Stole, drank in prison. Romance!
And you say... Of course he is jealous.

In a word , ROMANCE 😝
📕2019 WUHAN UNIVERSITY. Universal LANA functions in the pathogenesis of KSHV- 103 410 dollars.
The origin of the Pharisaic teaching can be attributed to the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, to whom tradition attributes the foundation of the Pharisaic corporation of scribes. The corporation (born of the Levites, who are the 13th tribe dissolved in the other 12) of the Pharisees-scribes became the first corporation in the world and according to the works of the Pharisees of the scribes, Talmudic Judaism was created. The Pharisees-scribes also guarded and had to interpret the laws according to their respective traditions. That is, the laws of the Pharisaic corporation wrote exclusively for its own benefit (the cult of money, profit above all, the creation of artificial needs and virtual reality, etc.), and moreover, the corporation was originally and is a sect and to this day corporations operate according to the laws of the sect. In this regard, the following becomes important:
In Babylon (biblical chroniclers report many stories about the tribe of Yehuda, as well as the tribe of Veniminovo that accompanied him to Babylonia, that is, who created the Pharisaic corporation for the first time in history, the foreign king took the Levitical "Law" under his protection and, instead of dying, this "law" began to strengthen and grow. There was a state in the state, a nation within a nation, - new phenomena in the life of peoples; the first successful experience of usurpation of power was acquired, and in the future it has brought many sorrows and calamities to other peoples. The "betrothal" to the Levitical "law" was not in vain and the Babylonian kingdom began to experience serious problems. Local tyrants and governors plundered the meekly population, the economy was falling apart before our eyes, art and science fell into decay. The Levites, during the period of the "Babylonian captivity", managed to create a system that since then has a continuous impact on the lives of all peoples.
- And what does that remind us of?
- We are able to bring tens of kilograms of text and will do it in the following materials in detail!
And now the thesis: is this one of the corporate forms of the style of the fascist corporate state with the planned system of creating an allegedly international community of friendship of all with all? In fact, the inter-corporate trade and economic organization Trans-Pacific Partnership, whose goal is supposedly to create a free trade zone in the Asia-Pacific region?
And in fact, this corporate structure should be based on the documents of 29 heads of government, in them according to the TPP only 5 relate to trade. The rest include restrictions on the use of the Internet (what information should be collected by companies providing access to the Internet and under what circumstances they should transfer it to corporations), regulation of working conditions, regulation of methods of civil assistance for local industry, regulation and privatization of hospitals and the health care system, regulation of banking services, and so on in the style of building a new fascist structure such as ultramodern.

Igor Sikorsky in the cockpit of a Sikorsky H-5 helicopter, USA, 1945.