Friends, we hasten to inform you that neither the American morons of the Oval Office, nor any other clinical marasmatics of world administrations, including the Ethiopian Frenchman from WHO, or the neo Marx Klaus Schwab on the rothschild's maternal side, have come up with anything new in their wretched administrative practice of life. These worthless degenerates take advantage of the old works of well-known dogmatists of Nazism, fascism and glorious war communism. It is war communism, since there is no other communism, this fucking communist paradise is only in books and invented in the wet fantasies of degenerates of communism, Nazism and fascism expressed through old films and theater. In fact, all of these phenomena have long been described and known history, it is always tens of millions of corpses and human grief, there is nothing more interesting there.

             And so, let's go 🛫 

 "Health passport" in Nazi Germany

This is what the "health passport" looked like in Nazi Germany. The inscription on the bottom: The owner must always carry the passport with him.

The idea of introducing a "health passport" or various kinds of "certificates" is not new. Nazi Germany actively used the theme of "public health" as a basis first for discrimination against many groups of the population, and then for their physical elimination. 

Of course, the criminal government of Germany did not care at all about the well-being of the population; the Nazis were interested in obtaining absolute power, for which the idea of a "health passport" was used.

From September 13, 2021, a ban on visiting restaurants, cinemas and fitness centers without the so-called "covid certificate" came into force in Switzerland. 

The triumph of the gray color in the Third Reich and the triumph of grayness selected and collected in the oval office of the call of degenerates 2021 are identical.

And it all started with a special Instagram account and Facebook for a long time, corporal Mark for especially gifted persons gives a privileged blue tick. It is to bless our Gods, you should know these moral freaks, it was these Gods in the spring of 2020 who taught the population of the United States 🇺🇸 and the World to wash 🧽 hands and wear a new model of panties 🩲 on your Roger. 

Identification card certifying the identity of a citizen in the Third Reich. The document was issued to Wilhelm Holtzhauser in June 1943.

The certificate contains a photo of the owner, enters the fingerprints of the index fingers of the left and right hands, and also indicates the identification number - G - 00012.

The gray color of the paper indicates that Wilhelm Holzhauser was an ethnic German. Every citizen of Germany and the occupied territory was obliged to obtain a Kennkarte and present it at the first request of officials or the police. The owner had to carry it with him at all times.

What in Nazi Germany was called kennkarte can be translated into the national languages of the world in different ways: passport, identification number, identity card.

Be that as it may, it was the main document certifying the identity of a German citizen (the work book, the certificate of military registration and the membership crusts of various paramilitary and peaceful organizations were of secondary importance).

Kennkarte was introduced in Germany on July 22, 1938, about a month before Hitler announced the general mobilization of the armed forces, and two months before he also delivered his famous Nuremberg speech at the X Congress of the NSDAP in praise of the "thousand-year German Reich".

The document was issued at the police station at the place of residence. From 1938 to 1940, only men who reached the age of 18 received it, but with the outbreak of war, the document became mandatory for all citizens over 15 years old.

The citizen had to fill out an application for Kennkarte, provide a birth certificate and a marriage certificate (the latter was necessary in order to make sure that the spouse was an Aryan of pure blood).

In addition, the applicant was obliged to leave fingerprints, which were immediately entered into the police base (in Germany fingerprinting began to be actively used after the police congress of 1912). In addition, all pictures for Kennkarte were taken in a semi-profile - so that the left ear was visible.

In the early forties, the Reich Chancellery released a second edition of Kennkarte. It was a more detailed, eight-page document.

However, most of the police departments in Germany by that time had not yet exhausted the stock of old-style IDs, so that the new kennkarte form was distributed much less than the old one.

Grey Kennkarte "true Aryans"

Beginning in 1941, the Nazis began to extradite Kennkarte not only to residents of Germany, but also to persons living in the occupied territory.

On September 15, 1935, the Seventh Congress of the NSDAP adopted the "Reich Citizenship Act" (Reichsbürgergesetz), which introduced a number of serious distinctions between "citizens of the Reich" and people "belonging to the state."

The first, privileged caste included only those who had German or related blood and "by their behavior proved that he was ready and able to serve the German people and the Reich by faith."

The citizen of the Reich was the sole bearer of all political rights. Only citizens under the new law were given a gray Kennkarte so that an official or a policeman could immediately understand that he was a "full-fledged" German who by his very origin had already earned to be treated with respect.

To the lower class of persons "belonging to the state" were considered the inhabitants of the conquered countries. Non-Aryan identification certificates differed in color depending on the ethnicity of the bearer.

Thus, Jews and Gypsies were given yellow Kennkarte, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians and other immigrants from the USSR - blue.

      Blue Kennkarte issued in Ukraine.

In addition, on the left page of the internal spread Kennkarte foreigners "belonging to the Reich" were indicated by letters: R - Russian, B - Belarusian, Z - Gypsy, U - Ukrainian.

For example, on the territory of occupied Ukraine, Kennkarte was issued by the General Governorate of Ukraine and were printed in three languages at once - German, Polish and Ukrainian.

In addition to the certificate, residents of the captured states were required to have an Ausweis for non-Aryans, an Arbeitskarte (work card) and some other documents.

"Jewish" yellow Kennkarte.

It was a little easier for the occupied Poles. They, like ethnic Germans, were given a gray Kennkarte. True, for this, the nobleman had to prove that Aryan blood flowed in his veins, to convince everyone of his loyalty to the Reich (an official statement was enough). Otherwise, they were given blue certificates, similar to those received by Russians and Ukrainians.

However, some upcoming Poles managed to fake Kennkarte gray. According to some estimates, in 1943 in Warsaw alone there were about 150,000 fakes in use, which were mainly purchased by Polish resistance fighters for cover.

Fakes were also in high demand among Polish Jews, who lived much quieter with a gray certificate of a true Aryan than with a yellow card.

In addition, from the German from kennkarta to folkslista (view of German citizenship) - a stone's throw. In general, linden Kennkarte was a very profitable commodity in Poland - on the black market they gave about 500 zlotys. And they were made both in illegal printing houses and in an artisanal way.

After the end of the Second World War, the legislative ban and the dissolution of all fascist organizations, identification cards issued by the Nazis in the early 40s, the authorities of the defeated Germany did not withdraw.

 This document remained valid until the end of the period indicated on the internal spread. Only those certificates issued in 1944 to persons under 20 years of age were subject to premature replacement.

 In this case, the photo of the owner was withdrawn from the document, and its internal spread was crossed out by a thick red line - this meant that Kennkarte was no longer valid.

     Post-war with smeared swastikas.

              Present Day 

Does history teach these inhumans anything?

We answer NO 👎 History has never taught anyone anything. We will repeat history with cycles of 70-100 years. By the way, this is not a big problem to repeat Nuremberg 2 : 0, believe me, Friends, this is only an organizational process for managers, investigators and judges, no more than 😝 

Considering the mentally ill as "persons who do not deserve to exist", doctors and "healers" have created a technical and "scientific" basis, from their point of view, justifying the atrocities committed against these people. Physicians played a significant role in the development of a system aimed at identifying, labeling, transporting and killing hundreds of thousands of mentally ill, as well as persons “nationally and cognitively handicapped” (the first subgroup within this term included Roma and Jews). This system has been implemented in a variety of settings - from centralized mental hospitals to prisons and death camps.

 Involvement of psychiatrists in genocide

 One of the most striking phenomena found during and after the war was the crucial role of psychiatrists in genocide. Many of them took an active part in this process and showed themselves as convinced supporters of the bloody outrage. It is important to be aware of the abuses of Hitler's psychiatrists, ranging from individual actions to large-scale and well-organized events, as this may allow modern doctors to identify the main ethical problems in this area. The crimes of psychiatrists in Hitler's Germany covered a wide range of phenomena from violations of professional ethics to more significant illegal actions from a moral, ethical and social point of view, including within psychiatric hospitals. Among the representatives of other medical specialties, it was psychiatry and psychiatrists who played a leading role in the Nazi mechanism aimed at extermination, from the selection, identification and designation of mentally ill persons to the actual implementation of their destruction, and all these procedures constituted a well-oiled and effectively carried out extermination process. The German eugenics movement was influenced by the “economic crisis, radical nationalism and Hitler’s totalitarianism,” as well as many psychiatrists who wanted to take part in it, and their ideological drive to put Nazi principles into practice. The results of an in-depth analysis of texts concerning the involvement of medicine in Nazi activities indicate that little attention was paid to the role of psychiatrists, in particular, this concerns the materials of international psychiatric journals. Many famous psychiatrists, due to their profession, took an active part in atrocities, most of them were able to obtain high ranks in the Nazi party, and, probably, a significant part of them were involved in the bloodshed. Their activities continued in Nazi extermination camps, where "prominent members" of the profession were personally involved in the selection of hundreds of thousands of Jews to be exterminated, as well as children returned from the gas chambers, for use in horrific medical experiments. Psychiatrists played a significant, if not the main, role in the main crimes against humanity - sterilization and euthanasia.


 Psychiatrists have been a driving force in the development of policies aimed at the forced sterilization of many people deemed unfit for reproduction. One of the creators of this project, implemented after a series of meetings of several leading racial hygienists in Germany, was the distinguished and well-known professor of psychiatry Ernst Rudin. At that time, he served as director of the Munich Psychiatric Institute and chairman of the Association of German Neurologists and Psychiatrists. He is now considered by many to be the "ancestor of psychiatric genetics," and his work is known as the "classics" in this field. In 1932, E. Rudin was elected President of the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations. The following year, he was appointed by the Nazi regime to lead the Society for Racial Hygiene. He called for the forced sterilization of "ballast beings" (ballastexistenzen) and was the author of the officially recognized guidelines for the implementation of the principles of forced sterilization of patients with schizophrenia for eugenic purposes. This law, enacted in July 1933, was based on the recommendations of eugenics scholars who called for the forced sterilization of persons suffering from mental and hereditary diseases. Many scholars acted according to principles that, from their point of view, represented the true interests of society. Thus, medicine became the driving force behind the introduction of eugenics, which became a protective backdrop for racism. Of the 300,000 to 400,000 sterilized individuals, approximately 60% were found to be suffering from mental illness. Diagnoses considered to warrant sterilization included schizophrenia, cyclothymia, hereditary epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, and mental retardation.


 By the time of the formal closure in 1941, when the phase of the extermination operation by gas poisoning was officially terminated (the unofficial implementation of the program continued for several years later), 70,273 people with various forms of mental illness had been killed in the name of racial hygiene and medicine. The exact number became known thanks to careful record keeping by the committee leading the operation. Thousands of children with somatic and neurological diseases were killed. The renowned professor of psychiatry and chief expert on euthanasia, Max de Crinis, even warned that few people would want to study psychiatry after the euthanasia project, as there will be almost no patients. Likewise, Karl Schneider, a leading professor of psychiatry and chairman of the Nazi Party's Racial Policy Administration, warned against the possibility of psychiatry becoming a field of extinction and "bankruptcy" due to sterilization and euthanasia. The chief psychiatrists of Nazi Germany were the mainstay of this process. They selected psychiatric institutions and potential victims for "euthanasia", directed the bureaucratic system towards the official legalization of murder, and also selected and recommended executioners. Professor of psychiatry and director of the Gorden Psychiatric Hospital, Hans Heinze, was appointed to the highest expert committee overseeing the implementation of the euthanasia program, which used various types of morphine injections, cyanide poisoning, chemical warfare agents, executions and starvation. Many of these murders took place within the confines of various psychiatric hospitals, including well-known institutions such as those in Bernburg, Brandenburg, Grafeneck, Hartheim, Sonnenstein and Gadamar. All psychiatric hospitals gave quick and tacit consent to provide lists of patients who had been in the hospital for more than 5 years, mentally deranged offenders and disabled persons. It should be noted that against the background of the main activity of the euthanasia program only within psychiatric institutions, it was hardly possible to achieve potential "success" without the involvement of the outpatient link and cooperation with privately practicing psychiatrists. They took on the task of identifying and compiling lists of relevant individuals, who were subsequently placed in these institutions for euthanasia. The exact number of psychiatrists who participated in this initial phase of the euthanasia process remains unknown, however, judging by the scale of the program they were involved in, it can be concluded that the number of these doctors was undoubtedly large ... The euthanasia program has officially ended its existence in 1941, another 1 million patients were starved to death in German psychiatric hospitals from 1942 to 1945, while the number of murders committed by psychiatrists did not decrease. For example, of the 3,950 mentally ill people who were in the Meseritz-Obravalde psychiatric hospital in 1944, 3,814 died before the end of the war, many during the first weeks after admission to the hospital as a result of the administration of scopolamine. The euthanasia program was (officially) eliminated, but gas chambers disguised as showers were used in psychiatric institutions in Germany. They were then re-installed in the east to carry out large-scale genocidal operations, mainly aimed at exterminating Jews, in the camps of Auschwitz (Auschwitz), Balzec, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka. Psychiatric institutions also served as a liaison between an earlier euthanasia program and the subsequent large-scale extermination of Jews and other categories of people (eg, homosexuals) in the process of racial cleansing and murder of "unwanted" people. After the outbreak of war in 1939, the process of enforcing Nazi racial hygiene (originally introduced in psychiatric institutions) transformed from a program to control reproduction, marriage, and the murder of individuals whose lives were deemed "not worthy of existence" to large-scale extermination. and the extermination of persons regarded as a "biological" threat to the German nation.

"Pillars" of the profession

 In his work, often quoted by prominent leaders of Nazi Germany, A. Hohe argued that "the principle that justifies murder must be applied to the terminally ill ... The right to life must be earned and justified, and not recognized as a dogmatic postulate." Hohe stated that the existence of persons incapable of human senses ("ballast beings" and "emptiness in a shell"), i.e. inmates of psychiatric institutions has no meaning and value. Therefore, they do not deserve the right to life, their destruction is not only justified, but also humane. V. Heide was also directly involved in the process of identifying among the prisoners of concentration camps persons who are disabled and, therefore, subject to extermination as unfit in the future. After the war, W. Heide continued to practice as a psychiatrist, but he committed suicide while in his prison cell, where he was placed in 1961. During the war, another famous psychiatrist, Professor Paul Nietzsche from the state clinic, took over his position as head of the euthanasia program. in Sonnenstein, who perfected the killing process in a clinical setting by intravenous drug administration. Another psychiatrist who played a major role in this process was Dr. Hermann Pfannmuller, director of the renowned Eglfing Haar Pediatric Institute. He openly praised himself for accomplishing the gradual extermination of "unwanted children" by hunger, which, in his words, was "the simplest method." Professor Max de Crinis, head of the psychiatry department at Berlin's Charite Hospital, was also a distinguished psychiatrist and one of the country's respected scientists, an active member of the SS movement, who was believed to have provided Hitler with the wording for his decree on euthanasia and planned the program for its implementation. Dr. Karl Schneider, director of the psychiatric clinic at the University of Heidelberg, has played a significant role in the sterilization and murder of the mentally ill in clinical settings. He led a research unit in Wiesloch, where experiments were carried out on mentally ill patients to study the anatomical structure of their brains after euthanasia. Another very famous and influential psychiatrist, a member of the Nazi party, was Dr. Ernst Rudin, professor emeritus and director of the influential Research Institute for Psychiatry under the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in Munich. Considered the author of Hitler's policy on genetic research, aimed at purifying the race and sterilizing, he often praised the SS for its focus on the ultimate goal of "creating a special group of healthy people of the German Nordic type, superior to others in health." Several prominent professors in psychiatry were involved in the activities and politics of Nazi Germany, such as Professors Oswald Bumke and Hans Burger-Prinz (Dean of the Hamburg Medical Institute). Despite the "merit" of psychiatrists (as well as other members of the medical profession), only one doctor was elected to head the extermination camp for Jews. This macabre role was played by the psychiatrist Dr. Imfried Eberl, who was appointed commandant of the Treblinka concentration camp when it opened in 1942. He was previously the clinical director of one of the psychiatric institutions near Magdeburg (Bernburg), where the murders of the mentally ill were formerly carried out. I. Eberl was ordered to "patrol" the Treblinka concentration camp in a white medical coat and to check that a doctor (himself or someone else) was in the room with the naked prisoners before being sent to the gas chamber to calm them down by the "presence of a doctor." He facilitated the introduction of poison gas as a highly effective method of extermination in numerous extermination camps. With the massive participation of psychiatrists in Nazi activities, there were isolated cases of resistance and even refusal to cooperate, for example, from doctors Karl Bonhoeffer, Martin Hochl, Hans Creutzfeldt and Gottfried Ewald. In 1940, in a letter sent to the heads of psychiatric departments of German universities, Dr. Jasperson of Bethel expressed an extreme protest against the euthanasia of the mentally ill, which was ignored. What explains the actions of psychiatrists and the choice of the mentally ill? Ever since the development of the principles of eugenics (translated from the Greek. "Healthy from birth", or "noble") by François Galton in 1865, mentally ill people began to be used as objects of research in this area. Thus, psychiatrists and psychiatry as a science have been involved in eugenics since its inception. It is important to note that this movement was not limited to Germany; eugenics advocates were known in other countries of the world, especially in England and the United States. The Nazi experience was an extreme perversion of the concept of eugenics, which already existed (at least at the level of concepts) in the minds of many psychiatrists. It is possible that it was with eugenics that the prosperity of medical science in Germany was associated, the active funding of research in this area, as well as the creation of several new institutes and laboratories, whose activities were aimed at creating biological and clinical developments capable of solving serious economic and social problems. Probably, eugenics and genetics could act as a "way of salvation" for a country in a difficult situation. Thus, psychiatry acquired the status of the main medical specialty involved in the racial hygiene program, since the Nazi ideology regarding race and eugenics, which was widely adopted by German psychiatrists, was especially aimed at the mentally ill for the purpose of sterilization and euthanasia. The role of psychiatry and the involvement of psychiatrists, in turn, was considered a legitimate basis for a scientific basis justifying the "therapeutic methods of eugenics", which constituted the core of the national health policy and the racial policy of the Nazis. Even before the involvement of psychiatrists in the activities of the Nazi regime, the main role and importance of racial hygiene was emphasized by Eugen Blair at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite the existence of other examples of the involvement of psychiatrists in illegal acts from a socio-ethical point of view (including, for example, the imprisonment of their wives by their husbands by placing them in psychiatric hospitals in the 19th century or the unjustified use of lobotomies in the middle of the 20th century), few of them reached the same degree of immorality as in Nazi Germany. However, previously unheard of in the history of the psychiatric profession, the specific nature and degree of abuse by psychiatrists in Nazi Germany between 1943 and 1945 indicate that psychiatrists may be at high risk of ethical violations due to already familiar ideas in society about their role and power, and getting used to them.

 Memory of past events for the future of the profession

 German psychiatry still bears the stain of a cruel past that cannot be eradicated. It is clear that psychiatrists have never been instructed to kill or facilitate death of persons with neurological impairment and mental illness. They carried out these actions themselves, often on their own initiative and without any protest. These actions are shocking, but in order to avoid such phenomena in the future, we have no right to forget the past.

 Consilium Medicum Portal .


- Who, in your opinion, this powerful old man 👴 Oh, be silent and do not say stupid things, you can not know this world's poor. He is a giant of thought, the father of American democracy and a person close to Emperor David Rockefeller and Prince Rothschild of Lithuania on the maternal side of Klaus Schwab.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done ✊🏿

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