Oval terrorists have embarked on real blackmail. 

All White House staff received the email.

"Good evening, Earlier this evening, President Biden announced that he had signed an Executive Order requiring federal executives to be fully vaccinated. This requirement will apply to all employees of the Presidential Administration, except in limited circumstances where the employee is legally entitled to a reasonable refusal on disability or religious objections.


Vaccines are safe, simple, and free – and approved or approved by the FDA. More than 96 percent of the presidential administration staff on the White House campus are already fully vaccinated. This high vaccination rate is paramount to keeping our campus safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

If you are not vaccinated, we recommend that you visit to find more information about where to get the vaccine.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping our campus safe. Anne Filipik, Assistant to the President, Director of Management and Administration, Director of Administration.

If you thought that you had seen everything already in your life, then we assure you this is only the beginning of oval criminals puppets. 

Oval terrorists are clearly working with the Communists of China 🇨🇳 and are de facto in commercial collusion. 

And this data is another evidence from the hundreds we have already obtained and this is another reason not to take this deadly poison ☠️ injection of gene therapy BigPharma, in Pfizer.

They 🇨🇳Sin-National shareholders, there are too many of these narrow-eyed communists, more than shareholders from any other country. 

Baiden 4 December 2020:

"No, I don't think [vaccines] should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand that it be mandatory..."

Biden warns Biden on September 8, 2021, of unvaccinated Americans. : 

"Our patience is running out",


Сonnection with this passage of the chief orderly of the oval vagina recalls the history of the dictatorships of the world, remember the communists of the USSR, the fascists of Italy, the Nazis of Germany. The old man 👴 you stand in the same criminal row with Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mao, Kimersen and other world evil spirits. You disgraced your people and the United States 🇺🇸. You're a liar, a traitor, and a war criminal. 

U.S. governors 🇺🇸 are united against mandatory vaccination announced by the chief forest nurse 🌳 

Biden's plan to combat the COVID surge caused by the Delta variant was announced Thursday, and it immediately drew an angry reaction from anti-vaccination governors, what they defined as "unconstitutional," "power grab," "government abuse." To your attention, Friends, a list of reactions to the Bpaden vaccination of just a few governors:

🚩ALYASKA is the governor. Mike Dunlyvey may include: 

"It's ridiculous and impossible. If only there ever been a case in favor of the 25th Amendment..."

🚩ARCANZAS is the governor. Asa Hutchinson may refer to: 

"I fully support ongoing efforts to increase vaccination rates across our country, but the federal government's authority over private business is not the right answer. I have consistently advocated the freedom of business to demand vaccination from my employees, and I have opposed the government claiming that businesses cannot enjoy this freedom. The same principle should protect the private sector from excessive government interference, which requires them to vaccinate all employees."

🚩ALABAMA is the governor. Ki Ivy

"Again, the PRESIDENT missed. His outrageous, excessive powers will no doubt be challenged in the courts."

🚩ARIZON is the governor. Doug Ducey

"This is exactly the kind of big coup d'état that we tried so hard to prevent in Arizona — now the Biden-Harris administration is striking an unprecedented and dangerous blow to private business and individual freedoms. This will never be proven in court. This dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American, and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many children will not be allowed into classes? How many businesses will be and have already been fined? The vaccine is there and should be the choice. We must and will resist."

🚩Joorgia. Government. Brian Kemp

"I will use every legal opportunity available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly illegal abuse of power by the Biden administration."

🚩AIOVA - Governor Kim Reynolds

Biden's plan will only exacerbate our labor shortages and further limit our economic recovery. As I've said all along, I believe Iowomen will make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. It's time for President Biden to do the same. Stop it. Enough with us."

🚩IDAHO is the governor. Brad Little

"President Biden's actions today amount to an abuse of government authority. The government should stay away as much as possible from decisions affecting employers and their employees. I have spoken out and advocated for fewer government regulations and mandates regarding business."

🚩MONTANA is the governor. Greg Gianforte

"President Biden's vaccination mandate is illegal and un-American. We are committed to protecting the freedoms and freedoms of Montanaans from this brutal federal interference."

🚩Souri State is governor. Mike Parson

"Vaccination protects us from serious diseases, but the decision to vaccinate is a private health decision that must remain so. My administration will always fight federal power grabs and government abuses that threaten to curtail our freedoms."

🚩MISSIPPI is the governor. Tate Reeves

"The president does not have the authority to require Americans to inject themselves because of their employment in private business. The vaccine itself saves lives, but this unconstitutional move is terrible. It's still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants."

🚩NEBRASKA is the governor. Pete Ricketts

"Nebraska will withstand president Biden's onslaught, and we will work with the attorney general to explore all of our options."

🚩OKLAHOMA is the governor. Kevin Stitt

"My administration will continue to defend Oklahoma's values and fight against federal interference by the Biden administration."

🚩SYRUZHNAYA CAROLINA is the governor. Henry McMaster

"Rest assured, we will fight them [President Biden and the radical Democrats] to the very gates of hell to protect the freedom and livelihood of every South Carolinian."

🚩SYRUZH DAKOTA is the governor. Christy Noem

"South Dakota will stand up for freedom. Joe will see you in court."

🚩TEHAS is the governor. Greg Abbott

"Biden's vaccination mandate is an attack on private business. I issued an Executive Order protecting the right of Texans to choose whether they will receive the COVID vaccine and added it to the agenda of the special session. Texas is already working to stop this power grab."

🚩TENNESSE is the governor. Bill Lee

"It's not about freedom" is a phrase that should never come from the mouth of the President of the United States. The Constitution will not allow such a seizure of power, and in the meantime I will stand up for the interests of all Tennessees."

🚩Hut UTAH is the governor. Spencer Cox

"Vaccination is the most important thing people can do right now to protect themselves and our community and reduce the spread of the Delta Option. While we support efforts to encourage vaccination, we have serious concerns about the legality of this order."

🚩WYOMING is the governor. Mark Gordon

"I have asked the Attorney General to be willing to take all actions to counter the unconstitutional abuse of executive power by this administration. This has no place in America. Not now, not ever again."

U.S. COVID19 vaccines that have proven to do more harm than good based on basic clinical trial data analyzed using a proper scientific endpoint, "All Cause Severe Morbidity." Trends in Internal Medicine, July 2021

Based on these data, it is safe to say that mass immunization against covid is detrimental to the health of the general population. Scientific principles dictate that mass immunization with vaccines must be stopped immediately because we face the looming public health catastrophe caused by the vaccine.

It is a plan to create a catastrophe in all spheres, ranging from the collapse of medicine, agriculture and famine. This is a unified plan of the communist terrorists of the NWO.


Leaders of the destruction of their own population. Let us greet the best among the best Comrades Communists. Israel with its socialist indicators of false COVID19, Britain 🇬🇧 with its stat, Gibraltar with its stat🇬🇮, is joined by communist Cuba 🇨🇺. ☠️ HURRAH 🙌 

The graph shows the COVID mortality rate in Cuba. You can easily guess when Cuba started its "own" syringe killing program 💉 

💉☠️ First results of booster vaccines: 10 percent of side effects, including death and 2 resuscitations. 

North Rhine Medical Commission:

" (as of 07.09.2021)... In Oberhausen, after 90 repeated vaccinations ... there were serious complications, including one death and 2 resuscitations.

In total, out of 90 vaccinated, 9 became seriously ill, mainly with cardiopulmonary problems..."

💉In fascist Australia, the administration is hiring people, in the probing of the COVID Karen team, who are supposed to spy on people and interrogate them about their personal reasons for leaving home.

Pure fascism, everything is like the Nazis, trained dogs will now sniff people's muzzles. They have trained these dogs for a long time at most airports.

Fascist Australia, the country of the victorious NWO communism, is openly and proudly talked about from TV screens 📺 demonstrates its new concentration camps for internees under the guise of false COVID19.

Cobra and One Betta will conduct their shifts by sniffing the muzzles of people/employees passing through the checkpoint in order to detect the presence of the virus in sweat, breathing and smells due to the metabolic changes that the virus causes in the human body. If a dog signals the smell of the virus on a person, that person will be asked to undergo a rapid covid test.

Oh my God, dogs 🐕 will now check people's muzzles. It's a complete pussy 😝

Scientists and Doctors warn of mortality for the population and the criminality of the introduction of mandatory vaccination.

🚩"By introducing mandatory vaccines for everyone, the White House pandemic plan does not recognize that prior Covid gives stronger and longer-lasting immunity than vaccines. So it's a stretch to call it 'science-based.'"

—Dr. Martin Kuldorf, Ph.D., epidemiologist at Harvard University (September 9, 2021)

🚩"Covid-19 vaccination campaigns in the midst of a pandemic will inevitably lead to options that are more infectious and eventually become resistant to vaccines. The smaller the population and the faster mass vaccination campaigns are launched, the faster infection, morbidity and mortality rates will rise."

—Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, (March 6, 2021)

🚩"There can be no doubt that the losses to human lives, health and health systems will be much greater if we allow nature to correct our gigantic mistake. And even though herd immunity will finally be established, it may be much more fragile and heterogeneous for many years to come than the one that would have been established after a natural pandemic."—Dr. Gert Vanden Bossche, Professor of DVM (August 12, 2021)

🚩"It is no longer possible to believe most of the published studies or rely on the judgments of "reliable" doctors or "authoritative" recommendations. I am not pleased with this conclusion, which I reluctantly came to after 2 decades as an editor."Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of NEJM (2009)

🚩"[Doctors] are bought by [pharmaceutical companies] not only in medical practice, but also in teaching and research. Academic institutions of this country allow themselves to be paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. It's shameful."

- Dr. Arnold Relman, former editor of NEJM (2002) 

By leaps and bounds to 

North Korean communism and grasshopper meat 😂

The Netherlands Rothschild fiefdom proposes to FORCE farmers to SELL LAND and livestock to combat greenhouse gas emissions 

Rothschild puppets, in the person or most likely the ass of Dutch officials, have developed proposals to reduce the country's livestock population by 30% to combat climate change. If necessary, farmers can even be forced to sell their land to the state. 

This comes after a Dutch court found that the government was not doing enough to reduce excess nitrogen levels.

The Netherlands is home to one of Europe's largest livestock industries, with more than 100 million head of cattle, chickens and pigs. It is also the largest meat exporter in the EU.

Meanwhile, the head of the Food and Beverage Federation warned that the days when shoppers get everything they want are "over," addressing supply chain concerns, Wright said, "Things are going to get worse and it's not going to improve anytime soon after deterioration."

Chinese Communists Fascists of Australia On the March of 🥁 

A good communist is a dead ☠️ a communist is a fascist 

🇦🇺🦠💉 Australian Prime Minister of Victoria Dan Andrews said that the authorities intend to "block" unvaccinated people from participating in the economy. 🙀👁️ 

He called it the "vaccine economy." The statement stressed that vaccines are used as a tool to control the population: unvaccinated citizens should be blocked from accessing health care, social activities and the economy as a whole.

"If you choose not to get vaccinated, you're making the wrong choice." – Dan Andrews

All this comes at a time when Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, is experiencing the highest wave of infection with the Chinese virus due to the low effectiveness of vaccines. De facto, this is the implementation of the Chinese scenario of a totalitarian society and social rating.

🇦🇺 Welcome to Auschwitz Australia - a prison wonder island and a platform for testing new methods to combat its own population.

But after all, this country was conceived aka the prison colony of Great Britain. In 1788, 11 English ships arrived there with prisoners on board. The prisoners became the first European inhabitants of the island and founded the city of Sydney.

The dispatch of convicts from the United Kingdom continued for many decades. Well, in the 20th century, Australia became an elite Mecca for immigrants.

... And what, convenient. A suitable platform for experiments. Far away, you will not escape, the people are mostly immigrants, selected and ironed, ready to comply with all the new rules and regulations invented by the authorities.

Sandra Spence is waiting for us on the beach and the meeting place cannot be changed 🚫 1950. 


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