Head of Australian Public Health: "... we'll see what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order."😂

The roof of your house.



We all hurry for miracles

But there is nothing more wonderful than

Than that earth under heaven

Where is the roof of your house

Where is the roof of your house.


And if suddenly you feel sad

That sadness doesn't mean anything.

When you know what's under the sun

There is a roof of your house

There is a roof of your house.



In an in no time of disappointment any

Disappear all to one

Just remember the blue stars

Over the roof of your house

Over the roof of your house.



The world is full of joy and happiness

But the land of the native mile of all

And it's so wonderful to come back.

Under the roof of his house

Under the roof of his house.


Grandpa 👴, who exactly funds your CDC? The list of "celebrities" in our version is made up of a huge list from their website:








-Bank of Commerce

-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation



-Cambridge University Press


-Charles Schwabb Corp

-Cisco Systems

-Citi Bank

-Coca Cola 


-CNN/ Time Warner



-Data Processing Management Inc


-Delta Airlines

-Diazyme Labs


-E.T. enterprises







-General Electric

-General Mills

-General Motors


-Government of Canada

-Hampton Inn

-Hilton Hotels



-Infectious Disease Counsultants Inc


-Johnson and Johnson




-Liberty Mutual


- MailChimp








-NY society of Infectious Diseases


-NorthAmerican Vaccine Inc



-Oxford University



-Proctor&Gamble (PG)


-Quaker Oats

-Quest Diagnostics












-Trojan Condoms







- WHO-World Health Communications Inc

Do you understand Grandpa 👴 these companies have played a role in the deceitful pandemic? Aren't you extremely worried about all of them private companies have benefited greatly from this over the last year and a half? Do you understand Grandpa?! 

ALL of these corporations should be immediately investigated for violations of U.S. criminal law 🇺🇸, U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸, and conflicts of interest! 
Send Grandfather a team of intensive care and qualified diagnosticians, we are worried about his well-being. 

So, you've already been told in plain text where everyone is going. What does the New World Order (war communism fascism) mean and how it is achieved, I think, about everyone knows. 

That's all you can do: jail and block the truth. TV 📺 the U.S. 🇺🇸 this is the true evil of 🦹 🦹‍♀️  and shit 💩 ⬇️🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

MURDER BY INJECTION. The story of the medical conspiracy against America. 


... The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew they had already plundered America... I was able to document the shocking story of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famine, economic depression, revolution, and war, but also benefit most from their manipulation of our medical care.

Medical historians have finally come to the reluctant conclusion that the great "epidemic" of the 1918 flu was caused by the exclusively widespread use of vaccines. This was the first war in which vaccination was mandatory for all military personnel. The Boston Herald reported that forty-seven soldiers were killed in one month as a result of vaccination. As a result, military hospitals were filled not with wounded, but with victims of the vaccine. The epidemic was called the "Spanish flu", which was deliberately misleading to hide its origin. This influenza epidemic has claimed the lives of 20 million people; Those who survived refused the vaccine. In recent years, the annual recurring influenza epidemics have been called the "Russian flu." For some reason, the Russians never protest, perhaps because the Rockefellers regularly travel to Moscow to lay out the party line.

The danger of vaccination was already known. Plain Talk notes that "During the Franco-Prussian War, every German soldier was vaccinated. As a result of smallpox, 53,288 healthy men became ill. Mortality was high."

In what is now known as the "Great Swine Flu Massacre," United States President Gerald Ford was involved to persuade the public to go through a national vaccination campaign. The driving force behind the scheme was an unexpected profit of $135 million for major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine that suspicious pig farmers refused to touch for fear it might destroy their crops. Producers were only trying to get $80 million from pig farmers; by abandoning this sale, they turned to another market, to the people.

The impetus for the creation of a national vaccine against swine flu was given directly by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. Perhaps coincidentally, Jimmy Carter, a member of the Trilateral Commission, was then planning his presidential campaign in Georgia. Incumbent President Gerald Ford had all the benefits of a massive bureaucracy that helped him on his campaign, while the little-known and little-known Jimmy Carter posed no serious threat in the election.


David does not need to go, he has two offices in Moscow. One next to the American Embassy, the second opposite the Kremlin with an underground tunnel for a secret room. 

Children are taught: Rockefeller is great that he saves everyone

In this spelling curriculum, Friends, it is reported that Rockefeller is a very good person who helps everyone, and does not even miss the current Negro and medical moments.

"John D. Rockefeller was very rich. He gave a lot of his money. He helped found several colleges. He opened a high school for African Americans[negroes]. He also took care of people's health. Hookworms were a big problem in the South. Thousands of people fell ill because of them. Due to illness, it was difficult for children to teach. John launched a program that helped get rid of hookworm. It's made many lives better."

What a pussy, the States have reached Marxism - Communism - Fascism. 

💰 The famous American billionaire investor and hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman believes that the economic finish is still a year or a little more, but when it breaks, the fall will be rapid:

🥁"If you don't understand Bitcoin, it means you're old. I am 78 years old. I'm old. I don't get it. I would be very careful with btc. It doesn't make much sense, and if you're nervous about the world's gold, for me this would be the best place to store valuables."

🥁"I see a lot of negativity in this interest rate policy. Now cyclical conditions favor the market."

🥁"There are no stabilizing forces in the market right now. It's all machine-driven. We're not going to go into recession anytime soon. It's still at least a year before that. Maybe longer."

🥁"When the market finally goes down, it will move so fast that you get dizzy"


😈Today, 9/9/21, the Soros family is just relaxing with nancy Pelosi's evil squil. There's nothing to look at .

Soros' son Sanek supports the old woman in the elections:

"We believe in Pelosi! It was nice to meet." 😂

It would be worth taking care of something else altogether. 

NWO in plain text. 

Head of Australian Public Health: "... we'll see what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order."😂


So, you've already been told in plain text where everyone is going. What does the New World Order (war communism fascism) mean and how it is achieved, I think, about everyone knows. 




               UN 🇺🇳

There are 13 spikelets in each ear – 13 tribes of Israel. 

33 sectors of the globe – 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Compared with the copper serpent on the tomb of Moses on Mount HEAVEN, a holy place, a corner of the earth that is mentioned in the Bible, which became the alleged place of death of the prophet Moses, and most importantly the place where God showed him the Promised Land.

U.S. 🇺🇸 Homeland of Bioterrorism terrorism 19-21


💉 Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said forcing Tucson to vaccinate all employees is illegal, giving the city 30 days to cancel it or risk losing millions of dollars in government funding.

Brnovic cited a state law approved this summer that prohibits local governments from introducing mandatory vaccines to employees. 

☠️ At least 10 people have died in a fire at a temporary hospital for #COVID19 patients in the northern Macedonian city of Tetsovo, the country's health minister said on Wednesday.

"At the moment, it is confirmed that ten people died as a result of the fire, but their number may increase. It's a very sad day," Health Minister Venko Filipche wrote on Twitter.

It's unclear how many patients were in the hospital when the fire broke out around 9 p.m. 

💉🐏The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Wednesday listed Guyin-Barré syndrome as a "very rare" side effect of an injection from AstraZeneca covid. This comes just weeks after the nervous disorder was listed by the EMA and FDA as a possible side effect for another adenovirus-based vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson.

In an update published Wednesday, the EMA said a causal link between an adenovirus-based vaccine and Guyin-Barré syndrome (GBS) "is considered at least a reasonable possibility" and therefore this condition should be added to product information as a side effect of the vaccine.

🇺🇸🐏😷In the meantime, returning to the states, Los Angeles will be the first major county to administer the Covid vaccine to students.

The Los Angeles Unified School District is expected to become the first major district in America to authorize COVID19 vaccination for students 12 years of age or older.

If the exam is passed, students 12 years of age and older will need to receive the first dose of the vaccine by 21 November and the second dose by 19 December to participate in face-to-face education, allowing schools to start the next semester with a fully vaccinated group of eligible children.

The school board said that "the Los Angeles Joint Board of Education will vote at its next meeting on whether vaccines should be administered to all eligible students. Science clearly shows that vaccination is an integral part of protecting our communities. More details will be provided after the vote."

The Los Angeles Unified School District, America's second-largest with more than 600,000 students, has some of the strictest Covid prevention measures in the country, including mandatory masks for all students, staff and campus visitors, daily health checks, and a school testing program that screens every student and employee weekly.

🤡💉DHS calls those who question Covid shots "extremists, violent domesticists."

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released a new bulletin from the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) that reports that if Americans question and challenge COVID19 injection requirements, they are considered potential "violent extremists in the family" (DVE). Interestingly, as the U.S. approaches the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, NTAS mentions a terrorist questioning BigPharma and its products fed to the plebs, but does not refer to Muslim extremism as ter. threat and almost no mention of al-Qaeda.

The Secretary of Homeland Security made this statement, making it the official position of the Biden government. The NTAS bulletin states: "These threats include threats emanating from domestic terrorists, individuals and groups involved in complaint-based violence. Such threats are also exacerbated by the consequences of the ongoing global pandemic, including dissatisfaction with public health security measures and perceived government restrictions."


🇺🇸 The woman who drained classified documents to BuzzFeed News about corruption in the U.S. Treasury that sparked a massive global investigation is now in prison.

Former Treasury Department official Natalie "May" Edwards said she was an informant who sent reports to BuzzFeed News about suspicious activity in the Treasury after her futile attempts to work through legitimate channels. Her actions formed the basis of the global investigation of FinCEN Files.

Edwards drained the documents to BuzzFeed News reporter Jason Leopold in an attempt to expose corruption after futile attempts to work through official channels.

"I did it for the American people," she said in an interview. "My motive was responsibility, and the American people had a right to know what was going on at the Treasury Department and that it was a national security issue and that American lives were in danger."

The information she provided to BuzzFeed News formed the basis of the FinCEN Files investigation project, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, the highest award in journalism.

But many in the U.S. are unfamiliar with Edwards and as a result, calling her a "forgotten whistleblower," the Washington Post in July described her as "one of the most important whistleblowers of our era, and yet almost no one remembers her name."

Edwards was sentenced in June after pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to unsoliy disclose suspicious activity reports, SAR (banks send these documents to the federal government to alert authorities to potential criminal activity).

In June, just over a week after Edwards' sentencing, Columbia University's Pulitzer Council named the project a finalist in the international reporting category "for a massive reporting project that exposed the current role of some of the world's largest banks in the financial sector, in facilitating international money laundering and trafficking in goods and human beings, corruption that continues to take place in regulators around the world.

Despite the fact that she lost her freedom and most, if not all, of her family's finances, Edwards claims that she regrets nothing, believing that her actions will help prevent future criminals and terrorists. 

"I'm absolutely proud of what I did," she said, "and I know that American lives have been saved."

After her arrest and as a result of legal fees, Edwards and her husband said they lost their home, car and health insurance. 

"The impact from a financial standpoint has been devastating," Dave Edwards said. It emptied her accounts, her savings, everything."

"Instead of the government doing its job," she said, "they decided to take up the whistleblower."

Prosecutors said Edwards acted "indiscriminately" with her leaks and was "blinded by her own apparent sense of complacency." They also called her disclosure "unprecedented in finCEN's history," as it sent Leopold about 50,000 documents, including 2,000 SAR, and launched a search of internal systems at his request during the year. 

In fact, the woman accomplished the feat and got off very easily. Usually, people who do what she did die. Such was the fate of Sett Rich, the most famous victim of the Clinton clan.

The ex-employee of the AMERICAN Ministry of Finance was sentenced to six months in prison.

Hackers HACKED into the United Nations using stolen credentials earlier this year

Hackers successfully infiltrated UN computer networks in 2021 and reportedly "escaped with a bunch of data" that could potentially be used to target institutions within the organization. The breach was discovered by Resecurity, a cybersecurity firm that claims hackers gained access to UN systems on April 5 and were still ACTIVE online as of Aug. 7.

The attackers gained access using the stolen username and password of a UN employee, credentials apparently acquired on the dark web.

Communist officials and UN officials informed the security service – after they reported the hack – that only screenshots had been taken as a result of the hack. 


Most likely they lie again, this is a common practice of communists - fascists to lie even in a dream 💤 

 U.S. 🇺🇸 Homeland of Bioterrorism terrorism 19-21


Mortality in Britain after vaccination has increased 10 times and 70% of deaths are left vaccinated

Journalist Alex Berenson analyzed another of the most vaccinated countries in the world (besides Israel) - the United Kingdom. 

It is known that in another most vaccinated country in the world, 🇮🇱Israel, vaccines gave the opposite of the expected result - hospitalizations, covid cases, deaths after vaccination only increased. 

Britain is much larger than Israel, with a population density similar to the US. And Britain is almost as heavily vaccinated as Israel, having already reached the lines set by Big Pharma's puppets in the United States. The results were shocking..:

"To the vaccine fanatics who say, Israel, Israel, who cares, Israel is tiny, ah-aha...", Alex tweeted. The UK, with a population of 65 million people, ~80% of the fully vaccinated adult population, is very much on the wrong track. Mortality has increased 10 times – yes, ten times – compared to this period last year. Cases are rising again. More than 70% of deaths occur in vaccinated people, and this percentage continues to grow. And, of course, the overall mortality from all causes is also growing." 

Like many of us, Friends, who are trying to spread the truth about everything, including the BigPharma vaccines and the entire Rothschild-Swab covid story from start to finish, Berenson is swimming against the tide and being attacked in the same way that we are all being attacked. 

Does it make sense in the future, Friends, when the plebs in the West are presented with evidence showing why they should be vaccinated? No. Obviously, the data already shows that there's no way you can get a vaccine there. They were just told to shut up and get a shot. All the data manipulated by Big Pharma indicates that their vaccines not only just don't work, they're dangerous. 

Predictably, Dorsey blocked the journalist's Twitter account after his thred about vaccines and COVID statistics in Britain. 


But there were his screenshots, which managed to save))

The horrors that took place on Epstein's Pedo Island are likely to remain under the thud.

In order for victims of the king of pedophilia, Gates' friend, eugenicist and slave trader Jeffrey Epstein to receive compensation under the Property Compensation Program, they must waive their right to testify against Gislen Maxwell.

The Epstein estate has paid $125 million (so far) to about 150 individuals under this court-approved "voluntary compensation program."

With just under a million dollars per victim in mind, they have already silenced 150 witnesses who might otherwise testify against Gislen Maxwell or in one of the 7 other lawsuits still in place against Epstein.

It is sad that with the help of "compensation funds" hide the horrors that occurred on the island.

This compensation program was developed by Jordana Feldman, who served as deputy special manager of the corrupt September 11 Victims Compensation Fund, and Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw the same September 11 Fund and the Catholic Church's Sexual Abuse "Compensation" Fund.

They stupidly bribe the victims. Gates will remain in the shadows, but with the pedophilia of Prince Andrew is not yet clear and the question is still open.

💉🇺🇸🤡Mayer of New York flirts with the Children.

The mayor of New York City tells the kids that they will receive a limited edition marvel comic if they get a BigPharma shot. According to this adult psychopath, who carries absolute nonsense and looks more like a pedophile flirting with children here, children will be like avengers fighting evil if they get pricked. 🤦🏽 😂


At the same time, the only evil that needs to be fought is such freaks as himself, pushing poison ☠️ in the form of eugenics, mRNA, graphene nanotechnology.

🇺🇸🇨🇳made in china

Images of Facebook and Ray-Ban "smart glasses" leaked to the network. Glasses don't have AR (augmented reality), they're two-camera network glasses to collect even more data about the behavior of their users and about everyone and everything they look at. AI requires a bigdat about everything.

Uncle Bibik's Israel with its Covid terrorism, Britain with its Uncle Bori's terrorism with its statue is joined by Gibraltar 🇬🇮 

Since June 1, Gibraltar's vaccination rate has been 99 per cent. The consequence has been a daily 2500 percent increase in COVID19 cases. 

What do you think, Friends, what do these people think in our materials? 

We are thinking about whether the address will be able to accept and accommodate everyone who wants to sit on this bench. 


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