The status of the material is State crimes and personalization of defendants - war state criminals of US citizens ๐บ๐ธ and citizens of other jurisdictions.

"The Limit of Growth"
In 1972, the Club of Rome published the sensational report "The Limits of Growth," which explicitly reveals racist ideas based on Malthus's philosophy that populations tend to grow faster than the means of production. Therefore, the working classes, the poor, are doomed to live on the verge of starvation if they do not observe strict sexual abstinence.

Creed technology implementation: 5 stages of implementation

They need our help, Friends, and so they seduce us at first. They need to move the population up that curve. We are herded into a herd and used to help build a prison for us.

The technology adoption curve is a bell curve model that describes how different people react, understand, and adopt new innovative products and technologies. While there are many adaptations of the original model, the spread of Everett Rogers' innovations is immersed in the characteristics of each of the five categories of users within the technology adoption lifecycle: innovators, early users, early majority, late majority, and lagging behind.

Do not underestimate the enemy. People talk a lot about the vaccine passport, but they don't talk about the digital currency that is designed to complete coups d'รฉtat in nation-states with the installation of a totalitarian regime similar to war communism on the basis of false medical fascism.

๐คก Coincidence?
Covidien is a global medical products and medical devices and consumables company headquartered in Ireland. Covidien became an independent public company after separating from Tyco International in 2007. It was acquired by Medtronic in a deal that ended in 2015, long before COVID became a household name.

โ ๏ธ The cology of the medical company Kaiser Permanente recalls the wicked family of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz.

It has the sun in front of three people. Both Nimrod and Tammuz are the same character, although Tammuz is a reincarnated form of Nimrod. They are both sun gods according to the beliefs of obscurantists.
Winged Microchip - This is the smallest ever man-made flying structure the size of a grain of sand
Rogers suggests that a huge number of such devices could be dropped from an airplane and abundantly scattered to monitor environmental restoration efforts after a chemical spill or to track air pollution levels at various altitudes [as well as to track diseases and monitor the population.] 0:53
"Most monitoring technologies include mass equipment designed to collect data locally in a small number of locations in the spatial area of interest," he says, "We enumerminous a large number of miniature sensors that can be distributed with high spatial density over large areas to form a wireless network."
The seizure of legitimate constitutional power in nation-states is a plan.
The video shows a queue of starving people who can no longer afford to buy food and are now forced to queue up for food and supplies at different intervals to feed themselves and their families at one of melbourne's hunger charitys.
False restrictions do their job slowly but surely, depriving people of business, jobs, abolishing the middle class and breaking lives and destinies.
It reminds us of documentaries about the Second World War, the city of Berlin, Leningrad. There, people lined up for turnip soup.
And this is happening in the country of the "First World", in the city that not so long ago was named the most suitable place for life in the world, in the city that the David Rockefeller Foundation, one of the main ideologists of the defendants in the special operation, the crown ๐คด 19 included in the list of "sustainable cities". This list includes not everyone who dreamed of it. Melbourne now has a curator from David Rockefeller, the Chief Sustainability Officer (CRO), who influences key local government positions, that is, in fact, directs the actions of the Aboriginal government.
And such an interception of control from national hands to supranational hands occurs with the silence of the media, and right in plain sight, in the heart of the developed world.
Keep an eye out for Australia, soon ๐ it will be very hot ๐ฅต

The Rockefeller Foundation has made Melbourne a "sustainable city" and has a Chief Sustainability Officer (CRO) there who influences key positions of local government.
They also have other positions in the city, and the entire local government was imbued with Rockefeller's plans. According to the documents, the Rockefellers have been preparing Melbourne for the pandemic since 2016. There are also many troubling reports that Rockefeller's globalized police force and mercenary groups linked to blackwthers are already on the ground in Melbourne to stop the protesters. Melbourne was among the top 33 selected cities, 1 in 2 in the Oceania area.
Australian nurses, who still have the strength, responsibility, sense of duty, honour and conscience, and who have the courage to protest in the face of the cruel, sometimes just animal, atrocities of the regime's keepers in blue uniforms, are now holding a silent protest with social distancing so as not to once again anger the dogs, in Melbourne.
And although the police are already dubasing their own citizens in full force, they have no idea what to do with this worthy of all praise women, someone's Mothers, Grandmothers and so on. Meanwhile, these mingled guys in uniform even have a helicopter for this group of nurses!
A coup d'รฉtat (in abbreviation of coups) is the seizure of power in the state, inevitably carried out in violation of the constitutional and legal norms currently in force[1], usually with the use of force to seize the control centers of the state and the implementation of physical isolation (arrest or liquidation) of its current leaders[2].
Etymologically, the "coup" is the same as the revolution: Latin revolutio - turn, coup. However, in political history, the concept of "revolution" is applied to large-scale and lengthy processes ("a deep qualitative change in the development of any phenomena of nature, society or cognition", while the "revolution" is applied actually to the event of the change of power, the consequences of which are not necessarily revolutionary in their scale. A similar relationship between "coup" and "revolution" is observed in a pair of terms: "Industrial revolution - Industrial revolution".
Including the fourth industrial revolution of neo-Marx Schwab is nothing more than coups d'รฉtat in the nation-states on a global scale ๐บ And here we present this revolution in documents and Analysts here and now โฌ๏ธ
A coup d'รฉtat (in abbreviation of coups) is the seizure of power in the state, inevitably carried out in violation of the constitutional and legal norms currently in force , usually with the use of force to seize the control centers of the state and the implementation of physical isolation (arrest or liquidation) of its current leaders .
Etymologically, the "coup" is the same as the revolution: Latin revolutio - turn, coup. However, in political history, the concept of "revolution" is applied to large-scale and lengthy processes ("a deep qualitative change in the development of any phenomena of nature, society or cognition", while the "revolution" is applied actually to the event of the change of power, the consequences of which are not necessarily revolutionary in their scale. A similar relationship between "coup" and "revolution" is observed in a pair of terms: "Industrial revolution - Industrial revolution".
Including the fourth industrial revolution of neo-Marx Schwab is nothing more than coups d'รฉtat in the nation-states on a global scale ๐บ And here we present this revolution in documents and Analysts here and now โฌ๏ธ

Delta Lambda Phi

In 1986, Delta Lambda Phi Social Fraternity was founded by gay men for all men. Since then, our Fraternity has grown into a thriving international organization with chapters and provisional chapters all over North America. Above all, Delta Lambda Phi is set apart by its Brotherhood, both in terms of the quality of its membership, as well as the ...
We know David Rockefeller has enough memory to remember his past terrorist masterpieces. And acting skills to keep a break, this time you David Clown ๐คก will not help.

COVID12 is on the way, predicted in Rockefeller's Lock Step and everyone remembers the recent statements of the former CDC director that in the fall of 2021 there will be an option more dangerous than Delta. We've even heard a lot about this sex organization registered in Washington in 1987.
Recently, Dr. Robert Redfield warned that a variant of SARS-CoV-2, even more contagious than Delta, could hit the U.S. in just a few months.
"Unfortunately, I'm going to predict that within two, three, four months, we're going to have another option and that option will be more contagious," Redfield said. "The only thing we can all do to really resist the evolution of this next option, to slow it down, is to vaccinate our population."

And now your work ๐ง ๐จ David Rockefeller, read:
The Covid-Plan/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 tells us that a simulated global outbreak requires certain steps, different phases, overall timing and expected outcomes. We have seen all this and will see it again. And it was laid out in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:
Create a highly contagious but very low mortality rate virus to fit the plan needed. Using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like wildfire in bats but are extremely difficult to infect humans. To counteract this, they added 4 HIV inserts to the virus. The missing key to infect humans is Ace-2-Receptor.
Create a weapon-friendly version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Let it be ready for release in Phase 3, but only if necessary. SARS, HIV, MERS, an armed strain of Tribit created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory in 2015. Transport the research strain to another Class 4 laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be specifically "stolen and smuggled by China" and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The main scenario is its naturalness. The scenario is that China created it and released it by accident.
Find all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedrosa and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC, and the UN that will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of a research strain to control the scenario throughout the operation.
Create and fund a vaccination and deployment plan so that it can be rolled out globally (Gates: Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020). Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to ensure compliance/confirmation of the vaccination program after mandatory deployment is introduced.
Model the lockstep hypothesis just before the planned release of the research strain, using a real exercise (Event 201 in October 2019) as the final war game to determine the expected response, time frame, and outcomes.
Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame it on the release of a natural scapegoat - the seafood market (Wuhan wet market, November 2019). Just like in simulation.
Downplay human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread globally before any country can block the response to avoid the initial infection.
Once the country has seen the infection, block incoming/outgoing travel. Keep it transmitted domestically, let it spread as long as possible. Once enough people in a country/region are infected, impose forced quarantine/isolation on that area and expand lockdown zones slowly over time, inflating the mortality rate, tying the research strain to deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at maximum.
If someone dies for any reason and is found to have COVID, consider it a Covid death. And if someone thinks they may have had symptoms of covid, let's say they don't have covid, treat it as a Covid death.
Keep public quarantine as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, create civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with the bacteria of other people, the outside world, that is, things that keep our immune system alert and active.
Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is a vaccine. Continue to stretch the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" [the words "two weeks" are pronounced like spells], which will cause more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Challenge them.
And here's the key part for now: Eventually end the Phase 1 quarantine. Once they've got enough, publicly state that you think "it's too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." Once the audience bounces back, wait a few weeks and keep "typing."
Investigate the mortality rate of Covid strains, August-September 2020, and combine it with an increase in mortality due to people dying from common diseases, who will die at a higher rate than usual, due to a severely weakened immune system due to months of isolation [You should wear masks regularly, social distancing - the inability to naturally exchange bacteria, viruses and thereby educate, strengthen immunity].
After all, quarantine Phase 2, from October to November 2020, at an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the cause of a huge, terrible second wave when the media will say, "We told you that. It was still too early. It's all your fault because you needed to get a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences." [If all this unfolds in this way, the U.S. election will be canceled, postponed, or suspended, and there will be unrest in Russia].
Enforce phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with a prison term. Consider all travels inconsequential and impossible. Increase the number of checkpoints, including military checkpoints. Increase tracking with the required app. Take control of food, gas and create a large-scale shortage of everything so that people can access basic products or services only if they first give permission for a vaccine with all the ensuing consequences.
Keep the Phase 2 lockdown for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lock, continuing to disrupt the global economy โ further deteriorating the supply chain and further exacerbating food shortages and the like. Challe any public outrage through extreme action or force and make anyone who challenges you appear to be the No. 1 public enemy to those who are willing to comply after a fairly long Phase 2 plus 6 month lockdown, and roll out a vaccination program and vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone by giving priority access to those who applied from the start. and let those who are for it attack those who are against it by saying, "they are a threat and the cause of all problems," using words such as "we cannot return to normal life until everyone accepts the vaccine. And the people who challenge them harm our way of life and are therefore enemies."
You have to start accurately and correctly formulating what is happening! This is very important for the overall effectiveness of the resistance and the success of the event. Passes, muzzles are secondary.
๐ Vaccine - Poison โ ๏ธ - Injection - Biological Weapons against civilians in the United States ๐บ๐ธ
The main leitmotif of the protest is the coup d'รฉtat, betrayal of national interests, secret collusion with official hostile regimes (China ๐จ๐ณ Russia ๐ท๐บ), usurpation of power, violation of 10 provisions of the Nuremberg Code (Nuremberg Tribunal), Violation of the Helsinki Declaration on Human Rights, Violation of the Helsinki Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Biological Weapons. Lying under oath of the first persons of the United States ๐บ๐ธ Betrayal and treason to the people of the United States ๐บ๐ธ- A state crime of particular gravity is considered by a military field court ๐จ โ๏ธ ๐ฉ โ๏ธ the United States ๐บ๐ธ under the laws of wartime. Dot.
It seems to us that the Chief Orderly of the United States grandfather during the performance of the theatrical performance on the introduction into his left claw of an unknown composition of the injection was again in a false state of delirium and muttered about "a billion hundred ... injections" for the United States.

We see a studio with a fake landscape background in the windows. Fake solar glare. Absence of any movement of leaves. The needle ๐ very strange.
I wonder who makes him these fakes - injections? Are these secret agents and their identities trying to hide from the US population ๐บ๐ธ and the world?

Special operation corona ๐ 19 was planned and is being carried out not only for the disposal of 5 billion people by 2050, but also for the sake of total surveillance and control over the remaining 2.0 billion people.
The new Benito Mussolini of the State of Israel Naftali Bennett, a.k. Prime Minister of ๐ฎ๐ฑIsrael with the face of a child, as acting defense minister in 2020, said in March 2020 that the Ministry of Health is not able to track covid patients (that is, the Israeli government is still tracking its citizens.
At least they tried to do it. As you can see, so far with difficulties and not always successfully. But they plan to use the NSO artificial intelligence system to assess the impact of the virus.
According to Bennett's tweet, Unit 8200, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Health met in 2020 to develop this idea and implement an artificial intelligence system that would monitor the plebs:
"We have created a national COVID monitoring system based on AI โ artificial intelligence. In my opinion, this is the most advanced AI in the world.
Every citizen at any time will have a score of 1 to 10 according to the likelihood of people contracting Covid.
A score of 3 means you're probably not contagious; A score of 9.5 means that you are probably contagious, then we will ask you to take a PCR test from the surface of your throat.
The Department of Defense, ืืคืืดืช[security forces, office of research, development of weapons and technological infrastructure], Unit 8200 [electronic intelligence unit] and a civilian high-tech company have teamed up to develop this amazing system.
Pour covid test results and cell placement into it, and the system works wonders:
- Every citizen assesses the probability that he will now be served.
Everything is automatic.
Let's say you visited an ATM yesterday where covid was left an hour earlier, your score rises to, say, 9. And more.
- Determines for us in real time the buildings, districts and centers of outbreaks that we will "attack", and perform closures or many tests.
Instead, it's a cumbersome manual investigation that can't be done on a large scale. (This is a system similar to the one we created at my company Saiuta, with an assessment of the likelihood of online fraud.)
I insist on immediate activation and will be happy to allow any country in the world to use the system.
(What pride will there be that we will save millions of people with Israeli technology.)
What does it take to move forward?
1. Consent of the Ministry of Health to enter all test results into the system.
2. Approval of the Commissioner for Human Rights.
Israeli genius will defeat Covid!"
In this crazy criminal race on the carriages for vaccines from money ๐ต you can not bury democratic values and national Constitutions, because this is a crime!
The Constitution is the most important legal and anchor in the life of Humanity. Take away or change its constants, it will take less than 50-70 years and there will be no trace of humanity. It is possible and necessary to look for ๐ modern solutions to national problems, but it is impossible to give themself to solutions that are illegal, contradict the basic law of the country and the interests of citizens, you can not ๐ซ impose a dictatorship by force. All the false proposals to fight the false covid are being supraced by the communist fascist dictatorship and it's not about medicine and saving lives. In fact, this insidious special operation - the crown of the ๐ the pandemic lies from the first to the last letter of the alphabet from the movie ๐ฅ the performance on TV of horrors and mountains of false corpses from covid, which have been told non-stop for almost two years by the world media. But every person living on earth in more than a year and a half of "terrible pandemic" has not seen a single disaster and grief associated with Covid and has not met a single family where covid has killed at least one person or where such a family is known.
A public discussion known in the states as the pillars of covid that everyone listens to, Gerta Vanden Bossche (a virologist and vaccine expert who worked at GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccines (and DNA vaccines) used in covid vaccines produced by the infamous Pfizer and Moderna). What is interesting and should be immediately noted so that you understand the level of people is that the inventor of mRNA technology is going to check some honey. facts from some gender studies specialist who believes in 83 genders and that men can get pregnant too. That's the level of medicine in the U.S., Friends, "guiding" medicine, if you can call it the activities of the person responsible for covid in the country and whose opinion is listened to.
Some excerpts:
"The truth is that it is the vaccinated who pose the risk." - Robert Malone on the evolution of the vaccine-induced virus
"... and then I expect a huge wave", โ Gert Vanden Bosshe on the expectations of Israel (which came true, judging by the quantitative records of deaths, hospitalizations and so on, despite the almost 100% vaccination of the country)
"Science no longer matters, it's public policy at the behest of ... There is an internal conflict of interest in the CDC." - Robert Malone on the CDC
"It's something that these guys have no experience with." - Gert Vanden Bossche on regulators
"... what happens when you get a new strain is that you are predisposed to produce antibodies that don't match each other... Excessive vaccination can lead to high zonal tolerance... it can really reduce the response of your T cells." - Robert Malone on Bad Vaccination Policy and Unintended Consequences
"The FDA has called increased antibody dependence an uncharacteristic risk ... (in fact, this happened despite the CDC's lie about "uncharacteristic", author's note)... [Vaccinated] are at greatest risk in the phase of weakening the immune response," Robert Malone on "vaccine-induced infection"
"The worst thing we could do is to vaccinate younger age groups." - Gert Vanden Bossche on mass vaccination of children
"The FDA recognizes that they can't assess safety very well." โ Robert Malone on the FDA, Fauci and boosters
"It's not over." โ Gert Vanden Bossche on vaccine resistance
These guys must not quite understand where we're all going now. Although, Malone, who created mRNA, can not help but understand what is what. Regulators don't care, they only care about control and power and how to make sure they keep it.
It seems that if you are a healthy person, then there is no abs. it makes no sense to take a vaccine against the virus with a survival rate of more than 99.6% + for the average person aged 60-. Especially when it comes to an experimental vaccine. And certainly should not be vaccinated teenagers and children. I'm not against the vaccine, I'm against the dictatorship, sunk under the guise of care and medicine, and against idiocy.
What's the goal? What is the strategy for achieving the goal? None of the "so-called" experts used by politicians can answer question 1, which makes question 2 controversial. I am surprised that Dr. Malone is so openly telling the truth and exposing the absurd nature of decision-making in the White House. The least capable people make the most important decisions. In fact, this is true of all the decisions of the White House...
I can't help but add here, Friends, that right now Singapore's data now shows that despite a high vaccination rate of more than 80%, the million-dollar mortality rate is twice as high as the previous record, twice as high as during the first wave, when virtually no one was vaccinated.
The term "anti-vaxer" or "anti-vaccinationist" has become a weapon, a stigma that obscurantists-ignorants throw right and left, refusing open, public discussion.
Gert Vandena Bossche from the very beginning of the false pandemic did not recommend an injection.
Inventor of mRNA Malone :
"The problem I've faced here in the U.S. is that most of the population is not familiar with Darwinian selection."
Both Malone and Bossche agree that the vaccinated stimulate the selection of more competent and more infectious viruses, that is, they create new threats and are more dangerous than the unvaccinated.
Malone says the true sign of vaccine-induced gain is viral loads, and then he says, "As Kerry Mullis [the inventor of PCR tests] said before his untimely death, 'PCR is not a quantitative asset.' Thus, there are no good indicators of viral load. A skeptic might say, 'We avoid the [ADE] question.'"
More to say, the creator of PCR tests said: PCR tests are not designed to look for viruses at all.
"Regulators are used for [well-tested vaccines]," Bossche says, "These guys have no experience [with an untested vaccine]."
He argues that regulators in prostration are now "puzzled" and don't really understand the effects of mRNA viruses. Bossche also says the White House/Fauci scammer is politicizing medicine and reversing VRBAC, ACIP," decisions based on science.
Even Malone supports him in this: "We act independently of science. Science doesn't matter anymore. This is a state policy by decree." From their speech, by the way, it is also clear that there is an internal conflict in the CDC between vaccine promotion/vaccine safety.
Both scientists believe that it is extremely important to reduce infectious pressure. and that the options are not going to "calm down spontaneously". Options now pose a threat to younger age groups due to mass vaccinations.
Bossche opposes mass vaccinations of the younger generation and says that "When people are vaccinated, they will multiply more infectious strains" and describes how the unvaccinated help develop herd immunity "Every country does its job ... Where are we going to get herd immunity? ... Certainly not from vaccinations."
"We can only reduce infectious pressure through chemoprophylaxis like Ivermectin," Bossche says, laissing the lack of data and tools and saying that government orders for mass vaccination have no scientific basis.
Even Malone considers the current political medical policy on false covid irrational and uses the phrase to describe the U.S. government's actions of oval orderlies against Covid:
"Give a three-year-old a hammer."
As a crisis ๐บ๐ธ clown ๐คก actor worked for the ๐จ๐ณCPK, CNN, WHO, Planned Parenthood, the Rockefeller Foundation and was a crisis actor at the time of the Boston Marathon incident.
Our mutual friend from the Chinese CCP ๐จ๐ณ the so-called medical analyst vampire ๐ง โ๏ธ CNN Wen, promoting total surveillance - "How do we know that people are telling the truth about their vaccine status?", which once stated on CNN that "We can't trust the unvaccinated", and which lobbies for mass vaccination of children - admits that the vaccinated carry more viruses than the unvaccinated (Video 1).
Liana Wen is a very interesting Chinese specimen - character
As a full-time medical analyst for the political broadcaster CNN, the Chinese woman promotes vaccine passports every day, and this despite the fact that she worked for the WHO, the CCP, Planned Parenthood, founded with the participation of Bill Gates' father, CNN, the Rockefeller Foundation, and was also an actor in a crisis situation during the Boston Marathon incident (video 2).
Liana Wen's name means "a mythological creature carrying a disease that intensifies" in Chinese.
โ ๏ธ ๐๐คกI this Chinese ๐จ๐ณ aunt is allowed to treat Americans?
The so-called Dr. Liana Wen: "We can't trust the unvaccinated"
Anecdote about the media.
The teacher asked his students to share what their fathers earned for a living;
Little Johnny said, "My dad is a stripper at a gay club and he throws out stunts even in an alley to make extra money."
After class, the teacher took him aside and said, Johnny, "Is your dad really a stripper at a gay club?"
Little Johnny said, "No, he's a CNN reporter, but I was too embarrassed to say that."
The status of the material is State crimes and personalization of defendants - war state criminals of US citizens ๐บ๐ธ and citizens of other jurisdictions.
Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the ๐งฎ of his sentence ๐
Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...
The creators of this madness are almost all in venerable age and it is softly said.
Hysterical criminal background of the corona project ๐ 19โฌ๏ธ
๐๐In the world there lived an old man,
He was righteous,
And often to visit the old man
An angel came into the house.
Always met his saint
With a smile and kindness,
And the angel loved very much.
And the old man and the house.
Once an Old Man
Suddenly, Angela asked:
Tell me, have you seen heaven and hell?
I know you've been there.
I really want to know the truth,
How souls live there,
After all, there I will soon find
The last of his shelter.
The angel answered the old man:
"Thou hast lived righteously,
And see how they live there,
You definitely deserved it."
I'm escorting you there,
You will see Heaven and Hell.
Do not be afraid: I will return you,
Then back home.
We will fly with you tomorrow,
As the dew falls,
In the meantime, I'll hurry up.
To your heaven.
The old man did not sleep almost all night,
And I was really looking forward to the meeting.
That the angel will call,
He didn't even dream.
The hour of the magic meeting has come,
And the angel and the old man,
Quickly climbed up,
To the crane scream.
Well, let's go to hell first,
My friend, we'll go with you.
And the angel of the old man led,
Into a huge black house.
Tables covered with tablecloth,
Bursting with food,
But those who sat at the table,
Everyone was hungry.
From the mouths of the hungry here at all,
Saliva flowed on the table,
No one could eat anything themselves.
Or drink wine.
Disturbed people here in hell,
Pads on the elbows,
Just reach for food
Everyone could do somehow.
But in his mouth food, alas,
No one denouncied,
Did not tone their hands and growl,
Everyone fell without strength.
The old man's angel asked here:
How are you in hell?
Now let's go, let's see paradise,
I'm seeing you off.
Don't be surprised, old friend,
There's nothing there either,
Calmly accept everything you
And to the heart and to the mind!
And here again a huge house,
But only lighter,
Here again there are tables,
Covered for people.
And then the pads on the elbows
Everyone at the table,
But only joyful all,
The house is full of fun.
The old man watched attentively,
And here's what I saw:
Everyone fed each other here,
He gave food from his hands.
Hands reached across the table
Neighbor to feed,
And no one was shy here,
If you wanted to drink.
The neighbor opposite poured
Wine in a large glass,
And a friend in straight arms
Easy to pass.
The old man was very ammathed.
And Angela asked:
Why those people who are in hell,
Are they depriving themselves of strength?
They can, after all, as in paradise,
Feed each other,
And who is interfering with them as here,
Is it also friendly for everyone to live?
On this angel to the old man
Didn't say a word,
And just whispered:
Come along! And I walked next to him.
The two of them went back to hell,
And the angel whispered:
Ask anyone here a question,
Which one you asked me.
The old man approached the table
And he asked:
Why, answer me, man,
Do you spend so much energy?
You can reach out
Take any dish,
But not to carry it to the mouth,
And to give to the neighbor.
Feed him through the table,
And then he's you.
You will live a wonderful life,
Obey me!
In response, he sparkled from under his eyebrows.
Crazy wild look,
And one of those hissed,
Who was sent to hell:
Are you crazy, old man?
You want me,
He fed food from his hands
A boogey neighbor?
Let me starve
And I will be without wine,
But no one here will get
Not a crumb from me.
Go away, don't disturb me,
And don't stand next to you here,
After all, I'm almost tired of it.
Big tray with caviar!
The old man repulsed in horror
And angel called:
Thank you, my winged friend,
I've seen everything here.
Now I realized what's in my soul.
Everyone has their own heaven and hell.
Please, return soon,
I'm home back...
That's the way it is in life on earth,
Some want everything!
But it doesn't get to mind.
Not a drop of that.
Live by giving yourself to others.
And you will be happy yourself,
After all, to remember people on earth
We will be on business!

BeTtY PAgE prEpAreD tO cELebRAtE THe HIsTOric IcoNiC NEw yeAr OF 1963.