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20 years ago – September 11, 2001 there was an event that had a huge impact on world politics and the privacy and freedom of US citizens πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and the world as a whole.

In most of the media, the official version of what happened is voiced. In 2019, the Institute for System and Strategic Analysis (ISAN) published a unique work (750 p.) entitled "The Unthinkable. System analysis of the events of September 11, 2001 and what preceded them. " An extensive study of the genesis of the American political and power establishment, which turned into a corporatocracy of a new type and organized a grandiose crime of the XXI century, required ensuring the safety of the author's team - the author is Anonymous. This book is an unprecedented in its accuracy, objectivity and completeness of the historical study of the mechanisms for the implementation of the most grandiose provocation of our time, convincing evidence of the conspiracy of the American elite against its own citizens and the world as a whole, sacrificed for the sake of implementing the global plans of the "American century". The book is heavy - this is because of the many photos, illustrations and diagrams. So, to anyone who wants to know the truth, I recommend this exciting read. In the meantime, I propose to analyze, based on the analysis of the French investigative journalist, who was the first to publish a book about 9/11 by Thierry Meyssan and analyst Victor Fridman, the main alternative (of course, disputed by oval guests) versions of the tragedy, which were published in the American media on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11Β 

1. The twin towers are destroyed by a controlled explosion.

In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, who built the buildings, calculated the effect of the collision of the Boeing 707 with the WTC tower. The results showed that the towers will withstand the impact of the liner, flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, taking the blow of the liner, the skyscraper will remain standing without undergoing serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining perimeter will withstand the additional load formed due to the absence of the demolished part of the load-bearing structures. These conclusions were confirmed by one of the leaders of the construction of the WTC Frank DeMartini. According to Meyssan (he was the first in the world to publish a book with alternative versions of the tragedy and continues to deal with this issue), at the beginning of September 2021, there are no physical explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers on their foundations (that is, the collapse vertically). Both twin towers experienced side impacts, but did not squint. In addition, the fuel had to spread over the vertical beams, and they had to melt.

It should also be noted that there is no explanation for the explosions mentioned by firefighters and filmed by many witnesses, neither for the torn rather than molten beams - both evidence indicates not an accidental, but a planned explosion.

It is significant that there was no destruction of skyscrapers as a result of fires neither before nor after September 11. Moreover, nowhere have the rules for the construction of such buildings been changed to prevent similar disasters in the future. Finally, photos of molten steel tanks taken by firefighters and photos of molten rock from tower locations taken by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) cannot be explained based on the official version.

2. The Pentagon was hit by a missile, not an airplane.

In the official report of the commission of the US Congress there are transcripts of the negotiations of the Pentagon duty officers. The first cry: "Someone declared war on us, they hit us with a missile! Are they Russians?" The Pentagon attendants are very trained people. They will distinguish Boeing from the rocket.

In addition, the outer wall of the Pentagon, where the plane allegedly flew in, remained standing, and the collapse of the roof and facade occurred only 20 minutes later.

At the moment, there is no evidence that a civilian aircraft was sent to the Pentagon. Just the day after the Pentagon attacks, firefighters held a press conference at which they claimed that they had not found anything that could resemble an airplane. A little later, the authorities said that all parts of the aircraft were assembled and it was allegedly restored to the hangar. So why wasn't it shown?Β In addition, the families of the passengers of the aircraft were given urns with the ashes of the dead, assuring that they identified the dead by fingerprints, although at such temperatures there can be no drawings on the fingers. Some of them refused to sign confidentiality agreements that they were offered to sign for a large reward.

Β 3. Building 7 of the WTC, adjacent to the Twin Towers, was destroyed by controlled demolition because it did not crash into the plane.

W. Friedman, author of "September 11: A View to Kill," writes that the building's owner, Larry Silverstein, told the nationwide PBS, "I remember a call from a fire department commander saying he wasn't sure the flames could be contained. I replied that we already had so many victims, so the most sensible thing to do was to demolish it. And we made the decision to demolish it. Then we all saw the building collapse." The key word is DEMOLISH! But it takes weeks, if not months, to prepare for the demolition of a skyscraper. And the WTC-7 fell 8 and a half hours after the first plane hit ANOTHER skyscraper.

Hence, preparations were made in advance for the demolition of the WTC buildings. They laid explosives, pulled wires, etc.

The BBC report looks very strange. In the news release, which aired at 10:00 a.m. London time (5 p.m. New York time), it was said that the WTC-7 building in New York had collapsed. But there were still 20 minutes left before its collapse. Moreover, the correspondent of the TV channel Jane Standley in a live report from New York told about the collapse of the WTC-7, while being in its background. There is a photo depicting this moment.

At some point (apparently, the TV people realized what had happened) and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York suddenly distorted by interference, and after a few seconds it disappeared altogether.

4. The hijacked planes were filled with explosives and controlled remotely.

For 20 years, there was no evidence of the presence on board the hijacked aircraft of 19 air pirates, which the authorities insisted. The latter were not listed in the passenger lists distributed on the same day by airlines. Videos of the air pirates were filmed not in New York, but at other airports from where they carried out flights.

To date, there is no evidence that telephone conversations between passengers on these flights and the land actually took place.

Only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that uses a satellite to provide cell phone calls from an aircraft on which a special mobile base station is installed. On July 15, 2004, the system was tested and then operational.

As for remotely controlled aircraft. Back in 1962, the Americans wanted to strike cuba. But Fidel did not give a reason. The U.S. General Staff developed Operation Northwoods. The documents were officially declassified in 1997. Judging by them, it was proposed to send a charter flight from the United States with special passengers on vacation to Jamaica. During the flight, the charter is replaced by a radio-controlled backup, which is painted, numbered in the same way. A real plane is landed at Eglin Air Force Base, people are taken out. And the doppelganger flies on. Over Cuba, it transmits SOS signals on the international frequency that it is being attacked by a Cuban MiG. Then it explodes with the help of a radio signal. And America will receive a message from the International Civil Aviation Organization about the death of their civilian aircraft. No need to "sell" the incident yourself.

However, then Defense Secretary Robert McNamara rejected the project. But the idea itself was in the air.

There was also practice. On December 1, 1984, NASA sent a Boeing 720 from Edwards Air Force Base. He flew for 16 hours and 22 minutes on remote control with mannequins in passenger seats, made more than a dozen takeoffs and landings. The flight ended with a deliberate crash for the purpose of the experiment.

So the United States had the technical capabilities for a northwoods-like provocation.

Friedman in his book writes that there are inconsistencies with the lists of passengers. There are 200 people. Perhaps some were figureheads of government organizations, the FBI, NASA, the CIA.

5. The fourth plane, apparently heading for the White House, was shot down by a missile.

The official version says that the courageous American passengers of the fourth liner attacked the terrorists. And so that the Boeing killer did not reach the White House or Washington, they sent it to the ground. On the first anniversary of the tragedy, "their" documentary was shown on Russian TV, shot in hot pursuit. There was a story with military pilots who were ordered to intercept a Boeing over Pennsylvania. An officer in his forties said: "We flew up and saw that our people were sitting in the Boeing. And we were given the command to shoot down the plane. And my hand did not rise to press the button - how will I kill my citizens?! But I knew I had to do it." And so he sits and cries in front of the camera. And the frame ends. If you didn't shot down that plane, why are you crying? So, you still executed the command, pressed the button. And the version that American patriots attacked terrorists and sent a plane into the ground seemed doubtful from the very beginning. Like so much else in this convoluted story. Such as long conversations of passengers of captured liners with the ground on mobile. This, for example, refers to the conversation of one passenger who attacked the air pirates of flight UA 93.

Friedman in his study writes that he personally contacted representatives of airlines and received an unequivocal answer: neither mobile nor airphones (there was such a version!) to talk to the ground in 2001 was impossible. All the technical details are in the book.

6. An insider trade was conducted in the shares of two airlines whose planes were hijacked (United and American), suggesting that influential people knew about the approaching attacks.

Built in 1970, the "twins" brought huge losses to the company-owner of the Port Authority. They annually "devoured" millions of bucks only on electricity, water, heating, etc. Plus, repairs of at least 200 million were required to replace materials recognized in the 1980s as harmful to health. First of all, it is a carcinogenic asbestos. The WTC even wanted to demolish, but the authorities did not give the go-ahead. Carcinogenic asbestos dust could escape into the city.

And then, as in a fairy tale, there is a good wizard Silverstein, ready to pay for the troubled WTC $ 3.2 billion! July 23, 2001 - a month and a half before the tragedy (!) - the deal was finally formalized. Larry leased the buildings for 99 years. Larry did not immediately lay out all the money for the purchase, he broke them into monthly payments. And until September 11, he paid only 14 million, but he insured his acquisition for $ 3.6 billion (!). A separate item - insurance in case of a terrorist attack!

And this terrorist attack, by an amazing coincidence, happened a month and a half later.

And Larry tried to formalize it as TWO terrorist attacks and err off the insurance companies double the amount - 7.2 billion!

Like, two planes at different times hit the towers, so these are two different terrorist attacks. Litigation lasted for almost 6 years. In the end, Silverstein received compensation of $ 4.6 billion in the form of insurance payments for the "twins", as well as for the restoration of the complex. But that didn't seem enough to him. Larry decided to sue more than 12 billion from airlines, airport security services. By the way, for the building of WTC-7 Larry also received insurance !!

In the context of the events of 9/11, analysts pay special attention to the death of "terrorist No. 1".

The official version reads: On May 2, 2011, in a bold, well-documented night raid, 23 Navy SEALs landed in al-Qaeda territory in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The entire operation lasted only 40 minutes and ended with the alleged death of Osama bin Laden.

On the site

published alternate versions of his death. According to the authors of the publication, their existence was facilitated by the reluctance of the US government to publish photos of bin Laden's body and his immediate burial at sea. Here are some.

First. Osama bin Laden died in December 2001

Former State Department official Steve R. Pechenyk says the world's most wanted terrorist suffered from Marfan Syndrome, a genetic mutation that affects the proteins that hold body tissues together. Bin Laden, he said, looked like a time-to-read case of the disease. His tall figure, long limbs and long face reflected classic symptoms. The disease affects about one person out of 5,000 and can cause sudden death.

Pechenyk claimed that CIA doctors treated Osama for Marfan, and the al-Qaeda leader died just a few months after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Other claims say he died at the same time, but from kidney failure, not Marfan syndrome.

Second. He didn't die, he got a vacation.

During the Soviet operation in Afghanistan, the CIA delivered Soviet-made weapons from Saudi Arabia to the Afghan mujahideen (Operation Cyclone). At this time, bin Laden became a CIA agent. The CIA, in partnership with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), worked to create myths surrounding Osama bin Laden so that fanatical terrorists would come to Afghanistan. The raid in which the terrorist bin Laden was killed was ostensibly a means of allowing bin Laden to resign. This is a theory supported by the Iranian regime.


Pakistan captured bin Laden in 2006

This version belongs to journalist Seymour Hersh. He claims that the ISI captured the terrorist in 2006 and used him as leverage for action in Afghanistan. The ISI then handed over bin Laden to the U.S., but forced them to organize a raid that killed him.

According to Hersh, when the Navy SEALs arrived in Abbottabad, they were met by an ISI officer who escorted them to bin Laden's bedroom. The Navy SEALs then riddled him with bullets.


Bin Laden didn't even live in Abbottabad.

Residents of Abbottabad rejected the idea that bin Laden and his family lived in the area.

Former ISI officials supported the idea in western media, noting that someone was killed by U.S. troops during the raid, but it wasn't bin Laden. They said the real bin Laden was dead, and the U.S. knew it.


The US captured bin Laden long before 2011

The U.S. captured and held bin Laden for years before finally killing him. Fearing that forcing the most wanted terrorist to trial in the U.S. could lead to terrorist convictions by juries or, worse, acquittals, the United States decided to execute him and fake his death as an elaborate raid.

This version claims that osama's murder was a ploy by the Obama administration to secure an election victory.

A natural question arises: is Osama bin Laden involved in the events of September 11?

At the disposal of US intelligence agencies, a video of bin Laden's confession appears on December 14, 2001. She was allegedly found in a house in Jalalabad. And it is this record that forms the basis of the final conclusion of the official commission – the 9/11 attacks were carried out by bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

This video is of very poor quality. And the man himself, who according to the FBI's assurances is bin Laden, does not look like him at all, and this is clearly visible even despite the poor quality. It is denser, it has a different shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones. The FBI dossier says that bin Laden is left-handed, and in the video he records something with his right hand. In addition, he has a gold ring on his finger, and Islam, as you know, forbids a man to wear gold jewelry.

On March 29, 2006, U.S. Vice President Cheney stated, "We have never claimed that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the events of September 11.Β 

We never had conclusive evidence."

As for the discussion of the strangeness of bin Laden's death, doubts not only do not subside every year, but also acquire new shades that make you doubt the official version.

Whether it was indeed bin Laden, the U.S. was supposed to cement its triumph with an international examination of the corpse. But the corpse was instantly drowned. And soon in Afghanistan, all the participants of that special operation were killed. As they say, they cleaned up the tracks.

It's very reminiscent of the Kennedy assassination story. Immediately killed Oswald, quickly dies in prison Jack Ruby, in total in that case already three dozen official corpses. And complete uncertainty about who actually shot the president. And how many unwanted witnesses have already been removed and removed according to the events of 9/11?!

And the "miracles" around bin Laden continue and continue. So, after the victory of the Taliban, on August 31, 2021, bin Laden's assistant, the head of his security service, who guarded bin Laden in Tora- Bora, the main supplier of weapons to al-Qaeda - Amin ul-Haq (!)

In 2008, he was detained by the special services of Pakistan, but for some reason they released this terrorist in 2011 (?!)

The Americans, who sent the latest drones with artificial intelligence to eliminate the secondary perpetrators of the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, did not react at all to the return of the most dangerous terrorist to Afghanistan πŸ‡¦πŸ‡«Β 

We will offer our reader a few Bin Laden, and the reader himself has the right to choose anyone who is more like a real terrorist:Β 

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Fake Bin Laden

And since now there is no evidence of the involvement of the "hijackers" in the terrorist attacks, it means that al-Qaeda seems to have nothing to do with it, and it is not necessary to bomb Afghanistan.Β 

But within days of the skyscrapers falling, the U.S. "suddenly" had a video of Osama bin Laden's confession of December 14, 2001. She was allegedly found in a house in Jalalabad. And it is this record that forms the basis of the final conclusion of the official commission – the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Osama bin Laden and, of course, al-Qaeda.Β 

But immediately draws attention to the fact that this video is of very low quality. And the man himself, who according to the FBI's assurances is bin Laden, does not look like him at all, and this is clearly visible even despite the poor quality. It is denser, it has a different shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones. The FBI dossier says that bin Laden is left-handed, and in the video he records something with his right hand. In addition, he has a gold ring on his finger, and Islam, as you know, forbids a man to wear gold jewelry, and there is not a word about this in the dossier on bin Laden.

We will offer our reader a few Bin Laden, and the reader himself has the right to choose anyone who is more like a real terrorist:Β 

These photos below are purely for visualization of the terrorist πŸ‘‡

Two Bin Ladens + Two Bin Ladens Barry Obama and Hillary Clinton.Β 

Β Β Β Β Β  Β So, we were not mistaken?Β 

The term "Conspiracy Theory" first appeared after the murder of J.F. Kennedy, when the truth began to emerge about the true causes and initiators of his assassination, to justify the "official" version, saying that the supporters of it are crazy.

"We're going to have a world government, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether a world government will be achieved by conquest or agreement."

James Paul Warburg (On the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Revision of the Charter of the United Nations on February 17, 1950)

So, after all the materials presented by us, we have the main question πŸ™‹Β is it possible to believe the official American versions of the events of 9/11 and what has been happening over the past almost two years, when the Oval Office since January 2020 has not been engaged in anything else either in America or in the world, except to rush around the country with a syringe in its hands threatening the US population with πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ forcibly stab with unknown crap from what is unknown and has not even passed the required tests and has not received permission to use so far?Β 

For us, this issue has been moving from rhetorical status to a rigid and clear status for several months - there is no πŸ‘Ž You can not 🚫. You can not trust a single word, you can not trust a single letter said by crazy psychopaths internal saboteurs of the current composition of oval degenerates.Β 

Β Β Β Β Β Β  Β Β Quantum Florascent PointΒ 

Β Β Β Priest in camouflage, 1968, Vietnam.

Five Western tourists (pictured) surrounded by the militants of the al-Faran group who captured them. Kashmir, 1995.

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