Light 💡 , 🎶 sound , 🎥 camera , motor 🎬 ...

The show of state biological terrorists for the 🐏 plebs. These two 🤡 clowns always come out wearing masks. 

World Government – Unemployment and Population Decline . 

The deep state, and de facto war criminals, plan to get rid of the excess population that it considers "superfluous". Their goal was to get rid of this "so-called excess crowd" by 2050, as the participants of the "round table" have already said.

Committee of the Three Hundred: The Center of Secret Organizations and Conspiracies

The Committee of Three Hundred, founded in 1727, serves as the center of all secret organizations working for the deep state, including the roundtable. Currently, he's mostly working in America's interest. Although it was originally founded by British aristocrats. It is known that this institution shapes politics, trade, banking, the media and the armed forces.

The Committee of Three Hundred, which has long been kept secret, usually manages and controls many organizations and associations. For example, such as: Chatham House, Bilderberg Club, Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Order of the Rose and Cross, Club of Rome, Rand Corporation and many others. In order to keep large financial institutions such as central banks and governments under control, the committee uses a network that includes all roundtable groups, think tanks and other secret societies and organizations. 

Many U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, are known to have made decisions under the influence of Chatham House, while Chatham House receives directions from the top administrative circle of the 300-member Committee, also known as Olympians. The name "Olympians" symbolizes the desire of this group to see themselves as powerful as the so-called gods of Olympus.

According to research conducted by Dr. John Coleman, the Committee of Three Hundred is directly connected with the British East India Company. It is widely accepted that many senior officers of the British East India Company were communists. It also turned out that the opium trade, which was developed in India under the auspices of the British East India Company, greatly helped and strengthened first the company, and then the Committee of Three Hundred created within it. As it expanded with the influx of money, this institution eventually gained enough power to regulate world affairs.

Both the British East India Company and the deeply state-bound leaders of the Committee of Three Hundred, following in their footsteps, were known for their deep hatred of religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In particular, the Illuminati were a secret organization created as a force opposed to these religions. 


The following words by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, are remarkable in that they help us understand the policies of these deep state institutions:

"See our secret: ... If, in order to destroy all Christianity, all religion, we pretend to have the only true religion. Remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise must take all means to do the good that the wicked take to do evil. This cannot be done in any other way than secret societies. Who gradually and silently, will seize the government of various states. And they use for this purpose those means that the evil ones use to achieve base ends"...

British deep government organisations focused on this mentality have developed their principles accordingly. Since their inception, their main goal has been to undermine the influence of religions in societies, eliminate civilian governments through coups, and replace them with governments accountable to them. Journalist Jacob de Haas, a British Jew and one of the first leaders of the Zionist movement in the United States, said that three hundred people ruled world events. They even elected presidents like Wilson and delegates who attended the League of Nations conference in Paris. 

The German statesman Walter Rathenau wrote in a column dated December 24, 1921, the following:

"Only three hundred people, each of whom knows everyone else, control the fate of Europe. They choose their successors from their own entourage. These people have the means in their hands, and can put an end to any form of government that they deem unreasonable."

Because of these statements, both Jacob de Haas and Walter Rathenau were killed. 

Committee of Three Hundred: Birth Control, LHTB, Drugs 

At this stage, we must remember that the Committee of Three Hundred also operates on the basis of so-called Anglo-Saxon supremacy, like the Round Table and other organizations controlled by the British deep state. For them, a small world is easier to rule. The resources of the world are precious and should not be consumed by "extra" people. The absolute existence of their own race is the only solution to this "problem." Dr. John Coleman, as follows, explains the goals of the secret organizations, the British deep state:

"The command to multiply and conquer the earth contained in the Book of Genesis was to be destroyed. This required an attack on Christianity. The slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation-states. The extermination of hundreds of millions of people whom the Committee of Three Hundred called "surplus populations." And eliminating any leader who dared to stand in the way of the committee's global planning to achieve the aforementioned goals."

To achieve this goal, the Committee of Three Hundred adopted a policy of growth and expansion similar to that of other institutions subordinate to the British Deep State. This policy requires certain actions. The future plans drawn up by the committee when it was first created remain in force today and are gradually being put into action. These steps can be summarized as follows:

"The Committee of Three Hundred, which uses financial opportunities to advance its policy of exploiting the weak, seeks a new world order in which all religions and monetary policy are regulated with one hand. It must be a world order led and governed by one center. They believe that in order to achieve this goal, all the religions of the world must be brought under control. Representatives of the deep state, built their plans for Christianity in the 1700s, and since the 1920s they have developed a plan according to which all churches will be one. Thus, they will not completely reject religions at once, which they feared could trigger a strong reaction. They wanted to be able to control all faiths, from one source and through one church that represented their fully built religion."

"Gaining control over the governance of independent countries is possible only after gaining control over their social systems. However, this can only be done when the peoples as well as their leaders are brought under control. To this end, the Committee of Three Hundred has developed a strategy that will put an end to all nationalist and patriotic sentiments in the target countries. They believed that once nationalist values disappeared, the people would have nothing to fight for and would be fairly easy to control these people, especially after their leaders were brought under control.

"Spreading the LGBT community, and turning it into acceptable behavior in society, is an important task for them. To this end, the LGBT community is celebrated in talk shows, concerts and sports games. They stand out in TV shows, they claim to be priests and imams, and are publicly praised. The LGBT community is portrayed as a reasonable and even delightful way of life, in movies, TV shows, and the media. They continue to spread the misconception that this is an indisputable "fact of life." 

"In addition, over the years, there have been systematic attempts to silence anyone who rejects the LGBT concept because of their moral or religious beliefs. As well as ongoing efforts to justify this act. This idea is widely promoted in schools, the LGBT community is subjected to positive discrimination in school circles. And students who disapprove of this become outgoers. All this is happening, within the framework of the same social engineering."

The committee also seeks to increase the amount of drugs on the market, make them legal and increase the level of moral decline in society. The institution of the family is the number one goal because everyone knows that a society devoid of family values will be more prone to decline. Making young people feel hopeless and aimless is the most important part of this plan. 

World Government – Unemployment and Population Decline

They suggested that unemployment would fuel negative sentiment. The Committee of Three Hundred and the administrators of the Club of Rome determined that rising unemployment would lead young people into a downward spiral. They concluded that young people in this condition would be more likely to use drugs and degenerate, causing the institution of the family to collapse. It should be noted that the destruction of the institution of the family was also a top priority of the communist movements. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to the leaders of the communist socialist movements of the Committee of Three Hundred, who directed their efforts to the family as the highest priority.

The Committee of Three Hundred also sought to reduce the population of especially large cities. To this end, the methods of massacre committed during the time of Pol Pot were used. It should also be noted that the plans for the massacre of Pol Pot, was monitored by a member of the Club of Rome and a senior official of the US State Department Thomas Enders. It is also interesting that the Committee of Three Hundred seeks to acquit those responsible for the massacre in Cambodia.

All scientific research except those that served the purposes of the committee was discontinued. In particular, this concerned the theory of evolution. Today, new scientific data make the theory of evolution invalid. However, as explained earlier, this theory is a lie developed by this Committee of Three Hundred. And related organizations. All this is within the framework of the British deep state plans. For this reason, it is imperative for them that evidence that refutes the theory of evolution is not identified, taught in schools, or educated in any way. 

That's why, more than 700 million fossils found so far are kept undercover, because none of these fossils have undergone any changes. In other words, it is obvious that these fossils belong to species that have not undergone any evolutionary process. Indeed, no fossils suggesting that Darwinian changes occurred have ever been found.

In addition, the theory of evolution faces a big dilemma at the molecular level. Therefore, the camp of evolutionists tries to connect the latest achievements of molecular science with its evolutionary views. Although these achievements completely refute the theory of evolution. 

For example, evolutionists have yet to explain how a single protein can appear on its own, as they like to claim. But they cannot give any clear explanation, because in order for a single protein to appear, it is necessary to have a hundred different types of proteins, and help in the production of this single protein. This dilemma is one of the most important proofs that completely destroy the theory of evolution. Despite the fact that the theory of evolution is a destroyed theory, great efforts are being made to keep it alive. This is another example of intensive social engineering. The current Darwinian dictatorship, which controls schools, universities, academic positions, the media, scientific publications, and even governments. It is a product of the Committee of Three Hundred and its branches.

negative trend

Population reduction has always been the main goal of these deep state institutions. And the Committee of Three Hundred has developed its strategies in accordance with this goal. According to this strategy, with the beginning of controlled wars, in developed countries the population will decrease, and the situation in the third world will be even more difficult. In these countries, epidemics would begin, reminiscent of Thomas Malthus's horrific project to reduce the population. 

The deep state, and de facto war criminals, plan to get rid of the excess population that it considers "superfluous". Their goal was to get rid of this "so-called excess crowd" by 2050, as the participants of the "round table" have already said.

The deep state, and de facto war criminals, plan to get rid of the excess population that it considers "superfluous". Their goal was to get rid of this "so-called excess crowd" by 2050, as the participants of the "round table" have already said.

Another method is to cause unrest in various countries by encouraging uprisings and riots. Using mainly the media and some of their sycholy to the public, in these respective countries. Although crises usually begin for petty and trivial reasons, the goal is to use various propaganda methods to cause public outrage and start uncontrollable unrest. By pursuing such policies, they seek to create the perception that countries cannot govern themselves and that it is necessary for those countries to be placed under external control.

The British philosopher and historian Lord Bertrand Russell, a member of the Committee of Three Hundred, explains this policy he developed for Africa in the following words:

"In order for the world government to work smoothly, certain economic conditions must be met. Various raw materials are important for industry. And I think we have to include in unwanted ownership, not only individuals or companies, but also individual states. 

Raw materials without which industry is impossible, should belong to international authority, and be provided to individual states. "

That plan, which Russell was talking about, is largely being implemented today. The natural resources of the Middle East and especially Africa are mostly under the control of various other countries. And all these companies, despite the fact that they seem to represent other countries, are actually controlled by the British deep state. 

Raw materials in Africa need industry, and without these industries they cannot extract and process them. This system in Africa has been deliberately left in such a primitive and weak state. Through this mechanism, Africa's rich resources will be under the constant control of the British deep state.

There are many "teachers" and "leaders" in the Committee of Three Hundred, and their only duty is to convince the masses that major changes are "just happening" and therefore must be accepted. 

Cooperation with various terrorist groups, coercion of legitimate States and independent national Governments, and the commencement of negotiations with these terrorist groups is another responsibility of this committee. However, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to use those words that deviate from their true meaning: "democracy", "human rights", "fundamental rights and freedoms". These phrases, which are naturally important to many countries of the world, are now widely used by terrorist groups. 

John Coleman is a British intelligence officer and colonel in the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). Since 1969 in the United States. Coleman for 30 years studied the activities of the world's oligarchic communities. As an intelligence officer, he had access to classified information. In 1991, on the basis of the material he collected, he published the book "The Committee of Three Hundred", in which he exposed the global conspiracy of capitalists against humanity. John directly blames the KGB and the red-skin communists of the world as a whole, the information presented in his book is true and recent world events confirm this. 

The Committee of 300 and the coat of arms of the USSR in the center, although it is mostly under the control of the British monarch, in this case, Elizabeth II. the Committee dissolved the web and has corporate interests and accomplices in every country of the world, including the former USSR and its successor Russia. The executive and subordinate organizations of the Committee of 300 are: MI6, NATO, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the International Monetary Fund, the Round Table, the Club of Rome, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (Brainwashing Institute), the Order of the Skull and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the World Council of Churches, Christian Fundamentalists, World Freemasonry, Harvard Psychological Clinic, British Petroleum, various banks 🏦 Rothschild around the world, including including Swiss and hundreds of other organizations around the world. The UN 🇺🇳 de facto transformed into the executive body of the criminal World Government.

The Club of Rome is confident that it has fulfilled the committee's 300 mandate to "soften" and de facto destroy the United States. After 55 years of war with the people of the United States, 🇺🇸 who doubts that he really did his job perfectly? Look around and you'll see how demoralized people are. Drugs, pedophilia, the almost complete destruction of the foundations of the family, morality, knowledge, homosexuality and, finally, the terrible murder of millions of Americans. Is there a crime more heinous than mass murder? 

Whole hours of airtime are devoted to one or the other unwashed drug and decadent rock bands, their crazy sounds, crazy crooks, clothes and linguistic perversions. Soap operas, where some scenes approach pornographic ones, no longer cause comments. In the sixties, this would not have been tolerated, but now it is considered the norm. We have been treated by what the Tavistock Institute calls "future shocks," and that future has ALREADY COME, and we are already so stunned by these constant culture shocks that any protest seems like a useless gesture, so logically we think there is no point in protesting. Everything happens according to the plans of Tavistock and Stanford "sociologists". 


At first we changed slowly, but now the rate of change is increasing! 

Every person is indopted that he is the creation of the One World Government. All people have identification numbers, the presence of which can be easily verified. A single passport and permission to travel around the country and the world. These identification numbers are included in the consolidated computer file of the One World Government. Who will have instant access at any time? NOTE! The plan is to introduce a Universal Electronic Card with a single database that will serve as a means of payment and replace all documents. But this information is not announced in official sources, our rights are withheld from us and creeping state anti-corruption actions and quiet coups are committed. Why would it all be? 

Marriages will be outlawed, and family life, as we understand it now, will not be. Children will be taken from their parents at an early age, and they will be brought up by wardens as state property. Such an experiment was conducted in East Germany under Erich Honeker, when children were taken away from parents who were considered disloyal citizens. [Now compare this with the introduction of juvenile justice in the world, the "children's fear phone" and the fanning of pedophilia in the media. Women will be corrupted by the constant process of "emancipation." Free sex will be forced. Violation by a woman over the age of 20 of the established rules will be severely punished. After the birth of two children, women will be taught independent abortions; the relevant data will be contained in the personal dossier of each woman in the regional computers of the World Government. If a woman becomes pregnant after she has given birth to two children, she will be forcibly sent to a clinic for an abortion and sterilization will be performed. 

Pornography will be widely distributed, and films, including homosexual and lesbian pornography, will be shown in every cinema. The use of "restorative drugs" will be mandatory – everyone will be allocated a quota for drugs that can be bought in World Government stores around the world. Mind-altering drugs will be widely distributed and their use will be mandatory. Such mind-altering drugs will be added to food or drinking water without people's knowledge and consent. Drug bars run by agents of the World Government will be set up everywhere, in which human slaves will spend their free time. Thus, the masses excluded from the elite will be reduced to the level and behavior of trained animals without their own will, easily subordinated and controlled.

Under the new parliamentary system, members of parliament will not be accountable to their constituents, but will obey parliamentary leaders and vote as they are ordered. Thus, thanks to subversive bureaucratic and legal activities, the constitution, along with individual freedom, will be abolished. Pre-planned degradation of a person is accelerated with the help of promiscuous sex practices. New cults of sexual degeneration are already off the scale of all reasonable limits. We may think that the creation of a completely new sexual degenerative cult is still a matter of the distant future, but we record a completely enchanting high-speed process, so by 2025 live shows of transsexuals in the most prestigious entertainment clubs will become a common sight. Now there is a process of creating a quite respectable image for this type of "entertainment". Soon, celebrities in Hollywood and the entertainment world will begin to say that in a particular club it is simply necessary to arrange a "live sex show" with children. A new publicly acceptable "entertainment" will include a public display of heterosexual sexual acts, about which the press will print comments similar to those published about the latest film premieres. 

The unprecedented onslaught on moral values will peak in 2030 and pornography will no longer be called "pornography" but sexual entertainment for adults. In the course will be slogans like: "Why hide it, if everyone is doing it. Let's throw out the prejudice that publicly displaying sex with children is dirty and vile.

The economic system will be based on the rule of the oligarchic class, allowing the production of exactly as much food and services as necessary for the functioning of the camps of mass slave labor. All wealth will be concentrated in the hands of elite members of the Committee of 300. Every person will be indocerated that he is completely dependent on the state for survival. The world will be governed by executive decrees of the Committee of 300. Just as it is happening now, in the framework of a false epidemic, the actions of the administration of the states of the world are almost a mirror of 🪞 

Industry must be completely destroyed along with nuclear power systems. Only the members of the Committee of 300 and their elected officials will have the right to dispose of the earth's resources. Agriculture will be exclusively in the hands of the Committee of 300, and food production will be strictly controlled. When these measures begin to bear fruit, the population of the big cities will be forcibly displaced to remote areas, and those who refuse to leave will be exterminated by the method of the World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

At least 6 billion "useless eaters" will be exterminated by 2050 through limited wars, orchestrated epidemics of deadly fast-moving diseases, and famine. The amount of electricity, food and water will be maintained at a level sufficient only to sustain the lives of non-elites, primarily the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then other races. The populations of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will decline faster than on other continents until the world population reaches the manageable level of 1 billion. From time to time, shortages of food, water and medical care will be artificially created to remind the masses that their existence depends entirely on the goodwill of the Committee of 300. All pharmaceutical products, doctors and other health workers will be registered in a central computer data bank, and medicines or medical care will not be provided without the special permission of the regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village. 

After the destruction of industries such as construction, automotive, metallurgy, heavy engineering, housing construction will be limited, and the preserved industries will be under the control of NATO's Club of Rome, as well as all scientific and space research, which will be limited and completely subordinate to the Committee of 300. The space weapons of the former countries will be destroyed together with nuclear weapons.

In this way, complete world domination will be achieved and the world of 🗺 will be destroyed. 

G30 Group of Thirty or who invisibly rules the visible ruling elites

As stated on the modest website of this mysterious closed structure: the G30 is an advisory group in the status of an international non-profit organization, uniting representatives of central banks and large private banks of different countries, as well as the world's leading economists.

It was created in 1978 by banker Jeffrey Bell with the participation of the Rockefeller Foundation. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. Group of Thirty has its own website

of which, in fact, nothing is possible that would speak about the globality of the true aspects of the activities of this structure.

From the general words it follows that this G30-Group issues recommendations to central banks and the world's largest banks. Influential participants in the group's meetings then implement these decisions, using their administrative and financial content and influence.

The group's website has information about the management of Group Of Thirty

Chairman of the Board of Trustees – Jacob A. Frenkel, JPMorgan Chase International, Chairman.

The Chairman is Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies of Singapore.

The group's treasurer is Guillermo Ortiz, investment bank BTG Pactual Mexico, Chairman.

The Chairman Emeritus is Paul A. Volcker, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Honorary Chairman is Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank (ECB).

The remaining 25 members of the elected club are very well-known people in financial, political and academic circles, many of whom currently occupy important positions in various global financial and banking structures. Other G30 members act as advisors

Among the largest known members of the group is Paul Volcker, who led the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. And this is in addition to the fact that he was Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of the United States in 1969-1974, and in 1975-1979 - President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In addition to the G30, Paul Volcker today is a member of such influential structures as the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission (he is the chairman of the North American branch of the commission), the Council on Foreign Relations.

This is not counting the fact that Paul Volcker is also the chairman of the Rothschild Wolfensohn Company, as well as a long-term partner of the Rockefeller family.

Of the well-known, so-called "veterans" can also be called Jean-Claude Trichet, who previously held the main posts in the Treasury and the Bank of France, the World Bank, the Paris Club, and from 2003 to 2011 was president of the European Central Bank.

No less famous bright personality in the G30 is Timothy Geithner.

In 2003-2009, he headed the Federal Reserve Bank (Federal Reserve Bank) of New York, from 2009 to 2013 he served as US Secretary of the Treasury. Now he is engaged in private business, for example, as president of the American investment company Warburg Pincus. As is customary in the "top rulers of the world", Timothy Geithner is also a member of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, the Council on Foreign Relations. 

Who from Russia is included in the "World Government", world globalism

What is a world government?

Over the past few decades, the term, like the "world government" or "shadow government" itself, has increasingly been heard by the world community. We are talking about the so-called "behind-the-scenes arancers" of the fate of the world, who want to establish total control over all mankind - from the ordinary citizen to the heads of state anywhere in the world. The study and research of this topic was and is being carried out by many historians, former and effective political figures, employees of "competent organizations" who possess information and facts, especially of a secret nature.

One of these researchers - John Coleman - worked for several decades in the British special services, has a huge array of information, including just with the stamp "top secret". In 1991, under the impression of the accumulated experience and data, D. Coleman wrote his epic work "Committee of 300",

dedicated to the study of the entire chain of faces and events leading from medieval traditions and knightly orders to modern "world rulers", on top of which is Queen Elizabeth II of Britain.

Actually, this "Committee of 300" is the "executive" body to achieve the goals of "shadow government" with the use of measures from a tough anti-human policy of reducing the population of planet Earth to a harsh economic, social and political enslavement of the world, not disdaining the lowest methods - corruption, corruption, suppression of the will and destruction of national identity, even with the use of violence, weapons and direct destruction of unconquered leaders and the population itself (as was the case in Ira). Ke, Libya, Yugoslavia, etc.).

Naturally, an interesting question is which of the Russians (Russians) is included and is it part of this self-appointed "world ruling elite"??

Who from Russia is included in the "World Government"?

According to online sources:

It has been repeatedly reported that in the meetings of the "Bilderberg Club" - this is one or "faces" of the shadow world elite - there is Sergei Guriev, who recently fled from Russia. After graduating from MIPT, he showed excellent results in science, had scientific degrees, underwent internships abroad.

After the "escape of their Russia", Guriev rose to membership in the Bilderberg Club and the position of chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - this is one of the tools of the "Cabinet 300". By the way, Guriev repeatedly ignored calls to the Investigative Committee of Russia for interrogation on suspicion of illegal acts related to the Yukos company. In order to avoid Guriev secretly fled to France, where he currently works.

Alexey Mordashov

Alexey Mordashov, the head of Severstal and co-owner of a number of other large Russian companies, was seen in the meetings of the above-mentioned club.

Anatoly Chubais

Also in the meetings of Bilderberg participated "chief grabber" of Russia Anatoly Chubais, now engaged in "nanotechnology" for the colossal budget funds of Russia.

The Committee of 300, the highest governing body of the World Government, also includes Russians or people with Russian surnames: 

draws attention mainly to the Jewish origin of these "Russians":

Roman Abramovich

Mikhail Fridman

Mikhail Gorbachev

Alexander Mashkevich (billionaire from Kazakhstan)

Current list of members of the Committee of 300

"Committee of 300. Secrets of World Government" by Dr. John Coleman. 

King Abdullah II of Jordan

Abramovich, Roman

Ackermann, Josef

Edward Adeane

Agius, Marcus

Ahtisaari, Martti

Daniel Ackerson

Albert II of Belgium

Alexander, Prince of Yugoslavia

Amato, Giuliano

Anderson Carl A.

Andreotti, Giulio

Andrew, Duke of York

Anne, Princess of the Queen

Anstee, Nick

Ash, Timothy Garton

Astor, William Waldorf

Aven Petr

J.P.Balkenende, Jan Peter

Ballmer, Steve

Balls, Ed

Barroso, José Manuel

Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands

Belka, Marek

Bergsten, Fred C.

Berlusconi Silvio

Ben Bernake

Bernstein, Niels

Berwick, Donald

Carl Bildt

Bishop, Sir Winfried

Tony Blair

Blankfein, Lloyd

Blavatnik Leonard

Michael Bloomberg

Bolkestein, Fritz

Bolkia, Hassanal

Bonello, Michael C

Bonino, Emma

Borzhen, David L.

Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg

Charles Bronfman

Bronfman (Edgar Jr.)

John Bruton

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Budenberg, Robin

Table, Warren

George HW Bush

David Cameron

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Cardoso, Fernando Enrique

Carington, Peter

Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden

Carlos, Duke of Parma

Mark Carney

Carroll (Cynthia)

Caruana, Jaime

Castell, Sir William

Chan, Anson

Chan, Margaret

Norman Chan

Charles, Prince of Wales

Chartres, Richard

Chiaie, Stefano Delle

Chipman Dr. John

Chodieva, Fattah

Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein

Cicchitto, Fabrizio

Clark, Wesley

Clark, Kenneth

Nick Clegg

Clinton, Bill

Abby Joseph Cohen

Ronald Cohen

Cohn, Gary

Column di Paliano, Marc, Duke of Paliano

You can without the Crown Prince of the Netherlands

Constantine II, King of Greece

David Cooksey

Brian Cauen

Craven, Sir John

Crowett, Andrew

Dadush, Uri

Na D'Aloisio, Tony

Darling, Alistair

Sir Howard Davies

Davignon, Etyenne

David Davis

de Rothschild, Benjamin

de Rothschild, David René

de Rothschild, Evelyn

de Rothschild, Leopold

Joseph Deiss

Deripaska Oleg

Michael Dobson

Draghi, Mario

Du Plessis, Jan

Dudley, William C.

Duisenberg, Wim

Edward, Duke of Kent

Edward, Count of Wessex

Elizabeth II, Queen of great Britain

John Elkann

Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples

Ernst August, Prince of Hanover

Martin Feldstein

Festing, Matthew

Fillon, François

Heinz Fischer

Fischer, Joschka

Stanley Fisher

Fitzgerald, Nithel

Franz, Duke of Bavaria

Fridman Mikhail

Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau

Gates, Bill

Geidt, Christopher

Timothy Geithner

Georg Frederick, Prince of Prussia

Gibson-Smith, Dr. Chris

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gore, Al

Gotlieb, Allan

Green, Stephen

Greenspan, Alan

Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster

Infocommunications, José Angel

The Hague, William

Hampton, Sir Philip

Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein

Harald V, King of Norway

Stephen Harper

Heisburg, François

Henri grand duke of Luxembourg

Hildebrand, Philipp

The Hills, Carl Anderson

Holbrooke Richard

Patrick Honohan

Howard Alan

Ibragimov Alijan

Ingves, Stefan

Isaacson, Walter

Juan Carlos, King of Spain

Jacobs, Kenneth M.

Julius, DeAnne

Juncker, Jean-Claude

Kenen, Peter

John Kerry

King, Mervyn

Kinnock, Glenys

Henry Kissinger

Knight, Malcolm

Kuhn, William H. II

Paul Krugman

John Kufuor

Lajolo, Giovanni

Lake, Anthony

Richard Lambert

Lamy (Pascal)

Landau, Jean-Pierre

Timothy Lawrence

Leigh-Pemberton, James

Leka, Crown Prince of Albania

Leonard Mark

Levene, Peter

Leviev, Lev

Arthur Levitt

Levi, Michael

Lieberman, Joe

Livingston, Ian

Loong, Lee Hsien

Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este

Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou

Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard

Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau

Peter Mandelson

Sir David Manning

Margaret, Archduchess of Austria-Este

Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark

Martinez, Guillermo Ortiz

Mashkevich Alexander

Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci

Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prinz of Arsoli and Triggiano

McDonough, William Joseph

McLarty, Mac

Mersch, Yves

Michael, Prince of Kent

Michael, King of Romania

David Miliband

Miliband, Ed

Mittal Lakshmi

Moreno, Glen

- Moritz, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel

Murdoch, - Rupert

Napoleon, Charles

Nasser, Jacques

Niblett, Robin

Vincent Nichols

Nicholas, Adolfo

Noyer, Christian

Sammy Ofer

Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy

Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie

Ollila (Jorma)

Oppenheimer, Nicky

George Osborne

Udea, Frederick

Parker, Sir John

Chris Patten

Pébereau, Michel

Gareth Penny

Peres Shimon

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza

Pel, Carl Otto

Colin Powell

Prokhorov Mikhail

Quaden, Guy

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh

Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)

David Reuvim

Reuvim, Simon

Rhodes, William R.

Risa, Susan

Richard, Duke of Gloucester

Rifkind, Sir Malcolm

Ritblat, Sir John

Stephen S.

Robinson Mary

David Jr. Rockefeller

Rockefeller David the Elder.

Rockefeller, Nicholas

Rodriguez, Javier Echevarria


Roth, Jean-Pierre

Rothschild, Jacob

Rubinstein David

"Rubin", Robert

Ruspoli, Francesco, 10 Prince of Cerneteri

Joseph Safra

Safra, Moises

Sands, Peter

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Sassoon, Isaac

Sassoon, James

Sawers, Sir John Robert

Scardino, Marjorie

Schwab, Klaus

Schwarzenberg, Karel

Stephen A.

Shapiro, Sydney

Nigel Sheinwald

Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria

Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Snow, Olympia

Sofia, Queen of Spain

George Soros

Ghost, Arlen

Stern, Ernest

Dennis Stevenson

Steyer, Tom

Joseph Stiglitz

Strauss-Kahn (Dominique

Straw, Jack

Sutherland, Peter

Maria Tanner

Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti

Mark Thompson

Dr. James Thomson

Tietmeyer, Hans

ECB President Jean-Claude

Tucker, Paul

Van Rompuy, Herman

Vélez, Álvaro Uribe

Verplaetse, Alphonse

Williger, Caspar

Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess

Paul Volker

von Habsburg, Otto

Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkia Mu'izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei

Sir David Walker

Wallenberg, Jacob

John Walsh

Warburg, Max.

Weber, Axel Alfred

Michael David Weil

Welllink, Nout

Whitman, Marina von Neumann

Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange

Prince William of Wales

Dr. Rowan Williams

Williams, Shirley

David Wilson

Wolfensohn, James

Volin, Nil Stepanovich

Harry Wolf

Woolsey, R. Jr., James

Worcester, Sir Robert

Wu, Sarah

Robert Zoellick

The war crime of the world crown 👑 (COVID-19) has no analogues in the history of the world in terms of the scale of the crime already committed and the even more sinister planned genocide of the backgammon of the world here in the blocs of ⬇️ 

Project Veritas publicly exposes HHS federal government employees, stating, "The government doesn't want to show that the vaccine is full of shit and hides side effects," but NO ONE in the mainstream national media is willing to cover it. 

FDA officials said: "The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we keep in vaccinated groups<...> Vaccines kill more people than they say. We've been led to believe that vaccines are perfectly safe, but that's just a lie. Vaccines, boosters and mandates are meaningless."

Do the media refuse to cover such news that goes against their lies, while independent journalists, at their own risk, at their own expense and time, do what msM should do and help humanity see what is really happening?

It's just that the horrific level of penetration of their brazen lies into us is increasing, promoting their totalitarian nonsense about vaccines and what we are now allowed to do and see who is indebted to the highest lot and who is higher than us Humans.

Crime Theatre 🎭 

Communist Chinese America 🇨🇳 

🇨🇳🇺🇸With that the false covid in China has shut down ALL industry since Sept. 15 in 9 provinces, and some have imposed restrictions with a 50% reduction in the number of employees, Saule Omarova, who has said she wants to "end banking as we know it," is being brought in by the Biden administration to run the Office of the Currency Controller (as early as this week). Omarova also wants to move consumer banking services from private institutions to the Federal Reserve.

New documents show that just 18 months before the first cases of false COVID19 appeared, and even more so long before the advent of false covid vaccines, researchers unveiled plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles and aerosols containing "new chimeric spike proteins" of bat coronaviruses in cave bats in Yunnan, China. They also planned to create chimeric viruses genetically enhanced to make it easier to infect humans, and requested $14 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to fund this work. It is also known that Fauci financed this work, which is now written even in the Lancet.

🇫🇷 the QR code of French Napoleon Macron for his vaccination passport.

{-260: {1: {'dob': '1977-12-21', 'nam': {'fn': 'MACRON', 'fnt': 'MACRON', 'gn': 'EMMANUEL', 'gnt': 'EMMANUEL'}, 'v': [{'ci': 'URN:UVCI:01:FR:NR1EHPUK8IH0#I', 'co': 'FR', 'dn': 1, 'dt': '2021-07-13', 'is': 'CNAM', 'ma': 'ORG-100030215', 'mp': 'EU/1/20/1528', 'sd': 1, 'tg': '840539006', 'vp': 'J07BX03'}], 'ver': '1.3.0'}}, 1: 'CNAM', 4: 1686693600, 6: 1629240036}

In accordance with the scenario of the international criminal group global kahal Corona 👑, in the future, the reality may look something like this:

"While the federal government appears to have adequately addressed the acute side effects of Korovax, the long-term chronic effects of the vaccine were still largely unknown.

Towards the end of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. After no side effects for almost a year, several recipients of the vaccine gradually began to show symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches and numbness of the limbs.

As these cases arose, patients began to apply for compensation under the Act. Due to continuing uncertainty about the possible link between vaccination and registered nev. their requests for compensation were postponed indefinitely...". [ pp. 60 - 61]".

All in plain text. 

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