LeT'S 🛫 FrIEnds! 

BUt IN ordER tO UNdersTanD THe MeANinGS AnD EsseNCe, it iS NecEsSAry NOt tO MIsS anyThing AnD not tO JumP FRom toPIc tO topIc. yOu ShoUlD ReaD IN tHE ORder iN WhICh WE PUblIsh the MAteRial. 

SUcCeSsfuL StudY Of 😎

100 years ago there was an organization of "open conspiracy" – Chatham House

H.G. Wells in "Open Conspiracy. Drawings of the World Revolution" (1928) wrote that in the twentieth century the world entered a dangerous phase of development, which could end in catastrophe and even the destruction of mankind. The only way to prevent disaster, Wells instructed, was to abolish sovereign states and create a One World Government headed by a small group of people – representatives of the intellectual elite and big capital.

The idea of world domination was nurtured for centuries by various secret societies (Templars, Freemasons, Illuminati). However, their plans and activities were hidden from the eyes of the authorities and the people. In the twentieth century, there was an argument in favor of opening these plans. And it was necessary to hurry, because scientific and technological progress accelerated, remaining uncontrollable. Similarly, the arms race continued and accelerated.

At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, these issues were discussed openly. It was decided to create the League of Nations, through which the British and Americans hoped to begin building a new world order. True, there were disagreements between the ruling circles of the United States and Great Britain. London believed that the ideal basis for a single world was the British Empire, over which "the sun never sets." In Washington, it was believed that the No. 1 power after the First World War was America and it was she who should lead the movement towards a new world order.

              Colonel House

However, in both the US and Great Britain there were politicians who considered these imperial ambitions "prejudices of nationalism", believing themselves to be the single elite of the highest Anglo-Saxon race. This was Edward Mandel House (1858-1938) – diplomat, adviser to President Woodrow Wilson (Colonel House). A consistent supporter of Anglo-Saxon mondialism was also Lord Alfred Milner (1854-1925), one of the key figures in the cabinet of David Lloyd George. 

Lord Alfred Milner

Colonel House was very upset when, while at a conference in Paris, he learned that Washington had rejected the participation of the United States in the League of Nations, the provision of which was laid down in the Treaty of Versailles. He very much hoped that the League of Nations would become an instrument for the creation of a Single State. After that, in Paris, Colonel House met with British partners. They agreed that two organizations would be created in the United States and Great Britain, closely cooperating and implementing the Anglo-Saxon project of building a new world order.

The first of these organizations was established a hundred years ago, in the summer of 1920. It was The British Institute of International Affairs (BIIA), renamed in 1926 the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and existing under this name to this day. The institute is also known as Chatham House , the name of the building in which it is located (next to the Palace of Westminster in central London). In 1961, RIIA changed location, but the name Chatham House remained.

Committee of the Three Hundred: The Center of Secret Organizations and Conspiracies

The preparatory work for the establishment of RIIA was conducted by Lionel Curtis, Lord Milner's secretary. The status of the institute is a non-governmental non-profit organization that exists at the expense of voluntary donations. The first donation of £2,000 was made by Thomas Lamont of J. S. Williams Bank. P. Morgan. John D. Rockefeller has paid £8,000 annually to riIA since 1932. Later, RIIA began to regularly receive large regular donations from American charitable foundations (Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.).

The first head of the institute was Robert Cecil (1864-1958) - a British lawyer, parliamentary, public and statesman, an active employee and ideologist of the League of Nations, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 (for services to the League of Nations). Lionel Curtis was promoted to the post of Honorary Secretary of RIIA. The leadership of the institute also included former Foreign Secretary Edward Gray, former Prime Minister Arthur Balfour, Lord Lothian, the famous English economist John Maynard Keynes, Alfred Zimmerman (Oxford professor, author of the book "The League of Nations and the Rule of Law"). Zimmerman had a capable student, Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975). On Zimmerman's recommendation, Toynbee became the first paid employee of the institute. Toynbee was later appointed director of the institute. In Chatham House, Toynbee played a leading role for three decades (1925-1955). He supervised scientific research and at the same time was a high-ranking employee of the British service MI6 (intelligence). Many riia studies were commissioned by MI6.

Arnold Toynbee

 RIIA did not appear out of nowhere. It became a superstructure over the rather secret organization "Round Table". According to historians, this society arose as a secret in 1891 in South Africa at the initiative of Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902), a famous figure of British imperialism, who linked his life with the British colonial expansion in South Africa. Rhodes, who mined gold and diamonds in South Africa, was associated with the Rothschilds. In 1910, the Rothschilds established the Round Table in London; the main public figure at the Round Table was Lord Alfred Milner. During the Lord's lifetime, the Round Table was often called the Milner Group. Many historians believe that at the beginning of the twentieth century, the composition of the Round Table and the composition of the Committee of 300 (the world elite, about which John Coleman writes in his book The Committee of Three Hundred) almost completely coincided.

 As Nicholas Hagger notes in The Syndicate. The history of the creation of a secret world government and the methods of its influence on world politics and economy ”, the activities of the Round Table had two contours - external (open activity) and internal (secret activity). The task of the Round Table, writes the famous American historian Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) in the book Tragedy and Hope, was “no less than the creation of a world system of financial control, concentrated in private hands and capable of influencing the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system will be completely feudally governed by the central banks of the world, acting in accordance with secret agreements concluded at frequent personal meetings and conferences. Quigley was very fond of the Round Table, being the official historian of this society.

 The Round Table set out the task of creating a world government governed by international bankers. Many researchers of the Round Table activities believe that the program of this organization as a whole coincides with the program of the Illuminati Order, which operated in the 18th century. The successors of the Illuminati, members of the Round Table, viewed England as an Atlantic force, not a European one, and counted on the creation of a federation of English-speaking countries. Milner has established Roundtable Groups in South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and CIF. They were all run from England. They were the most famous politicians of the British government, and they were all devoted to the idea of ​​world government. The Round Table has always wanted to transform the British Empire into a federal system, which would eventually include both the United Kingdom and the United States. As Carroll Quigley writes, the Round Table did not rule out that Washington could become the capital of such a world community.

 RIIA was a continuation of the Round Table. After the death of Lord Milner in 1925, references to the "Round Table" became rare, more often they began to talk about the Royal Institution. In 1931, Toynbee gave a speech in Copenhagen in which he declared: “We are currently working with all who can make all the nation-states of our world forget about the mysterious power called sovereignty. And we constantly deny what we really do. "

 Nicholas Hagger believes that Toynbee was more American than British, as most of the funding came from overseas, from the Rockefellers: “For 40 years, Toynbee was actively involved in the RIIA's efforts to create a world government. In his writings, Toynbee argues that nation states are withering away and will be supplanted by the "Rockefeller" world government. Although Toynbee's work is fascinating, it is, unfortunately, completely unreliable. "

 Toynbee was a prominent member of the Fabian Society, ideologically close to the Labor Party. Toynbee and his associates Herbert Wells, Bertrand Russell, Bernard Shaw, the Julian brothers and Aldous Huxley did not rule out that one of the possible ways to create the One State would be the international socialist movement. In particular, Toynbee and his associates were very impressed by the Bolsheviks' commitment to internationalism, although the Fabians and employees of the Royal Institute did not share communist views.

 Among those who surrounded Toynbee, many understood that the building of the One State was a task for the distant future. It is necessary to move towards the cherished goal gradually. The creation of a united Europe, in which individual states would dissolve their sovereignty, was considered as a closer goal. Toynbee managed to live up to this time, when in 1957 six European states signed the Treaty of Rome (1957), and later the European Economic Community (EEC) began to be created.

 A year after the establishment of the RIIA, a mirror institution called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. The origins of the organization were Colonel House and Paul Warburg (1868-1932) - one of the initiators of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System. CFR members included Woodrow Wilson, Colonel House, and a number of other influential politicians, bankers, and businessmen. Particularly noteworthy are such members of the Council as John Foster Dulles (served as Secretary of State under President Eisenhower) and his brother Alain Dulles (the future first head of the CIA). A close informal relationship developed between John Dulles and Arnold Toynbee. John Dulles, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, has ensured that the Royal Institution receives regular financial support from the Foundation.

 All publications on the Royal Institution usually refer to the Chatham House Rule. It assumes that participants in closed meetings have no right to disclose the authorship of those other opinions outside the small circle of RIIA members. Opinions can be published, but as impersonal. The rule is intended to encourage maximum openness and frankness in internal meetings. The official mouthpiece of the institute is International Affairs and World Review.

 Since 2005, the Royal Institution has established a prize - the Chatham House Prize. It is awarded annually to "the statesman or organization that Chatham House members believe have made the most important contribution to improving international relations in the past year." The first prize awarded was Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (2005).

 Five years ago, the Royal Institution published The Russian Challenge, an analysis of Russian foreign policy in 2000-2015 and recommendations for the “collective West”. The report reflected the pronounced anti-Russian orientation of all the activities of the Royal Institute.

       Who are you, Dr. Schwab?

"Circus caller, grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, whose heart has nothing to share with the world"

Neo Marx, the American ideologue of medical Nazism, Schwab Klaus, has a bust of Lenin in his office. Perhaps bronze, possibly gold. Everything is possible for the ideology of man-man.

How did you live to see the island 🏝 bad luck? 

"In the office with a bust of Lenin sat five satisfied and shiny faces..."

From the memoirs of the "English spy" (1997):

A pig from Shchelkovo called the editorial office:

- Sergey, come to us. The heart is bleeding, the strength is no longer to look at this murder ...

We arrived and a terrible picture opened before us: opposite the farm stood a mountain of dead pig corpses the size of a three-story house. And on the right is another, slightly smaller. Immediately hundreds of rats ran and millions of flies circled over all this. The operator became ill, and the driver shook back into the car and plugped all the windows. As it turned out, the crooked director of the state farm decided to deliberately bankrupt the enterprise and stopped feeding the animals. Mass death began. We went inside: hundreds of distraught stuff squealed with hunger and were ready to tear up our film crew.

- We call our pig farm Shchelkovo Buchenwald - the only pig grinned bitterly. - Only the crematorium, fascists with dogs and towers with machine guns are missing.

I went to understand the director of the state farm, but he somewhere prudently screwed. They interviewed local residents and workers of the state farm: everyone was very indignant, felt sorry for hungry animals and demanded to bring the director of the state farm to criminal liability.

The plot caused a great resonance, and the next day the capital's merchant called and offered 4 tons of some imported powder, which is added for the production of bread products. And this caring person singled out the truck.

Again we went to Shchelkovo Buchenwald, the mountain of corpses in front of the pig farm became even larger. Unloaded the bags and I went to chase the director. I got just to the meeting: in the office with a bust of Lenin sat five satisfied and shiny faces. The director began to mumble something about the democrats who ruined the country and state farms (I was later told how this crap did not come out of the casino). We returned to the pig farm and were stunned: the locals, who had been very indignant the day before, dragged our humanitarian aid to their homes and only the same pig tried to beat off the last bag:

- Nina, we ourselves have nothing to eat - the man in the vest yelled at the woman.

After the second series about Shchelkovo Buchenwald, my mother cried for a long time.

At the May (2020) WEF online conference, Klaus Schwab, together with Prince Charles, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, coined the term The Great Reset (Great Reset, Great Perestroika). The meaning of the stuffing-in: the world of capitalism is going through a serious crisis, capitalism must be remade (Prince Charles speaks of "responsible capitalism"). The coronavirus pandemic with its lockdown gives a unique chance for rework, but it cannot be done quickly, and therefore the lockdown should be extended.

 In early June 2020, a page titled The Great Reset appeared on the EEF website. The theme was picked up, a chorus sounded. The choir members were Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau. Following Trudeau's speech, Canadian Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre filed a petition in November asking to “stop the great reset”; the petition collected 80,000 signatures in less than 72 hours.

 Opponents of the “great perestroika” have emerged in the United States, Great Britain, and continental Europe. In the discussion on the side of Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and others, the IT giants of Silicon Valley - Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, are participating, amplifying the sound of the choir many times over. In November, The New York Times rashly called the opponents of The Great Reset as supporters of a "conspiracy theory" and was foolish: the conspirators are more likely supporters of The Great Reset, although they act openly.

 I am reminded of HG Wells's 1928 The Open Conspiracy. The Great Perestroika is an open conspiracy.

 Klaus Schwab is 83 years old, but he is active. In July 2020, the book Covid-19: The Great Reset was published, co-written with Thierry Malleret, who is presented as a left-leaning futurist. By the end of 2020, the book is due to be published in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

 The main ideas of the book about the "great perestroika" are already diverging.

 First, the COVID-19 pandemic is a "unique window of opportunity." It is through this window that humanity must be introduced into the future. No return to the past! “Many people ask: when will we return to normal life? The short answer is never. Our story will be divided into two parts: before the coronavirus and after. "

 Secondly, the "bright future" is a world where the distinctions between rich and poor countries will be erased, and, over time, state borders will be destroyed. A single planetary state with a single government will emerge: "The question of the World Government is at the center of all issues." Further Schwab writes: “With the introduction of the lockdown, our attachment to loved ones increases, we value more those whom we love - family members and friends. But the downside here is that it causes a rise in patriotic and national feelings along with dark religious beliefs and ethnic preferences. And this toxic mixture brings out the worst in us ... ”Schwab makes it clear that“ dark religious beliefs and ethnic preferences ”will be declared war.

 Third, the brave new world economy must be centrally managed by giant monopolies. Private property will wither away, its place will be taken by the "economy of use", "the economy of participation" (while Schwab and others carefully avoid the concept of "socialism"). There will be no cash, digital currencies will be introduced everywhere.

 Fourthly, there will be a transition to "green" energy, it will replace hydrocarbon energy. Limits will be imposed on the consumption of water, electricity, some "environmentally hazardous" types of products (for example, meat) or industrial products (for example, cars). And the most radical means of reducing the burden on the natural environment will be to reduce demographic growth or even to reduce the population: "The greater the demographic growth ... the higher the risk of new pandemics."

 Fifth, robotization will be completed in all spheres of the economy and public life. The book "The Great Perestroika" says many times about the sharp reduction of jobs: "Until 2035, up to 86% of jobs in restaurants, 75% of jobs in trade and 59% in the entertainment industries can be automated." "Up to 75% of restaurants can go broke due to lockdowns and subsequent social distancing measures." "Not a single industry, not a single enterprise will remain unaffected." It is proposed to introduce an unconditional basic income (UBI) for people who will be replaced by robots, but only if the person confirms that he is vaccinated.

 Sixth, digitalization of all spheres of the economy and society will continue. An effective system will be created to monitor the behavior and movement of people, including using face recognition technologies. Quote: "To end the pandemic, a worldwide digital surveillance network must be created."

 Seventh, the new health care model will provide for regular testing, compulsory vaccination, issuance of a sanitary passport, and the establishment of restrictions and punishments for persons who evade the rules of medical discipline.

 Eighth, in the spirit of transhumanism, a person will be "improved".

 So, the goals of the open conspiracy are proclaimed. With the support that the "great perestroika" receives from the camp of globalism, there is no doubt that the notorious "pandemic" is the beginning of the operation of the transition to the "brave new world." Will there be forces capable of resisting the globalist perestroika?

The Ethiopian WHO, the authorities of the National Peace Administrations consisting of ideological Nazis, as well as other obvious useful idiots from the administrations of the Nation-States offered people in the spring of 2020 "for their own safety" to sit in a "temporary detention cell". However, the conclusion was permanent. Neo Marx Klaus Schwab, the founder and permanent leader of the openly Nazi fascist and communist World Forum (WEF), holds annual meetings (usually in January) in the Swiss city of Davos. In January 2020, a landmark gathering of Nazis took place and this fact is explained by the composition of degenerates who arrived at this gathering.

A new gathering on May 13-16, 2021 was transferred to the Singapore Communist Reserve again captured by the Chinese Communists. Klaus Schwab received congratulations on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum (originally called the European Management Forum).

Everyone knows Klaus Schwab as an economist, a professor at the University of Geneva. Concurrently, Klaus 🤶 an honorary professor at many universities, a member of the boards of trustees and boards of directors of many companies. Repeatedly participated in meetings of the Bilderberg Club, was a member of its steering committee.

At the May (2020) online conference of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, along with Prince Charles, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, threw into circulation the term The Great Reset (great reset, great perestroika). The meaning of the stuffing: the world of capitalism is experiencing a serious crisis, capitalism needs to be remaked (Prince Charles speaks of "responsible capitalism"). The coronavirus pandemic with its lockdown gives a unique chance to remake, but it will not be done quickly, and therefore the lockdown should be extended.

In early June 2020, a page called The Great Reset appeared on the WEF website. The theme was picked up, a chorus of fools sounded. The choir members were Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau. After Trudeau's speech was circulated, Canadian Conservative LAWmaker Pierre Poalleuvre filed a petition in November asking him to "stop the great reset"; the petition collected 80,000 signatures in less than 72 hours.

Opponents of the "great perestroika" were identified in the United States, Great Britain, and continental Europe. In the discussion on the side of Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and others involved IT giants of Silicon Valley - Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, repeatedly amplifying the sound of the choir. In November, The New York Times rushed to call the opponents of The Great Reset supporters a "conspiracy theory" and fooled: the conspirators are rather supporters of The Great Reset, although they act openly.

I recall H.G. Wells' 1928 work The Open Conspiracy. The "Great Perestroika" is an open conspiracy.

Our young friend, lover and follower of the ideas of Ulyanov Lenin Klaus Schwab quite a bit 🤏 years knocked, only that 84th year went, the age of puberty and activity so to speak, and Klaus 🤶 justifies our world hopes. Energy this cheerful young man does not occupy, he is fresh like a young dark brown Tajik tomato 🍅 in the garden, this is how a real auditor of the planet should look. In July 2020, his terrorist masterpiece Covid-19: The Great Reset, co-written with Thierry Malleret, who is presented as a left-wing futurist, was released. Until the end of 2020, the red book 📕 published in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

The main ideas of the book about the "great perestroika" already differ.

Schwab continued this theme in his book Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet: 

a global economy working for progress, people and the planet), which appeared in early 2021.

Our Schwab, who turned 83 in March, is, one might say, at the zenith of glory. True, the glory is scandalous. For the plan of the "Great Reset" involves the seizure by a small group of "chosen" of power over the world.

Naturally, everyone and we also had a genuine delight and interest in the biography of Klaus. The Internet gives a detailed description of the life of our hero, but for some reason only from the moment when the boy 👦 graduated from school and entered the Federal Swiss Institute of Technology in 1957.

What about that? Two or three stingy tears 😪 lines of the following content: born March 30, 1938 in the German city of Ravensburg. There he studied at the gymnasium, from which he graduated in 1957. Nothing is said about his parents, nor about his ancestors and relatives, nor about studying at the gymnasium, nor about childhood friends, habits. It seems that someone put the stamp "secret" on the biography of Klaus during his life in Ravensburg. Naturally, versions appeared and walked.

Some of them had the character of sensationalism. For example, a picture depicting the pedigree of Klaus Schwab. It follows that his father is Fred Schwab, his mother was Marianne Schwab, née Rothschild (born in 1919).

In turn, Marianne's father was Louis Rothschild (1864-1942), a banker from the German city of Bad Homburg. Admittedly, we ourselves gave these pictures without comment, in the hope of getting responses from Klaus Schwab's belonging to the Rothschild clan. Indeed, there were fred and Marianne Schwab, and Marianne was indeed from the Rothschild clan, but Klaus Schwab was not among their children. It turns out that Fred and Marianne are the namesakes of our young hero Klaus.




Marianne Schwab, nee Rothschild, born in 1919 in Frankfurt/Main is the daughter of Louis and Melanie Rothschild of Bad Homburg, Germany, a few miles north of Frankfurt. Bad Homburg was described as having a then population of about 60,000 to 70,000 inhabitants of which approximately 5% were Jewish. Her father operated a banking business in Bad Homburg and although in the same business as the famous House of Rothschild dynasty of Frankfurt, the family was not directly related to them. Her father was also president of the Jewish community, and her maternal grandfather was a city councilman in Bad Homburg.

And yet we found out why the young man Klaus never mentions the name of his parent. In the most concentrated form, information about Klaus's father is collected in the material Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich (Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich), published on March 18, 2021.

Klaus's father's name was Eugen Wilhelm Schwab. Year of birth 1899. When Klaus was born, his father was a director of the company Escher-Wyss & Co., which was located in Ravensburg. Eugene Schwab continued to work for the company as honorary president until his death in 1982.

Escher-Wyss was founded in 1805. In the twentieth century, it developed unique high-strength materials designed for the production of gas turbines, compressors, electrical equipment, heat pumps and other thermal equipment, hydraulics, ships, aircraft, etc.

Recently, materials from the archives of the United States, Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland were declassified, allowing a better understanding of what Escher-Wyss was doing under the leadership of Eugene Schwab before and during the Second World War: the company was under the special patronage of Hitler due to its importance in the military-industrial complex of the Third Reich and was awarded the honorary title of "exemplary National Socialist enterprise".

Escher-Wyss was, in modern parlance, the "city-forming enterprise" of Ravensburg. In a sense, Klaus Schwab's father ran not only the company, but also the city. And the city is known for practicing eugenics principles to kill "useless eaters"; Ravensburg was a testing ground for the development of technologies developed by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

Even Ravensburg, located near the German-Swiss border, is known for the fact that at the end of the war it became a transit point through which gold looted by the Nazis in different countries was sent to Switzerland.

One of the workshops of Escher-Wyss. Photo:

In Hitler's state, Escher-Wyss occupied a special place in the military-industrial complex, since it was entrusted with the task of creating... nuclear weapons. Hitler failed to create this weapon, but some developments in the company Escher-Wyss were made, they were used in the postwar period.

After receiving a higher technical education in Switzerland, Klaus worked for Escher-Wyss under the guidance of his parent. He was commissioned to merge the German company Escher-Wyss and the Swiss company Sulzer AG. Klaus Schwab solved problems related to the illegal supply of components for the production of nuclear weapons by Escher-Wyss to South Africa.

He did this until at least 1971, when he established the World Economic Forum (then called the European Management Forum). The supply of materials and components for the production of nuclear weapons was banned by the decision of the UN.

European Management Forum, 1975 Schwab – far right

There is no doubt that Klaus Schwab was involved in their smuggling of nuclear weapons components to South Africa, but escaped punishment. Therefore, he is afraid to even mention his father's name.

As for Klaus Schwab's mother, there was no mention of her at all until recently. Surprisingly, in 2021, Klaus Schwab for the first time publicly called the names of his parents. Schwab's book "Capitalism of All Stakeholders" is dedicated to parents: To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle.

Not only the father' name is named, but also her mother, Erika Epprecht, but this is a shameless lie. Erika Epprecht is Klaus Schwab's stepmother. And his blood mother is Emma Gisela Tekelius Schwab, née Kilian, the first wife of Eugene Wilhelm Schwab. She was 100 percent Jewish.

Soon after Klaus's birth, the persecution of Jews intensified in Germany, and his mother was forced to leave the country. On December 9, 1938, Emma Schwab emigrated to the United States under the name Gisela Schwab, leaving an infant named Klaus. Her fate is unknown.

Soon my father remarried. His wife was the woman whose name is indicated in the dedication of Klaus Schwab on his book - Erika Epprecht. Klaus's stepmother, as the author of Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich notes, "was a strong Aryan acceptable to the Nazis."

At the same time, there were no records of divorce from Emma or remarriage with Erica. Perhaps Erika Epprecht was not quite the legitimate stepmother of the future president of the World Economic Forum.

Klaus Schwab, brought up in early childhood in the spirit of National Socialism, in every possible way concealed who really was his mother. Even in his youth, our Schwab entered the role of a 100 percent Aryan. The Aryan spirit tried to convey to him his father. Probably, after the flight of Emma, Eugene Schwab breathed a sigh of relief: it would interfere with his career in the Third Reich.

Klaus Schwab has an older brother who was born to Eugene and Emma Schwab in 1927. His name is Hans Schwab. Unlike Klaus, he always considered himself a full-fledged Jew (Jewry is determined not by his father, but by his mother), he did not renounce his mother, but he also maintained relations with his father.

In Brazil, a company was created, which became part of Escher-Wyss, and Hans began to manage it. Once Klaus Schwab said that Eugene and Erika Epprecht in 1960 visited Brazil ...

The author of the article "Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich" writes: "Klaus Schwab almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he's a con man – a circus yee who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, whose heart has nothing to share with the world."

Such a person – a comfortable figure for those who conceived the "Great Reset". No, he's not from the Rothschilds. But he is undoubtedly an agent and protégé of the Rothschilds. I write about this in my book "Reading Schwab. Inclusive Capitalism and the Great Reset. An open conspiracy against humanity"

Klaus 🤶, smile joy 😀 you are our world, come to our bar, we have a beautiful fresh Munich beer 🍻 brought, cut ( ) Old man 👴 a mug of foamy drink 🍻 under the Soviet vobla 😂

WaR cRiMEs cORonA 👑 qUalIFiCAtiON oF The NuRemberG tRIbUnAl 1947.

           Deja vu! Cafe-bar.

A smart face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this facial expression 👑19 🩸

Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray

        The same MUNNHAUSEN 

       04 Dec 2020 

Putin appointed Chubais to a new position. 

Anatoly Chubais became the special representative of the Russian resident for relations with international organizations. What exactly should he oversee? Formally, in the sphere of his competences - "sustainable development" of the country? 


🆙 Chubais on the reduction of the population of planet Earth from 7 billion to 1.5 billion people

Epidemspetsnaz terrorists from the Ethiopian WHO will land this time in Kazan The combined detachment of red brigades plans to work out the drive of Russian Tatars through field laboratories with their own tests from 2015 and injections of biological weapons in the hand.

The scale of Russian medical officials with a private non-governmental office at the UN called WHO, based on money from the Rockefeller Foundation, is amazing. No sooner had their Minister of Medicine Mikhail Murashko signed the dominant role of this office at the G20 summit in Rome, as the Chief Digital Designer Mikhail Mishustin issued an order (according to tradition, without a personal signature and stamp) to hold international exercises in Kazan using mobile rapid response laboratories. This is another "know-how" from the Russians and Ethiopians of the WHO, which is designed to completely displace national medicine in the nation-states, and with it the sovereignty of all nation-states. When declaring an emergency in epidemiology, criminal authorities allow themselves to arbitrarily drive the entire population, like cattle, through PCR tests and the now fashionable injection procedure. In the area of work of such laboratories, in fact, national laws and basic human rights will not be relevant, mobile communications will be disabled, other limited pre-adopted laws, including mass graves in a common grave with the help of an excavator and buckets. 

From the content of the underground issued Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.09.2021 No. 2609-r, it follows that in Kazan from October 11 to 15, exercises of international rapid response teams to emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature using mobile laboratories will be held.

The role of the organizer of the event is formally assigned to the Russian Rospotrebnadzor, but the main initiator and instructor is the infamous Ethiopian division of the World Health Organization. Ethiopians from the WHO drag a whole delegation of their "specialists" to Kazan, whose visa support will be promptly handled by the drug department of the Russian Foreign Office (it is worth explaining - they are exempt from levying fees - that is, terrorists are launched in a preferential mode, as an exception to constipation, the guys go). Rospotrebnadzor will finance this whole business from the allocated budget funds of the Russians - that is, the banquet will be held at the expense of tax revenues from citizens.You see, Friends, this is testing plans in practice, then they will go to other countries of the world.

Comrades, the fact that a military-political conspiracy existed against

 Now, I hope, no one doubts the Soviet power. Fact, such a lot

 testimony of the criminals themselves and observation by comrades who work

 on the ground, there is such a mass of them that there is undoubtedly a military-political

 conspiracy against Soviet power, stimulated and financed

 German fascists.

 They scold people: some are scoundrels, others are eccentrics, and still others are landlords.

 But swearing by itself does nothing. To uproot this evil

 and put an end to it, you need to study it, calmly study it, study its roots,

 to reveal and outline the means so that in the future such outrageousness neither in our country nor

 around us did not repeat itself.

 I just wanted to say a few words on questions of this kind. First of all, notice what kind of people stood at the head of the military-political conspiracy. I do not take those who have already been shot, I take those who have recently been at large. Trotsky, Rykov, Bukharin are, so to speak, political leaders. Among them I also include Rudzutak, who also stood at the head and worked very cunningly, confused everything, but only turned out to be a German spy, Karakhan, Yenukidze. Next come: Yagoda, Tukhachevsky - along the military line, Yakir, Uborevich, Kork, Eideman, Gamarnik - 13 people. What kind of people are they? This is very interesting to know. This is the core of the military-political conspiracy, the core which had systematic relations with the German fascists, especially with the German Reichswehr, and which [p.214] adapted all its work to the tastes and orders of the German fascists. What kind of people are they?

    …. When they speak of the nobles as a hostile class to the working people, they mean the class, estate, stratum, but this does not mean that some individuals from the nobility cannot serve the working class. Lenin was of noble origin - do you know that?

 Engels was the son of a manufacturer — non-proletarian elements, as you wish. Engels himself ran his factory and fed Marx with it. Chernyshevsky was the son of a priest - he was not a bad person. And vice versa. Serebryakov was a worker, and you know what a scoundrel he turned out to be. Livshits was a worker, an illiterate worker, but turned out to be a spy.

    When they talk about hostile forces, they mean class, estate, stratum, but not

 every person from this class can harm. Individuals from nobles, from

 the bourgeoisie worked for the benefit of the working class, and worked well. From such

 strata, like lawyers, for example, there were many revolutionaries. Marx had a son

 a lawyer, not the son of a farm laborer and not the son of a worker. Of these layers, there can always be

 persons who can serve the cause of the working class no worse, but better than the clean

 blood proletarians. Therefore, the general standard that this is not the son of a farm laborer is the old

 a measure not applicable to individuals. This is not a Marxist approach.

 This is not a Marxist approach. This, I would say, is a biological approach, not

 Marxist. We consider Marxism not a biological science, but a sociological one.

 science. So this general measure, completely correct in relation to estates, groups,

 layers, it is not applicable to all individuals who have a non-proletarian

 or not of peasant origin. I will not analyze these

 of people.

    You still have another, also incorrect, walking point of view. It is often said in

 In 1922, such and such voted for Trotsky. Also wrong. Man could be

 young, just did not understand, he was a bully. Dzerzhinsky voted for Trotsky, not

 he simply voted, and openly supported Trotsky under Lenin against Lenin. You

 do you know? He was not a person who [c.215] could remain passive in

 anything. He was a very active Trotskyist, and he wanted to raise all the GPU to the defense.

 Trotsky. This he did not succeed. Andreev was a very active Trotskyist in 1921.

 Voice from the place. Which Andreev? Stalin. Secretary of the Central Committee, Andrei Andreevich Andreev. So you see, the general opinion that so-and-so voted then or so-and-so hesitated then is also not

 absolutely and not always correct. So this second reason, which has a widespread point of view among you and in the Party in general, is also wrong. I would say, it is not always correct, and very often it fails. So, when characterizing this core and its members, I will not use this point of view as incorrect either.

     The best thing is to judge people by their deeds, by their work. There were people who

 hesitated, then withdrew, withdrew openly, honestly and in the same ranks with us very

 they fight well with the Trotskyists. Dzerzhinsky fought very well, fights very

 good comrade Andreev. There are also such people. I could count a dozen

 two or three people who have departed from Trotskyism have departed firmly and are fighting with him very

 OK. It could not have been otherwise, because throughout the history of our party

 the facts showed that the line of Lenin, since they began an open war with him

 Trotskyists, turned out to be correct. Facts have shown that later, after Lenin

 the line of the Central Committee of our party, the line of the party as a whole turned out to be correct. It couldn't

 not to influence some of the former Trotskyists. And it's not surprising that

 people like Dzerzhinsky, Andreev, and two or three dozen former Trotskyists,

 sorted it out, saw that the party line was correct and went over to our side.

 I will say more. I know some non-Trotskyists, they were not Trotskyists, but we

 they were not of much use. They voted for the party in an official manner. Is it big

 the price of such a "Leninist"? Conversely, there were people who bristled up, doubted,

 not everything was recognized as correct and they did not have enough cowardice to

 hide their hesitation, they voted against the party line, and then switched to

 our side. Therefore, this second point of view, walking and widespread among you, I

 I reject it as absolute. [c.216]

    A third point of view is needed when characterizing the leaders of this core of the conspiracy. it

 the point of view of characterizing people by their deeds over a number of years. I pass on to this. I counted 13 people. I repeat: Trotsky, Rykov, Bukharin, Yenukidze, Karakhan, Rudzutak, Yagoda, Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich, Kork, Eideman, Gamarnik.

    10 of them are spies. Trotsky organized a group, which he directly trained, instructed: give information to the Germans so that they believe that I, Trotsky, have people. Do sabotage, crash, so that I, Trotsky, the Japanese and the Germans believe that I have strength. The man who preached among his people the need to engage in espionage, because, they say, the Trotskyists must have a bloc with the German fascists, therefore, we must have cooperation, therefore, we must help in the same way as they help us in

 in case of need. Now they are required to help with information - give information. Do you remember the testimony of Radek, you remember the testimony of Livshits, you remember the testimony of Sokolnikov - you gave information. This is espionage. Trotsky is an organizer of spies from people who either belonged to our party or who are around our party - the chief spy.

Rykov. We have no information that he himself informed the Germans, but he encouraged this information through his people. Yenukidze and Karakhan were very closely associated with him, both turned out to be spies. Karakhan since 1927 and since 1927 - Yenukidze. We know through whom they delivered secret information, through whom they delivered this information - through such and such a person from the German embassy in Moscow. We know. Rykov knew all this. We have no evidence that he is a spy himself.

    Bukharin. We do not have data that he himself informed, but very

 strong and Yenukidze, and Karakhan, and Rudzutak, they advised them - inform, yourself

 were not delivered. Gamarnik. We have no data that he himself informed, but all his friends,

 closest friends: Uborevich, especially Yakir, Tukhachevsky - were engaged

 systematic information from the German General Staff.

     Rest. Yenukidze, Karakhan - I have already said. Yagoda is a spy and bred spies in his GPU. He informed the Germans which of the employees of the GPU had such and such vices. He sent such Chekists abroad for rest. For these vices these people were seized by the German intelligence and recruited, they returned recruited.

    Yagoda told them: I know that the Germans recruited you as you want, or you are my people, personal and work as I want, blindly, or I convey to the Central Committee that you are German spies. They were recruited and submitted to Yagoda as his personal people. This is what he did to Guy, a German-Japanese spy. He admitted it himself. These people are recognized. So he did with Volovich - a German spy, he himself admits. So he did with Pauker - a German spy, long-standing, since 1923. So Yagoda.

     Further, Tukhachevsky. You have read his testimony. He's our operational plan, our operational plan - our holy of holies passed on to the German Reichswehr. Had a meeting with representatives of the German Reichswehr. Spy? Spy. For plausibility in the West, these crooks from Western European civilized countries are called informers, but we know in Russian that this is just a spy.

     Yakir systematically informed the German headquarters. He invented for himself

 this liver disease. Maybe he invented this disease for himself, or maybe it is in

 it really was. He went there to be treated.

    Uborevich not only with friends, with comrades, but he personally personally informed. Karakhan is a German spy. Eidemann is a German spy. Karakhan informed the German headquarters from the time when he was their military attaché in Germany. Rudzutak. I have already said that he does not admit that he is a spy, but we have all the data. We know to whom he passed the information. There is one experienced scout in Germany, in Berlin. That's when you might have to visit Berlin, Josephine Genzi, maybe some of you know. She is a beautiful woman. The scout is old. She recruited Karakhan. She recruited on the basis of the women’s unit. She recruited Yenukidze. She helped recruit Tukhachevsky. She is also holding Rudzutaka in her hands. This is a very experienced scout, Josephine Genzi. As if she herself is a Danish

 service of the German Reichswehr. Beautiful, very willingly goes to all sorts of offers from men, and then ruins. You may have read an article in Pravda about some insidious methods of recruiters. Here she is one of the scouts of the German Reichswehr who distinguished themselves in this field. Here are the people. Ten certain spies and three [c.218] organizers and connivors of espionage in favor of the German Reichswehr. Here they are, these people.

     Naturally, they may ask such a question - how is this so, these people, who were communists yesterday, suddenly became themselves rabid weapons in the hands of German espionage? And so that they are recruited. Today they are required to give information. Do not give, we already have your receipt that you are recruited, we will publish it. On pain of exposure, they provide information. Tomorrow they demand: no, this is not enough, give more and get money, give me a receipt. After that, they demand - start a conspiracy, sabotage. First sabotage, sabotage, show that you are acting on

 our side. If you don’t show it, we will expose it, tomorrow we will hand it over to the agents of Soviet power and your heads will fly. They start sabotage. After that, they say - no, you are in the Kremlin somehow. Try to arrange something or take command posts in the Moscow garrison B in general. And they start trying as hard as they can. Further, this is not enough. Give real facts worth something.

    And they kill Kirov. Get it, they say. And they are told - go further, can't you

 remove the entire government. And they organize through Yenukidze, through Gorbachev, Yegorov, who was then the head of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee school, and the school was in the Kremlin, Peterson.

    They are told to organize a group to arrest the government. Reports are flying that there is a group, we will do everything, arrest and so on. But this gave it - to arrest, kill several people, and the people, and the army. Well, that means they report that we have such and such command posts occupied, we ourselves occupy large command posts - me, Tukhachevsky, and he, Uborevich, and here is Yakir. They demand - but what about Japan, the Far East, how? And so a campaign begins, a very serious campaign.


Speech at the enlarged meeting of the Military Council under the People's Commissar of Defense on June 2, 1937 (incorrect transcript). Source: Stalin I.V. Sochinenny. – T. 14. – M.: Izdatelstvo "Writer", 1997. pp. 214–235. [Red font in square brackets indicates the end of the text on the corresponding page of the printed original of the said edition].

🗺 fACts _EvENtS _peoPle 

The end. 

In OUr BUsINess, tHE main ThInG IS ReAlisM. 

the topIc oF THe LectUre IS New YOrK – ThE CIty OF coNtraSTs... InvEnTOrY, PRoTocol, PassEd, accepTeD, FingER priNTs.


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