They're lying. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they're lying anyway.

The CDC downgraded the definition of a "vaccine" from a product that produces immunity to a drug that stimulates the immune response to protect.

A similar situation occurred with the WHO definition of "influenza pandemic" just before the H1N1 outbreak in 2009.

CDC Website


Saved Copy of CDC Site, Archive, August 26


Archive of September 2.


The World Health Organization (WHO) changed its definition of pandemic influenza in 2009 after the new H1N1 influenza was identified. The definition of treason is brazen and criminal, as you understand, to continue the biological blackmail of the world's population until the planned 2028 and the onset of paradise in the form of NWO (war communism fascism) in parallel with the grass of children, adult old people with a potion generously poured into syringes 💉, putting rags on the entire population on the respiratory organs, and also to have on the list the entire alphabetic set of Deltas, Lambd, Mu 🐮 and other game from the Ethiopian terrorist friend of Bill, Bill Barry from his youth, for endless announcements about pandemics and the inability to return to his past life. On 4 May 2009, less than a month before the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic, the web page was changed to read: "An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges against which the population is not immune, leading to several simultaneous epidemics around the world with a huge number of deaths and diseases." - "An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges against which the population is not immune."

A few months later, the Council of Europe would cite this change as evidence that WHO had changed its definition of pandemic influenza to be able to declare a pandemic without having to demonstrate the intensity of the H1N1 virus disease.

And while WHO terrorists are concerned about the fight against influenza-like SARS Covid, the survival rate from which among ordinary people is more than 99.98%, while influenza has ceased to be recorded as a disease at all, in the poorest countries this lie epidemic 😷 covid leads to numerous deaths from tuberculosis and AIDS.

Sick oval criminals and a pack of the same degenerate journalists have no agenda other than empty talk about a false pandemic for 9 months in a row. A bunch of pitch idiots and criminals in one bottle (building). 


💉 Red Clown 🤡 Psaki at a press conference when asked if Americans can expect a "Biden announcement" in their daily lives tomorrow, replied that: "It depends on whether you are vaccinated or not .’’ 

It's kind of a shame 🙈 but 🤦🏻 

This Economy Can Only Crash Now (No Survivors)


Just so you understand, there is no possible way to correct the current economic situation. Everyone should understand and internalize this fact. This is one of the most important factors on the terrorist agenda.

This plan is very good and is to allow money printing to completely get out of control, which will lead to a sharp rise in prices. As a solution, they will introduce a "central bank digital currency," which is a state money token. This will be similar to the current cryptocurrency order, except that it will be de facto centralized and controlled by private corporations rather than the government. Absolute control-blockchain.

You will begin to hear this term "CBDC" (digital currency of the Central Bank) more and more often. And the next stage of this agenda will end with a total blockchain with the mark of the beast - a vaccine international passport, without it to leave the house 🏡 not buy and not sell. 

Australia USSR 2:0 😂

Those already in isolation in Australia are currently being confiscated alcohol.

WORLD HOSPITAL 🏥 (Bank 🏦) has calculated the PROJECT with completion in March 2025 By this time they plan to stab everyone 


"Hundreds of thousands of people will die from untreated TB due to health system failures in poor countries caused by the COVID-19 pandemic," said the head of the Geneva-based Global Relief Fund, which consists of an alliance of governments, civil society and private sector partners investing more than $4 billion a year to fight tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS, "In several of the world's poorest countries, excess deaths from AIDS and tuberculosis may and somewhere outweigh deaths from covid itself."

The Foundation's 2020 annual report, released on Wednesday, found that the number of people receiving treatment for drug-resistant TB in countries where it operates has fallen by 19%. HIV prevention programmes and services recorded an 11% decline. 


Does someone, for example, an oval red 👩 🦰 statistics 📉 statistics on mortality from these diseases on a global scale, as she does with her charming mouth 👄 at each of her theatrical performances in front of morons with microphones is not clear, I think there is no 👎 does not lead, she does not lead anything at all except a hairstyle 💇 on an empty head.

An article written by the great commander Joe Biden in 1992 shows how he swore allegiance to the New World Order system.


Joe Biden swore allegiance to the New World Order in a 1992 article.

The White House administration and their immediate plans.



📜 Instructions for use Gam-COVID-Vac Combined vector vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2


💊 Composition of Gam-COVID-Vac Combined vector vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2


The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010.


FIRST REGISTRATION: NETHERLANDS, 2015. Source: Dutch Government patent regitry website. Info (verbatim copy): A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19.

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag. 



Please note that all documents say "drug", not "vaccine".

"Essentially, about a million fewer people were treated for TB in 2020 than in 2019, and I fear that this will inevitably mean that hundreds of thousands of people will die," executive director Peter Sands told Reuters, noting that the clinics, staff and diagnostics commonly used to treat TB have instead been deployed for the new SARS COVID19 in countries such as India and across Africa. 

Today, thursday, Bidon is set to make a presentation on a new strategy to combat the delta option. 

Grandfather plans to take steps to expand testing (hence the number of cases will increase dramatically) and ensure the protection of children in schools. The old man identified children and schoolchildren as a key area of attention. 

The president, who has ordered all nursing homes to require their staff to be vaccinated by blackmailing them with Medicare and Medicaid funding, also plans to force public sector, military and medical workers to be vaccinated. Workers. 

    These are real oval biological terrorists. 

Ꮪᴩᴇᴄiᴀl ᴏᴩᴇrᴀᴛiᴏn ᴛhᴇ sizᴇ ᴏf ᴛhᴇ wᴏrld ᴏf 🌍


Visualization (from Latin visualis, "visual") is the general name of the techniques of representation of numerical information or physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis.

     Fake high-profile vaccinated 🤡 


So the world fake started in China 🇨🇳 Remember the pearl by the apt Chinese BEA and its famous biological terrorist at the beginning of the planneddemion people fell dead in the street from the kovid. Just suddenly they took and became dead right on the streets? Even then we paid the attention of many to the obvious staging of this action by the Chinese folk theater. This is one of the plans of the special operation of the crown 👑. Yes, original, the usual scare tactics have led the world into fear and movement. It's fake and used to intimidate the world. On the falling actors, by the way, there were always masks.у


The case of Mena Airport (Clinton's connection, which was then governor of Arkansas, with the drug mafia), the Whitewater scam (the machinations of the Clinton spouses in the trade of plots) and the suicide of Hillary Clinton's lover Vince Foster were given much publicity. And although all the evidence led to influential spouses, and the dead were, as on the battlefield, all the investigations ended in nothing.

       😷Gripp in Spain. 1918.


The real pandemic is these "viruses" in the photo, Friends. 


🌎Dawn of a New Day/Dawn of a New Day and Global Communism.


In September 2020, Hillary Clinton went on trial. The Duran article discussed the involvement of George Soros and Hillary Clinton, as well as the Clinton Foundation in the antifa-provoked Black Lives Matter riots. On June 3, A CNBC broadcast appeared on where is the Buzz, saying that Hillary Clinton had lost a lawsuit over an already nearly forgotten unprotected private email server she used to send government emails to the state.



🌎Dawn of a New Day/Dawn of a New Day and Global Communism.

It's amazing that so many people still don't understand or see that they're following our kids. 

⚠️ Less weapon for quiet wars. The article that formed the agenda of the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954.


All the talk about "health" and "children", this is against the background of lies about covid and against the background of loud statements that we need to vaccinate our children, this is a 100% childish narrative, it is present everywhere, it is global. 

Purpose 🎯 children 👶 Children as a state 

property through false covid, under the umbrella of "health" and "children". 

Take care of children, friends. For their Souls and bodies unfolded a real hunt.

🇨🇳😈🐏 TikTok, like China's pure evil, and its purpose is defined and clear. He feeds our children sex, drugs and slavery. Mostly this content he gives to users under the age of 13 years.

According to an in-depth analysis of TikTok's personalized page for you, the WSJ found that user accounts as young as 13 were fed videos about sex, perversion,, drug use and other topics that could knock parents out of the rut and plant ideas in the head of an immature child that would lead to his funeral in the near future.

The analysis found that the main mechanism that transmits inappropriate content to minors in the app is triggered simply by watching a certain video for a long time – perhaps when watching it twice. Or just when you search it to the end. link


By the way, if someone forgot about the new hobbies of oval degenerates, then we will chastely fill the ⬇️ 

It's never happened before. The White House said it will and have begun working with major dating apps Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid, BLK, Chispa, Plenty of Fish, Bumble and Badoo to offer perks and badges #COVID19 those who have been vaccinated against kovdiosis. 🤦🏻 


 WE'RE definitely on the path that idiotic Satanists, sometimes not even know what we're doing, are definitely on the road that we've been put in.

Asked if the new steps of the old 6-point old man will affect the lives of Americans, the sobbing Psaki replied: "It depends on whether you are vaccinated or not."

"The president has announced six steps, there will be new components," Psaki said. "Some of them will be related to access to testing, some will be related to mandates, some will be related to how we protect children in schools."

"There will be new components that will undoubtedly affect people across the country, but we are also working together to get the virus under control to get back to our normal lives," she added.


... They're really trying to set the wick on fire all over the U.S. 🇺🇸 and Peace! 

    Another Vinaigrette from Bidon 

"You can't build what it was before the storm. You have to build better so that if the storm happens again, there's no damage – it would be. But that won't stop us... "Joe said another salad of crazy words. 


Every day when this old puppet says something, people are more embarrassed and angry at him and at Trump, who promised people with three boxes and threw them.

A 19-year-old boy ends up in a hospital in Sydney, Australia, with pneumonia. While there, he claims to have seen police and hospital staff withhold patients and impose covid treatment on them, even though they shouted they had tested negative. The allegedly protesting patients were then transferred to a psychiatric ward. He allegedly died within 5 minutes (of pneumonia) and when brought back, it was discovered that the cause of his death was recorded as covid on the death certificate. 


It sounds incredible, but given that this is fascist Australia, I think it's true. 

Fascist Australia is the country of the temporarily victorious NWO (War Communism Fascism). They don't even hide it anymore. Today's press conference in New South Wales:

"contact tracing looks like in the New World Order and yes, it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have..."


And google also keeping track of a lot still says it's all a conspiracy theory...

All on his knees and head to the floor. 

Google finally went and launched the "anti-racist" initiative, which claims that America is a "white supremacist system" and that all Americans are "raised as racists," including Ben Shapiro, who is portrayed as a layer of the "white supremacist pyramid" that culminates in "genocide."

The task of terrorists with mandatory false tests is the same - to collect as much DNA as possible 🧬 

Why is there such a close focus on the false epidemic and not on other infections? Every year, hundreds of millions of people in the world suffer from influenza, SARS. People get sick, they die. Even if we assume that more people died from the false distribution of the coronavirus than from the flu (although this is not the case), nevertheless, the infection is an infection and then everyone should be tested for both SARS and flu.

Why are national terrorists, they are also governments, insisting on mass testing of people for coronavirus? 

The fact is that collecting genetic material and gathering material to determine the false coronavirus is the same!

Here is an extract from the instructions "How to take samples (buccal smear) for the DNA test":

How to take samples (buccal smear) for DNA test

Take a clean cotton swab, bring one end into the mouth and rub against the inner surface of the cheek, pressing lightly. At the same time, a "bump" should clearly appear on the outside of the cheek. Make 25-30 rotational movements.

Importantly! It's good to press the wand, and not just run it down the cheek. Children under 7 years of age can be slightly pressed on the outer surface of the cheek so that the stick fits better.

Then remove the wand from your mouth and carefully cut off the part of it that collected the material, immediately into an envelope that is marked. In no case do not allow it to come into contact with the skin of the hands of the person conducting the fence or other people. The second end of the stick immediately throw away, so as not to confuse anything.

Important: if the envelope is wet, leave it on the table until it dries completely. DO NOT blow on a cotton swab or dry them near heaters.

It is necessary thus to collect 3-4 samples from each participant and put them in one envelope. Make fences on both cheeks, in order to avoid injuries to the mucosa.

Important: Do not use saliva to seal the envelope. Seal the envelope with a tear-off adhesive strip or pencil glue.

Collect consistently biomaterial from all test participants.

Important: every time take a new stick, do not use the trimmed end of the previous one.

If the shipment will be carried out through postal services, then seal all the envelopes in one large envelope. Do not forget to attach the order form.

When it is not possible to send the material immediately, it is recommended to store samples at room temperature, excluding sunlight and exposure to various aromatic and chemical substances (detergents, household chemicals). The maximum shelf life is 6 months.

A swab for suspected COVID-19 is also taken from the mouth or nose. To take the material, also with a cotton sterile stick is carried out along the mucous membranes. 

This material is needed to conduct a false analysis of PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which supposedly will help to find out whether the RNA of the virus is in the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract? 

Let me tell you, gentlemen, where did you isolate the virus 🦠? In the Oval Office? 

So, in the first and second case, material is taken to isolate genetic information: in the first case - human DNA, in the second - false RNA of the virus.

No one will give you a guarantee that in the second case they will not isolate from the material the DNA of a person who has a smear taken for false coronavirus Of course, no one!

Therefore, all this criminal group with its lies about the analysis is just a cover in order to get their genetic material from unsuspecting inhabitants of the countries of the world, which will then be entered into the Unified Database? Or is it transferred to a third, fourth party? 


🇨🇦 Address to Canada's prime minister, Trudeau, during a talk show 🎤 - "You betrayed us and sold us globalist! 

Do you know what they do in Canada with traitors? They're being hanged!"

    Special Folder of the 📁 Chekist 




United States military courts are trials conducted by the U.S. military or state military. Military field courts are most often convened to try U.S. military personnel for criminal violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the criminal code of the U.S. armed forces. However, they may also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the observance of martial law in the occupied territory. Federal military field courts are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence set out in the Manual for Military Field Courts, which contains the Rules for Military Field Courts, the Military Rules of Evidence, and other instructions. The state military field courts shall be governed by the laws of the state concerned. The American Bar Association has issued a model of the State Code of Military Justice, which has influenced relevant laws and procedures in some states. Military field courts are adversarial trials, as are all criminal courts in the United States. That is, lawyers representing the Government and the accused present the facts, legal aspects and arguments most favorable to each party; a military judge decides questions of law, and members of the collegium (or a military judge in the case of a sole judge) decide on the fact. The State National Guard (Air Force and Army) may convene summary and special military courts to hear peacetime war crimes committed by non-federalized Guards pilots and soldiers, as well as federal military courts. The State National Guard's right to convene military tribunals is under Title 32 of the U.S. Code. In states where there is an armed force (state guard) that is not part of the National Guard, regulated by the federal government, military courts are convened on the basis of state laws. From the earliest days of the United States, military command played a central role in the administration of military justice. The American military justice system, inherited from its British predecessor, predates the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. While military justice in the United States has undergone significant changes over the years, the convening body remains a tool for selecting a panel for military field courts. Tribunals for the trial of war criminals coexisted with the early history of armies. Modern military field courts are deeply rooted in systems that preceded written military codes and were designed to bring order and discipline to the armed, and sometimes barbaric, warring forces. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans had codes of military justice, although their written versions have not survived. Moreover, almost every form of military tribunal involved a trial before a group or members of one type or another .U.S. 
The concept of an American military tribunal was derived from the Court of Knights in England and the military code of the Swedish king Gustav Adolf. Both of these courts sought to strike a balance between the requirements of due process and discipline and the concept of due process. This, in turn, laid the groundwork for modern military justice systems that seek the same. The Knight's Court had a direct impact on British articles about the war. Early British articles on the war reflected concerns about due process and the composition of the commission's members. When war broke out between the American colonists and the British in 1775, the British acted in accordance with the 1765 edition of the Articles of War. This version will serve as a model for military justice in the Continental Army. When the United States declared independence and fought the War of Independence, "it had a ready-made military justice system." Despite the colonists' dissatisfaction with the British, they still recognized the intrinsic value of the British military justice system in ensuring good order and discipline in their own armed forces. 

- William Sids Military Court, 1778 






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