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Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus (Amh. ቴዎድሮስ አድሓኖም ገብረኢየሱስ; 3 March 1965, Asmara, Ethiopia) is an Ethiopian statesman, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012–2016), Director-General of the World Health Organization (since 2017).

Member of the de facto Marxist Leninist Bolshevik Party of Ethiopia, Tigray Liberation Popular Front. A province of Ethiopia with a compact residence of Ethiopian Jews.

The party actively participated in the civil war against the DERG-RPE regime. She advocated the independence of the Tigray region. 

Ethiopian Jews call themselves "Beta Israel" (House of Israel) and live mainly in the amhara and Tigray districts of Ethiopia.There was a whole special operation to remove Jews from Ethiopia, because the current authorities did not want to let them go. They provoked the conflict and the tigray separatism of Ethiopia in general.

Pay attention to the WHO logo and medical in general. There is the Serpent of Eden, an example with the company Apple (a front-liner in digital technologies) - an apple bitten by Eve. By the way, this logo appeared from the Order of the Hospitallers during the Crusades. The order was actually called the Order of Ioannites-John the Baptist, who is the son of the Devil-Paul.

They are everywhere and lead everything. All scientific institutes and organizations and states. Until the second coming of the Son of Man.

And the final decision 

their question is about the destruction of the goyim and the establishment of a fascist dictatorship.

From 2005 to 2012, he was Minister of Health of Ethiopia. In this case, they began to actively cooperate with Gates, they created 3.5 thousand health centers and 16 thousand medical centers, seven times increased the number of health workers (from 16.5 thousand to 115 thousand), increased the number of medical educational institutions (from three to 33) and the number of their graduates (from 120 to 3 thousand doctors annually). He organized an inflow of investments into the industry for budget money through interaction with the Clinton Family Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

As Ethiopia's foreign minister, he was accused by experts of covering up outbreaks of several cholera cases in Ethiopia in 2006, 2009 and 2011. 

 The deception associated with the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has the following history:

 ‼️On December 31, 2019, China announced the detection of a new SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID-19.

 ‼️ On January 7, 2020, WHO confirmed the information on the detection of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus.

 ‼️ In January 2020, WHO declared the Chinese outbreak an emergency.

 ‼️On March 11, 2020, WHO characterized the spread of COVID-19 as a pandemic.

 [1] The deception was revealed a year later. On January 23, 2021, Dr. Wu Zunyu of the China Center for Disease Control admitted to an NBC reporter that they were unable to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. [2] On December 1, 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also acknowledged that it does not have an isolated SARS-CoV-2 virus: “at the time of the development of the test and the conduct of this study, quantitative viral isolates of 2019-nCoV were not available for use." [3] Doctor of Virology and Immunology Joe Risoli in his article “Covid-19 is a Hoax” writes: “Our laboratory tested 1,500 samples using a scanning electron microscope, we did not find Covid in any of them. The vast majority of the samples were influenza A, some were influenza B, and not a single case of Covid. We sent the remaining samples to Stanford, Cornell and California universities. They got the same results. We then applied for Covid samples to the Center for Disease Control. They replied that they did not have such samples. Through laboratory research, we have come to the firm conclusion that Covid-19 is fiction. Covid-19 is Flu. Most of the ‘victims of Covid-19’ died from underlying medical conditions after the flu weakened their immune systems. ” [4] Does not have the isolated SARS-CoV-2 virus and the leading scientific organization in Europe "The Robert Koch Institute." [5] All we have today is the SARS-CoV-2 computer model from the CDC study. Thomas Cowan, MD, debunked the study in his article: “Rather than isolating the virus and analyzing the genome from end to end, they limited themselves to 37 base pairs from raw PCR probe samples. They looked at only 37 of the 30,000 pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the virus. Then they took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program that filled in the rest of the base pairs. Creating viruses on a computer is a scientific fraud. ”

 [6] China's double lies about:

 ‼️that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was isolated by Chinese scientists,

 ‼️that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes the disease COVID-19, was supported by the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhan, and was used to declare the “COVID-19 Pandemic”, which became the cause of the global socio-economic catastrophe.


 Behind the quarantine, which has collapsed the global economy, is the disastrous "Report 9" by Professor Neil Ferguson, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London. On March 6 and 16, 2020, epidemiologists at Imperial College, led by Ferguson, sent a catastrophic forecast of coronavirus victims to the US and British governments. According to the forecast, from April to July 2020, 510 thousand people are to die in Britain, and 2.2 million in the United States. To prevent a disaster, Ferguson recommended using quarantine measures in the form of home isolation, social distancing and school closures. [7] [8] The Ferguson Report has become a powerful tool for imposing quarantine restrictions:

 ‼️Based on Ferguson's report, Anthony Fauci and the media forced President Trump to declare a state of emergency on March 13.

 ‼️From 13 to 24 March, Spain, France, Israel, Germany, India, Britain and Canada were quarantined.

 ‼️On March 25, after quarantine was introduced in the countries of Europe and America, Ferguson sharply lowered the mortality forecast: for Britain 20 thousand, for the United States 100-200 thousand. [9] Ferguson and his group from Imperial College have long been known for their false predictions:

 ‼️In 2002 Ferguson predicted 150,000 British deaths from mad cow disease.

 ‼️In 2005 Ferguson predicted 200 million bird flu deaths worldwide.

 ‼️In 2009 Ferguson predicted 65 thousand deaths of British citizens from “swine flu”.

 Ferguson's group works closely with WHO. He leads the Vaccine Exposure Modeling Consortium sponsored by the Gates Foundation. From 2006 to 2018, the Gates Foundation poured $ 185 million into the Ferguson group. The Gates Foundation began injecting millions into Ferguson after it became known that his predictions were catastrophically false, leading some people to speculate that Ferguson was nothing more than a “mercenary from science". [10] In May 2020, Professor Ferguson was dismissed. In order to avoid undesirable questions, the reason for the resignation was declared a violation of the quarantine regime, adding a juicy detail: the professor brightened up self-isolation by dating a married woman.


 [11] The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test was invented in 1983 by the American biochemist Carey Mullis. [12] In a 1992 interview with Spin magazine, Mullis said: “PCR makes it easier to see that some people are infected with HIV and some have AIDS. But this does not answer the question of whether HIV is the cause of AIDS. " Thus, the PCR test is designed to detect HIV infection, and not the SARS-CoV-2 virus. [13] How the PCR test works: DNA or RNA fragments are taken from a person, then they are replicated (increased in number). Replication occurs cyclically. Each cycle doubles the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles required for identification is called the “cycle threshold” or “CT”. The more cycles there are, the more likely a positive result is. That is, the result of the PCR test can be made positive by increasing the number of replication cycles. [14] In January 2020, German doctor Christian Drosten developed a technology for using a PCR test to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Drosten did not have the SARS-CoV-2 virus to test his technology in practice. His technology is purely theoretical. In violation of scientific norms, the WHO adopted Drosten's untested technology as a protocol for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. [15] On December 14, 2020, WHO recognized that PCR tests give false positive results. The reason for the false results was an overestimated number of replication cycles. [16] Simply put, national governments have increased the number of replications in order to increase the number of positive PCR tests. In this regard, WHO has urged countries to lower cycle thresholds for PCR tests to avoid false-positive results. [17] Israel is an example of manipulation of PCR test results. In July 2020, the deputy. General Director of the Ministry of Health Itamar Grotto said that 9 out of 10 tests give a false positive result, so there is no point in doing them. [18] A study by a group of 22 world-class scientists (including Mike Yeedon, former vice president of Faizer) showed that the Cormann-Drosten protocol was not suitable for detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus using a PCR test. The creators of the protocol did not have the SARS-CoV-2 virus at their disposal and proceeded from a theoretical assumption. Christian Drosten himself confirmed this in his article: “Establishing and validating a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation developed IN THE ABSENCE OF AVAILABLE VIRUS ISOLATES or original patient samples. The development and validation has been driven by a close genetic link to SARS 2003 and the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology. ” [19] The Drosten affair had more dire consequences for him than for Ferguson. The German public conducted an investigation and found out that Drosten's doctorate was fictitious. Dr. Kübacher, who specializes in scientific fraud, filed a lawsuit against Drosten's non-existent dissertation. Attorney Dr. Rainer Fühlmich filed a claim for damages against Drosten on behalf of his client, who suffered financial losses as a result of the restrictions. It’s not a doctorate, but Drosten’s authority as a scientist. [15b] This is how PCR tests, unsuitable for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, became the main measure of the “COVID-19 Pandemic”.


The first mention of COVID 19 we found in the PlayBook of the great master of shocking David Rockefeller. Date 1989. The second date is 2015 and the second master of shocking is the famous world specialist virologist Richard Rothschild. In the Netherlands, he registered as many as 19 COVID 19 patents for cell 📲 phones. 

And then came The Covid-Plan/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 tells us that a simulated global outbreak requires certain steps, different phases, overall timing, and expected outcomes. We have seen all this and will see it again. And it was laid out in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

Create a highly contagious but very low mortality rate virus to fit the plan needed. Using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like wildfire in bats but are extremely difficult to infect humans. To counteract this, they added 4 HIV inserts to the virus. The missing key to infect humans is Ace-2-Receptor. 

Create a weapon-friendly version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Let it be ready for release in Phase 3, but only if necessary. SARS, HIV, MERS, an armed strain of Tribit created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory in 2015. Transport the research strain to another Class 4 laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be specifically "stolen and smuggled by China" and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The main scenario is its naturalness. The scenario is that China created it and released it by accident. 

Find all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedrosa and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC, and the UN that will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of a research strain to control the scenario throughout the operation. 

Create and fund a vaccination and deployment plan so that it can be rolled out globally (Gates: Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020). Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to ensure compliance/confirmation of the vaccination program after mandatory deployment is introduced. 

Model the lockstep hypothesis just before the planned release of the research strain, using a real exercise (Event 201 in October 2019) as the final war game to determine the expected response, time frame, and outcomes. 

Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame it on the release of a natural scapegoat - the seafood market (Wuhan wet market, November 2019). Just like in simulation. 

Downplay human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread globally before any country can block the response to avoid the initial infection.

Once the country has seen the infection, block incoming/outgoing travel. Keep it transmitted domestically, let it spread as long as possible. Once enough people in a country/region are infected, impose forced quarantine/isolation on that area and expand lockdown zones slowly over time, inflating the mortality rate, tying the research strain to deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at maximum. 

If someone dies for any reason and is found to have COVID, consider it a Covid death. And if someone thinks they may have had symptoms of covid, let's say they don't have covid, treat it as a Covid death.

Keep public quarantine as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, create civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with the bacteria of other people, the outside world, that is, things that keep our immune system alert and active. 

Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is a vaccine. Continue to stretch the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" [the words "two weeks" are pronounced like spells], which will cause more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Challenge them. 

And here's the key part for now: Eventually end the Phase 1 quarantine. Once they've got enough, publicly state that you think "it's too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." Once the audience bounces back, wait a few weeks and keep "typing."

Investigate the mortality rate of Covid strains, August-September 2020, and combine it with an increase in mortality due to people dying from common diseases, who will die at a higher rate than usual, due to a severely weakened immune system due to months of isolation [You should wear masks regularly, social distancing - the inability to naturally exchange bacteria, viruses and thereby educate, strengthen immunity]. 

After all, quarantine Phase 2, from October to November 2020, at an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the cause of a huge, terrible second wave when the media will say, "We told you that. It was still too early. It's all your fault because you needed to get a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences." [If all this unfolds in this way, the U.S. election will be canceled, postponed, or suspended, and there will be unrest in Russia]. 

Enforce phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with a prison term. Consider all travels inconsequential and impossible. Increase the number of checkpoints, including military checkpoints. Increase tracking with the required app. Take control of food, gas and create a large-scale shortage of everything so that people can access basic products or services only if they first give permission for a vaccine with all the ensuing consequences.

Keep the Phase 2 lockdown for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lock, continuing to disrupt the global economy – further deteriorating the supply chain and further exacerbating food shortages and the like. Challe any public outrage through extreme action or force and make anyone who challenges you appear to be the No. 1 public enemy to those who are willing to comply after a fairly long Phase 2 plus 6 month lockdown, and roll out a vaccination program and vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone by giving priority access to those who applied from the start. and let those who are for it attack those who are against it by saying, "they are a threat and the cause of all problems," using words such as "we cannot return to normal life until everyone accepts the vaccine. And the people who challenge them harm our way of life and are therefore enemies."

Sources and documents tell of the elder Rockefeller's great love for the Soviet Communists. David often visited Moscow and met in the Kremlin at the highest level.

          David, how is it feeling? 

How do your Tigers 🐅 Leo? 

Vladimir Putin and DiCaprio discussed the problems of preserving the number of tigers in the world. Putin also asked DiCaprio about his misadventures on his way to Russia, how he survived a flight in a plane in which one of the engines caught fire, how passengers behaved.

How do your Tigers 🐅 Leo? 

📹 Putin and DiCaprio about Leo's flight to Russia 

Ulyanov Lenin, Krupskaya, Leo and Greta in the family circle. 

Like your model Leo heifers? Do you still have a 🧳 on Vlad Doronin's yacht for the New Journey?

So the Ethiopian Soviet terrorist Tedros Adhanom, as well as Neil Ferguson and Christian Drosten are only minor technical performers and far from the main state biological terrorists in the fascist communist special operation "Pandemic". We are certainly more interested in customers. They managed to shine themselves at the forum in Davos in 2020 and in the Vatican Council on Inclusive Capitalism. William Engdahl in the article "The Dangerous Union of Rothschild and the Vatican" named the main customers of the "Pandemic", among them: the Vatican leadership, the Royal Family of Britain, the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family, the Gates family, the owners of DuPont, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Visa, Mastercard, Bank of America, Allianz insurance and State Street Corporation. Sufficient material has been collected for the Pandemic International Judicial Tribunal. Known customers and executors, methods of fraud and damage caused. The last step left is to organize an International Tribunal that will convict and punish the intruders.

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty?

In the photo are technical state biological terrorists: Tedros Adhanom, Neil Ferguson, Christian Drosten and a computer model of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

You have poisoned hundreds of millions of people around the world.


The end. 

In OUr BUsINess, tHE main ThInG IS ReAlisM. 

the topIc oF THe LectUre IS New YOrK – ThE CIty OF coNtraSTs... InvEnTOrY, PRoTocol, PassEd, accepTeD, FingER priNTs.

𐍃ir Triδᥙᥣᥱ 🃏 𐌗

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