Editorial Notes Amendments. 1994— Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, §330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142, struck out item 2391 "Temporary extension of section 2388".. 1953—Act June 30, 1953, ch. 175, §5, 67 Stat. 134, added item 2391. §2381. Treason. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort ...


Here is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2020 No. 66 "On Amending the List of Diseases That Pose a Danger to Others": "The Government of the Russian Federation decides: List of diseases that pose a danger to others, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715 "On Approval of the List of Socially Significant Diseases and the List of Diseases That Pose a Danger to Others", add paragraph 16 as follows: "6. In 34.2 coronaurus infection (2019-nCoV)". 

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. Mishustin".


This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests for the well-known virus. Please note that on 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020. Let's turn to the chronology of events. On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan sent a sample of bronchoalvelary lavan fluid (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus. And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a novel coronavirus that had not previously been detected among the human population. On 30 January 2020, in connection with the Covid-19 outbreak, WHO declared an emergency of international health importance (which is not so rare for terrorists). 

February 26. / TASS /. Russian scientists received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday


Here is the blue glow of ice

The whole slope is poured,

And the mystery of someone's footprints

Granite stores,

And I look into my dream

Over the heads

And I firmly believe in purity

Snows and words.

And let it take a long time -

I will not forget,

How doubts could I doubt here?

Kill yourself.

That day the water whispered to me 💦:

"Good luck always..."

And the day... what was the day then?

Oh yes — Wednesday !..

February 26, 2020 – Wednesday! 

"We have a strain. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China. 

The sweet life of Golikova and Khristenko A million euros for air travel and a golf club in Spain is a story from the life of the family of Viktor Khristenko and Tatiana Golikova. 


STOP 🛑 Madam 👿 stop 🛑 Madame Arbidol. 

On February 26, you received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to him five days before? Bravo 👏 madam, we stand up to take off your pants 👖 applaud you 🤣Shed out. How can this be madam? And why 🍅 tomatoes today is not $ 6 but $ 16 ? In honor of what is such happiness madam? Oh, in honor of our meeting with you? But we need a different madame and at the end she has X, not A 😂

After all, the test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed, but it must be tested, undergo clinical trials. But at that moment Madame Arbidol and your husband Victor Khristenko (Christ) there were no accelerated official registration procedures. 

Imports of COVID-19 (300215) testing kits by country in 2017 (! (click on the link to make sure) 

Category : COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment


Or Uncle Vova, aka Chief Ivan Mikhailovich you instructed to do this in 2017 immediately after the delivery of PCR from Crystal Diamond 💎 Emerald Ivanovna Georgieva from the interdisciplinary international hospital 🏥 Bank (MB)? 

Okay, Yosia, we don't need these pedophile visual signs, you know the mustachioed, we can be understood on the island, and we still have to tour and sing 🎤 🎤 we will have to with you not only a duet, but also a trio and even a large Turkish choir of island states of the world 😂

Note Friends, in the table product COVID-19 Test kits, it was imported by countries, including Russia , code: 300215. In the codebook TN VED (TN VED is a commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, a classifier of goods used in customs operations).

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.


The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 

And what to register if there are tests, and there is no virus madam? After all, your first patient in Russia will appear only on March 2. Your super scientists from the Federal State Educational Institution "CSP" managed to not only come up with your PCR test for 21 days from the start without any virus, but also to prepare a whole package of documents for a new medical device. For many decades you can do nothing but terrorism, even create a TV 📺 and a TV remote, and then you will test for a completely new virus. Maybe it's still a delivery from 2017? 



What test does the doctors use to determine that you are infected with COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2)?

The second result of the instrumental analysis, on which doctors "in the protocol" rely, is the result of the PCR test (the full name of the process of this analysis is "polymerase chain reaction").

What is its chemical meaning?

In the nucleus of each cell of our body contains 46 chromosomes, although there are special nations that say there are 47 😂. So the chromosome of each of which is made by a retinue in a spiral of a very long DNA molecule. This molecule is made up by nature of four chemicals: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine in a certain sequence. DNA is often considered coded information, but in fact it is "stamps" and "molds" that make it possible to make any protein molecule necessary for the construction of a given cell of the body of a living being. (More precisely, these DNA molecules create an RNA molecule, and that creates the proteins necessary for a given cell of the body). By the way, DNA consists of two such chains of molecules of remembered substances, and the second chain is a mirror copy of the first. It is important to keep in mind to understand how the cell divides into two.

So, biologists have been studying the properties of DNA for many decades, and it would be very important for them to study that of these 46 chromosomes there is a lot of what they need to study the right piece of DNA. This is a very small object for research, so it helps research when there are not many chromosomes themselves in the solution, but only the necessary sections of these chromosomes (these DNA).

As a result of this need of researchers, in 1983, scientist Carey Mullis came up with the idea of using what nature uses – replication (doubling dna). To do this, the researcher needed to find two things - a certain substance (polymerase), which will build copies of the desired sections of DNA, and primers" - substances that emit ("cut") from all the long DNA (or RNA) subjected to copying the area that needs to be multiplied. Mullis found such substances (found the principle of their production) and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method he discovered.

So, the point of PCR is to give scientists the right section of the DNA (or RNA) they are studying in large quantities. And only !

And then the old friends of vulgar youth Barry and Bill dawned. 

And if you take and multiply the DNA or RNA of the virus that causes the disease, and during the reaction there is no release of a large amount of this DNA or RNA (nothing is multiplied), then there was no virus itself in the sample. And if the PCR reaction began to multiply this section of DNA or RNA of the virus, then this means that there is a virus!

That is, they take a sample of snot, feces or anything from a patient or suspect and begin to carry out with the composition of this sample multiplying as if the DNA or RNA of the virus, as if contained in snot or feces. And if as a result of PCR the amount of DNA or RNA of the virus has increased, then it is believed that the virus in the sample taken from this person is! And if it has not increased, then it is believed that there is no virus.

But this is the original nonsense! 

And Mullis himself protested against this PCR process being used as a test for the disease! Understand, it is not the virus itself that is multiplying, but the section of DNA or RNA that is only thought to have it. Moreover, this section of DNA or RNA some substances introduced into the reaction - "primers" - must first grab from all the long molecules of DNA or RNA that will be found in the analyzed sample of snot or feces.

And if these "primers" grab from the DNA or RNA molecules in the sample - sections of DNA or RNA of the virus, or simply sections of DNA or RNA of a person? 

Here is a specialist working with this PCR reaction, confirms: "It remains only to pick up such primers so that they sit ("annealed") really only on the DNA of the pathogen, and not on human DNA. This time-consuming process is called the creation of a test system. This is done, as a rule, by large companies that invest a lot of money and time in this process. Once picked up such primers - and that's it, then any laboratory assistant with minimal experience will be able to conduct the analysis itself 🧐 

What can a simple laboratory assistant analyze? The content of the virus or what the laboratory assistant was asked to determine large companies? 

Yes, that's the second thing!

Analogy: Imagine that large companies gave laboratory assistants thermometers showing body temperature half a degree higher. And as a result, a simple laboratory assistant will be completely honest to record absolutely healthy people in patients. That's the same with PCR for SARS-COV-2 - what "primers" gave laboratory assistants "large companies", such will be the results of the PCR test.

Not only that.

A virus of this type (coronavirus) consists of the RNA of THIS VIRUS and protein molecules. To find out the composition of the RNA of the SARS-COV-2 virus, it is necessary to isolate this virus in its pure form and determine what kind of RNA it has. Is that hard to understand? It is difficult to understand how many fins there are in Shark Soup, it is necessary to see these fins in a plate in its pure form - like the shark itself in the ocean 🌊 you need to see standing on the shore of the island that floats there! Or maybe it's not a shark 🦈 swimming, but an axe 🪓 

The SARS-COV-2 virus has not yet been isolated by anyone! Consequently, no one can even in principle say what kind of RNA this virus has, therefore, it is impossible to ask the "primers" what exactly it is necessary to "cut" from the existing DNA and RNA molecules in the sample taken from the patient. It is impossible to specify which area should be multiplied with PCR! Accordingly, no one, including "large companies", can say what exactly should be allocated by these "primers". Once again, no one can even say in principle that it is necessary to isolate during the PCR test so that it can be said that a certain SARS-COV-2 virus was present in this sample!

And then what determines PCR? And the fact that Dr. Tony Faust theoretically picked up in his nose and in a bank account.

In the document of the American CDC 


Аll the nоnsense оn eаrth is dоne with this fасiаl eхрressiоn.

We watch a lot of stories and broadcasts. All we've seen over the last year and a half has been mentally ill, professionally unfit people. Look at the pupils of this abnormal woman. Do you have 👀 eyes? Do you have ears 👂 👂? It's impossible to listen to... (((


it's not even hidden:

2«Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen».

"Since there are currently no quantifiable viral isolates of 2019-nCoV," that is, since the SARS-COV-2 virus itself has not yet been isolated (there are no separate isolated colonies of this virus – "isolates") – "the samples designed to detect RNA 2019-nCoV were tested with characteristic stocks in vitro of transcribed full-size RNA (N-gene; GenBank number: MN908947.2) of a known titer (copy of RNA/μL) injected into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human cells A549 and a viral transport medium (VTM) to simulate a clinical sample."

Did you understand correctly – Americans? Tony Faust and the oval created and sent to the laboratories of the world what they believe and are sars-COV-2 virus RNA, but in fact it is a fictional construct that has no actual confirmation that this FANTASY causes the disease COVID-19. That is, in the notorious PCR tests of Richard, the lion's heart 💔, Tfu Rothschild, this construction from the human RNA site "imitates" "something contagious" for a person.

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇


Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇


Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

But the statement about contagiousness is just the statements of those who created this design together with the world cinema of chinese actors falling dead, invented false troupes in New York, refrigerator refrigerators for the corpses of New York, Indian fires 🔥 with corpses and other cinematic game, as well as overcrowded hospitals 🏥 the world in the form of brought pulmonary patients and just a pavilion for filming and has been selling fear for a year and a half.

Is it possible to appreciate the depth and insidiousness of the criminals and the idiocy that turned the world into dealing with this false COVID-19 of the first half of the 21st century?


2015 is the first patent mention, followed by 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020.


Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).





News from the category of stunning only for amateurs, in general - it's not news at all. Even in open sources and publications in the press a lot, but that's just such a kaming-out with a public discussion of Putin's daughter and drunken cleric Putin and other semi-mifical figures in the status, it has never been. In itself, the revealing public speech of two such figures shows: everything is more than serious - and the project 😷 eugenic, it is driven personally by Putin with seven-mile steps. The genomic editing was openly stated in the program "Smart City 2030", the project was adopted by zeroing and came into effect on July 1, 2020, all extremely consistently, all as taught in the KGB of the USSR .Russian scientists discussed editing the human genome. 


In Russia, the registration of a PCR test began 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases! Is that possible? 

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