Ꭼdiᴛ Ꮻʙviᴏus Ꮖnᴄrᴇdiʙlᴇ

"Where, Vladimir, are you leaving?"

"Oh yeah, Bidon, but it's time for me!"

"Wait, who do you spend time with?

Tell me, is there a hole?"

"You guessed. But only... only..." —

"Well, balls! Well, folks!

What's the name of this dude? Nancy?

A what? Doesn't? How, doesn't?!

You, you know, are wrong, brother, you are asking.

Wait, because you won't leave me

For an entire evening of one?

Not ssy! Let's get our way!

Tell me, is there still a hole there?

Nancy's sister?!

Bring me down."— "You're joking." — "No!

You're going to push that one, I'm going to do this one!

So can I get ready?"

And now friends are already rushing nearby.

But on this day, my friends

Didn't get a single hui,

Except for treats.

And, asking for forgiveness early,

They fly home on a short road.

We'll listen to them stealthily:

"Well, what's Biden doing?" — "Huynya.

You picked me up in vain.

I'm not going to fuck anyone there,

I advise you Greta."

« Greta ? What's that?" — "My friend Vova,

Bab you understand huevo!

Once, in previous years,

And I fucked everybody — there was a pussy.

Over the years, the heat in the blood goes out,

Now I only eeb for love."

Vladimir answered dryly,

And then he was silent all the way.

I came home, took a dose,

I sat down and got sad.

With one hand he stipped poems,

The other is a hui furiously shivering.

Meanwhile, the two yobars are manifested.

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lavrov produced

On the woman such an impression,

That the sisters had a pussy.

I don't drip on your brains guys, 

But here it is - an inflection and a paradox: 

Kovoy is chosen as a roman pope - 

They lock them in a tight box. 


There are all the places - the bratnye grabbed and 

They hissed, hoping for a chance, - 

Meanwhile, in all of honest Italy. 

There was no candidate for the pope. 


It's a pity, they didn't throw a lasso on me in time, - 

I'd suck the glass in and into the Vatican! 


The churchmen of the bread were scattered, 

The little Vatican hesitated, - 

We threw the pope at them here - 

From ours, from the Poles, from the Slavs. 


I'm sitting on the binges, in New York. 

When thou hast known, my life is ruined, 

That I could go to the pope,- 

And in mom to take - of course, you! 


It's a pity they didn't throw a lasso on me in time, - 

I'd suck the glass in and into the Vatican! 


In power, in money, in the crown - 

The fate of people throws like kittens. 

But how did we miss the Shah's place?! 

Our descendants will not forgive us! 


Shah signed in complete incamocerity - 

That's where you take it and replace it! 

Where to get it? Yes, any second in Turkmenistan - 

The ayatollah and even Khomeini. 


All my life I beat my horns like a ram in the gate- 

And I would take the Koran - and in Tehran! 


In America, in Asia, in Europe or - 

He's unhealthy, and this one is going to die... 

Here's Golda Meir's place we slammed through,- 

And there - a quarter of our former people. 


Sailing here on the Volga, on the Nile or on the Nile 

Talents - all with a sword, with a cloak, - 

Barack Obama, my cellmate,- 

There's nothing Mao can do at all! 

        ROME - Vatican City State 


We all sometimes have it,

While the glass is frothy drinking,

While beauties we fuck,

Fucking ourselves in the ass years -

This, alas, is the law of nature.

Slaves of passions, slaves of vice,

We aspire according to the will of fate,

Where to drink or,

And if possible, all for nothing,

We strive to do it with heat,

And get away as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, time flies,

And neither huya will forgive us,

That pain in the back, in the chest shortness of breath,

Then hemorrhoids, then somewhere a bump,

Let's start coughing and shibbling,

And finger in the ass pick,

And to remember the old years,

This, alas, is the law of nature.

Then it will curl up with a lyk hui,

And no matter how you condescer over him,

He'll never get up again,

Nod for a moment and wither again,

As the first flowers wither,

Frost touched foliage,

So everyone, friends, we are mowed down for years,

This, alas, is the law of nature.

              Chapter One

Our Dad of the Most Honest Rules,

When I'm sick in jest,

He so run the Vatican in the morning,

The bishop couldn't pull it out.

His example to other science 🧫:

If there is such a thing between the legs -

Don't poke the mare in the ass with it,

You're a Dad — you won't be happy.

In the morning, as the Pope corrected the Vatican —

And then the heart attack grabbed him.

He left the state:

Only a quarter of it did.

And this example to other science:

What's life? Not life is a continuous torment,

All your life you work, save

And you are underdone, and you will not sleep,

It seems that you have achieved everything,

It's time to leave all worries,

It's a pleasure to live,

And to frey out, and to cloy...

Oh no. Cooking rock again

One last tough lesson.

So, the pussy comes to Dad.

Goodbye forever, whiskey 🥃, fuck...

And, in the darkness of thought, immersed,

He lies on his deathbed.

And in this sad hour,

To Papana whirlwind on horseback,

Mouth greedy to the neck prinik , 

Heir to all his torments,

Niece. Princess 👸 Greta Tonnberg was rushing 

 That lady has no savings,

In some position she served 

And by the graces of the Pope lived. 

Niece of the venerable dad 

Some important rank there was.

Though carefully, moderately piled up,

But the young was still quite modest and did not like to spend much.

But still, once carried away,

It surfaced what was and what wasn't...

As they say, Dad spokes.

And thundered for thirty years.

And, being in the years of the elderly,

Unable to bear the excitement of them,

In one week,

I went to scred and Scred.

The nuns did not suffer for a long time —

Such are the women of the people.

"We're not old yet," they said.

And we want to live! Fuck everything in your mouth!"

And with that, they gave the Pope a go.

Practical Greta since childhood.

His meager legacy

I didn't spend on trifles.

One dollar 💵 sent to the piglets,

She was a deep economy —

A woman knew how to judge that

Why does everyone drink here and there,

Although the prices are all growing.

Chelyabinsk-40 is a city that was not on any map. What happened there? 

In the years of the USSR, "Chelyabinsk-40" was a secret object that was not marked on the map. On its territory there was a man-made disaster, similar to the accident that occurred later in Chernobyl.

Built "Chelyabinsk-40" after the end of the Second World War. The authorities actively discussed the construction of this facility, especially the plutonium plant No. 817. It was planned that the first nuclear reactor would appear here. The equipment was installed under the leadership of the creator of the atomic bomb Igor Kurchatov. There is evidence that for the first time the reactor was launched in the summer of 1948, and by 1950 the secret facility was already a whole complex of various plants for reactor, radiochemical, metallurgical production. For this reason, "Chelyabinsk-40" was secret.

Technogenic accident

Once on the territory of this object there was a man-made disaster, the scale of which can be safely compared with the accident in Chernobyl, which happened later. In one of the factories there was an explosion of the tank in which radioactive waste was stored.

Up rose the mushroom, rapidly increasing in size. Soot scattered everywhere, as a result, the ground was covered with it by 3-4 cm after 30 minutes.

However, there was no panic, people were quickly evacuated. But under the defeat of radioactive substances got too large territory, which captured not only chelyabinsk, but also Tyumen, Sverdlovsk region. As a result, 200 settlements suffered from this disaster.

Technogenic accident

Information about the incident was also classified.

Criminal case and causes of explosion

But the criminal case was still opened, they began to conduct an investigation. The assumption of sabotage was immediately rejected. Experts decided that the explosion occurred due to the fact that the tank warmed up on its own due to a violation of the requirements for their cooling.

Unknown author,1954. Chelyabinsk Pioneers pass on a flask of friendship to Comrades from the city of Wuhan for its opening at home in 2020.

She loved hanging out. And that's it.

There is no measure, no number.

Friends to her called - where is there !She gave to everyone in a row ...

Sometimes, at the ball, dancing,

In embarrassion should run:

But that tights pressure huya

I couldn't keep it.

And okay, if it all came down.

No noise, no fight, no trouble,

She so often received pussies for her debauchery.

Yes, only everything was without proku.

Only barely —

And well, push your tongue into the theme. 

Everybody— be vaccine 💉 or Pussy.

We're all fucking a little bit.

And somewhere, and somehow,

So thank goodness,

We can't easily shine.

But to protect the uterus harmlessly —

Hui to us with one end grew!

All the more so in our time

So there is an increased demand for it.

But sha. I seem to be presumptuous.

I apologize to you

And to the Pope, that one remained,

I'll come back with you in a hurry.

Ah, we were a little late —

The old man was already in his bose.

So peace be upon him! And thank goodness,

That testament set up.

So the heir rushes dashing,

Like a blonde Georgian...

Let us come out quietly,

Let him be alone.

Well, in the meantime, we have time,

Let's talk about the topic of the day.

So what am I there about the uterus?

Forgot. But it's all huinya,

This is not the reason for evil and trouble.

We men suffer from women.

What's in the babas? One pussy,

And the pussy is not without harm.

And so not only in the Vatican:

In any country, ask —

Where the ladies, they will say, to be in trouble.

Cherchez la femme — look in your pussy.

Where the woman is swearing, drinking, fighting.

But only she will put cancer,

Cross it with the end —

And you will forget everything, you will forgive everything,

Yes, only the is pressing to the leg -

And then tout le monde est gai.

And if you still have a,

And if you have more... But no,

It's the turn and this will come,

And now Greta is waiting for us all.

But here's the mocking reader.

Perhaps the question will ask:

"Were you and Greta lying in bed yourself?

Or maybe you're a pederast?

Il, maybe the women were unlucky,

How do you say that everything is evil in them?"

His without anger and without fear

I'll send intelligently to hui.

If he is smart, he will understand me,

And if it's stupid, so let it go.

I love what to hide,

With a good baba - in bed...

But baba baba remains,

Let her like a god!


Since October 1, by order of the vatican's senior orderly, Pope Francis, no one can enter its territory without presenting the Green Pass for coronavirus. 

According to the Vatican's ruling, a Green Pass can be obtained by presenting proof of vaccination against the coronavirus, demonstrating recovery from the coronavirus, or showing a negative rapid antigen test or PCR.

The decree also declares that the green pass mandate extends to the Vatican's extraterritorial property under the 1929 Lateran Treaty, including Churches owned by the Vatican throughout Italy.

The Pope himself has instructed the Governorate of the Vatican City State to issue a mandate to "prevent, control and combat a public health emergency" in the Vatican territory.

The pope's new who office on vatican grounds, applaud 👏 standing in this Vatican passage of crime. 

              Chapter Two

The village where our Dad missed.

It was a lovely corner.

He's on the first day without reasoning.

In the bushes peasant povolok,

And, having succeeded there in the matter of speed,

Quietly climbed out of the bush,

He looked around his name,

He possed and said, "Beauty!"

Alone among his possessions,

To spend time with benefit,

Decided at that time Papa Nash 

Such an order shall be established:

He told the ladies to gather all,

I counted them myself,

To make it easier to understand,

I rewrote them by the hour...

Sometimes, he's still in bed.

The swark scratches two eggs,

And under the window is a woman in the body

Waits impatiently at the porch,

At lunch - more, and at dinner too!

Who can tolerate that, god!

And my hero, though weakened,

Fuck both day and night.

In the vicinity of him and at the same time

Another landowner lived.

But that woman is dyoru,

Like my buddy, he didn't.

The neighbor's name was Vladimir Lenin.

The capital was, not rustic,

Handsome in full color years,

But he also had his hello.

Worse women, worse than vodka,

God forbid you such a find,

What a dashing eagle this

In blatant Moscow he found himself.

He, having escaped the debauchery of light,

Dragged into the debauchery of another.

His soul was warmed.

The drug is a stream of crazy.

Vova expanded little by little,

But the nice guy was, she-god,

And in nature a quiet bosom

He came in very handy.

After all, The Pair of Ours at this time

From fucking frequent exhaustion.

He lay alone, pulling back the curtains,

And I couldn't look at the women.

Habits from childhood without having

To stay without business for a long time,

He found another idea.

And I started drinking heavily.

Well, to drink in moderation - there is no hood,

But my hero was drunk to the light,

From pistol to ace lupil

And, like a camel in the desert, he drank.

Oh, wine, wine! How long have you been?

They served as an idol for me as well?..

I drank in a row - nectar, shit

And I thought the truth is in the wine.

I didn't find her there until I found her.

And how much I did not drink - everything is here.

But don't let him hide, Pascuda!

I'll find it, if there is one at all.

And Pope Lenin became friends...

In the hours of ferocious winter blizzard

They sit by the fire for a long time,

Liqueurs drink, for life pussy.



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