NW Disorder 2030

NW Disorder 2030

ℭσɱɱʋɳⅈʂᎿ 🌶 Ꮹɼɑɳⅆʂσɳ

Possible fruits of the continuation of the activities of this Grandfather from the Future of Disorder. 

However, reality has surpassed the most terrifying predictions of visionaries. Having staged a putsch and seized power, the Bolsheviks, as it turned out, did not even think to fulfill their obligations. And their leader Ulyanov-Lenin, who promised the people a "great future", gave rise not only to an unprecedented wave of popular hatred ("The concept of dictatorship means nothing but unlimited, no laws, no absolute rules not constrained, directly on the violence of the power based on violence"), but literally from the first days of usurpation of power made a bet on the top of the party: at a time when the Chekists took away the last chicken from the unfortunate peasants. , party bonzes were given palaces and estates of the Russian aristocracy.

Indeed, the main theoretician who justified the need for a new class in the USSR — nomenclature — was Lenin himself. First, he demanded the creation of a "military organization of agents", then justified the need for an "internal" and "external" party - the guard of the revolution and a party of the "Leninist type" and, finally, demanded their support "at the highest level". Yes, yes, the care of feeders and benefits began immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power. In 1918, at the height of war communism and total socialization, the party bosses had already seized the estates of yesterday's "exploiters", and in 1922, at the XII Party Conference, a resolution "On the material situation of active party workers" was adopted, in which the "guard of the revolution" bestowed the second echelon with monetary rewards "at the highest level" from the lordly bounties. In other words, it is no longer the "cream of society", but thousands and thousands of "silverless" mid-level people who received benefits that are inaccessible to the plebs ...

The "Great Leader" personally substantiated the system of power of the party nomenklatura. The main thing in the revolution, he taught, is the question of power. Exactly so - not about freedom or democracy, but - about power! And what is the dictatorship of the proletariat in practice? After the revolution, power will pass into the hands of the proletariat, Lenin taught, and added: "in the person of his vanguard." And who is this vanguard? The vanguard, the Leader reported, is a party whose core is the organization of professional revolutionaries. And what is this organization? When answering this question, Lenin was gripped by a lyrical mood: “We are walking in a small group along a steep and difficult path, holding hands tightly. We are surrounded on all sides by enemies, and we almost always have to go under fire. We united, by a freely adopted decision, precisely in order to fight the enemies ... "

 Nikolai Berdyaev was one of the first to draw attention to the formation in the USSR of a new exploiting class - the Bolshevik nomenklatura, "covering, like a spider's web, the whole country and subordinating everything to itself." Already at the end of the 30s, numerous studies appeared on the ruling class of Soviet society - the party nomenclature. The first results were summed up by Milovan Jilas: “After the victory of the socialist revolution, the apparatus of the Communist Party turns into a new ruling class. This class of party bureaucracy monopolizes power in the state. Having carried out nationalization, he appropriates all state property for himself. As a result, the newly-born owner of all instruments and means of production - the new class becomes a class of exploiters, tramples on all norms of human morality, supports its dictatorship by methods of terror and total ideological control. A degeneration is taking place: the former revolutionaries who demanded the broadest democratic freedoms, once in power, turn into ferocious reactionaries - freedom stranglers. "

 I will cite Lenin's striking confession, made on March 26, 1922: “If you do not close your eyes to reality, then we must admit that at present the proletarian policy of the party is determined not by its composition, but by the enormous, undivided authority of that thinnest stratum that can be called the old party guard ... The dictatorship of the proletariat is the thinnest layer of the "old guard".

 And here is how all this was seen from the outside - Vasily Shulgin: “Inequality returned ... Dead communism went into the theoretical area, into silly words, into idiotic speeches ... And life triumphed. And just as in nature there are no two blades of grass alike, so here is an endless chain from the poor to the rich ... Communism was an episode. Communism ("plunder the loot" and so on) was the lever with which the new rulers threw off the old ones. Then communism was handed over to the museum (museum of the revolution), and life enters the old channel under the new rulers. "

 I believe that there is no need to describe in detail the "thinnest layer of the old guard", or rather, the clan of "intermediate people", as Mikhail Voslensky did in the bestseller "Nomenclature".

 The genesis of the "intermediate man" is as follows: first, a professional revolutionary, a slacker, a provocateur, a loser with an inferiority complex transforming into megalomania, then the "leader of the world proletariat", and finally, a clan of power distributors who do not produce anything and are unable to do anything, standing at all the troughs, admitting or not admitting to them.

 Already during Lenin's lifetime, the urgent problem of reproducing the nomenklatura as a ruling class arose. The basic principles of the formation of a "small handful" were formulated by Lenin himself, the rest was completed by the "faithful Leninists". In a report at the XII Party Congress in 1923, Stalin said: “... It is necessary to select workers so that people who can carry out directives, who can understand directives, who can accept these directives like their own people, and who know how to carry them out, stand on their posts. ".

 By the way, the very idea of ​​leaderism differed little from the phenomenon of criminal paganism - the same brute force, the same ruthlessness towards apostates, the same methods of a lion and a fox.

 Already in the days of "perestroika", the chief ideologist of the CPSU, EK Ligachev, "among the most important criteria for the selection of personnel" put "the political qualities of an employee" in the first place. In other words, gang membership is paramount. Everyone should feel that he is taking his place not by right, but by the mercy of the godfathers, and if this mercy ceases, it is easy to replace him with a more pliable “loyal Ruslan”. This principle of personnel policy gave rise to the happy appointees not only obedience to the will of their superiors, but a violent desire to curry favor in order to become irreplaceable at least in this way.

 Satanism gradually became the moral of the partocracy, a new exploiting class that was never distinguished by an excess of conscientiousness and scrupulousness: ruthlessness, absence of hesitation and doubt, cynicism and violence. In the fierce struggle of tarantulas for power, the most immoral and cruel ones emerged victorious, for whom “beat, beat, beat, torture during interrogations” is the norm of life. The last words, by the way, do not belong to Yezhov or Yagoda, but to the "most intelligent" in Stalin's government, Molotov ...

 The partocratic nomenklatura was not content with power. Although the "Revolutionary Guards" were also not distinguished by their love for "iron beds" and did not forget to take possession of what was bad, an increased interest in property and inheritance of positions and benefits is characteristic of "comrades-in-arms" or "loyal Leninists." Gradually, a feudal system of fiefs was created, provided to the "faithful Ruslans" for "excellent service." Under feudalism, the fiefs did not necessarily consist of land allotments, but, for example, from the right to collect tribute, the Bolshevik partocracy increasingly became such a vassalage, the empire was divided into many provinces with their khans, bogdyhans and a carefully thought-out hierarchy of overseers and fiscal.

 Not a single society, including slaveholding and feudal, knew such a degree of exploitation of man by man as the communist: a slave in Egypt or Assyria consumed a quarter or a third of the value he produced, a worker under socialism a tenth of the product of his labor ... Where did they go 9 / 10's? - For the collective consumption of the exploiters, who absorbed the lion's share of the surplus value produced. We are talking about expenditures on the work of party bodies and their apparatus, on the huge machine of state security organs, on the armed forces and military industries, on the organs and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, camps, prisons, and the prosecutor's office. A small share also falls on less vital appendages of this system: courts, police.

 A worker under real socialism, as stated by the Polish politician Jacek Kuron, “produces a minimum of life for himself and maintains state power against himself. The product of the worker's labor opposes him as an alien, hostile force, because, although he produces this product, the latter does not belong to him. "

 Statistically, the entire population of the USSR in the 80s and 90s lived below the American poverty line. The unemployment benefit in the FRG was 60% more than the average salary of a Soviet worker.

A real social apartheid was created in the country: the nomenklatura family in the USSR could go all the way - from the maternity hospital to the grave: work, live, rest, eat, buy, travel, have fun, study and be treated, without contact with the Soviet people, in the service which the nomenclature was allegedly located.

 A kind of another, the Nomenclaturia, was created in the country, from which ordinary citizens were fenced off as carefully as from abroad. And in this country everything is special, special: special residential buildings erected by special construction and installation departments; special dachas and boarding houses; special sanatoriums, hospitals and clinics, special products sold in special stores; special table, special buffets and special hairdressing salons; special vehicle depots, gas stations and license plates on cars; branched system of special information; special telephone network; special children's institutions, special schools and boarding schools; special higher education institutions and postgraduate studies; special clubs where special movies are shown; special waiting rooms at train stations and airports and even a special cemetery.

 This is how AI Mikoyan's dacha near Moscow looked, starting from 1919, according to Svetlana Alliluyeva's description: “... In the house there are marble statues that were taken out of Italy at one time; old French tapestries on the walls; in the windows of the lower rooms - multi-colored stained-glass windows. A park, a garden, a tennis court, a greenhouse, hotbeds, a stable ... "At this dacha" even in winter there was fresh greenery from its own greenhouse. "

 Lenin's dacha in Gorki was by no means an exception made for a seriously ill leader (and he was not ill in 1918), but only one of the many government dachas of the Civil War era.

 Having got a taste, the communist party nomenclature, naturally, sought not only to retain power, but to increase property. Brezhnev and his entourage, without hesitation, presented each other with expensive jewelry, collected limousines and furs. Gradually, a caste of "untouchables" emerged - leading employees, for whom the harsh requirements of the law became simply an amusing fiction. Even timid attempts to bring these nobles or their children to clean water were nipped in the bud by an irritated "command from above", and those who showed principles indulged in serious persecution and defamation.

 In the person of some heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the center and in the field, there were so-called "cover groups", which professionally competently guarded bribe-takers of all stripes. A number of prosecutors have paid dearly for trying to bring them to justice. For his adherence to principles and honest performance of his official duty, the Deputy Prosecutor General of the country on investigation V.V.Naydenov was removed from his post and subjected to humiliating persecution. This sad story flew around the most remote corners ... And many honest law enforcement officers dropped their hands. And the opportunists made for themselves the appropriate conclusions regarding the "tongue of the law" ...

 The cost of ruling a class of nomenclature in the USSR is high and onerous. The first and darkest part of this price is tens of millions of human lives ruined by the party nomenclature. Then - the poverty of the population as a result of the super-exploitation of the nomenklatura by the class, the inability and inability of the nomenklatura to develop the economy and run the economy in accordance with the demands of the people and the laws of the economy, and not in their own selfish class interests. Further - the unrestrained growth of consumption of the nomenklatura class, huge material and human wealth, wasted on gigantic military, punitive and ideological machines, on the policy of expansion outside the country. On the fourth part of the land - the elimination of freedom, the stifling of independent thought, the deprivation of members of society of normal intellectual contacts with each other and with other societies.

 The nomenclature is not only a parasite class, but also a persecutor class, a destroyer class, an executioner class, a criminal class. Seeking a place for him in history, Milovan Djilas, and then Mikhail Voslensky (two of the largest researchers of the nomenklatura) came to the conclusion that real socialism is industrial feudalism or feudal socialism and that real socialism does not follow the era of capitalism, but precedes it. Like fascism, real Bolshevism, according to the Polish dissident Jacek Kuron, is a bandocracy, that is, a new type of state structure, when a gang of fanatics and murderers comes to power, which rules the country according to the primitive tribal principles of "paganism".

 Nevertheless, all these were just "flowers", and rather pitiful ones. Representatives of the communist nomenklatura, unlike ordinary citizens of the country, had the opportunity to often travel abroad and clearly make sure that for themselves, loved ones, they had built something "wrong": there were, of course, Kremlin distributors, but without the assorted jamon , parmesan, delicacies and elite drinks, but - most importantly - without unshakable guarantees of everything obtained by such hard work for their offspring, moreover, students not in some Oxfords and Yels, but, at best, in MGIMO. I'm not talking about inaccessible houses in Miami or on the Cote d'Azur or large accounts in Swiss banks ...

 And now - the general idea: the so-called "perestroika" was conceived in order to break the power gap from a large, very large, large oligarchic property with its yachts, planes, foreign palaces and billions of dollars ... The builders of communism were seriously engaged in creating a paradise for themselves. And this became the NATURAL and practically the ONLY possible reorganization of Bolshevism - the transition from the Kremlin dachas and rations to the modern OLIGARKHAT. And - pay attention - to the subtleties of the process: even the collapse of the USSR was not an accident, in 1989 I already wrote that the regional functionaries did not want, firstly, to stand in the Kremlin, and, secondly, to eat tsarist handouts in a situation going straight into the hands of independent kingdoms with the ability to rule them like the Bogdikhans ... So not only the collapse of the USSR is not accidental, but the same scheme of "perestroika" - the transformation of "building communism" into oligarchs and pakhanats in the former republics of the country. Over time, the gangs from above merge with the gangs from below, forming a monster state, built according to the laws of the zone and representing a huge PAHANATE.

 The realities of life and the worst human qualities took their toll - the "building of communism" in one single country was transformed into what we observe today with the absolute silence of ordinary builders, content with tons of noodles hanged by new godfathers on their post-communist ears ...


 In the multivolume "Yehuism" on a huge historical and psychological material, the incompatibility of the communist IDEOLOGY with the NATURE of man is demonstrated. Many philosophers and sociologists, including contemporaries of Marx and Engels, but above all S. Kirkegaard, F. Nietzsche, G. Lebon, J. Burckhardt, G. Tarde, S. Freud, H. Arendt, E. .Fromm, H. Ortega y Gassett, M. Weber, B. Bauer, D. Santayana, N. Berdyaev, D. Merezhkovsky A. Platonov ... Thinkers and visionaries of the XIX-XX centuries warned that the approaching century of the masses, “one-dimensional man ”,“ the coming boor ”is dangerous, first of all, by the massive scale of violence, but the scale of this violence could not be foreseen even by the most perceptive of them. Was it possible to predict that the horrors of the French Revolution are only a "kindergarten" or even a "nursery" of modern times? ..

 However, some had a presentiment and the power of the approaching typhoon. The released violence of the uneducated ochlos, rabble, cattle, yehu, wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, will become the main reason for the impending death of states ...

 Fascism and Bolshevism are the most characteristic examples of totalitarian anticultures that grew out of the “humanistic” utopias of the “blessing” of humanity and mass ideologies. It turned out that through the ideological processing of the mass consciousness, with the help of a carrot and a stick, it is possible in the shortest possible time to create a society of idiots with an average consciousness who instantly assimilate the poor or primitive beliefs offered to them, and are also free from responsibility and are ready to sacrifice for the sake of someone's madness.

Erich Fromm in Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, summarizing the experience of the first totalitarian states, drew attention to a new political phenomenon that will soon become typical: firstly, mass character facilitates the seizure of power by sadists, knackers, necrophiliacs ... “The recent slave has become a tyrant: he himself began to beat with bitterness ... ”Secondly, all sociopaths who seize power in totalitarian communities deeply and approximately equally hide their violent and destructive impulses (including from themselves). From the point of view of Erich Fromm, a person who is destructive in relation to others tramples the law of life in himself as well as in others. Psychologically defending themselves from their own deep destructiveness, hiding it from the masses, overcoming internal pathologies and complexes, sociopaths devote the lion's share of their "political activities" to creating images of the "Builder", "Great Architect", "Effective Manager", "Creator of the New World", " Collector of Lands "," Peacemaker ", etc.

 The younger generation has probably already forgotten the "main peacekeepers" of Europe in the late 1930s. So, judging by the German and Russian propaganda, Hitler and Stalin were the "main peacemakers of Europe" on the eve of World War II ... This is how the German and Russian peoples saw them ... In "Anatomy of Human Destructiveness" Erich Fromm brilliantly recreated a deep psychological portrait of Hitler's malignant narcissist and psychopathic necrophiliac , at first concealing internal destructiveness with the construction of "Greater Germany" and the image of the "Great Architect". Even the young Schickelgruber's enthusiasm for the cityscapes sold for 5 pfennigs was self-defense against the Ghoul and the Monster living in him. And having seized power, he immediately appeared before the Germans as the "Great Architect" - gigantic, simply cyclopean construction projects, schools "Architecture of the Defense of the Fatherland", thousands of unions of architects, "theory of the value of ruins", wide squares, massive huge complexes, triumphal arches designed to reflect the greatness of the people: "Berlin will become the world capital, comparable only to Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Rome" (A. Hitler).

 If Hitler's sociopathy has now been studied to the smallest detail, then the sadism of the communist leaders is still a huge "open field". Let's take another "Builder of the New Type of State" and a knacker for substitution - Vladimir Lenin: GOERLO, "Ilyich's lamp", factories - to workers, land - to peasants, bright horizons of communism ... The 10-volume book "Yehuizm" brings together hundreds and hundreds of evidence of necrophilia "Lenin's grandfathers", from whom even today blood freezes. In a short article there is no room for extensive quotation, but here are some satanic, infernal orders of the best disciple of Peter Verkhovensky "with such kind, kind eyes", whose favorite words were: "shoot" "hang", "burn", "decisively and mercilessly" :

 “… Great plan! Finish it together with Dzerzhinsky. Under the guise of the "green" (we will blame them later) we will walk 10-20 versts and hang the kulaks, priests, landowners. Bonus: 100,000 RUB for the hanged man ... "

 "... Tell Teru to prepare everything for the burning of Baku in full, in the event of an invasion, and to announce it in print in Baku."

 “A sample must be given. Hang (certainly hang so that people can see) at least 100 notorious kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers. Post their names. Take away all their bread. "

 "I advise you to appoint your bosses and shoot the conspirators and hesitants, without asking anyone and not allowing idiotic red tape."

 “I am surprised and alarmed by the slowing down of the operation against Kazan, especially if it is correctly reported to me that you have the full opportunity to destroy the enemy with artillery. In my opinion, one should not spare the city and postpone it longer, for merciless extermination is necessary ... "

 "All those living on the territory of the RSFSR foreign submitted from the ranks of the bourgeoisie of those states that are conducting hostile and military actions against us, at the age of 17 to 55, should be imprisoned in concentration camps ..."

 "We must now give the most decisive and merciless battle to the Black Hundred clergy and suppress their resistance with such brutality that they will not forget it for several decades ... The more representatives of the reactionary clergy and reactionary bourgeoisie we manage to shoot on this occasion, the better." ...

 “Take military measures, i.e. try to punish Latvia and Estonia in a military manner (for example, "on the shoulders" of Balakhovich to cross the border for 1 mile somewhere and hang 100-1000 of their officials and the rich there). "

 “The court must not eliminate terror; to promise this would be self-deception or deception, but to substantiate and legitimize it in principle, clearly, without falsehood and without embellishment. "

 Of course, Vladimir Ilyich is very far from Joseph Vissarionovich, but the cost of the civil war, red terror and mass famine, alas, is also cyclopean - 15 million human lives over several years ...

 There is no need here to paint the “architecture” of the “best student” of Vladimir Ilyich, who “took the country with a plow and left with an atomic bomb”, where both messages are lies: in 1913, in terms of the total volume of industrial production, Russia was one of the five most developed countries in the world ( USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia), and the atomic bomb was simply stolen ...

Totalitarianism gave into the hands of the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Maoists, Pol Potists, Korean Kims ABSOLUTE, UNLIMITED POWER, but - LIMITED PROPERTY. Even the Kremlin distributors and special rations could not compensate the authorities for the continuously growing gap between the COMPLETENESS of power and the LIMITED material possibilities. Only because of its intellectual limitations, the authorities took several decades to realize this gap and the need to SUPPLEMENT the power with the material resources of their countries. In other words, to turn the authorities into unearned property.

 In many ways, this was facilitated by the trips of combons to the West. Even the Bolshevik "privileges" could not compete with the life of the European and American bourgeoisie: the "elite" handouts, "envelopes", "Kremlin" and other rations seemed too pitiful compared to the free, attractive and, most importantly, easily inherited rich and independent life not only of the authorities themselves, but even of numerous representatives of the "middle class". It was even hard to believe that the "unique property" of your primitive home bar, once demonstrated by one of the Soviet ministers, was just a pitiful likeness of public wine shops in Paris and London.

 I remember when Khrushchev was brought to a Swedish supermarket, he was so stunned that he even had to "get out" in front of his entourage: "The assholes think that it is so easy to deceive me, grated roll, around their finger: they brought everything that is in the country to one store and they want to "powder" our brains ... ", - he said then to the attendants. But the elementary food was only a small fraction in comparison with what was given to the owners of MONEY, BIG MONEY. A LOT OF MONEY…

 It took three generations of party bonds to realize the obviousness that for themselves, loved ones, and at the same time for their children, the "builders of communism" built something WRONG ... Not only without western ham and parmesan, but without yachts, palaces, cote d'azur and, most importantly, without billions ...

 It turned out that exchanging power for money, big money, huge money is much easier, faster and, most importantly, more natural than building unnatural communism. The process was dubbed privatization, although the people gave it a more juicy name - PRIVATIZATION, and one of the main privatizers even came up with a primitive slogan: “Our time has come! Money must be made, money! "

 After the natural collapse of the USSR, all the 90s were spent on the implementation of this slogan, on the transformation of unlimited power into unlimited money, or rather, on the transformation of the endless construction of communism into such a simple and accessible bandocracy. By the way, this period gave a very precise and, I would say, an unambiguous answer to the question: what will happen after communism? After communism, there will invariably come a BIG robbery, the plundering by the party bonds and their entourage of their poor and hungry, albeit heavily armed countries. By the way, the power structures created to protect the totalitarian power from their own peoples were even very useful in the implementation of privatization programs. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the transformation of the “popular-anti-popular government” into criminal oligarchs followed the same scenario everywhere: illegal privatization of land and enterprises, raider seizures, “protection” of business by power structures, unification of power with organized criminal groups, theft of people's money from seized banks, abuse of office for personal gain, embezzlement on an especially large scale, shadow and illegal business, offshore, tax evasion, the formation of fly-by-night companies, inappropriate spending, physical destruction of competitors and critics, rampant criminality.

 Having got a taste, the power quickly turned into a jackal, and it was from such a jackal that the current deputies, ministers, all the current "elite" were born. I am referring to the typical biographies of today's "politicians", vividly illustrating the long-standing principle that "crime lies at the root of all wealth." Bolshevik exploitation was replaced by oligarchic super-exploitation, accompanied by an unprecedented hierarchy of property in human history ... About 25% of Russians or Ukrainians are among the poorest 20% of the planet.

 This is how the "building of communism" ended with the creation

 mafia states, or criminal states of the XXI century. When they built communism, a gang was formed, acting on the principle of the Italian or any other mafia. ...

 The party and the mafia are twin brothers!

 To which of them should we read the epitaph?

 We say "mafia", we mean - the party,

 We say "party", we mean - the mafia!

 When Thomas Hobbes wrote his Leviathan, touching upon the deepest cultural and historical layers of people's consciousness, he intuitively or unconsciously felt that a terrible threat emanated from the image of the Leviathan state. Nevertheless, he did not see any other way to establish a social world order, considering the state the most acceptable form of social contract between the people themselves - a contract that at the very least guarantees peace and limits the war of all against all. Hobbes believed that through a certain restriction of the rights and freedoms of people, it is possible to establish peace, tranquility and order within the state. In fact, Hobbes's Leviathan is an alternative to anarchy or turmoil. Britain did not know tyranny, and the Age of Enlightenment believed in a rational world order, so it never occurred to anyone what would happen if the state turned into a criminal gang, that is, power would belong to bandits, necrophiliacs and criminals mocking the people.

 With all the negativity of medieval states, monarchies and empires, philosophers and political scientists of the scale of Machiavelli, Mora, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire did not think about the possibility of the formation of a mafia state - criminal states capable of massively destroying their own citizens, unleashing world wars or to scoff at one's own people - this was contrary to the spiritual makeup of political thinkers, as well as romanticism and Voltaire's utopia of the "best of worlds".

 Having emerged in ancient times, the state could not avoid such Neolithic signs as aggressiveness, expansionism, hierarchy, and slavery. Therefore, the concept of a criminal state appeared in the twentieth century when applied to totalitarian countries, which became not just an ominous and regularly recurring reality, but took the lives of hundreds of millions of Earth's inhabitants. Cruel and inhuman necrophilic rulers have existed at all times, slavery and oppression has a thousand-year history, but even the era of conquests and empires did not know the states-pakhanats, built according to the laws of a criminal gang or "zone". After all, culture developed in all royal and imperial houses, and state institutions evolved towards freedom and democracy, until the world faced a new and, alas, little-studied institution of criminal human communities and states.

A criminal state or criminal regime is a set of signs that make the state (regime) criminal: violation of the constitution, criminal power, the connection of power with organized crime groups, state violence and terrorism, lawlessness, camp orders and relations, genocide, death camps, circular responsibility, fraud in all spheres of life, off-scale corruption, narcotization and alcoholization of the population, zombified, unhealthy people, lobotomy without opening the brain, the triumph of lies in the means of the masses. The criminalization of culture, the criminalization of the people in power. 

Although a criminal state is not equivalent to a totalitarian state, it often grows on the basis of the latter. When a criminal state systematically deforms the consciousness of its citizens, it is politically correct to talk about the genetically disfigured and crippled consciousness of a significant part of the people. And with the advent of the zombobox, the process only accelerated, and the fruits are already visible to the naked eye.

Naturally, the criminal state uses the entire arsenal of criminal means: blackmail, extortion, racketeering, coercion, threats, provocations, violence, murder ... Criminal goals are criminal methods... A criminal state criminalizes all its state bodies, from the court and prosecutor's office to the press and quasi-culture. State security and policing agencies also become criminal organizations like the Nazi SS, and much of organized crime is directed directly from government offices. The criminal state not only embitters people, but reanimates primitiveness, excites cave instincts, incites xenophobia and national discord. The whole world becomes enemies for them, just as they themselves become enemies for the whole world.

The criminal state leads to a catastrophic drop in the level of culture and education, to universal pofigism, to intellectual and moral degradation, the triumph of incompetence and unprofessionalism in all spheres and at all levels. Naturally, other bandits become allies of bandits.

A criminal regime consists of a well-organized and cohesive set of criminals with a common interest and a common goal over a considerable period of time. Thus, it differs from a group of persons illegally united to commit a single crime or other offense. All crimes are committed by the regime in order to satisfy the personal interests of crooks and corrupt officials who want to gain a permanent foothold in power, to enrich themselves illegally, encroaching on the rights of other persons and society as a whole.

The criminal elite creates a state for itself. From the criminal world - criminal inclinations, adventurism, cruelty, the habit of solving problems with the help of violence, contempt for the world of ordinary people - "suckers" who are worthy only to be used for the benefit of a real person - a blatant.

There is a definition that a state is criminal when the majority of its representatives do not comply with their own laws. A criminal state, for example, can drag its people, its nation, into a war in which the nation itself can be destroyed by other nations, i.e., by the states of other nations.

A state is criminal if it opposes the organization of a people into a nation; if it opposes the organized Nation to take control of the establishment of the property relation, the principal property of the people is the land, its subsoil and resources.

The state is criminal if it continuously lies, deceives, creates a powerfully funded system of media and propaganda with the sole purpose of zombifying and cheating on its citizens.

Think about what a perversely clinical and pathological consciousness should have power that elevates bastards and terrorizes geniuses, creates a well-organized web industry of defaming the best citizens and thinking people around the world, enters into alliances not with the most advanced and developed countries, but with world parochies and regimes that destroy their own peoples ...

To fall into a deep abyss, it is worth taking one step. Alas, sometimes such a step is made not by individual narrow-minded individuals, but by peoples ...

The First Part of This Communist Paradise 




He wanted to deceive us, you fooled Cardboard. 

🔥Viva la Cyprus💪

On Sunday, there were mass demonstrations in Cyprus. According to TASS, they were directed against the decision of the Cypriot government on the widespread use of anti-Covid SafePass certificates, starting from July 20. 

From this day on, they will be necessary for passage to almost all public premises. 

The action ended in clashes with the police, and then a group of protesters went to a neighboring area and attacked the building of the Dias media group, where Sigma TV is located. 

They set fire to several cars in the parking lot and broke into the office of the TV channel, smashing everything in its path.

The attack took place during the Sunday evening broadcast of the Sigma channel, the attackers crushed and burned everything around. 

The host of the newsletter, journalist Nestoras Vassilios, was informed about what was happening by frightened colleagues and appealed on the air to law enforcement agencies:


"At the moment, the group is under attack. It looks like we have a fire at the gates of the complex, if the police hear us, let them do something. Our cars are breaking, I hear the screams of colleagues in the headset, I don't know what else to say. The gates are on fire. 

People are inside and breaking down our cars. They throw stones, beat windows, bottles. In a democracy in 2021. There are no words to describe it."


What did you think? Will you lie for another year and a half? 

Long live the freedom-loving people of Cyprus 🇨🇾 

Virginia Gordon with a New Outlook 59. 

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