The Russian and Red Terrors are the role of L. D. Trotsky as one of the initiators of the Red Terror, which manifested itself in the destruction of both real enemies of Soviet power and in repressions against potentially hostile segments of the population during the Russian Civil War.

[edit]General information

The Red Terror was the system of terror of the Soviet power of the early period against any potentially hostile social groups: against nobles, former landlords, kulaks, tsarist officers, industrialists, priests, members of the white armies, Cossacks, monarchists. Repression extended to their family members as well. Practiced shooting, taking hostages, sending to forced labor. The Soviet government called the Red Terror a forced measure of self-defense. Officially, the Red Terror was declared by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of September 5, 1918 "On the Red Terror" and stopped on November 6, 1918. Nevertheless, opponents of Soviet power called the red terror the whole complex of punitive measures of the Bolsheviks during the Civil War.

The very term "Red Terror" was formulated by Trotsky as "a tool used against a doomed class that does not want to perish"[1].

On December 17, 1917, in his address to the Cadets, Trotsky declared the beginning of the stage of mass terror against the enemies of the revolution in a harsh form:

Leon Trotsky's great-granddaughter Nora Dolores Volkova-Bronstein, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

You should know that no later than a month later the terror will take very strong forms following the example of the great French revolutionaries. Our enemies will be waiting for the guillotine, not just prison.[2]

On March 14, 1918, Trotsky became the head of the Red Army he created as The People's Commissar of Military Affairs (People's Commissar of Naval Affairs). Almost immediately, Trotsky realized that executions were needed, even Red Army soldiers, commissars and commanders, not to mention enemies, should be shot, because there was no order, the population, according to the new government, needed sobering, and for this Trotsky resorted to the use of punitive methods.

To force the Red Army soldiers to fight, Trotsky issued Order No. 18, in which he ordered the ruthless execution of those who did not want to fight for a bright future ("I warn you: if any part retreats arbitrarily, the commissar of the unit will be shot first, the commander of the second. Cowards, skinners and traitors will not escape the bullet"). To force the commanders (military specialists) to fight, Trotsky had the good fortune to take their families hostage: if a military specialist betrayed the working people, his family was subjected to repression.

This idea came to Trotsky instantly, when he first arrived at the front - in Sviyazhsk. With him was Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner, who witnessed how the Red Army soldiers fled the battlefield, and how Trotsky punished the traitors (along with Larisa herself, who, as she said, shot the Red Army "like dogs", so she and Lev Davidovich were furious at the trembling soldiers):

The regiment, fighting almost on the very bank of the Volga, but upstream, faltered and ran with the commander and commissar, and by dawn its distraught units were on the staff steamers of the Volga Military Flotilla.

In Sviyazhsk remained - the headquarters of the 5th Army with its offices and Trotsky's train. Lev Davydovich mobilized all the train servants, clerks, telegraph operators, orderlies - in short, everything that could hold a rifle.

The next day, 27 Communists were tried and shot, who fled, among others, to steamships at the most crucial moment.

It is impossible to convince with any good words the army, which itself for six weeks suffers all sorts of hardships, fights without boots, without warm underwear and dressings, that cowardice is not cowardice, and that there are some "mitigating circumstances" for it[3].

Although the executed Red Army soldiers were mobilized workers who never held arms, their execution sobered up the Red Army, and the fact that Trotsky defeated the enemy, liberated Kazan, justifies the harsh measures in the eyes of his supporters. Class consciousness alone was not enough, executions were needed, which helped Trotsky win.

Richard Pipes also notes that Trotsky brought iron order to the army:

Trotsky initiated the introduction of cruel disciplinary measures in the Red Army. In general, he controlled the troops with the help of terror[4].

"You cannot build an army without repression," Trotsky noted in My Life.

Trotsky and the inhabitants of Kazan were roughly punished for being under the whites: on August 21, 1918, he wrote: "The assumption that I spare Kazan is unfounded." Lest V.I. Lenin or anyone else doubt his lack of firmness, Trotsky issued a series of orders in the spirit of August 2 weeks.

Warning to the working population of Kazan. It is necessary to temporarily leave the city. After the capture of Kazan by the Czech-White Guard gangs, Kazan became a nest of counter-revolution. This nest must be ruined. With further resistance, the counter-revolutionary quarters will be dug to the ground... It is necessary to remove children from the city as soon as possible.

It was clear that the shooting could sometimes not be a formidable enough punishment, so torture was used. Torture executions were used, however, mainly not against the skins-deserters (they were usually probably shot), but against the whites in order to break their will to fight.

They claim that Lev Davidovich himself interrogated his enemies (according to Grigory Ziv):

In such a luxurious setting, which Reisner described, Trotsky conducted his "interrogations" of women. So they were called by the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council. In fact, it was the usual bed pleasures with women in military conditions, sometimes on the very front line. Apparently, this is why Trotsky dubbed them "interrogations."

G. Ziv, describing these cases, compared Trotsky with Napoleon. The great commander sat at the table for a long time at the table for business papers, letters, military maps. There was a strong rush of blood into the second, lower part of the body and it stagnated there. To disperse her, Napoleon invited a woman. He was engaged in it on business, quickly, in an orderly manner. He didn't care what kind of woman she was, just to disperse the blood. All this was given no more than 15-20 minutes and again Napoleon sat down to work.

The same thing happened with Trotsky, only he gave the woman more time - an hour, or even two. Napoleon never in such cases did not talk to a woman, sometimes threw a short phrase - the command. Trotsky loved to talk. He ordered some women to be shot later. Those who, after "interrogations", seemed to him "spies" or White Guards[5].

The Red Terror includes an episode when on May 27, 1918, Trotsky ordered the arrest and on June 22, 1918, the execution of Captain 1st Rank Alexei Mikhailovich Shchastny. Shchastny became famous in the army for saving the Baltic Fleet during the Ice Campaign. His popularity among the military apparently hurt the ambition of Trotsky, who considered himself the main commander of the Red Army. Shchastny was accused of conspiracy:

Shchastny persistently and steadily deepened the gap between the Navy and soviet power. Sowing panic, he invariably put forward his candidacy for the role of savior. The vanguard of the conspiracy, the officers of the mine division, openly put forward the slogan "dictatorship of the fleet."

On June 13, 1918, on trotsky's initiative, a decree was adopted to restore the death penalty in Russia. From that moment on, the execution could be used according to the verdicts of the revolutionary tribunals.

In July 1918, the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Uprising broke out. Trotsky harshly suppresses him: he orders "artillery and other units" to be moved against the rebels, and on behalf of the Council of People's Commissars orders the deputy chairman of the Cheka, Latsis, to arrest and take hostage the Chekists-Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. Ephraim Markovich Sklyansky personally, on the orders of Trotsky, led the artillery shelling of the rebels. Since Trotsky's order to the units of the Moscow garrison to oppose the rebels was virtually ignored, after the suppression of the rebellion, Trotsky, in anger, by his order, created a commission "to investigate the behavior of the units of the Moscow garrison." Vatsetis was arrested.

On August 8, 1918, Trotsky ordered the creation of mass concentration camps:

Comrade Kamenshchikov, the chief of defense of the Moscow-Kazan railway, who had been appointed by me, ordered the establishment of concentration camps in Murom, Arzamas and Sviyazhsk, where dark agitators, counter-revolutionary officers, saboteurs, parasites, speculators would be imprisoned, except those who would be shot at the scene of a crime or sentenced by the Military Revolutionary Tribunal to other punishments.

By order of Trotsky, not only defective officers from the Red Army, but also members of their families were subjected to repression. In the order of September 30, on behalf of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council Aralov was assigned the responsibility "to detain the families of defectors and traitors."

V. I. Lenin very much appreciated Trotsky and the harsh measures he carried out. In July 1919, Ilyich gave Trotsky a blank form signed in advance by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars with the phrase:

Comrades! Knowing the strict nature of Comrade Trotsky's orders, I am so convinced, to an absolute degree, of the correctness, expediency, and necessity for the benefit of Comrade Trotsky's order that I support this order wholeheartedly.

On September 12, 1919, in an order for the 9th Army, Trotsky demanded that F. K. Mironov, commander of the 2nd Cavalry Army, be "shot like a dog.

In 1920, the Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, who himself spent three days in prison during the Red Terror, was released and included in the list of hostages, and then served in the White Army, described Trotsky as follows:

I unmistakably understood that this whole man consists solely of unquenchable malice and that he always burns with an unquenchable thirst for blood. Maybe there are some other spiritual qualities in it: lust for power, pride, voluptuousness and something else - but all of them are overwhelmed, depressed, drowned by the raging lava of organic, rabid malice.

Women - always slaves of pop people - surround him with hysterical love, thereby crazy adoration, which makes the sexual psychopaths of Paris in the days preceding the loud executions, inundated with written love confessions of both the famous criminal and the monsieur of Deibler, who bears the loud title - Maitre de Paris.

Pay attention to his orders and speeches. "Incinerate...", "Destroy to the ground and scatter stones...", "Put to death until the third generation...", "Pour blood and lead...", "Bleed ...", "Strangle ...".

In lightning-fast massacres, he reveals the face of a true eastern despot. When near Moscow elected from his special detachment of sailors-bodyguards came to him with some arrogant demand, he personally shot three and immediately ordered to shoot the whole hundred .

De facto, the action of the authorities (malicious 😈 kangaroo 🦘) is the illegal imprisonment of Australian citizens. 

Australia. Sydney. The army will help the police enforce the isolation and lockdown

In 1927, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Voroshilov accused Trotsky of excessive commitment to executions, including the executions of "honored communists."

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