𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐍃 ''𐌏𐌱𐍛𐌹𐌏𐌵𐍃 𐌹𐌽𐌾𐍂𐌴D𐌹𐌱𐍰𐌴''


The first Grand Lodge, which can be said with confidence, appeared in 1717 in one of the London taverns - even its name, "Goose and Spit", has been preserved. It took only a few decades for lodges to spread throughout Europe, and the rules of the Freemasons to take on an orderly appearance.

But there is another version of the legend of Hurama.

According to it, workers were not interested in money. They wanted to know the secret of architectural harmony and world balance. It was possessed only by Huram, who refused to give out the secret. He was killed and buried in the woods. Accidentally, the criminals left an acacia branch on the grave of the unfortunate. It then blossomed and grew into a tree.

There is a connection between the versions of the legends and the real symbolism of the Masons. Today, communities are still divided into steps, strictly observe confidentiality in relation to the decoding of their customs. A twig of acacia carries a noble meaning - rebirth after death, holiness and purity.

There is no single dogma for deciphering symbols. Therefore, interpretations may differ from one Grand Lodge to another. The legend of Hirame now serves as a basis for ritual actions when obtaining the degree of master.

There are two branches of origin of the official movement:

From the Rosicrucians;

From the Knights Templar.

The entire history of Freemasonry can be divided into three stages with symbols:

The formation of the first real lodges (Middle Ages) of the acting "free masons".

The period of appearance of honorary members, "acceptance" of persons without professional affiliation as members.

Increasing the number of speculative brotherhoods, their development. Formation of managerial Grand Lodges over them.

Speculative communities conducted training in the esoteric sciences using a symbolic and ritual approach. Confirmation of this is found in such historical documents as: "Old Charges" ("Ritual of ancient obligations"), "Halliwell Manuscript" ("Poem Regius").

The members of the organization themselves call the date of the birth of their movement June 24, 1717. This is a significant day, it is important for most Christians and is timed to the veneration of John the Baptist.

The previously formed 4 small lodges gathered together in London, in a tavern called "Goose and Gridiron". The purpose of their gathering was to create a single Grand Lodge of London and Westminster.

The first 4 lodges had the same names as the taverns in which they used to gather:

"The Crown" 👑

"Apple" 🍏

"Grape brush"

"Goose and Spit"

For reference! "Spit" is sometimes translated as "Baking sheet".

After the unification and creation of the Grand Lodge of London, June 24 became the main holiday of the Freemasons. Much later, the lodge began to fill noble, intelligent persons, merchants, businessmen, eminent financiers. Over time, being in the fraternity was fashionable.

The aristocracy and bright personalities of intellectual society especially liked the ideas of spiritual development, moral improvement. Developed by the Masons, a set of rituals, mysterious symbols provoked what their movement began to be called a sect.

      Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin 

Putin's father V. - Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin

Putin's grandfather V. is a personal cook 👨 🍳 Lenin and Stalin

1969, Tbilisi (Georgia) at the judo competition. 

Putin is second from the left. Putin's first friend is Arkady Rotenberg.  

On the structure of Freemasonry. 

Introductory to understand. 

Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, the father of the current Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, was an officer of the internal troops of the NKVD until 1941. At the beginning of the war near Vitebsk he surrendered to the Germans, and when General Andrei Vlasov created a collaborationist army, he voluntarily joined it. 

In 1945, V.S. Putin, along with the rest of the Vlasovites, was extradited by the British to the Soviet Union. 

His son, the current president of Russia, followed in his father's footsteps. 

From the age of 18 he served in the KGB (KGB - the heir of the NKVD), rose to the rank of colonel.

       Putin's father is Vlasovets. 

The Polish magazine "Angora" No 31 (03.08.2003) in the section "Secrets of History" on page 11 published a note by Joseph Zariawski entitled "Did the father of the President of Russia participate in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising?".

Here is a translation of this note.« Living in the UK, Viktor Suvorov (real name Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun), a former resident of the Soviet military intelligence GRU in Switzerland, who in 1978 switched to the side of British intelligence, for which he was sentenced to death in absentia (the sentence was not canceled after the collapse of the Soviet Union), the author of "Aquarium" and other bestsellers, in February last year, collecting material for a book about Marshal Georgy Zhukov , in the secret London archives of the 8th British Army accidentally found a very interesting photo with inscriptions. The photograph shows six officers. Three in the uniforms of the Cossacks, two in German uniform and one in the uniform of the ROA.Suvorov explains that the officers in the uniforms of the Cossacks are Russians who served in the Cossack formations of the army of General Vlasov, who defected to the Nazis. The photo shows that it was taken in August 1944, just during the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising.

From the inscriptions it is clear that the first on the left is Lieutenant Vladimir Putin, and the other two in Cossack hats are Major Frolov and Lieutenant Mikhalchevsky.

"At all times, and now even more so than ever, the world is ruled primarily by secret societies."

 “Nothing happens by accident in politics. If something happened, then it was intended. "

           President Roosevelt

Nikola Tesla had an assistant (Nazi spy) named George H. Scherf Sr. This assistant had a teenage son, George H. Scherf Jr., whom Nicola so often caught rummaging through his equipment and papers that Nicola compared him to a "mischievous little monkey" and nicknamed him "Curious George." This boy grew up, changed his name and became the head of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to Otto Skorzeny, the photo shows the Scherff family and several friends (cirously 1938). By the hand of "mother" Scherff on the left holds Martin Bormann. Ahead of Reinhardt Gehlen. Behind is Joseph Mengele, and to his right is Skorzeny in his youth. In the center on the right (in german Navy uniform) George H. Scherff Jr. and his father George H. Scherff Sr. Bormann became Hitler's deputy. Reinhardt Gehlen was a senior SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and an SS spy/murderer who arrived in the U.S. after the war as part of Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys also participated in CIA mind control experiments like the MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Josef Mengele, the infamous sadistic "angel of death" from Auschwitz, fled Germany for South America. George H. Scherff Jr., as described above, became the 41st President of the United States.

📹 Putin / Bush, dancing to the harmonica 🪗 Sochi 


      Picture 🖼 New World Order 

An article published in the Idaho Observer, which also talks about all this, has been deleted.

 Freemasonry was created as a specific mechanism for managing society with the help of some (mostly secret) organizations. The main tasks of Freemasonry are three: the first is to hide the purely Jewish chauvinistic nature of government in all Christian countries. The second is to attract non-Jewish lackeys to the lower structure of the Jewish government. The third is to ensure the secrecy and implicitness of the unified management.

 Indeed, if in all countries all the highest leaders were Jews, then not a single people would have endured this. The Jews would have been crushed. And when people see a national leader above themselves, they do not have negative emotions. And the fact that this national leader is just a controlled puppet in the hands of the Yidocracy is not evident. Moreover, often the unstructured leadership of the leader is so secretive that the goy leader himself may not feel like a puppet. Due to Freemasonry, the Jewish occupation of all peoples of the Christian world is clearly not visible and not understood by the general public.

 With all the diversity of Masonic organizations and their apparent independence, all Masonic organizations are united into a single whole, into a single management pyramid.

 Masonic organizations can bear the most beautiful names, they can declare the most humane and humane goals, but the true essence of Freemasonry is always the same. Freemasonry is always a mafia. Only from the lower 1st level to the 33rd level is the international mafia, the levels from 1 to 66 are the Jewish mafia, and the levels from 1 to 99 are the Levite mafia. And even higher - occult satanic structures. That is, a non-Jew can be a Freemason from the 1st to the 33rd degree. A Jew is a Freemason from the 1st to the 66th degree. Leviticus - 1 to 99 degrees.

 The structure of modern Freemasonry is similar to the structure of the ancient Egyptian priesthood and in its full form looks like the next pyramid of government.

 (All-seeing eye)

 22 hierophytes (occult powers)

 67 to 99 Golden Pyramid (Levites, Rabbis)

 34 to 66 Secret degrees of initiation

 33 Sovereign General / Grand Inspector (International Mafia)

 ————————- Racial barrier (there is no move above the goyim) —————————–

 32 Prince of Royal Mystery

 31 Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander

 30 Kadosh or knight Kadosh

 29 The Great Knight of St. Andrew Scottsky

 28 Prince Adept and Knight of the Sun

 27 Great Temple Commander

 26 Prince of Mercy

 25 Knight of the Bronze Serpent

 24 Prince of the Tabernacle (Tabernacle of the Covenant)

 23 Lord of the Tabernacle (Tabernacle of the Covenant)

 22 Knight of the Royal Ax

 21 Patriarch Noah

 20 Lifetime Master Venerable

 19 The Great Pontifax, or the Magnificent Scotsman

 18 Rozenkreuzer

 17 Knight of the East and West

 16 Prince of Jerusalem, Grand Duke of Jerusalem

 15 Knight of the East

 14 Great Excellent Elect and Supreme Mason

 13th degree of the Royal Arch

 12 Grand Master Architect

 11 Supreme Chosen Knight and Worthy Chosen One

 10 Master Chosen of the Nine

 9 Most Serene, chosen of the Eighteen

 8 Building Keeper

 7 Jury and Judge

 6 Secret Secretary

 5 Superior Master

 4 Secret Master

 3 Master

 2 Journeyman

 1 Apprentice

 0 Christians of various interpretations and sects, circles of Zionized yoga, spiritualism and occultism, Esperanto language circles, pacifists, etc.

 Christianity and other 0-level groups are not themselves part of Freemasonry. They serve as a massive recruiting base for Masonic cadres. According to the Jewish plan, the goy-masons should play among the uninitiated goyim or profane the role of invisible ideological leaders, who, unnoticed by other goyim, must gradually shape their consciousness and public opinion in a favorable direction.

 Masons of higher degrees may participate in the lodges of lower degrees, but not vice versa. There is a wide variety of national forms of Freemasonry, depending on local conditions. In specific forms, the names of the Masonic steps (degrees) may differ and the structure of the pyramid may be truncated.

 Freemasons can participate in organizations of a variety of names and declared principles. Signs such as anti-drunken societies and other noblest names are often used.

 Some of these organizations may be open, some secret, but the real activities of the Freemasons are always secret and hidden and never correspond to their declarations.

 The entire Masonic pyramid is divided into 5 groups:

 Group 1. Stage 0. The color is white. All kinds of Christianity.

 Group 2. Step 1-3. Blue color. John's Freemasonry.

 Group 3. Step 1-7. The color is red. Andrew's Freemasonry.

 4 Group. Step 1-33. The color is black and white. Scottish Freemasonry.

 5 Group. Step 34-99. The golden pyramid. Jewish pyramid.

 The procedure for becoming a Freemason can be different. In full scheme, this procedure is a mystical performance based on the Judaist Legend of Adoniram.

 One of the basic principles of Freemasonry is the principle of invisible rulers, to whom every Freemason swears an oath of unquestioning obedience. That is, Masons of any level never fully represent their place in the Masonic hierarchy. They only know what is below and the immediately higher level.

 At the first stages of Freemasonry, nothing particularly terrible is done, and for a novice Freemason all the stories about Masonic crimes and Masonic Satanism seem like fairy tales. The Masons below do not know about the complete structure of the Masonic pyramid, and it seems to them that they are playing their own and noble role. Well-meaning fools of the lower degrees look for democracy, freedom, equality and fraternity, and similar chimeras in Freemasonry. But whatever they are looking for, they unconsciously work for Jidocracy and Satan.

 Of course, there is no need to oversimplify the situation, it is more complicated. Not everything that is invented by the Freemasons is deception. Normal unsuspecting people who seek to realize their ideas also fall into the lower degrees of Freemasonry. A good idea of ​​human rights was invented by the Freemasons, but that doesn't make it bad. Now they are trying to use it to interfere in the internal affairs of other states. But, of course, the idea of ​​human rights in its current form is insufficient, half-hearted. The idea of ​​human rights must always be combined with the idea of ​​human responsibilities. There are no and should not be rights without obligations.

 But as they climb the Masonic steps, the Freemasons are more and more covered with crimes. Exit from Freemasonry, especially from high degrees, is not envisaged alive. There is only an entrance to Freemasonry.

 The mystical rituals of the Freemasons depend on the level of initiation and on the characteristics of the lodges. At the highest levels, human sacrifice and the use of human blood are used, mainly of innocent goy babies. If Christians only mentally drink blood and eat the human body (only receive communion, spiritually decompose), then the Masons of the highest degrees do it physically.

 Usually Masons vehemently deny the presence of blood drinking in their rituals. However, the drink of blood exists in Freemasonry. Even at such "innocent" levels as John's Freemasonry, as evidenced by the German Freemason Merzdorf in the pages of the Masonic magazine "Vaihite" (1879. 5.13). The novice's blood flowing from the incision on the thumb drips into a bowl of wine, from which everyone present then drinks. The sediment is stored in a special vessel until the next initiation, and thus the blood of all former Masons is mixed. These cannibalistic procedures are pure Satanism.

 Some elements of the Masonic ritual passed into the mass secular ritual. For example, at the initiation of the Mason, they are introduced with a noose around his neck, as a symbol of his death, if he dares to reveal Masonic secrets. Today's men's tie is the same Masonic symbol, the same noose around the neck. The same symbol was on the necks of the Soviet pioneers. The icon of the pioneers, naturally, was the Masonic pentagonal star. On the back of the pioneers, the pioneer tie created a triangle with the top down - a symbol of Satan.

 One of the favorite symbols of Freemasonry is the skull and bones as a symbol of death. Christians wear this symbol of death on their cross.

 Freemasonry has many symbols, but the main ones are two. The common symbol of world Freemasonry is the pentagonal star (pentagram). And the great state seal of world Freemasonry is a hexagonal star with the numbers 6 in each ray of this star. These sixes twice give the number of the beast 666 (Rev. 13:18).

 Freemasons consider themselves the elite, and all the uninitiated - the profane and the crowd, but they themselves are always profane and fooled people. As they move up the pyramid, the knowledge that is given to them at a new level is often the opposite of that given below. And this satanic reverse game never ends. Thus, Freemasons are always in a state of false knowledge, in a state of fools. No wonder they say that their supreme ruler, Lucifer-Satan, is a liar and the father of lies. For the high levels of Freemasonry, all the lower-ranking Masons are profane and a crowd, but for even higher levels they themselves are the same profane and the same crowd of fools. This is how Satan rules - with the help of endless lies, deceit and violence, even in relation to his lackeys. 90% of Freemasons have no idea about the intentions of their top leaders.

The Illuminati are the highest part of the golden pyramid. Leon Trotsky in the USA entered the purely Jewish Masonic lodge of the golden pyramid, called Mizraim (translated from Hebrew means Egypt) and was a Mason of a very high degree of initiation (15, 61, p. 52). Trotsky was the founder of the Red Army. The name is not accidental. The Red Army is the Rothschild Army (red sign). Trotsky introduced a symbol for this army in the form of a pentagonal Masonic star. The Red Army, led by Trotsky, was the deadly weapon of the international Jidocracy.

 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were 31st degree Freemasons (51) and Satanists. In his poem The Fiddler, Marx writes:

 "Hellish vapors rise and fill my brain,

 until I lose my mind and my heart changes radically.

 Do you see this sword? The prince of darkness sold it to me. "

 These lines take on special significance if one knows that in the ritual of the highest initiation into the satanic cult, an enchanted sword is sold to the candidate, which guarantees his success. He pays for it by signing in blood drawn from a hundred veins. This is a contract according to which his soul will belong to Satan after death (61, p. 34).

 Bakunin, an associate of Marx in the organization of the First International, was also a notorious Satanist. In particular, he wrote: "In this revolution, we will have to awaken the Devil in people in order to arouse the lowest passions."

 Kerensky was a 32nd degree Freemason.

 Maxim Gorky was close to Freemasonry through his adopted son Z.A. Peshkov (brother of Yankel Sverdlov) - a prominent French freemason.

 Secret Masonic organizations and their masters are the true cause of all revolutions and all world wars. You can read about this, for example, in (40-42 and 61).

 In critical situations, on command from above, Masons of all levels begin a single campaign. For example, speaking at a rally in Moscow in October 1997, the courageous Russian general Albert Mikhailovich Makashov called for "driving all the Jews out of Russia." Instantly a brutal campaign of persecution was launched against him.

 One of the first to oppose Makashov in the State Duma was a low-level freemason film director Stanislav Govorukhin (Masonic club "International Russian Club"). This Govorukhin before that pretended to be a Russian patriot and defender of Russia. All films of this "patriot" are destructive and demoralizing. And for some reason this "patriot" always kept quiet when Russia and the Russian people were humiliated and sowed mud as best they could. But this same defender of the "poor Jews" instantly reacted to the attempt to oppose the Jewish democracy. That is why Jews need small Masons like Govorukhin.

 Among the Masons of the lower degrees there were also decent people, but all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, worked for the Jidocracy. Even if they did nothing wrong, they did harm by creating a positive image for Freemasonry.

 There have been cases of deliberate entry into Masons of decent people in order to use Freemasonry for educational and positive purposes, or in order to outplay Freemasonry from the inside. More often than not, these attempts ended in vain.

 The Masonic organization has been honed for millennia and it is almost impossible to replay it from the inside. We must fight it from the outside. The only forces that have set the goal of using Freemasonry in their national interests and have a chance of success are the Japanese and Chinese Freemasons. They have a lot of experience that no one else has. In general, the game of the Chinese and Eastern Freemasons is poorly known to us. This game is difficult and dangerous. Dangerous for both Jews and us.

 In order to learn and use Freemasonry, the Russian Tsar Peter I entered it. But this did not give him anything. He failed to grasp the essence and danger of Freemasonry. He was shown Freemasonry in the form that was beneficial to Freemasonry, and Peter I had a generally positive opinion about Freemasonry. Peter I adopted the national flag of Russia with Masonic colors (as in the USA and France) - white, blue and red, with a white (Scottish) color at the top. When the Communards changed this Masonic banner to red, this does not mean at all that they changed the bad for the good. The red banner is the banner of the Rothschilds. Rothschild means "red sign" in translation. The communards merely exchanged one form of evil for another form of evil.

 The ultimate goal of the Freemasons is the destruction of the nation states and the establishment of the power of the world Judeo-Masonic superstate.

 The basic principles of international Freemasonry (up to the 33rd degree) are materialism, atheism and cosmopolitanism. Above the 33rd degree (in the Jewish golden pyramid) - first Judaism and Jewish chauvinism, and even above the 67th degree - pure Satanism.

 The struggle of international Freemasonry with Christianity is, again, a specially created and controlled conflict in the interests of the Jidocracy.

 One of the favorite mottos of the Freemasons is "freedom, equality and brotherhood" (we will analyze these slogans in Chapter 15). Another motto of the Freemasons is "be ready." This motto was used to train pioneers (young communists) in the USSR. They developed a conditioned reflex and forced to always answer the call “be ready” “always ready”. What you are ready for is not important. What they say, the biorobot should be ready for that. The instruction of the members of the Masonic Order of the High Venta reads: "Leave the old people and adults, take care of the youth, and, if possible, also the children." He who has youth has a future.

 The method of the Freemasons is to corrupt, dumb and conquer. A serious study of Freemasonry and its crimes is given in the book by N. Bogolyubov "Secret Societies of the 20th Century" (61). Unfortunately, the author sees a way out in Christianity, not realizing that Christianity is another marked card in the deck of Satanists. The composition of today's Russian Masons is given in (99).

As for occult forces, little is known about them. According to legend, they came out of Egypt. 22 hierophants (fortune tellers) came out, broke into two teams of 11 people and dispersed around the world. And they play one game. An analogue of this game was football - two teams of 11 people kick the globe.

Lucifer and the occultists are followed by the Illuminati. Their structure is drawn on the back of a one-dollar bill. This highest part of the golden Egyptian pyramid consists of 13 levels:

Rothschild Tribunal

Tip 13

Tip 30

Committee of 300

B'n'a b'rith

Great Orient


Scottish Circle




Freemasons without ties


In 1913, B'n'1 b'rith decided to create his own fighting organization to take active action against anyone and everyone who dared to interfere with the Jewish occupation. This is the Anti-Defamation League – a giant organization of blackmail and terror. 

This organization in the United States is called the "Jewish Gestapo", citing a long series of political assassinations.

Current list of members of the Committee of 300

"Committee of 300. Secrets of World Government" by Dr. John Coleman. 

King Abdullah II of Jordan

Abramovich, Roman

Ackermann, Josef

Edward Adeane

Agius, Marcus

Ahtisaari, Martti

Daniel Ackerson

Albert II of Belgium

Alexander, Prince of Yugoslavia

Amato, Giuliano

Anderson Carl A.

Andreotti, Giulio

Andrew, Duke of York

Anne, Princess of the Queen

Anstee, Nick

Ash, Timothy Garton

Astor, William Waldorf

Aven Petr

J.P.Balkenende, Jan Peter

Ballmer, Steve

Balls, Ed

Barroso, José Manuel

Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands

Belka, Marek

Bergsten, Fred C.

Berlusconi Silvio

Ben Bernake

Bernstein, Niels

Berwick, Donald

Carl Bildt

Bishop, Sir Winfried

Tony Blair

Blankfein, Lloyd

Blavatnik Leonard

Michael Bloomberg

Bolkestein, Fritz

Bolkia, Hassanal

Bonello, Michael C

Bonino, Emma

Borzhen, David L.

Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg

Charles Bronfman

Bronfman (Edgar Jr.)

John Bruton

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Budenberg, Robin

Table, Warren

George HW Bush

David Cameron

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Cardoso, Fernando Enrique

Carington, Peter

Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden

Carlos, Duke of Parma

Mark Carney

Carroll (Cynthia)

Caruana, Jaime

Castell, Sir William

Chan, Anson

Chan, Margaret

Norman Chan

Charles, Prince of Wales

Chartres, Richard

Chiaie, Stefano Delle

Chipman Dr. John

Chodieva, Fattah

Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein

Cicchitto, Fabrizio

Clark, Wesley

Clark, Kenneth

Nick Clegg

Clinton, Bill

Abby Joseph Cohen

Ronald Cohen

Cohn, Gary

Column di Paliano, Marc, Duke of Paliano

You can without the Crown Prince of the Netherlands

Constantine II, King of Greece

David Cooksey

Brian Cauen

Craven, Sir John

Crowett, Andrew

Dadush, Uri

Na D'Aloisio, Tony

Darling, Alistair

Sir Howard Davies

Davignon, Etyenne

David Davis

de Rothschild, Benjamin

de Rothschild, David René

de Rothschild, Evelyn

de Rothschild, Leopold

Joseph Deiss

Deripaska Oleg

Michael Dobson

Draghi, Mario

Du Plessis, Jan

Dudley, William C.

Duisenberg, Wim

Edward, Duke of Kent

Edward, Count of Wessex

Elizabeth II, Queen of great Britain

John Elkann

Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples

Ernst August, Prince of Hanover

Martin Feldstein

Festing, Matthew

Fillon, François

Heinz Fischer

Fischer, Joschka

Stanley Fisher

Fitzgerald, Nithel

Franz, Duke of Bavaria

Fridman Mikhail

Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau

Gates, Bill

Geidt, Christopher

Timothy Geithner

Georg Frederick, Prince of Prussia

Gibson-Smith, Dr. Chris

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gore, Al

Gotlieb, Allan

Green, Stephen

Greenspan, Alan

Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster

Infocommunications, José Angel

The Hague, William

Hampton, Sir Philip

Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein

Harald V, King of Norway

Stephen Harper

Heisburg, François

Henri grand duke of Luxembourg

Hildebrand, Philipp

The Hills, Carl Anderson

Holbrooke Richard

Patrick Honohan

Howard Alan

Ibragimov Alijan

Ingves, Stefan

Isaacson, Walter

Juan Carlos, King of Spain

Jacobs, Kenneth M.

Julius, DeAnne

Juncker, Jean-Claude

Kenen, Peter

John Kerry

King, Mervyn

Kinnock, Glenys

Henry Kissinger

Knight, Malcolm

Kuhn, William H. II

Paul Krugman

John Kufuor

Lajolo, Giovanni

Lake, Anthony

Richard Lambert

Lamy (Pascal)

Landau, Jean-Pierre

Timothy Lawrence

Leigh-Pemberton, James

Leka, Crown Prince of Albania

Leonard Mark

Levene, Peter

Leviev, Lev

Arthur Levitt

Levi, Michael

Lieberman, Joe

Livingston, Ian

Loong, Lee Hsien

Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este

Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou

Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard

Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau

Peter Mandelson

Sir David Manning

Margaret, Archduchess of Austria-Este

Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark

Martinez, Guillermo Ortiz

Mashkevich Alexander

Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci

Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prinz of Arsoli and Triggiano

McDonough, William Joseph

McLarty, Mac

Mersch, Yves

Michael, Prince of Kent

Michael, King of Romania

David Miliband

Miliband, Ed

Mittal Lakshmi

Moreno, Glen

- Moritz, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel

Murdoch, - Rupert

Napoleon, Charles

Nasser, Jacques

Niblett, Robin

Vincent Nichols

Nicholas, Adolfo

Noyer, Christian

Sammy Ofer

Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy

Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie

Ollila (Jorma)

Oppenheimer, Nicky

George Osborne

Udea, Frederick

Parker, Sir John

Chris Patten

Pébereau, Michel

Gareth Penny

Peres Shimon

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza

Pel, Carl Otto

Colin Powell

Prokhorov Mikhail

Quaden, Guy

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh

Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)

David Reuvim

Reuvim, Simon

Rhodes, William R.

Risa, Susan

Richard, Duke of Gloucester

Rifkind, Sir Malcolm

Ritblat, Sir John

Stephen S.

Robinson Mary

David Jr. Rockefeller

Rockefeller David the Elder.

Rockefeller, Nicholas

Rodriguez, Javier Echevarria


Roth, Jean-Pierre

Rothschild, Jacob

Rubinstein David

"Rubin", Robert

Ruspoli, Francesco, 10 Prince of Cerneteri

Joseph Safra

Safra, Moises

Sands, Peter

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Sassoon, Isaac

Sassoon, James

Sawers, Sir John Robert

Scardino, Marjorie

Schwab, Klaus

Schwarzenberg, Karel

Stephen A.

Shapiro, Sydney

Nigel Sheinwald

Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria

Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Snow, Olympia

Sofia, Queen of Spain

George Soros

Ghost, Arlen

Stern, Ernest

Dennis Stevenson

Steyer, Tom

Joseph Stiglitz

Strauss-Kahn (Dominique

Straw, Jack

Sutherland, Peter

Maria Tanner

Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti

Mark Thompson

Dr. James Thomson

Tietmeyer, Hans

ECB President Jean-Claude

Tucker, Paul

Van Rompuy, Herman

Vélez, Álvaro Uribe

Verplaetse, Alphonse

Williger, Caspar

Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess

Paul Volker

von Habsburg, Otto

Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkia Mu'izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei

Sir David Walker

Wallenberg, Jacob

John Walsh

Warburg, Max.

Weber, Axel Alfred

Michael David Weil

Welllink, Nout

Whitman, Marina von Neumann

Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange

Prince William of Wales

Dr. Rowan Williams

Williams, Shirley

David Wilson

Wolfensohn, James

Volin, Nil Stepanovich

Harry Wolf

Woolsey, R. Jr., James

Worcester, Sir Robert

Wu, Sarah

Robert Zoellick

Very interesting second part of this material about Soviet Americans ⬇️ and Russian partisans 🪗👨‍🍳

          Two Lenins

𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓜𝓻. 𝓣𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓼𝓴𝔂


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