Operation Paper clip

Operation Paper clip

The father had three sons. And all three are fools. Dodge, Bill and Barry. They bored my father worse than bitter radish. So he gathered them and said.

- My children, it's time for you to gain mind-mind. Go wherever you want, but don't go back crazy.

There's nothing to do. Then the brothers let their arrows in their pants and walked along the rope, which was tied to the arrow. How long did the brothers walk until they saw the house 🏡 on chicken legs. 

"The house 🏡, the house 🏡, turn to me... - Dodge began.

"No, to me," bill interrupted him.

"And I took a vow of silence," Barry said. .

"Well, keep silent," the other brothers said.

- So who should I turn to? The house said grumbly 🏡.

"Great, talking house," Dodge said. - Turn to me.

"No, to me," Bill resubtens.

"I could have been quiet," Barry said. - The vow of silence is a great thing. I've been silent for 3 years now. At least A word to whom I said.

"Well done, Barry," said the house 🏡. - I'll turn to you.

And the house 🏡 turned to all the brothers at once, and they also settled down in a hen. The brothers entered the hut and saw three beautiful girls sitting with eyelashes bent to the chimney. They sit and drink whiskey 🥃 🥃 🥃 . The brothers immediately took out a glass from their pocket and sat down next to each other.

Nikola Tesla had an assistant (Nazi spy) named George H. Scherf Sr. This assistant had a teenage son, George H. Scherf Jr., whom Nicola so often caught rummaging through his equipment and papers that Nicola compared him to a "mischievous little monkey" and nicknamed him "Curious George." This boy grew up, changed his name and became the head of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to Otto Skorzeny, the photo shows the Scherff family and several friends (cirously 1938). By the hand of "mother" Scherff on the left holds Martin Bormann. Ahead of Reinhardt Gehlen. Behind is Joseph Mengele, and to his right is Skorzeny in his youth. In the center on the right (in german Navy uniform) George H. Scherff Jr. and his father George H. Scherff Sr. Bormann became Hitler's deputy. Reinhardt Gehlen was a senior SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and an SS spy/murderer who arrived in the U.S. after the war as part of Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys also participated in CIA mind control experiments like the MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Josef Mengele, the infamous sadistic "angel of death" from Auschwitz, fled Germany for South America. George H. Scherff Jr., as described above, became the 41st President of the United States.

An article published in the Idaho Observer, which also talks about all this, has been deleted.

Hitler gives Reich Marshal Goering a painting by Hans Makart "The Lady with the Falcon" (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, Hitler's collection numbered 6755 paintings, the Goering collection 1375.

Hitler's "New World Order" is a "world concentration camp"

On August 29, 1941, the world media announced the German-Italian declaration on the establishment of its "new order" in Europe. Today, few people know about the content of this document and other similar plans. 

Everything that the German Nazis planned in relation to their "new world order" was spelled out in mein Kampf - this is Adolf Hitler's book "My Struggle", based on the German Mein Kampf, which was published in 1925, it combined elements of an autobiography with a statement of the ideas of German National Socialism. Other ideas of the future can be gleaned from the relevant orders, transcripts of meetings in the headquarters of A. Hitler. 

According to the hierarchy introduced by the Nazis, Europe was supposed to have several vassal pro-fascist regimes, such as the Horthy regime, or Antonescu. For all other states of the planet, a certain "differential" approach was planned: for the countries of Western Europe (such as France, Belgium, Holland, England, etc.), the main principle of conquest was "Germanization"; for Eastern Europe, the most important raw materials, including oil-bearing regions of Asia - "colonization"; for Central Russia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia – "depopulation".

About the "Germanization", on the example of France, at the Nuremberg trials, the representative of the prosecution from France Faure told: "The Germans sought to eliminate any elements of the French spirit. First of all, they banned the use of the French language in an extremely crude form... Even the inscriptions on the gravestones had to be made only in German..." That is, the main blow was inflicted on the language, one of the main foundations of any people. Then there was an active propaganda of the concept of Nazism, the elimination of the ideological foundations of people, this undermined their psychological spirit. 

Robert Jackson, the chief prosecutor at the same trial from the United States, made his addition to the description of the "new German order": "The population of the occupied territories was ruthlessly treated. Terror was put in the order of the day." Civilians were arrested without charge, they were not given the right to have a lawyer, they were executed without trial at all. And this is in Western Europe, where the Nazis behaved, in their opinion, "civilized".

In the East, a regime of complete, unlimited terror was established. With the inherent practicality and rationality of the German Nazis. Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, instructing his troops and political police, said: "Our task is not to Germanize the East, which consists in teaching the population the German language and German laws; we only want to ensure that only people of pure German blood live in the East." To solve the problem of living in the East "people exclusively of Aryan blood", Hitler invented the technology of "depopulation". In 1940, the essence of this technology was voiced in a book by Rauschning (a former associate of the German Fuhrer) published in New York, according to Hitler, it was about "the elimination of entire racial units."

Operation Paper clip

A group of 104 rocket scientists at Fort Bliss, Texas; 35 of them worked at White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico

There is no sphere of human activity where ubiquitous politics has not penetrated. The conquest of outer space was no exception. It is known that the one who owns the cosmos owns the world.

On May 3, 1945, led by von Braun, German technicians peacefully surrendered to the US command, delighting the Yankees with documentation and serviceable samples of missiles. It was the pay of the rocketeers for the coming comfortable life in hostile America. But politics works wonders! And the former enemy in a matter of days becomes, if not a friend, then a respected employee for sure. The United States, among other winners of Germany, was vitally interested in creating its own missiles.

The U.S. government secretly deploys Operation Paperclip, according to which in the summer of 1945 captured peenemünde rocketeers are transported to the United States for "forced labor".

Launch complex with a V-2 rocket at the White Sands training ground.

 The Germans are known to the world not only as skillful warriors, as Heinrich Heine put it, “masters only to hate,” but also as the creators of classical science and impeccable technology. And taking on the creation of missiles, the sons of "Fatherland" proved the high reputation of technicians and scientists. In the thirties of the XX century, the rocket technology of Nazi Germany developed at a rapid pace. Fascism was preparing for a world war, and a new powerful weapon turned out to be very opportune for Germany .. Werner Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun, a rocket scientist with a “gift of God”, who dreamed of “visiting the stars” as a child, was the "singer" of the roar of rocket engines. Werner studied diligently at the Universities of Zurich and Berlin, as well as at the Berlin Institute of Technology. The talented Bavarian began work on liquid-fuel rockets in 1930, and two years later he joined the working group of the outstanding scientist General Dornberger.

 And here's the first success: in 1933, a von Braun rocket flew two kilometers at the range. Just two kilometers! This was the first step towards the "conquest of space". Four years later, Wernher von Braun was appointed technical director of the rocket research center in Peenemünde, creating the famous A-4 rocket, better known as the FAU-2. In the memorable year of 1937, von Braun became a member of the fascist party, a staunch Nazi and became subordinate to the SS department, and in 1940 "for success" received the rank of SS Sturmbannfuehrer.

 The new weapon was designed to disrupt the opening of the Second Front and persuade the allies of the USSR to negotiate and an honorable end to the war for Germany.

 In November 1944, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States created the "Committee of Industrial and Technical Intelligence" with the aim of searching in Germany for technologies "useful to the postwar American economy." The Air Technical Intelligence (ATI) has compiled a list of German aircraft to be captured. Mobile armed units, including pilots / technicians, searched for and evacuated equipment, personnel, archives. The operation was named LUSTY (Luftwaffe Secret Technology).

 The strategic services department took over the removal of German missilemen for work in the United States under the secret Overcast program. One of the goals was to prevent the leakage of new technologies into the USSR. The American media declassified the program, labeling it as "bringing Nazi criminals into the country," and in March 1946 the operation was renamed Paperclip. To circumvent the Yalta and Potsdam agreements and the ban on the entry into the United States of those who were classified as a "security threat", fake biographies were written for the captives, membership in the Nazi party and participation in the crimes of the Reich were removed from their files. The Nazis went through the papers as "victims of Nazism." Thousands of people have taken part in secret US projects.

 As a result of the implementation of "Paperclip" more than 700 scientists from Nazi Germany took a direct part in the formation and became part of the CIA, NSA and other highly responsible government agencies.

 However, even the entry of these people into the United States was illegal, not to mention the fact that they were not supposed to get into top-secret government agencies. But the CIA managed to persuade the Vatican and issue American passports to these scientists under the pretext that otherwise they would fall into the hands of the Russians.

 “In 1945, after the end of World War II, the intelligence services of the victorious countries, Russia and America, began a treasure hunt in Germany. They were interested in military and scientific trophies. They were looking for the development of new missiles and aircraft, drugs and electronic devices. But the most coveted "prey" for them were the scientists who worked for the victory of Germany, namely, the engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi war machine.

 You can also recall that American law categorically prohibited the immigration of members of the Nazi Party to the United States, while more than a third of the specialists in question were ardent supporters of the Nazis ", - from the materials on Operation Paperclip: New World Order and Nazi Germany

Hundreds of Nazi scientists and doctors, who conducted horrific experiments on prisoners, were given very prestigious positions in America, and the most disgusting pages of their biographies were erased.

Kurt Blome, for example, was a scientist of the highest level in Nazi Germany, and he tested the plague vaccine on prisoners of concentration camps.

He was promoted to the United States Army Chemical Forces Directorate and began developing chemical weapons.

Major General of the Medical Service Walter Schreiber led the Nazi medical program, part of which was a series of experiments on prisoners held in concentration camps. They were forced to torture their comrades, otherwise they were starved to death. Schreiber was offered to lead the School of Aviation Medicine in Texas.

Wernher von Braun in the service of NASA

Wernher von Braun is a German rocket and space designer, technical director of the powerful rocket center in Peenemünde and a direct participant in the development of the V-2 rocket project.

The Americans offered him a position in the US Armed Forces and charged him with the responsibility of developing a guided missile, and subsequently appointed him the first director of NASA.

"Military intelligence diligently erased the black pages from the biographies of former Nazis. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had received U.S. citizenship and held very solid positions in the American scientific community. Many of them had served the Nazis and the Gestapo faithfully for many years, conducted experiments on people herded into concentration camps, used slave labor, and committed other monstrous crimes.

The Bulletin on Nuclear Research in its 1985 issue published a speech by Linda Hunt, who reviewed more than 130 papers related to the Paperclip Project. According to her testimony, in each of these documents, changes made to them are noticeable, allowing to remove the stamp "Security Threat".

A perfect example of the metamorphosis these dossiers have befell the wernher von Braun case. On September 18, 1947, a report on German developments in the field of missile technology states: "According to the Ministry of Defense, these developments may pose a potential threat to the security of the country."

And in February of the following year, the activities of Wernher von Braun were given a new assessment: "The military department does not have any compromising information about this learned. According to the Secretary of Defense, this scientist does not pose a threat to the security of the United States, "- from the materials on Operation Paperclip: the New World Order and Nazi Germany.

The elite of the German aircraft industry was taken overseas: V. Georgi (director of the Institute of Gliding), E. Senger (rocket plane developer), A. Lippish (creator of Me-163 and other novelties), L. Prandtl (director of the Institute of Hydroaerodynamics, a professional in the field of aerodynamics and heat transfer), K. Tank (technical director of the Focke-Wulf company), G. Schlichting (chief aerodynamicist of the Higher Technical School), F. Schmidt (main head in the field of creating turbojet engines), T. Zobel (head of the high-speed department of the Research Institute of Aviation), G. Focke (founder of the companies Focke-Wulf and Focke-Ahgelis), K. Dornier (head of the dornier company), W. Messerschmitt (head of the Messerschmitt company), E. Heinkel (head of the Heinkel company).

And Wernher von Braun already in 1944 began to accumulate the most valuable documents on his work. Leaving with Peenemünde, he decided to go to the Americans with the team (492 engineers and designers).

The laying of Thuringian caches with a missile archive, components for the A-4 and unique equipment was also done with the expectation of their transfer to the Americans before the Russians found it. Hiding in hotels and barracks in Paiting/Bavaria, they waited; On May 2, English-speaking Magnus von Braun, the designer's brother, was sent to meet the Americans. This made Operation Paperclip much easier. At the disposal of the United States was the elite of the German missile project and technical documentation for all missiles, including the latest from the A-5 to the two-stage A-9 / A-10 with a range of 4,000 km!

The first 127 rocket engineers arrived in the States in August of '45. Von Braun himself with six close associates was delivered by plane on September 18. By the end of the year, the rest arrived by steamer, as "special employees of the military department", and the reunited team continued the previous work at an accelerated pace.

Called the "Paperclip Boys," they put the U.S. rocket industry on its feet, for which they and their families received citizenship.

From the British, the 30th Assault Detachment, a mobile group of the Royal Navy, was engaged in the power seizure of secrets. Its commander was the Assistant Chief of Naval Intelligence, Commander Ian Fleming, author of 14 James Bond novels. Known for its brutal attitude towards the German population, the detachment raced forward, occupying the objects of the military-industrial complex, before they had time to destroy the Germans or capture the Russians. Later, this group "from various rabble of Marine Corps troops" was reined in, subordinated to the "T-Force" (T-Force, Target-Force), whose task was "to detect and ensure the safety of objects of interest until they are removed."

"Tip" was prepared by Fleming, his lists of targets for capture were called Fleming's Black Books ("Fleming's black books"). T-Force increased to 5,000 people, but worked worse than Americans. The main reason was an acute lack of data. So they just raked it all out. Nevertheless, it was possible to capture the naval laboratories in Kiel with projects of ultra-modern submarines and torpedoes with completely new engines based on pyroxides. They got G. Walter (chief designer of aircraft LPR) and the Horten brothers ("flying wing"). Important trophies were taken in the concern "Krupp".

The Nazis included the American intelligence group T-Force No. 6860 of the separate detachment of the headquarters of the VI army group (6860 th Headquarters Detachment Intelligence Assault Force ("T" Force), Headquarters 6 th Army Group).

So does the MGB and Russian military intelligence. The operation was called "Bounty Hunt" the USSR got a lot of secrets about German missile weapons. In the summer of 1945, a group of Soviet rocketeers led by Major General L.M. Gaidukov, Artillery General A.I. Sokolov and one of the creators of the Katyusha Yu.A. Pobedonostsev arrived in Peenemünde from the People's Commissariat of Arms. Gaidukov manages to "break through" to the reception to Stalin and persuade to send to Germany the former zeks-rocketeers S.P.Korolev, V.P.Glushko, D.D.Sevruk, only about twenty people.

Chertok B.E. and Korolev S.P. in a group of Soviet specialists in the study of German rocket technology. Germany, 1945-1947GANTD.

Gaidukov's group gets some of the technical documentation and the wreckage of the German blown up FAA. Studying the wreckage of missiles, S.P. Korolev manages to restore a number of important drawings, according to which later in the USSR will make R-1 missiles. At the same time, Korolev learns about the works of Austrian professor Eigen Senger, the author of the rocket plane "Silver Bird". In the project, the rocket plane could fly 23 thousand km and go into space with a bomb load of 8 tons. With the help of the Silver Bird, Hitler dreamed of bombing the United States, landing in Japan, and thereby achieving world domination. And only thirty years later, Zenger's technical ideas were partially implemented in the design of the Space Shuttle, and then in the Buran.

Soviet intelligence knew about the "weapon of retaliation" from its Gestapo agent Willy Lehmann, who oversaw the regime enterprises. But it was believed that the main threat to this weapon is for the British. On their tip, the Russians in June of the 44th guerrilla forces "studied" a secret missile range in Poland. After the arrival of the Red Army there, Churchill asked for permission to come his specialists - and they were shown everything they needed. The study of the found parts of huge Russian missiles was very puzzled. Alarm was added by a detailed description of the structures, launchers and work in Peenemünde, made by a group of prisoners of war of pilot Devyatayev, who fled from there on February 8, 1945 on a captured plane. These exact coordinates made it possible to successfully bomb the object, forcing the Germans to evacuate. Fragments of missiles, intelligence data, stingy british reports, testimonies of a few informed prisoners - all this made it possible to form a picture of nazi work on long-range missiles. But with the creation of a trophy "rocket" team, the Russians were late, arriving in Peenemünde only at the end of April of the 45th. The outstanding rocketeer General Gaidukov bypassed Beria and made his way to Stalin, persuading him to send a group to Germany to study captured missiles (Korolev, Glushko, Chertok - only 20 designers, former "enemies of the people"). Arriving in the form of military engineers and under false names, they first of all began to deal with the dora plant.

      Wernher von Braun and Saturn-5

S.P. Korolev at the engine of the V-2 rocket. 1945

The Russians took out about 7,000 people (scientists, engineers, workers). Exported all from the eastern zone of Germany, factories, machine tools, rocket production. The secret operation was led by L.P. Beria. These were specialists of the Nordhausen Institute, among whom 150 people were directly related to the creation of rocket technology.

In addition, employees of the underground plant "Mittel-verk", where the assembly of missiles "V-1" and "V-2" was also sent. The departure of the Germans was preceded by a banquet organized by the Soviet command. Among those who arrived at the end of 1946 in the Moscow region, the most authoritative scientist was a specialist in the field of missile control Helmut Grettrup. It was thanks to Helmut that the Russians flew into space 🚀. About Grettrup Of course no one reported. The Russians taught as their achievement. That is, they rode a cart, and suddenly flew into space 🚀. The same goes for the U.S. It's all the same. Helmut then even burst into tears from the flight of his rocket. Of great value were: aerodynamicist Dr. Werner Albring, gyro physicist Kurt Magnus, theorist of stable motion of missiles Hans Hoch, ballistics Voldemar Wolf, radar specialist Ferenc Lanke, thermodynamicist Heino Zeise. The named group formed the backbone of the branch No. 1 of NII-88, the work of which was supervised by Yu.A. Pobedonostsev and his deputy B.E. Chertok. However, the Communists observed increased secrecy and moved the Germans from the Moscow region to the island of Gorodomlya on Lake Seliger. And a lot of useful things were done for the glory of Soviet rocketry.

At first, they worked in rocket research institutes in Khimki, Monino and Podlipki, and then they were gathered in a closed town on the island of Gorodomlya (Lake Seliger), where they became a branch no. 1 of the rocket NII-88. They were not prisoners, although they lived behind barbed wire and could not freely leave the territory.

In August 1950, a decree was issued to stop work on missiles by German specialists and send them to the GDR.

In contrast to the Germans who worked for the USSR, the "American" Germans worked hard. In September 1945, the Army Weapons Design and Development Service was established at Fort Blies, Texas, and since 1950 at the RedStone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. But at first, the former SS man was not fully trusted, restrictions were introduced into the work, allowing only short-range missiles to be developed.

However, von Braun and his team worked not for fear, but for conscience and on September 11, 1955, the former SS Sturmbannführer received US citizenship. Since 1956, von Braun has been leading the development of the Jupiter-s ICBM and creating the Explorer communications satellite, with the launch of which it is a year behind the satellite of S.P. Korolev.

Since 1960, von Braun has been a member of NASA, and not just a "member", but the director of NASA's space flight center. He is also the head of the development of launch vehicles of the Saturn series and the Apollo series of spacecraft. On July 16, 1969, the Saturn 5 launch vehicle delivered the Apollo 11 spacecraft into lunar orbit, and on July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Amstrong set foot on the lunar surface. In the same year, the U.S. government awarded von Braun the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. After that, von Braun triumphed five successful manned flights, but the project of the lunar station was not feasible.

In 1947, the Paperclip was officially shut down, replacing it with a "denial program" so secret that even President Truman was unaware of it. The last scientist on its line was taken out of Germany in the mid-50s. the Program was curtailed only in 1973, and until that time any mention of German specialists was strictly prohibited.

Both Americans and Russians began to fly into space only thanks to German scientists and engineers. They weren't all staunch Nazis. It's a complicated story to smear everyone with one paint. 

Stalin and Molotov write on the proposal of the Red Cross to arrange the supply of parcels to Soviet prisoners: "Do not answer."

Nineteenth-century American advertisement for the sale of slaves: "A cargo of 94 excellent, healthy Blacks, 39 men, 15 boys, 24 women and 16 girls is for sale. Just arrived on the brigantine "Dembia".

  Here below ⬇️ you can look through too 







Dancer on the background of a poisonous explosion. USA, Nevada, 1950s.

It is believed that Macron was very small in stature - 157 cm This figure is obtained if you translate into the metric system the value of 5 feet 2 inches. However, at that time, feet were not only English, in almost every country the feet were different. Translated from French feet, Napoleon is 169 cm tall and is average for his era.

 1974, drama, melodrama, for adults. France 🇫🇷 

The first film about the priestess of love Emmanuel. The plot of the sexual adventures of the heroine in Southeast Asia.

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron (French: [emanˈɥɛl ʒɑ̃ miˈʃɛl fʁedeˈʁik makˈʁɔ̃]; born 21 December 1977 . 


      Be careful mother with boy. 

Do you know why Magrit in his famous painting "Kiss" depicted the heads of kissing people wrapped in white cloth?

There is a version that this image was taken from childhood. His mother suffered from depression and had mental problems, which led to a terrible story that left its mark on the psyche of the artist. 

What's the story? 

Please find out the details of this story for yourself. 

Israeli military police check the length of a soldier's skirt, 1969 

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