This is what the world communist = fascist conspiracy of the 21st century looks like. 

This is what the world communist = fascist conspiracy of the 21st century looks like. 

Historical chronicles of events 

In this part of the open to the eye 👁 text, we conduct Historical Analogies and Analysis of the Day Today.

Comparing what is happening in 2020-21 with the advent of fascism in not so long-ago historical times has become a common place for the enlightened. This is not a figure of speech and not a metaphor, there is no hyperbolization here either, everything is quite clear and the coincidences are so obvious that few of us will deny the similarity. The only difference is that that old fascism - communism built the industry on the bones, and this one, the newly-made one destroys it, but now we are not talking about this: the main feature of similarity is genocide. A large-scale genocide of the world's population, which has been latent for decades, but became apparent with the advent of the elites of "holy covid". It became so obvious that more than one writer decided to characterize it in stages...

They are purposefully leading the cult of COVID to deportation, persecution, imprisonment, and even the extermination of non-believers and dissenters. 

How many people you know are stuck inside the COVID cult, trapped in fear, giving up their power and worshiping the official version?

- A lot. 

In 2021, leaving the natural inalienable rights, livelihoods of people and human freedom under threat of destruction, the US Centers for Disease Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) insists on wearing a rag on the respiratory organs of children from 3 years old when traveling on public transport: "Masks made of fabric should be made of two or more layers of breathable material. a fabric of dense weaving." As you may recall, this is the same CDC whose own data was analyzed by Johns Hopkins researcher Dr. Genevieve Briand to show that there were no extra deaths in America in 2020.

It's the same CDC that recognized that it never had a true viral isolate of the suspected new SARS-CoV-2 virus and that it created a digital SARS-CoV-2 genome from 30,000 base pairs from an actual sample of 37 base pairs. The consequences of this gigantic fraud are far-reaching; The COVID cult appears to be allowing (New World Order) manipulators to carry out the 10 stages of genocide, which was in the theory of the American scientist, Dr. Gregory Stanton.

He applied his theory to past genocides in history. 

However, the same process and stages are happening right before our eyes in the COVID pandemic. These steps/steps are not necessarily performed linearly; they can also occur simultaneously. Henne Maria's advice for her video, which analyzes how these stages apply to the cult of COVID and fraud.


The World Bank classifies COVID as a project ending in March 2025.

The Planned SPARS Pandemic and the Limits of Tyrants

Before we get to the 10 stages, we all need to understand that COVID fraud isn't going anywhere. It will only get worse until enough people stand up and challenge. If the masses continue to act like submissive zombies, this fake pandemic could last until 2025 and is likely to be "amplified" by a bio-terrorist false flag attack or a "Pandemic II" as predicted by NWO frontman Bill Gates.

Diana Lenska presented another simulation called "Spars Pandemic," which details a scenario in which a new virus infects humanity in 2025, and which lasts until 2028. We all know how these "simulations" have a strange and disturbing habit of becoming real... just a coincidence, of course. Here it is worth remembering a very important quote from Douglas Frederick:

"The limits of tyrants are set by the resilience of those they oppress."

Gates and his Pandemic II, the CDC and his 2 masks, Biden and his 100-day mask mandate – all tyrants see how far they can push you to accept their control and tyranny, as well as to revoke your rights. The World Bank classifies COVID as a "project" that is scheduled to continue until the end of March 2025.

Are you going to accept that?

Stage 1: classification

This word refers to "to divide into different classes (people)", not as a noun derived from the verb "to classify". However, this stage is dedicated to separating people from each other, dividing people into different classes and implementing a "We vs. Them" mentality. In the past, this was done on the basis of ethnic, racial, religious or national origin. Now, in the context of the cult of COVID, this is done according to who believes and who rejects the iconic COVID narrative. If you are a dissenter or non-believer, you are singled out for the crime of thought. If you advocate medical sovereignty or bodily autonomy, you are placed in a separate class.

Stage 2: Symbolization

Symbols are used in different ways. Symbolization is used here to highlight a target group that is an enemy of the state, shameful and obvious dissenters or traitors. During the Third Reich, the Nazis forced Jews to wear a yellow star as a symbol that they belonged to a different class. In the COVID cult, this is done through reverse psychology: exemplary NWO citizens cover their faces, but those who are not involved in the COVID cult refuse to cover their faces. By refusing to wear a mask, these dissenters voluntarily become a visible target.

Stage 3: Discrimination

Discrimination is illegal in many countries, but it doesn't seem to matter in the cult of COVID. Centuries-old legal traditions and human rights are being trampled upon. The government used the rejection of the mask as a pretext for mass denial of rights, including, among other things, rights such as the right to free movement, the right to freely earn a living and run their own business, the right to free trade. with others and the right to enter public places. Discrimination is a way to tighten the screws and increase pressure on what happens next.

Stage 4: Dehumanization

This intensity increases in the next stage. Dehumanization always seems a necessary precondition for murder, as it involves setting a goal less than a person who is not valuable and unworthy in the eyes of future killers. Typically, the target group is dehumenised through labels, insults, and characteristics that emphasize differences rather than the commonality of what we all humans have, regardless of our differences. From the point of view of the cult of COVID, heretics are fanatics, egoists, extremists, spreaders of disease, super-spreaders, domestic terrorists, asymptomatic carriers, anti-vaces, conspiracy theorists and many others. In 2019, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared hesitant regarding the vaccine. (and, as a result, "anti-vaccinations") among the top 10 threats to global health.

Stage 5: Organization

Past genocides have included wars, mass killings, massacres, and/or mass graves. If genocide occurs as a result of the COVID operation, it will be less sensational. Operation Coronavirus is a silent operation using fear, trauma-based mind control, and other ritual elements. It has the hallmarks of a false flag operation, such as September 11; look at the history of false flags and the history of false pandemics. At this stage, the Government begins to actively organize its police and armed forces against those whom it has branded enemies.

Stage 6: Polarization

This stage is very comparable to the first stage or is its intensification. If you are a social engineer, after you divide the masses into different classes, you can further strengthen this division through polarization, tuning the groups into mutual antagonism against each other. Anyway, this has been happening in the U.S. for years, even before Operation Coronavirus was launched, and Trump, consciously or not, has made things worse. In the U.S., things have reached a minimum, with many Americans simply failing to remember that they are both or both Americans and feel the need to dehumanize their "adversary" if he or she is not part of the right political team. What happened to being able to agree to disagree or to be mature enough to admit that others have opposing views of yours? In the COVID cult, NWO controllers deliberately kindle a fire between the masses and a discriminated informed minority through the MSM, who constantly spread the propaganda that healthy people are asymptomatic carriers.

Stage 7: preparation

This stage of preparation includes things like isolation and quarantine camps. Politicians have offered detention camps (i.e. prisons) for those who refuse to accept the cult of COVID. For decades, there have been rumors in the U.S. about alternative use cases for FEMA camps. If you don't have a "mark," you're out of luck, and you're either excluded from society, excluded from trading, or literally imprisoned. Now the label is a mask, and then there will be a vaccine (and its continuation - a vaccine certificate or immunity passport) and, finally, a microchip. Quarantine camps have been built in every country in the world and are waiting for their guests to "violators of COVID". For many, this will be the last home. 

Stage 8: Persecution

At this stage, all the silent and secret preparations leading to this point become apparent. In the past, the identified task force has been imprisoned, deported and/or its property confiscated. 

Some states and countries already have a law that requires the property of an "infected person" to be confiscated and destroyed to "stop the spread of the virus." Cops harass civilians who don't wear masks. 

What happens when the iconic COVID agenda is over?

Stage 9: Extermination

We are sure that it will not come to this stage, the conspirators will be arrested or neutralized in case of resistance. But it is important to always know the plan and not to underestimate the enemy and the scale of his planned atrocities. It's all the New World Cult of COVID and the New World Order. Extermination is mass murder; the ultimate way to put an end to dissent and any opposition. 

This is tyranny.

Stage 10: Denial

Dr. Stanton notes the final stage: denial. This includes hiding evidence, killing witnesses and blaming victims. In the context of the COVID cult, teachers will amplify lies and perpetuate dehumanization by telling children that physical touch can hurt or kill, despite the obvious truth that human touch is an innate human need. 

I write this as a warning of what might happen (in the hope that it can be prevented) not as a prediction of what will happen. This information further underscores the need for complete humanization (rather than dehumanization) in the face of the cult of COVID, which, like the NWO itself, is a decidedly inhumane program. It also reinforces our need to unite, despite petty differences, and to refuse to continue to participate in the polarization (we are against them) that is being imposed on us. This is one of the main reasons why The Freedom Articles is non-partisan and always will be. I refuse to choose the political side, as if it were a game of football, when both sides are deeply corrupt and when both sides are controlled by the same force. We need to stop wasting time on indifferent political theater.

Every person on Earth has a choice. Will you dutifully wear a mask, get vaccinated (a COVID vaccine that is not a vaccine), and end up taking a microchip or nanochip? Or will you stand for medical sovereignty and bodily autonomy? 

The COVID agenda is already forcing you to choose a side, and so much depends on your choices, including the future of your children and the future of humanity on Earth.

Criminal activity is obvious, genocide is obvious, the goals and objectives are clear, the intentions leave no doubts, they are not even particularly hidden. Methods are used absolutely fascist, literally prompting analogies with not so long-ago events, living witnesses of which are still quite a lot. 

What is the matter, why do people point-blank not see these analogies, refuse to see, hiding their heads in the sand, shying away from terrible thoughts about the future and the fate that awaits them? An example from the experience of the Second World War can come to the rescue, fortunately, there is still someone to cite it as a history lesson ...

For our readers, we found an excerpt from a poignant text that explains why people going to slaughter practically do not resist. This is the monologue of an old Polish Jewess, who miraculously escaped being sent to Treblinka in that war, as a girl, and explains, in our time, to her random fellow traveler, who asked her a simple question: "Why did they all then dutifully go to their deaths, and not fight fascist murderers? Why didn't they resist, because there was nothing to lose?" 

           The answer was -

 Warning: Psychologically and intellectually complex text is not available to everyone  


 About 10 years ago, on the way to Warsaw, I asked the navigator to guide me along the most country roads there are in Poland, because I love silence and rural landscapes and hate highways. The navigator said: "Ok, let's go to the left", and after a couple of hours I found myself in the middle of the forest, on such a broken concrete road that I had never even seen at home: it seemed that it had not been repaired since that war (as it soon turned out, it was so).

 Exactly when, from the rural landscapes, the lower back began to ache and treacherously wanted to return to the highway, the concrete led to a village called Treblinka. Of course, I stopped and asked the locals. Yes, it was the same Treblinka. And the memorial was, about three kilometers away, in the forest.

 The concrete block was built by prisoners. Since then, they have not been repaired, - "zla droga", - they said. The camp itself was completely destroyed by the Germans, covering their tracks - the memorial was created already in the 60s. In the place where the very freight trains used to come, today improvised concrete sleepers are arranged. However, apparently, the original cobblestone platform and the path from the station to the camp, along which people were taken, have survived.

 On the platform on a folding chair sat a dry old woman who looked about 80 years old and looked somewhere along the road. One. There was no one else at all - in such and such a place! I was expecting hundreds of people - well, something like the Motherland Memorial or the Borodino Field. No. Broken concrete, peeling cash register, forest and a single old woman. Sits on a chair and looks. Either to the memorial, or through it?

 On the way back, I caught up with her: the old woman was walking somewhat detachedly along the cobbled road to the parking lot, with her chair in her hands. There were no other cars besides mine in the parking lot, and the nearest station was far away. He offered to give me a lift, she thanked him, but said that she would go to Warsaw. I replied that I, too, and drove off. The old woman knew Russian perfectly. Polish Jewess.

 Pani (then still Panna) Eve, that was the name of the old woman, was about 7 years old when the Warsaw ghetto was ordered to load into freight cars to go "to a new place of residence, where they would give work." Her mother, of course, understood what was happening, and if she didn’t understand, then she felt it. So at the very entrance to the camp, when the barking of dogs and the spitting commands of policemen were already clearly audible, she squeezed her daughter into a hole, into some gap between the boards of the carriage and threw it right onto the rails - approximately in the place where that parking lot is now. It was at night, the guards did not notice, the train passed over the girl and stopped after 500 meters, at the gate of the camp. Then, out of the darkness, little Eve saw her mother for the last time.

 Even in the carriage, calming the crying child, my mother told her to be a good girl, and they will definitely see each other. Now they need to part, but soon she will return to her, to their home, and they will drink tea again. Since then, Mrs. Eva has been waiting for her mother at home all her life, and every week she bakes a cake for tea. She did not leave Poland anywhere - neither from the occupied by the Germans, nor the Soviets, nor from the already free country. She is waiting in the very house from which they were expelled, resettled in the ghetto, and where my mother promised to return.

 A separate story, how the girl managed to escape, and how she later came to this platform all her life, all hoping that her mother would come to her along the same path along which she was taken away, and they would go home together.

 And on the day we met, she sat there and looked at this path.

 I, of course, am a fool from birth, but on that day (apparently impressed) I was especially in shock, so I asked Mrs. Eve, probably the most idiotic question I ever asked out loud in my life: “How did it happen? " God knows, 10 years ago I could not have imagined the events taking place today in our dear Fatherland, and therefore I sincerely did not understand the Jews who were "obediently going" to slaughter. Didn't you understand what was going on? Why didn't you fight? In the Warsaw ghetto alone, there were almost half a million of you - this is a third of all German troops then in Poland. And if you took up arms at once, it would not be a victory, but at least what the military calls "unacceptable losses." And this would be 100% not concentration camps, but negotiations.

 This is approximately how the Central Russian moron reasoned in the presence of a living witness of the Holocaust. I say "moron", not "asshole" solely because the misunderstanding was sincere.

 Pani Eva, fortunately, was smarter than me. No, she did not ask to be dropped off immediately, but tried to explain. It is for the sake of these her words that I am the only one tormenting your perception today:

 “You see, young man,” she said after a pause, “it's just today to open a textbook and read about what happened 70 years ago. Everything is clear there: who is the aggressor, who is the victim, how many were in the ghetto, and how many were Germans. In the textbooks there are answers, who made what mistakes and what they led to. I think, had we got such a textbook in Warsaw then, we would have acted exactly as you say. Yes, we did just that - there was a big uprising. Many fled and joined the partisans. One way or another, we resisted very much.

 Did we understand from the very beginning how it would end? Yes and no. Of course, many guessed. Old Janek walked the streets in one shirt and shouted about what would be done to us, even before we moved to the ghetto. Shouted to us that we must run. But he was little listened to - old Janek was severely beaten even before the Germans, he was in a Polish prison, everyone considered him a city madman. And when they realized that this was not so, it was already too late. I think the majority understood what awaited us, but they could not and did not want to believe it until the very end. This is human nature - we grab onto hope: "What if it will cost? They are people? For what - I did not give any reason to punish me?"

 After all, the Germans did not immediately start killing everyone in a row - no, what are you! They laid down laws first. Laws are a way of everyday life. This is exactly what is intended to prevent bloodshed. We had laws for Germans, there were laws for Poles and there were laws for Jews. Laws appear every day, if you read newspapers, there is nothing wrong with that. You will not take up arms and call the official who only designated the establishments where from now only Germans can enter as a bloody executioner. You just take note of the new rules and go on with your normal life, confident that everything will be fine if you do not break them. And these laws were not introduced all at once. First, we limited the money, we gave the money. Then they closed several areas for residence - they called it "quarantine". The ghetto itself appeared only a year later, and at first they were not even punished for leaving it. Then they just started to put me in jail. They began to kill only a year later. And first, only those who really seriously broke the rules. Those who followed were still not beaten. I think people hoped to the last that if they were law-abiding, they would do what they were told, they would not be touched. Nadezhda, she does not die until the very end, as you say in Russia. Even when we were ordered to get into these cars, we understood intellectually - not me, of course, adults - but we could not accept it, we hoped. So today I come to this gate - there was once a gate through which they all left - I come here not because I do not understand. I perfectly understand what happened then. But I always hope that if ... what suddenly ...

 ... Pani Eva was ready to cry, but did not allow herself in my presence. They arrived in silence.

 10 years have passed, my ears are still burning.

 So, in fact, in connection with which I remembered this story. The other day, flipping through the Facebook feed, I caught my eye on a comment under a post, in my opinion, about those detained at the protest action. A very typical comment for us, the essence of which boiled down to something like this: "Yes, yes, we understood everything and are already tired of you. Dear Natella Boltyanskaya (it seems?), You have already made too many posts on this topic here, calm down" ... Or something like that.

 I remember the first thing I thought then: "Do they really understand nothing?" Yes and no? Or maybe the majority understands everything perfectly, but we are absolutely, unshakably convinced that if we are obedient, follow the rules and do what we are told, then the commands to load into the carriages, perhaps, will never come? After all, we don't have a textbook, we don't know anything in advance, right? But the fact that if we push, they will beat for sure, we know for sure. And old Janek, who walks around here and shouts - he’s just a city madman, everyone in the ghetto will tell you that.

  How to break this matrix?

Don't you think the explanation is almost exhaustive? 

And that history repeats itself, but not in the form of a farce, but all the same tragedy. Although, if you get cynicism, all these masquerades with two muzzles on one face, Chinese tests, Covid-infected Tanzanian papaya and goats mowed down for nothing Danish minks... Some sinister sur and obscurantist humor, black and perverted, is undoubtedly present in all this and difficult to deny, so we use a lot of sarcasm in response to obscurantism and catching these obscurantists on live bait like sharks. 

It would all be funny whenever it was so sad. So is the sacramental true - "history teaches that it teaches nothing"?

Read an excerpt from the modern historical text about Treblinka, quite eloquently confirming the above ⬇️ 

Treblinka - concentration camp in Poland

By the time of the occupation of Poland by German troops, the system of concentration camps in Germany had already proven itself. They served to maintain a new order – anyone who disagreed with Hitler's regime could be outside the camp. And this threat alone was often enough to restrain the ardor of disgruntled citizens.

According to official data from the Ministry of the Interior, there were 1634 concentration camps in Germany. This impressive figure includes both individual camps and their working units. Such units often had to be installed near large enterprises or mines for the extraction of ore, in which the slave labor of prisoners was used. The vast majority of the camps were liquidated by the Germans themselves. In some of them, over time, the need simply disappeared (concentration camps were originally planned as a temporary device). Others were eliminated as part of a special operation to conceal physical evidence and evidence, after German troops began to retreat at the front.

 Dead and dying prisoners of the concentration camp lie on a pile of straw.

Concentration camps were of several types - labor (there were a majority of them), transit (prisoners were detained for a short time, large transports were formed here to transport prisoners to the main large camps) and death camps (these points were created not with the aim of using the labor of people, but as a conveyor belt of murders on an industrial scale).

At first glance, all these difficulties may seem superfluous. But do not forget that there was a war. The German economy was already shaken by the First World War and its aftermath. Undoubtedly, Hitler managed to eliminate unemployment and raise the level of production. But this was done at the expense of complete militarization. Now able-bodied men went to the front, and the country was sorely lacking in workers. That's where this shortage was covered by workers from concentration camps. It is well known that the services of such "hired" labor (and for each worker in the German treasury carefully went cash deductions) were used by many large and respected manufacturers.

In the occupied territories, the Germans also established concentration camps. First, to intimidate and punish those who violated the occupation regime (these were labor camps). And when it was decided to carry out the final solution of the Jewish question, by their complete physical destruction throughout Europe, death camps began to be created. 

One of them was the Treblinka concentration camp.

The Treblinka concentration camp is Hitler's extermination camp.


Treblinka was established as a concentration camp for local political prisoners. It was relatively small. There was no need for this – there were other camps in the neighborhood, for example, Sobibor and Belgec. Since the prisoners of Treblinka, named after a nearby Polish village, did not have to serve any industrial facilities, the territory for the construction of the camp was chosen very secluded. The camp was located in the forest and was prudently surrounded by a high three-meter fence.

It was built in the spring of 1941. But already in May 1942, the commandant of the camp, Franz Stagel, received a secret order to build a second branch of the camp, which later became known as Treblinka-2. And the Nazis in deep secrecy began to build it. This object was strictly classified. To the blank fence was added a patrol exposed in the forest along the perimeter one kilometer from the camp. The sentinels were ordered to shoot without warning at anyone who appeared in the restricted area. Even German planes were forbidden to violate the air border of the camp. Arriving trains stopped in front of the gate. None of the machinists or stokers had any way of seeing what was going on inside.

Such secrecy was caused by the fact that, unlike Treblinka-1, Treblinka-2 was a death camp. In a very small area - only 600x400 meters - everything was equipped for a quick mass murder. Treblinka was included in Operation Reinhard, in which all Jews and Gypsies in Poland were to be exterminated in an organized manner. Subsequently, the representatives of these peoples in Europe were to be dealt with in the same way.

Interestingly, already during the creation of the camp, considerable efforts were made to ensure that the victims did not understand to the last that death awaits them. The gas chambers were disguised as regular showers. Wagons from trains were served in batches. The Germans even made a whole sham station. There were signs showing directions to different cities, ticket offices and even a real orchestra greeting arriving passengers with cheerful music. And these passengers came here for their own money, paying for their ticket and taking the most valuable things. People were told that they were simply being relocated to the eastern territories.

People staying in Treblinka.

These tricks made it possible to significantly reduce the staff of the guard. In the camp, which in a year managed to destroy by some estimates more than 850 thousand adult men, women and children, there were only three dozen German guards and a hundred graduates of the Trawniki training camp - volunteers from the civilian population, who were trained as henchmen for the protection of concentration camps. They were never treated by the Germans. Ukrainian nationalists made up most of these volunteers. But also among the herbalists were Russians, disillusioned with the Soviet system, Belarusians, Baltics and Turkestanis.

Chronology of massacres

With the beginning of operation Reinhard, Jews from different parts of the newly formed Nazi empire began to arrive in Treblinka. People from the Warsaw and Teresin ghettos were sent here, Jews from the Radom, Lublin and Bialystok voivodeships, several thousand Jews from Yugoslav Macedonia, the Greek regions of Thrace and Thessaloniki, as well as from Slovakia were gathered. People were delivered in different ways. From Western Europe, they arrived by passenger trains, trying to escape from the persecution that the Germans had unleashed on them in their homeland. And with the inhabitants of Eastern Europe did not stand on ceremony. They were stuffed like cattle into freight cars, so that people had to stand all the way. And the road could last several days. During this time, they were not given food or water.

Newly arrived prisoners of the Treblinka concentration camp

On average, the transport arriving in Treblinka consisted of 50-60 cars, in which up to 7,000 people could be located. Trains with Jews stopped at the Malkinya-Gurna half-station. 20 wagons were separated from the train and brought to the camp. None of the staff had the right to enter the gate. The people who arrived were told that they were in a transit camp. That's when the victims were pre-processed. At this stage, everyone was equalized. Now the situation of, say, the Jews from Yugoslav Macedonia was no different from the former inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto.

To begin with, the newcomers were forced to take off their clothes. Men undressed and immediately went to "disinfection", and women had their hair shaved beforehand - this was a valuable resource that was collected and sent to Germany. People were simply not given the opportunity to look around and orient themselves. Everything happened very quickly. The guards tirelessly drove unsuspecting people, deliberately creating an atmosphere of panic and horror. And now they are forced to practically run along the so-called "gut" - a narrow road, fenced on both sides by a solid fence - to the "showers". The cameras were very small – 4x4 meters. But brave and experienced guards managed to ram several hundred people there at a time.

Treblinka - 2 - death camp.

Those who went last, began to guess that for taking a shower so many people, there is clearly little space. However, it was too late. They were just force-shoved inside. Not disdaining to use bayonets attached to rifles. Finally, the doors were tightly closed, the command sounded, and one of the camp employees turned on a powerful diesel engine from a captured Soviet tank. In the chamber began to pump carbon monoxide. After 30-35 minutes, everyone was dead. The motor was turned off, smaller doors opened on the opposite side of the "showers" and corpses literally began to fall out of them, since the gas chambers were prudently built with a slight slope. It was the turn of the Jews from among the prisoners themselves to pull out the corpses and send them into huge ditches filled with bodies. There was no crematorium in Treblinka. At the end of the day, the "cleaners" were also killed.

Ditches filled with the bodies of dead prisoners.

Remembrance and attempts to punish the perpetrators

The man who turned on the tank engine was called Ivan. He was a Ukrainian of the volunteers who joined the Nazis. The prisoners called him "Ivan the Terrible". He was a warden who did not just do his job, but reveled in power over people. He loved to bully prisoners. He ordered to lie on the ground and severely beat him, nailed his ears to the wall, one witness testified that "Ivan the Terrible" forced him to get naked and lie down on a mountain of female corpses. From this action he was saved by a Nearby German guard, to whom the prisoner turned for help. Ivan promised to severely punish him for this.

             John Demjanjuk

In the late 70s, John Demjanjuk was arrested and put on trial, who was accused of being the same "Ivan the Terrible" - a warden from Treblinka. He was identified by 18 witnesses. Former treblinka prisoners identified the defendant while under oath. On the eighteenth of April 1988, an Israeli court sentenced the defendant to death. However, five years later, Israel's Supreme Court overturns the verdict. The reason was the lack of proof of Demjanjuk's identity to the warden, known by the nickname "Ivan the Terrible". The defense submitted a document from the KGB archives, which indicated that the name of the above-mentioned warden was Marchenko, and not Demjanjuk. In addition, some of the witnesses were caught lying, and their testimony lost its validity. Demjanjuk escaped the death penalty, but a series of lawsuits in different countries lasted until 2011. In the meantime, the 92-year-old defendant died quietly in a German resort town while under supervision in a nursing home.

The camp commandant, Franz Stagl, successfully fled justice until 1967, when he was arrested in Brazil and extradited to Germany. At that time, he was already 59 years old. In 1970 he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and in 1971 he died.

Franz Stagl

One of the main SS men, the deputy commandant of the camp, Kurt Franz, found guilty of involvement in 300,000 murders, was also sentenced to life imprisonment. It happened on August 24, 1965. For health reasons, he was released from further detention in 1993. He died five years later at the age of 84.

Kurt Franz

Liquidation of the camp

After the successes of the Red Army at the front, in the spring and summer of 1943, action 1005 was launched. It was the code name for the physical concealment of evidence of Nazi crimes. In Treblinka, after the inspection of Himmler, drove huge excavators, with which they dug out all the corpses. In the lack of crematoriums, the corpses were burned in huge pits, the fire in which was maintained for several months. According to the plan of the Germans, the history of the Jewish people was to dissipate over time, like fat ashes from fires.

The ongoing preparations could not but alert the prisoners. They understood that the Germans would not leave witnesses. Members of the Jewish underground organization in Treblinka began to prepare an uprising. It was raised in an organized manner on the territory of the camp on August 2, 1943. The offensive managed to achieve some success. They even broke through the fence. But the forces were unequal. The guards quickly recovered and suppressed the rebellion. They even managed to catch almost all the prisoners in the forest. Less than 70 people were able to leave Treblinka then. Basically, only from them and learned about the existence of the death camp, and what was happening in it.

The liquidation of the camp was carried out professionally and thoroughly. Corpses destroyed, buildings destroyed, the land plowed and sown with rapidly growing lupine. In order to finally hide what was happening here, the land was transferred to the farm to the locals.

    Monument-mausoleum in Treblinka

Memorial plaque at the entrance to Treblinka in two languages Polish and German. 


Graphene oxide in vaccines

Graphene nanoparticles in covid vaccines #COVID19 — a report from Spain.

la Quinta Columna

All vaccines are produced using the same nanotechnology. In Spain, this has been described as "secret nanoparticles." These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an environment with temperatures below zero degrees, they remain non-magnetic. [they freeze vaccines]

These particles must be a nanotechnology material called GRAPHENE. which is superconducting and highly integrated with neurons of brain cells: here

The European Union has invested one billion euros in a project called Graphene Flagship: here

GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain remotely using different radio frequencies (Probably 5G could be one of them), they can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely: (human antenna array): here

It's never been a "vaccine" against Instead, it was a secret nanotechnology project designed to reach and control the brains of the human population. In la Quinta Columna, they found that people had already been magnetized with graphene present in masks, PCR tests, chemical traces, and flu and covid vaccines.

GRAPHENE icon - three hexagrams (666):

GRAPHENE can be excreted naturally from the body because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that appears to break down graphene. Surprisingly, consuming alcohol or even tobacco can help increase this enzyme. That's why they want the population to be vaccinated every 6-12 months and sober.

'Conspiracy of elites' and Benjamin Fulford described part of this plan, although we do not quite agree and consider this work superficial still give a reference:


Almost the entire general and specific plan of the special operation, the crown 👑 with documents, to establish a total world totalitarian regime with one control center and medical fascism for all countries of the world are collected in one place ⬇️

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