Patents, covid and, as always, beautiful dates speak for themselves once again. Preparations for the special operation of the corn took place a long time ago and China 🇨🇳 sits in this project in full high Chinese growth .

🚩Annotation: Aspects of the invention relate to personal protection systems against COVID-19, including face masks and methods, systems or devices for controlling, regulating and/or filtering airflow while traveling by plane, train or bus.

Metabolic signs associated with diagnosis, disease progression, and immunological response to treatment in covid-19 patients.

Patent family 100386756-A1: United States-2020386766-A1

Priority date 2016-12-22



🚩 Priority date 2019-04-01


Patent family 20200186-A1: WO-2020


Classification: A61K38/17; A61K39/395; A61P29/00; A61P35/00

Summary: This application provides diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammation. Technical solution provided by the present use of the reagent in the preparation of the product for the prevention and / or inflammatory diseases: the reagent is a substance for inhibiting the abnormal content of IFP35 and / or NMI, which is released outside the inflammatory factor. Experiments prove that with the help of antibodies and the activity of pathological contents from IFP35 and / or NMI, which is secret as an inflammatory factor, can effectively treat chronic inflammatory processes ... in particular, the novel coronavirus-19 (COVID-19).

Publication number: WO-2020254793-A1 Patent family: WO-2020


🚩Annotation: A method for diagnosing COVID-19 infection in humans. The method involves obtaining a human sputum sample, measuring the level of ROS in a sputum sample, and determining a person's infectious status with COVID-19 based on measured ROS levels. 

IIS-2020279585-A1 Patent Family: United States-2020279585-A1

Priority date: 2015-10-13



Classification: G06K9/00; G11B27/031; G11B27/10; G16H40/63; H04N5/76;

Abstract: The method is designed to collect and transmit biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of the user, where it is analyzed to determine whether the user suffers from a viral infection, such as: COVID-19

Publication number: US-2020376305-A1 Patent family: US-2020376305-A1

Neo Marx Schwab with Chinese colleagues 

The Rothschilds planned forest fires on the planet in advance and even told about it on the cover of The Economist.

Back in December 2020, it was clear that we were all waiting for forest fires. Now that fiery Armageddon is happening around the world, it is no longer surprising that 2021 is definitely worse than 2020. 

And that's exactly what we should expect, and now let's imagine that in 2022 there will be mass deaths from vaccines, or from disease, or from the use of 5G frequencies, or from anything else, including a new infection. 

Moreover, it is in 2022 that the beginning of famine on the planet and the World War are likely. Probable doesn't mean it will take place, but it does mean it has priority. The globalists are thinking things through, and it's almost certain that they are 100% using the HAARP climate weapon. 

How can humanity win this war? 

- Only active resistance to their criminal violence!

After all, they have already come for our children and grandchildren. They are imposed negro-cult, pederasty, amputation of the genitals, the next step is the mandatory vaccination of our children.

The next step in plans to regulate the use of digital identity data is revealed: supranational digital documents.

Government of the United Kingdom

today published the second version of its digital identity trust system, part of plans to accelerate and simplify the use of modern technology through a robust process such as the use of driver's licenses or passports.

"Digital IDs are an easy way to help us prove who we are without the need for physical documents. They can also help us prove some things about us, such as our age or our qualifications. The government is working to develop the digital IDENTITY market without the need for national identity cards."

Only the lazy does not notice how the authorities of different administrations of the world on the same day make statements that contradict each other. There's a reason for that and it's trivial. 

It's a brainwashing method on the "Click on gas" cycle.

Tavistock developed new, increasingly sophisticated mind control techniques. Tavistock used various methods of coercion, hypnosis and mind-altering drugs to brainwash his victims, "they all used the same basic format: they caused a person severe physical or psychological stress, and then relieved this stress." 

All this we have observed, observe and will observe until the end of the special operation corona 👑. Due to the recurring fluctuations between stress and relief, subjects, whether army recruits, intelligence agents, or the general population, eventually become highly suggestible.

Excerpt from the Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering of the Masses by Daniel Estulin

Biden's passion for sniffing other people's wives and children is no secret. And yet, some parents behave more than carelessly in his presence.

In reality, the old man is a deeply mentally ill, crazy, perverted person, the personification of evil and perversion, and not just an old lustful marasmatic who pinching girls in elevators.

The Sydney lockdown once again showed and proved that lockdowns are designed to break supply chains, destroy small and medium-sized businesses, organize food shortages, hunger, distribute food by the state and control the population through food. 

         Censorship on the march.

Dr. Shiva discovered that Twitter had created a special secret portal offered to certain government organizations so that government officials could flag and remove content of their own accord that they don't like, as part of what they call their "Twitter Partner Status." 

The video is what these athletes apparently want to achieve on the sports ground transformer below ⬇️

Prepared to abolish Covid passports.

More than 50 Tory MPs are poised to vote AGAINST "erroneous" vaccine passports as the government is accused of introducing them "secretly" after a quiet update to the NHS app, and Dominic Raab says they "made sense" to return to the office.

"... This comes after the government was accused of secretly entering passports after the NHS app was updated with "internal" and "travel" options for Britons to confirm their vaccination status. It turned out that the government signed a 12-month contract with the company to provide

Covid passport technology..."

Oh Borya , Borya , and we warned you not to bring you to a good your baba ...

Five years later, as they amused and shot some of these freaks, the good Girls breathed a sigh of relief and were already doing Burlesque. 1950 . 

☠️🇺🇸 Another police officer who responded to the Riots at the Capitol on Jan. 6 has died.

A FOURTH police officer who responded to the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol "died by suicide," his family confirmed last night. Kyle DeFreytag died on July 10. 

Remarkably, and more than bizarrely, the claim of a fourth "suicide" among police officers working at the Capitol on Jan. 6 came just hours after news of the third "suicide."

If anyone is interested in my personal opinion, Friends, then, having a track record of more than a hundred articles about the "Queen of Murder", as Hillary Clinton is called in the states, and her bloody deeds, I can say that her handwriting is very clearly traced - suicides plus a deliberate lack of concern for the variety of deaths.

So far, of those who might have known something about the Democrats' staging of the storming of the Capitol, which in fact was a trap for pro-Trump citizens, four have left:

Officer Günther Hashid

Officer Kyle DeFreytag

Officer Jeffrey Smith

Officer Howard Liebengud

The list is growing and, most likely, now it is incomplete, since only suicides of law enforcement officers have a resonance in the media, and even then not special. 

How many "suicides" can be among the shadow figures of the circus in the Capitol, organized by DeepState, we can only guess.

"A good communist is a dead communist."

   🎥🇺🇸6 cameras... No comment.. 😂

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag.

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

Old Sanders as always not in the eyebrow but in the eye 👁. He is a Great Strategist and, by virtue of his natural wisdom, experience and professionalism, has perfectly shown us his coordinates.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID. 

      Cinema 🍿 Editorial Board 

Iran also got into the weather. 

More and more ulcers are being received by countries that have fallen under the pharmaceutical-fascist companies BiPharma and their vaccines, where there are almost Nazi governments that enslave its people without any regard for ethics and morality.

Those who believe that vaccines, lockdowns, debauchery and sexual perversions, including pederasty, and other things are not interconnected with cataclysms, not that they do not know the World and its structure well, they do not have the slightest idea about it at all.

Dr. Stella Immanuel is suing CNN and Anderson Cooper for $100 million. 

The lawsuit alleges that hydroxychloroquine is "completely effective" in treating COVID19. Immanuel says that CNN's discrediting of the drug "actually caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people whose lives would have been saved if they had been treated with HCQ at an early stage," which is unsurfying if you stick to the real state of affairs.



Many have lost faith in humanity after watching this video of an elderly gentleman in Queensland being arrested for not wearing a mask (he has a mask exemption) as he walked alone through Brisbane's Botanic Gardens.

Because of this arrest, the man had a seizure and his heart stopped. He's gone.

Please tell us adults from different telegrams about animals 

Who allows this Chinese aunt to "treat" American people and children on TV? What exactly is this New Moveton of Chinese Remote Treatments from CNN over the past year and a half?

The so-called Dr. Liana Wen: "We can't trust the unvaccinated" 

Anecdote about the current media. 

The teacher asked his students to share what their fathers earned for a living; 

Little Johnny said, "My dad is a stripper at a gay club and he throws out stunts even in an alley to make extra money."

After class, the teacher took him aside and said, Johnny, "Is your dad really a stripper at a gay club Little Johnny said, "No, he's a CNN reporter,but I was too embarrassed to say that." 

David's declaration of love for our editorial staff member was received this morning: 

I'm synthesized for nano-bio interface projects that are often kept secret from civilians, and I'm called a constructed nanoparticle, or ENP.

I am not a product of functionally enhanced virus research projects. However, in some cases, it may be useful to analyse this work and its implications.

I can cause certain conditions that can be mistakenly attributed to viruses, but instead are new forms of cytotoxicity caused by oxidative stress from ENP, which I call nano-biocytotoxicosis.

We (i.e. ENP) are very sensitive to external stimuli, such as electromagnetic waves, thanks to wireless technologies (5G, Wi-Fi).

It's extremely difficult to filter me out of your body once I've mastered you. But it is possible that it is possible, and strategies for detoxification and neutralization could be explored...''

The world has risen to the brink of the abyss.

Mrs. Natalie Parker Editorial News Block Editor 

Already 20 months after the start of the "Crown 👑" project, we all need to understand that this is a war. Many countries are already on the verge of economic collapse. In all countries, mandatory vaccination of the population is carried out. Many people are intimidated by the media and the propaganda of the crown 👑 hysteria. One of the main goals is to divide society into those who are against false vaccination and those who will make more and more doses of vaccines. 

At first, the public was told to wear masks that are unhealthy and dangerous. Then everyone is forced to do PCR tests in 2017, which is also dangerous and harmful. 

And the last stage is vaccination every few months. 

In Israel, the third stage of vaccination with 3 doses of the vaccine in 7 months is carried out. 

Have you ever seen that? 

And this is with a false virus not isolated and not represented by anyone. 

Around the world, there is a surge of various diseases, complications and thrombosis in those who have made themselves a false vaccine. At the same time, there is an opinion that the link between 5G and vaccines will also have a negative impact on human health. 

We owe it to us to bring back the World we once knew and never give up. Otherwise, everyone is waiting for very dark and difficult times with a real struggle for physical survival. 

And yet, all farmers to prepare: a period of six months to a year.

Imagine a society that exposes people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy and then gives them drugs to get rid of their misfortune. Instead of eliminating the conditions that lead people to depression, modern society gives them antidepressants. In essence, antidepressants are a means of changing the internal state of an individual so that he can tolerate the social conditions that the government is satisfied with.

There's been a lot of buzz in the last few weeks about the emergence of new variants of delta, lambda. There were threats of a fourth wave, new locks and an unexpected increase in covid cases among those vaccinated. 

But is this really a surprise? While the media and government officials have been convincing people that the vaccine will be the end of this hell, others, such as Dr. Bossche, have been warning for some time about this particular situation – covid among the vaccinated and the mortality rate among them. The new variants, whose origins correlate with the sites of the initial vaccine trials, should make scientists think about causation, and instead of attributing everything to "Coincidences," perhaps it's time for them to think about cause-and-effect. As time goes on and we get more information about the "breakthrough Cases," we will know if our doctors, doctors, and scientists deserve to be called such. Otherwise, when lambda appears in the World, then nothing will save the World. 

- What scenario is possible?

In 6 months or a year, panic will arise in the media about the "zoonotic reservoirs" of SARS-CoV-2 in livestock, and under the pretext of the necessary measures to combat the pandemic, without an effective vaccine, the culling of livestock, that is, its mass slaughter and disposal, will be authorized, which is why many farmers will go around the world. We recommend that this group of people take seriously the prognosis of slaughter. That's the plan. Slaughter, in turn, will divert attention from the role of vaccine and fully vaccinated strains in accelerating the evolution of strains and serve the agenda of reducing global meat consumption. 

  👑 🎶

Read our materials, they have a lot laid out on the shelves.

VIP observers on the patio of the Officers Beach Club on Parry Island are illuminated by the explosion of a 70-kiloton bomb, the explosion of which was part of Operation Greenhouse, April 8, 1951.


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