GOATS 🐐 19

GOATS 🐐 19

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Emmanuel Ratier's Faits & Documents investigation into global economic, social and financial changes.

The excellent faits & Documents newsletter has published several articles shedding light on how the financial and political elite, who meet once a year at the Davos Economic Forum, are trying to cash in on the crisis caused by COVID-19.

At a time when almost 100% of the mass press is in the hands of a handful of oligarchs whose interests do not coincide with the interests of the people, the faits & Documents investigation by Emmanuel Ratier provides real and, of course, harsh information about deception on a global scale.

We bring to your attention the full translation of the collection of Faits & Documents about Great Reset – the "Big Reset" of the world.


On the third of June, Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles announced with great pathos the launch of the "Great Reset", where the president of the Davos Forum, co-organizer with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of the Project for Artificial Modeling of the Pandemic Event 201, had the opportunity to show COVID-19 as "a rare but real opportunity to rethink, reinvent and reboot our world."

They stood next to the heir to the British throne and the president of the Davos Forum: António Guterres, current UN Secretary-General (former president of the Socialist International, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees); Kristalina Georgieva, Chief Executive Officer of the IMF; "climate economist" Nicholas Stern; Ajaipal Singh Banga, Chief Executive Officer of Mastercard (member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum); Bernard Looney, CEO of BP; Brad Smith, Bill Gates' successor at the helm of Microsoft. Democrats Al Gore and John Kerry (a colleague of leftist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez on Joe Biden's climate change working group) also publicly supported this agenda, endorsed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in a report entitled "Building back better: A sustainable, resilient recovery after COVID-19." The project also involves Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan, who is chairing the Group of Twenty this year.

China is represented by Ma Jun, Chairman of the Committee of the Chinese Society of Finance and Banking and a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China.

This "reset the world" plan, titled "COVID-19: The Great Reset," was published at the World Economic Forum by Forum Publishing. It includes the signature of Klaus Schwab, who is also a member of the international council of the Perez Peace Center (Zionism) and a former member of the bilderberg Group steering committee (globalism) – and his top assistant, consultant Thierry Mallere.

Also known by his pseudonym Milton Peel, married to Prince Charles' former assistant, Thierry Mallere is a financial consultant (The Monthly Barometer, IJ Partners, Rainbow Insight), a Russia specialist who worked in jacques Chirac's war cabinet in Matignon, at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BERD) with Jacques Attali, and then as a senior adviser to Russian-Israeli oligarch Mikhail Fridman as chief economist at Alfa Bank.

    Cardboard fool ! I wanted to deceive.

Implemented with precision to the smallest detail by the European Commission, this plan is the basis of Joe Biden's program abroad. As we've seen in previous releases, Great Reset is being carefully implemented in Canada as well. In general, the level of state support for the project is directly related to the adoption of the story about the COVID-19 pandemic imposed by the major media.

Faits & Documents presents an exclusive presentation of this vast revolutionary program of controlled destruction of the real economy and the creation of a "new man". A diabolical plan based on "creative destruction," a Kabbalistic conception of the world falsely attributed to the economist Joseph Schumpeter. Therefore, we will spare you the countless references to the terms "sustainable", "all-encompassing" and "resilient", which could become the new motto of a political system claiming to create a new humanity.

After all, under the pretext of COVID-19, presented as a "social, universal and existential threat", in fact, we are talking about "redefining our humanity", about conducting an "individual reset" within the framework of the "new social contract".

Messianic Project

"The main hypothesis is that the pandemic could continue until 2022."

"A full return to 'normal' cannot be considered until a vaccine is available ... [...] The real problem is the production of billions of doses. The next obstacle is the political challenge of vaccinating enough people around the world [...] despite the growing anti-vaccination movement."

"The social upheaval caused by COVID-19 will last for years, if not generations."

"The pandemic gives us a chance: it represents a rare but narrow opportunity to reflect, reinvent and reboot our world."

"If we as humans do not work together to confront our existential challenges (particularly the environment and the free fall of global governance), we are doomed."

"Sustainable recovery is impossible without a global strategic management agenda."

"The more nationalism and isolationism permeate the global political system, the more likely it is that global governance will become irrelevant and ineffective. Unfortunately, we have reached this critical moment."

"Hyperglobalization has lost all its political and social capital, and its overt propaganda is no longer politically justified."

The most likely option in the alternative to globalization/non-globalization is an intermediate solution: regionalization. The success of the European Union as a free trade area or a new comprehensive regional economic partnership in Asia is an important example of how regionalization may well become a new, "diluted" version of globalization.

"This will only happen through improved global governance, the most 'natural' and effective mitigating factor against protectionist tendencies."

"Many of us wonder when things will return to normal. The short answer is never. [...] The coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental turning point in our global trajectory. [...] The world we knew it as we knew it in the early months of 2020 no longer exists, it has dissolved in the context of the pandemic. [...] There will be an era of "before the coronavirus" ("before K.") and "after the coronavirus" ("after K.")".

From sanitary surveillance to the placement of political opponents in a mental hospital

"The pandemic could usher in an era of active health surveillance, made possible by smartphones with a location sensor, facial recognition cameras and other technologies that can identify the sources of the spread of the disease in near real time."

"Contact tracing has unmaturpassed potential and is significant in the COVID-19 arsenal while being a catalyst for mass surveillance."

In the coming months and years, the trade-off between the benefits of public health and the loss of privacy will be carefully weighed, which will be the subject of much debate and heated debate. Most people, fearing COVID-19, will ask themselves: Isn't it foolish not to use the power of technology to help us when we are victims of an epidemic and face life and death? They will then be willing to give up most of their private lives and agree that in such circumstances state authority will have legitimate priority over individual rights.

"This is what happened after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Around the world, new security measures such as the use of public cameras, the mandatory electronic identity cards and the registration of employees or visitors have become the norm. At that time, these measures were considered extreme, but today they are applied everywhere and are considered commonplace. "

"True, in the post-pandemic era, personal health and well-being will become a much higher priority for society, so the genius of technological oversight will not be questioned."

"In the early months of the pandemic, there was an explosion of mental disorders in many people, and the trend towards their increase will continue in the post-pandemic era."

"Some will just survive the storm, but for some, a diagnosis of 'depression' or 'anxiety' can escalate into an acute phase."

"Closed thinking often led to a black-and-white vision of the world and simplified solutions, became a breeding ground for conspiracy theories and the spread of rumors, misinformation, false truths and other destructive ideas."

Our affection for loved ones has become stronger, a sense of gratitude for all those we love: family and friends has been revived. But the flip side of this is the rise of patriotic and nationalist feelings with disturbing religious and ethnic beliefs. In the end, this toxic mixture revealed the worst in us as a social group.

"From this, it follows that the coronavirus has amplified, not rebooted, mental health problems. [...] In the post-pandemic era, these issues can now be given the priority they deserve. It's going to be a vital reset."

📝 note

The political leader elected, quoted in a World Economic Forum report, is socialist Jacinda Ardern, who became New Zealand's prime minister after a deal with the Greens in the 2017 general election. Trained in Tony Blair's office and later president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, the youth movement of the International Socialist International founded by Karl Liebknecht, this Mormon woman, who abandoned her religion (to commemorate her commitment to LGBT people), granted herself a six-week maternity leave after childbirth, after which she legalized abortion in March 2020.

Favoring "refugees," she used the Christchurch shooting to drastically restrict freedom of expression online and end the right to own firearms. Recently, she organized a referendum to legalize the consumption and sale of cannabis. As the leader of this country, which has become the apocalyptic base for the retreat of Silicon Valley billionaires, she became famous internationally, promoting the Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability at the United Nations, as well as participating in the "Women's March" in Washington to protest against Donald Trump the day after his inauguration – and lecturing Chinese and Burmese leaders on the governance of their Muslims. Mi minorities (Uighurs, Rohingya). 

Kristalina Georgieva is an international hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) that has been supplying covid tests to countries around the world since 2017 graduated from Karl Marx University in Sofia in the 20th century. Associate Professor at Karl Marx the Great University. Anna Merkel has a degree from Karl Marx University, merkel also studied at Donetsk University in Soviet Ukraine and for some reason carefully hides this fact and in general all her crooked biography since birth. 

UN General 🇺🇳 Guterres is generally a mechanic by training and also a Socialist. NATO Secretary General is an agent of the KGB of the USSR. This list is endless, we were surrounded by Marxist communists - Nazis - Bolsheviks and just crazy decided this time to cover the whole world with war communism. 

Controlled destruction of the entrepreneurial middle class

"Faced with this, some industry leaders and executives may succumb to the temptation to equate a reset with a restart, hoping to return to normal life and restore what worked in the past: traditions, proven procedures and habitual methods of work. In short, a return to the "normal course of affairs". It's not going to happen because it can't happen."

"The unemployment situation will inevitably continue to deteriorate for the simple reason that it cannot improve significantly until a sustained economic recovery begins. This will not happen until a vaccine or treatment is found, which means that many people will be doubly alarmed – both by losing their jobs and not being able to find another job if they lose it."

"Banks need to prepare for the fact that a consumer liquidity crisis could turn into a serious crisis of corporate solvency, in which case their resilience will be severely tested."

In the event of a COVID-19 crisis, the sustainability test will take effect when the volume of non-performing loans begins to increase. [...] COVID-19 has forced all banks to accelerate the digital transformation that will now remain. [...] Those who are behind and miss the digital high-speed train will find it very difficult to adapt and survive.

"Within a slightly longer period of time (from a few months to several years), two categories of people will find themselves in a particularly worrying employment situation: young people entering the labor market for the first time, devastated by the pandemic, and workers who are likely to be replaced by robots."

"Innovation driven by necessity (i.e. health measures) will cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of jobs."

"Social and physical distancing measures are likely to continue after the pandemic itself is over, which justifies the decision of many companies in various sectors to accelerate the automation process. After a while, lingering concerns about technological unemployment will fade as companies stress the need to restructure jobs to minimize close human contact. Indeed, automation technologies are particularly well suited for a world in which humans cannot be too close to each other [...]."

Up to 85% of restaurant jobs, 75% of retail jobs and 59% of entertainment jobs could be automated by 2035. [...] In this regard, according to Bain & Company, the number of companies implementing business process automation will double over the next two years – a period of possible development of the pandemic.

"The sectors most affected by the pandemic will recover the slowest. In particular, hotels, restaurants, airlines, shops and cultural sites will be forced to make costly changes to their services in order to adapt to the new post-pandemic norm, which will require radical changes, including the introduction of additional space, regular cleaning, staff protection and technologies that limit customer interaction with employees."

"Take the restaurants. This industry has been so hit by the pandemic that we're not even sure if restaurants will ever recover. [...] Up to 75% of independent restaurants may not be able to withstand subsequent lockouts and social distancing measures. [...] The closure will affect not only the restaurant and its direct employees, but also all enterprises working in this area: suppliers, farmers and truck drivers. "

On the Way to Bolshevism 2.0

"Should GDP growth and economic activity persist at all costs in an attempt to prevent unemployment from rising, or is it a matter of caring for the most vulnerable members of our community and donating for each other?"

"By triggering a period of forced recession, the pandemic has sparked new interest in a movement that wants to reverse economic growth."

The new economic "normal" may be characterized by much lower growth rates than in past decades. [...] In such an environment, where economic growth is almost certainly declining, many may question the benefits of a "obsession" with growth, concluding that there is no point in pursuing the goal of ever higher GDP growth.

"The tyranny of GDP growth will end."

"The COVID-19 crisis is unlikely to tilt the balance of power in favor of labor versus capital. Politically and socially, it would be possible, but technology is changing the game."

"The downturn caused by the pandemic will cause a sharp increase in labor substitution – meaning that physical labor will be replaced by robots and smart machines, which in turn will lead to long-term and structural changes in the labor market."

"This is a world with high unemployment."


In terms of communication, Great Reset is based primarily on fear and then on sanitary and climate bans that subjugate the population through compassionate blackmail designed to "save lives" and "save the climate." Reading Great Reset and analyzing the forces in the game allow us to draw a parallel with 1917. With the controlled destruction of the real economy and the Western middle class, "Bolshevism 2.0" emerges, where green has changed red, "social" has become "sustainable," and the role of the Cheka has shifted to a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G.

On the Way to Bolshevism 2.0 (continued)

"One of the main lessons of the last five centuries for Europe and America is that acute crises contribute to the strengthening of state power. This has always been the case, and there is no reason why the COVID-19 pandemic should be different. [...] Taxation will increase. As in the past, the social logic and political rationale for the increases will be based on the narrative of "countries at war" (but this time against an invisible enemy)."

"State control over private companies will be strengthened, especially (but not only) for all companies receiving budget funding. [...] Businesses will also be held accountable for social and environmental rifts. [...] Governments will strongly encourage public-private partnerships so that private companies are more involved in mitigating global risks. Regardless of the details, the role of the state will increase and at the same time significantly affect how business is conducted. To varying degrees, business leaders in all sectors and countries will have to adapt to more active government intervention. Research and development on universal public goods such as health and climate change will be actively pursued. Taxation will increase."

"In the post-pandemic era, three sectors will thrive: high technology, health and wellbeing."

"Drug manufacturers will be stronger and richer than ever."

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors and handheld technologies will provide new insights into personal well-being. They will monitor who we are and how we feel, and gradually blur the lines between public health systems and personalized health systems – a distinction that will eventually be blurred. Data flows in many different areas, from our environment to our personal space, will give us much more control over our own health and well-being. In a post-Covid world, accurate information about our carbon footprint, our impact on biodiversity, the toxicity of all the ingredients we consume, and the environment or spatial conditions in which we live will contribute to significant progress in raising awareness and collective and individual well-being. Industries will have to take note of this.

"The world of education, like many other sectors, will become partly virtual."

"The main effect of lockdown will be the expansion and development of the digital world, slowly and surely."

"The current imperative of activating the "contactless economy" at any cost and the subsequent readiness of regulators to accelerate it mean a way out of the impasse. This is true for areas that were sensitive in the recent past, such as telemedicine and drone delivery, and for more prosaic and developed areas, such as mobile payments."

"During lockdowns, the near-universal relaxation of regulations that had previously hindered progress in areas where technology had been available for years suddenly occurred due to a lack of choice."

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, noted that social and physical distancing requirements create "total distancing" by promoting the adoption of a wide range of technologies in two years, while Sundar Pichay, Google's CEO, marveled at the impressive leap forward in digital business, predicting a "significant and lasting" effect on sectors as diverse as online work, education, shopping, medicine and entertainment.

Simultaneous investments in progressive energy infrastructure (e.g. renewables, hydrogen pipelines and electric vehicle charging networks) and rethinking of industrial clusters (e.g. electrification of chemical production networks) offer the potential to support economic recovery while strengthening the overall sustainability of the energy sector in terms of clean energy production.

"Companies will not necessarily stick to these measures precisely because they consider them 'good' – rather, because the 'price' for non-compliance will be too high – the anger of activists: from activist investors to social activists."

📝 note

Here we see the "fourth industrial revolution", the neo of Marx Schwab, it has already been considered in previous issues of the fascist Davos clients and the forum from 2016. A favorite theme of this artifact by Klaus Schwab and the German (Jewish) economic elite – increasing robotization, in particular under the influence of 5G, also refers to the theme "Future of Work" (Future of Work, Work 4.0), promoted by the World Bank ("The Changin Nature of Work") and the International Labor Organization ("Future of Work Centenary Initiative").

Great Reset Infernal Columns

"Social activists and many activist investors will take a close look at corporate behavior during the pandemic crisis. It's likely that markets or consumers (or both) will penalize companies that don't do well on social issues."

"Embolded by what they saw in the absence of air pollution, climate action activists will redoublish their efforts by putting additional pressure on businesses and investors."

COVID-19 has already unleashed a global wave of social unrest. Beginning in the U.S. with the Black Lives Matter protests following the murder of George Floyd in late May 2020, it quickly spread around the world. [...] The trend shows that the Black Lives Matter movement is evolving into something broader than just a racial issue. Manifestations of systemic racism have led to broader calls for economic justice and inclusion.

"The activity of young people is growing all over the world, being revolutionized by social networks that expand mobilization to a level previously impossible. It takes many forms, from non-institutionalized participation in political life to demonstrations and protests. And it addresses issues as diverse as climate change, economic reform, gender equality, and LGBT rights. The younger generation is firmly at the forefront of social change. There is no doubt that they will be a catalyst for change and a source of critical momentum for the "Big Reset".

📝 note

For companies, the "right behavior" is actually to meet environmental, social and governance criteria . ESG), i.e. strict adherence to imperatives dictated by the desire for political correctness (feminism, diversity, "sustainability", etc.). Background paper cited in this regard, 

- Sustainable investing: Resilience amid uncertainty. A document released last spring by BlackRock that answers the question: Who sets the criteria? To "help" companies adapt to ESG criteria (also known as "stakeholder capitalism"), the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Bank of America, Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC, has also published a roadmap.

On the way to a new humanity – with a shrinking population, mixed, idle, receiving assistance and under house arrest

"The fragility of the state remains one of the most serious global problems, especially prevalent in Africa. [...] The disruption of trade and value chains caused by the pandemic will lead to rapid destruction."

"Many countries in the Middle East and North Africa are particularly at risk. The triple blow of COVID-19, the collapse of oil prices (for some players) and the freezing of tourism (a vital source of jobs and foreign exchange earnings) could trigger a wave of mass anti-government protests reminiscent of the Arab Spring of 2011.

In large countries such as Egypt, India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines, for which remittances are the most important source of external financing, this will create many difficulties and make their economic, social and political situation even more fragile, with very real potential for destabilization.

"In countries like Ethiopia, where tourism revenues account for almost half (47%) of total exports, the resulting loss of income and jobs would cause enormous economic and social suffering. The same applies to the Maldives, Cambodia and a number of other countries."

"The #C0VID19 pandemic demonstrates what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have led to a male-dominated world that is detrimental to everyone: women, men, girls and boys."

António Guterres on Twitter on the topic of Great Reset.

"One of the most obvious consequences for the richest parts of the world will be a new wave of mass migration from the poorest and most unstable states due to economic suffering, discontent and hunger – as it was already in Europe in 2016."

What form can the new social contract take? [...] Broader, if not universal, provision of social assistance, social insurance, health care and quality basic services.

"As social and physical distancing continues, the increasing use of digital platforms to communicate, work, seek advice, or order something will gradually gain strength through ingrained habits. [...] If health considerations are paramount, then we may decide, for example, that cycling lessons in front of the home screen may not be as convenient and fun as with a live group, but are actually safer (and cheaper!). The same argument applies to many different areas, such as canceling live meetings (Zoom is safer, cheaper, greener, and much more convenient), going to a remote family celebration for the weekend (a WhatsApp family group isn't as fun, but again, safer, cheaper, and greener), or even taking an academic course (not as fundamental, but cheaper and more convenient)."

📝 Notes

First. The implementation of "universal social assistance" in the coming months is, in fact, in the generalization of the concept of "minimum income" (fr. RMI), which in the Anglo-Saxon world is now called "universal basic income", or UBI (Universal Basic Income). The destruction of the "value of work" (and therefore self-esteem) combined with a ban on staying locked up will be accompanied by the legalization of cannabis (known as "therapeutic" weed), which was voted on by the French National Assembly in 2019, and experiments on legalization will begin in the country on March 31, 2021. In the communist fascist zones and the governments of these zones, circles are called the minimum wage. In order not to die of hunger. 

Second. The "modernization" contained in the "2021 Social Security Financing Bill" (nominative social declaration, withholding taxes, etc.) is envisaged, explicitly presented as a means of simplifying procedures and combating fraud, the priority of "social assistance" and "social insurance" with a "universal" character prescribed by Great Reset. In fact, it results in a facial recognition system in the context of importing the well-known idea of Chinese "social credit", which makes Western "elites" spin with delight.

Third. There is an absurdization of political life. Olivier Verand discourages people from self-medicating with anti-smoking patches after a series of studies found that smokers were significantly less likely to be likely to the coronavirus than non-smokers.

Fourth. The National Council of the Association of Physicians publishes a press release entitled "Clinical Trial Protocols – Unjustified Prescriptions Outside AMM" [marketing authorization for the pharmaceutical industry. – Ed.]: "The Association convincingly reminds about the rules and informs anSM [French Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Medical Devices. – Ed.]". Without resorting to direct quotation, let's say that Didier Raoul is under serious pressure: his actions are assessed as "unacceptable" because they give rise to "false hopes for a cure"." The conclusion of the press release contains a threat: "The threat to patients – if it is found that it is caused by treatment that is not scientifically confirmed – can serve as a basis for contacting the Director General of ARS (Regional Health Agency. – Ed.] requesting the immediate suspension of the activities of these doctors."

Fifth. Pyotr Chumakov of the Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology told the Daily Mail that "in China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various variants of the coronavirus for more than a decade. [...] They did really amazing things. For example, inserts into the genome that gave the virus the ability to infect human cells. Now all this has been analyzed. The picture of the creation of the current coronavirus is gradually taking shape."

"It's too early to blame anyone," he added, confirming the hypothesis developed by Luc Montagnier, referring to the creation of "variants of the virus without malicious targets, perhaps in the context of research to create an HIV vaccine."

Sixth. The order for 10,000 ventilators, advertised with pathos on March 31 by Emmanuel Macron, was finally implemented. However, 8500 of these devices are actually ventilators completely unsuitable for caring for patients suffering from COVID-19.

Seventh. On the sidelines of the European Council, Secretary of State for European Affairs Amélie de Montchalin announced a $1,000 billion European plan aimed at stimulating the economy. Like Captain Haddock, Amélie de Montchalin already put the figure at $1,000 billion in December 2019 when estimating the investment needed to achieve "carbon neutrality."


At the top of the nightmarish world of Great Reset is BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, who is a phantom power intent on ruling humanity reduced to helots [in ancient Sparta, helots are farmers in an intermediate position between serfs and slaves. – Ed.] thanks to the control of artificial intelligence (AI).

Climate: Greater Alibi

"At first glance, the pandemic and the environment may seem like distant relatives, but they are much closer and more interconnected than we think. [...] They are by nature global, and therefore can only be properly approached on a global scale."

"If some of the habits we were forced to adopt during the pandemic lead to structural changes in behavior, then the climate impacts may be different."

The unprecedented and draconian lockdown of a third of the world's population living in their homes for more than a month is not a viable decarbonization strategy, because, despite this, the global economy continues to emit large amounts of carbon dioxide. [...] We are only at the beginning of a long and painful recovery, and for many of us the thought of sustainability may seem like a luxury; but when things start to improve, we'll remember that there is a causal link between air pollution and COVID-19. Then sustainability will cease to be secondary, and climate change (so closely related to air pollution) will come to the fore. What sociologists call "behavioral contagion" (how attitudes, ideas, and behaviors spread among the population) could have a magical effect!

"The governments of enlightened leaders will subordinate their stimulus plans to environmental commitments. They will, for example, offer more generous financial terms to companies with low-carbon business models."

📝 Notes

First. The main innuggle and deliberate lie of Great Reset is its essentially Malthusian character, the "planetary boundary", estimated by the German climatologist Hans Joachim Schelnhuber at one billion inhabitants: "This is a triumph for science, because, at least, we managed to stabilize something: namely, to estimate the capacity of the planet, that is, one billion people. What a triumph! On the other hand, we want to get into that number, do we? I think we can make the world a much better place!" he enthusiastically broadcast in 2009 at a conference in Copenhagen, which he organized together with Prince Charles. In 1988, the latter's father, Prince Philip, explained: "In the event of reincarnation, I would like to return as a deadly virus to help solve the problem of overpopulation" (quoted by Deutsche Presse-Agentur).

Second. Not surprisingly, the reference cited in COVID-19: Great Reset fits into the logic of the Rockefeller Funds, formulated by economist Nicholas Shtern, author of a 2006 report to the British government on the "climate change economy," in which everyone agrees on the "gross manipulation of the economic methodology" behind it. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), adopted by the UN in 2015 and collected in the Agenda 2030, are also cited as a background document, in which globalism is lowered by 17 points in the trust rating.

Third. As examples of the implementation of this policy, not only the European Commission and its "green deal", but also the Democratic Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo (by the way, a partner of Jeffrey Epstein) and british banker Mark Carney.

Carney is a former governor of the Bank of England, the UN special envoy for climate finance, appointed to this position in December 2019. His appointment comes shortly after he called on central banks at the Jackson Hole Symposium in August 2019 to abandon the dollar as a reserve currency and adopt a new synthetic hegemonic currency such as Libra (Facebook's cryptocurrency project).

Mark Carney, a member of the G30, the council of the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group, like most of the players in Operation Covid-19: Great Reset (Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Michael Bloomberg, the British Royal Family, etc.), is quoted in the Epstein case along with his wife Diana Fox, who is also an ambassador for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Fourth. Recall that at the last World Economic Forum, it was announced the decision of the UN Commission on Human Rights to consider as full "refugees" those who refer to global warming: "We must prepare for a sharp increase in their number [...]. I dare not give exact figures [...], but it is probably several million" (Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, quoted by Reuters, January 21, 2020).

Behind Fake Money and Debt Slavery – Artificial Intelligence Controlled by BlackRock

"A decisive, large-scale and rapid response to the pandemic in fiscal and monetary policy".

"The barrier that makes monetary and fiscal authorities independent of each other has now been dismantled."

"This is where modern monetary theory (MMT) and helicopter money come in: at zero interest rates, central banks cannot stimulate the economy with traditional monetary instruments, that is, by lowering interest rates, unless they decide to go for deeply negative interest rates."

"These measures will lead to a very large budget deficit, with the debt-to-GDP ratio in rich countries likely to rise by 30%. At the global level, overall public spending stimulus is likely to exceed 20% of global GDP in 2020."

The status of the [dollar] as a reserve currency cannot last longer than foreign belief in the holder's ability to make its payments. [...] Are there viable alternatives? The U.S. remains the world's formidable financial hegemon... but it is also true that many countries would like to challenge the dollar's global dominance. [...] This "exorbitant privilege" is inextricably linked to world power, the perception of the United States as a reliable partner, and its role in the functioning of multilateral institutions.

"As for the United States, its excessive debt will sooner or later lead to a limitation of spending after the recovery, since there is a constant danger that the current economic crisis will escalate into a systemic financial crisis."

📝 note

The de facto long-veiled fascist moet in Davos, dubbed the good economic forum recognized: COVID-19 has allowed the use of modern monetary theory ("helicopter" money) promoted by central banks at blackRock's Jackson Hole Symposium in August 2019 to abolish the line between monetary and fiscal policy.

Thus, central banks will maintain a "permanent emergency fiscal mechanism" that will operate when interest rate manipulation stops working, in order to avoid deflation. A mechanism introduced by an "independent expert" appointed by central banks.

And in March 2020, BlackRock received this mandate from the Federal Reserve System (Fed) – a seamless contract under the "Coronavirus Relief, Burden Relief and Economic Security Act" (known as CARES) to deploy a $454 billion grey cash register set up by the Treasury in partnership with the Fed.

BlackRock was created in 1988 by Larry Fink and was originally a subsidiary of Blackstone, an investment fund founded by Stephen Schwartzman (formerly Lehman Brothers) and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Peter G. Peterson (and by the way, president of the Council on Foreign Relations until his death in 2007). BlackRock first increased its balance sheet in the 1990s and 2000s through the promotion of mortgage-backed securities (MBS), which led to a sharp drop in the economy in 2008.

Based on its knowledge of mortgages, the FED authorized BlackRock to operate "special purpose vehicles" used to purchase "toxic" assets from Bear Stearns and American Insurance Group (AIG), to which the FED had no legal authority. BlackRock owes its expansion to Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), an exponentially growing sector concentrated in the hands of the Big Three (BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street). By 2017, the Big Three had become a shareholder in nearly 90% of the S&P 500 companies and owned large stakes in megabanks, major media, Big Pharma and web giants.

In 2018, an investigation by Investigate Europe, "BlackRock – The Company That Owns the World?", found that it "undermines competition by holding shares of competing companies and blurs the lines between direct investment and public affairs, working in close cooperation with regulators."

BlackRock's assets are managed using artificial intelligence through the Alladin software, which is tasked with distributing Federal Reserve funds through eleven "special purpose vehicles" created under the CARES Act.

These machines were designed to allow the Fed to finance the purchase of riskier assets in the market, mostly ETFs. As Ryan Clements (Duke University) explains, "ETFs are at the center of the COVID-19 financial crisis."

In addition, to save the ETF sector from collapse, BlackRock took the reins of the FED and climbed to the top of the system that Great Reset is designing.

The original material without translation can be read here: 


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If you search for "covid-19" on the Pubchem website and select "Patents", we will see this kind of patents where inventions are registered for testing c0vid-19... 

in 2015 and 2016...

The name of the talented inventor is the same as in the case of Covid 😷 false 19 tests from 2015 is Richard Rothschild. 

Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Pubchem is an open chemical database of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Imports of COVID-19 (300215) testing kits by country in 2017 (! (click on the link to make sure) 


Category : COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment

       Scandal in the noble family. 

And harmful addictions, as you know, always end badly, or sadly, the question of the term and nothing more. Is your glass of 🥃 with whiskey 🥃 and soda half empty, or half full? That's exactly the terms we'll talk about in the second part. 


    Don't you like money or Donat 💵? 

David, as a senior manager of the warehouse, you've been prescribed a cap with a gold cockerel. Tailor finishes the nod and makes gold generalissimos with incorporated diamonds of 16 and 32 carats, all as you love David. Your fighting friend Marina and these boos below ⬇️ earplug hats for a dark and frosty winter, so that the ears 👂 👂 not froze. Now we sew warm cotton pantaloons and socks for them 🧦 


And you're a big inventor David, and the minx 😈 though. Veterans don't age. Soon 🔜 will be able to sew your own costumes. It's very exciting, believe you will also achieve great success in tailoring. 

Article from the German newspaper Die Welt in 1978 about chemtrails:

"Artificial clouds explore the earth

Four bluish-white barium clouds more than a thousand kilometers long were ejected into the upper atmosphere by an American research rocket on Monday evening.

Artificial clouds, which can be seen with the naked eye over the United States, Canada and the Soviet Union under favorable weather conditions, are intended for use in studies of terrestrial magnetism.

According to the ideas of the scientists involved in the experiment, electrically charged barium particles will be distributed along the lines of force of the magnetic field in such a way that the configuration of the Earth's field can be recognized using optical and radar observations. This NASA experiment is codenamed Cameo."

In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 


Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.

'Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims, especially child sexual assault victims,' the campaign said in a statement. 'As a line prosecutor she took on notoriously difficult to prove child sexual assault cases, put predators behind bars and created a coalition to combat child exploitation. She then used her position as District Attorney to create the first unit focused on child sexual assault cases in the office's history.' 


Survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy claim Kamala Harris did not do enough to prosecute their cases when she was San Francisco district attorney



     Fake high-profile vaccinated 🤡 

A KGB agent named Steklov. How NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg became a Russophobe

31 May 1991. Oslo, Norway. Assistant to the KGB resident Lieutenant Colonel Boris Kirillov came to a meeting with the agent a little earlier than the appointed time - after all, the best shrimp in the world were cooked in the Strotorvet tavern. In addition, there was the best aquavit, and the one who tried a glass of good aquavit with local shrimp, he, believe me, will always find time for small earthly pleasures. Especially since on Friday night you can afford to relax and skip a glass or two.

But no sooner had Kirillov had a drink and the first glass of tart burning liquid, as an excited Jens Stoltenberg literally ran up to the table - the most promising agent codenamed Steklov ….




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