A monstrous plan in the final stage of the special operation ๐Ÿ‘‘ย 

A monstrous plan in the final stage of the special operation ๐Ÿ‘‘ย 

๐•ธ๐–—. ๐•ป๐–—๐–Ž๐–“๐–ˆ๐–Š ๐–”๐–‹ ๐•ด๐–๐–Š ๐•พ๐–‘๐–Š๐–‰

The White House administration and their immediate plans.

Nashville, Tennessee. This institution is state property. Attention is drawn to high fences with barbed wire and twisted inwards barbed tops.ย 

The goal is obvious: keep in captivity

Fort Devens, Massachusetts. This prison has equipped production areas and is surrounded on all sides by an artificial pond. It was built in 1999. In terms of engineering, the railroad is required to lay rail tracks inside the prison from Boston and Canada. Draws attention to the widespread use of "razor" tape in the fence.

We post the text of Mr. Sia's interview about the plans of the New World Order for the United States and the citizens of that country. It should be understood that without the knowledge of the White House, this is hardly possible in the United States.ย 

Sent as noteworthy information. We watched a video about the institution mentioned in the interview in Indiana, and everything we saw exactly matches the descriptions given in this interview.

"In the spring of 1997, our senior editor, Prof. Ian Stewart, met with "Mr. Sia" (the real name is known to the editorial board) to discuss his first-hand information about future persecution threatened by the servants of the New World Order (NWO).

From a voluminous portfolio full of photographic documentations, newspaper reports, correspondence, etc., Mr. Sia drew very disturbing evidence of the efforts of the New Worldview of Order to destroy and enslave America.

The following are some of Mr. Sia's comments. But first we will know better what kind of person presents them.

Mr. Sia, a sincere Christian, is a former inspector of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense, having 31 years of federal service: 22 years in active military service, 9 years in the state of the Ministry of Defense, including 2 years at the Headquarters of the Air Force. He was awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Medal "For Distinction in Military Service", three degrees of the Medal of Cumulative Merit, all awards of the Vietnam War, as well as the "Medal of Honor of the Armed Forces for Merit".

Retiring a few years ago, he received the Secretary of Defense Medal for Civil Service. He has traveled to four continents in 31 countries and speaks five languages.

Mr. Sia spoke of the impending American Holocaust, which found its expression in the plans of the U.S. government in relation to the opponents of the NEW WORLD ORDER. He described the infrastructure that was deployed to imprison and put Americans to death, and indicated the locations of the institutions designed for this purpose, all accompanied by photographic documentations that no longer leave room for doubt or efforts of imagination.

The infrastructure has already been established. There are at least 130 concentration camps, i.e. objects quietly adapted for these purposes, appeared in a short time and continue to arise everywhere in the country - outwardly inactive, but for some reason surrounded by a fence with barbed wire along the upper perimeter (with spokes bent with a tip inside the fence), as well as equipped with airfield masts with wind "stockings" - indicators (which indicates the presence of helipads). Most of these facilities have good connections to major highways and railways.

These establishments, many of which are located in remote areas of the country, are destined to become concentration camps, as well as internment camps, equipped down to gas chambers prepared for the resistance and dissidents. In other words, they are created for those who do not accept IMA. "Resistance" are owners of small arms who do not want to surrender them to the authorities; "dissidents" are Christians, patriots and all those who cherish our constitutional rights. These camps are already fully ready. I've seen many, many of them.

6 Aug. In 1994, I inspected the Amtrak car repair depot in the Beach Grove area of Indianapolis, Indiana. The depot has at least 10 repair shops with a total area of 129 acres, which are fenced by two rows of fence with thorns along the upper perimeter, bent inwards. The windows of several shops are walled up. Thus, the repair shops of Amtrak have a triple level of protection!

There are also three wind "stockings" โ€” an indicator for wind speeds of up to 25 knots (or 25 mph) โ€” while for assessing the danger of chemical leakage, the standard is a "stocking" designed for wind strength of 10 knots. Reliable turnstiles have been installed to monitor and pass people, similar to those used in Washington by the National Security Agency, as well as a duplicated high-intensity round-the-clock lighting system.ย 

The fence around the building with gas chambers has the inscriptions "Red-Blue Zone" (see photo 1).ย 

This is in line with the "purpose" of the Red/Blue Lists, which were made public in June/July 1996.

Around the same time, there were rumors of similar institutions in Canada. They have quite reasonable grounds today, these camps of Canada are on YouTube, as well as great concern are the Chinese troops placed by Trudeau on an island in a nature reserve and a large number of Chinese people living under the guise of civilians are related to the Chinese armed forces and special services of China. All this is very real and you can personally find the material and make sure of this fact.ย 

When martial law is declared, it will turn into a death camp. Here they are going to deal only with persons of the first and second categories ("red" and "blue"). This body of the gas chambers is designed for executions. One of the workshops is large enough to accommodate four vans with gas chambers. On the roof of the workshop there are powerful exhaust fans for the release of gas after the operation of the chambers. All buildings of the "repair depot" have new gas pipelines with a diameter of 6 inches (up to 15 cm) and gas furnaces.

Since the august 1994 photograph (cut), FEMA (the name of the U.S. federal agency) has committed $6 million to ensure that the walls and ceilings of the enclosures are leakproof (see article below).ย 

With the declaration of martial law, such premises can immediately be used as gas chambers on the SS model.

On January 27, 1995, the Indianapolis Times published an article entitled: "Amtrak Cuts Staff by 212 People: 170 Lose Jobs at the Technical Center Today."ย 

Why would a $6 million renovation be needed shortly before the 212 workers were cut? Because the people who perform the final operations, i.e. executions, will not be Americans. The released 212 "cells" will be filled by foreigners.

To work as a "capo" they will take foreigners. "Capo" (Italian for "leader") was the title of trusted prisoners who carried out murders of Jews for SS executioners in Dachau and other Nazi crematoriums in Europe.

In February 2021, Biden announced his intention to increase the quota for the admission of refugees from abroad in the 2022 fiscal year to 125 thousand people.

Then the newspaper article also reported that "... the company is counting on orders to repair private cars and possibly subway cars in Washington and other metropolitan areas."ย 

Repairing private trains is a clear shredding, pointing to "death cars"!

The article continued: "Late last year, Congress ordered Amtrak to spend at least 5.9 million to seal holes in the roof and repair the walls in the giant hangars of Beach Grove." The premises are adapted to fill them with gas through newly installed two-story furnaces.ย 

Further, Mr. Sia explained what the categories of "Red" and "Blue Lists" meant. The red list means detention and death even before the implicit preparations for the declaration of martial law begin. The blue list also equates to death, but a little later: "in the first six weeks after the declaration of martial law." There are no plans to "re-educate" these persons โ€“ only the mere deprivation of their lives.

If you're on the Red List, they'll pick you up in the middle of the night, most likely around 4 o'clock, put you in a black van, and take you to a helicopter that takes you to the assembly point. There you will be loaded into a 64-seat chinook CH-47 helicopter, painted black, devoid of insignia and illegally using the opportunities provided by the Open Skies Agreement (Airspace).

After that, you are taken to one of the 38 cities where you will be put on board a Boeing (747, 737 or 727).ย 

You may be immediately transferred to a temporary detention camp. If you are included in the Red List, you will be placed in a "red" camp. They'll kill you there.

At some point, martial law will be declared. (Martial law means suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, which guarantees a detainee a jury trial; instead of a trial, you go straight to prison for a limited time.) I guess. That there will be some kind of explosion of mass discontent or some other crisis that can be a reason for declaring martial law. At this stage, people from the Blue List will already be delayed. By this time, the country will be divided into 10 regions, which have already been determined by the federal agency FEMA.

Please also note that it has already been proven (in Wyoming and at least in another locality) that these black helicopters are equipped with wide-wave jammers capable of suppressing your cell phones during these "black" operations immediately before and during actions directed against you personally.ย 

In June 1996, an FBI agent received a Blue List for Region 3 from a CIA agent, in which he found his own name, as well as the names of several other persons known to him in Virginia. The regional "Blue" list stipulated that the persons mentioned in it are subject to detention "within 6 weeks from the date of the declaration of martial law."

This almost literally follows the practice of the Nazis. A similar Nazi plan was published by Heinz Hone in his 1966 book [History of the Nazi SS: The Order of the Dead Head.].

This book should be in Jack McLam," maybe he's read it.ย 

People tend to say that this plan won't work. However, it will work if those 300,000 Soviet servicemen (so in the original text) who are already here receive weapons. The intrigue is to separate our citizens from weapons in one way or another... to expose the police in a negative light, to discredit the very idea of free possession of weapons, and ultimately to force people to disarm. But as soon as others take possession of your weapons, you are already in their hands, unless you are kept by the angel of God himself at your door. The people who run it all are at the highest levels in the federal government. They also use for their own purposes all sorts of mediums, psychics, astrologers and numerologists.ย 

Leading psychics guide their actions, and everything is directed at the highest spiritualistic level. Everything is thought out for them, and nothing escapes their control.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that their actions are often timed to the thirteenth day of the month.ย 

Mr. Clinton does a lot of things on the thirteenth. Thus, on September 13, 1993, the Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, which was worked out through intermediaries, was signed. Further, he waited fourteen days to sign the law on combating crime on September 13, 1994.ย 

On June 13, 1995, he announced that he would veto if Congress set a maximum permitted level of U.S. debt.ย 

On November 13, he carried out this threat. On 13 January 1996 he made a statement on Bosnia.

The biblical prophet Amos (3:7) says that God does nothing without first revealing His secrets to His faithful prophets. God warns His people. There are people who attend prophetic meetings to witness god-breathed ecstasy โ€”and for the sake of good prophecies. But if we listen to God, we will understand that He warns us of what is to come. And we need to prepare.

The time interval between the end of Red List cases and the imposition of martial law, when people from the Blue List will be taken up, will obviously be a few days. The methods will be the same as those of the Nazis, who prepared lists of victims by June 30, 1934, before their "mobilization" was announced.ย 

Everything was taken from the Nazis under a copy, since the same spirit leads the Fourth Reich, which led the Third, only in Germany trains were used, and helicopters and Boeings will be used here.

When Hitler demonized the Jews, he recruited thugs and dressed them in black uniforms.ย 

He built concentration camps and communication routes. In the U.S., there is now a rabid lie about the epidemic. Think of the three former U.S. presidents, all three in black hold their hands in their pockets and tell Americans and the world about the epidemic and vaccination ๐Ÿ’‰. What was that? In what centuries politicians engaged in healing, before removing all professional scientists and doctors from the airwaves, blocked their accounts and silenced them. In the United States, there is a real of family values, a strange family of hairy moms and dads is imposed, Christians, supporters of freedom to receive and disseminate information, supporters of the law and the US Constitution ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธย 

Who will select the victims?ย 

Foreign "police" โ€“ un Internal Security Forces. Doctors ๐Ÿฅผ from WHO.ย 

More than 30 foreign military bases under the UN flag already exist in the United States, and with the approval of specially authorized US officials. These bases are already staffed with more than 1 million servicemen from Russia, Poland, Germany, Belgium. Turkey, Great Britain, Nicaragua and Asian countries. In Europe, they are talking about the creation of a European army with a central command. For what purposes is another army?ย 

Apparently to help the police, unable to cope with popular outrage at the actions of the authorities on the unjustified actions of restrictions under the guise of a pandemic. In fact, only a very dark or lazy person can not understand the full criminal theatricality of your false pandemic.ย 

Why are they ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ in the US?ย 

Because, unlike their own troops, most of which, along with the National Guard and reservists of 24 states, are stationed in foreign countries, they will use weapons against US citizens without any remorse when the time comes.

For what purpose in the immediate vicinity of Gulfport, Mississippi, were based more than 2 thousand Russian tanks, trucks and vehicles with chemical weapons.ย 

They began arriving there in January 1994.

More than 180 foreign troops were at Fort Reilly, a brigadier general confirmed to the source. At Birmingham Airport, Alabama, 300 foreign troops arrived in a large white Russian cargo plane on December 13, 1995.

As of 1995, there were 10,000 personnel in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, plus a foreign contingent reportedly preparing to receive 20,000 "detainees."

Also in 1995, Russian and Eastern European troops were stationed in Fort Poulk, Louisiana, under the UN flag. (A congressional aide from this district, when asked about this, confirmed, "Yes, they were engaged in a variety of joint exercises there. Yes, and the UN flag was on the mast. Still today, some of them may remain there.")

There are many Russian tanks at the Aberdeen test site. One of the non-commissioned officers told his father that he was servicing these tanks.ย 

This is happening throughout the U.S. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. German forces are known to be stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, and Fort Hood, Texas. Chinese troops are located, for example, at the Naval Base of Long Beach in California.

For the emergence of occupiers in the United States, no reason will be needed. These troops are already in the United States. The Chinese in Canada, 200 miles from Washington.ย When martial law or other state of emergency is introduced, to which the ideological base of neo-Marx Schwab clearly leads, these foreign UN troops will carry out ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ police functions in the United States, implementing the plans of the NEW WORLD ORDER.ย 

Camp Grayling, Michigan.

This institution is widely known. This detention centre is marked on road signs in the surrounding area.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย Fort Dix, New Jersey.ย 

Now the camp at Fort Dix has been expanded and can hold many thousands more than when this picture was taken.ย 

Fort Lenard Wood, Missouri.

This institution is part of the training town of the Training Center of the city theater of military operations. Currently, it does not have a large capacity, but has significant potential for future development. The most disturbing point is that this training center for "street fighting" is modeled as a typical US town ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธย 

Map of the United States with details of the locations of the camps, police bases of the MJTF and the UN military groups.ย 

Source: Seventis Vic Magazine, Box 771, Gladwater, Texas 75647. The photo dates back to 1994.

Another map of the United States, with the markings of various camps.

Map of the northeastern United States, more detailed, with the locations of UN forces in the northwestern part of Montana and in a number of other states.

Map of the southeastern United States. The map is titled "Region N4, 15 Aug. 1994, "Phase III Operation". Symbols indicate that Russian troops and armored vehicles are displayed as a black star, and the UN forces are the emblem of this organization. The map also gives directions to seagoing vessels to facilitate entry into U.S. ports.

A photocopy of a picture depicting Wilkox Correctional Camp, with an exact reference to the area and other information about the camp.

Another shot of Camp Wilcox

A close-up with detailed instructions on the location of the Wilkox, as well as other important information about the camp.

Throughout the United States scattered more than 100 concentration camps of the first and second category. Each of them can accommodate about 20 thousand people. the Largest at the moment is a camp near Fairbanks in Alaska. The Alaska camp is a giant psychiatric hospital capable of accommodateing approximately 2 million people. Most of these facilities do not contain prisoners, but have military personnel. All camps are connected by highway and railways. A considerable number of camps are former military bases in close proximity to airports.

Why would the U.S. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ so many concentration camps? Why plastic coffins โšฐ๏ธ in huge quantities?ย 

The Gulag system in the 1930s-1940s covered the entire Soviet Union.

The Gulag system in the USSR consisted of 30,000 places of detention: from the Arctic Circle to Kazakhstan, from the western borders to the Far East.ย 

The Gulag (General Directorate of Camps and Places of Detention) arose in 1930, existed for thirty years and was liquidated by 1960.

The essence of the Gulag remained unchanged โ€“ a "state within a state", a prison power that united more than thirty thousand places of detention. The Gulag is strongly associated with the name of Joseph Stalin: it was under him that a system was created in which millions of prisoners built cities, canals and factories, mined gold and uranium, and developed uninhabitable territories beyond the Arctic Circle and the Kolyma.

According to the Gulag History Museum, 20 million prisoners passed through the camps and prisons of this system. At least 1.7 million people died of starvation, hard labor, disease or were shot. Among them, the bulk were innocent people who got into the camps on the infamous political "articles and denunciations".ย 

The front persons look criminal and stupid, like all of the globalist social networks, tv ๐Ÿ“บ and their own fac-checkers censoring and forbidden to tell specialists that deadly graphene oxide is contained in large quantities and vaccines and masks and tampons that you illegally poke in the nose. And also in fake illegal liquids named by you by misunderstanding and temporarily vaccines COVID...ย 

Doctors who have not changed their profession and the Hippocratic Oath clearly explain why vaccines are neither safe nor effective:ย 

1. Dr. Nancy Banks โ€“


2. Dr. Russell Blaylock โ€“


3. Dr. Shiv Chopra โ€“


4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny โ€“


5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries โ€“


6. Dr. Larry Palevsky โ€“


7. Dr. Toni Bark โ€“


8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield โ€“


9. Dr. Meryl Nass โ€“


10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin โ€“


11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot โ€“


12. Dr. Robert Rowen โ€“


13. Dr. David Ayoub โ€“


14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD โ€“


15. Dr. Rashid Buttar โ€“


16. Dr. Roby Mitchell โ€“


17. Dr. Ken Stoller โ€“


18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein โ€“


19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD โ€“


20. Dr. David Davis โ€“


21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych โ€“


22. Dr. Harold E Buttram โ€“


23. Dr. Kelly Brogan โ€“


24. Dr. RC Tent โ€“


25. Dr. Rebecca Carley โ€“


26. Dr. Andrew Moulden โ€“


27. Dr. Jack Wolfson โ€“


28. Dr. Michael Elice โ€“


29. Dr. Terry Wahls โ€“


30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff โ€“


31. Dr. Paul Thomas โ€“


32. Many doctors talking at once โ€“


33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz โ€“ censoredย 

34. Dr. Jane Orient โ€“


35. Dr. Richard Deth โ€“


36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic โ€“


37. Dr Chris Shaw โ€“


38. Dr. Susan McCreadie โ€“


39. Dr. Mary Ann Block โ€“


40. Dr. David Brownstein โ€“


41. Dr. Jayne Donegan โ€“


42. Dr. Troy Ross โ€“ censoredย 

43. Dr. Philip Incao โ€“


44. Dr. Joseph Mercola โ€“


45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet โ€“


46. Dr. Robert Mendelson โ€“


47. Dr Theresa Deisher


48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE

And hundreds of doctors talk about it in documentaries.

1. Vaccination โ€“ The Silent Epidemic โ€“ย 


2. The Greater Good โ€“


3. Shots In The Dark โ€“ย 


4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth โ€“ย 


5. Vaccine Nation โ€“ย 


6. Vaccination โ€“ The Truth About Vaccines


7. Lethal Injection โ€“ย 


8. Bought โ€“ย 


9. Deadly Immunity โ€“ย 


10. Autism โ€“ Made in the USA โ€“ย 


11. Beyond Treason โ€“ย 


12. Trace Amounts โ€“ย 


13. Why We Donโ€™t Vaccinate โ€“ย 


14. Autism Yesterday โ€“ (2010)ย 


9 hours of court hearing:ย 


We do not just guess, we have a reliable and confident source insider: for a gang of international biological state terrorists adherents of the New Myrrh order, a famine is needed, which can be arranged by multi-vector special operations to destroy crops, livestock and so on. These are fires, floods, man-made disasters built into a preliminary conspiracy to bankrupt people and businesses. Example below โฌ‡๏ธย 

D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases).


It is believed that 334 earthquakes in the last 10 days in Europe, as well as in Iran and Iraq.ย 

Floods in Australia 3-4 weeks ago, and now flooding in Europe are associated with the conduct of "underground works" in this worldwide tunnel network, or rather special operations.

The tunnel system under Arberg (Germany) was 17,336 meters long.ย 

There were 897 offices, 936 guest rooms and even a hairdresser.ย 

About 20 thousand people were involved in the construction and maintenance of the state bunker. More than 3,000 members of the government are said to have taken refuge here.ย 

"Alternative headquarters of the constitutional bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany in crisis and war" - the official name of the bunker - is today considered the most expensive and one of the most absurd investments in the history of Germany.ย Deputies actually simulated possible war scenarios in the Ahrvailer bunker back in the 1960s.ย 

And it is interesting and striking that in the current flooded area there are two such bunkers.

Anna Merkel is clearly preparing for a housewarming party and a new feeling of youth life behind barbed wire in the GDR.ย 

And in the network lies another piece of evidence, of which more than 500,000 have already gathered ;ย This PATENT :

"Recombinant coronavirus nano vaccine containing graphene oxide as a carrier"

Source in English


Source in Chinese


๐Ÿ’ฒ66 million multiply by three David and place there. You understand David, as a real Kommersant you should understand, each of our new games with you doubles the first amount voiced and brought to you personally. Soon ๐Ÿ”œ we will start charging you penalties for late payment, David.ย 

And our fines are not small old men. We take an example from you our senior comrade guide to the swamps. It was Susanin who determined the amount of the fine for violations of your own norms of wearing muzzles, visiting guests in private homes and other liberties of the world population, who dared not to fulfill your plan of false - pandemic ...? !ย 

Meet friends : American communist clone illusionistย David & Copperfield & R with his burning partner Marina Abramovich throw syringes ๐Ÿ’‰ at you.ย 

The latest and hottest dish, Friends. With its consumption entirely, even a very well-trained lover of delicacies (reader) will need one or two full working days. Unprepared readers without serious basic knowledge and patience, most likely will not be able to taste this dish entirely and catch all the flavors of the communist, fascist coup d'รฉtat in different countries of the world, which has been carried out under the guise of a pandemic for a year and a half. We find at the climax of this world crime musical. According to our data, very soon the ๐Ÿ”œ power groups of the seizure of special units of various states of the world, will begin to detain and eliminate this international gang of state biological terrorists ๐Ÿ‘‡


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