"Terrorism and Communism", class mathematics and the voice of the proletariat. 

"Terrorism and Communism", class mathematics and the voice of the proletariat. 

In addition to the very famous correspondence between Engels and Kautsky, the "correspondence" of Lenin and Trotsky with the same Kautsky played a considerable role in the history of Communist thought in Russia. It all began with the fact that the famous German Marxist was horrified by the results of the revolution in Russia, accusing the Bolsheviks of fomenting civil war, suppressing democracy and establishing a dictatorship of a minority. In response, Lenin called Kautsky a "renegade" in a specially issued pamphlet. Communication between the pillars of Marxism has successfully ensued.

Kautsky replied to Lenin with a whole book entitled "Terrorism and Communism", in which he developed his ideas and correctly predicted the imminent onset of a Bonapartist dictatorship in Russia. 

We have reason to believe that this option is being considered.

Dr Denis Mukwege resigns from Covid-19 response team

He declares: "I can in no way stain my Nobel Peace Prize for money - we have been ordered to declare any disease as a coronavirus and any death as occurring because of it. 

In addition, I was saddened by the fact that after more than 100 samples, none gave a positive result. I have a career that I have to protect and love by blood. To get rich by lying is a sin before God, I am leaving."

The Presidential Directive (National Presidential Security Directive NSPD 51 / National Security Presidential Directive HSPD-20, sometimes referred to simply as "Executive Directive 51" for short), signed by U.S. President George W. Bush on May 4, 2007, is a presidential directive establishing a comprehensive policy regarding the structures and operations of the federal government in the event of a "catastrophic emergency." Such an emergency is defined as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualty, damage, or destruction that seriously affects the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions." The unclassified part of the directive (which replaced President Bill Clinton's 1998 Directive 67 on the presidential decision) was posted on the White House website on May 9, 2007, without any further announcements or press briefings, although George W. Bush's special assistant, Gordon Jr. Bush, answered several questions about the matter when asked about it by members of the press in early June 2007. This presidential directive defines the "core national functions" of the federal government, defines "continuity requirements" for the departments and agencies of the federal government's executive branch, and "provides guidance to state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and the private sector. It also provides for a national continuity coordinator who will oversee "the development and implementation of federal continuity policies." The source text indicates that during a catastrophic emergency, the federal government will cooperate out of courtesy to defend the Constitution: (e) "Stable constitutional government" or "ECG" means the joint efforts of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government, coordinated by the President as a courtesy to the legislative and judicial branches of government. and, with due respect for the constitutional separation of powers between the branches, in order to preserve the constitutional framework within which the nation is governed and the ability of all three branches of government to fulfil constitutional duties and ensure orderly continuity, appropriate change of leadership and compatibility and support for basic national functions during a catastrophic emergency; The source text of NSPD51 repeatedly affirms constitutionality and specifically states that "(9) Recognizing that each branch of the federal government is responsible for its own succession programs, an official appointed chief of staff to the president under the president must ensure the continuity of the executive branch of government. policies of activity and continuity of public policy in support of the ongoing efforts of the constitutional government shall be duly coordinated with the policies of the legislative and judicial branches of government in order to ensure interoperability and effective allocation of national assets to maintain the functioning of the federal government." Conservative activist Jerome Corsi and Marjorie Cohn of the National Lawyers Guild said it was a violation of the United States Constitution because the three branches of government are separate and equal, and neither branch of government coordinates the work of the others. A directive created by the president states that the president has the right to declare a catastrophic state of emergency. It does not specify who has the right to declare the termination of an emergency. The directive also states that in the event of such an emergency, the new position of "National Continuity Coordinator" will be held by the Assistant to the President for National Security and Counter-Terrorism. Presidential Directive on National Security and Homeland Security. 

The directive also specifies that the "Succession Policy Coordination Committee," chaired by the Senior Director of the National Security Council and selected by the National Succession Coordinator, should be "the main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination." The Directive ends with a description of a number of "annexes" of which Annex A is described as not classified but not displayed on the Directive's web page: (23) Annex A and the classified Continuity Annexes annexed to this document are hereby incorporated into and form part of this Directive. (24) Security. This directive and the information contained thereunder shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure, provided that, with the exception of Annex A, the annexes annexed to that Directive are classified and must be handled appropriately in accordance with applicable executive orders. The National Continuity Policy, Appendix A, Categories of Departments and Agencies, available on the website of the Committee on Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure, states that "Executive Departments and Agencies fall into one of four categories corresponding to their RESPONSIBILITIES COOP/COG/ECG. during an emergency." Loading... The signing of this Directive has not usually been covered by the mainstream U.S. media or discussed by the U.S. Congress. Although similar executive directives on security were issued by previous presidents, their texts were kept secret, this is the first part that was made public in part. It's unclear how the president's National Security and Homeland Security Directive would align with the National Emergency Act, a U.S. federal law passed in 1976 that gives Congress the power to control the president's emergency powers during such emergencies. The Law on National Emergencies is not mentioned in the text of the Presidential Directive on National and Internal Security. Following receiving relevant reports from voters, in July 2007, U.S. Representative and Member of the Homeland Security Committee Peter DeFazio made a formal request to examine the classified continuity applications described above in a secure "bubble room" at the United States Capitol, but his request was rejected by U.S. authorities. The White House, which cited "national security concerns." This was the first time DeFazio was denied access to documents. He was quoted as saying, "We are talking about the continuity of the Government of the United States of America ... I think this will be relevant to any member of Congress, let alone a member of the Homeland Security Committee." After this denial, DeFazio joined two colleagues (Benny Thompson, chairman of the committee; and Chris Carney, chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security Oversight) in new attempts to gain access to the documents. Presidential Directive on National Security and Homeland Security. 

🇬🇮Fam 1 June, more than 99% of Gibraltar's population had been fully vaccinated. Since then, the number of new #COVID19 cases per day has increased by more than 2500%.

🤡Los Angeles, California, sends out emergency alerts urging people to get vaccinated 

Leon Trotsky had a great-granddaughter who happened to be the director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH, under Fauci). 

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty? 

We must remember, Friends, that "questioning everything" is the task of a professional and a good habit of all amateurs.

Colonel Sanders is somehow suspiciously similar to Trotsky's Leiba Davidovich...

How the descendants of Leon Trotsky settled in four countriesIn addition to the very famous correspondence between Engels and Kautsky, the "correspondence" of Lenin and Trotsky with the same Kautsky played a considerable role in the history of Communist thought in Russia. It all began with the fact that the famous German Marxist was horrified by the results of the revolution in Russia, accusing the Bolsheviks of fomenting civil war, suppressing democracy and establishing a dictatorship of a minority. In response, Lenin called Kautsky a "renegade" in a specially issued pamphlet. Communication between the pillars of Marxism has successfully ensued. Kautsky replied to Lenin with a whole book entitled "Terrorism and Communism", in which he developed his ideas and correctly predicted the imminent onset of a Bonapartist dictatorship in Russia. 

Zinaida Lvovna (1901-1933), her children and grandchildren

After Trotsky escaped from exile, Zina, like her younger sister, was raised by her grandparents, her father's parents.

The energetic, ideological girl followed in the footsteps of her father and mother, plunging headlong into Marxist activity. However, this did not prevent her from marrying twice.

Leon Trotsky with his daughter Zinaida, 1906.

Zinaida's first husband was Zakhar Moglin. The marriage was hasty and short-lived, but from it Zina managed to have a daughter born in 1923, named after her grandmother Alexandra.

As a child of enemies of the people, Alexandra Zakharovna was arrested, spent several years in prisons. In 1956, she was released and rehabilitated.

After getting married, Alexandra Moglina became Bakhvalova. In 1958 she gave birth to a daughter Olga. Now the great-granddaughter of Leon Trotsky, Olga Bakhvalova, lives in Moscow, in 1983 she had a son Denis.

Zinaida Lvovna Volkova, the eldest daughter of Leon Trotsky.

The second husband of Zinaida Lvovna was Platon Volkov. Since 1928, he, like Sokolovskaya, was arrested several times, sent to prison, then to exile. Finally, in 1936, he was shot.

Zinaida, who fell ill with tuberculosis, in 1930 received permission to leave the RSFSR. Together with her son Vsevlod, born in 1926, she went to her father in Turkey. Like him, she was deprived of Russian citizenship.

In 1932, Zinaida Volkova moved to Berlin, to a clinic for the treatment of consumption. However, in January 1933, she received a strict demand to leave the country immediately. This circumstance prompted her to commit suicide.

Little Seva was brought up by his uncle, Zinaida's half-brother Lev Sedov. Then, in 1938, the boy moved to his grandfather in Mexico.

Natalia Sedova, Vsesvlod (Esteban) Volkov-Bronstein, Leon Trotsky.

Taking the name Esteban, Vseslavlod Platonovich Volkov-Bronstein lives in Mexico to this day. He became a famous chemist, married, raised four daughters. Three great-granddaughters of Trotsky - Veronica, Patricia, Natalia - now, like their father, live in Mexico. The fourth great-granddaughter, Nora Dolores Volkova-Bronstein, lives in the United States. She is a well-known psychiatrist, director of the National Institute for the Study of Drug Abuse, author of studies of brain function.

Nina Lvovna (1902-1928), her children

On the upbringing of the couple of older Bronsteins, Nina got very tiny. Unlike her older sister, she didn't delve into politics, but that didn't make her fate any less dramatic.

Nina Nevelson, the youngest daughter of Leon Trotsky.

She herself escaped repression only because in 1928, at the age of 26, she died of tuberculosis. In the same year, her husband Mann Nevelson was sent into exile, and in 1937 he was shot.

Nina Lvovna's son, Lev Mannovich Nevelson, born in December 1921, was shot on April 22, 1941. Daughter Volina Mannovna, born in 1925, is missing.

Thus, there were no known descendants of Trotsky on the line of his daughter Nina Nevelson.

Cohabitation with Natalia Sedova, sons

Shortly after arriving in Paris in 1902, Leon Trotsky met the Russian revolutionary Natalia Sedova. Being in exile in France because of her beliefs, she actively participates in the publication of the newspaper "Iskra", collaborating with Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).

She becomes Trotsky's common-law wife, supporting his convictions. Together with him, after the October Revolution, she returned to Russia, worked in the Bolshevik elite. Together with her husband, she later goes into exile and remains with him until his death.

Nina Nevelson, the youngest daughter of Leon Trotsky.

She herself escaped repression only because in 1928, at the age of 26, she died of tuberculosis. In the same year, her husband Mann Nevelson was sent into exile, and in 1937 he was shot.

Nina Lvovna's son, Lev Mannovich Nevelson, born in December 1921, was shot on April 22, 1941. Daughter Volina Mannovna, born in 1925, is missing.

Thus, there were no known descendants of Trotsky on the line of his daughter Nina Nevelson.

Cohabitation with Natalia Sedova, sons

Shortly after arriving in Paris in 1902, Leon Trotsky met the Russian revolutionary Natalia Sedova. Being in exile in France because of her beliefs, she actively participates in the publication of the newspaper "Iskra", collaborating with Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).

She becomes Trotsky's common-law wife, supporting his convictions. Together with him, after the October Revolution, she returned to Russia, worked in the Bolshevik elite. Together with her husband, she later goes into exile and remains with him until his death.

Trotsky's youngest son, Sergei Lvovich Sedov.

In March 1935, he was among the accused in the "Kremlin case", was sent into exile in Krasnoyarsk. Thanks to the assistance of competent specialists close to the party leadership, he managed to get a job at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant and continue research on gas generators. However, in June 1936, a case of sabotage was fabricated against Sergei Sedov. First, he was transferred to Vorkuta, then sent for further investigation to Moscow, returned to Krasnoyarsk again and shot on October 9, 1937.

In 1988, the Supreme Court of the USSR overturned this death sentence and recognized that there was no corpus delicti in the actions of Sergei Lvovich Sedov.

Sergei Sedov (Bronstein) was married twice. From his second marriage, with Henrietta Mikhailovna (Moiseevna) Rubinstein, who followed her husband to Krasnoyarsk, in 1936 he had a daughter Julia. He never saw the girl, only in a letter he congratulated his wife on her birth.

In 1937, Henrietta Rubinstein was convicted and sent to 10 years in the ITL. The upbringing of little Julia was engaged in her parents. Then, as "socially dangerous elements", mother and daughter are sent into exile in the Omsk region.

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

After Stalin's death, when Trotsky's relatives were rehabilitated, Julia was able to come to Moscow. Here she received a specialty of a chemist. In 1979 she emigrated to the United States. Later, in 2004, Leon Trotsky's granddaughter Julia Axelrod (by her husband) moved to Israel, where she now lives.

Her son, David Axelrod, born in 1961, adheres to Orthodox Jewish traditions. He has six children and grandchildren.

Julia Sergeevna Axelrod in 2013 published the book "My grandfather Leon Trotsky and his family", which included some documents from the family archives. She willingly communicates with journalists and considers herself and her son "the last representatives of the Trotsky family."

Julia Sergeevna Rubinstein (Axelrod), granddaughter of Leon Trotsky.

"All our other, present and future descendants, have nothing to do with my family. These are representatives of another civilization, another world," she says.

Nevertheless, if we consider blood kinship, and not spiritual intimacy, the direct descendants of Leon Davidovich Trotsky now live in Russia, the United States, Mexico and Israel.

Leon Trotsky's great-granddaughter Nora Dolores Volkova-Bronstein, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Joseph Goebbels received the post of Reich Minister of Propaganda not because of his talents, but for a completely different reason: his wife Magda was in close relations with Adolf Hitler.

Goebbels' biography, written by the German historian Peter Longerich, recently appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Germany and immediately became a bestseller. The author claims that Joseph and Magda Goebbels adored Hitler, were ready to follow him into fire and water. The Fuehrer treated them differently: he had an affair with Magda, while his attitude towards Joseph bordered on disdain.


Born into a respectable Catholic family, Goebbels nevertheless did not miss a single skirt all his life. He had his first mistress at the age of 13. It was an adult woman - the stepmother of his friend. While studying at the University of Bonn, Goebbels had several mistresses, as he told in his diaries. Longerich argues that Goebbels suffered from pathological narcissism. He was literally obsessed with narcissism and needed someone to constantly admire him. When he was cheated on by one of his many girlfriends, he took a revolver from a friend to commit suicide, which, however, he did not have the determination to do.


After reading Hitler's Mein Kampf, Goebbels literally fell in love with the future Fuhrer. "Only now did I realize that Hitler and the Nazi movement are everything in my life," Goebbels, who showed his allege of Hitler in every possible way, wrote in his diary. He was noticed and appointed Minister of Propaganda in the Nazi government, which came to power in 1933, although, most likely, he received this post not for the talents of a propagandist, but for a completely different reason - thanks to the secret connection of his wife with the Fuhrer. As Longerich writes, Goebbels was not a propaganda genius at all. The press was supervised by the profile minister Otto Dietrich, who sometimes entered into hot skirmishes with Goebbels. The Foreign Ministry and the Reich Minister of the Eastern Occupied Territories, Alfred Rosenberg, were responsible for propaganda outside Germany. Apparently, Hitler knew the price well to Goebbels, who, despite all his efforts, never entered the closest circle of the Nazi leader.


In November 1930, Goebbels met Magda Quandt, who had abandoned her husband, a famous industrialist, for him. This slender blonde looked like an example of an Aryan woman. Goebbels and Quandt had a whirlwind romance. Goebbels was at the height of bliss until he was convinced that his Magda was in love with Hitler, and he reciprocated her.

"I can't call Magda a lady and I'm not quite sure of her loyalty, which makes me suffer," Goebbels wrote in his diary. He soon realized that Hitler was keeping him in a high position only to make it easier for him to communicate with Magda. Goebbels became a cover for the Fuehrer's secret love affair. One day, Hitler invited himself to dinner with Magda and Joseph. Goebbels wrote that it was a terrible night when his heart was torn apart with jealousy. Among other things, Hitler often called Magda on the phone, and this also infuriated her jealous husband. Longerich believes that Magda expressed a desire to marry Goebbels only in order to have constant access to Hitler, who refused to marry officially, believing that wives prevented their great husbands from making history.

In 1931, Hitler was the main witness at their wedding. Despite the birth of six children, the married life of the Goebbels couple was not too happy. Goebbels fell in love with Czech actress Lida Baarova, who rode on his yacht. By 1938, his marriage to Magda was on the verge of collapse. Upon learning of this, Hitler demanded that they not divorce in any case. He needed Magda's unblemished reputation to continue to maintain a close relationship with her. After all, in the event of a divorce, rumors that Hitler would not need immediately creep in. In the Reich, many guessed about the cupids of Hitler and Magda Goebbels, but kept quiet. But not all. One of the high-ranking Nazis was thrown into a concentration camp only for daring to doubt Magda's loyalty to her husband.


The culmination of this relationship played out in a Berlin bunker, where Hitler presented Magda with his own gold badge of a member of the Nazi Party. Magda begged the Fuehrer to renounce suicide. After Hitler's death, she first poisoned six children and then took cyanide with her husband.

The debate continues about who was the initiator of the poisoning of the whole family. It is suggested that suicide with potassium cyanide was the initiative of Magda, who in recent years suffered from a severe nervous disorder caused by the defeat of the German armies. She even had to spend some time in a psychiatric clinic. However, Goebbels was also seized with the idea of committing suicide. He never wanted to let go of his wife and children, believing that all together they should leave the world in which Hitler was gone.

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

We have not yet been able to establish a documentary connection between this photo 🤳 

🤡The first CGI-generated surgeon general in U.S. history recommends that vaccinated people stay away from the "DIRTY UNVACCINATED" and recommends that they wear a mask when they approach the "dirty."

Your attention to the message from the person who chose not to be identified: 

"... Delete if necessary. It's not about Bitcoin. I did some research on why the CDC and FDA conducted a Class 1 recall on a PCR test that had been used for more than a year and a half. They remembered what happened a week ago. I couldn't understand why the 1st grade review was the most urgent review. They pointed out inaccuracies and that a PCR test cannot distinguish between influenza, rhinovirus, all other coronaviruses, pneumonia, etc., but the "Class 1 Review" is not a review of inaccuracies. "Class 1 withdrawal" provides for withdrawal due to extreme danger and the possibility of death.

Here's what I found:

Penetrating so deep into the nasal canal, it causes irreversible damage by piercing the blood-brain gland, which separates the nasal cavity from the mondanta cavity. This is the blood-brain barrier. It is used as a barrier to pollution, metals, pesticides, viruses, bacteria, external poisons, herbicides, insecticides, asbestos, sodium fluoride, etc...."

We are not professional doctors, but 1000s who wish to remain incognito tells us about the procedure in terms of the degree of harm very similar to lobotomy, lobotomy light.


🇮🇱💉 Just a few weeks ago, "conspiracy theorists" were banned on social media for saying governments were preparing to MICROCHIP PEOPLE, but now it's happening!


Israel has announced that it wants to start chipping its citizens, starting with children. Preposition-covid. It is reported that the chips will be connected to the SOUND ALARM, so that "people do not come too close to each other."

Mode Dogs

"Are you going to drive from suburb to suburb, street to street, door to door, knock on them and actively look for people who are in the wrong house and fine them on the spot?"


Sydney Police: "Absolutely."

💉🌎 The Future of Graphene and 5G

At the February 2018 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the close link between graphene and 5G technology was one of the main sources of appeal. Both of them were presented as miracles of a new era, so it's only natural that at some point they will join forces to create truly remarkable abilities. 

Single-layer graphene is only commercially available for about the last decade, but it has already had a powerful impact in the areas of high-speed light sensitivity, agricultural applications, flexible photodetectors, medical diagnostics, and water purification processes. 

By the end of 2017, a research team from Chalmers University in Sweden had developed a method to combine graphene flexibility with the terahertz range to make it possible to connect to the Internet of Things (IoT) using high-bandwidth technologies available in 5G.

Another group of researchers, consisting of specialists from an Italian university and commercial companies, has created a flexible microwave communication device that has Wi-Fi applications and which can also be used in millimeter-band (mmWave) technologies. 

Grolltex is the most advanced graphene manufacturer in the U.S.


Graphene active sensor arrays for long-term and wireless mapping of epicortical brain activity over a wide range of frequencies

To illustrate the potential of the technology to detect cerebral cortex signals from infrared to high gamma frequency bands, we perform long-term wireless recording confirming the concept in a free-behaving rodent. 


17 pages in pdf 

Caught with a lie about the Crown 👑, caught with a lie about Delta. Now the scammer terrorist Fauci about the 💉"The viral load of the delta variant in the nose of the vaccinated is the same as that of the unvaccinated..." De facto, this is 👴 Tony recognition of the complete uselessness of vaccines in terms of the spread of the virus.


Thus, this is a lock to promote the ultimate goal of biological terrorists: a shot of boosters, when Americans will be given an injection every three months, "booster after booster". Until the vegetable becomes 🥒 

Sorry of course, but to what extent the disgusting faces gathered in this house below ⬇️ This has never been here before. 

Information is coming from the White House that federal authorities are going to impose a nationwide lockdown in all states starting in the second week of August and continuing "as long" as they deem necessary. 

They will use the excuse that the Delta Option makes everyone sick and kills a lot of people.



Biden gave the state authorities the right to introduce mandatory vaccination and gave the local authorities the right to decide on mandatory vaccinations of workers in a number of areas. This was reported on July 30 by CNN.

The reason for the tightening of Joe's requirements is some unknown Delta quickly 💨

replaced the crown 👑 since everyone with the crown fell into the wild lies from 2015 onwards everywhere without stopping. Were you going by express, so to speak? 

Of course, Joe has a specific task to prick all Americans, so he motivates his advertising terrorist calls I justify the alleged growth of incomprehensible things among us citizens who are not pricked with this wild slurry. Like, the number of hospitalizations and deaths is on the rise.

Shortly after Biden's speech, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that all military and civilian personnel would have to confirm their status as vaccinated or face requirements to "wear a mask, be at a distance, comply with regular testing requirements, and not travel officially."

At the same time, the relevant Department of the Pentagon, which already has a list of necessary vaccinations for military personnel at home and abroad, did not add COVID vaccinations to the list. 

"I think you'll find an understanding of businesses, an understanding of many other people, because the fact is that if we had a high vaccination rate, we wouldn't be in that position," said american grandfather 👴

In Florida, masks with swastikas were sold at a gas station.

A resident of Fort Lauderdale told Local 10 News that she asked the girl behind the counter if it was really for sale, and she replied in the affirmative: "We sell what they give us for sale."

Swastika masks were sold for $5 apiece.

A Local 10 News reporter asked the gas station manager if he knew what the symbol was. He said he had "no idea." 


In the company Shell, which owns the gas station, at the request of the publication replied that they are responsible only for the quality of fuel, but not for the goods in the store.

Available for purchase today on the popular online store AliExpress. 

This is a handy Chinese handheld scanner for reading a barcode, straight from the forehead without a headdress. And measuring body temperature ⬇️ 

Bill Gates just received a $3.5 billion bailout from the Biden “stimulus” package

A hidden file describes the side benefits of vaccines, appeared in the public domain. 

The PDF file was hidden on the website of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and showed a number of side effects found in vaccines in October 2020.


Despite this information, the Government allowed and the FDA also authorized emergency use of the vaccine on December 15, 2020.

The 17th page document describes the following side effects:

Guyin-Barré syndrome

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

Transverse myelitis

Encephalitis / myelitis / encephalomyelitis / meningoencephalitis / meningitis / encephalopathy

Convulsions / seizures


Narcolepsy and cataplexy

anaphylactic shock

Acute myocardial infarction

Myocarditis / pericarditis



Results of pregnancy and birth

Other acute demyelinating diseases

Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Venous thromboembolism

Arthritis and arthralgia / joint pain

Kawasaki disease

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

Vaccine-enhanced disease

Terrorism and Communism is a book written by People's Commissariat for Military Affairs Leon Trotsky in the carriage of his armored train and first published during the Civil War, in 1920. It was a response to the eponymous work of Karl Kautsky, who in 1919 called the Soviet Bolshevik regime "barracks socialism." 

In his reply, Trotsky tried to justify the Red Terror and the lack of parliamentarism in the RSFSR: the arguments he made were later repeatedly used to justify political repression. The only work of Trotsky that received the praise of Joseph Stalin. Translated into many languages of the world.


Karl Kautsky (until 1923)

"Dictatorship of the proletariat" and the beginning of the edit discussion

In August 1918, less than a year after the October events in Petrograd, Karl Kautsky published in Vienna a pamphlet entitled "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat": in which the Bolsheviks were accused of fomenting the Civil War in Russia because of their inability to comply with the norms of universal suffrage. The pamphlet also argued that the only way to effectively control the growth of bureaucracy and militarism in the country was parliamentary democracy based on free elections — while Vladimir Lenin was accused by Kautsky of deviating from democratic practice in favor of a limited electorate.

Leon Trotsky (c. 1920)

The Bolsheviks, who at that time sought broad international support from socialists all over the world and the beginning of the World Revolution, sharply criticized Kautsky's work, considering it a "betrayal" . Lenin hastily responded to Kautsky's statements by publishing his pamphlet The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, written in October-November 1918.  In it, the head of the SNK spoke of the "shameful bankruptcy of the Second International"  and of Kautsky's deprivation of Marxism of the "revolutionary living spirit" inherent in this ideology,  while Lenin appealed to the authority of Friedrich Engels, who argued that proletarian revolution was impossible without the violent destruction of the "state machine" :

"Dictatorship is a rule based directly on force and not limited by any laws."

- Kautsky's Terrorism and Communism (1919) Edit

Karl Kautsky, who at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was called the "Pope of Marxism," responded to Lenin's criticism in 1919 with the release of a new book entitled Terrorism and Communism. In it, he wrote about the deterioration of the political situation in Soviet Russia and the beginning of the "fratricidal war" . Kautsky also sought to draw a historical parallel between the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Great French Revolution, with the terror and military dictatorship of Napoleon that followed. To describe the political system emerging in the RSFSR, Kautsky first used the term "barracks socialism" (German: Kasernensozialismus).

Kautsky K. "Terrorism and Communism" (1919)

In the final section of "Terrorism..." — entitled "Communists at Work" — Kautsky argued that the social catastrophe that followed the First World War was the direct cause of the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks, in his opinion, only took advantage of the anarchy in the country, seizing power in the industrial cities with the help of the proletariat - a similar opinion was shared at that time by many Social Democrats. The ensuing mass expropriation of enterprises, Kautsky continued, could not lead to the successful construction of socialism, since the Great War practically destroyed the "disciplined and highly intelligent working class", retaining only the "most ignorant" of its representatives. The natural result of all this was economic collapse and a "primitive" thirst for revenge on the part of the workers: 

"Bolshevism won in Russia, but socialism was defeated there."

Kautsky placed personal responsibility for the October Revolution and the ensuing rampant violence, accompanied by the search for "saboteurs," on the Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky. In Kautsky's view, the RSFSR proceeded to build not socialism but "state capitalism." The theorist of Marxism predicted that the use of force and dictatorial methods of work would eventually lead to some new oppressive social system.

As a response to these judgments (that the end does not justify the means) of one of the leaders of the world communist movement, to whom Trotsky until 1917 treated with reverence, and this work of Trotsky appeared, for the sake of which he - despite the active civil war - even turned for help in finding statistical data. 

Trotsky finished the creation of his "response" book, which was being written simultaneously with a series of articles on the same subject, at the end of May 1920, and in August its German translation was published in Hamburg by the publishing house of the Western European Secretariat of the Comintern with the subtitle "anti-Kautsky." According to the memoirs of the People's Commissar himself, this text was created by him in his armored train, during numerous trips along the fronts of the Civil War (especially the Polish campaign). In retrospect, Trotsky even explained the "severity of tone" of this work by the place and time of writing. 

The answer to Karl Kautsky was divided into nine chapters, with an introduction and an epilogue. In the first section of the book, which consisted of four chapters, practical issues of maintaining political power in Soviet Russia were considered. The next section, containing references to Karl Marx, was devoted to a comparison of the Paris Commune and the Russian Revolution. This was followed by two chapters on the specific political and economic policy of Soviet power during the period of war communism continuing at that time, as well as a direct polemic with Kautsky's book (Karl Kautsky, His School and His Book).

Another Communist Event ⬇️ 2020


Well, in conclusion, a full communist sell-out ⬇️ 


mR. AsSIsTAnt RonI +

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