There is no question of any "conspiracy theory" here. We present to your attention the official documents of WHO. 

There is no question of any "conspiracy theory" here. We present to your attention the official documents of WHO. 

Тhᴇ hᴇᴀrᴛ ᴏf ᴛᴇrrᴏrisᴛ vᴀudᴇvillᴇ wiᴛh ʍusiᴄ frᴏʍ Кlᴀus' hᴀrʍᴏniᴄᴀ ᴀnd Еᴛhiᴏᴩiᴀn ᴀᴄᴄᴏrdiᴏn Тhᴇᴏdᴏrᴇ

Whᴏ ᴀrᴇ WНО ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs?

WНО hᴀs 194 ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs, whiᴄh ᴀrᴇ grᴏuᴩᴇd inᴛᴏ siх rᴇgiᴏns: Аfriᴄᴀ, ᴛhᴇ Аʍᴇriᴄᴀs, Sᴏuᴛh-Еᴀsᴛ Аsiᴀ, Еurᴏᴩᴇ, ᴛhᴇ Еᴀsᴛᴇrn Мᴇdiᴛᴇrrᴀnᴇᴀn ᴀnd ᴛhᴇ Wᴇsᴛᴇrn Рᴀᴄifiᴄ. Еᴀᴄh hᴀs ᴀ rᴇgiᴏnᴀl ᴏffiᴄᴇ. Тhᴇ Еurᴏᴩᴇᴀn Rᴇgiᴏnᴀl Оffiᴄᴇ, whiᴄh inᴄludᴇs ᴛhᴇ Russiᴀn Fᴇdᴇrᴀᴛiᴏn, inᴄludᴇs 53 ᴄᴏunᴛriᴇs.

Аll МЕМВЕR СОUNТRIЕS ОF ТНЕ UN ᴄᴀn ʙᴇᴄᴏʍᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs ᴏf ᴛhᴇ WНО ʙy ᴀdᴏᴩᴛing iᴛs ᴄhᴀrᴛᴇr ᴀnd ᴄᴏndiᴛiᴏns.Оᴛhᴇr ᴄᴏunᴛriᴇs ᴄᴀn ᴀlsᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀdʍiᴛᴛᴇd ᴛᴏ ᴛhᴇ ᴏrgᴀnizᴀᴛiᴏn if ᴀ ʍᴀjᴏriᴛy ᴏf ᴛhᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs ᴏf ᴛhᴇ Gᴇnᴇrᴀl Аssᴇʍʙly ᴏf Нᴇᴀlᴛh vᴏᴛᴇ fᴏr iᴛ. Тᴇrriᴛᴏriᴇs ᴛhᴀᴛ ᴀrᴇ nᴏᴛ suʙjᴇᴄᴛs ᴏf inᴛᴇrnᴀᴛiᴏnᴀl rᴇlᴀᴛiᴏns ʍᴀy ʙᴇ ᴀdʍiᴛᴛᴇd ᴛᴏ WНО ᴀs ᴀssᴏᴄiᴀᴛᴇ ʍᴇʍʙᴇrs.

There is no question of any "conspiracy theory" here. We present to your attention the official documents of WHO. 

And we do not need to tell about the subtleties of a particularly rich vocabulary of the English language. We don't need to talk about "mistranslied", "misunderstood" - "this is different". We perfectly distinguish white from black and vice versa unlike many. Terror is planned under Barry. These are his problems, and the WHO is only an operational medical terrorist with the support of the largest funds and the World Bank. 

WHO: "Country Cooperation Strategy 2014-2020 for Russia" and "Health 2020". (Similar documents exist for all countries of the world.)

To understand and evaluate the documents, correct reading, you need to be able to see a holistic picture of what is happening, understand the context and take into account the double meaning of words in translation, that is, to see what in fact all these beautiful words about "mutual cooperation" and "universal happiness" mean.

So, let's get started. 

Open the original document "Country cooperation strategy for the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2014-2020" in English:

            What do they want?

The Ministry of Health should rely on the "knowledge and competence" of the WHO.

The Ministry of Health should qualitatively follow the program "Health 2020" (also a very terrible document, about it a little below).

The Ministry of Health should follow the priority: to increase cooperation between Russia and WHO (global and regional). What it means to work only together and in a tight bunch.

WHO and the Ministry of Health will work TOGETHER to achieve the set priorities at three levels - international, regional and national, namely - WHO works with us at the national (!) level, that is, WHO works inside Russia as an agent. And how exactly he does it - read on.

The objectives are to increase cooperation by introducing more innovative methods. That is, the WHO will implement / establish mechanisms for cooperation and joint work of various sectors, involving ministries. WHO operates on the territory of a sovereign state and deploys synchronous work in the right direction, including various ministries. Of course, it says that all this is "for the sake of implementing national programs." But for professionals it is clear: an example is the international (national) vaccination program. And we perfectly understand the synchronicity of actions of different countries of the world on command support each other and shield. Conducts a third party, directing the actions of national ministries and police, including in the same direction, planned by the Ethiopian terrorist and Gates - WHO.

WHO may decide to provide more information and "scientific" material in Russian, and the Russian Federation undertakes to finance translation into Russian. In other words, the WHO sends its orders - agitations, just as the fascists and communists did, only this time you also have to pay for the program of duping out of your pockets. 

WHO will promote standards and policies for health workers (which it calls the "human resource for health"), that is, working methods. This means, based on practice: crippling treatment protocols, asymptomatic patients with a non-existent virus, but that's not all - the WHO compliments the Russian Federation and its Ministry of Health (which has proven itself in terms of training people) and insists (obliges, in fact) that Russia introduce these "advanced techniques" in neighboring Russian-speaking countries like the "former" republics, including in the scientific community. 

How exactly to work - will tell the WHO.

And another important feature of the strategy is that the Ministry of Health is obliged to coordinate the work of different ministries (but earlier in the text it was said that this is the responsibility of the WHO). We must assume that we are not talking about different things, but about the fact that the Ministry of Health will do this in collaboration and under the strict guidance of the WHO.

As a result of this document, the WHO Regional Office for Noncommunicable Diseases (GDP for NCD), based in Moscow, appears on the territory of Russia, and from there WHO broadcasts to neighboring countries and "positively influence the scientific environment", that is, determine the direction and results of research. And also how the researcher should "think", what he should or vice versa - should not discover what conclusions to make, what drugs and how to create, for what purposes and so on. 

If this is not enough for you, ladies and gentlemen, then the WHO will maintain a "DAILY relationship" with the Ministry of Health. That is, the WHO and national ministries come into close contact of double penetration from morning to evening. Five days a week, these perverts hammer into the ears of 👂 👂 and conduct technical input - orders, instructions, terms of reference, basic material and norms from which to build, that is, you can read it this way - the local WHO office every day supplies data to the Ministry of Health from the head office of the WHO (casting idiots). Moreover, not just "share information", namely input - dictates what to use at the input and what to rely on when making decisions; literally it translates to what they "should know". 

             Just like that. 

And finally, the most beautiful of all documents: the Ministry of Health is obliged to promote cooperation with WHO within the country, including in the GOVERNMENT and other departments. 

Translated into understandable language - the Ministry of Health signs an agreement with the WHO, and then it (the Ministry of Health) climbs into the Government, ensuring that it supports and in every way contributes to the WHO and this "strategic" agreement. It turns out that a separate ministry promotes certain ideas and imposes cooperation under the leadership of the inagent to the Government itself!

And doesn't the national Government sign development strategies, agreements, determine the direction of work of ministries and determine its partners and give them tasks? 

Well, according to the good old tradition, cherries 🍒 on the cake 🍰.

These impostors do not have a single word simply written and the reservations are not accidental, and here is a double expression (see screenshot above) that everything immediately puts in its place - the text is replete with references to the fact that the priority of work and process, as well as strategy - PREVENTION OF HEALTH (!!!!!!!!) 

Not the prevention of the disease, but Health Prevention. You may be told that this can translate to "prevention," but health prevention is like? There is the concept of "prevention of the disease". In general, we clearly and clearly state: - we are talking about the prevention of health and this is directly written in this text. 

Briefly about the document "Health 2020". 

It is beautiful in the sense that all "conspiracy" theories in it are set forth in direct text, in legal language. 

Main theses: genomic editing, molecular markers of gene networks of the human genome, genomic bank, use of nanoparticles, direct instructions for raising taxes, retirement age; working with gender norms, roles and relationships; introduction of a fee for entry into the city; the desire to take away the right of every person to control their lives and health; control of the health of each person during life; frank plans for globalization; World Bank involvement and much more.

It does not contain general recommendations, but more than specific instructions to be imposed for implementation.

For example, gender roles, norms and relationships: is it not the WHO with the globalists who are now imposing on us the destruction of gender in principle (!) as such, promoting the LGBT agenda, manipulating the concept of "transphobia", changing the definition of "gender", turning it into a social construct. A person's sex, that is, gender, is always directly related to (sorry) the genitals. The words "genitals" and "sex" (gender) have one root - gen. We are talking here about turning the words "gender inequality", etc. into a weapon to cleanse society of the gender concept as a whole! In short, it is about the agenda of gender-eluciation, censorship of speech, rewriting of science, redefinition of culture, restriction of freedoms. 

In fact, the document was created in 2013 and says that they openly conduct propaganda, introducing an artificial, carefully and pre-made design that is imposed on society through the media and social networks, while people are cynically called the "aging workforce". They are very concerned about life expectancy (too much it is too large), control of sexual and mental development, influence on people's behavior and much more.

Link to "Country cooperation strategy for the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2014-2020"

Link to the document "Strategy for Cooperation of countries 2014-2020 for Russia" (in Russian)

Link to Health 2020

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