💉 Leaked data covering all NHS trusts in England show that "the vast majority of #COVID19 hospital cases diagnosed after hospital, in some cases after a few weeks, suggest that they include a huge number of patients who have been hospitalized not with covid but for other reasons" but who are all diagnosed early with covid.


"The analysis showed a statistically significant and clinically significant (2.6 times❗️) increase in the incidence of Parkinson's disease, prion disease, in reports of Adverse Reactions of AstraZeneca compared with reports of adverse reactions of the Pfizer vaccine (p = 0.000024). These results are consistent with monkey toxicity studies showing that infection with SARS-CoV-2 leads to the formation of a Lewy body.

The findings suggest that regulatory approval, even with emergency use authorization, for Covid vaccines has been premature and that widespread use should be discontinued until complete full long-term safety studies assessing prion toxicity." ⬇️

Read ⬆️ more in PDF in (314.4 KB)

💉 On Tuesday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that fully vaccinated Americans return to wearing masks indoors if they live in an area with "significant or high" #COVID19 transmission, citing the dangers of the currently prevalent delta option.

According to the agency, led by scammer Fauci, there have been 50 to 100 cases per 100,000 people in counties that have seen significant covid transmission in the past seven days. 

Counties with high transmission rates have reported 100 or more cases in the past seven days.


"AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, box with 10 vials. For those who can't see it, the date of manufacture is 07/15/2018 (July 15, 2018)," reports of a roughly tara kind appeared under the photo of the packaging of the AZ vaccine in all sorts of public. 

This photo is fake, on the original packaging of the AstraZeneca vaccine there is no date at all.

Be careful in your assessments, we have seen several messages where this fake was used by BigPharma propagandists and other ignorant persons and they cited this fake screenshot with a date, accompanying it with a text from the category, they say, Friends, "look what these anti-vaccinationists are doing", saying "this is what they got to because of the lack of arguments in favor of their point of view" and so on.

This material is the last for you. Perhaps, after repentance, we will send a few to the address of the federal prison.

While WHO is releasing new recommendations for human genome editing to improve public health,

The Treasurer-General and Cabinet Minister in Cameron's second government, former Minister of Health of England Matthew Hancock publishes his photo with neo-Marx, psychopathic eugenicist head of the WEF Schwab (Rothschild by mother):

"I am glad that we have agreed to work even more closely with the World Economic Forum and their Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to help AI work for everyone.

The beard and image of the magician sorcerer is luxurious in the dude. 

You need to get vaccinated to protect others.

- What others?

-Elderly people and persons at risk.

But these people have already been vaccinated and, therefore, they are already protected.

Yes, but transmission of the virus is not because they are vaccinated.

- Is the vaccine ineffective?

- They can get sick and have "serious cases".

But those who can get serious forms have already been vaccinated, haven't they? 

Yes, but until everyone is vaccinated, we won't be able to achieve herd immunity.

Why is this herd immunity so important?

- Protect the weak.

- But the weak have already been vaccinated.

- Yes, but you're a selfish person.

- Why am I selfish?

Because you refuse to be vaccinated and endanger the lives of others. You can infect them.

- But I'm not sick.

- But you can infect others!

- What other?

-Risk groups!

- But they are vaccinated!!!

Yes, but if you refuse the vaccine, we will not be able to return to normal life.

And why can't we go back to normal?

- Because there is a risk that the virus will flare up.

- Quite possibly, but the weak are protected by vaccination, and me and people like me with a disease that gives a 99.8% chance of survival, nothing to fear!

But you are selfish, you don't think about others who are seriously ill and need artificial respiration and oxygen on a ventilator.

- Yes, but they have already been vaccinated!

- Yes, but as long as there is a risk, we cannot return to normal life!

- What risk do you mean?

- For the weak.

- Who have been vaccinated and protected?

- I'm sick of it! I want to be able to go to a restaurant, travel, have fun!

- So the reason isn't health, is it?

- It doesn't matter! Everyone should be vaccinated! In addition, the vaccine is free.

- Free? Not at all. We pay for your vaccine from our taxes! The vaccine is not free. I pay for people like you to get a vaccine, and you're also unhappy, and unhappy with something you can't even explain to yourself.

"We're going to leave now, but I'm like the head of vaccination of our territory at home...

— Head.

- Head... I suggest you take a few magazines in favor of the children of Germany.

- $5 each...

No, I won't.

But why are you refusing?

- I don't want to.

- You do not sympathize with the children of Germany?

- I sympathize.

- Oh, $5 is pathetic?

- Nope.

- So why?

- I don't want to...

The old man 👴 in his own style. The father of the famous artist and writer lights up new stars 🤩 in the sky of the uttering public of the United States and especially Hollywood, who gave their votes 🗳 for him. The audience scratches turnips looking at the vague shuffles of a grandfather who faintly remembers his actions from one extreme to the other extreme. The audience in the hall sitting in the American location and the world just drag from the creative totalitarian ideas of his grandfather in full program. Immediately after walking at night from door to door 🚪 🚪 Americans, the free artist 👨 🎨 the future American dream 💭 gives the "five eyes" access to all social networks.

Reuters reported that some of America's largest tech companies would allow Five Eyes and the United Nations to decide whose stories in the Global Internet Forum on Counterterrorism should be censored.

Big Tech's GIFCT is essentially the Five Eyes censorship program masquerading as the BigTech social media forum to fight terrorism and extremism.

Twitter, YouTube and other companies that have access to the GIFCT database are Reddit, Snapchat, Instagram, Verizon Media, LinkedIn, Dropbox, MailChimp and Airbnb...

Meanwhile, five years ago, GIFCT admitted that BigTech secretly compiles a database of "hashes" or unique digital fingerprints of terrorist/extremist messages on social networks (since 2016). Big Tech also uses its own Content Incident Protocol (CIP) to justify the transmission of extremist video hashes and other related content with Big Tech, Five Eyes and the UNITED Nations.

Thunberg, who became famous after absenteeism for encouraging her mother to play in plays, reported on social media that she allegedly vaccinated herself:


And your killer's deeds are going very badly. The mistake of the curators of the girl in choosing a patch. Doctors apply a wider patch to the injection site of an unknown substance. 

News 📰 psychiatry In brief.

Video 1 :

Biden: "If we find ourselves in a war, a real war with a major power, it will be the result of a cyber attack. It makes a huge difference."

Video 2 : 

Fox News host and Satan synagogue member Geraldo Rivera wants unvaccinated people banned from restaurants and public places. 💉 🚫

Video 3 Britain forces newly born helpless babies to be tested for covid, which can only be regarded as child abuse. 

Cheap fakes. Everything has been turned into one global fake. 

Famous plagiarism. Nothing new except the chosen technologists.

"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 

Macron's National Life Guard resigned from service because of mandatory vaccination. They justified their termination by saying, "Don't die for it."

Rationalization offer to people in oval and walking along the corridors nearby. 

The vaccinator should use a method of intimidating opponents of vaccination 💉 

For example, a psychic attack works well. Ahead of the detachments of Volunteers Soros-Turenberg, storming office buildings and housing of Americans with a syringe 💉 it is necessary to put a shock wedge of 2-3 people sentenced to death, before releasing them (pardon). During the assault, being in sight of the stunned Americans from what is happening sur, each person sentenced to death must behead himself or rip his belly himself, making this simple procedure a kitchen cleaver for meat 🥩, thereby we will achieve the best results of persuasion in a voluntary injection leading the stormed American citizens of the United States 🇺🇸 into a state of panic horror.

United States. Government document instructs vaccine "strike force" groups on how to "clean up" buildings, violate invasion laws, and flag anti-vaxes for forced quarantine.

A recent government document offers horrific details about how door-to-door vaccination teams plan to operate. 

A document titled "Project Knock on the Door," now publicly available, released by the government of Lake County, Illinois, instructs the "ambassadors":

🚩Breed restrictions, and illegally invade private property.

🚩Bee yourself as Department of Health officials and try to intimidate building managers into agreeing to enter.

🚩Lh the public and falsely claim that coronavirus vaccines are safe by withstaying information about serious vaccine side effects, including hospitalizations and deaths.

🚩Decogn buildings in a military way by floor, floor by floor, wing by wing, knocking down doors and intimidating residents of apartment buildings and residential buildings.

🚩Writing the location (address, room number) of anti-vaxes in order to enter this information into a government database for further action is most likely a forced quarantine (medical abduction).

White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced last week that the Biden regime would step up a step-by-step "strike force" to get more people vaccinated.

Following this announcement, Lake County, Illinois, posted this document, which provides instructions on how such groups should operate:

An accompanying FAQ document is available here:


- Goujian, ruler of the ancient China kingdom of Yue 

Radium salts to "charge" water, 1910-1920s, USA

In the water, radiation was not stored for a long time, and therefore the inventors-madmen from medicine went the other way - salts of radioactive metals were added to the water. Such water was advised to drink after meals, it was advertised by many athletes and celebrities. All of them "felt an incredible surge of strength", "received additional energy". From the "charging" of water moved to the manufacture of cosmetics, irradiation of the skin, it was believed that radiation heals from many chronic diseases. It all ended badly.

Is the CDC called the U.S. Disease Control Agency?

This is the same agency that recommended the insecticide (potent poison) DDT to individuals in their homes because it was supposedly completely safe. 

The video shows how people, animals, schools, shops, etc. Were sprayed with this poison, sprayed with apartments, paint with DDT and even had wallpaper with this poison.

And by the way, somehow quite by accident these events coincided with the outbreak of the so-called polio. 

Now we certainly know about the fictitiousness of the viral theory, and polio in particular. And it was caused by massive chemical poisoning.

Then in the 1970s, it was withdrawn from sale due to its significant toxic and carcinogenic effects.

The same body recommended mass vaccinations against so-called swine flu and, despite its own internal reports, denied the neurological massive damage caused by the vaccine to people. 

This was followed by claims for damages worth $3.5 billion.

The Ugly Truth About Human Vaccine Testing: Things to Keep in Mind When Testing COVID-19 Drugs

Photo by Lindroos / RDB / Getty Images

Coronavirus vaccine trials involving intentional infection of healthy volunteers have made us recall the most controversial medical experiments in history. One is the infection of dozens of children at the Willowbrook shelter with a potentially fatal disease in search of a hepatitis vaccine. As before, the work of scientists raises the question: is it really necessary to risk the health of several people for the benefit of the multitude?


Nina Galen was ten years old when she became a participant in one of the most controversial experiments in American history. Her mother, Diana McCourt, was looking for an institution to take care of her daughter with severe autism. "I was desperate," McCourt says now, more than half a century later. "I think I had a nervous breakdown because I was trying to take care of everything at once."

McCourt eventually chose Willowbrook Public School, a shelter for children and adults with severe developmental disabilities on Staten Island in New York City. But to get Nina in a crowded institution, she had to make a deal with the devil: to allow her daughter to be used in search of a hepatitis vaccine. "I had no choice," McCourt said. I tried so many different places and so many treatment regimens, but nothing worked. So I agreed to that proposal."

Nina was one of more than fifty children with mental disorders between the ages of five and ten with whom Dr. Saul Krugman, a respected pediatrician from New York City, worked. He wanted to find out if there were many strains of hepatitis and whether a vaccine could be invented to protect against the disease. Krugman and his partner, Dr. Joan Giles, tested a trial vaccine against a disease that has killed millions of people around the world on Willowbrook residents. From 1955 to 1970, children were infected with the virus by injection or given chocolate milk mixed with the feces of infected children to study their immunity.

College of Staten Island Archives

For a significant part of human history, hepatitis has been the cause of terrible epidemics. About its symptoms, which include fever, inflammation of the liver and yellowing of the skin, wrote Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. Now we know that there are several viruses (the most famous of them are hepatitis A, B and C), but in the first half of the XX century, researchers knew only about one form of the disease, which was then called infectious hepatitis.


Global Falsification REVEALED the results of a study from vaccine manufacturers. 


The most prestigious medical journal in the world, the Lancet, which never publishes unverified information, much less fakes, published a study showing that covid-19 "Vaccines" are only 0.84% effective, that is, less than one percent and do not meet the declared effectiveness, and none of the previously praised vaccines! 

Pfizer–BioNTech (claimed 95% efficiency)

Moderna–NIH (claimed efficiency - 94%)

SPUTNIK-V – Gamaleya (claimed efficiency - 90%)

AstraZeneca–Oxfordvaccines (claimed efficiency - 67%)

J&J (claimed efficiency - 67%)

And others (96 vaccines in total)

Very soon 🔜 the world will freeze from the stunning truth about the MOST GIGANTIC WORLD LIES, THE DERAUCHING OF NATIONAL BUDGETS and stolen from the world population a year and a half of normal habitual life. Moreover, when the general public learns the proven and very real RISK of strokes, blood clots, heart attacks and deaths from this vaccine, only the stupidest people will take it.

Here's a direct link to the Lancet website and the results of the study.

If the study somehow suddenly "disappears", that is, a downloaded copy that will be displayed on the server so that the public can still read it. 

And here are the screenshots of the article itself on the "Lancet":


Two months ago, we tried to warn people about the paradoxical results of covid-19 vaccination by publishing pre- and post-vaccination mortality curves for Israel and the UK [1], which have already shown that these vaccinations were followed by a "significant increase in the number of cases. infection and mortality last from 6 to 8 weeks after the start of vaccination. [2]

Since that period, vaccination campaigns have spread around the world, even in countries where there has not been a covid virus. And everywhere they were followed by a sharp increase in the number of new infections and deaths for several weeks or months. [3]

How many deaths and serious accidents will it take for executives, the WHO, the FDA, the EMA, among others, to look at the proven results of this experimental pseudo-vaccination in the real world and extract results from it? consequences?

Below we present the epidemic curves for the most vaccinated countries published by WHO (with our comments in red). 


Appendix to the Girl 👧 Choruses

A historical example from our common recent and terrible past. Fresh material of the Editorial Board from today ⬇️

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