Nazi /Slavic/Jewish/American VIP brothel. 

Nazi /Slavic/Jewish/American VIP brothel. 

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty? 

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

We have not yet been able to establish a documentary connection between this photo 🤳

"Every woman attracts me like a flame. I wander around like a hungry womb, but at the same time like a timid boy. I sometimes refuse to understand myself." These words were written in the diary by Joseph Goebbels, the main propagandist of the Third Reich, who did not deny himself the pleasure of self-promotion. He was a big fan of dramatic effects.

Devil Magda Goebbels: a story of love and betrayal

But one of her sons survived. The great-grandcic of this woman lives in Israel. His name is Chaim. 

He does not want to know anything about his great-grandmother, whom he considers a devil. Her name is Magda Goebbels.

The Mystery of Birth

She didn't know her father. Her mother is Augusta Behrendt. She assured her daughter that she had become pregnant by engineer Oscar Ritschel while serving as a maid in his home. She was twenty years old at the time, and she had no doubt that an engineer would marry her if she saw what kind of cutie she was giving him. Oscar Ritschel did marry her, but immediately regretted it bitterly. For some reason, he was frightened by the unflinking look of the newborn. The engineer refused to recognize the girl as his daughter and soon divorced Augusta. He later said that she had produced a devil. 

The full name given to the devil at birth is Johanna Maria Magdalena Behrendt. She was born in Berlin on November 11, 1901. The girl was lucky when she was six years old. Then her mother remarried. This time her legal husband was the owner of the tannery Richard Friedlander, a Jew by nationality. He adopted Magda and treated her like his own daughter. Her stepfather paid her a lot of attention, spared no expense for her music and foreign language classes. Magda sincerely became attached to her stepfather and, when ten years later her mother decided to part with him, took the surname Friedlander.

Romance of a high school student

At the Berlin gymnasium, Freulein Friedlander had a meeting that could have changed her life so much that she would never have become the wife of a Nazi bonza. Gymnasium student Magda was 13 years old when she fell head over heels in love with a gymnasium student Viktor Arlozorov, who answered her with the same feeling. In 1903, at the age of four, Victor, along with his parents, who feared Jewish pogroms, left Russia. Both for Victor and for Magda, the feeling that engulfed them is the first love with delights and stormy explanations, with hopes and plans for the future.

Young Arlozorov, who dreamed of creating a Jewish state in Palestine, really wanted Magda to share his ideas. Victor gave her a Star of David pendant, which she kept for many years. Magda Friedlander and Viktor Arlozorov believed that they would never part, but the future first lady of the Third Reich, in addition to love, wanted more wealth and fame. And in those years, her lover was just a university student ... True, they gave great hopes. However, Magda did not want to wait.

First marriage

After graduating from high school, Magda continued her education in a prestigious boarding house located in a picturesque mountainous area in the east of Germany. She was boring to learn. And then one day...

She was returning home by train from a boarding house when an imposing middle-aged man entered her compartment. He could not help but pay attention to the beautiful blonde with an insightful look, who without much ceremony accepted his courtship. And what ceremonies could we talk about, if Magda recognized in the passenger Günther Quandt, one of the richest people in Germany at that time. He made his fortune supplying uniforms to the Kaiser's troops in World War I. A few months before meeting Magda Friedlander, the rich man was born and was already thinking about a new marriage. The wedding was held in January 1921. Soon a son was born in the Quandt family, who was named Harald.

Frau Quandt became burdened by marriage immediately after marriage. Rich Quandt turned out to be a miser and a homebody. The only bright spot in her first marriage, the future first lady of the Third Reich considered a trip with her husband to Latin America and a trip to the United States.

Overseas, she managed to turn the head of Herbert Hoover, the nephew of the President of the United States, who offered Magda to immediately divorce and marry him. But Frau Quandt did not want to become Mrs. Hoover. The president's nephew seemed to her to be as stingy and nerdy as her husband. She decided to resume relations with Arlozorov, who by that time, having brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Berlin and received a doctorate, was actively engaged in the creation of Zionist organizations in European countries. Now he lived permanently in Tel Aviv and was now called by the Hebrew name Chaim, and sometimes, remembering the old name Chaim Victor. Arlozorov often came to European capitals. One of the most active Zionist activists, who for many years held the post of Prime Minister of the country, the famous Golda Meir in her memoirs called Arlozorov "a rising star of Jewish politics of the 20s - early 30s of the XX century."

It was difficult for Magda to forget the broad nature of Chaim Arlozorov, who for her always remained just Victor. She remembered his reverent attitude towards her and the desire to fulfill any of her whims. While still Frau Quandt, she obtained his address in Palestine and wrote a letter. The answer came immediately. The correspondence that began was interrupted by Quandt, who had a habit of opening all the letters coming to the name of his wife. The angry husband, feeling deceived, was ready to file for divorce, but then Magda made a reciprocal move. Showing a diabolical cunning, she stole numerous letters of Quandt's mistresses and, presenting them at the trial, quite easily won the case. Behind her was not only a luxurious apartment in Berlin and a tidy sum in the bank, but also the right to use the huge estate of her ex-husband. Quandt realized that he was indeed confronting the devil. Deciding to be away from sin, he gave his ex-wife the right to dispose of significant funds.

Magda decided not to rush to move to Palestine. She wrote about this to Arlozorov, whom she called "student Hans" in letters for conspiracy. Assessing the situation in Germany at the turn of the 20s - 30s. Of the last century, Magda decides that it is in her homeland in Germany that wonderful prospects open.

Meet Goebbels

In early 1930, Prince August Wilhelm, son of the deposed Kaiser Wilhelm II, led Magda Quandt to the Berlin Sports Palace for a National Socialist rally. Magda was just entering the palace, and the voice of parteigenosse Joseph Goebbels was already spreading in the vicinity, broadcasting about the danger of Jewish domination, about the barbarians of the Slavs, about the American plutocrats, about the machinations of the French and the British, "only dreaming of further humiliating Germany and the German people."

It cannot be said that the rhetoric of the Nazi Zlatoust instantly conquered Magda Quandt. But she saw with what approval and enthusiasm the crowd perceived the ranting of Goebbels, who at that time held the post of the capital's leader, the city party boss of the Nazis. She decided at all costs to get acquainted with Goebbels.

Nevertheless, the first meeting was very disappointing for her. On closer inspection, Doctor of Philology Goebbels turned out to be a lame-footed freak of small stature, with a huge head, narrow chest and an unblinking look. He did not go to any comparison with the handsome Arlozorov. In addition, Goebbels immediately took the pose of a male, with which any woman is ready to sleep. Magda knew about the numerous mistresses of the Berlin Nazi bonza, however, she soon fell into hypnotic dependence on him and confessed to her mother that Goebbels' words tent her into the heat, then into the cold. "The devil has found her devil," evil tongues will later say of her.

As for the "black zlatoust", Magda fascinated him. After meeting her, he said to his secretary only one phrase: "Amazing woman!" Goebbels took Magda to his work. At first, she worked in the information department of the Berlin city committee of the party, then took up the personal archive of her boss. On February 15, 1931, Goebbels invited Magda to his home. The next day he wrote in his diary: "Yesterday Magda Quandt came and stayed ... Today I live like in a dream."

Goebbels, who falls in love, decides to introduce Magda to Hitler. Her first meeting with this man took place in October 1931. The Nazi leader immediately liked her. He called her "an example of a German woman whose Aryan blood highlights not only the soul but also the body."

Two brides

Unexpectedly for Magda, Hitler wished to meet her again. Meetings with Hitler excited her. She confessed this to Goebbels and was surprised by his reaction - he showed no signs of jealousy. On the contrary, in order to enhance the impression of meetings with Hitler, he gave Magda his speech, which he gave in the city of Zwickau in 1926. This speech was titled quite remarkably - "Lenin or Hitler?". Magda remembered this thought of her future husband: "Politicians, people who make history, do not appear by chance. Man and time are connected in a complex way. Time determines a person, and a person gives time its full meaning and importance." Goebbels convinced Magda that the ideas of Hitlerism would triumph in Germany.

Magda hoped that Hitler would make her his wife. The devil dreamed of be because of the life of the devil, whose equal was not in history. Indeed, he told his economic adviser, Otto Wagener, "This woman could play a huge role in my life." Once, feeling upset, the Nazi leader confessed his love for her, but with pathos said that his bride was Germany and he was obliged to serve the German people.

Magda did not understand why service to the German people could not be combined with marriage, but she clearly understood that marriage to Goebbels after the Nazis came to power would make her the first lady of the state. And when Goebbels, nicknamed for his physical ugliness "wrinkled German", offered her a hand and heart, she did not refuse him. The wedding decided to play in December.

Magda knew that Goebbels had received a Doctor of Philology degree at the age of 25 for his research on the history of German drama. She read his poems and prose. But she became uncomfortable when, in a moment of revelation, he confessed that his favorite professor at the University of Heidelberg was Dr. Friedrich Gundolf, a Jew by nationality. Magda realized that her fiancé was not sinless and became a notorious anti-Semite not immediately.

One day Magda dared to ask her future husband about the fate of Professor Gundolf. Goebbels looked at her with his unblinking gaze and, taking a mentoring tone, reported that Dr. Gundolf had been thrown from the sixth floor of his apartment by Gregor Strasser's stormtroopers. And with a request for this service to Strasser appealed personally he, Joseph Goebbels.

Payback for love

Love love, and about his future wife Gauleiter, that is, the owner of Berlin, collected detailed information. When he was informed about the relationship between Magda Quandt and Chaim-Viktor Arlozorov, he only chuckled. Dr. Goebbels did not hide from Magda that he knew about her connection with the "student Hans", who is actually Dr. Arlozorov, a prominent Zionist figure.

Stunned Magda did not have time to say a word when Goebbels decided to "spare" her and suddenly began to blame himself. He found it useful to tell the bride about one of the sins of his youth. It turns out that in those years the Nazi Goebbels was in love with a Jewish girl Anka Stahlherm. He had to struggle with his feeling for a long time, but again the old Strasser came to the rescue...

Magda understood. Her powerful patron and future husband made a very transparent hint. He wanted to get rid of Arlozorov forever. Magda did not want others to solve her personal problems. Especially such a delicate property - both love and racial. The future Frau Goebbels set to work herself. First of all, she wrote a letter to the Tel Aviv address known to her and invited the "student Hans" to Berlin. Unaware of the trick, Dr. Arlozorov rushed to Berlin and fell into a trap ...

The last meeting of Magda Quandt and Chaim-Viktor Arlozorov took place on August 12, 1931. Especially for this meeting, Magda rented an apartment on one of the quiet streets of Berlin. She decided to end her past life in one fell swoop.

When Arlozorov entered the apartment, he immediately saw a gun pointed at him. Without saying a word, Magda fired. Arlozorov at the last moment managed to react and recoiled against the wall. Goebbels' fiancée fired again and missed again.

She could not make a third shot. Magda's first love, coming to his senses, knocked the gun out of her hands. Chaim Victor then picked up the gun from the floor and put it in his pocket. Magda stood as dug in and looked at her former lover with the same unblinking look that Dr. Goebbels had recently looked at her.


Magda was sure that Arlozorov would not be able to leave. She warned the Gauleiter of Berlin about the hour and place of her meeting with "student Hans." And Goebbels' agents were really waiting for Arlozorov at the exit from the entrance. But when they heard the gunshots, these people relaxed, because they decided that the "student Hans" was finished. Arlozorov, on the contrary, only now realized what a scrape he had fallen into. After leaving the apartment to which he was lured by his former lover, he, fearing an ambush, just in case did not go down the stairs, but climbed to the very top. Through the attic he went to another entrance and only there went down and went outside.

His foresight was not excessive. He was seen leaving the small courtyard adjacent to the ill-fated house into which he was lured. Goebbels' men began to shout, demanding to stop. They ran after him. To get out of this trouble, Arlozorov had to start shooting from a pistol, which he took from Magda. He was lucky, he fled and a few days later crossed the German-French border. Then, having reached Italy, he boarded a steamer in Naples and went to Palestine.

Murder as a wedding gift

On December 19, 1931, Magda and the "wrinkled German" were married. The best man at the wedding was Hitler. Magda always claimed that for her "the Führer is eternal love." She said: "I love my husband, but my love for Hitler is stronger, for him I am ready to sacrifice my life. It was only when I realized that he could not love any woman that I agreed to marry Dr. Goebbels, for now I could be closer to the Fuehrer." Herbert Dering, the manager of Hitler's house in the Berghof, often saw Magda Goebbels visiting Hitler. In his memoirs, he claimed that "Frau Goebbels would gladly exchange her husband for Hitler, and she never lost such hope."

However, the wedding celebration of Magda and the "black Zlatoust" was almost spoiled by 11-year-old Harald Quandt, the son of the bride from his first marriage. He suddenly burst into tears when Hitler patted him on the head. And Goebbels, wanting to make Magda pleasant, said that soon she would hear about the "student Hans" for the last time. Probably, he believed that the newly-appeared Frau Goebbels was making a luxurious "wedding gift".

It was 1933. The Germans learned that Arlozorov was returning home from Europe on June 14. At six in the morning of that day, his wife Sima (whom, by the way, he met in Germany) met him at a railway station in the city of Rehovot, near Tel Aviv. She just walked into the car in which Chaim was traveling, and then together they got to Tel Aviv. The joy of the meeting after a long separation dulled the vigilance of the spouses. They did not notice how at the same station Rehovot after Seema entered the car three men and settled in a nearby compartment. From that moment on, Chaim Victor was doomed.

To avert their eyes, the assassins' operative group, which arrived from Germany, was provided with false documents. According to them, historians and archaeologists arrived on the territory of Mandatory Palestine, where the British ruled after the First World War, looking for the graves of the Templars - monks of the knightly order.

Replacing each other, the Gestapo agents followed the Arlozorov couple for two days. An opportunity for an assassination attempt presented itself on the evening of June 16, when Chaim-Victor and Seema were walking along the Tel Aviv embankment, which was not very crowded in those days and at that hour. The couple, holding hands, wandered towards Jaffa, inhabited by Arabs, and could not imagine that in a few minutes one of them would be destined to die forever.

... Tel Aviv's promenade smoothly turned into a deserted beach. The Arlozorovs continued on their way. Sima would later tell a Tel Aviv police station that when they were overtaken by two men, they turned back. Turning around a second later, she noticed that the same men were following them again. Strangers again overtook them, but suddenly stopped, remaining back in relation to the Arlozorov couple who were going to get closer to them. Suddenly, one of the men turned abruptly, and Seema saw a revolver in his hand. She instinctively grabbed her husband's hand, but he had already begun to settle. Two bullets hit Chaim-Victor in the stomach. The killers managed to escape.

Voice from above

Despite the fact that Chaim-Viktor Arlozorov was killed, Dr. Goebbels was still mistaken. "Student Hans" is not forever gone from the memory of his wife. Magda could not forget the love she had betrayed. Until the last days of her life, the first lady of the Third Reich heard the voice of a Jew whom, together with her husband, they hated. Magda told Goebbels with horror that Arlozorov often appeared to her in dreams. He always said something to her. She clearly distinguished the intonation, but rarely parsed the words. Once the "student Hans" approached her in a dream very close, but then disappeared, and instead of him she saw her stepfather Richard Friedlander ... She was not surprised by the arrival of her stepfather in a dream. The day before, she did not let him on the threshold of her house, and it happened in reality!

Richard Friedlander came to her because his family was starving to death. It was 1938. A former manufacturer and former officer of the German army, twice wounded in the First World War, was long ago ruined. For some time he worked as an assistant waiter in a café at the Berlin Zoo, but after the pogroms that occurred from 9 to 10 November 1938 and were later called "Kristallnacht", Jews were dismissed everywhere.

Naive Friedlander tried to complain to his beloved greatdaughter. Soon he bitterly regretted that he had reminded her of himself. The feeling of pity for the devil was not familiar. Her husband, the all-powerful Gauleuter of Berlin, did not have much effort to find Friedlendler and send him straight to the gas chamber of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

... Magda was surprised that in her dreams Arlozorov did not reproach her for treachery and betrayal. He was just hoping to meet her with a look. But she always looked away. In an attempt to unravel the dreams in which she saw her first love, Magda turned to the famous berlin compiler of dream books. That woman, having learned the essence of the matter, turned pale, and then burst into tears. Magda in a sharp form demanded an explanation. But the compiler of the dream books trembled with fear. She knew that in front of her was the first lady of the Third Reich, and yet for a long time she could not pull herself together.

Finally, having calmed down a little, the unraveler of dreams, without looking at Magda, but somewhere in the floor, began to say: "The gentleman who dreams of Frau Goebbels believes that she betrays those who love her." Then the woman fell silent for a long time. By force of will, tearing her eyes off the floor, this woman exhaled only one word: "Children!"

"What's 'children?'" Magda asked anxiously, but the dream book writer stared at the floor again and fell silent. Frau Goebbels hated her to refute the solution, asked her husband to send too far a clue to a concentration camp. The day before her death, Magda remembered this unfortunate woman.


... On the night of April 30 to May 1, 1945, the Goebbels did not close their eyes. They had been living in Hitler's bunker near the Reichstag for several days. On April 24, Dr. Goebbels signed Hitler's political will as a witness. Goebbels refused to carry out the last order of the Fuehrer - to leave the bunker and lead the new government of Germany. Hitler and his new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide on the last day of April. The Goebbels couple decided to follow them. But Magda did not want to die without her six children.

At first, even Goebbels tried to object. He was supported by all the women still in the bunker. Hitler's secretary, nurses, maid Eva Braun and Magda's maid on her knees begged not to kill the children. They promised to take away, hide, hide names and surnames. The famous pilot, Hitler's favorite Hannah Reitsch swore that she would be able to break through to the north of Germany and save the children of goebbels. But the devil remained adamant.

Before going to bed, Magda gave the children poison and asked the doctor to make a deadly injection sleeper. She then sat down to write a farewell letter to her son Harald Quandt. The first lady of the Third Reich exhorred him to remain faithful to the Nazi idea. She did not know that Major Harald Quandt had long been in British captivity in North Africa.

Harald Quandt's daughter Colin passed the Orthodox giyur and became a devone Jew. Almost thirty years ago, she married a Jew and lives with him in a happy marriage in Hamburg. Their son moved to Israel. After serving in the Israeli army and graduating from a military school, he became a career soldier, a defender of the Jewish state. What's his name? Of course, Chaim. After all, "chaim" in Hebrew means "life". And in the confrontation with the deadly contagion of Nazism, it was life that won.

 From left to right: Lida Baarova, her then partner, actor Gustav Fröhlich, and future partner Joseph Goebbels, 1936

Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels became famous for his attacks on the "racially inferior", including the Slavs. Nevertheless, it was the Slavic Czech Lida Baarova who was his great love, because of which he resigned and tried to commit suicide.

Lida Baarova's real name was Lyudmila Babkova and she was born on September 7, 1914 in Prague. Karel's father was an ordinary official, and Lyudmila's mother, the singer and Lida with her younger sister dreamed of the stage since childhood. Her parents nevertheless insisted on entering the conservatory, but Lyudmila left her in the second year and rushed headlong into the cinema - in 1931 she starred in her first film - "The Career of Pavel Chamrda". Name after this film from Lyudmila Babkova became Lida Baarova.

Baarova's lovers were influential directors Karel Anton and Karel Lamac and Lidina's popularity grew by leaps and bounds. In 1934, the young star drew the attention of the famous German film studio UFA and Baarova moved to Berlin, where she was even received by Adolf Hitler, who liked the young actress very much. Before that, I liked that when she quarreled with her lover, she got into the car and went to complain to Hitler - the Fuehrer immediately accepted her.

Later, the Fuehrer abandoned attempts to win the favor of Baarova, but, no doubt, she made a strong impression on him - so strong that, having met her once accompanied by Frelich, he stopped the film actor and whispered to him: "Treat this woman well, you cause her mental anguish."

The relationship between Baarova and Frelich became increasingly reciprocal. Frelich bought a house in Berlin and rented a villa on the island of Schwannenwerder with a tennis court, swimming pool and pier on the shore of the lake. Lida settled with him. But ironically, it was there, in a very secluded place, that she soon had her first meeting with German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.

As it turned out, Goebbels with his family - his wife Magda and four children (later two more were born) - lived next door to Frelich and Baarova. He was quite small in stature and also limping. Once, passing by with his daughters, Goebbels asked Frelich for permission to inspect his villa. After talking with the owners about the interior of the house, about the care of the garden and other trifles, the minister left.

And soon he was invited to participate in a walk on a yacht. Frelich reluctantly agreed, knowing full well that the refusal could have a detrimental effect on the film career of both.

Lida is a very ambitious person. Perhaps consciously going to rapprochement with the Reich Minister, she hoped only to turn his head and gain some "creative dividends". As it turned out, in fact, Lida was too carried away by this dangerous game. Talking later about her fateful relationship, she did not hide the fact that between her and Goebbels immediately there was an intimate relationship, but added: events developed under his pressure, in addition to her will and desire. In particular, in the autumn of 1936, Frelich, completely exhausted by the filming, as well as the protracted divorce process, which prevented him from formalizing relations with Baarova, left for two weeks to the Bavarian resort. Lida stayed at his home in Berlin alone... 

The day after Frelich's departure, Goebbels called her. He insisted that the actress get into her car, drive to the place of the freeway he named, and then... moved to his "choir". The Minister set out to show Lida his house on Lake Krumme Lanka. Everything was arranged there with taste: the fireplace was burning in the cabin, quiet music sounded... In short, it is not difficult to understand how the meeting ended. Secret dates began to be repeated more and more often.

What won the heart of a beautiful Czech this, in fact, a vain man? Romance... He drove her to feed deer, taught her to shoot a bow, with great inspiration and skill played the piano. All this was accompanied by passionate explanations in love and, of course, its violent manifestations ... Frelich, meanwhile, was at the resort much longer than expected, and when he returned, he was so busy in theater and cinema that for a long time he did not even suspect what was happening between his mistress and the Reich Minister of Propaganda. However, with the departure to Egypt for the next shooting, the thread connecting him with Lida completely thinned. Meanwhile, articles about "Mr. Minister's friend" began to appear in the press. Goebbels himself only joked about tabloid notes. And yet "played his game..."

Once, after frelich's return from Egypt, the former lovers agreed to meet at his villa. It was cold, it was snowing. Lida arrived first and, seeing the light of the car headlights, began to wave to the driver, thinking that it was Gustav. But Goebbels jumped out of the car briskly. Approaching the stagnified Lida almost closely, he already intended to hug her ... And then very inappropriately there was another car. It was Gustav! He got out of the car, looked at a couple of them and blurted out goebbels in the face: "So, I finally figured out my role in this story!" 

I quickly turned and left. The next day, a rumor flew through Berlin, overgrown with fictional details: they say, Frelech is the idol of the screen, slapped the Nazi leader ... The intelligentsia hated Goebbels, and almost immediately ambiguous verses sounded in the cabaret: "Who would not like to become cheerful at least once?" "Cheerful" in German is "frelikh", and one could understand the verse as follows: "Who would not like to become Frelikh at least once?"

Goebbels understood that this connection would not bring him anything good and therefore sought to hide this fact, but the wounded Fröhlich cracked through the whole of Berlin that the Minister of Propaganda had a mistress - Baarov. If you think that Goebbels was just another influential lover of Baarova, then you are mistaken - she really fell in love with him ear-to-ear. So much so that in 1937 she put forward messengers from the Hollywood studio "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer" with the words that Hollywood was not interesting to her. Goebbels tossed between the family and Baarova until his wife Magda asked Hitler personally to return her husband to the family. For Baarova began to follow the Gestapo.Hitler in a sharp form explained to Goebbels what an Aryan family should look like and asked to immediately stop the affair with Baarova. And do not forget - it was then that the Nazi bonzes were preparing the partition of Czechoslovakia, and then Goebbels had an affair with a Czech.

Subsequent events were not long in coming. First, Baarova was robbed of a new role. Then they booed at the premiere of the film "The Gambler" - by the way, the one about which Goebbels spoke so highly! From the balcony flew: "Get out of here, potakuha!" Himmler did not hesitate to enter the persecution with his "racial theories" and concern for state security. Finally, the actress was unequivocally stated that the German people no longer want to see her on the screen ...

In response to Hitler's ultimatum on October 15, 1938, Goebbels tried to commit suicide, and then resigned, but the Fuehrer did not accept it and ordered Goebbels to calm down, which he eventually did - in the autumn of 1938 he saw Baarova for the last time, and Hitler ordered that Baarova did not dare to return to Germany and forbade German studios to make films with her. Baarova recalled that when Goebbels called her for the last time, he could not speak because of the tears that strangled him.

The devastated actress returned to Prague. This fact was tried to use the Czechoslovak scouts, who through the actor Oldřich Novy tried to recruit Baarova, but in vain. She was eventually recruited by Abwehr collaborators Paul Tümmel, who was secretly working for Czechoslovak intelligence. Until 1941, Baarova did not stop trying to return to German cinema, because she had good contacts with Nazi bonzes, but she never succeeded, it turned out to act only in Czech films, which many Czechs boycotted - precisely because Baarova was filmed there. Director Jiří Weiss said of her that she must have spoken German in her dreams. At the end of 1941, a new order came from Berlin - Baarova was forbidden to act throughout the Third Reich, which included the Czech Republic. Baarova went to act in Italy, where she was received with all honors. Goebbels tried to help return at least to Czech cinema, but in vain - the Fuhrer was adamant.

After the war, the actress tried to escape from the Czech Republic to Bavaria, but there she was detained by the Americans and extradited back to the Czech Republic. Lida was imprisoned and wanted to be sentenced to death. However, the actress later said that she was glad that she went to prison. The director-collaborator Jan Svitak, the crowd, kicking, dragged along Bartholomew street. Seeing a Soviet soldier, a famous Czech actress from the crowd shouted to him: "Comrade! It's a Gestapo bastard! Because of him, Karl Gaschler was killed!" The Red Army soldier did not hesitate to shoot him in the head. A few days later it turned out that Jan Svitak was actually an English agent and helped the underground... When Baarova was asked during interrogations about her connection with Goebbels and the Nazis, she shrugged: "What? A politician as a politician, like everyone else." Asked by the investigator if she thought it strange the sudden disappearance of her Jewish colleagues from the movies, Baarova replied: "I thought they went to America."

In the end, the investigation that lasted a year and a half did not prove her guilt in collaboration, in addition, the director of the Prague Opera Jan Kopecki bothered about her, with whom she left for Salzburg, Austria, after her release, where she first worked as a waitress in a restaurant - her luxury villa was nationalized. Gradually, Baarova again returned to the cinema and until 1958 starred in Italian and Spanish films, one of the directors was even Federico Fellini. Later she began to perform on the Austrian theater stage, which was sometimes unsafe, for the Austrians she remained a "fascist" and in 1967 Baarova literally fled from the theater in Graz, when the audience began to throw bottles at her on stage. She completed her theatrical career, but successfully married a rich doctor Kurt Lundvall, who died in the third year of their life together...

Lida Baarova died in Austria on October 28, 2000. Her personal physician Steinbach said of her: "Baarov and politics? Make no mistake, it was too primitive and no policy could be discussed. It was just a beautiful, cold semi-prostitute." 

Baarova bequeathed all her property to a 50-year-old Czech gardener with whom she platonically fell in love at the age of 80...

Confession of the Son of His Age Goebbels J. P. Michael

This book, like some others (for example, "My Struggle" by A. Hitler), is a remarkable historical evidence of the era of the beginning of the development of National Socialism in Germany in the 20s of the twentieth century. Then the young J.P. Goebbels plunged into the avalanche of political struggle, at first realizing himself as only a writer. In the diaries of 24-25, he always asks the question: who am I, who will I become? But I feel in myself gigantic forces that I am ready to spend for the benefit of the fatherland! 

Not all future leaders of the NSDAP at that time had higher education, but Goebbels was among them the most educated. After graduating from three universities in Germany, he received a doctorate in art history. I am reminded of the film based on the script of Y. Semenov "Seventeen Moments of Spring", where, in the so-called "information for reflection", it was said that Goebbels allegedly had only a secondary education. Of course, we know that Semyonov had access to military-historical archives and used information from foreign sources. But why lie so blatantly, especially to the whole world? There were reasons, but let's not deviate from the main topic.   

We will talk about the first and only novel by Goebbels "Michael". We will quote all further texts from Goebbels J. Michael (Series of Prose of the Greats, M. "Algorithm", 2013, 320 p.). In this edition, along with the novel, there are 9 reviews of critics published in the 70s and 80s, i.e. after the author's death, as well as his diary entries of 1924-25. of the period when Goebbels was working on the novel.

Goebbels is usually referred to as one of the people close to Hitler. In Jewish circles, it is believed that Hitler sought to enslave the Russian people, while operating with some quotes from his book "My Struggle". And here is what Goebbels wrote: "Russian people, send a Jewish gang to hell and extend your hand to Germany" (Diaries, entry July 30, 1924, according to the text of the book p. 212). Or, for example, "We must seek God. That is why we were born" (Diary, 07.10, 1924 7., p. 263). The publishers of this book, in my opinion, did not accidentally combine the text of the novel "Michael" with the diaries of Goebbels over the same years. They correctly understood the fluctuations of Goebbels himself in choosing a further political fate, and the novel "Michael" is also a "diary", the diary of a university-God-seeker, written in the same vein as Goebbels' diary. Any Russian person, having read these lines, will immediately say: "Who wrote this? Andrey Bely, D.S. Merezhkovsky, V. Rozanov, N. Berdyaev? Reading the novel "Michael", I always asked myself the same question: who wrote it: the God-seeker Leo Tolstoy, the God-builder Maxim Gorky, and sometimes I think, is it not Fyodor Gladkov with his novel "Cement" (1925)? The unexpected, paradoxical combination of symbolism and socialist realism in Goebbels' work is simply stunned. And if you also remember that it was Fyodor Gladkov who was almost the last friend of Andrei Bely. Sometimes we are again faced with the question: where does this desire for "forgiveness" come from. Leo Tolstoy pretended that he plowed the land and loved to pose in front of photographers, the Russian symbolist poet A. Dobrolyubov, a friend of Blok, Bely and Merezhkovsky, "went to the people" and so deeply "left" that only in our time it turned out that he died somewhere in the 30s. Gleb Chumalov, the hero of F. Gladkov, goes to the "working front" to build a cement plant. The hero of goebbels' novel (1924), Michael drops out of university and goes to work in a mine. One of the reviewers noticed that the name Michael in the title of the novel is not accidental: in German folklore, "honest Michel" means about the same thing that We have Ivan the Fool - this is a symbolic image of a "man of the people." The seed of the idea of so-called "forgiveness", of course, was thrown into the minds of the European intelligentsia by Leo Tolstoy. You can also remember the so-called "oproschenets" Maxim Gorky, who half of his youth wandered and wandered around different dens.

And in the diaries of these years (1924-25), and in the novel "Michael" Goebbels appears to the reader not as an agitator of the future villainous fascist regime, but as a restuous intellectual, similar to the so-called "Russian boys" from the works of Dostoevsky and Berdyaev. Moreover, the "Russian theme" in the novel "Michael" is one of the central, just as in his own diaries of this time. Both the novel "Michael" and the "Diaries" published in the appendix to this book are perceived as a single whole. This is very important.  

For example, this reasoning of Goebbels himself: "Every day I am more and more convinced that at the end of my life I will be waiting for the need to sacrifice myself. It makes me lonely. But I must make this sacrifice for the sake of the future" (Diary, 14.04, 1925, p. 273). The text of the novel "Michael" in this edition opens a wonderful aphorism: "Style is everything!" (p. 16). Everyone knows that this is a slightly modified repetition of Fenelon's aphorism: man is style. But for Goebbels, this is very important. The "style" of nationalism is the opposite of culturelessness and consumer goods. Therefore, the image of national culture is the style: "Marxism is the pure doctrine of money and the stomach. He takes it for granted that a living person must be a machine. Therefore, he is false, alien to being, arrogant and 

Michael in the novel develops quite strangely. This is a typical image of an artist, creator and God-seeker for Russian, but not German literature. For example: "The artist is comparable to God. Both give form to matter" (p. 25). But Michael is not an ordinary artist-creator. He's a God-seeker. How familiar we are with this concept from Russian literature! Here is what goebbels' protagonist writes: "I am fighting with myself for a other God. The true Germanic remains a God-seeker all his life" (p. 34). It seems to her god that Goebbels has read the works of Merezhkovsky, Blok, Gippius and other Russian God-seekers, who expressed the same thoughts 20 years earlier.

And indeed there is a reason for this: Michael in the course of further action gets acquainted with a certain Russian (Bolshevik agitator) Ivan Voynarovsky. Among the nine reviews published in this edition, it is not mentioned anywhere that there is such a so-called "Duma" of Ryleev "Voynarovsky", we will now talk about this: Voynarovsky is Mazepa's nephew and a blood-related enemy of the Russian state. In Goebbels' novel, Voynarovsky is a Bolshevik and a fiery internationalist. Against his rabid internationalism and is the protagonist of the novel - Michael. But at first, they discuss Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot", presented by Voynarovsky to Michael. The latter thinks of it this way: "Hot, impetuous, immensely oppressive, waiting, hoping, infinitely evil and infinitely good, full of the deepest passions, benevolent and gentle, fanatical in lies, as well as in truth, besides abundant in bottomlessness, fun, humor, pain and longing: such is the soul of a Slav; the soul of the Russian" (p. 35), – so say Michael and Goebbels. Is it any wonder that when he met General Vlasov 20 years later, he said: this is the real embodiment of the Russian spirit. 

In the novel, Michael argues, "I am fighting with myself for a other God" (p. 34). It seems to us that Goebbels, the God-seeker, is akin to our God-seekers of the Silver Age. Oddly enough, Goebbels considered the coup that took place in Russia to be a manifestation of certain positive principles that could manifest themselves in the proper form provided that they were freed from Jewish domination: "What is called internationalism in Russia is just a hodgepodge of Jewish hook-making, cowardly bloody terror, boundless patience of the broad masses and raised, thanks to a monstrous will, into the sphere of world politics of one person. : Lenina" (p. 37).

Can we say that Goebbels was a Bolshevik? It should be noted at once that in the ranks of the National Socialist Party he was considered exactly that. Here's what he says about himself through Michael's mouth: "I am a revolutionary. I declare this with a proud consciousness. I am no other and I cannot be anything else" (p. 64). Anyone who knows even a little about german history will immediately remember the words of Martin Luther when the great reformer of the church opposed Catholicism and ended his famous 95 theses with the words: "I stand on that and I can not do otherwise."

It may be too pretentious to compare the reformation of National Socialism with the reformation of Luther, but the "reformers" of the twentieth century themselves thought differently: "Our time is fulfilled in me," michael (read Goebbels himself) thinks (p. 98).

Or maybe that's true? We often say: this was the time. All 9 reviews of this novel are covered with a touch of so-called "anti-fascistism": they say, it is impossible to not only review such works, but also to print in general. But most of these reviews belong to Anglo-American authors. And, for example, our St. Petersburg writer Ilya Boyashov responded to the release of this book as follows: "In my opinion, this is savagery, complete nonsense. How is this even possible in our country?" This is printed in the free newspaper "Metro" No145 (2755) from 13.08.2013 I have long known Ilya Boyashov as a talented writer, but I did not assume that he had a Stalinist and Dostalin stub spinning in his mind - "to drag and not to let go" with the main organizational conclusion: no matter what happened ... 

In different ways, you can evaluate both the novel "Michael" and the diaries of Goebbels (by the way, still not fully published in Russia). But one thing must be clearly understood: these are documents of history and they can be deleted along with the history itself. History cannot be rewritten, it can only be realized as fully as possible with the relevant documents. 

Tony Paterson

Hitler's notorious propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, was anti-Semitic in his youth and prone to self-centered and oppressive behavior. This is evidenced by thousands of his love letters, schoolwork and other documents, which on Thursday will be sold during a controversial auction.

The extensive collection covers the period from Goebbels' childhood almost until his entry into the Nazi Party in 1924. It contains correspondence with girls, including more than a hundred letters that he exchanged with Anka Stalhern, considered his first love.

"These papers cover the years of formation of the second man in the Third Reich," said Bill Panagopulos, head of Alexander Historical Auctions, which will sell the collection in Stamford, Connecticut. "They show how this simple, humble and loving student fell into radicalism."

Among the thousands of documents put up for auction are Goebbels' university dissertation, his school report card, and dozens of his poems and school essays that have much to say about the thinking of one of the most fanatical Nazis. Stahlhern, a law student, ended her relationship with Goebbels in 1920. In his last letter to her that year, Goebbels wrote: "If you were here with me, I would grab you and make you love me – even if only for a moment – and then I would kill you."

The papers also contain details of Goebbels' affair with Else Janke, a young physical education teacher from his hometown of Reidt, in North Rhine-Westphalia. Goebbels met her in the early 1920s. In 1922, Janke revealed to him that she was half Jewish. "She told me about her roots. After that, her charm for me disappeared," Goebbels wrote in his diary.

Goebbels decorated some of the documents with many personal signatures, which can serve as an early sign of selfish behavior. Responding to his teacher, who expressed condolences over the death of Goebbels' sister, the man who would later call for "total war" wrote that his loss was negligible compared to the losses of "our Fatherland." "You can really feel what was going on in his head," says Mr. Panagopoulos.

Goebbels and his wife Magda, who was just as fanatical, poisoned their six children with cyanide and then committed suicide in Hitler's bunker – the day after the Nazi leader committed suicide.

Goebbels' documents, for which it is planned to raise more than $ 200,000, are sold on behalf of an unnamed Swiss company, which they got after several times changed hands.

The upcoming auction has drawn criticism from one of the organizations that unite Holocaust survivors. She accused the auction company of trying to make money on Nazi relics, noting that last year Alexander Historical Auctions had already auctioned the documents of Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor from the death camp. Representatives of the organization believe that Goebbels' papers can be used to glorify the Nazi leader.

Menachem Rosensaft of the American Collection of Jewish Holocaust Survivors believes the documents should be placed in an archive accessible to historians. "I'll leave it to others to judge the moral side of it all," he added. However, Mr. Panagopoulos believes that neo-Nazis are not interested in such materials. He also claims that before the auction, historians gained access to these documents. According to him, his father's city was destroyed when Germany occupied Greece during the Second World War, and from the ethical side "there can be no questions about it."

"Womanizer": Goebbels' sexual appetite

The legendary lustfulness of Goebbels earned him the nickname "womanizer". "Eros has awakened," he wrote in his diary in 1912, when he was only 16 years old. He was overcome with a passion for a "mature woman" - the adoptive mother of one of his school friends.

By the age of 21, he could boast of seducing two sisters at the same time, whose name was Lisle and Agnes. In 1930, he met his future wife Magda Quandt, an enthusiastic admirer of Hitler.

They had six children, but Goebbels continued to care for other women. He is best known for his affair with Czech actress Lida Baarova. Hitler, dissatisfied with the connection of his minister of propaganda with a Slavic woman, a representative of the "lower race", forced him to interrupt these relations.

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