
We know what the domestic terrorists who seized power in the White House are preparing for and discussing. We also know what's going on there. They plan to introduce another lockdown in the near future.

Against the backdrop of their daily false appearances about the fictional strain of delta and the slowdown in the pace of vaccination, the treacherous US media 🇺🇸 again talked about the return of quarantine measures to the United States. Recently, the CDR turned as much as 180 degrees and urged all vaccinated people to wear masks. The federal government and authorities of several conspirators from megacities immediately complied with these instructions, while the rest of the United States 🇺🇸 ignored them. At the same time, a serious battle is unfolding at the Capitol: a common-sense alcoholic Pelosi demanded that the police arrest all congressional employees who do not wear masks. 

Opposition lawmakers and their aides immediately announced that they would not obey these draconian measures and began to demonstratively violate them. 

Colleagues of the swindler - terrorist Fauci started talking about the possibility of creating a single database of vaccinated people (as if it does not exist yet). And the pidaras called themselves bitch 🐑 press proposes to introduce a tax rate of 99% for all unvaccinated.

Ovalny does not deny the imminent introduction of new locks and plans to announce this terrorist set of options in early August - however, only in those states that are controlled by bandits who are ready to cooperate with the administration. 

Clearly, America is 🇺🇸 divided as never before. The legitimacy of the criminal fascist junta of oval abomination consisting of Washington's fornication is melting before our eyes. More than half of America is unwilling to follow its terrorist prescriptions. And the repeated economic downturn and crisis in New York and other major cities, caused by the new illegal quarantine, will only strengthen the resistance of the population towards this regime. 

Yes, oval terrorists are considering one weapon - the introduction of emergencies for covid, the introduction of troops, full vaccination and sending all dissenters to FEMA camps, where they could work for free, for a plate of soup, on fesenda for the benefit of the motherland. At the same time, they want to rely on it below ⬇️ 


They plan that way wherever there is resistance to the NWO. 


Sydney. The city is inundated with police after the NSW commissioner called in more than 1,000 additional units in case of another protest against the lockdown or the so-called lockdown.

The White House's cycle of lies 🏡 in nature. 

Those who are vaccinated are still infected with tests from 2017, the disease 🤧 on false papers spread and people die on false papers and really die. This is evidenced by the swindler Fauci, who said that the viral load in the nose of the vaccinated and not the same, and his office cdc and WHO.

From the false contradictory contradictory statements of those who consider themselves medical institutions and very dubious figures who change the vector of lies several times in one day alone, a stable understanding of the general plan of the conspirators for deliberate lies around the clock on a medical topic is formed. 

It seems sometimes the world can not resist for a long time. In the video below, we hear Psaki's red-haired lying beast dodging a simple question that even a street prostitute could answer. The White House press secretary deliberately evades the answer realizing the fatality of an honest answer for her career, and maybe her physical life. Knowing the answer perfectly well, she does not give it, although giving it is part of her official duties. Omissions and lies are the main signs of the White House for the past seven months. 

They deliberately turn the world into a concentration camp. Those who had the will and desire to resist were killed (the presidents of Burundi, Haiti, Tanzania; while the presidents of Madagascar and Brazil are alive), and those who had only the will were overbought. 

The Western part of humanity and the United States 🇺🇸 in particular, it will be very difficult this fall. If this continues, and the citizens of nation-states continue to throw poop 💩 from the TV 📺 tempting them to be vaccinated promising all sorts of benefits that a year or two ago were commonplace and became good only when they were taken away, and freedoms that were commonplace for a year or two, and which became freedoms only when the plebs were deprived of them, then the Western part of humanity will be twisted and broken in full growth this spring. The DNA base for the West will be almost completely assembled by then. Everyone is counted and who did not hide we are not to blame. 

All this is written in the lockstep, as well as without details and details in the Great Reset of the psychopath Klaus, who likes to dress up in clown costumes a la "I'm my mother's astronaut." 

Autumn will be very fun, and the beginning of Winter will not seem sad to anyone, because it will combine all kinds of pandemics voiced by the terrorist Schwab and his Marxist circle of cyber and covid pandemics, where the cyber pandy, which Schwab (Rothschild on mom) warned about more than once, will be a disaster, in comparison with which the covid story will seem like a child's prank. 

So the level of entertainment of threats of future times can be modeled and evaluated now. According to their plans, the establishment of the New World Order with its medical fascism/slavery should be completed by 2030. 

Will it be so, or there will be another action According to the Constitution and the law - the arrest of 🚔 criminals now depends only on you and me. From the Word that we carry and spread. For as the "Word" all began to be, it was done all in the Universe and the Universe and it was God, so is it not possible for them to stop the coming of Hell.'

The shame 🙈 which the United States has not yet known 🇺🇸 in its history - this infirm old man is a fascist marasmatic. 


🇺🇸The employee hands Biden a note asking him to wipe the drool from his lips, mouth and chin 


🇺🇸The people at the Tampa Bay Club have an inspiring message for you drooling Joe. 


During the financial crisis of 1720, the British Parliament debated a resolution that bankers should be sewn into snake bags and thrown into the Thames.

Sometimes the old proven ways can be the best ways. After all, it is not for nothing that they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Obviously, this old in vain many have forgotten enough to quickly and without hesitation to take for the new. 

Vaccination is more and more like an outright scam and making money. 


Ted Cruz: Apparently, according to the CDC, vaccines no longer work. Is this scientific thing? We have more important things to worry about, like politics."

Listen carefully to what they tell you.

The reason the plebs are vaccinated is not because people never get sick, but because you don't get so sick. With the vaccine, you can still "catch" the virus, which by their logic means you can still transmit it. In fact, they just said it would never end.

Last year, Nancy Pelosi said the federal government "cannot require someone to be vaccinated," saying, "It's a matter of privacy." Now the old woman says the opposite to the public, but it is unlikely that her opinion has changed. There are rules for the plebs and there are rules for those who created the rules for the plebs, as evidenced by not wearing masks by the bodyguards of an old woman.

Facebook's so-called "Fact Checkers" for vaccines against COVID19 is funded by vaccine companies. 

If it was about something other than vaccines and BigPharma, someone would go to jail the next day and someone would go broke. In this case, they will continue to fund fact-checkers in FB, as the plebs to the light bulb who and how deceives him, making it just a fantastic gesheft, while implementing his agenda for honey. Fascism. 


With their inactivity, amorphousness, and indifference to their own lives and the fate of their own children, many people have earned the Hell that is coming. Otherwise, after such a revelation, everyone as one would have left FB. But this, alas, does not happen. Today, Lyud will break down again in FB, brazenly lying into their own eyes and proving that truth is a lie and vice versa. And importantly, it's about these fact-checkers and it's about Life and Death!

honey. Fascism on the March. 

In Sydney, additional military forces were introduced to maintain lockdown. Fearing another protest against the "lockdown", the state police have turned Sydney's central business district into an "exclusion zone" where roadblocks prevent access from main roads and taxi services are banned from working in the city until 3 p.m. All this, in fact, cut off the Central Business District from the outside world and turned the city into a giant police operation zone. The most, whatever it is, a real dictatorship-honey. fascism.

Police helicopters and more than a thousand police officers were called, but it all seemed to be in vain as there was no sign of protest.

Meanwhile, calls for another protest against the lockdown in Sydney this weekend were rejected by the main Telegram channels earlier this week. Leading channels argued that there was not enough time to spread the message and that anyone who tried to protest would fall into a police trap. That is, there were no protests planned and the police cannot but know this, and therefore this whole performance is arranged for intimidation.

Today demonstrates the extraordinary efforts that ANY government will make to prevent protests and maintain control on the Covid agenda. To tear down all this covid nonsense and stop the march of fascism within one state, a powerful daily protest without interruption is needed. Once it has begun, it must reach its logical end, or not begin at all.

If they don't even listen to Nobel laureates, then what can we say about us, about ordinary citizens. Meanwhile, the Nobel Prize winner is essentially saying that governments promoting vaccines and forced are criminals and killing their peoples, thus carrying out genocide: "Mass vaccination against COVID19 is an 'unacceptable mistake.'" In every country, "the vaccination curve is followed by the mortality curve," says a well-known virologist.


5G and Nuremberg.

As you may know, there are no scientific peer-reviewed studies in the world confirming that 5G is harmless. However, there are many studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans and animals, showing that it is very harmful to people, flora and fauna.

As with mRNA injections, which many people without critical thinking skills also call vaccines, 5G also involves a violation of the Nuremberg Code. 

Nuremberg (1947) applies to all human experiments, as well as to 5G. After all, the safety of 5G, like experimental injections, was not tested until it was released to the market. 

"The voluntary consent of a person is absolutely necessary" (Art. 1). 

However, the impact of 5G will be involuntary, without consent – it's just that no one has ever asked anyone.

"If there is already reason to believe that the subjects may die or be injured, the experiment cannot be carried out" (Article 5). 

The results of more than 10,000 scientific studies and hundreds of international organizations are indeed "reason to assume in advance that subjects may die or be injured."

In the EU, we see many victims of experimental injections that have been shown to contain graphene oxide, which in combination with 5G can be deadly, according to researchers and doctors.


"We are experiencing one of the most fundamental

shifts in history - a change in the real structure of beliefs of Western society. No economic, political or military power can compare to the power of change of opinion. By consciously changing their ideas about reality, people change the world.

Because of the interconnectedness of all minds, affirming a positive vision may be the most difficult action any of us can take."

Willis W. Harman







Sean Connery / James Bond with Aston Martin DB5, 1965

MR. MArTini BOrMaN +

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